Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1
job -related competencies Training – planned effort by the company to facilitate employees’ learning of job-related o
Its goal is to allow employees to master KSAO’ s and apply it to day-to-day day-to-day activities
Everyone in an organization is affected by training; significant budget are allocated to training.
Subject Matter Experts (Managers and others) are asked to provide training .
Why does this corporate emphasis on training exist? Evidence continues to g row, showing that companies investing more in training produce improved financial results in terms of higher net sales, g ross profits per employee, stock growth and ratio of market to book value. o
However, training doesn’t always lead to an improved bottom bottom line – line – and and thus exist effective and ineffective training.
Training provides employees with the knowledge and skills to perform more effectively. o
Allows them to meet current job requirements, and prepares them to meet the inevitable changes that occur in their jobs.
It is used extensively to help employees understand how they can assist i n meeting corporate objectives (Strategic).
It requires that effective systems are in place to address the performance issues facing the organization.
Open systems have a dynamic relationship with their environment; closed systems do not.
General Open Systems Model
System's External Environment • Mission • Strategy • Structure • Policies • Procedures • Finances • Resources • People • Products • Technology
•Organizational needs •Employee Needs •Budget •Equipment •Staff
•Analysis •Design •Development •Implementation •Evaluation •(A.D.D.I.E.)
•Knowlege •Skills •Attitudes •Motivation •Job Performance
It indicates that an open system depends on the environment for input that supports the system (e.g. raw materials, capital, employees).
Environmental inputs are transformed into outputs by the system’s processes (e.g. products and services)
The system’s output flow into the environment, and might or might not influence future inputs to the system.
In effective systems, the output influences the environment to supply new supportive input to the system.
A system must be responsive to the needs an d demands of its environment because the environment provides the input needed for the system to replenish itself. Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 1
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1 o
Many open systems exist as part of another system and, therefore, are called subsystems of that larger system.
An effective training system is a set of process es designed to transform the organizational inputs into outputs that meets organizational needs o
Viewing trainings as simply a program or a set of programs is too shortsighted; not just putting a large percentage of employees through some training.
It should be viewed as a set of integrated processes in which organizational and employee needs are and responded to to in a rational, logical and strategic manner. analyzed and
The training process begins with some type of triggering event (i.e. the triggering events occurs when a person
with authority to take action recognizes that the actual organizational performance [AOP] is less than the expected organizational performance [EOP] )
1. Analysis Phase
Also known as Training Needs Analysis [TNA]
Begins with the identification of the Organizational Performance Gap [AOP is less than EOP] such as profitability shortfalls, low levels of customer satisfaction, or excessive scrap.
There are also future-oriented performance gaps wherein the company is seen as likely to perform poorly in the future unless changes are made
Once a performance gap is identified, the cause is identified and evaluated if whether or not its elimination is important. Once elimination is perceived to be important, it becomes a need of the
In this process, both training and non-training needs are identified. i. Training needs such as inadequate KSA’s ii. Non-training needs such as motivation issues, and faulty equipment.
INPUT •Organizational Analysis •Objectives •Resources •Environment
•Operational Analysis •EOP • job position (skills) (skills)
•Person Analysis
• Identify Performance Discrepancy
• Training Needs • Nontraining Needs
2. Design Phase
Training needs identified in the analysis phase, in addition to areas of constraint and support, are the inputs to the design phase.
Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 2
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1
Important process – process – creation creation of TRAINING OBJECTIVES (which provides specific direction for what will be trained and how, as well as specify the employee and organizational outcomes that should be achieved as a result of training and become inputs to the remaining phases of the the model.)
Another part is identifying the factors needed in the training program to facilitate learning and its transfer back to the job, alternative methods of instruction, amount of practice required, the organization of the training content, and much more.
• Learning Theory • Training Needs • Organizational Constraints
• Develop Training Objectives
• Determine the factors that facilitate learn and transfer • Identify alternative method of intruction • Evaluation Evaluation Objectives
3. Development Phase
Development is the process of formulating an instructional strategy to meet a set of training objectives as well as obtaining or creating all the things that are n eeded to implement the training program.
The instructional strategy consists of the order, timing, and combination of methods and elements used in the training program.
Inputs into this phase are provided by the design phase, and include the alternative instructional methods and the information relating to learning facilitation and transfer. i. Even though training objectives are not direct inputs to this phase, they influence the program development through their influence on the direct inputs ii. Outputs are all of the things needed to impleme nt the training program (include the specific content of the training, instructional methods used to deliver the content, materials to be used, equipment and media, manuals and so forth.)
These are integrated into a coherent, well-organized training plan focused on achieving the training objectives
• Determine factors that facilitate • Alternative method of instruction
• Instructional Strategy Strategy
• Instructional Manual • Instructional Equipment • Trainee and Trainer Manual • Facilitates
Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 3
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1 4. Implementation Phase
All aspects of the training program come together during this phase; but it is a mistake to assume that everything will happen as planned (and thus, it is useful to conduct a dry run/pilot ).
• Instruction Manual • Instruction Equipment • Trainer and Trainee Manual • Facilitates
• Dry Run • Pilot Program
• Actual Training Implementation
5. Evaluation Phase
Though the last phase, it actually begins during the development phase (since evaluation objectives are outputs of the design phase)
Two types of Evaluation i. Process Evaluation – Evaluation – determines determines how well a particular process achieved its objectives (i.e. outputs) ii. Outcome Evaluation – Evaluation – the the evaluation conducted at the end of the training to determine the effects of training on the trainee, the job and the organization
Uses the training objectives as the standard
Can also be used to improve training processes
By itself, it does not provide enough information for the program improvement; but in combination with process evaluation data, they can serve as a powerful tool for improving programs.
•Evaluation Objectives •Organizational Constraints •Design Issues
•Evaluation Strategy and Design
•Process Measures •Content Measures •Reaction •Learning •Behavior •Results
Successful companies in most industries must constantly realign their activities to meet new conditions while remaining true to their mission and strategic direction
Thus, as companies adapt, their training function also needs to adapt.
Trends in training in the near future: o
Aligning training with business strategy Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 4
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1 o
Managing talent due to demographics
Improving the training function
Legal Issues
1. Aligning Training with Business Strategy o
Why is it such a priority? i. First, it is only in the last decade that reliable evidence of training’s training’s impact on the bottom line has surface. ii. Second, the business environment over the last decade has been changing rapidly, and all signs indicate that this will continue (which would require people at all levels in the organization to be able to make day-to-day decisions that support the business strategy.). iii. Organizations now realize that effective training is a tool of getting better job performance, better bottom-line results, and creating organization-wide adaptability
Worker knowledge is a competitive advantage and training is a strategic tool
2. Managing Talent Due to Changing Demographics o
Diversity i. Increased diversity brings both the opportunity for new ways of approaching business issues ad the challenge of finding ways to integrate these perspectives.
ii. Along with more diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity and so forth, the workforce is becoming more diverse with respect to age (different values, priorities and approaches in terms of work).
Thus we are seeing more training focused on building bridges between older managers and the younger subordinates and programs for team skills that focus on cooperation and problem solving.
In general, there are increasing incre asing demands for these programs to be aligned with business goals rather than focusing on diversity for its own sake.
Developing the Right Talent i. Suggested that companies will face a severe s hortage of all types of labor; thus it is now and will continue to be important for most businesses to secure workers with the right skill sets.
Baby boomers with the highest knowledge and skill levels will be the ones most likely to leave the workforce, as they will have higher l evels of retirement income.
Because of changes in technology, job design, and the like, it is estimated that more than 75% of the workforce needs re training just to keep up with the changes in their current jobs.
ii. There will be a fight for graduates from colleges and technical schools. iii. Thus training would be focused on:
Recruiting and selection process (e.g. recruiter training, behavior-based interview)
Improve retention of knowledge workers
Assess and track job requirements and employee competencies (HRIS Systems)
Development of innovative knowledge delivery systems that increase the speed with which knowledge is obtained and provide an increased breadth of training opportunities Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 5
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1 in another way in which companies are creating more knowledgeable wo rkers more quickly (e.g. compute-based and other electronic forms of training)
iv. Competitive environment demands that organizations continuously upgrade the knowledge of their workforce.
Consumer demands for higher quality products and services, and the fiercely competitive global economy requires employees at every level who are mor e knowledgeable, more committed to quality, show better judgment, and demonstrate more competencies than before.
3. Quality and Continuous Improvement o
Training must be seen as an integral part of the organization’s performance improvement system. If not, it will continue to be seen as a cost center, providing less valued contributions to the organizations.
i. Training helps educate employees regarding the mission, strategy and objectives of the organization and how these objectives are translated to each employee’s job employee’s job behaviors. o
Experience trainers know that effective training is structured as a continuous performance improvement process that is integrated with other systems and business strategies.
Common traits of Improvement systems:
i. identification of performance improvement opportunities, and analysis of what caused the opportunities to exist ( Gap Analysis)
ii. Identify alternative solutions to the opportunity and selection of most beneficial, since a training program is one of many possible performance improvement solutions.
iii. Design and implementation of the solution iv. Evaluation of results to determine what, if any, further action should be taken. o
The training does not stop and start with each program; rather, it continuously searches for performance improvement opportunities, develops and implements solutions, and evaluates the effectiveness of the solutions.
Quality improvement is a key component of most continuous improvement processes. (Training is an important part of attaining ISO certification and maintaining it; and it consequently helps improve training.)
i. Advantages include 1.) Improved efficiency, 2.) Higher productivity, 3.) Better internal communication, 4.) Improved quality image and market competitiveness, 5.) Increased customer preference, 6.) Increased awareness of opportunities for process and quality improvements, and 7.) Reduced costs and improved ability to document quality control processes to their customers.
ii. Six times less likely to experience bankruptcy, 76% lower warranty costs in customer-discovered defects, and allow 36% less bureaucracy within their company structure. 4. Legal Issues o
Equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, sexual harassment and related legi slation have placed legal requirements on businesses regarding specific types of training.
It is illegal to exclude people from training on the basis of gender, race, age, and disabilities (“the protected group”). Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 6
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1
Employers must make sure that criteria for selecting people into training programs are based on bona fide job requirements.
If members of the protected group can demonstrate that they have been adversely affecte d because they did not receive training that was provided to those who received those benefits, the burden of the proof falls on the employer to demonstrate that its practices re job-related a consistent with business necessity.
For promotions, a company can avoid such claims by allowing equal access to training for all jobs in a job classification.
Thus legal problems in equity falls under the selection process rather than training opportunities.
For those with disabilities, reasonable accommodation means making training facilities and materials readily accessible and useable to those with a disability.
If training is considered to be related to essential job functions and the disability prevents the person from participating in the training, then, unless undue hardship can be demonstrated, the employer is obligated to provide alternative training that develops the same competencies.
Not only do protected groups need equal access to training, they must receive equal treatment while participating in training. This means that the training must provide equal opportunities for learning, practice and feedback.
Required Training
Some training is required by law, and not doing s o will subject the company to sanctions from the court (e.g. handling hazardous materials).
Some training is ordered by the government to redress problems identified in court proceedings (e.g. Discrimination = Diversity training, sexual harassment = sexual harassment trainings).
In some cases, even though training is not legally required, it makes good legal sense to provide training. (Good-faith efforts of employers).
In designing training programs to deal with discrimination and harassment, training needs to avoid training that itself is discriminating or harassing.
Liability for Injury or Illness
Employers are responsible for financial damages resulting from injuries or illness caused by participation in training.
Trainees need to be warned of any dangers associated with training, be it trained in methods of preventing the dangers from occurring, and be provided with safety equipment.
Employers are also liable for injuries to nonemployees resulting from a poorly or incorrectly trained employee.
An employee’s performance during and at the conclusion of training is confidential, in the same manner as other employee information. Thus, if performance in training is to be used in promotion or salary decisions, the employee must be informed that it will be used in that way.
Trainers must also avoid discussion of the trainee’s performance with other employees. Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 7
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
To understand the types of career paths training offers, it is necessary to understand how th e training unit fits in the organization.
The smaller the organization, the greater the breadth of responsibility each person in the training unit will have.
Entry level position in a large company’s HRD department are are usually at the specialist level, thus, a new hire with little experience but good education in training could start out as a materials designer or a stand -up trainer, depending on her KSA’s
In a medium-sized company (around 1000 employees), the HRD activities of employee and management training may not be separated into separate units, but carried out by the same small group of people under the guidance of the HRD manager. Each individual is expected to do all (or most) aspects of each activity.
In smaller businesses (100 – 300 300 employees), they may not have an HRD or training department at all. Instead, a single individual may be responsible for all training activities.
In even smaller businesses , many of the HR responsibilities are decentralized out to the line managers. HR departments may consist of only one or two people who handle the core activities and act as consultants and facilitators for the line managers.
Another career path for a training and development professional is a member of training and consulting firm . These people market some core set of knowledge they have acquired through their work experience, education or both.
– a relatively permanent change in cognition (i.e. understanding and thinking) that results from Learning – a experience and that directly influences behavior.
– the three outcomes of learning KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes) – the
Knowledge – is an organized body of facts, principles, procedures, and information acquired over time. Thus learning refers to: o
The information we acquire and place into memory ( declarative);
Declarative knowledge – a person’s store of factual information about a subject. Facts are verifiable blocks of information. Evidence of factual learning exists when the learner can re call or recognize specific blocks of information.
How information is organized for use , into what we already know (procedural); and
Procedural knowledge – at a higher level is the person’s understanding about how and when to apply the facts that have been learned. I t allows trainees to understand the underlying rationale and relationships surrounding potential courses of action so they can apply their factual knowledge appropriately.
Our understanding of how, when and why information is used and is useful ( Strategic).
Strategic knowledge – knowledge – the the highest level of knowledge, which is used for planning, monitoring and revising goal-directed goal-directed activity. This consists of a person’s awareness of what he knows and the internal rules he has learned for acc essing the relevant facts and procedures to be applied toward achieving some goal.
Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 8
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1
When this type of knowledge is the focus of t raining/education, it is often called “learning how to learn” program.
– general capacities related to performing a set of tasks that are developed over time as a result of Abilities – general heredity and experience.
– a proficiency at being able to do something rather th an just knowing how to do it. It is the capacities Skills – a needed to perform a set of tasks, which are developed as a result of trainin g and experience. o
General capacities to perform a set of tasks developed as a result of training and experience. (some evidence suggest that skills are also influenced by heredity)
Knowledge is the prerequisite for learning skills.
Skill level is demonstrated by how well one is able to carry out specific actions.
Two Levels of Skill Acquisition:
– one needs to think about what he is doing while performing the skill. Compilation (Lower) – one
When a person is learning a skill or only recently learned.
Thinking about what you are doing slows you down.
– one is able to perform the skill without really thinking about what Automaticity (Higher) – one he/she is doing.
Acquired through practice.
– employee beliefs and opinions that support or inhibit behavior. Attitudes – employee o
The belief and opinions the person holds about the objects or events (e.g. management) create positive or negative feelings about those objects and events, and thus, changing them can change the desirability of the object or event.
– which is reflected in the goals people choose to pursue and the effort they used in Motivation – which achieving those goals – goals – are are influenced by how a person feels about things related to the goals.
similar tasks. Competencies – a set of KSA’s that enables a person to be successful at a number of similar o
The competencies required to perform the job are determined through an analysis of the tasks.
Moreover, it is the ability to integrate and use the KSA’s to perform a task successfully. succ essfully.
The KSA’s determine what types of training will improve competencies compe tencies and, thus, lead to improved job performance.
current or future jobs. Training – the systematic process of providing an opportunity to learn KSA’s for current or o
Development – the learning of KSA’s. o
A set of activities, which provides opportunity to learn. Result of learning; the desired outcome of those activities.
Training departments – departments – also also known as Human Resource Development ; Management training – training – also also known as
Management Development o
This changes shifts focus from process to outcome
– compared to training, it focuses on more general KSA’s related, but not specifically tailored, to a Education – compared person’s job or career.
Small Business – Business – organizations organizations with fewer than 100 employees.
Difference with large organizations or ganizations Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 9
Effective Training
Blanchard & Thacker
Chapter 1 o
Large companies train greater number of em ployees that need to be trained; and thus uses a more systematic and controlled method of determining what training needs exist
The owner/president can have a close working knowledge of each employee and his/her training needs
Smaller businesses can easily determine what types of training are more or less important to the company’s objective, and can design training accordingly; accordingly; larger companies require a more rigorous approach to identifying needs since more employees are employed.
Larger companies may be able to reduce per -person cost of training if common training is needed across the workforce.
Small companies can use less costly and formalized methods for evaluating training.
Carl Johnave M. Monzon, 4PSY3 | 10