Chinese for Kids (Beginner Level) eChineseLearning provides a huge number of kids' Chinese language resources eChineseLearning for your kids to learn Chinese. These Chinese materials for kids are edited by eChineseLearning's eChineseLear ning's professional Chinese teaching sta! and specially designed for kids to learn Chinese. "e oer a variety of interesting! kid#friendly kid#friendly topics $hich enable kids to Chinese eective $ith fun% Best of all! these Chinese materials for kids are totally &%
(xiǎo bái chuán) The Small White Ship Ln ln de ti*nk+ng y,nh- l! 蓝
银河 里,
/n the blue sky of the gala0y! 12u 3h4 0i5o bi chun. 有 只
小 白 船。
There is a small $hite ship. Chun sh6ng y2u k7 gu8hu* sh9! 船
有 棵 桂花 树,
"ith a s$eet#scented ...
(yìzhī hābāgǒu) A Lapog 183h4 h*b*g2u! 一只 哈巴狗,
There $as a lapdog! :h6n 36i d6 m-nk2u! 站
在 大 门口,
"ho stood at the gate! 15n;ing h7i y
黑 油油,
=is eyes $ere black! >i5ng ch4 r?u g@tou. 想
吃 肉 骨头。
And he $anted to eat the bone.
183h4 h*b*g2u! 一只 哈巴狗,
There $as a lapdog! ...
(y!ye "#i "$ % yu#b&ng) 'anpa a*e+ oon ,a*e -o e 爷爷为我打月饼(y-ye $i $2 d5 yubng) Drandpa Eakes Eoon Cake for Ee
B* yu sh, $F yu -r m,ng ya! 八 月 ! 月 " # $,
The moon is bright during Eid#Autumn &estival! 1-ye $i $2 d5 yubng ya. 爷爷 为 % & 月饼 $。
Drandpa makes moon cake for me. 1ubng yunyun tin y?u 0i*ng *! ... 月饼
(tián zì y.u xì) ,hine+e ,o++"o /uzzle /nstructionsG &ill in the blanks =intsG =ori3ontalG ⑴to lease ⑵children H sons and daughters ⑶child IerticalG Jto devote rent a house (topic of the conversation in the previous issue of e$sletter) Mdaughter Nchildhood The ans$er key $ill be in the ne0t issue. Ans$er keys to the cross$ord in the previous issue (Oune PQ! RQQS)G =ori3ontalG J '(li) 词(c,) M ((fU)
IerticalG ⑴ '(li) ⑵ ((fU) Vtill got WuestionsX Take a &ree P#on#P live online lesson $ith our ...
(tián zì y.u xì) ,hine+e co++"o puzzle /nstructionsG &ill in the blanks =intsG =ori3ontalG Js$ine Yu (a $ord occurring in the third issue of e$sletter) ne$ $ords (part of the conversation in each issue of e$sletter) Mgrammar IerticalG ⑴popular $ords ⑵la$ The ans$er key $ill be in the ne0t issue. Ans$er keys to the cross$ord in the previous issue (Oun PQ! RQQS)G J 举(;F) 动(d?ng) M )(04n) N *(m,ng) Z +(diUn) Vtill got WuestionsX Take a &ree P#on#P live online ...
(+ān zhī xi%o zh0 e g1 +hì) A +toy about thee pig+ ,只小-的./(s*n
3h4 0iUo 3h[ de g9 sh8) A story about three pigs P. C
有 , 只 小- 23 妈妈,要 4 过 56 的
Long time ago! three pigs decided to leave their moms to live independently. R. :h[ lUod6 y?ng ...
(! 2o*$ulìng) Tongue T"i+te -o
Listen to the tongue t$ister.
nnn y\u g lnln, 99
: 篮篮,
annan has a basket! nnn y\u g lnln! 99
: 篮篮,
annan has a basket. Lnln 3hu*ng 3he pnpn! 篮篮
A plate is in the basket. ]npn f6ng 3he $Un$Un! 盘盘 = ...
(+h1 zì g3) 4umbe Song Listen to this song no$G 14 r s*n s*n r y4! 一> , , > 一,
^ne t$o three three t$o one! 14 r s*n s8 $_ li9 W4! 一> , ? ! @ A,
^ne t$o three four `ve si0 seven! "F li9 W4 ya b* ;i_ sh,! ! @ A $ 八 B ,
&ive si0 seven eight nine ten! Vh, ...
(5iǎoh.ngm2o) Little 6e 6iing 7oo "2 d38 32u 36i ;i*o$6i de 0i5ol9 shang! %
5C D 在
EF 的 小G 上,
/ $alk alone on the country road! "2 b5 g*odi5n d6i gi $6ip< chng y8 chng. 一 ... % H IJ 带 给 FK
,hine+e 4u+ey 6hyme 8 ';ng<ī) The =ig /ou 6oo+te "\ sh8 y83h4 d6 g+ng;4! % L 一只 大 M&,
/m a big rooster!
(9iāo2o e :2
"+ $+ $+! 喔 喔 喔,
Cock#a#doodle#doo! 6i ;4ngu*n! N
/ $ear a gold cro$n! Chu*n hu*y4. Q
And bright#colored clothes. :hy6o $\ $+ $+ $+ ;i6o y8sh7ng! 只S
% 喔 喔 喔 T 一U,
/f / shout out cock#a#doodle#doo! -n r-n d+u ...
(/at @@)
(5i%om% 'u>h!) A Little 7o+e ,o++e+ a 6i?e
Chinese Vtories for Children 小'过河(>iUomU Du?h-) A Little =orse Crosses a iver (]art //) >iUomU ch4;4ng de $nG Vhu hn sh7n maX 小'
吃惊 V ()“ W
Y *+”
/s the $ater very deepX The little horse asked the sWuirrel $ith curiosity. V+ngshF rn3h7n de shu+G *ngrn l*% :u
(ch0ny) The Sping 6ain 4d* d4d*! 0i6 0i5oy@ le. Z[ Z[,\ 小] ^。
rip! drip! its raining. :h2ng3i shu+! 0i6ba 0i6ba! $2 y6o f*y. _`
,, \a \a,% S -.。
The seeds sayG ]lease rain! please rain / $ant to sprout. L,sh9 shu+! 0i6ba 0i6ba! $2 y6o k*ihu*. b树
,, \a \a,% S 3花。
The pear saysG ]lease rain! please rain. / ...
,hine+e TongueBt"i+te ?c (V8
(Sì h! +hC) Dou an Ten
h- sh,) &our and Ten
V8 sh8 s8! sh, sh8 sh,! sh, s8 sh8 sh, s8! s8 sh, sh8 s8 sh,! ? L ?! L , ? L ?,? L ? , &our is four! ten is ten! fourteen is fourteen! forty is forty! Vhu, n-ng f7n d- W4ng! Wng li sh8 yi ...
(5i%om% 'u>h!) A Little 7o+e ,o++e+ a 6i?e (/at @) Chinese Vtories for Children 小'过河(>iUomU Du?h-) A Little =orse Crosses a iver (]art /) EUp-ng l 3h9 3he y8 p 0iUomU h- mU m*ma. '/
里 d < 一 e 小' c ' 妈妈。
^nce there lived a little horse and his mother in a stable. 1\u y8 ti*n! mU m*ma du8 0iUomU ...
(E2n 7uā3ng) Appeciate the Lanten+ :h7ngyu l g li ya! k6n ya k6n hu*d7ng! f月
里 : g $,h $ h
"e appreciate the lanterns in the lunar Oanuary! +ngWi*ng l
h 的 kl
ongWiang long dongWiang! $hat kind of lunar do you appreciateX :h7ngyu ...
,hine+e -o ,hilenB 7ome) FK2("6ip
1o! yo! yo! 3,3,3,
ock#a#baby! baby!
(The =ige to 'anmaF+
Bridge to Drandmas =ome
1o d6o $6ip
n FK2
on the bridge to grandmas home "6ip< ;i6o $2 h5ob5obao! FK
T %
Drandma calls me a s$eet baby 183h4 mntou y, ku6i g*o. 4头 一 5 I
1o! yo! yo! 3,3,3,
ock#a#baby! baby! 1o d6o $6ip
on ...
(:u; 9C :u; Lì 7# 5īn,h0n) ,elebate the /o+peou+ 4e" Sping >uhu* pi*o! 3h9f d6o! q花
9, rs n,
The sno$Yake Yoats and our blessing comes! Du6 d7nglong! f6ng bi*np6o! t
i:, =
"e hang lanterns and set o `recrackers! Chu*n 04ny4! d6i 04nm6o! Q
)R,N )w,
And $e put on ne$ clothes and ne$ hats! u+ ;, li b5 ...
(5īnFnián Gh3n 6#nao) The 4e" Hea i+ So
Du? 04nnin 3h7n rnao! f6ng ya f6ng bi*np6o. 过
) x
;<,= $ =
The e$ 1ear is so lively as $e set o `recrackers.
6 h, ?@A, z z 有
"e get red envelopes and ...
(pái pái zu> chī guǒ guǒ) Sit in a 6o" an
Iat Duit
]i pi 3u? ch4 gu2 gu2! } } ~ 吃 • •,
"e sit in a ro$ and eat fruit!
y,g! $2 y,g! 一:,% 一:。
^ne for you and one for me!
Eimei shu83ho le! ‚‚
^ur little sister has fallen asleep!
Di t* li y,g. 给 她 „ 一:。
Lets save ...
( lJ 3ng) The TaKc Light+ "2 h- g7ge sh2u l* sh2u! % c …… †
‡ †,
Ey elder brother and / $alk hand in hand!
18W 32u d6o m5l9 k2u. 一ˆ D n 'D ‰。
"e arrive at the intersection.
K6n;i6n h
Š 一 Š,
"e stop $hen $e ...
,hine+e -o Ei+(=eginne Le?el) eChineseLearning provides a huge number of kids' Chinese language resources for your kids to learn Chinese. These Chinese materials for kids are edited by eChineseLearning's professional Chinese teaching sta! and specially designed for kids to learn Chinese. "e oer a variety of interesting! kid#friendly topics $hich enable kids to Chinese eective $ith fun% Best of all! these Chinese materials for kids are totally &% 小白船(0i5o
bi chun) The Vmall "hite Vhip
h*b*g2u) A Lapdog
爷爷为我打月饼 (y-ye $i $\ dU yubng) Drandpa Eakes Eoon Cake for Ee ŒŽ戏 (tin 38
ŒŽ戏 (tin 38
,只小-的./ (s*n "绕口令 (-rt
3h4 0iUo 3h[ de g9 sh8) A story about three pigs
r6ok\ul8ng) Tongue T$ister for Children
38 g7) umber Vong
ed iding =ood
Chinese ursery hyme !"#$%&(Oi*o6o de 6 D+ng;4) The Big ]roud ooster 小'过河 (>iUomU
Du?h-) A Little =orse Crosses a iver (]art //)
’](ch[ny@) The
Vpring ain
Chinese Tongue#t$ister ?c (V8 h- sh,) &our and Ten 小'过河 (>iUomU
Du?h-) A Little =orse Crosses a iver (]art /)
h花i(K6n =u*d7ng) Appreciate
the Lanterns
Chinese for Children#FK2 (The Bridge to Drandmas =ome)
O, u+ L8 = >4nCh[n) Celebrate the ]rosperous e$ Vpring
:h7n nao) The e$ 1ear is Vo Lively
pi 3u? ch4 gu2 gu2) Vit in a o$ and at &ruit
de g9shi ) The Vtory of "inter
de y8;i*) The =appy &amily
˜™“š (y8 ;,0ing) verything Does
ursery hyme #r›FGH(:h9 Vhnd6n Ku6il) =appy Christmas to 1ou œIJ(b*o
;i5o3i) Eaking umplings
ursery hyme #ž(hu hut4) ]lay on the Vlide ursery hyme #Ÿ¡¢大£¤(Oi*ot+ng g+ng;9 d6 ;,h-) Collection of Iehicles ursery hyme #KLMM(t0,ng b5obao) The Vhape Baby ursery hyme #大头NJ,O头PP (6ti5ot
Chinese ursery hyme#°°的月±小小的船("*n$*n de yuliang 0i5o 0i5o de chun) The Curved Eoon and the Vmall Vhip Chinese ursery hyme ²²† (Wi5o Wi5o sh2u ) the clever hands Tongue T$ister³花"c红ZN (hunghu*r h- h
Tongue T$ister for KidsG The Tiger and the Eouse Tongue T$ister Tigers! eer! ]igs! abbits and ats A Kids Vtory# A Little Eonkey Comes do$n from the Eountain ursery hymer)xo»(:h9 n 04nnin h5o%) =appy e$ 1ear to 1ou% Chinese Vtory for Kids#"hats the Time! Er. "olfX The =and Dame ock#]aper#Vcissors A Tongue T$isterG the Big abbit and the Vmall abbit Chinese ursery hymeG / Love Ey Kindergarten Learn Three Chinese Characters 大(d6) ¼(r-n) ‰(k2u) Chinese ursery hymeG Little ogs! Ey Dood &riends Chinese ursery hyme#大]c小](6y@ =- >i5oy@)G =eavy ain and Light ain Chinese ursery hymeG ½¾b(:h+ngWi[;i-) Eid#autumn &estival Learn Chinese colors from a Chinese song for children (lementary) Chinese ursery hymG 小花¸ (>i5ohu*m*o) The Little Cat Chinese VtoryG Little Eice Eove Their =ouse (Beginner) The Cro$ rinks "ater Chinese Tongue T$isterG Three#stone Eountain (Beginner) Chinese ursery hymeG / &ound a ]enny (lementary) Chinese ursery VongG Clap 1our =ands (lementary) Chinese ursery rhymeG Toothbrushing (lementary) Chinese ursery hymeG Eake A ]hone Call (lementary) Chinese songG The Little V$allo$ (lementary) Chinese songG Counting ducks (lementary) Chinese songG !¿‘ ("@ 3h g7) The `ve `ngers song /ts 1ummy. (Beginner) / have a great daddy.
"hats your favorite animalX Chinese ursery hymeG 妈妈cdde (m*ma n,n 0i70ie ba) =ave a est! Ey ear Eom Duess the fruit. &our "ords for very Childs Eerry Christmas A Chinese iddleG zz%LQ Duess $ho am /X Chinese iddleG %LQ+("2 sh8 shu,X) "ho am /X Chinese VongG T$o Little Bees A Chinese story The &o0 and the Drapes A Chinese VtoryG À笔'f Ea Liang and the Eagic ]en =o$ to Vay the ames of Cold rinks in ChineseX (Beginner) Chinese VtoryG The Ant and the ove (Beginner) Chinese VongG ÁÁo (B6ba h5o) Dood ^l ad ursery hymeG ghi\ (*n y9nm@ g7) The Vong of Vimple &inals VtoryG The Crab that "alks Vide$ise (Beginner) Chinese for KidsG =o$ to say body parts in ChineseX (Beginner) Kids Chinese VongG 只S妈妈jkl /f ^nly Ey Eother Vmiles Kids Chinese VongG AÂÃÄ‘ The Vong of the Vunlight (Beginner) Learn 大 (d6) and 小 (0i5o) Through a Kids Chinese ursery hyme (Beginner) Chinese Vtory for KidsG The Vtory of the Deckos Tail Chinese ursery hyme for KidsG oing Eorning 0ercises very ay (Beginner) Kids Chinese ursery hymeG %的o妈妈 Ey ear Eother Chinese for ChildrenG ]opular Toys for Children in China. ]opular Kids Chinese VongG ’天在哪里 "here is VpringX Chinese Vong for KidsG m动nop Be ]roud of "orking =ard Kids Chinese ursery hymeG / ont ]ick the Beautiful &lo$ers.
Chinese Vong for KidsG A Little Eouse Climbing p a Lamp (Beginner) Kids Chinese VtoryG The ]ig Ate a "atermelon Chinese ursery hyme for KidsG Åq¼ Eaking a Vno$man Kids Chinese VongG ƪ« Looking &or a &riend (Beginner) Kids Chinese VtoryG Three Eonks =ad no "ater to rink Kids Chinese VtoryG The Tortoise and the =are Kids Chinese VtoryG ÇÈɬ Cao Chong "eighed an lephant (Beginner) Kids Chinese /diomG ÊËqr /ts ever Too Late to Take Action (Beginner) Kids Chinese VongG ÌÍÎÏ‘ Body Vong (Beginner) Chinese Vtory for KidsG ÐÑÄÒ The &rog in the "ell (Beginner) Kids Chinese VongG Ó哈哈 "a =a =a Kids Chinese VongG ]lanting the Vun (Beginner) Chinese Vong for KidsG ‘ The umber Vong (Beginner) Vtudy Kids Chinese A ursery hymeG %的o妈妈 ear Eother Chinese Vong for KidsG Little Vtars (Beginner) Chinese Vong for KidsG &amily Tree (Beginner) Kids Chinese VtoryG 小Ô`\Õ A Little Eonkey Chinese Vtory for KidsG ּ׬ Blind Een and an lephant (Beginner) ØÙ,Ú Eencius Eother elocates
=ome Three Times to /mprove =er Vons
ducation (Beginner) Kids Chinese VtoryG =o$ did a Thirsty Cro$ rink "aterX (Beginner) Kids Chinese VtoryG 小¸sX Little Cat Does &ishing (Beginner) Chinese ursery hyme for KidsG 小白Û Little "hite abbits (Beginner) Kids Chinese VongG 两只ÜÝ T$o Tigers Chinese ursery hyme for KidsG ÞÞQnt Lets Vee "ho is Longer Kids Chinese VongG ß上只有妈妈u Eom is the Best in the "orld
Chinese Vong for KidsG A oll ances $ith a Little Bear (Beginner) Chinese ursery hyme for KidsG àvJ To ra$ a uck Chinese Vong for KidsG áÒ‘ &rog Vong (Beginner) Chinese for KidsG =o$ to Vay ]arents and Drandparents in Chinese (Beginner) A Chinese ursery hyme for KidsG The Baby is Vleeping (Beginner) Chinese ursery hyme for KidsG wxy (ti7 f 38) ]asting Dood Luck pside o$n 白qMâ Vno$ "hite
小白Ûãã Little abbit (Beginner) ätqz To 小¸_X A
ra$ upon ^ne Anothers Vtrong ]oint to ^vercome e`ciencies
Kitten ]lanted &ish
)xo =appy
e$ 1ear
åæ{| Kong
ong Dave A$ay Bigger ]ears
qV里的小à— 1oung 上ç‘ ^n
]ainters in Vno$`eld
the "ay to Vchool
}~• =ide the =andkerchief
Free Chinese writing lessons Many of you have a thorough knowledge of written and spoken Chinese, but there has still to be someone wishing to learn the basics of this unusual writing... the secrets of Chinese characters, their history, their romanization and the elements that compose them. The following tutorial is meant to provide beginners all they need to write Chinese characters and find them in a dictionary, but can also amuse advanced students and the curious. Though this is not a language tutorial, learning the fundamental strokes and their correct order helps memorize characters and is an indispensable basis to learn written Chinese. ach lesson provides many e!amples of single characters and compounds "no Chinese wordprocessor needed to read these pages# all characters will be downloadable images$.
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson Lesson ! Lesson " Lesson # Lesson $ Lesson 1% Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14
Table of Contents Introduction to the Chinese writing A brief history of Chinese characters The strokes The stroke order The radicals : part 1 The radicals : part 2 The radicals : part 3 The radicals : part 4 The radicals : part The radicals : part ! The radicals : part " The radicals : part # The radicals : part $ The radicals : part 1% The radicals : part 11 The radicals : part 12 &ow to use a Chinese dictionary Inde' of characters
By Diana Lavarini & Anna Del Franco, 1999.
Learn Chinese ]inyin#Io$els ,hine+e /inyin is a oman#letter based system that China no$ uses to mark the pronunciation of Chinese characters. That is to say! Chinese ]inyin is a $ay to represent Chinese characters and e0press the sounds in Chinese language using the alphabet. There are other systems to e0press Eandarin! but,hine+e /inyin is the most accepted and $idely used. ^nce you learn Chinese ]inyin you $ill kno$ ho$ to pronounce any $ord in Eandarin using a Chinese dictionary. Chinese ]inyin is also the most common $ay to input Chinese characters into computers. "ith four tones and Chinese ]inyin! any Chinese characters can be pronounced precisely. /n many cases! Chinese ]inyin is Wuite intuitive to nglish speakers $ith only a fe$ e0ceptions. =o$ever! it can be a t$ist to render Chinese ]inyin in four tones for people $ho ;ust start. There are lots of Chinese ]inyin resources online. ,hine+e /inyin consists of initial consonants (b! p! m! f! d! t! n! l! ! k! h! ;! W! 0! 3! c! s! r! 3h! ch! sh) and `nals or compound vo$els (! o! e! i! u). ach Chinese character is one syllable constructed by a compound vo$el and one initial consonant! the latter of $hich $ill be discussed in consonant. Io$el TableG a
ang eng ing ong
As you can see! most vo$els are simply a combination of the ma;or vo$els in the `rst ro$! $hich is obviously the most important part! and some special consonants. =o$ can you remember all thisX "e are putting all these into nglish $ords $ith virtually the same sound for you to learn and remember in an easier $ay. oteG letters in the follo$ing e0planation in are pronounced as in nglish! and those in q q are pronounced in ]inyin. Also! all samples are delivered in tones. a as the vo$el in star $ithout the r sound o as the vo$el in la$ e as the vo$el in stir
i as the vo$el in bit u as the vo$el in food as y in yello$ follo$ed by the qu above ai as the vo$el in bike ei as the vo$el in lake ui combination of qu and qi! the same as $ord $e in nglish ao as the vo$el in loud ou as the vo$el in Yo$ iu combination of qi and qu! the same as $ord ye$ in nglish ie combination of qi and qe! as the vo$el in sierra ue combination of qu and qe! as the vo$el in buena er combination of qe and qr! as the vo$el in early an as the vo$el in anchor en as the $ord earn $ithout the r sound in as in the $ord inn un as in the $ord oneG n as y in yello$ follo$ed by the nglish $ord one
ang as the $ord long eng as the vo$el in lung ing as the vo$el in ngland ong as qu follo$ed by the qng as above &romG 3apChinese# Chinese ]inyin#vo$els