Civil Service Exam – Philippine Constitution, General Information, Current Events by Fehl Dungo 144 Comments
The Civil Service Exam for Professional and Sub-professional levels also have coverage about Philippine Constitution, Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public officials officials and Emplo Emploees ees based on !"#" $%&'( peace and human rights issues and concepts( and environment management and protection, General Information and current events, latest and ne)l enacted la)s and environmental issues" It is best to *no) and understand the important parts and sections about the Philippine Constitution and !epublic #ct $%&'" +ave enough *no)ledge about updates and current events happening in the government" +onestl, this part of the exam is *ind of hard to man examinees because lots of us are not ver familiar )ith the political terms, constitution, civil rights, old and ne) la)s" +ec*, )e must *no) some from no) on" If ou )ant to go to the complete page of the best Civil Service Service Exam !evie)er, go in this page 1taker Civil Service Exam Reviewer
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Civil Service Exam .&% Philippine Constitution, General Information, Current Events /e are sharing here some of the most common 0uestions given in the Civil Service exam for the General information, Philippine Constitution and current events" 1ou2re not ta*ing the 3#! Exam so relax and chill out" 1ou don2t )anna tire our brains out darlings" In case ou do, here2s the )hole #rticle" &" /hat are the ' main branches of the Government of the Philippines4 &"
Senate, Supreme Court, Congress
Presidential, 5nicameral- Parliamentar, 3icameral-Parliamentar
6egislative, Executive, 7udicial
The 6egislature, The Senate, The Supreme Court
" The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief 7ustice and ho) man #ssociates 7ustices4
'" The Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines this .&% is :::::::::" &"
#ir ;orce Commanding General 7effre
Chief 7ustice =aria 6ourdes Sereno
#;P Chief 6ieutenant Gen" Emmanuel 3autista
8" The executive po)er shall be vested in the :::::::::" &"
President of the Philippines
+ouse of !epresentatives
The Supreme Court
The Congress
9" The legislative po)er shall be vested in the ::::::::: )hich shall consist of a Senate and a +ouse of !epresentatives" &"
Congress of the Philippines
+ouse of >mbudsman
The Supreme Court
3ureau of Internal !evenue
$" The Senate shall be composed of ho) man senators elected at large b voters of the Philippines4
%" +o) long shall the term of office of the senators be commenced4 &"
' ears
8 ears
9 ears
$ ears
?" The term of office of the President and @ice-president of the Philippines shall be up to ho) man ears4 &"
' ears
8 ears
9 ears
$ ears
A" The members of the +ouse of !epresentatives shall be elected for a term of :::::::" &"
' ears
8 ears
9 ears
$ ears
&." The follo)ing shall be exempted from taxation except &"
6ands and buildings
Churches and convents
Charitable institutions
Bon-profit cemeteries
&&" The Congress, b a vote of :::: of both +ouses in oint session assembled, voting separatel, shall have the sole po)er to declare a state of )ar" &"
Three 0uarters
&" It states that Dno person shall be deprived of life, libert, or propert )ithout due process of la), nor an person be denied the e0ual protection of the la)s" &"
#rticle @I
3ill of !ights
!epublic #ct
Court >rder
&'" #ll of the follo)ing is T!5E except &"
Bo person shall be compelled to be a )itness against himself
Bo person shall be imprisoned for non-pament of debt or poll tax"
Bo ex post facto la) or bill of attainder shall not be enacted"
Bo person shall be detained solel b reason of his political beliefs and aspirations"
&8" The follo)ing are citiFens of the Philippines except &"
Those fathers or mothers are citiFens of the Philippines
Those )ho are born before 7anuar &%, &A%', of ;ilipino mothers, )ho elect Philippine citiFenship upon reaching the age of maorit
Those )ho are naturaliFed citiFens of the Philippines in accordance )ith la)"
#ll of the above are true"
&9" It is the right and obligation b all citiFens, )ho are at least &? ears of age, and 0ualified b la), to vote in the election of national and local officials of the government )ithout literac,, propert, or other substantive re0uirement" &"
@oting po)er
Civil !ight
&$" The three inherent po)ers of the state are the follo)ing except one &"
Police Po)er
Po)er of Eminent
Po)er of Taxation
Po)er to Impeach
&%" It is the po)er of the State to promote public )elfare b restraining the use of both libert and propert of all people" &"
Police Po)er
Po)er of Eminent
Po)er if Taxation
Po)er to Impeach
&?" It is the po)er of the State to ta*e properties for the purpose of public use upon pament of ust compensation"
Police Po)er
Po)er of Eminent
Po)er if Taxation
Po)er to Impeach
&A" It is the po)er of the State to impose charge or burden to persons and properties, and propert rights for the purpose of raising revenues to protect the people and extend public proects and services" &"
Police Po)er
Po)er of Eminent
Po)er if Taxation
Po)er to Impeach
." The follo)ing are members of the Constitutional Commission except &"
Commission on Civil !ights
Commission on Elections
Civil Service Commission
Commission on #udit
&" It states that public office is public trust and that public officers and emploees must, at all times, be accountable to the people, serve them )ith utmost responsibilit, integrit, loalt and efficienc( act )ith patriotism and ustice and lead modest lives" &"
Public Trust
Constitutional !ights
" /ho shall have the exclusive po)er to initiate all cases of impeachment4 &"
+ouse of 3lue !ibbon Committee
+ouse of !epresentatives
+ouse of the Senate
Spea*er of the +ouse
'" !"#" $%&' is an act to uphold the time-honored principle of public office being a public trust, granting incentives and re)ards for exemplar service, enumerating prohibited acts and providing penalties for violations thereof and for other purposes" &"
Code of Ethics
Code of Government >fficials
Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public >fficials and Emploees
8" The follo)ing are duties and responsibilities of Public officials and Emploees except &"
#ct promptl on letters, in0uiries, calls or an other form of communications sent b the public"
Submit performance reports of the agenc or office regularl
#ccept gifts from the public upon prioritiFing their 0ueries"
Process documents and papers expeditiousl"
9" It is a )ritten instrument containing the proposition and re0uired number of signatories and shall be in a form determined b and submitted to the Commission on Elections" &"
$" It is the electoral process b )hich an initiative on the Constitution is either approved or reected b the people" &"
%" It is the po)er of the electorate to approve or reect a legislation through an election called for the purpose" &"
?" This la) promotes responsible famil planning and proper use of reproductive methods to eliminate over-population gro)th" &"
!+ 3ill
!esponsible Parenthood and !eproductive +ealth 6a)
!eproductive 6a)
;amil Planning
A" It is a specialiFed agenc of the 5nited Bations that concerns international public health" &"
/orld +ealth >rganiFation
International +ealth >rganiFation
#ll of the above
'." #PEC is a summit that promotes free trade and economic cooperation throughout the #sia-Pacific region countries" #PEC stands for &"
#sia Pacific Economic Corporation
#sia Pacific Economic Cooperation
#sia Pacific Economic Council
#sia Pacific Economic Countries
'&" #ssociation of Southeast #sian Bations #SE#BH aims to accelerate economic gro)th, stabilit, social progress and cultural development in the spirit of e0ualit and partnership to strengthen prosperous and peaceful communit along Southeast #sian Bations" /hich of the follo)ing countries is not a member of #SE#B4 &"
+ong ong
'" It is a la) in the Philippines that aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and harmful internet behavior in the Philippines" It aims to prevent and punish cbercrime in the countr" &"
Cbercrime #ct
Cbercrime Prevention #ct
Cber Identit Theft #ct
''" ::::::::::)aste brea*s do)n into natural components and can be reccled into the life ccle naturall"
'8" The follo)ing are examples of non-biodegradable )aste except &"
'9" It is a proect of <>ST for more accurate, integrated and responsive disaster prevention and mitigation sstem especiall in high-ris* calamit areas of the Philippines" &"
I am !ead
Proect B>#+
'$" P#G#S# is the official government agenc for )eather forecasting, flood control, astronomical observations, and time service" P#G#S# stands for :::::::4 &"
Philippine #tmospheric Geographical and #stronomical Services #dministration
Philippine #tmospheric Geophsical and #stronomical Services #dministration
Philippine #tmospheric Geological and #stronomical Services #ssociation
Philippine #tmospheric Geophsical and #stronomical Services #ssociation
'%" P+I@>6CS is a branch of <>ST to moderate disasters that ma arise from volcanic eruptions, earth0ua*es, tsunami and other related geotectonic phenomena in the Philippines" /hat is P+I@>6CS4 &"
Philippine Institute of @olcanolog and Seismolog
Philippine Institute of @olcanic and Seismic Services
Philippine Institute of @olcanic and Seismolog Services
Philippine Institute of @olcano and Seismic Sstem
'?" /hich of the follo)ing is a rene)able source of energ4 &"
Geothermal energ
Solar energ
/ind energ
#ll of the above
'A" It is a process b )hich thermal radiation from the earth2s surface is absorbed b atmospheric greenhouse gases and is re-radiated in all directions" &"
Global /arming
Greenhouse Effect
>Fone 6aer
Solar !adiation
8." 5S3 is an industr standard that connects computers and electronic devices li*e *eboards, digicams, portable media devices, dis* drivers, smartphones, and net)or* adapters to an computer" 5S3 stands for4 &"
5nit Serial 3ox
5nit Serial 3olt
5niversal Serial 3in
5niversal Serial 3us