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Scienec Chapter 3
Summary of Form 4 Mathematics Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Section 4 Reconstruction 1. Explain the the diference diference between Lincoln’s plan and some congressional congressional leader’s leader’s plans? plans? . Lincoln!goal to reuni"# the nation$to bind up the nation’s wounds %. Congressional Leaders! "a&ored a harsh plan to punish the South '. (hat was the )reedman’s )reedman’s %ureau and list six things that it did? did? . )ood %. *ealthcare C. +ublic schools,education -. Reunite "amilies E. egotiate "air labor contracts ). id "ree blac/s 0. (hat were were the two parts parts to ohnson’s ohnson’s plan o" Reconstruction? Reconstruction? . Restore power i" the# swore allegiance %. *ad to accept the 10 th mendment 4. (hat did ohnson ofer the South South in return return "or accepting his his plan? . ohnson ohnson promise promised d to uphold uphold state’s state’s rights rights 2. (hat were were the "our main points points o" the Radical Radical Republican’s Republican’s plan? . +unishment %. *arsh Reorgina3ation C. )ull citi3en’s rights "or %lac/s -. States’ authorit# to submit to "ederal power . 5he outcome o" ohnson and the Radical Republicans repeatedl# clashing was that Congress &oted to impeach ohnson. 6. Radical Republicans’ Sweeping Reconstruction +lan7 . South,8&e militar# districts %. States had to grant the right to &ote to "rican "rican merican men C. +assed the 14 th amendment 9. :nder Radical Reconstruction man# white southerners were not elegible or chose not to &ote; but on the other hand; "rican merican men did; which changed the South to some degree because man# states had blac/ o. )reedmen rebuilt their li&es b# . assembling their "amilies %. built strong churches C. Legali3e and celebrate their marriages -. (omen could care "or their "amilies E. Education 11. 5error tactics that were used b# the against "rican mericans while the# were rebuilding their li&es according to the 4' nd Congress was . brea/ing into houses
%. dragging "rom beds C. torturing -. murder E. &engeance 1'. Congress made it a crime to use &iolence to pre&ent people "rom &oting; howe&er that did not totall# stop the &iolence. 10. Reconstruction began to "ade due to . Loss o" interest %. %an/ "ailures,economic downturn C. scandals in the @rant administration -. )reedman’s %ureau dissol&ed 14. Southern democrats regain power b# . rgued that Republican programs resulted in higher taxes %. (hite southerners shunned an#one who supported Radical Republicans C. -iscredited "rican mericans as being corrupt and incompetent -. Aiolence /ept "rican mericans "rom &oting E. Bne b# one reinstated wealth# white southern men in positions o" power 12. n efect +resident *a#es ended Reconstruction. 1
)ailure o" Reconstruction . "rican merican rights had eroded %. "rican merican &oting rights were ta/en awa# C. -e Dure segregation became the law in Southern states
16. Successes o" Reconstruction . Rebuilding o" the South %. +ermanentl# reunited C. Reconstruction amendments