CITATION - DICTIONARY DICTIONARY A ● A person cannot approbate & reprobate- Doctrine of election-AIR 1956 SC 59! ● A post is an e"plo#"ent b$t e%er# e"plo#"ent e"plo#"ent is not a post- AIR 19 SC 16! ● A pro%iso - It is inten'e' to li"it t(e enacte' pro%ision - AIR 19)5 SC 5)*! ● Absol$te estate- +ropert# ,i%en in s(ares to t(e respecti%e parties in partition 'ee' .it( an e"p(asis t(at eac( of t(e" s(o$l' ,et t(eir /at(a of t(e propert# "$tate' in t(eir na"e an' en0o# t(e propert# as t(e# .is(- is t(e absol$te a bsol$te propert# an' not li"ite' estates -AIR *1 2ANT *36! ● Ab$se- 4eans "is$se i!e! $sin, (is position for so"et(in, for .(ic( it is not inten'e'! AIR 196SC 1116! - +(#sical an' "ental "altreat"ent is also an ab$se! AIR 199 SC *1! Ab$se of position "$st necessaril# be 'is(onest 'is(onest so t(at it "a# be pro%e' t(at t(e acc$se' 'eliberatel# ca$se' loss to t(e 'epart"ent! AIR 196 SC 1116 AIR 19 SC )** AIR199SC )*6! ● Acc$sator post rationabile te"p$s no est a$'ien'$s nisi se bene 'e o"issione ec$sa%erit - An acc$ser cannot be (ear' after t(e epir# of reasonable ti"e $nless t(e person co"plain in, ,i%es satisfactor# ec$se for 'ela#● Act in 'isc(ar,e of official '$t#- (ere p$blic ser%ant co""its t(e offence of c(eatin, or abets anot(er so to c(eat t(e offence co""ite' b# (i" is not one .(ile (e is actin, or p$rportin, to act in t(e 'isc(ar,e of official '$t# s$c( offences (a%e no connection .it( official '$t# t(e official position onl# f$rnis(in, occasion or opport$nit# to 'o s$c( acts!-AIR 196 SC*66! ● Actio personalis "orit$r c$" persona!- A personal ri,(t of action of a person 'ies .it( t(e person! AIR 195) SC 13*! AIR 1993 SC 113 AIR 1996 SC 19! ● Acts 'one $n'er t(e colo$r of '$t#!- section 161 I+C!- +olice officer preparin, false panc(ana"a or a false report- AIR 196 SC )39! ● Actor 7$i contra re,$la" 7$i' a''$it non est a$'ien'$s - A plea'er .(o a'%ances an#t(in, a,ainst r$le of la. is not to be (ear'! ● Act$al %al$e - T(e act$al %al$e co$l' onl# be t(e "ar/et %al$e an' not t(e act$al cost to t(e o.ner! AIR 19) SC 51! ● Act$s c$riae ne"ine" ,ra%abit - An act of t(e co$rt s(all pre0$'ice no "an! AIR 1996 SC 16! AIR 196 4YS *6!AIR * SC 1331! AIR 199 SC 99 - No part# can be force' to s$ffer for t(e inaction of t(e co$rt or its o"ission to act accor'in, to t(e proce'$re establis(e' b# la.!-AIR * SC*! -AIR 1996 SC 115!-
Co"plaiant file' .it(in t(e li"itation $n'er Crpc cannot be "a'e infr$ct$o$s b# an act of t(e co$rt! AIR * SC 356! ACT8S INC8D:S-All s$c( acts as to .(ic( t(e co$rt "a# (a%e for" an opinion in an# le,al procee'in,s t(at t(e co$rt .o$l' not (a%e so acte' (a' it been correctl# apprise' of t(e facts an' t(e la.!- AIR* SC33)*! ● A'e7$ate an' special reasons- section 6 I+C - AIR * SC 19*! AIR * SC 36)3! ● A'($c s$b 0$'ice lis est - T(e case is still before t(e 0$',e t(e contro%ers# is not #et settle'! ● A'0ectio 'o"inii per contin$atione" possessionis - T(e a''ition of t(e ri,(t of propert# b# contin$e' possession! ● A'option in ;in'$ la. - no re7$ire"ent of partic$lar for"-AIR 19 SC 1*)6! ● A'$lteration of foo' - AIR 196 SC 93 9! AIR 19)5 SC 31 3! AIR 196 SC 56 5)5! ● Ae7$itas est correctio le,is ,eneraliter latae 7$a parte 'eficit! - :7$it# is t(e correction of ,eneral la. in t(e part .(ere it is 'efecti%e! ● Affor'in, opport$nit# of "a/in, representation - "eans as an' .(en representation is "a'e it s(o$l' be 'ealt .it( properl#!AIR 19* SC *65! ● A,,rie%e' person - In offence of bi,a"# t(e .ife is t(e a,,rie%e' part# an' not relati%es (o.soe%er closel# relate' .it( .ife! AIR 1965 4#s *5! -T(e c(air"an of t(e reception co""ittee of a conference is not an a,,rie%e' person to file co"plaint for 'efe"ation! AIR 19* SC *69! ● A,ric$lt$ral i"ple"ents & "ac(iner#! "ac(iner#! - TRACTOR is not!- AIR 1991 SC 199*! ● A,ric$lt$re - AIR *1 4AD *9! AIR *3 SC *31! AIR 19 SC 1*9! AIR 195 SC 6)! ● A,ric$lt$rist - AIR 199 2ant 1*! AIR 195 SC 3*5! AIR 1999 <8= *63! ● Ali$' est possi'ere ali$' esse in possessione - It is one t(in, to possess anot(er to be in possession! ● All s$c( ,ro$n's of 'efence as if not raise' .o$l' be li/el# to ta/e opposite part# b# s$rprise! - AIR 196 SC 33! ● Alle,ans contraria non est a$'ien'$s - A person "a/in, contra'ictor# alle,ations >t(in,s is not to be (ear'! - AIR 1956 SC 59! AIR * SC 1)1! ● Alle,ans s$a" t$rpit$'ine" non est a$'ien'$s! a$'ien'$s! - ;e is not to be (ear' .(o is
'is,racef$l or 'iscre'itable to (i"self!-one of t(e eception to t(is r$le is .(ere t(e fra$'$lent transaction still re"ains eec$tor# an' t(e p$rpose of t(e fra$' (as not been effecte'! AIR 196 2:R 9! ● Alle,ari non 'eb$it 7$o' probat$" non rele%ant! (at is not rele%ant if pro%e' o$,(t not to (a%e been alle,e'! ● A"bi,$$" placit$" contra proferente" proferente" interpretare 'ebet! - An a"bi,$o$s ?'o$btf$l or $ncertain@ a,ree"ent o$,(t to be interprete' a,ainst t(e person p$ttin, it'! ● A"bi,$$" placit$" interpretari 'ebet contra proferente"! proferente"! - An a"bi,$o$s plea'in, o$,(t to be constr$e' a,ainst t(e part# offerin, or 'eli%erin, it! ● A"$se"ent - :ntertain"ent & a"$se"ent are .i'e eno$,( to incl$'e t(eaters 'ra"atic perfor"ancescine"as perfor"ancescine"as sports an' t(e li/e AIR1959SC)93! A"$se"ent .o$l' "ean 'i%ersionpasti"e or en0o#"ent or a pleas$rable occ$pation of t(e senses or t(at .(ic( f$rnis(e' it!AIR 1995 SC 1! ● Acts of officer 'efacto-AIR199)2ant59! 'efacto-AIR199)2ant59! ● Anala,o$s to tra'e or b$siness! onl# acti%it# .(ic( are capable of bein, con%erte' into saleable ones!AIR 19) SC 53)! ● Anan'a "ar,a reli,io$s 'eno"ination -It is a collection of in'i%i'$als .(o (a%e a s#ste" of beliefs .(ic( t(e# re,ar' as con'$cti%e to t(eir spirit$al .ellbein, AIR 19)3 SC 51! ●BAn'B-BOrB- An' is con0$cti%e Or is 'is0$ncti%e AIR 1999 2ant 3)1! AIR 191 SC 13 AIR 19) SC 11*3! AIR 1996 SC*55) IN O19 R1-alternati%e clai" is state' b# t(e $se of con0$ction an'>or- AIR 196
● EAn# estate or of an# ri,(ts t(ereinE Article 1A?1@?a@ a n' ?*@ Constit$tion of In'ia- Not onl# Ri,(ts of proprietors s$b-proprietors s$b-proprietors an' also of ,ra'e tenants li/e rai#ats or $n'er rai#ats! AIR 1959 SC 5195*6! ● FAn# interest in t(e estate of t(e 'ecease'E IND S8CC ACT- section *)?1@ ?c@ "eans an# interest in t(e estate in respect of .(ic( t(e 'ecease' is alle,e' to (a%e eec$te' a testa"ent! AIR 19* 4a' *1*! ● FAn# ot(er p$blic p$rposeE Ac7$isition of sites for b$il'in, of (ospitals or e'$cational instit$tions b# pri%ate benefactors .ill be a p$blic p$rpose t(o$,( it .ill not strictl# be a state or $nion p$rpose- AIR 1955 SC )1)1*! ● FAn# ot(er reasonE It "eans reason si"ilar or analo,o$s to t(e prece'in, reasons! AIR 196 SC )9! AIR 1953 SC 5*6! AIR * SC )5! ● F An# partic$lar caseE +artic$lar "eans pec$liar or pertainin, to a specifie' person t(in, ti"e or place not co""on or ,eneral! AIR 199 SC )5! ● FAn# personE Art **6 AIR 19)9 SC16161! AIR * SC 163 - Sec 9 Crpc 'oes not incl$'e state AIR 199 SC 9)! Sec of IND :GI ACT T(ere are no .or's li"itin, t(e section to persons ot(er t(an a person acc$se' of an offence an' in t(e absence of an# s$c( li"itin, .or's it is not open to t(e co$rt to rea' t(e" into t(e section! AIR 1955 Cal *3! A'%ocate act sec *- AIR 1999 SC1)5! INDIS+ ACT sec *?/@ an' 1) It 'oes not incl$'e non .or/en AIR *3 SC 95!AIR 195) SC 5! O *1 R 9?1@ C+C Incl$'es all persons resistin, t(e 'eli%er# of possession clai"in, ri,(t in t(e propert# e%en t(ose not bo$n' b# t(e 'ecree incl$'in, tenants or ot(er person clai"in, ri,(t on t(eir o.n incl$'in, a stran,er!AIR 199) SC 1)*! 4OTOR G:; ACT sec *?*@ 'oes not incl$'e a stran,er .(o enters a %e(icle for (ire AIR 19)) o" 199 ?@! Sec )* 'o not incl$'e a con'$ctor inc(ar,e of a b$s tra%elin, on t(e r$nnin, boar'! AIR 1953 4a' *6! sec- 13?1@ incl$'es pillion ri'er AIR * 2ant 6! Not incl$'es ,rat$ito$s ,rat$ito$s passen,er ?*3@ * SCC 1 sec 36 of 1993 a"n' act incl$'es t(ir' part# as .ell as o.ner of t(e ,oo's or (is a$t(oriHe' representati%e representati%e carrie' in t(e %e(icle AIR * SC 6! sec)9 incl$'es e%er# a,,rie%e' person- AIR * 2ant *6*)! Crpc sec16 An# person s$ppose' to be ac7$ainte' .it( facts an' circ$"stances of t(e case incl$'es an acc$se' person beca$se t(e police s$ppose (i" to (a%e co""itte' t(e cri"e an' "$st t(erefore be fa"iliar of facts! AIR 19) SC 1*5 ● FAn# person a,,rie%e'E A person .(o feels 'isappointe' .it( t(e res$lt of a case is not a person a,,rie%e'! T(e or'er "$st ca$se (i" a le,al ,rie%ance b# .ron,f$ll# 'epri%in, of so"et(in, AIR 191 SC)5 AIR *1 4+ 116 AIR 1951 4a' 95 AIR 195 SC *9* AIR 19 SC *6! AIR *1 SC ***) **9*!AIR**SC66*! ● FAn# propert#E sec 13 of ;in s$cc act AIR 19 SC 1933 ● FAn# $n'erta/in,E 4otor %e( act sec 6)?*@ $n'erta/in, "a# be b# ,o%ern"ent or
pri%ate or p$blic sector or stat$tor# corporation- AIR ** SC *51! ● FAn# one acci'entE 4otor %e( act sec 95?*@ A person loo/in, at t(e occ$rrence s$b0ecti%el# li/e t(e one .(o is in0$re' in t(e collision .ill sa# t(at (e "et .it( an acci'ent FAn# one acci'entE "eans acci'ent to an#one! AIR 19)1 SC *59 *63! ● FAppearE incl$'es %ol$ntar# appearance of t(e acc$se' e%en in t(e absence of an# s$""ons or .arrant! AIR 1966 4#s 1*! (ere co$nsel (as 'one so"e act a"o$ntin, to t(e participation at t(e (earin, so t(at t(e sa"e constit$tes appearance appearance of t(e part# t(ro$,( co$nsel t(e .it('ra.l of t(e co$nsel after ref$sal of an a'0o$rn"ent so$,(t 'oes not a"o$nt to non appearance of t(e part#! AIR 19 4+ ****5!?@! ● FAppearanceE sec 16?5@ of crpc onl# p(#sical appearance of acc$se' before co$rt! AIR 199) SC 1))! Appearance cannot be e7$ate' .it( t(e filin, of .ritten state"ent! It "eans appearance at t(e 'ate of (earin,! AIR 19 SC 11 15! ● F Appears to (a%e co""ite'E "eans t(at at t(e present sta,e t(ere s(o$l' be pri"a-facie "aterial before t(e co$rt to in'icate t(at t(e offences co"plaine' of are li/el# to (a%e been co""ite'! AIR 1966 A 666)! ● FApplicationE - It co$l' be $n'erstoo' in a ,eneric sense as a pra#er "a'e to an a$t(orit# for so"e relief to set asi'e an or'er of anot(er a$t(orit# an' s$c( an application $n'er t(e stat$te .o$l' a"o$nt to appeal! AIR 1996 2ant 1)*1!?co"panies act@! AIR ** SC 39! ● Appoint"ent & ter"ination po.ers po.ers Section 16 of
species of estoppel in case of estoppel it cannot operate a,ainst t(e pro%isions of stat$te! AIR 1965 SC 1*16 1**1! ● Appropriate ,o%ern"ent Crpc s! 3*?@ "eans t(e ,o%ern"ent of t(e state of con%iction an' not t(e ,o%ern"ent of t(e state .(ere t(e offence .ere co""ite'!AIR 19)* SC 15*! ● Appropriate procee'in,s +rocee'in,s .(ic( "a# be appropriate (a%in, re,ar' to t(e nat$re of t(e or'er 'irect ion or .rit a person clai"s! AIR 1961 SC 135 1361! Appropriate not in ter"s of an# partic$lar for" b$t appropriate .it( reference to t(e p$rpose of t(e procee'in,s %iH! enforce"ent of f$n'a"ental ri,(ts! AIR 19)3 SC )*! ● Appro%al & per"ission In case of appro%al action (ol's ,oo' $ntil it is 'isappro%e' .(ile in t(e ot(er case it 'oes not beco"e effecti%e $ntil per"ission is obtaine'! AIR 1996 SC 113115! ● Appro%e 4eans to (a%e or epress a fa%orable opinion of to accept as satisfactor#! AIR *3 SC 69 696! ● Approi"ate 7$antit# pre% of foo' an' a'$l r$les 7$antit# to be s$pplie' "$st be in close %icinit# of t(e 7$antit# of t(e specifie'! AIR 19) SC 9 9)! ● Arable an' .aste lan'! Arable lan' "$st be constr$e' to "ean lan's .(ic( are "ainl# $se' for plo$,(in, an' for raisin, crops an' t(e epression .aste lan' .o$l' "ean lan' .(ic( is $nfit for c$lti%ation or (abitation 'esolate an' barren lan' .it( little or no %e,itation t(ereon! AIR 196 SC 1)1! Arable lan' is "eant not onl# lan' capable of c$lti%ation b$t also act$all# c$lti%ate'! AIR 196) SC )! ● Arbitration act sec 3 At an# ti"e before t(e filin, of >S "eans before act$all# filin, t(e sa"e an' not before t(e epir# of ti"e to file >S! AIR 199* Cal 19 135! sec *1 T(e epression At an# ti"e before t(e 0$',"ent is prono$nce' inten'e' to s(o. t(e li"it of ti"e be#on' .(ic( no reference can be "a'e! AIR 196 SC ! ● Arbitrar# In or'er to s(o. t(at or'er is arbitrar# it "$st not be reasonable an' "anifestl# arbitrar#! AIR ** SC **! ● Ar,$"ent$" a si"ili %alet in le,e! An ar,$"ent fro" a li/e or analo,o$s case is ,oo' in la.! T(e bin'in, effect or 'ecision 'oes not 'epen' $pon .(et(er a partic$lar ar,$"ent .as consi'ere' t(erein or not pro%i'e' t(at t(e point .it( reference reference to .(ic( an ar,$"ent .as s$bse7$entl# a'%ance' .as act$all# 'eci'e'! 'eci'e'! AIR 196 SC 151 16! ● Ar,$"ent$" ab a$ctoritate est fortissi"$" in le,e! An ar,$"ent fro" a$t(orit# is "ost po.erf$ll in la.!
● Ar,$"ent$" ab i"possibbili pl$ri"$" %alet in le,e! An ar,$"ent fro" an i"possibilit# is of .ei,(t in la.! ● Ar,$"ent$" ab incon%enienti pl$ri"$" %alet in le,e! An ar,$"ent fro" incon%enience a%ails "$c( in la.! ● Arisin, o$t of e"plo#"ent AIR 1961 4+ *9 *9)! AIR 1963 SC 19 *1! AIR 19 SC 196 -AIR 19)5 SC 115611! ● Arisin, o$t of s$c( or'er AIR 19)) SC 15! ● Arisin, o$t of $se of "otor %e(icle! sec 13 of "% act! D$e to t(e processin, of .el'in, b# anot(er person t(e 'iesel tan/ par/e' in t(e roa'si'e ca$,(t fire! T(ereb# t(e 'ecease' .(o .as 'oin, .or/ of %$lcaniHin, t(e t$be in%ol%e' in t(e fire acci'ent an' s$staine' fatal in0$ries! It co"es $n'er AIR * 4a' *! ● Arrest & C$sto'# In e%er# arrest t(ere is a c$sto'# b$t not %ice %ersa! C$sto'# "a# a"o$nt to an arrest in so"e cases b$t not in all!AIR 1993 SC 15 1))! ● Arrest & 'etention! Art ** ?1@ & ?*@ AIR 195 SC 1! ● Ars fit 7$o' a teneris pri"$" con0$n,it$r annis! T(at beco"es an art .(ic( is ta$,(t $s in o$r infanc#! ● Artificial "eans! st$' (ole "a'e to insert forei,n "aterial insi'e t(e "eter retar'in, t(e rotation of .(eel artificial "eans to pre%ent "eter fro" re,isterin, t(e e%er# s$pplies! AIR 1966 SC )39! ?IND ::C ACT@! ● As far as it can be "a'e applicable! In appl#in, t(e %ario$s pro%isions of t(e C+C co'e to t(e procee'in,s ot(er t(an t(ose of a s$it t(e co$rt "$st ta/e into acco$nt t(e nat$re of t(ose procee'in,s an' t(e relief so$,(t! AIR 193 SC *15! ● As far as practicable non interferin, interferin, .it( t(e ratio .(ic( f$lfils t(e interest of t(e a'"instration! AIR 19 SC *51! ● As (e 'ee"s fit Does not besto. to "a/e an# or'er on consi'erations consi'erations 'e (orse t(e stat$te .(ic( t(e a$t(orities consi'er best accor'in, to t(eir notions of 0$stice! AIR 196* SC 5! AIR AIR 19) SC 99! ● As (e t(in/s fit T(e .or's $se' in section 1* of IND :GI ACT as (e t(in/s fitJ K confer absol$te 'iscretion on t(e (ea' of t(e 'epart"ent to ,i%e or .it((ol' s$c( per"ission! AIR 195 SC )65! ● As if 4otor %e( act sec 5)?*@ T(e application for "$st be "a'e in t(e sa"e "anner an' to t(e sa"e etent as an application for fres( per"it an' "$st be processe' as s$c(!AIR 19)3 SC *! ● As it T(in/s fit It 'oes not ,i%e an# arbitrar#! Deter"ination of 7$estions 7$estions in t(e li,(t of e%i'ence an' consistent .it( t(e 0$stice of t(e case! - AIR 196 SC 135 13! Confers a %er# .i'e 0$ris'iction enablin, it to ta/e an entirel# 'ifferent %ie. on t(e sa"e set of facts - AIR 19)3 SC 1163!
● As "a# see" necessar# to satisf# t(e 'ecree no sale can be allo.e' be#on' t(e 'ecretal a"o$nt "entione' in t(e sale procla"ation! AIR 19 SC 1)9! ● As nearl# as "a# be Art 16 not "an'ator# onl# 'irector#! AIR 199 SC 196 191*! ● As soon as .it(o$t 'ela# i""e'iatel# .it(in reasonable ti"e AIR 19)* SC 113! AIR 1999 SC *1*! AIR 19* SC*3*! AIR 1999 SC 51! ● As t(e case "a# be "eans t(at one o$t of t(e %ario$s alternati%es .o$l' appl# to one o$t of t(e %ario$s sit$ations an' not ot(er.ise! AIR 1966 +$n 3*3! "eans as t(e sit$ation "a# be! AIR 19) SC *166! IND DIG ACT sec ?3@ "ean if t(e parties last resi'e' to,et(er at a partic$lar place t(e 'istrict co$rt (a%in, 0$ris'iction o%er t(at place alone .o$l' be co"petent to tr# a petition $n'er t(e act! AIR ** 4a' 35 33*! AIR 19) SC 166) 165!- TN R CON act! AIR 199) SC 1959- Rl# act! L As ell as sec 131 ?1@ of Ne, Int act T(e persons "entione' "entione' in t(e first cate,or# .it(in t(e 'ra,net of t(e offence on par .it( offen'in, co"pan#! AIR * SC 135! ● Assets incl$'es all t(at one o.ns AIR 191SC16911696! AIR 19) SC *1 *5! ●Assets 'isproportionate 'isproportionate to /no.n so$rce of inco"e! AIR 19)1 SC 11)6 119! ● Association of persons an' ;in$ $n'i%i'e' fa"il# ;8 is net(er fir" nor AO+ it is a separate entit# b# itself- IT act AIR 193 SC 353! ● At an# one ti"e "ean at onl# ,i%en point of ti"e! AIR 19)* SC *9! ● At an# sta,e of t(e procee'in,s T(e pro%isions t(at s$c( a transfer "a# be "a'e at an# sta,e of t(e procee'in,s ob%io$sl# post$lates procee'in,s act$all# pen'in, an' t(e sta,e refers to a point in bet.een t(e co""ence"ent an' en'in, of t(ose procee'in,s! AIR 1956 SC 39 3)! ● At an# ti"e At an# ti"e "eans at an# ti"e t(e part# concerne' li/es- AIR 1965 SC 1*)) 1*9! In se%eral acts it is interprete' as .it(in reasonable ti"e AIR * Cal * *31! Appoint"ent AIR 1991 SC 5 536! ID act sec 1 AIR 199 SC 1 15! ● At or abo$t t(e ti"e sec 15 of IND :GI act T(e state"ent .as "a'e as nearl# as can reasonabl# be epecte' in t(e circ$"stances of t(e case an' a n' before t(ere .as an opport$nit# for t$torin, or concoction! AIR 195* SC 53! ;in 4arr act sec *! at "eans t(e act$all ti"e of "arria,e! Abo$t t(e ti"e of "arria,e "eans near or ro$n' abo$t t(e ti"e of "arria,e an' not s$bse7$entl# AIR 19)) 4#s **6**)**9! ● Attac(e' in eec$tion of 'ecree 'oes not co%er attac("ent before 0$',"ent AIR 19 +; 1*! ● Attac(e' to- an' Ac7 ACT sec 6?'@- connote so"et(in, 'ifferent 'ifferent fro" "ere o.ners(ip!AIR 19 Del *1)**3!
● Atte"pt preparation to co""it offence is not an atte"pt- so"e act necessaril# 'one's t(e co""ission of offence .it( intention intention AIR 19) SC 1111 1115 1113 111! ● Attestation & Attestin, .itness # attestation is "eant t(e si,nin, of a 'oc$"ent to si,nif# t(at t(e attester is a .itness to t(e eec$tion of t(e 'oc$"ent! An attestin, .itness is one .(o si,ns t(e 'oc$"ent in t(e presence of t(e eec$tants after seein, t(e eec$tion of t(e eec$tion of t(e 'oc$"ent or after recei%in, a personal ac/no.le',e"ent fro" t(e eec$tants as re,ar's t(e eec$tion of t(e 'oc$"ent!AIR 19 SC 66! AIR 1969 SC 113 1151! A person .(o si,ns t(e 'oc$"ent as a scribe or an i'entifier or a re,isterin, officer is not an attestin, .itness! AIR 1969 SC 1151! ?*1@ SCC 5 ● Attorn M- Attorn "eans to ac/no.le',e t(e relation of a tenant to a ne. lan'lor'! T(erefore attorn"ent b# a tenant .o$l' "ean acceptance of t(e ne. o.ner as lan'lor' an' estoppin, t(e tenant to 'isp$te t(e lan'lor' title t(ereafter! AIR 1993 Del *1**1)! (ere a person in .(ose fa%o$r t(e attorn"ent (as been "a'e (as no title a "ere paper attorn"ent .o$l' not be eno$,( to establis( as a,ainst t(ir' parties t(e possession of t(e person attorne'! AIR 196 SC 13! ● A$'i altera" parte"M- It is obli,ator# on t(e part of t(e trib$nal to (ear epressl# or b# i"plication b# ,i%in, an opport$nit# to be (ear' as a nat$ral 0$stice ot(er.ise ot(er.ise t(e i"p$n,e' act or or'er .as ne%er %ali'! AIR 193 SC 131! ● A$'ita 7$erela M- or"erl# t(e na"e of t(e .rit bro$,(t b# t(e 'efen'ant to reopen a 0$',e"ent on t(e ,ro$n' t(at so"e "atter of 'efence arose s$bse7$ent to t(e 0$',e"ent on t(e t(e ,ro$n' t(at so"e so"e "atter of 'efence 'efence arose s$bse7$ent to t(e 0$',e"ent or t(at t(at (e (a' no opport$nit# opport$nit# to raise so"e "atter of 'efence prior prior to 0$',e"ent! ● A$t(oriHe' b# la.M- T(e .or' "eans sanctione' b# la. Accor'in, to la. "eans in confor"it# .it( la.! AIR 191 SC )3! ● A$t(orit#M-
D ● Da ta$ '$" t$a s$nt post "orte" t$nc t$a non s$nt!
one ti"e cannot ecee' t(e principal! AIR 1965 SC 169*169)! ● Da"n$" abs7$e in0$ria- A loss .it(o$t in0$r#! ● Da"n$" abs7$e in0$ria esse potest- T(ere is s$c( a t(in, as 'a"a,e .it(o$t in0$r#! ● Da"n$" sine in0$ria Da"a,e .it(o$t .ron,f$ll act! ● Dan,ero$s person an' bootle,,er! A person .(o 'istills "an$fact$res stores transports i"ports eports sells or 'istrib$tes an# li7$or intoicatin, 'r$, or ot(er intoicant in contra%ention of an# pro(ibitor# Act an' t(e r$les an' or'ers "a'e t(ere$n'er t(ere$n'er or an# ot(er la. for t(e ti"e bein, in force or .(o /,l# epen's or applies an# "one# or s$pplies an# ani"al %e(icle %essel or ot(er con%e#ance or an# ot(er receptacle or an# ot(er "aterial .(atsoe%er in f$rt(erance or s$pport of t(e 'oin, of an# of t(e t(in,s 'escribe' alone b# or t(ro$,( an# ot(er person or .(o abets in an# ot(er "anner t(e 'oin, of an# s$c( t(in,s!- AIR 19)9 SC 1! ● Dans et retinens ni(al 'at! One .(o ,i%es #et retains possession ,i%es not(in,!