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1. The Code of law which deals with Courts of Civil Judicature is called A Code of Civil Procedure . C.Criminal Procedure Code Answer & Explanation
B.Civil Courts Act
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '. The Code of Civil Procedure was enacted on A '1st Januar() 1*+, B.'1st e-ruar() 1*+, . C.'1st arch) 1*+, Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /. The Code of Civil Procedure was enforced on A '1st arch) 1*+, B.''nd arch) 1*+* . C.1st Januar() 1*+* Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0. The Code of Civil Procedure) contains sections A 122) B.123) . C.12,)
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 2. The Code of Civil Procedure has) parts A 45 B.455 . C.4555 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 3. Code of Civil Procedure consists rders A 2+) B.21) . C.2') Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 6. A decree is an operative part of a in civil suits for appeals A rder B.Jud7ment . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,. conslusivel( determines ri7hts of the parties A Jud7ment B.%ecree .
C.rder Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum *. 9ection ') of C.P.C deals with A Plaint . C.Jurisdiction Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+. The term :%ecree: is defined in section A ';'<) . C.0;'<) Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A
The term :%ecree holder: is defined in 9ection) of C.P.C. A ' su- section ;/<) B.' su- section ;0<) . C.' su- section ;2<) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1'. A person in whose favour a decree has -een passed or an order capa-le of execution has -een made is called A %ecree defaulter B.%ecree holder .
C.%ecree de-tor Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1/. An( person a7ainst whom a decree has -een passed or an order capa-le of execution has -een made is called A Jud7ment de-tor B.Jud7ment holder . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 10. The term :Jud7ement: is defined in section A ';6< C.P.C. . C.';*< C.P.C. Answer & Explanation
B.';,< C.P.C.
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 12. The statement 7iven -( the Jud7e on the 7round of decree or order is called A Jud7ment B.%ecree . C.rder Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 13. A person who in law represents the estate of deceased person is called
A =uardian . C.e7al representative Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 16. The term :e7al representative: is defined in A 9ection ';11< B.9ection ';1'< . C.9ection ';1/< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,. 9ection ') su-?section 1' of C.P.C. define A Jud7ment de-tor . C.esne profit Answer & Explanation
B.e7al representative
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*. The term :rder: is defined in section ' su- section A ;10<) of C.P.C. . C.;13<) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation
B.;12<) of C.P.C.
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
The formal expression of an( decision of a civil Court which not a decree is called A rder B.Jud7ment . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
'1. C.P.C. is not applica-le to A Civil Courts . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.Criminal Courts
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ''. 9ection 2 of C.P.C deals with application of C.P.C to A amil( Courts B.Criminal Courts . C.$evenue Courts Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/. 9ection 3) of C.P.C. deals with A Pecuniar( @urisdiction B.Appellate @urisdiction . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '0. A suit in which the ri7ht of propert( or office is contested is
called suit of nature A Civil . C.Civil as well as criminal Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '2. The term @urisdiction has #inds A ' B./ . C.0 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '3. Pecuniar( Jurisdiction of Civil @ud7e of Class 'nd is limited upto A 2+)+++ B.1)++)+++ . C.2++)+++ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '6. Pecuniar( @urisdiction of Civil @ud7e of Class /rd is limited upto A '+)+++ B.2+)+++ . C.1++)+++ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ',. 9ection 1+ of C.P.C. deals with A $es @udicata B.$es 9u- Judice . C.$es) 7estae Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '*. The term :$es?su-@edice: means. A The case instituted earlier B.The case instituted later . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /+. The are main in7redients for application of section 1+ A /) B.0) . C.2) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
/1. 9ection 11 of C.P.C. deals with A $es su-@udice B.$es @udicata . C.$es 7estae Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /'. The term :$es @udicata: is a term A En7lish B.rench . C.atin Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum //. The term :$es @udicata: means A urther proceedin7 B.A matter alread( ad@udicated . C.9ta( of proceedin7 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /0. "here a person challen7es the validit( of a @ud7ment decree or order on the -asis of fraud misrepresentation or want of @urisdiction he shall see#s his remad( -( ma#in7 an A Appeal B.Application . C.$evision Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /2. 9ection of C.P.C. deals with ma#in7 of application to challen7e the validit( of a @ud7ment) decree or order on plea of fraud) misrepresentation or want of @urisdiction A 11) B.1';1<)
. C.1';'<) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /3. Application under section 1';'< shall -e moved to The Court which passed the A final @ud7ment) decree of B.Appellate Court . order C.i7h Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /6. A orei7n @ud7ment not pronounced -( Court of competent @urisdiction will A Be conclusive B.8ot -e conclusive . C.Be -ased on fraud Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,. Accordin7 section 12) of C.P.C. ever( suit shall -e instituted in the Court of A owest 7rade competent to i7hest 7rade competent to B. . tr( it tr( it C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*. A residin7 in ;arachi< -eats B in ;%acca< A ma( sue in A arachi B.%acca . C.Both at arachi and %acca Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+. Accordin7 section '1) of C.P.C. o-@ection at @urisdiction of Court can -e raised on A Trial B.Appeal . C.$evision Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
9ection '') of C.P.C. deals with transfer of cases -( A Court of 9ession B.i7h Court . C.Trial Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0'. "here several Courts havin7 @urisdiction are su-ordinate to the same appellate Court an application under section '') shall -e made to A Appellate Court B.i7h Court . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
0/. Ever( suit shall -e instituted -( the presentation of or in such other manner as prescri-ed A An application B.A memo . C.Plaint Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 00. "here a suit has -een instituted a summon ma( -e issued to appear and answer the claim and ma( -e served in manner preseri-ed. A 8air B.%efendant . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 02. Accordin7 section) of C.P.C. the Court after the case has -een heard shall pronounce @ud7ment and on such @ud7ment decree shall follow A /1 B./' . C.// Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 03. 9ection /0) of C.P.C. deals with A 5nterest . C.9pecial cost Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 06. 9ection /2) of C.P.C. deals with A 5nterest . C.Compensator( costs Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0,. 9ection) of C.P.C. deals with compensator( costs in respect of false and vexatious claims or defences A /2 B./2?A . C./3 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0*. A decree ma( -e executed either -( A Court which passed it or -( the Court to . which sent for execution C.9pecial Court
B.Court which passed it or -( appellate Court
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 2+.
The Court which passed a decree ma( send the decree for execution to another Court upon A 5ts discretional power B.Application of decree
. Application of decree C. de-tor Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
21. 9ection to of C.P.C. deals with execution of decree A /3) to 3+) B./3) to 60) . C./2) to ,0) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 2'. %urin7 execution of a decree all Duestion arisin7 -etween the parties to the suit will -e dealt -( the A ri7inal Court B.Appellate Court . C.Executin7 Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 2/. 9ection 0,) C.P.C. provide limitation of (ears for ma#in7 execution application A Three (ears . C.9ix (ears Answer & Explanation
B.our (ears
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
20. 9ection 22) of C.P.C. deals with arrest and detention of A Jud7ment de-tor B.%ecree holder . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 22. A @ud7ment de-tor can -e imprisoned for a term not exceedin7 A 9ix months B.8ine months . (ear Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 23. can not -e arested durin7 execution of mone( decree. A "omen B.ld person . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 26. 9ection 2*) of C.P.C. deals with release of @ud7ment de-tor on 7round of A ld a7e B.5llness . C.Bein7 women Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 2,. 9ection 2*) of C.P.C. was omitted -( rdinance A 1+ of 1*,+ 9ection *) B.1+ of 1*** 9ection *) . C.1+ of '+11 9ection *) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 2*. "hich particular from the followin7 can not -e attached durin7 execution of a decree A ovea-le propert( B.5mmova-le propert( . C. 8ecessar( wearin7 apparel Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 3+. Particulars not lia-le to -e attached in execution of decree are provided in section A 3+ of C.P.C. B.31 of C.P.C . C.3' of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
5n the case of a suit a7ainst the ederal =overnment the part( defendant shall -e A President B.Prime insiter . C.Pa#istan Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 3'. 5n case of suit -( Provincial =overnment of Pun@a- the titled will -e A Province of Pun@a- !s ABC B.Chief inister of Pun@a- !s ABC . C.5nterior inistr( of Pun@a- !s ABC Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 3/. As per section ,+) of C.P.C. in the case of a suit a7ainst ederal =overnment notice will -e delivered to A 5nterior inister B.ederal inister . C.9ecretar( of the ederal =overnment Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 30. 5n case of a suit a7ainst the Provincial =overnment other than a suit relatin7 to the affairs of $ailwa( the notice shall -e served to A The 9ecretar( of that =overnment B.The Collector of the %istrict . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 32. 9ection) of C.P.C. deals with filin7 of suit -( aliens A 9ection ,+ B.9ection ,/ . C.9ection ,2 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 33. The term :alien: means A A forei7ner . C.An enem( Answer & Explanation
B.A local
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 36. An alien enem( residin7 in Pa#istan can file a suit with permission of A ederal =overnment B.orei7n inistr( . C.5nterior inistr( Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 3,. A forei7n 9tate can sue in an( Court if such 9tate has -een reco7nied -( A Provincial 7overnment B.ederal 7overnment . C.President Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 3*. 5f an( diplomatic a7ent exercised an( commercial activit( in Pa#istan -e(ond his official functions he A Can -e used in an( Court B.Can not -e sued in an( Court .
Can not -e sued without permission of his own 9tate Answer & Explanation C.
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 6+.
or filin7 a suit of pu-lic nusance the consent of is reDuired A.%istrict Jud7e B.Provincial 7overnment C.Advocate =eneral Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
61. The term :Pu-lic nuisance: means An unreasona-le interference B. A An unreasona-le interference in an( persons personal . with ri7ht of 7eneral pu-lic matters C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 6'. 9ection *') of C.P.C. deals with suits re7ardin7) A Pu-lic charities B.%iplomats . C.Pu-lic nuisances Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 6/. 9ection *3 of C.P.C. deals with A 1st appeal B.'nd appeal .
C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 60. The term :Appeal: means Transfer of case from inferior Transfer of case from one Courts to 9uperior Court for Court to another Court for A the purpose of chec#in7 B.the purpose of testin7 . credi-ilit( of lower Court credi-ilit( of the decision of decision lower Court C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 62. 8ormall( is called appellate Court A Court of Civil Jud7e irst B.Court of %istrict Jud7e . Class C.i7h Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 63. determine forum for first appeal A Pecuniar( value of a suit B.Trial Court . C. 8ature of case Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
66. 8o appeal shalllie from a decree passed -( the Court A n merits B.n facts . C."ith consent of parties Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 6,. 9ection 1++) 1+1) and 1+') relates to A irst appeal B.'nd appeal . C./rd appeal Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 6*. The 7round upon which 'nd appeal lies are narrated in A 9ection **) C.P.C. B.9ection 1++) C.P.C. . C.9ection 1+1) C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,+. 9ection 1++) 1+1) and 1+') of C.P.C. with deals with appeal to A i7h Court B.ederal 9hariat Court . C.9upreme Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
,1. rders from which appeal lies are provided in A 9ection 1+/) of C.P.C B.9ection 1+/?A) of C.P.C.
. C.9ection 1+0) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,'. An order under section /2?A) is A Appeala-le . C.$eviewa-le Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,/. An appeallate Court has power to A %etermine a case finall( . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.rame new issues and remand the case
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,0. Appellate Court has power to ta#e additional evidence as provided -( A 9ection 1+3) of C.P.C. B.9ection 1+6;c<) of C.P.C. . C.9ection 1+6;d<) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,2. Appeal is a of the suit
A inalit( . C.Continuation Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,3. An appeal from a @ud7ment decree or final order of i7h Court shall lie to A %ou-le Bench of i7h Court B.9upreme Court . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,6. An appeal to 9upreme Court is dealt -( A 9ection 1+6) C.P.C. . C.9ection 1+*) C.P.C Answer & Explanation
B.9ection 1+,) C.P.C
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ,,. 5f a su-ordinate trial Court is in dou-t re7ardin7 Duestion of law it can send reference to as provided in section 11/) C.P.C A i7h Court . C.9upreme Court Answer & Explanation
B.Court of 9ession
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
,*. Power of review is provided in A 9ection 11/) C.P.C . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
B.9ection 110) C.P.C
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum *+. The term :$eview: means A Judicial re?examination of a case in certain B.$e?examination of an( matter . prescri-ed and specified circumstances C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
*1. The petition for review shall -e instituted in the Court A f 9ession . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B."hich passed the decree
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum *'. aw permits that power of review can -e exercised upon A %iscover( of new facts B.isreadin7 and non readin7 of evidence . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum */. 9cope of review power is A !ast
. C.imited Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum *0. $i7ht of review is called A Basic ri7ht . C. 8atural ri7ht Answer & Explanation
B.9u-stantive ri7ht
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum *2. 9ection) C.P.C. deals with revision A 110) . C.112?A) Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum *3. The term :$evision: means A re?examination or careful readin7 of a A . case for the purpose of correction or improvement C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
B. A factual chan7e of trial Court decision
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
*6. The revisional power can -e exercised -( A Court of 9ession . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.i7h Court
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum *,. Time limitation for filin7 revision petition -efore i7h Court as provided under section 112) is A Thirt( da(s) B.9ixt( da(s) . C. 8inet( da(s Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum **. $evisional power exercised -( i7h Court or Court of 9ession is in nature A 9u-stantive B.%iscretionar( . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1++. $evision power can -e exercised -( i7h Court or %istrict Court on A uestion of law B.uestion of fact . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
1+1. Fnauthoried person can not addressed to i7h Court while exercisin7 it ori7inal civil @urisdiction as provided in section
A 11*) of C.P.C . C.1/1) of C.P.C Answer & Explanation
B.1'+) of C.P.C
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+'. "omen who accordin7 to customs and manners of the countr( ou7ht not to -e compelled to appear in pu-lic shall -e exempt from personal appearance in Court as provided in A 9ection 1'') C.P.C B.9ection 1/') C.P.C . C.9ection 10') C.P.C Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+/. 9ection 1/2) C.P.C. exempt from arrest under civil processes. A Police fficers B.Politicians . C.Jud7e) a7istrate) Judicial fficers Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+0. Exemption of mem-ers of le7islature -odies from arrest and detention in civil process is provided in A 9ection 1/2) of C.P.C. B.9ection 1/2?A) of C.P.C. . C.9ection 1/3) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+2. As per section 10') C.P.C. all orders and notices served on or 7iven to an( person under the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure. A 9hall -e in writin7 B.9hall -e oral . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+3. 9ection) of C.P.C deals with oath on affidavit A 1'* B.1/* . C.10* Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+6. 9ection 100) of C.P.C deals with A Application of restitution . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.ilin7 of new suit
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+,. The power of Court to allow a part( to fulfill deficienc( of Court fees under section 10*) of C.P.C. is its power A 5nherent power B.andator( power . C.%iscretionar( power Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1+*. The power en@o(ed -( Court to fulfill needs of @ustice in a-sence of specific provision of C.P.C are called A 8atural powers . C.5nherent powers Answer & Explanation
B.%ele7ated powers
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 11+.
9ection of C.P.C deals with inherent powers of Court A.12+) C.P.C C.12') C.P.C Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
111. A decree) @ud7ment or order can -e amended if there is A Clerical or arithmetical error B.actual error . C.Conceptual error Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 11'. 9ection 12') C.P.C deals with amendment of Clerical and arithmetical A Clerical or arithmetical errors in @ud7ment) decree or B. . errors in plaint order Clerical or arithmetical C. errors in written statement
B.121) C.P.C
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 11/. rder 1) of C.P.C deals with A iti7ation . C.%ocumentation Answer & Explanation
B.Parties to the suit
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 110. The person who -rou7ht the suit or file a suit is called A Plaintiff B.%efendant . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 112. The person or 7roup of persons who are responsi-le to repl(in7 or answerin7 the suit are called A Plaintiff or plaintiffs B.%efendant or defendants . C.Third persons Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 113. To -ecome plaintiff in an( suit it is reDuired the interest of plaintiff must -e
A 5n dispute . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.Attached to the liti7ation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 116. Fnder rder 1) $ule 1) all persons ma( -e @oined as plaintiffs if A Their ri7ht to relief is same B.The( are close relative . C.The( -elon7 to same 7roup Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 11,. Fnder rder 1) $ule ') where it appears to the Court that an( @oinder of plaintiffs ma( em-arrass or dela( the trial Court can A rder for sepaarate trial B.9truc# off plaintiffs ri7hts . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 11*. All persons ma( -e @oined as a7ainst whom an( ri7ht to relief is claimed A Plaintiffs B.$espondents . C.%efendants Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1'+. 8o suit shall -e defeated -( reason of as provided in rder) 1) $ule * A is?@oinder and non @oinder of documents . of the parties C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
1'1. rder 55 C.P.C deals with A ramin7 of issues . C.ramin7 of suit Answer & Explanation
B.ramin7 of char7es
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1''. As per rder 55) $ule ') suit include A nl( openin7 portion of a "hole of claim B. . suit C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1'/. "here it appears to the Court that an( cause of action @oined in one suit cannot -e convenientl( tried or disposed of to7ether the Court ma( A Transfer case to %istrict rder separate trial B. . Court C.$e@ect the suit Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1'0. rder) 555) of C.P.C deals with A Appearance of plaintiffs . Appearance of reco7nied C. a7ents and pleaders Answer & Explanation
B.Appearance of attorne(
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1'2. A person can appoint pleader for liti7ation -( sin7in7 A A7reement B.Power of attorne( . C.Affidavit Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1'3. rder 5!) of C.P.C deals with A Appointment of a7ent B.5nstitution of suits . C.ramin7 of suit Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1'6. A suit can -e instituted throu7h plaint -( filin7 it -efore A Competent Court B.Court Authoried fficer .
C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1',. rder !) of C.P.C deals with A 5ssue and service of B.5ssuance of warrant . summons C.5ssuance of precept Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1'*. "hen suit has -een dul( instituted a summon ma( -e issued to A %efendants . C.=overnment Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1/+. As per rder !) $ule ' the summon shall -e accompanied -( cop( of A %ocument upon which . plaintiff rel( C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption !
9ervice of the summons shall -e made -( deliverin7 or tenderin7 a cop( thereof si7ned -( the A Jud7e B.fficer of the Court .
C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1/'. rder !) $ule 1+?A) of C.P.C. deals with A %eliver( of summons throu7h Court officer B.%eliver( of summons throu7h post . C.%eliver( of summons in an( wa( Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1//. "hen defendant refuse or #eepin7 out of the wa( for the purpose of avoidin7 service or Court is satisfied that summons can not -e served in ordinar( wa( than Court will order for the service of summons in A 8ormal wa(s B.9u-stituted wa(s . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1/0. The term :su-stituted service: means A 9ervice of process upon defendant in an( . wa( C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.9ervice of process made under authoriation of Court upon defendants
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
1/2. rder !) $ule '+) of C.P.C deals with A 9ervice of summons throu7h su-stituted 9ervice of summons throu7h ordinar( wa(s B. . wa(s C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1/3. rder !) $ule '+) prescri-ed wa(s and manners for service of summons A 0 B.2 . C.3 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1/6. Fr7ent mail service or courier service is wa( of summon servin7s A rdinar( B.9u-stituted . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1/,. Proclamation in news papers is also a t(pe of A 9u-stituted service B.rdinar( service . C.9pecial service Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
1/*. "here the defendant is confined in a prison the summons shall -e delivered or sent -( post or otherwise to A The officer inchar7e of prison B.Attorne( =eneral . C.Pu-lic Prosecutor Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 10+. As per rder!) $ule ',) of C.P.C. where the defendant is a soldier) sailor or airmen the Court shall send the summons for service to A Chief of 9taff Committee B.Chief of Air 9taff) 8avel or Arm( . Commandin7 fficer to7ether with a cop( C. to -e retained -( the defendants Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
101. rder !5) of C.P.C. deals with A Pleadin7s . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.9u-mission of written statement
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 10'. The term :Pleadin7: means A Plant . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B."ritten statement
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
10/. As per principle laid down in rder !5) $ule ') of C.P.C. Pleadin7s needs to state. A aterial facts not evidence B.Evidence . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 100. As per rder !5) $ule 10) pleadin7 to -e A 8otried . C.9i7ned -( the part( and his pleader Answer & Explanation
B.9i7ned -( Court fficer
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 102. rder !5) $ule 12) of C.P.C. deals with A !erification of pleadin7 . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.Amendment of pleadin7s
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 103. As per rder !5) $ule 1,) of C.P.C. A part( allowed for amendment can amend the pleadin7 within A 1+ da(s B.10 da(s . C.1, da(s Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 106. rder !55) of C.P.C. deals with A Plaint .
B."ritten statement
C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 10,. . !55 of C.P.C contains $ules. A '0) . C.'3) Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 10*. The name of the Court in which a suit is -rou7ht must -e written in plaint as provided in A rder !55) $ule ') of C.P.C B.rder !55) $ule '?A) of C.P.C . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 12+.
rder !55) $ule 1 of C.P.C. contains A 6 9u-?rules or in7redients B., 9u-?rules or in7redients . C.* 9u-?rules or in7redients Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C
121. "here the plaintiff see#s recover( of mone( the plaint shall state the A Price amount claimed B.!alue of amount in F9G . C.9tam value of the plaint Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 12'. As per rder !55) $ule /) of C.P.C. where the su-@ect matter of the suit is immova-le propert( the plaint shall Contain a description of the A Contains reflection of that B.propert( sufficient to . propert( identif( it C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 12/. rder !55) $ule *) of C.P.C. deals with A Procedure of admittin7 Procedure of admittin7 B. . plaint written statement Procedure of collectin7 C. Court fee Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 120. Procedure for return of a plaint is provided in A . !55) $. 1+;1< B.. !55) $. 1+;'<) . C.. !55) $. 1+;/<)
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 122. "here a plaint does not disclose cause of action A 5t can -e re@ected B.5t can -e amended . C.5t can -e returned Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 123. $e@ection of plaint is dealt -( A . !55) $ule 1+) B.. !55) $. 11) . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 126. rder !55) $ule 11 of C.P.C. provides in7redients from which deficienc( of an( occasion can cause re@ection of plaint A / B.0 . C.2 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 12,. The procedure for re@ection of plaint is provided A . !55) $ule 1') of C.P.C. B.. !55) $ule 11) of C.P.C.
. C.. !55) $ule 11?A) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 12*. "here plaintiff rel( on an( other documents as evidence in support of his claim he shall enter such documents in A Plaint B.5n specific application . 5n a list to -e added or C. annexed with the plaint Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 13+. Address of the plaintiff to -e filed with plaint for service of notices as provided in A . !55) $ule 10) of C.P.C. B.. !55) $ule 13) of C.P.C. . C.. !55) $ule 1*) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
131. "here a plaintiff or petitioner failed to file an address for service of summon or notices his plaint or petition A 9hall -e re@ected . C.9hall -e re@ected with cost Answer & Explanation
B.9hall -e send to %istrict Court
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
13'. "here a part( en7a7es a pleader notices summons or other processes for service on him shall -e served in the manners as prescri-ed in A rder ! of C.P.C. B.rder 555) $ule 2 of C.P.C. . C. 8one of the a-ove of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 13/. The rder of C.P.C which deals with written statement is A rder !55) B.rder !555) . C.rder 54) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 130. The repl( of the plaint filed -( the defendant is familiar as A "ritten repl( B.$epl( . C."ritten 9tatement Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 132. rder !555 of C.P.C. have $ules A 1/ B.12 . C.16 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 133. As per . !555) $ule ') of C.P.C. must raise -( his pleadin7s all matters which show the suit not to -e maintaina-le A %efendant . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 136. Accordin7 . !555) $. /) of C.P.C. when defendant den( an( fact of plaint denial to -e A 9pecific B.Exemplar( . C.Am-i7uous Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 13,. Evasive denial -( defendant A ave 7reat importance in the %oes not have an( sanctit( B. . e(e of law in the e(e of law C.%epends upon matter Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 13*. %enial -( defendant A ust -e specific .
B.ust -e relevant
C.ust -e pointed out Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 16+. As per . !555) $. 3) particular of set off to -e 7iven in A Plaint B."ritten statement . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
A sues B on a -ill of exchan7e for $s.2++) B holds a @ud7ment a7ainst A for $s.1+++. The two claims -ein7 -oth definite pecuniar( demands ma( -e set off. The illustration is 7iven in A rder !555) $. 2) C.P.C B.rder !555) $. 3) of C.P.C . C.rder !555) $. 6) of C.P.C Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 16'. As per . !555) $. 1+) of C.P.C. "here an( part( from whom a written statement is so reDuired fails to produce the same with in fixed time -efore the Court A The Court ma( pronounce @ud7ment B.a#e an( other order re7ardin7 the suit . a7ainst it C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 16/. . !555) $ule 1/) of C.P.C. deals with A ist of le7al representatives of plaintiff . of le7al representatives of defendants
C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 160. . 54) of C.P.C. contains $ules A 1/ . C.12 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 162. . 54) of C.P.C deals with A Appearance of the parties . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.ConseDuences of non appearance of the parties
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 163. As per . 54) $ule ') of C.P.C. where summons not served in conseDuence of plaintiff failure to pa( cost) the Court A a( dismissed the suit B.a( order for summon at Courts expenses . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 166. "here neither plaintiff nor defendant appear on fixed da( of hearin7 the fate of the suit
shall -e A Ad@ournment as provided in r. 54) $ule /) %ismissed as provided in . 54) $. /) of B. . of C.P.C. C.P.C. The Court ma( pass rder of Cost as C. provided in r. 54) $ule /) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 16,. Fnder . 54) $ule 2) of C.P.C. empowers the Court to dismiss the suit when summons are unserved and plaintiff failed to appl( for fresh summons A or a period of / months B.or a period of 0 months . C.or a period of 2 months Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 16*. "hen plaintiff appeared defendant does not appeared and summons are dul( served the Court ma( proceed ex?parte a7ainst defendant as provided -( A . 54) $ule 0) of C.P.C. B.. 54) $ule 3) of C.P.C. . C.. 54) $ule ,) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,+. Ex parte order can -e passed in favour of A Plaintiff . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
1,1. or settin7 aside ex parte order affected part( needs to file A An application B.A fresh fuit . C.A revision Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,'. . 54) $ule 1/) of C.P.C. deals with A 9ettin7 aside ex?parte decree a7ainst Passin7 of ex?parte order B. . defendants %ismissal of plaintiffHs suit due to plaintiffs C. failure to appear non appearance Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,/. As per . 54) $ule 10) of C.P.C. no decree to -e set aside upon application with out notice to A pposite part( B.9enior Civil Jud7e . C.%istrict Jud7e Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,0. . 54?A of C.P.C. deals with A 9ettin7 aside exparte orders . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
5ntermediate dates after su-mission of application
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,2. rder 4 of C.P.C. deals with A Examination of witnesses -( the 9ummons to witnesses -( the Commission B. . Commission C.Examination of parties -( the Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,3. rder 4 of C.P.C. have $ules A 0 . C.1' Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,6. At the first hearin7 of the suit the Court will conduct oral examination of the part( or his companion as provided in A . 4) $ule ') of C.P.C. B.. 4) $ule 0) of C.P.C. . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,,. "hen a @ud7e examine an( part( under . 4 of C.P.C. he shall A 8ot reduce such examination into writin7 B.$educe such examination into writin7 . C.%epends upon @ud7e discretion Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1,*. rder 45) of C.P.C. contains $ules A 1/) . C.//) Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*+. r. 45) of C.P.C. deals with A %iscover( and inspection .
B.Ex. Parte
C.9i7ht inspection Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
1*1. Fnder . 45) $ule 1) of C.P.C. an( part( of the suit can A %eliver interro7atories for the examination %eliver interro7atories for the examination B. . of the Court of the opposite part( C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*'. The interro7atories made -( an( part( under . 4i) $ule 1) of C.P.C. for discover( A ust -e in written form B.Be in oral form . C.%epends upon parties discretion Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*/. A part( can ma#e interro7atories from opposite part( -( A ilin7 application for permission to do so . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.B( ma#in7 separate suit
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*0. r. 45) $ule 6) of C.P.C. empowers Court A To accpet whole of interro7atories made -( To set aside and stri#e out interro7atories if B. . an( of the part( the( do not fulfill reDuirement of law C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*2. The answerin7 part( shall answer the interro7atories throu7h affidavit as provided in A . 45) $ule 3) of C.P.C. B.. 45) $ule 6) of C.P.C. . C.. 45) $ule ,) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*3. . 45) $ule 1/) of C.P.C. provided su-mission of A Affidavit of interro7atories B.Affidavit of documents . C.Both ;a< and ;-<
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*6. An affidavit in answer to interro7atories shall -e in orm 8o. in Appendix C with such variations as circumstances ma( reDuire A /) B.0) . C.2) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1*,. rder 455) of C.P.C. is a-out A Admissions in cross examination . C.Admissions Answer & Explanation
B.Admissions in pleadin7s
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 1**. rder 455) of C.P.C. contains A 3 $ules) .
B.* $ules)
C.1' $ules) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '++. As per ) 455) $. 1 an( part( to a suit ma( 7ive notice -( his pleadin7s or otherwise in writin7 that he admits the truth of the whole or an( portion of the case of
A is own . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.pposite part(
Answer: ption !
'+1. . 455) $ule ') of C.P.C. deals with A 8otice to admit documents . C. 8otice to repl( the interro7atories Answer & Explanation
B.8otice to contest matters
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '+'. Trial Court is empowered -( . 455) of C.P.C to pass @ud7ment on the -asis of admissions made -( parties in their pleadin7s or at an( sta7e of proceedin7s A $ule ') B.$ule 0) . C.$ule 3) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '+/. An affidavit of pleader or his cler# with due si7nature of an( admission made in pursuance of an( notice to admit documents or facts shall -e sufficient evidence of A Admission as provided in . 455) $ule 6) %enial as provided in r. 455) $ule 6. of B. . of C.P.C. C.P.C. C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '+0. rder 4555) contains $ules) A6
. C.11 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '+2. . 4555 of C.P.C. deals with A Production of documents . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.5mpoundin7 and return of documents
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '+3. As per . 4555) $ule 1 of C.P.C. documentar( evidence to -e produced at A irst hearin7 B.At the end of trial . C.After recordin7 oral evidence Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '+6. 5f a part( fail to produce an( documentar( evidence at su-seDuent sta7e can produce it if that part( A 5s effective) . C.a#e application with affidavit Answer & Explanation
B.9hows 7ood cause for non production of evidence
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
'+,. As per . 4555) $ule /) the Court A Can re@ect irrellevant and inadmissi-le . document at an( sta7e C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.Can su-mit documents at an( sta7e
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '+*. "hen Court re@ect an( document under . 4555) $ule / C.P.C. it A ust inform the affected part( B.ust inform the -eneficent part( . C.ust record 7round of re@ection Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '1+.
Ever( document produced in Court A Can -e su-mitted B.9hall -e endorsed . without endorsement C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
'11. The documents su-mitted in an( Court shall -e endorsed as provided in A . 4555) $ule ') of C.P.C. B.. 4555) $ule /) of C.P.C. . C.. 4555) $ule 0) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '1'. "hen an( document is re@ected -( Court under . 4555) $ule
/ of C.P.C. the order of such re@ection will -e A Appeala-le B.$eviewa-le . C.$evisiona-le Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '1/. . 4555) $ule 3) C.P.C. deals with A Endorsement on accepted Endorsement on re@ected B. . documents documents C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '10. can appl( for return of admitted documents under . 4555) $ule * A The winnin7 part( B.The losin7 part( . An( person desirous of C. receivin7 -ac# such documents who su-mitted Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '12. . 45!) of C.P.C is re7ardin7 9ettlement of issues and A determination of suit on 9u-mission of documents B. . issues of law or on issues and their le7al value a7reed upon C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '13. . 45!) of C.P.C. contains $ules A 2) . C.*) Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '16. At the time of framin7 of issues Court see# li7ht from A Plaint B."ritten statement . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '1,. As per . 45!) $ule 1) 9u- $ule ;3<) of C.P.C. Court does not reDuires to frame issues where %efendant at the first A Plaintiff at the first hearin7 B.hearin7 of the suit ma#es no . ma#es no improvements defence C."here defendant produce or su-mit affidavit Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '1*. The term :issue: means
A Controvers( -etween the . parties C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
Contention -etween the parties
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ''+. 5ssues has #inds A ' . C.3 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A
Accordin7 . 45!) $ule 0) while framin7 issues Court ma( examine witnesses or A Court will examine onl( B.documents -efore fromin7 . relevant document issues C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '''. The issues once framed can A 8ot -e chan7ed . C.depends upon circumstances
B.Be chan7ed as provided in . 45!) $ule 2)
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ''/. "here at the first hearin7 of a suit it appears that the parties are not at issue on an( Duestion of law or of fact the Court ma( A At once pronounce @ud7ment B.At once order for amendment of suit
. C. 8one of a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ''0. . 4!) of C.P.C. deals with A %isposal of the suit at first hearin7 . C.%isposal of suit after conclusion of trial Answer & Explanation
B.%isposal of suit at proper time
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ''2. . 4!) contains $ules) A 0 . C., Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ''3. . 4!5) of C.P.C deal with A 9ummonin7 to attendance of plaintiff . C.9ummonin7 to attendance of witnesses Answer & Explanation
B.9ummonin7 to attendance of defendants
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ''6. . 4!5) of C.P.C. contains $ules
A 1*) . C.'/) Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '',. 8ot later than da(s after settlement of issues the parties shall present in the Court list of witnesses whom the( proposed to call as witness or to produce documents A 6 B.1+ . C.10 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ''*. n application to Court or such officer as it appoints in this -ehalf the parties ma( o-tains summons for persons whose attendance is reDuired in the Court as provided in A . 4!5) $ule 1) 9u- rule 1) B.. 4!5) $ule 1) 9u- rule ') . C.. 4!5) $ule 1) 9u- rule /) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/+. "hen a part( appl( for summonin7 to witness the expanses shall -e A Paid -( the same part( B.Paid -( the opposin7 part( . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
'/1. The sum so paid into Courts shall -e tendered to the person summoned A Time of receivin7 summon B.5n Court
. C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/'. 5n li7ht of . 4!5) $ule 0) of C.P.C. in case of deficienc( of fee for summonin7 witnesses the Court ma( A rder to pa( the fee from =overnment rder to attach or sale movea-le propert( B. . treasur( of appl(in7 person C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '//. Ever( summons for the attendance of a person to 7ive evidence or to produce a document shall specif( the time and place at which he is reDuired to attend as provided in A . 4!5) $ule 0) of C.P.C. B.. 4!5) $ule 2) of C.P.C. . C.. 4!5) $ule 3) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/0. "hen a witness for attendance of whom summons were issued intentionall( avoid from receivin7 summons the Court ma( ma#e order for A Proclamation B.Attachment of that witness propert( . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/2. 5f a person for attendance of whom proclamation was made intentionall( not appear -efore Court the Court will ma#e A "arrant without -ail B.Baila-le warrant . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/3. "hen as per . 4!5) $ule) $ule 1+) of C.P.C. due to non appearance of a witness attached propert( can -e released A 5f he is -e(ond countr( B.5f he denied to record evidence . 5f he show sufficient 7ood cause for his non C. appearance -efore court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/6. Fnder . 4!5 $ule 10 of C.P.C. the Court can summon on its own accord to witnesses to suit A Plaintiff B.%efendant . C.9tran7er Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/,. . of C.P.C. deals with ad@ournments A 4!55) B.4!555) . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '/*. . 4!55 of C.P.C. contains $ules A/ . C.2 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '0+.
The Court ma( 7rant time and ad@ourn hearin7 as provided in . 4!55) $ule 1) when A Court is -us( B.An( part( intend to do so . An( part( reDuest for C. ad@ournment with sufficient cause Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
'01. Provided that when the of a case has once -e7un the hearin7 of the suit shall -e continued from da( to da( A iti7ation B.Ad@ournment . C.Evidence Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '0'. . 4!55 $ule of of C.P.C deals with ri7ht of closin7 evidence of the part( which failed to produce evidence. A/ B.0
. C.2 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '0/. "here a suit or proceedin7 is set down for a da( which is holida( the parties thereto shall appear in the court on the da( followin7 that da( as provided in A . 4!55) $. ') of C.P.C B.. 4!55) $. /) of C.P.C . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '00. .4!555 deals with A earin7 of the suit . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
Examination of the witnesses
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '02. . 4!555) contains $ules A 12) B.1,) . C.'1) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
'03. Fnder . 4!555 $ule 1 of the C.P.C. the must produce whatever evidence he wishes to rel( upon in the first instances A Plaintiff B.%efendant . C.Court fficer Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '06. Ever( part( of the case needs to prove its case accordin7 A law B.acts . C.5ssues of its pleadin7s Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '0,. The evidence of the witnesses in attendance to -e ta#en orall( in A pen Court B.Be(ond Court . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '0*. "itness to -e examined in open Court as provided in A . 4!555) $. /) B.. 4!555) $. 0) . C.. 4!555) $. 2) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '2+. . 4!555) $ule 2) of C.P.C. deals with recordin7 of evidence -efore A Trial Court B.Appellate Court . C.$evisional Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
'21. The Court ma( at an( sta7e of a suit has power to inspect an( propert( or thin7 concernin7 which an( Duestion ma( arise as provided in A . 4!555) $. 10) of C.P.C. B.. 4!555) $. 13) of C.P.C. . C.. 4!555) $. 1,) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '2'. . 454 of C.P.C. contains $ules A /) B.3) . C.*) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '2/. . 454) of C.P.C. deals with A Amended issues . C.Affidavits Answer & Explanation
B.Amended applications
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '20. A witness who su-mits affidavit can -e ordered -( Court for as provided in .454)$.') A Application for su-mission 'nd affidavit B. . of affidavit Cross examination of C. deponents Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '22. rder 44) of C.P.C. contains $ules A 12) . C.'2) Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '23. . 44) of C.P.C. deals with A Jud7ment and decree .
B.Execution of decrees
C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '26. A @ud7ment must -e si7ned -( at the time of pronouncin7 it
A Jud7e . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.Court fficer
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '2,. A @ud7ment or order needs to -e pronounced A 5n open Court B.At -rea# time . C.At first da( of wee# Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '2*. The document throu7h which a Court not passin7 the @ud7ment execute it is called A Permission order B.fficial order . C.Precept Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '3+. The Courts needs to states its decisions and findin7s upon A acts . C.5ssues Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
'31. The shall a7ree with the @ud7ment and it shall contain
the num-er of the suits the names and description of the parties and shall specif( clearl( the relief 7ranted and the cost etc. A Jud7ment B.rder . C.%ecree Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '3'. "here the su-@ect matter of the suit is mova-le propert( the decree shall contain the A %escription of such propert( B.!alue of the propert( . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '3/. rder 44) $ule 2) prescri-es modes of A The Court state decision That Court to state its B. . conclusivel( decision on each issue C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '30. A @ud7e ma( pronounce a @ud7ment written -ut not pronounced -( his predecessor as provided in A . 44) $ule 1) of C.P.C. B.. 44) $ule ') of C.P.C. . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '32. "here a @ud7e vacated office after pronouncin7 @ud7ment -ut without si7nin7 decree the decree ma( -e si7ned -( as provided -( . 44) $. ,) A The successor of decree Court fficer B. . passin7 @ud7e C.%istrict Jud7e Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '33. 5n pre?emption decree in respect of purchase of propert( the purchasin7 mone( shall -e paid A 5n the Court B.To the vendee . C.To revenue department Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '36. Pre?emption decree can not -e incorporated in A Appellate Court B.$evision Court . C.$evenue record Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '3,. . 445) of C.P.C. contains $ules
A ,/) . C.1+/) Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '3*. . 445) of C.P.C. deals with A Execution of decrees B.Execution of rders . Execution of -oth ;a< and C. ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '6+. . 445) $ule 1 of C.P.C. deals with A odes of pa(in7 mone( odes of execution B. . under decree C.odes of decree transfer Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
'61. "here immova-le propert( forms one estate or tenure situate within local limits of the @urisdiction of two or more Courts) an( one of such Court ma( attach and sell the entire estate or tenure as provided -( A . 445) $ule /) of C.P.C. . C.. 445) $ule *) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
B.. 445) $ule 3) of C.P.C.
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '6'. odes of transfer of executin7 decree is provided in A . 445) $ule 2) of C.P.C. B.. 445) $ule 3) of C.P.C. . C.. 445) $ule 6) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '6/. "here a decree is passed in favour of more than one person the execution application can -e made -( A The person specified -( An( person from decree B. . Court holders C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '60. $ule for execution of decree in cases of cross decrees is provided in A . 445) $ule ,) of C.P.C. B.. 445) $ule 1,) of C.P.C. . C.. 445) $ule ',) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '62. %iscretion of Court in executin7 decrees for restitution of con@u7al ri7ht is provide in A . 445) $ule /+) of C.P.C. B.. 445) $ule /') of C.P.C. . C.. 445) $ule //) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '63. Procedure for execution of decree for document or endorsement of ne7otia-le instrument is provided in A . 445) $ule /') of C.P.C. B.. 445) $ule //) of C.P.C. . C.. 445) $ule /0) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '66. "here a @ud7ment de-tor does not appeared -efore executin7 Court upon show cause notice the Court will issue A "arrant of arrest . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.8otices a7ain
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '6,. . 445) $. 00) deals with attachment of A 5ndustrial produce B.A7ricultural produce . C.ovea-le propert( Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '6*. Attachment of immova-le propert( durin7 execution of a decree is provided in
A . 445) $. 00) . C.. 445) $. 30) Answer & Explanation
B.. 445) $. 20)
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ',+. 9ale of immova-le propert( in execution of a decree ma( -e ordered -( A Executin7 Court B.An( Court . C.9pecial Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
"here immova-le propert( has -een sold in execution of a decree an( person either owin7 such propert( or holdin7 an interest therein if appl( to set aside sale he will deposit. A 2I of purchase amount . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
B.1+I of purchase amount
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ','. A decree holder of a decree in execution of which propert( is sold can not -id without permission of A Jud7ment de-tor . C.Collector Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
',/. .4455) of C.P.C deals with A %eath) marria7e and insolvenc( of %eath) marria7e and insolvenc( of plaintiff B. . defendant C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ',0. "here a Duestion arises as to whether an( person is or is not the le7al representatives of the deceased plaintiffs or defendants such Duestion shall -e determined -( A The Court as provided in . 4455) $. 2) of The relevant parties as provided in . B. . C.P.C 4455) $. 2) of C.P.C The heirs of the deceased as provided in . C. 4455) $. 2) of C.P.C Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ',2. . 4455) of C.P.C. deal with A ilin7 of counter suit . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
B."ithdrawal and ad@ustment of suits
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ',3. . 44555) of C.P.C. contains $ules A 0) . C.1') Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ',6. As per . 44555 $. 1 of C.P.C. after institution of a suit plaintiff can withdraw suit A "ith permission and satisfaction of Court B."ithout permission of Court . C."ith consultation of Court fficer Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ',,. "hen there are more plaintiffs then of the others plaintiff will -e need for withdrawal of a suit. A Affidavits B."ritten permission . C.Consent Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ',*. Ad@ustment of auit throu7h compromise is provided -( A . 44555) $. ') of C.P.C. B.. 44555) $. /) of C.P.C. . C.. 44555) $. /?A) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '*+.
rder 45! of C.P.C deals with A Pa(ment into Court B.Pa(ment to plaintiff . C.Pa(ment of defendant Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A
'*1. . 445!) contains $ules A ' B.0 . C.3 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '*'. "hen defendant deposit an amount in Court and 7ive notice to plaintiff to appl( for smount interest on deposit not allowed to the plaintiff A Before issuance of B.After inssuance of notice . defendant C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '*/. 9ecurit( for costs is dealt -( A . 445!) $. 2) of C.P.C. . C.. 44!) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation
B.. 445!) $. 3) of C.P.C.
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '*0. rder 44!) contains $ules A 1 B.' . C./ Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '*2. "hen securit( for costs ma( -e reDuired from plaintiff A "hen plaintiff is died .
"hen plaintiff is out of the countr( and does not possess an( immovea-le propert( in the countr(
"hen plaintiff failed to C. produce evidence re7ardin7 his suit Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '*3. "hen plaintiff of a suit failed to provide securit( of costs under . 44! of C.P.C. upon order of Court the suit will -e A %ismissed B.Continued . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '*6. rder deals with commission to examine witnesses A . 44!5) of C.P.C. B.. 44!) of C.P.C. . C.. 445!) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
'*,. rder 44!5) of C.P.C contains rules A 12 B.'+ . C.'' Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum '**. "hen an( person reDuired in Court to produce evidence is una-le to attend the Court due to his or her illness it is A 9ound reason for the Court 8ot a sound reason for the B. . issuance of commission Court to issue commission %epends upon Court to C. consider this reason sound or not Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /++. "hen an( part( ma#e application to the Court for issuance of local commission under. 44!5 $ule ') the application A 5s sufficient without ust -e with affidavit B. . affidavit %epends upon Courts C. discretion Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
/+1. Persons for whose examination commissions ma( -e issues are provided in A . 44!5) $. ' B.. 44!5) $. / . C.. 44!5) $. 0 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /+'. "here the evidence of a witness is necessar( -ut the person to -e examined is out of Pa#istan the Court ma( A 5ssue commission B.5ssue a letter of reDuest . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /+/. ocal commission to ma#e local investi7ation can -e issued under A . 445!) $. *) of C.P.C. . C.. 44!) $. *) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation
B.. 44!5) $. *) of C.P.C.
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /+0. or partition of a propert( court ma( issue as local commissioner A A Patwari B.A Tehsildar . An( person which it deems C. fit Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
/+2. The expenses of local commissions to -e paid A %irectl( to the 5nto the Court B. . commissioner C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /+3. "here commission is issued under rder 44!5) the Court shall direct that the parties of the suit shall appear -efore the Commissioner A 5n persons B.Throu7h a7ent or pleader . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /+6. . 44!5 $ule 1* of C.P.C deals with issuance of commission -( A i7h Court B.9upreme Court . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /+,. The i7h Court ma( issue commission upon application of A aw officer of the Provincial Concerned part( B. . or ederal =overnment C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /+*. Fnder . 44!5) $. 1*) of C.P.C. i7h Court can issue as commission to An( Court within the local A An( person which it deems . fit B.limits of whose Jurisdiction the witness reside C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /1+. .44!55) of C.P.C deals with A 9uit -( or a7ainst the . =overnment C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
9uit -( or a7ainst pu-lic B.officers in the officials capacit(
Answer: ption !
.44!55) of C.P.C contains $ules A 3 B., . C.1' Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /1'. 9uits involvin7 an( su-stantial Duestion as to the interpretation of Constitutional law are dealt -( A .44!55 B..44!55?A . C..44!555 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /1/. 5n an( suit where interpretation of Constitutional law is involved and the Duestion of law is concerned to ederal =overnment the Court shall served notice to A Attorne( =eneral B.Advocate =eneral . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /10. 5n an( suit where interpretation of Constitutional law is involved and the Duestion of law is concerned to Provincial =overnment the Court shall served notice to A Attorne( =eneral . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
B.Advocate =eneral
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /12. .44!555) of C.P.C. deals with A 9uits -( or a7ainst ;ilitar() 8av( or . Airmen< en
B.9uit -( or a7ainst Police or $an7ers
C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /13. .44!555) contains $ules A/
. C.* Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /16. An officer of Arm( if he is una-le to sue or defend an( suit due to leave he ma( sue or defend an( suit throu7h A is commandin7 officer B.An( person authoried -( him . elders Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /1,. 9uit -( or a7ainst corporations dealt -( A . 44!555 . C.. 444 Answer & Explanation
B.. 4454
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /1*. rder 4454) of C.P.C contains $ules A/ . C.* Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
5n suit -( a corporation an( pleadin7 ma( -e si7ned and verified on -ehalf of the corporation -( A 9ecretar( or director of the Principal officer of the B. . corporation corporation C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
/'1. "here a suit is a7ainst corporation the summons ma( -e served on A 9ecretar( or director of the Principal officer of the B. . corporation corporation C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /''. The Court ma( at an( sta7e of the suit reDuire the personal appearance of the secretar() director or principal officer of the corporation as provided in A . 4454) $ule 1 B.. 4454) $ule / . C.. 444) $ule / Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /'/. rder 444) of C.P.C deals with suits a7ainst or -( irms and persons carr(in7 A Corporations B.on -usiness in names other . than own C.5nterior inistr( Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /'0. rder 444) of C.P.C contains $ules A / B.3 . C.1+ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /'2. An( two or more persons claimin7 or -ein7 lia-le as partners and carr(in7 on -usiness in Pa#istan ma( sue or e sued in the name A Personall( B.irm . C.B( a7ent Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /'3. "here persons are sued as partners in the name of their firm the( shall appear individuall( in their own names -ut all su-seDuent proceedin7s shall nevertheless containue in A Their own names B.The name of firm . C.%epends upon courts discretion Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /'6. An( person carr(in7 on -usiness in a name or st(le other than
his own ma( -e sued A B( the name of his -usiness B.B( his own name . or st(le C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /',. The rder of C.P.C. dealin7 with suits -( of a7ainst trustees executors and administrators is A rder 444) of C.P.C B.rder 4445) of C.P.C . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /'*. . 4445 contains $ules. A / B.3 . C.* Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum //+. "here a third person sue a trust propert( defendant will -e A Trustee B.ri7inal owner . %epend upon court is C. discretion Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
//1. "here there are several trustees) executors or administrators the( shall all -e made parties to a suit a7ainst one or more of them as provided in A . 445) $. 1 of C.P.C. B.. 4445) $. ' of C.P.C. . C.. 4445) $. / of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum //'. "here plaintiff of a suit is minor the matter shall -e dealt -( A rder 444 of C.P.C B.rder 4445 of C.P.C . C.rder 44455 of C.P.C Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum ///. . 44455 contains $ules A 1' B.13 . C.'+ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum //0. Ever( suit -( a minor shall -e instituted in his name -( a person who in such suit shall -e called A 8ext friend B.riend . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum //2. An( application for the appointment of 7uardian of minor for suit shall contain ist of relatives of the A An affidavit verif(in7 the minors and other persons fact that proposed 7uardian B.and their adverse who . has no interest prima?facie are most li#el( to act as 7uardian C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum //3. ualification for -ecomin7 next friend of minor as provided in . 44455 is A That the person must -e . ma@or and sound minded That the person must -e C. hi7hl( Dualified Answer & Explanation
That the person must -e presti7ious
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum //6. "here a suit on -ehalf of minor is instituted without next friend plaint A To -e ta#en of the file . C.To -e sta(ed Answer & Explanation
B.To -e re@ected
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
//,. n the retirement removal or death of the next friend of a minor further proceedin7 shall -e A 9ta(ed until new 7uardian or 9ta(ed until the minor B. . next friend is appointed -ecame ma@or C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum //*. As per . 44455) $. 1' su- $. ;'< where the 7uardian for the suit retires dies or removed -( Court durin7 the pendenc( of the suit A The next 7uardian will -e The Court shall appoint new B. . appointed -( minor 7uardian C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /0+. "here a minor co?plaintiff on attainin7 ma@orit( appl( to the Court that his name -e struc# off the Court will serve notices to -efore ma#in7 an( order A 8ext friend of the minor B.%efendant of the suit . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
/01. rder 444555) of C.P.C deals with A 9uits -( unsound persons B.9uits -( paupers . C.9uits -( forei7ners Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /0'. rder 444555 of C.P.C contains $ules A 1' B.13 . C.'+ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /0/. :Pauper: means a person "ho does not possess sufficient means to ena-le A him to pa( the fee . prescri-ed -( law for the
The person who does not possess propert( worth B. 1+++? rupees other than his necessar( wearin7
plaint in suit C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /00. Before filin7 suit as pauper there is reDuired appliction with full prescription of applicant and propert( A ovea-le) immova-le Appraisal) -elon7in7s B. . propert( C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /02. The appliction for filin7 pauper suit shall -e filed in A The revenue department B.$elevant Court
. C.5n i7h Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /03. . 444555) $ule * of C.P.C impose condition for dispauperin7 A ' B./ . C.0 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /06. rder declarin7 a part( pauper for the purpose of pa(ment of Court fee is order A $evisa-le B.Appeala-le . C.$eviewa-le Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /0,. The rder of C.P.C. deals with suits relatin7 to mort7a7es of immova-le propert( A 444555?A) B.444555?B) . C.4445!) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /0*. rder 4445!) of C.P.C. contains $ules A 1+ B.12 . C.'+ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /2+. All persons havin7 an interest either in the mort7a7e securit( or in the ri7ht of redemption shall -e @oined as parties A 5n a suit relatin7 to 5n mort7a7e document B. . morta7a7e C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
/21. 5n a suit for foreclosure if the plaintiff succeded the Court shall pass a A Preliminar( decree B.inal decree . C.Ex?parte decree Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /2'. . 4445!) $. /) of C.P.C. deals with decree in foreclosure suit. A Preliminar( B.inal . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /2/. ort7a7e -( the deposit of title deeds and char7es is provided in A . 4445!) $. 12) of C.P.C. B.. 4445!) $. 13) of C.P.C. . C.. 4445!) $. 16) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /20. . 444!) of C.P.C deals with A ort7a7e suits B.9ervice matters suits . C.5nterpleader suits Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /22. . 444!) contains $ules A 0 B.3 . C., Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /23. 5n ever( suit of interpleader the plaint shall in addition to other statement necessar( for plaints state A That the plaintiff claims no B.That there is no collusion . interest in the su-@ect matter -etween the plaintiff and in dispute other than for an( of the defendant
char7es) or costs) the claims made -( the defendants severall( C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /26. As per . 444!) $. ') of C.P.C. in interpleader suit where the thin7 claimed is capa-le of -ein7 paid into Court or placed in the custod( of the Court The plaintiff ma( -e The defendant ma( -e A reDuired to so pa( or place it B.reDuired to so pa( or place it . -efore Court -efore Court 8one of a-ove needs to pa( C. or place so reDuired -efore Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /2,. . 444!5 of C.P.C. deals with A Avera7e cases B.9pecial cases . C.Fr7ent cases Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /2*. . 444!5) contains $ules A / B.0 . C.2 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /3+. 5n a case where parties claimin7 to -e interested in the decision of an( Duestion of fact or law for the purpose of o-tainin7 opinion of the Court) the case is A Case of special nature B.Case of pecuniar( matter . C.Case of routine matter Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
/31. 5n special cases parties claimin7 to -e interested in decision of an( Duestion of fact or law ma( enter into in writin7 statin7 such Duestion in the form of case for opinion of the Court A A compromise . C.An a7reement Answer & Explanation
B.A commitment
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /3'. rder 444!55) of C.P.C. deals with cases A 9pecial cases on ne7otia-le 9ummar( cases on B. . instruments ne7otia-le instruments C. rdinar( cases on ne7otia-le instruments Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /3/. . 444!55) of C.P.C. contain $ules
A 6 . C.11 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /30. Fnder rder 444!55) summar( cases can -e filed in A Court of 9ession B.i7h Court . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /32. 5n summar( trial the defendants are summoned in rdinar( manners as A As provided in orm 0 provided in rder !) $ule 2) B. . appendix B of C.P.C. of C.P.C. C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /33. 5n summar( case when defendant appear -efore Court after receivin7 summon he needs A eave of Court to defend the To su-mit written repl( B. . suit C.To surrender Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /36. The application moved -( defendant for 7rant of leave from the Court for defence must contains A All relevant documents B.Affidavit . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /3,. "here the trial Court re@ected application of defendant for 7rant of leave to defend than the Court A 9hall decree the suit B.9hall re@ect the suit . 9hall proceed further C. proceedin7s Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /3*. The trial Court under . 444!55 $ule / su-?rule ;'< ma( 7rant eave with terms as to A Fnconditional leave to in Court for . defend securit( C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /6+. rder of C.P.C. deals with arrest and attachment -efore @ud7ment A rder 444!55) B.rder 444!555) .
C.rder 44454) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption !
/61. rder 444!555) contains $ules A 6 B.1+ . C.1/ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /6'. rder 444!555) $ule 1 deals with A 9ecurit( of defendant for 9ecurit( of plaintiff for B. . appearance appearance C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /6/. "here the defendant is a-out to a-scond or leave the local limits of the @urisdiction of the Court) the Court for itHs own satisfaction ma( order the defendant A To furnish securit( B.To surrender for his arrest . To ma#e compromise with C. plaintiff Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /60. .44454) of C.P.C. deals with A Passin7 of temporar( B.Passin7 of interlocutor(
. in@unction C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /62. rder 44454) of C.P.C contains $ules A 1+ B.12 . C.'+ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /63. or application of temporar( in@unction affidavit is A %epends upon applicantHs Essential B. . mode %epends upon Court C. discretion Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /66. There are -asic reDuirements for 7rantin7 temporar( in@unction A ' . C.0 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum
/6,. Affidavit with application of temporar( in@unction is essential in7redient for 7rantin7 temporar( in@unction A 1st B.'nd . C.0th Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /6*. An interim in@unction passed under . 44454) $. 1 or ' of C.P.C. in the a-sence of defendant shall not ordinaril( exceeds A ifteen da(s month . C.Three months Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,+. The order of in@unction made under rder 44454) $ule 1) and ') of C.P.C. after hearin7 the parties or after notice to defendant shall cease to have effect on the expiration of A Three months) unless Court 9ix months) unless Court B. . extend extend Twelve months) unless C. Court extend Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
The statutor( period for in@unctive order is A Twelve months or disposal of suit B.8ine month or disposal of suit . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,'. rder 44454) $ule 0) of C.P.C deals with A Extention of in@uctive order .
%ischar7e or settin7 aside of in@unctive order
C.Costs upon defendant Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,/. As per . 44454) $. 2 of C.P.C. an in@unction directed to corporation is -indin7 upon A Fpon all officers and mem-ers of Corporation B. . corporation C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,0. . 44454) $. 3 to 1+ of C.P.C. deals A Permanent in@unction . C.inal orders Answer & Explanation
B.5nterlocutor( orders
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,2. 5f the movea-le propert( of a suit is su-@ect to natural and speed( deca( the Court can pass interlocutor( order for its sale A Fpon application of an( part( B.Fpon its own o-servation . C.Fpon Court officer direction Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,3. . 44454) $ule 6) of C.P.C Court pass interlocutor( order A n its own discretion . C.n instruction of Court officer Answer & Explanation
B.n application of an( part(
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,6. rder 4) of C.P.C deals with A Appointment of receiver .
B.Appointment of local commission
C.Appointment of site commissioner Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,,. rder 4) of C.P.C contains $ules A / . C.2 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /,*. Fnder . 4) $ule 1;a<) Courts appoint receiver of an( propert( A Before a decree B.After a decree . C.Both ;a< and ;-<
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*+. The Court ma( -( 7eneral or special order fix the amount to -e paid as for the service of receiver A 9alar( B.Commission . C.$emuneration Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
/*1. "here the propert( is land pa(in7 revenue to the =overnment or land of which the revenue has -een assi7ned or redeemed and the Court considers those concerned will -e promoted -( the mana7ement of the collector the Court ma( appoint collector as receiver with consent of A Parties B.Court fficer . C.Collector Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*'. . 4) $ule / of C.P.C deals with appointment of as receiver A An( person B.Jud7e . C.Collector Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*/. rder of C.P.C. deals with appeals from ori7inal decree A 4) B.45) .
C.45;A<) Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*0. rder 45 contains $ules A /+ . C.00 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*2. Ever( appeal shall -e preferred in the form of A Boo#let . C.emorandum Answer & Explanation
B.%esi7ned document
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*3. Ever( appeal must -e si7ned A B( part( .
B.B( parties pleader
C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*6. The memorandum of appeal must contain A The cop( of decree which is challen7ed
B.The list of witnesses which enclosed with
. C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
ori7inal plaint
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /*,. rder 45) $ule 2;1< of C.P.C. deals with A 9ta( of suit -( Trial Court . C.9ta( of an( order Answer & Explanation
B.9ta( of execution -( Appellate Court
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum /**. rder 45) $ule 2;'<) of C.P.C. deals with A 9ta( of execution -( Court which passed . the decree C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.9ta( of execution -( Appellate Court
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0++.
"here a memorandum of appeal is admitted the Appellate Court or the proper officer of the Court shall A 9end report re7ardin7 . appeal to i7h Court
9hall endorse thereon the of presentation and shell re7ister the appeal
9hall serve notices upon respondents Answer & Explanation C.
Answer: ption !
0+1. A -oo# in which Appellate Court re7ister appeal is called
A $e7ister of appeal . C.Boo# of new entries Answer & Explanation
B.$ecord of appeal
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+'. rder 45) $. empowers appellate Court to dismiss appeal without sendin7 notice to ower Court A $ule * of C.P.C. B.1+ of C.P.C. . C.11 of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+/. n a da( fixed for hearin7 of appeal if appellant does not appear when the appeal is called The Court ma( ma#e an A The Court ma( ma#e order order that the appeal -e B. . that the appeal -e dismissed ad@ourned C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+0. "here the appeal is not dismissed under $ule 1' of rder 45) of C.P.C. the appellate Court shall send notice of appeal to A The Court from whose i7h Court B. . decree the appeal is referred C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+2. rder 45) $ule 1/) of C.P.C. deals with notice to Court A i7h Court . C.To $espondent Answer & Explanation
B.To the Court whose decree is challen7ed
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+3. "here an appeal is dismissed under $. 11 or 16 of C.P.C the appellant can appl( for re?admission of appeal as provided in A rder 45) $. 1,) of C.P.C. B.rder 45) $. 1*) of C.P.C . C.rder 45) $. '+) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+6. rder 45) $ule deals with remand of case -( appelate Court A '1) of C.P.C B.'') of C.P.C . C.'/) of C.P.C Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+,. The power of remand of a case en@o(ed -( appellate Court is power in nature
A 9tatutor( . C.Procedural Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0+*. rder 45) $ule '2) of C.P.C. empowers Appellate Court to A rame issues or refer them B.To dismissed appeal . to Trial Court To remand case to Trial C. Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 01+. rder 45) $ule '6) of C.P.C empowers Appellate Court "ith recordin7 or %ismissal of suit after A su-mission of additional B.recordin7 additional . evidence evidence C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
011. odes of additional evidence is provided in A . 45) $ule '6) of C.P.C. B.. 45) $ule ',) of C.P.C. . C.. 45) $ule '*) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 01'. "henever appellate Court record additional evidence the
appellate Court shall follw the principle provided in A . 45) $ule ', B.. 45) $ule '* . C.. 45) $ule '*A Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 01/. "hich rder of C.P.C from the followin7 deals with appeals from appellate decrees A rder 45 B.rder 455 . C.rder 4555 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 010. rder 455) of C.P.C. contains $ule A 2 B.1+ . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 012. The rders from which appeal shall lies are dealt -( A rder 45) of C.P.C. B.rder 455) of C.P.C. . C.rder 4555) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 013. rder 4555 of C.P.C contains $ules A 0 B.3 . C., Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 016. An order of returnin7 plaint under . 6) $ule 1+) of C.P.C is A Appeala-le as provided in 8one appeala-le B. . . 4555 rule 1 C.$evisiona-le Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 01,. The num-ers of rders which are appeala-le as provided in . 4555) $. 1) of C.P.C. are A '/ B.'0 . C.'2 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 01*. An order under $ule 1+) rder !555) pronouncin7 @ud7ment a7ainst a part( is A $eviewa-le B.$evisa-le . C.Appeala-le Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0'+. An order under $ule *) rder 54) re@ectin7 an application for an order to set aside the dismissal of a suit is A $evisa-le B.$eviewa-le . C.Appeala-le Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
"here an appeal a7ainst an order is preferred durin7 the pendenc( of the suit the appellant shall -efore presentin7 the appeal 7ive notice to the respondents as provided in A . 4555) $. / B.. 4555) $. 0 . C.. 4555) $. 2 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0''. rder 45!) of C.P.C deals with A Peuper appeal . C.Appeals a7ainst forei7n @ud7ment Answer & Explanation
B.9pecial appeals
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0'/. rder 45!) of C.P.C. contains $ules A ' B.0 . C.3 Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0'0. rder 4!) of C.P.C deals with appeals to A i7h Court . C.$evenue Court Answer & Explanation
B.9upreme Court
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0'2. 5nder rder 4!) $ule ') whoever desires to appeal to 9upreme Court shall appl( -( the petition to for issuance of certificate. A i7h Court B.To 9upreme Court . To the Court whose decree is complained C. of Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0'3. Certificate acDuired -( an( part( from the Court whose decree is complained for 9upreme Court is A %iscretion of part( to o-tain B.andator( for the part( to o-tain . C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0'6. An appeal can not -e admitted in 9upreme Court until the appellant
The appellant su-mit or deposit securit( so A 9i7ned the relevant documents as provided B.reDuired as provided in $. 6) . 4!) of . in $. 6) . 4! of C.P.C. C.P.C. C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0',. The procedure for admission of appeal is provided in A rder 4!) $ule ,) of C.P.C. B.rder 4!) $ule *) of C.P.C. . C.rder 4!) $ule 1+) of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0'*. rder) of C.P.C. deals with execution of order of ederal Court A rder 4!) $ule ,) of C.P.C. B.rder 4!?A . C.rder 4!?B Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0/+.
"hoever desires to o-tain execution of an order of the ederal Court under su-?section ' of section '+* of =overnment of 5ndia Act) 1*/2 shall appl( -( petition accompanied -( a certified cop( of the order for execution A To 9upreme Court B.To an( i7h Court . To i7h Court from which C. the appeal to ederal Court was preferred Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption C
0/1. As per $ule ') of rder 4!?A) the $ule shall appl( mutatis mutandis to execution of to the execution of decree or order for cost passed -( ederal Court in appeal from i7h Court A 1+ rder 4! of C.P.C. . C.1, rder 4! of C.P.C. Answer & Explanation
B.13 rder 4! of C.P.C.
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0/'. rder) 4!5) of C.P.C. deals with A $eference to i7h Court B.$eference to ederal Court . C.$eference to 9upreme Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0//. rder 4!5) contains $ules A 2 B.3 . C.6 Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0/0. $eference can -e send to i7h Court -( A The Court facin7 Duestion of The Court throu7h parties of B. . law himself the case C.Both ;a< and ;-<
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0/2. $eference to the i7h Court ma( -e sended upon "hen the executin7 Court A "hen executin7 Court aces faces dou-t in Duestion of B. . dou-t in Duestion of usa7e law C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0/3. rder 4!55) of C.P.C deals with A Appeal in small causes . C.$evision Answer & Explanation
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0/6. rder 4!55) contains $ules A * B.11 . C.1/ Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0/,. A decree for which appeal is allowed -ut not made the effected part( ma(
A Appl( for revision . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.Appl( for review
Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 0/*. Application of review normall( can -e made to A The Court which passed the B.The 9ession Court . order or decree C.i7h Court Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 00+. 8o review petition can -e 7ranted without servin7 A 8otice to opposite part( B.8otice to Court fficer . C. 8otice to $evenue fficers Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A
001. "here review petition is re@ected due to non appearance of applicant it can -e restored A Fpon application of applicant if it @ustif(. "hen ever Court li#e B. . is a-sence in satisfactor( manners C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 00'. rder 4!555) of C.P.C. deals with A iscellaneous . C.$eview
Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 00/. As per rder 4!555) $ule 1) ever( process issued and shall -e served at the expense of A The part( on whose -ehalf it is issued =overnment B. . unless the Court otherwise directs C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 000. rder 454) deals with A i7h Court . C.9pecial Court Answer & Explanation
B.Provincial small causes courts
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 002. rder !55) $ules 1+) 11 are not applica-le to A 9pecial Courts B.Provincial 9mall Causes Courts . C.i7h Courts Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 003. rder of C.P.C deals with A Provincial 9mall Causes Courts .
B.rdinar( Civil Courts
C.Presidenc( 9mall Causes Courts Answer & Explanation Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 006. rder 4! 555) $. 2) to 1' are not applica-le to A Presidenc( 9mall Causes Courts B.Provincial 9mall Causes Courts . C.i7h Courts Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 00,. rder 4) $ule /) is not applica-le to A Provincial 9mall Causes Courts . C.Both ;a< and ;-< Answer & Explanation
B.Presidential 9mall Causes Courts
Answer: ption A Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 00*. rder 1) deals with A Provincial 9mall Causes Courts .
B.Presidenc( 9mall Causes Courts
C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption ! Explanaion:
!iew Answer "or#space $eport %iscuss in orum 02+. rder 55) deals with A ederal Court
B.9pecial Court
. C. 8one of the a-ove Answer & Explanation Answer: ption C
As per rder 55 $ule. 1) $ule /,) of . 01 shall appl( so far as ma( -e to proceedin7 under. A 9ection *2 . C.9ection 112 Answer & Explanation AnswerK ption C
B.9ection 110