seismic interpretatio by hari lal,ongc.Full description
Descrição: Geologia Estructural y del Petroleo
Geologia Estructural y del Petroleo
examples for seismic interpretation
Descrição: Basics of Seismic Interpretation
this is the 3D seismic interpretation book of geophysics.
Quantitative Seismic Interpretation
Data acquisition, processing and interpretation in the field of Geophysics.Full description
Descrição: Quantitative Seismic Interpretation
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Descripción: this is the 3D seismic interpretation book of geophysics.
In this article we review seismic interpretation in Petrel. (Note: Petrel 2009 has been used) The input data can be downloaded from You can also f…Full description
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Chapter 06
solutioms sf
3D Geological Modeling
Chapter 06 – Seismic Interpretation
How to insert a seismic section To To insert the seismic section to the project:
1. Click the Insert menu command and choose New Seismic Seismi c Main Mai n Folder. Folder. 2. ne! Seismic "older !ill #e added$ !hich !ill appear in the %roject &'plorer (indo! as a tree )ie! item* 3. +ight,click on this item$ then select Insert seismic survey folder s sho!n in -ig*6*.*
etrel in inte ter" r"ac ace e !ith !ith Insert Fig.6.1: .1: %etr Insert seismi seismic c survey folder drop,do!n menu
3D Geological Modeling
Chapter 06 – Seismic Interpretation
. +ight,click on Survey 1$ then select Im!ort "on Selection#. /* Select S$%&' Im!ort wit( !resent !arameter 1*12 "rom the Files of ty!e com#o #o'$ speci" location and name o" the seismic data 4le "S)*+11r,2.segy#$ and press the -!en #utton*
Fig. 6.2: The Import 4le "orm
3D Geological Modeling
Chapter 06 – Seismic Interpretation
6* Click -.
Fig.6.3: The S&G, Import 4le "orm
3D Geological Modeling
Chapter 06 – Seismic Interpretation
7* The In!ut data dialog "orm appears* Make sure that the correct domain is selected$ in this case$ the $levation )ime option should #e selected "rom the Domain com#o #o'$ as sho!n in -ig*6*8* and press the - For /ll #utton*
Fig. 6.: The Input Data Dialog
3D Geological Modeling
Chapter 06 – Seismic Interpretation
Fig.6.+. The Seismic Section is displaed in the new inter!retation window
3D Geological Modeling
Chapter 06 – Seismic Interpretation
How to create seismic (ori0ons 1. Displa seismic section in ne! interpretation !indo!* 2. cti)ate the Seismic Inter!retation under the %eo!(ysics item in the rocesses %ane* 3. Click the Inter!ret grid (ori0ons icon on the Tools tool#ar as sho!n in Fig.6.6.
Fig.6.6: The (ells Displaed in the 3D (indo! !ith the Tool #ar
3D Geological Modeling
Chapter 06 – Seismic Interpretation
. Then click the Manual inter!retation icon on the Tools tool#ar as sho!n in -ig* +. 9o! start to dra! the seismic horions Se;uence
Fig.6.: Tracing "ault
3D Geological Modeling
Chapter 06 – Seismic Interpretation
)(e settings of seismic section may e c(anged y: 1. displa a seismic section in wiggle tpe "rom right click on S)*+11r,2 "older and settings for 4S)*+11r,24 !ill appear* Then click on s(ow wiggles as sho!n in -ig*6*=*
How to create Faults on seismic section 1. Displa seismic section in ne! interpretation !indo!* 2. +ight,click on 35 Seismic ine ")ime# in the Input pane and select Insert Fault. 3. Click the Inter!ret Fault icon on the Tools tool#ar as sho!n in -ig*6*..*
Fig.6.17: Seismic section trace !ith Insert Fault drop, do!n menu