Essentials Essentials of Organizationa Organizationall Behavior, Behavior, 10e 10e (Robbins/Judge) Chapter 8 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications
1) Which of the following is not one of the core job dimensions in the JCM model? A) task significance B) feedback C) autonomy ) status !) skill "ariety #) According to the JCM$ the owner%o&erator of a garage show &erforms electrical re&airs$ rebuilds engines$ does body work$ and interacts with customers would score ''''''''( A) high on task identity B) high on skill "ariety C) low on autonomy ) low on task significance !) low on skills "ariety ) *n the JCM model$ what three core job dimensions combine to create meaningful work? A) autonomy$ task identity$ and feedback B) skill "ariety$ autonomy$ and task significance C) skill "ariety$ autonomy$ and feedback ) feedback$ task identity$ identity$ and task significance !) skill "ariety$ task identity$ and task significance +) According to JCM theory$ which of the following results in the ma,imum internal rewards for an indi"idual? A) when they are gi"en tangible rewards B) when they learn that they &ersonally ha"e &erformed well on a task that they care about C) when they initiate a &rogram that enables them to work with a "ariety of like%minded colleagues ) when their training is reali-ed and their e,&ectations are met !) when they are singled out for &raise for successfully com&leting an arduous task .) According to the Job Characteristics Model$ a telemarketing em&loyee who is &ro"ided a list of calls to make and a standardi-ed scri&t to follow would score A) high on feedback B) low on task identity C) high on autonomy ) low on autonomy /) According to the Job Characteristics Model$ the &resence of the three &sychological states 0knowledge of results$ e,&erienced res&onsibility$ res&onsibility$ and e,&erienced meaningfulness) will A) increase moti"ation B) increase &erformance C) decrease absenteeism
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) all of the abo"e 5) According to the JCM$ the links between the job dimensions and the outcomes are moderated by ''''''''( A) a high M36 B) the strength of the indi"idual7s growth need C) a low score on self%esteem ) e,&erienced meaningfulness of the job !) autonomy 8) According to the JCM$ which of the following statements is 9:; true? A) ;he e"idence su&&orts the general framework of the theory( B) Managers can by&ass the com&le, M36 formula and better deri"e moti"ating &otential by sim&ly adding the characteristics( C) ;he em&loyee7s &erce&tion of his or her workload com&ared to others may moderate the link between the core job dimension and outcomes( ) *f jobs score high on moti"ating &otential$ the likelihood of turno"er will be reduced( !) Jobs that are high on moti"ating &otential must be high on both autonomy and task "ariety( <) What is another term for cross%training? A) work enrichment B) job sharing C) work enlargement ) job enhancement !) job rotation 12) What is a main strength of job rotation? A) *t eliminates turno"er( B) *t increases moti"ation( C) *t increases &roducti"ity( ) *t decreases training costs !) *t decreases su&er"isor workload( 11) A trucking com&any routinely makes all of its office staff work for a week in the warehouse area= loading trucks$ cleaning trucks$ and doing other warehouse work which they are ca&able of( ;his &rogram is an e,am&le of which of the following? A) job rotation B) job enlargement C) job enrichment ) job sharing !) fle,time 1#) Which is not cited as a drawback to job rotation? A) ;raining costs are increased( B) 3roducti"ity is reduced( C) isru&tion is created(
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) Jobs are eliminated( !) 6u&er"isors s&end more time answering >uestions( 1) When the ticket agent at 6inga&ore Airlines takes on the duties of a baggage handler$ he is engaged in ''''''''( A) job enlargement B) job rotation C) "ertical loading ) &artici&ati"e management !) in"ol"ement 1+) A com&any redesigns the jobs of the workers in accounts recei"ables$ so that instead of sim&ly billing customers$ they will also be res&onsible for following u& on non%&ayment$ liaising between customers and the de&artments billing them$ and other related tasks( What term would best be used to describe these changes? A) job rotation B) job enlargement C) job enrichment ) job sharing !) fle,time 1.) Which a&&roach to &utting the JCM into &ractice is usually met with less than enthusiastic results by em&loyees? A) job enlargement B) job rotation C) "ertical loading ) &artici&ati"e management !) in"ol"ement 1/) 4ow do most em&loyees react to job enlargement efforts? A) un>ualified a&&ro"al B) somewhat enthusiastically C) with a lack of enthusiasm ) with mi,ed emotions !) with "ery little reaction( 15) Job enrichment increases the degree to which the worker controls the ''''''''( A) &lanning$ e,ecution and e"aluation of his or her work B) &lanning$ e,ecution and e"aluation of com&any &lans C) hori-ontal integration of his or her tasks ) feedback that a worker recei"es from his or her su&er"isor and &eers !) e"aluation of his or her &eers 18) Which one of the following is not one of the guidelines for enriching jobs? A) ensure em&loyees &erform one small &art of a task B) establish client relationshi&s
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C) o&en feedback channels ) combine tasks !) e,&and jobs "ertically 1<) ;he "ertical e,&ansion of jobs is seen in ''''''''( A) job rotation B) job enlargement C) job enrichment ) job sharing !) fle,time #2) A firm introduces job enrichment in order to moti"ate its em&loyees( !"idence would suggest that which of the following is the most likely result of this chan ge? A) reduced absenteeism and turno"er costs B) lower fi,ed costs C) a dro& in >uality ) a decrease in &roducti"ity !) an increase in &roducti"ity #1) Beyond redesigning the nature of the work itself$ and in"ol"ing em&loyees in decisions$ another a&&roach to making the work en"ironment more moti"ating is to alter work arrangements( Which of the following is designed to gi"e an em&loyee greater control of their work schedule? A) fle,time B) job sharing C) job rotation ) telecommuting !) job enrichment ##) Which of the following has not been shown to be a benefit of fle,time? A) reduced absenteeism B) im&ro"ed &roducti"ity C) increased meaningfulness ) increased satisfaction !) im&ro"ed &rom&tness #) Allied eneral 4os&ital em&loys many indi"iduals and has decided to try to increase moti"ation through job redesign and fle,ible scheduling( @ou ha"e been hired as a consultant to hel& them design and im&lement the &rograms @ou are looking at fle,time and reali-e that it will &robably work least well for which of the following jobs? A) insurance billing clerks B) custodial workers C) floor nurses ) e>ui&ment maintenance staff !) *; &ersonnel
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#+) Allied eneral 4os&ital em&loys many indi"iduals and has decided to try to increase moti"ation through job redesign and fle,ible scheduling( @ou ha"e been hired as a consultant to hel& them design and im&lement the &rograms( Members of the nighttime janitorial staff are generally low skilled and would &robably be moti"ated by ''''''''( A) job enrichment B) fle,ible work schedules C) job enlargement ) all of the abo"e !) none of the abo"e #.) What is fle,time7s major drawback? A) 9ot all em&loyees ha"e com&uters( B) 9ot e"eryone wants to work &art%time( C) *t is not a&&licable to e"ery job( ) ;ardiness increases( !) *t is hard to find com&atible em&loyees( #/) ;he work arrangement that allows two or more indi"iduals to s&lit a traditional +2%hour%a week job is ''''''''( A) fle,time B) core hours C) telecommuting ) job sharing !) em&loyee in"ol"ement #5) ;he work arrangement that doesn7t seem to be widely ado&ted by em&loyees is ''''''''( A) fle,time B) core hours C) telecommuting ) job sharing !) em&loyee in"ol"ement #<) ;he Ja&anese are increasingly considering job sharing to ''''''''( A) increase fle,ibility B) a"oid layoffs C) add more &art%time &ositions ) accommodate working mothers !) stimulate the economy +) ;he underlying logic of em&loyee in"ol"ement is that by in"ol"ing workers and increasing their autonomy and control o"er their work li"es$ em&loyees will become all of the following e,ce&t more ''''''''( A) moti"ated B) com&etent C) &roducti"e ) satisfied
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!) committed to the organi-ation .) What term is used for a &artici&ati"e &rocess that uses the entire ca&a city of em&loyees and is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organi-ation7s success? A) MB: B) em&loyee in"ol"ement C) reengineering ) :B Mod !) job sharing /) 3artici&ati"e management and re&resentati"e &artici&ation are forms of ''''''''( A) job rotation B) job enrichment C) em&loyee in"ol"ement ) em&loyee recognition !) em&loyee incenti"es 5) What is the distinct characteristic common to all &artici&ati"e management &rograms? A) joint decision making B) autonomy C) em&owerment ) &roducti"ity enhancement !) >uality awareness 8) What is &artici&ati"e management? A) a method of management where subordinates make cor&orate decisions and management hel&s carry out those decisions B) a method of management where u&&er management &artici&ates in the organi-ation7s strategic &lanning C) a method of management where subordinates share a degree of decision%making &ower with their immediate su&eriors ) a method of management where low%le"el workers meet occasionally with the C!: to discuss &roblems within their de&artment !) a method of management where low%le"el workers are res&onsible for making cor&orate &olicy decisions <) A manager introduces &artici&ati"e management in an effort to boost morale and &roducti"ity( *f he wants to make sure that it has as great a chance of success as &ossible he should ensure all of the following e,ce&t which of the following? A) ;he issues decided u&on must be rele"ant to the em&loyees( B) ;he em&loyees must be informed and com&etent enough to make decisions( C) ;he em&loyees must be trusted by the manager( ) ;he manager must be trusted by the em&loyees( !) ;here must be re&resentati"e &artici&ation through work councils and board re&resentati"es( +2) @our su&er"isor has heard that em&loyee in"ol"ement is im&ortant and you ha" e been
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instructed to research "arious methods of em&loyee in"ol"ement( @ou are su&&osed to hel& assist in the analysis of the &robable effects of each of the &rograms being considered( @ou ha"e decided to let em&loyees select a small grou& to re&resent them and work with management( ;his is termed ''''''''( A) re&resentati"e &artici&ation B) an !6:3 C) >uality circles ) &artici&ati"e management !) an A!6:3 +1) What is the name for em&loyees who sit on a com&any7s board of directors and re&resent the interests of the firm7s em&loyees? A) board re&resentati"es B) works councils C) >uality circles ) union re&resentati"es !) board leaders +#) esearch studies conducted on the &artici&ation%&erformance relationshi& show that the use of &artici&ation ''''''''( A) enhances job satisfaction B) increases moti"ation C) has only a modest influence on em&loyee &roducti"ity ) greatly influences em&loyee attitudes !) lowers costs considerably .1) Which of the following are all forms of "ariable%&ay &rograms? A) &iece%rate$ merit%based &ay$ gainsharing B) &rofit sharing$ lum&%sum bonuses$ e,tended "acations C) wage incenti"e &lans$ fle,time$ &iece%rate ) retirement benefits$ e,tended "acations$ wage incenti"e &lans !) wage rate increases$ bonuses$ fle,time .#) Which of the following is one ad"antage of "ariable &ay &lans to management? A) ;hey turn fi,ed labor costs into "ariable labor costs( B) ;hey turn low &roducers into high &roducers( C) ;hey turn slow em&loyees into fast em&loyees( ) ;hey turn high fi,ed costs into low fi,ed costs( !) ;hey turn lower &erformance into fewer em&loyees( .) Which of the following is an e,am&le of a &iece%rate &lan? A) time and a half for o"ertime B) # for each unit &roduced C) &roducti"ity bonus ) commission !) 12 &er hour worked
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.5) Amalgamated *ndustries manufactures &arts for furniture( Management has decided to change the method of &ayment to a skill%based &lan( @ou are interested in increasing your current com&ensation and see this as an o&&ortunity( @ou should e,&ect to earn more if you ''''''''( A) "olunteer for o"ertime B) increase your &roduction C) cross train in other jobs ) become a s&ecialist !) master common skills .<) Amalgamated *ndustries manufactures &arts for furniture( Management has decided to change the method of &ayment to a skill%based &lan( @ou are interested in increasing your current com&ensation and see this as an o&&ortunity( As a manager$ you like the &lan because it allows ''''''''( A) &rotection of territory B) increased fle,ibility of the workforce C) elimination of workers ) decreased &ayroll costs !) increased control /+) Much of the com&ensation of traders at 6ynalco$ a metals trading com&any$ is in the form of stock o&tions( ;he amount of o&tions distributed is based on the com&any7s net &rofits( What sort of com&ensation &lan is this? A) &rofit sharing B) gainsharing C) merit based ) !6:3 !) em&loyee ownershi& /8) What sort of &lan is a com&any%established benefit &lan where em&loyees ac>uire stock as &art of their benefits? A) MB: &rogram B) job redesign C) !6:3 ) >uality circle !) &iece%rate /<) esearch on em&loyee stock ownershi& &rograms indicates that they are clearly successful in doing which of the following?( A) increasing em&loyee satisfaction B) reducing salaries C) reducing stress ) increasing &roducti"ity !) increasing em&loyee e,&ectations 52) What is the term used for the situation where em&loyees are allowed to &ick and choose from
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among a menu of benefit o&tions( A) fle,ible &ay B) benefit menu o&tions C) fle,ible benefits ) benefit &artici&ation !) fle,time 51) @our workforce is di"erse in terms of their needs for benefits( Jim is married with two children and his wife is at home full time( Janet is single and su&&orts her widowed mother( Bob is married and his wife has a high%&aying job @ou decide that you want to de"ise a benefits &rogram that is tailored to their indi"idual needs( What sort of benefit &rogram would &robably be the best choice? A) a traditional benefit &rogram B) a fle,ible benefit &rogram C) letting them &urchase their own benefits ) an !6:3 !) an A!6:3 5#) @our workforce is di"erse in terms of their needs for benefits( Jim is married with two children and his wife is at home full time( Janet is single and su&&orts her widowed mother( Bob is married and his wife has a high%&aying job @ou decide that you want to de"ise a benefits &rogram that is tailored to their indi"idual needs( @ou should e,&ect that a fle,ible benefits &rogram will be all of the following !C!3; ''''''''( A) less e,&ensi"e B) consistent with e,&ectancy theory C) more res&onsi"e to indi"idual needs ) moti"ational !) accommodate em&loyee differences 5) Why are fle,ible benefit &lans consistent with e,&ectancy theory7s thesis? A) ;hey allow organi-ations to minimi-e costs associated with benefits( B) ;hey &ro"ide a suite of tangible rewards that can be offered as moti"ation( C) Dle,ible benefits indi"iduali-e rewards( ) ;hey make em&loyment at firms &ro"iding such &rograms more attracti"e( !) ;he moti"ation to gain e,tra benefits &romotes &roducti"ity( 5+) @our workforce is di"erse in terms of their needs for benefits( Jim is married with two children and his wife is at home full time( Janet is single and su&&orts her widowed mother( Bob is married and his wife has a high%&aying job @ou decide that you want to de"ise a benefits &rogram that is tailored to their indi"idual needs( What sort of &lan would &ro"ide &re%designed &ackages of benefits$ &ut together to meet the needs of a s&ecific grou& of em&loyees? A) fle,ible s&ending B) core%&lus C) cafeteria ) modular !) customi-ed
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5.) What are modular benefit &lans? A) essential benefits and a menu%like selection of other benefits B) &re%designed &ackages of benefits to meet the needs of a s&ecific grou& of em&loyees C) they re>uire em&loyees to set aside funds u& to the dollar amount offered in the &lan to &ay for ser"ices ) a scheme designed for single em&loyees with no de&endents !) a scheme designed for em&loyees with families 5/) *n which benefit &lan are em&loyees gi"en benefit credits to &urchase additional benefits to add to the core? A) modular &lans B) core &lus &lans C) fle,ible s&ending &lans ) !6:3s !) em&loyee recognition &lans 55) Which benefit &lan can increase em&loyee take%home &ay? A) modular &lans B) core%&lus &lans C) fle,ible s&ending &lans ) !6:3s !) em&loyee recognition &lans 8#) Why may job enrichment strategies be less effecti"e in more collecti"ist cultures? A) ;he JCM is relati"ely indi"idualistic( B) ;he core job characteristics are not e>ually a&&licable across cultures( C) Collecti"ist cultures do not focus on intrinsic job characteristics( ) ;he JCM has not been translated into other languages( 8/) ;he JCM consists of fi"e core job characteristicsE task significance$ feedback$ e,&erienced meaningfulness$ task "ariety$ and autonomy( AnswerE DAF6! 85) ;he dimensions of the JCM that create meaningfulness include task identity$ skill "ariety$ and task significance( AnswerE ;G! 88) Jobs that are high on moti"ating &otential must be high on at least one of the three factors that lead to e,&erienced meaningfulness$ and they must be high on both autonomy and feedback( AnswerE ;G! 8<) Jobs that ha"e the intrinsic elements of "ariety$ identity$ significance$ autonomy$ and feedback are more satisfying and generate higher &erformance from &eo&le than jobs that lack these characteristics( AnswerE ;G!
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<2) *n job rotation$ jobs are not redesigned= in job enlargement$ they are( AnswerE ;G! <1) ;he strengths of job rotation are that it eliminates boredom$ increases moti"ation$ an d increases &roducti"ity( AnswerE DAF6! <#) *n job rotation$ the nature of the work &erformed is changed( AnswerE DAF6! <) Job enrichment$ job enlargement$ and job rotation are all job redesign o&tions( AnswerE DAF6! <+) Most em&loyees do not "iew efforts at job enlargement enthusiastically( AnswerE ;G! <.) Job enrichment increases the degree to which the worker controls the e,ecution of com&any &lans( AnswerE DAF6! ) ;he o"erall e"idence on job enrichment generally shows that it increases satisfaction$ reduces absenteeism$ and reduces turno"er costs( AnswerE ;G! <5) !"idence on job enrichment indicates conclusi"ely that it increases &roducti"ity( AnswerE DAF6! <8) Dle,time is shown to increase the meaningfulness that em&loyees find in their work( AnswerE DAF6! <<) ;he scheduling o&tions of fle,time$ job sharing$ and telecommuting are all a&&roaches to make the work&lace en"ironment more moti"ating( AnswerE ;G! 122) Although o"er 2 &ercent of large organi-ations offer em&loyees job sharing$ it doesn7t seem to be widely ado&ted by em&loyees( AnswerE ;G! 121) Dor em&loyees with a high social need$ telecommuting is a good o&tion( AnswerE DAF6! 12#) !m&loyee in"ol"ement is a &artici&ati"e &rocess that is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organi-ation7s success( AnswerE ;G! 12) !m&loyee in"ol"ement &rograms should take into account cultural factors such as
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differences in &ower%distance culture( AnswerE ;G! 12+) ;he laws of the Gnited 6tates re>uire com&anies to ha"e elected re&resentati"es from their em&loyee grou&s as members of their board of directors( AnswerE DAF6! 12.) 3artici&ati"e management im&lies joint decision%making and e>ual decision%making roles( AnswerE DAF6! 12/) !m&loyee in"ol"ement &rograms could &ro"ide em&loyees with intrinsic moti"ation by increasing o&&ortunities for growth and res&onsibility( AnswerE ;G! 125) 3artici&ation ty&ically has only a modest influence on "ariables such as em&loyee &roducti"ity$ moti"ations$ and job satisfaction( AnswerE ;G! 128) *f one is interested in changing em&loyee attitudes or in im&ro"ing organi-ational &erformance$ re&resentati"e &artici&ation would be a good choice( AnswerE DAF6! 12<) ;he two most common forms that re&resentati"e &artici&ation takes are works councils an d board re&resentati"es( AnswerE ;G! 112) 3artici&ati"e management has had a &rofound influence on em&loyee &roducti"ity and moti"ation( AnswerE DAF6! 111) Board re&resentati"es are em&loyees who sit on a com&any7s board of directors and re&resent the interests of the firm7s em&loyees( AnswerE ;G! 11#) ;he greatest "alue of re&resentati"e &artici&ation is symbolic( AnswerE ;G! 11) *nternal e>uity is usually established through &ay sur"eys( AnswerE DAF6! 11+) Job e"aluation establishes internal e>uity( AnswerE ;G! 11.) Hariable%&ay com&ensation &ays &eo&le for the time they s&end on the job and seniority( AnswerE DAF6!
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11/) Hariable%&ay &rograms turn &art of an organi-ation7s fi,ed labor costs into a "ariable cost( AnswerE ;G! 115) !m&loyee com&ensation will decline if &erformance declines in "ariable%&ay &rograms( AnswerE ;G! 118) 3iece%rate &lans$ wage incenti"es$ &rofit sharing$ bonuses$ and gainsharing are all forms of fle,ible benefits( AnswerE DAF6! 11<) Both &iece%rate and gainsharing &lans are e,am&les of "ariable%&ay com&ensation( AnswerE ;G! 1#2) 3iece%rate wages are a traditional form of "ariable &ay com&ensation whereby workers7 &ay is based u&on the number of units they &roduce( AnswerE ;G! 1#1) 3eo&le who sell &eanuts at ball &arks$ kee&ing (5. for e"ery bag of &eanuts they sell$ are being &aid &iece%rate wages( AnswerE ;G! 1##) 3iece%rate &lans are based on grou& &roducti"ity( AnswerE DAF6! 1#) *ndi"iduals in merit%based &ay &lans &ercei"e a strong relationshi& between their &erformance and the rewards they recei"e( AnswerE ;G! 1#+) 3rofit sharing may be &aid by direct cash outlay or as stock o&tions( AnswerE ;G! 1#.) Bonus &lans are still reser"ed for the e,ecuti"e ranks with "ery few lower ranking em&loyees included( AnswerE DAF6! 1#/) 6kill%based &ay is not utili-ed much in white%collar jobs( AnswerE DAF6! 1#5) Drom management7s &ers&ecti"e$ the greatest a&&eal of skill%based &ay &lans is decreased &ayroll costs( AnswerE DAF6!
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1#8) 6kill%based &ay encourages em&loyees to concentrate on one or two highly desirable skills( AnswerE DAF6! 1#<) 6kill%based &ay &lans encourage &eo&le to s&eciali-e( AnswerE DAF6! 12) ainsharing and &rofit sharing are the same thing( AnswerE DAF6! 11) An em&loyee in a gainsharing &lan can recei"e incenti"e awards e"en if the organi-ation isn7t &rofitable( AnswerE ;G! 1#) 6tudies generally show that organi-ations with &rofit sharing &lans ha"e higher le"els of &rofitability than those without( AnswerE ;G! 1) 6tudies show that gainsharing &rograms ha"e a &ositi"e im&act on em&loyee attitudes( AnswerE ;G! 1+) ainsharing7s &o&ularity seems to be narrowly focused among large$ manufacturing com&anies( AnswerE ;G! 1.) !6:3s are com&any%established benefit &lans in which em&loyees ac>uire stock as &art of their benefits( AnswerE ;G! 1/) esearch on !6:3s indicates they increase em&loyee satisfaction( AnswerE ;G! 15) Dle,ible s&ending &lans allow em&loyees to set aside u& to the dollar amount offered in the &lan to &ay for &articular ser"ices( AnswerE ;G! 18) 6tudies show that em&loyees consider wages and benefits to be the most &owerful work&lace moti"ators( AnswerE DAF6! 1<) :ne of the most e,&ensi"e moti"ation &rograms is that which recogni-es an em&loyee7s su&erior &erformance( AnswerE DAF6! 1+2) While fle,ible benefits ha"e become the norm in the G6$ this is not the case in other countries( AnswerE DAF6!
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1. Co&yright #212 3earson !ducation$ *nc( 3ublishing as 3rentice 4all