5 2
5 2
The town of Marikina was established in 1630 by the followers of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuit rders who bla!ed the trail in "uest of s#iritual transfor$ation a$ong the %ountry&s inhabitants. The #la%e was not i$$ediately known as Marikina but rather as Jesus dela Peña , in honor of the Infant 'hild Jesus. Legends ha(e it that on the 16th of April 1630 , the Jesuits %a$e a%ross an i%on of the Infant Jesus on a shar# boulder ty#i%al of the area. Like their #rede%essors and other S#anish $issionaries who %a$e to the %ountry, the Jesuits built a s$all %ha#el and %hristened it as the %ha#el of Jesus dela )e*a, a##arently affir$ing their ro%khard fortitude and faith. Legends Legends abound abound on the beginni beginnings ngs of Mariki Marikina. na. ld folks folks fro$ fro$ differ different ent barrios barrios in Marikina shared that the word originated fro$ a na$e of a #riest, Mari"uina, who ba#ti!ed %hildren to 'hristianity. 'hristianity. +nother was fro$ a young, y oung, beautiful and intelligent lady %alled Maria 'uina who was known to ha(e shared her fortunes to %harity. The na$e of the town also %a$e fro$ the word Marikit na whi%h the laborers and builders of a %ha#el in the town $istakenly answered the "uestion of what na$e to gi(e the stru%ture when they were a%tually asked by the Jesuit #riests about the %ondition of the %ha# %ha#el el.. -hen -hen they they re#l re#lie ied d Mari Mariki kitn tna# a#o o the the S#an S#ania iards rds #ron #ronou oun%e n%ed d the the word word as Marikina. It was also belie(ed that the na$e was taken fro$ a na$e of a beautiful town in S#ain, whi%h was the #la%e of origin of the Jesuit #riest who %a$e to the )hili##ines and established established the town. Lastly, Lastly, the word Mari"uina Mari"uina was %lai$ed to be a re%ognition re%ognition of 'a#tain erenguer de Mar"uina, the S#anish %olonial offi%er who %a$e to rule that area in 1/. +fter a long fruitful fruitful %areer highlighted highlighted by nu$erous so%ial so%ial and hu$anitarian hu$anitarian a%%o$#lish$ents, the Jesuits were subse"uently (anished not only fro$ their do$ain in the lo(ely and tran"uil #la%e %alled Mari"uina in 16/ but all o(er the ar%hi#elago as well. In their wake %a$e the +ugustinian friars whose s#iritual $ission was ad$inistered and guided through the territorial urisdi%tion of )asig. 2(entually, a $uni%i#ality status was granted to the town in 1// with on enito Mendo!a as its first go(ernador%illo. Mariki Marikina na be%a$e be%a$e a highly highly urbani!e urbani!ed d %ity %ity on December 8, 1996 following a s#e%ial referendu$ referendu$ where the residents residents (oted (oted o(erwhel$ing o(erwhel$ingly ly for %ityhood. %ityhood. 'o$#rised 'o$#rised by fourteen 415 barangays, the %ity had an esti$ated #o#ulation %ount of 37/,070 in 1777. Many #eo#le ha(e taken %ogni!an%e of the transfor$ation of Marikina fro$ a hi%k town into into a $odel $odel %ity in the )hili## )hili##ine ines s in the area area %o$$un %o$$unity ity $anage$ $anage$ent ent.. + #erson #erson (isiting Marikina 'ity after dri(ing through the rest of Metro Manila would noti%e a nu$ber nu$ber of $arked i$#ro(e$ i$#ro(e$ent ents. s. The Marikin Marikina a 8i(er 8i(er whi%h one %rosses %rosses before rea%hing the %ity %enter, %enter, has freeflowing, relati(ely %lean waters. The ri(erbanks were lined lined by lanes lanes for biking, biking, oggin ogging g and walking walking.. The %leanli %leanlines ness s %an be obser(e obser(ed d e(erywhere in Marikina, fro$ fro$ its busy %o$$er%ial %enters to the #eri#heries. The #ubli% toilets and #ubli% $arket are %lean %lean and #ro(ided with running water. water. More roads #a(ed, $aking Marikina a #leasant, walkable %ity. 3
(er the #ast de%ade a new %ulture has e$erged, Marikina is %lean, wholeso$e, %i(il and orderly be%ause of this new %ulture. Discipline, good taste and excellence, were at the beginning %at%hwords to $oti(ate, are the %ore (alues whi%h the %ity has been ad(o%ating standards by whi%h it $easures its #erfor$an%e and has asked ea%h one to li(e by. Marikina 'ity whi%h is $andated to ser(e as a general#ur#ose go(ern$ent for the %oordination and deli(ery of basi%, regular and different ser(i%es with the end in (iew of #ro(iding effe%ti(e go(ernan%e for its %onstituents. +t the turn of the new $illeniu$, Marikina fa%es a ne(erending task 9 #ubli% ser(i%e. +$ong the tools re"uired to #erfor$ these tasks is a 'o$#rehensi(e Land :se )lan 4'L:). The Marikina 'ity;s 'L:) is intended to guide the utili!ation of the %ity;s land resour%es. It is #art of a set of efforts that seek the attain$ent of the %ity;s (ision, “An industry and governmentfriendly happy !or"ing class community#$ Said (ision is elaborated in the later #ager of this do%u$ent. The 'L:) #ro(ides the s#atial fra$ework of the o(erall de(elo#$ent #lan of the %ity. It integrates the (arious se%toral %on%erns into a #lan that guides the lo%ation, a$ount, intensity and ty#e of a%ti(ities that %an take #la%e throughout the %ity, and whi%h is i$#le$ented #ri$arily through a
POPULATION 2.1.1 Historical Growth of Population
Marikina&s #o#ulation has grown %onsiderably o(er the #ast years. =ro$ a total #o#ulation of ,1/ in 1703, the nu$ber of residents has risen to 16,5>3 in 17/>. In 170, the #o#ulation totalled ?1?,613 or an in%rease of ?6.?@ as against the 17/> figures. ata fro$ the final result of the %ensus on housing and #o#ulation %ondu%ted by AS shows that the 1770 #o#ulation of Marikina was 310,010. This re#resents an in%rease of about 5>.@ %o$#ared to 170. The latest %ensus %ondu%ted by the AS on #o#ulation in 177> re(ealed a #o#ulation %ount of 3>/,?31. Table 1 Historical Growth of Population Marikina it! 1"#$%1""& 'ear
(bsolute )ncrease
(*erage (nnual Growth +ate
1703 171 1737 175 1760 17/0 17/> 170 1770 177>
,1/ 7,>5? 1>,166 ?3,3>3 50,5>> 113,500 16,5>3 ?1?,613 310,??/ 3>/,?31
1,3>> >,6?5 ,1/ 1/,10? /?,75> >>,0>3 55,160 7/,.615 5/,005
1.0? ?.?3 5.71 5.6 10.> .?3 5./6 3.> ?.6
Sour%e B Aational Statisti%s ffi%e 2sti$ated based on the Crowth 8ate of ?.6@ of 1770177>
2.1.2 Marikinas Population -e*els and Growth +ates
'on%e#%ion I, )arang and Malanday are the largest barangays in ter$s of resident #o#ulation, a%%ounting for about 5>.>@ of the total #o#ulation of the %ity. In ter$s of #o#ulation growth rate, the fastest growing barangays during this #eriod were Marikina Deights 410.16@E Malanday 47.60@E and 'on%e#%ion I 4/.15@. -hile other barangays that showed a de%lined in resident #o#ulation were Falu$#ang 41.>@E Sto. Ai*o 41.0>@E 'on%e#%ion II 4.75@E arangka 4.@E Jesus dela )e*a 4.@ and Sta. 2lena 4.1@. ne fa%tor that affe%t su%h de%line %an be attributed to the %ity;s #rogra$ S"uatter=ree Marikina whi%h was relo%ated in other barangays. 6
Table 2 Population, Growth +ate and Densit!, ! aranga! Marikina it! 1""# / 1""& aranga!
'on%e#%ion I )arang Malanday Mkna. Deights Sto. Ai*o Aangka arangka 'on%e#%ion II San 8o"ue Falu$#ang I. G. '. Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a Sta. 2lena T7T(-
Population 01""#
Population 01""&
Popn "& hare 03
56,350 >5,?7 ?6,?53 1,705 ?,77 17,606 ?1,6/0 ?0,>7/ 16,5/ 16,/ 13,?>? 10,?3? 10,?7 6,??>
6?, 60,/>0 3,?/ ?,>0> ?/,5/5 ?6,167 ?0,/0/ 17,6?> 16,>71 1>,655 13,76/ 10,?// 7,35 >,7/3
1/.60 1/.00 10.70 .00 /./0 /.30 >.0 >.>0 5.60 5.50 3.70 ?.70 ?./0 1./0
(*e. (nnual Growth +ate "#%"&
/.15 ?.3 7.60 10.16 1.0> 6.67 0. 0.75 0.13 1.>0 1.10 0.07 0. 0.1 +(e. +nnual Crowth 8ate of the Total )o#ulation 2.9:
Population Densit! in 4. 56s.
1,?67 1>,3 ?,1?7 13,>3 1,/> 15,503 1/,/05 10,6>1 1>,?>0 ?1,6>> ?1,6>5 13,?05 11,753 13,56 Cross :rban ensity
Sour%e B Aational Statisti%s ffi%e 4AS 'ity )lanning and e(elo#$ent ffi%e 4') Aote B )o#ulation figure was based on the 1770 H 177> AS 'ensus
2.1.$ Population -e*els and Growth +ates ; Metropolitan ontext
ased on the 177> %ensus, Marikina %ity ranks 1? th a$ong the %ities of Metro Manila, net to Taguig, )arana"ue and Muntinlu#a, in ter$s of residential #o#ulation si!e 4See Table 3. y year ?000, the #o#ulation of Marikina is esti$ated to in%rease fro$ 3>/,?31 4177> to 50/,/3?E by ?010, the total #o#ulation of Marikina is e#e%ted to rea%h >31,16>.
2.1.< Population Densit!
Marikina has a 177> residential #o#ulation density of 16,61> #ersonss". k$. whi%h ranks %th in Metro Manila. Its density is lower than those of Aa(otas, Manila, )asig, )asay, Falookan and Makati but higher than the rest of Metro Manila. Marikina;s density is e#e%ted to in%rease as the resident #o#ulation in%rease.
Table $ Population and Densit! Metro Manila 1""& it!=Municipalit!
Falookan 1,0?3,1>7 Las )i*as 513,06 Makati 55,1/6 Mandaluyong ?6,/0 Manila 1,6>5,/61 MARIKINA 357,231 Muntinlu#a 377,56 )asay 50,610 )asig 5/1,0/> Kue!on 'ity 1,77,517 Malabon 35/,55 Aa(otas ??7,037 )ara*a"ue 371,?76 )ateros >>,?6 San Juan 1?5,1/ Taguig 31,3>0 Galen!uela 53/,16> M>T+7 M(?)-( ",<&<,#<# Sour%e B Aational Statisti%s ffi%e
Densit! 0persons=s4.k6.
1,336 7,7>5 1/,676 11,033 53,?0> 16,615 ,>6? ?7,376 36,?3/ 11,7/0 15,>0 ,07? 10,?1/ >,316 11,751 11,316 7,301 1<,:9&
>.65 6.3/ 1.?> ?./> 0.6? 2.68 /.0? 1.76 3.?? 3.35 5.13 3.? 5.>/ 1.3/ 0.50 6.73 5.1 2.$2
Metro Manila is %hara%terised by ra#id #o#ulation growth whi%h is due to the inter#lay of three #ro%essesB fertility, $ortality and $igration. Marikina ranks 1&th a$ong the $ost #o#ulated area in Metro Manila. Its #o#ulation growth was largely influen%ed by the influ of $igrants fro$ all o(er the %ountry.
2.1.& Household Population and i@e
ased on the 177> %ensus, Marikina has a total household of /3,61/ with an a(erage household si!e of 5.>. The total nu$ber of households in%reased by 13,>?/ or ??.>1@ o(er the 1770 figure of 60,070. arangay 'on%e#%ion :no has the largest nu$ber of household with 13,10> followed by )arang 41?,31. The barangays with the least nu$ber of households are Sta. 2lena 41,1>7 and Jesus dela )e*a 41,771.
Table < ?o. of Household, Population and (*e. Household i@e per aranga! Marikina it! 1""& aranga!
HH i@e
1. arangka ?. Falu$#ang 3. 'on%e#%ion I 5. Jesus dela )e*a >. Malanday 6. Aangka /. )arang . San 8o"ue 7. Sta. 2lena 10. Sto. Ai*o 11. Ta*ong 1?. 'on%e#%ion II 13. Marikina Deights 15. I.G.'.
5,351 3,?66 13,10> 1,771 ,07 >,?/3 1?,31 3,>0> 1,1>7 >,3 ?,0?1 3,/ >,5// ?,7
?0,/0/ 1>,655 6?, 7,35 3,?/ ?6,167 60,/>0 16,>71 >,7/3 ?/,5/5 10,?// 17,6?> ?,>0> 13,76/
5.// 5./7 5.0 5.75 5.0 5.76 5./3 5./3 >.1> 5.6/ >.0 >.1 >.?3 5.?
2.1.9 Population b! (ge tructure and ex
The fe$ales ha(e slightly do$inated the $ales in Marikina as to #o#ulation. The fe$ale a%%ounted for >?@ or 1>,/60 while the $ale a%%ounts for only 5@ or 1/1,5/1. Marikina basi%ally has a young #o#ulation with the $aority belonging to ages 15 to ?>?7 years old bra%ket. This indi%ates that 5>@ of the #o#ulation is 17 years old and below, and that >6@ of the #o#ulation is ?5 years old and below. This suggests an alternati(e way of seg$enting the #o#ulation whi%h %an 9
result in $ore res#onsi(e and (aluable %ity #rogra$s. 2du%ation, re%reation, health, fa$ily #lanning and li(elihood #rogra$s ai$ed at the younger seg$ent of the #o#ulation %an ha(e a signifi%ant #ositi(e i$#a%t on the future of Marikina and its %onstituents. 48efer to Table > Table & Population b! (ge Group and ex Marikina it! 1""& (ge Group
oth exes
ex +atio
:nder 1 yr. ld 15 >7 1015 1>17 ?0?5 ?>?7 3035 3>37 5055 5>57 >0>5 >>>7 6065 6>67 /0/5 />/7 0 and abo(e
5,7/? 16,7/5 ?0,?35 1,00> 1/,317 1,671 16,05 15,>/6 1?,1/5 7,60? 6,>1> >,6> 3,755 ?,/53 1,>53 >/ >15 353
5,30 16,/1 17,// 1,/6? ?1,>5 ??,106 1,75 1>,605 1?,1/ 7,5> 6,6/ >,755 5,?/? ?,7/? ?,053 1,115 7?7 /53
7,0? 33,67> 50,111 36,/6/ 3,6 50,/7/ 3>,/>? 30,10 ?5,771 17,55/ 13,?0? 11,60? ,?16 >,/1> 3,>6 1,7/1 1,553 1,06
1.03 1.0? 1.0? 0.76 0.0 0.5 0. 0.73 0.7> 0.7 0.7/ 0.7> 0.7? 0.7? 0./> 0.// 0.>> 0.56
Sour%e B Aational Statisti%s ffi%e 4AS Aote B )o#ulation figures are based on the 177> AS 'ensus
2.1.8 (ge Dependenc! +atio
In 177>, the oung e#enden%y 8atio of Marikina was >?.6?@ whi%h indi%ates that this #art of the #o#ulation were too young to earn a li(ing and de#end for su##ort on those who work while the ld e#enden%y 8atio of 3.>3@ $eans that this #art of the #o#ulation were too old to earn a li(ing. The aggregate #er%entage of the two age de#enden%y ratio is the total de#enden%y ratio whi%h was >6.1>@.
2.1.: Population ProBection=>sti6ates
ased on the a(erage annual growth rate of ?.6@ the esti$ated #o#ulation of Marikina 'ity fro$ 1776?000 were 366,/7 41776E 3/6,63> 4177/E 36,/?7 4177E 37/,070 41777E 50/,/3? 4?000. 8efer to Table 6 Table 9 >sti6ated Population Marikina it! 1""9%2### 'ear >sti6ated Population
1776 177/ 177 1777 ?000
366,/7 3/6,63> 36,/?7 37/,070 50/,/3?
2.1." >sti6ated Population b! aranga!
It is esti$ated that barangays 'on%e#%ion :no and )arang ha(e the highest #o#ulation. Sta. 2lena wherein %o$$er%ial uses #redo$inate ha(e the least nu$ber of residents. Table 8 >sti6ated Population b! aranga! Marikina it! 1996-2000
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong J. dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Marikina Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II T7T(-
Population 1"":
16,066 ?1,?/5 10,>65 10,0/ 15,35? 1/,017 6,1?6 ?,?0/ 37,/1 65,>>6 ?7,?/1 6?,37? ?6,6 ?0,13/
16,57/ ?1,5> 10,5/ 10,3>/ 15,/?6 1/,5/6 6,?70 ?,763 50,750 66,? 30,0>6 65,066 ?/,60/ ?0,6//
16,737 ??,530 11,13 10,63> 1>,1?1 1/,755 6,5> ?7,/50 5?,03 6,065 30,61 6>,/3 ?,35/ ?1,?31
1/,373 ?3,031 11,536 10,7?0 1>,>?6 1,5?> 6,631 30,>36 53,165 67, 31,6 6/,>5> ?7,10/ ?1,00
1/,>7 ?3,65 11,/53 11,?13 1>,75? 1,717 6,07 31,3>> 55,3?0 /1,/61 3?,>3/ 67,3>> ?7,/ ??,35
<#8,8$2 11
2.1.1# >sti6ated Population b! (ge Group
Marikina 'ity has a young #o#ulation. More than /./1@ of the #o#ulation are fro$ 1 year old to 37 years old. The 0 H abo(e #o#ulation has the least a$ong the age grou#s. Table : >sti6ated Population b! (ge Group Marikina it! 1""9%2### (ge Group
:nder 1 yr. ld 15 >7 1015 1>17 ?0?5 ?>?7 3035 3>37 5055 5>57 >0>5 >>>7 6065 6>67 /0/5 />/7 0 and abo(e T7T(-
>sti6ated Population 1""8 1"": 1"""
10,0>0 35,>7 51,171 3/,/55 37,70 51, 36,/1/ 30,775 ?>,6/6 17,7>5 13,>/? 11,7?1 ,536 >,67 3,66 ?,01/ 1,56/ 1,13/
10,3?0 3>,>1/ 5?,?76 3,/>6 50,7/ 53,01? 3/,/01 31,?6 ?6,365 ?0,57 13,73> 1?,?51 ,663 6,0?6 3,/66 ?,0/1 1,>06 1,16
10,>76 36,56 53,530 37,/75 5?,0/6 55,165 3,/1? 3?,6/7 ?/,0/1 ?1,03 15,307 1?,>67 ,7> 6,1 3,6/ ?,1?/ 1,>5/ 1,177
10,0 3/,556 55,>73 50,61 53,?03 5>,35 37,/57 33,>>5 ?/,/76 ?1,60? 15,67? 1?,70> 7,133 6,3>5 3,7/1 ?,15 1,> 1,?31
11,1/? 3,557 5>,/ 51,7>6 55,361 56,>63 50,15 35,5>3 ?,>51 ??,11 1>,06 13,?>1 7,3/ 6,>?5 5,0// ?,?53 1,631 1,?65
2.1.11 u66ar! of Population haracteristics and Trends
Marikina;s resident #o#ulation le(el and #o#ulation growth rate are stabili!ing, thanks to the %ity;s su%%essful efforts at %urbing the influ of new s"uatters to the %ity sin%e the in%e#tion of the S"uatter=ree Marikina )rogra$ in 1773. Maority of Marikina;s resident #o#ulation is in #eri#heral barangays. =uture residential #o#ulation growth in the #eri#hery, howe(er, $ay also de%line if the de$and for %o$$er%ial land %ontinues and %auses the %on(ersion of the #eri#heral barangays into nonresidential uses. 12
Marikina is basi%ally a “bedroom community$ a %onsiderable nu$ber of #eo#le work outside of the %ity. )o#ulation therefore, is substantially redu%ed during weekdays and during dayti$e. -ith the e#e%ted influ of new industrial lo%ators and e$ergen%e of new %o$$er%ial establish$ents, thus trend is likely to %hange within the net 101> years.
Ph!sical haracteristic 2.2.1 -and (rea
Marikina has a total land area of ?,1>0 he%tares or ?1.>0 s".k$s. as %ertified by the Land Manage$ent ureau 4LMN whi%h %onstitutes about 3.5?@ of the land area of Metro Manila.
Table " -and (rea and Percentage Distribution b! (rea per aranga! Marikina it! 1""& aranga!
District 1 Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday D)T+)T ))
'on%e#%ion I Marikina Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II
-and (rea 0has :.&$
3 hare $".&93
/?.?5 116.76 //.3 ?.35 65.>0 10./7 55.?7 15>.>> 13.03
3.36 >.55 3.6? 3.3 3.00 >.06 ?.06 6.// 6.5?
355.?? ?0>./6 33.>6 11.6 15.?>
16.01 7.>/ 1/.5 .5> .>/
T7T(2,1.## Sour%e B Marikina 'ity 2ngineering e#art$ent
2.2.2 Topograph! and lopes 'ari"ina (alley )ault *ystem
The MG=S, first re%ogni!ed by +l(ir 417?7, %onsists of two northeasttrending stru%tures that bound the Marikina Galley on the west and east O the -est Marikina Galley =ault 4-MG= and 2ast Marikina Galley =ault 42MG=, +r%illa et al 173. +l(ir 417?7 #ro#osed that the Marikina Galley is a graben for$ed re#eated (erti%al $o(e$ents along the MG=S, Dowe(er, Ir(ing 4175/ argued for a $ore %o$#le graben stru%ture by %iting the greater u#lift of the eastern blo%k with res#e%t to the western blo%k and the absen%e of younger units on the blo%k east of the (alley. To a%%ount for the in%rease in throw towards the southern #ortion 4Ir(ing 175/ of the Marikina Galley, +r%illa fro$ et al 4173 further #ro#osed that the faults $ay sli# with hinge $o(e$ents with the northern #art of the (alley being u#lifted along a rotational hinge north of San Mateo 8i(er, Cer(asio 4176 suggested that graben for$ation was #redated by detral $o(e$ent along the -est Marikina Galley =ault. )regraben thrust andor #ro#osed by +r%illa et al 4173 to a%%ount for the u#lift and subse"uent erosion of an o#hiolite se"uen%e and the hori!ontal dis#la%e$ents of ro%k units in the area. The 2MG and -MG faults trend A ?050 degree 2 with near (erti%al di#s 4+r%illa et al 173. The 2MG= was tra%ed for 3 k$ by %a and )otentiano 41763 but Landsat i$agery suggests that it etends farther to the northeast. The southern etension south of Mango 8i(er has #robably been $asked by thi%k allu(ial and logoonal de#osits. The tra%e of the -MG= is $ore easily $a##edE it etends north of Montalban in western 8i!al )ro(in%e and #asses east of Metro Manila to the south, #ossibly as far as Tagaytay 8idge. The 2MG= is a welldefined linea$ent fro$ San 8afael, Montalban south to the )asig area, but it be%o$es a subtle tonal %ontrast southward. 'ountain +anges
Sin%e Marikina is #ri$arily a (alley nestled a$idst $ountain ranges and rolling hills, its to#ogra#hy is generally %hara%teri!ed as flat terrain with only a #ortion that is $ildly slo#ing. These $ildly slo#ing areas are #arti%ularly e(ident in the eastern se%tion of the %ity. Its surfa%e features also highly fa(or agri%ultural land use that was the #redo$inant land use of the town about two de%ades ago. These to#ogra#hi% %hara%teristi%s ha(e rendered the %ity to be generally suitable for urban settle$ents as e(iden%ed by the in%reasing nu$ber of subdi(isions and industrial establish$ents in the area in re%ent years.
+bout 1,>67 he%tares or /1@ of the total land area of Marikina has the Ty#e + slo#e %lassifi%ation 40?>@ or highly suitable for and tolerant both to $e%hani!ed far$ing and urban de(elo#$ent. This is #arti%ularly e(ident in the western and %entral se%tions of the %ity. The northeastern and southeastern se%tions of the %ity, on the other hand, are %lassified as Ty#es and ', res#e%ti(ely, with the for$er %o(ering about ?1> he%tares and the latter en%o$#assing about 366 he%tares. Lands ha(ing ?.>@ 10@ slo#es are fairly tolerant to de(elo#$ent, although e%essi(e re$o(al of ground %o(er $ay %ause erosion and land sli##age. ater!ays and Drainage Divides
The Marikina River, whi%h $easures about ??0 has., ser(es as the %ity;s #rin%i#al drainage syste$. The ri(er e$erges fro$ the foothills of the Sierra Madre $ountains and flows southwards through the Marikina Galley until it oins the )asig 8i(er. The Nangka River whi%h ser(es as the boundary of Marikina and the $uni%i#ality of San Mateo si$ilarly drains a si!eable area of Marikina, #arti%ularly the eastern #ortions of the %ity. ther than these ri(ers, there are also a nu$ber of %reeks that %an be found in the %ity, na$elyB angkaan 'reek, )ark 'reek, 'on%e#%ion 'reek, :siw 'reek, alante 'reek and Sa#ang aho. Table 1# +i*ers, reeks, anals Marikina it! 1""" +i*ers=reeks=anal
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /.
Marikina 8i(er Sa#ang aho :siw 'reek 'on%e#%ion 'reek )ark 'reek angkaan 'reek alanti 'reek
Aangka to I.G.'. Su$ulong Dighway to Mar%os Dighway Su$ulong Dighway to St. Cregory Su$ulong Dighway to +. de Cu!$an St. Marikina Deights +. de Cu!$an to Aangka Su$ulong oundary to +nti#olo
-ength 0Meter
11,000 ?,0?0 1,3>0 3,110 ?,00 1,560 3,0 2&,92#
Sour%e B Marikina 'ity 2ngineering e#art$ent
2.2.$ >xisting -and Cse
ased on land area and e%luding roads, the four 45 $aor land uses in Marikina 'ity are residential, industrial, +rea for )riority e(elo#$ent and $ied use !one. Table 11 >xisting -and Cse Marikina it! 1"""
aranga! 8esidential 'o$$er%ial Industrial Institutional )arks#en S#a%es8e% Mied :se
1""# (rea 3
1,061.0 100.17 ?/.37 67.31 6/.>? 1>>.?? 3/.7 0.00 1/7.0? 0.00 .>0 17?. 21.##
57.3> 5.66 1?.7> 3.?? 3.15 /.?? 1./6 0.00 .33 0.00 0.50 .7/
1""" (rea
13.06 13?.? ?0.>/ /?.60 61.71 1>>.?? 3/.7 0.?> 1/7.0? 50.76 1.70 3/3.0
3/.? 6.1/ 13.0> 3.3 ?. /.?? 1./6 0.01 .33 1.70 0.07 1/.37
1##.## 2,1.##
1"""%1""# (rea 3
?5.0? 3?.63 ?.1 3.?7 >.61 0.00 .00 0.?> 0.00 50.76 6.60 10.7?
?3.3/ 3?.>6 0./ 5./> .31 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 //.6> 73./7
+s of 1777, residential areas %o$#rised the single largest land use in Marikina 'ity, a%%ounting for 3/.?@ of the total land area. 8oads o%%u#y the se%ond largest area or 3/3.0 he%tares 41/.37@ of the %ity;s land area. Industrial, +), $ied use !one and %o$$er%ial rank net at 13.0>@, .33@, /.??@ and 6.1/@, res#e%ti(ely. The rest of the %ity;s land area is shared by so%iali!ed housing and institutional, o#en s#a%es#arksre%reation, %e$etery and %ultural heritage. 2.2.< -and Cse Trends
-arge decrease in residential areas. 2(en with the growth of #o#ulation, the
area for residential uses has de%reased. 'orres#onding to the growth of #o#ulation, the nu$ber of $arket goers has in%reased, this has $oti(ated residential lot owners alongside and near the $arket !ones to %on(ert or sell their houses for %o$$er%ial uses. ther #ri(ately owned residential lots were sold for %o$$er%ial #ur#oses. ther fa%tors whi%h influen%ed the de%rease were the %on(ersion of so$e areas for residential uses into industrial uses.
)ncrease in industrial areas. Industrial areas ha(e likewise in%reased
signifi%antly and this %an be attributed to the relo%ation of se(eral $anufa%turing fir$s within the %ity. Se(eral of the$ were the relo%ation of Marate 'or#oration, a shoe a%%essories $anufa%turing fir$ in Industrial Galley 'o$#le, :rate =oa$ in arangay Falu$#ang, Da(i =ood Ser(i%es )hils. In%. in arangay Sto. Ai*o, and Stefano =ootwear 'or#oration and Trident International in 'on%e#%ion :no.
)ncreasing co66ercial uses. -hile residential land uses #redo$inate in the
%ity, %o$$er%ial land uses are %at%hing u# o(er the last three 43 years. The de(elo#$ent and e#ansion of infrastru%tures and fa%ilities 4#ri$arily roads and #ro(ision of basi% utilities ha(e gi(en rise to a nu$ber of new %o$$er%ial areas, fore$ost of whi%h are the 8i(erbanks 'enter in arangka, )eo#le;s MallMall ng ayan 4for$ery )ubli% Market in Sta. 2lena . The %on(ersion of residential lots and houses along and near $arket !ones into %o$$er%ial uses was also a key fa%tor. This is (ery e(ident along ). urgos and Fa#. Gen%iong St. at Sta. 2lena and along ayanayanan +(e. at 'on%e#%ion I.
Decrease of agricultural lands. Lands %lassified for agri%ultural uses in the
)ncreasing recreational spaces. -hile o#en s#a%es ha(e de%reased,
re%reational areas ha(e in%reased. This in%rease is %aused by the de(elo#$ent of the Skating 8ink, the Jogging Lane along the 8i(erside and other #arks de(elo#ed within the %ity.
)ncreasing densities. ensities ha(e been in%reasing throughout the %ity,
areas for other uses were %on(erted into residential !ones to a%%o$$odate additional housing units 4so%iali!ed and $ediu$ density residential !ones ha(e been added sin%e 1770. 'o$$er%ial areas along ayanayanan +(e., Su$ulong Diway, ). urgos St. and Fa#itan Gen%iong St. dis#lay si$ilar in%reases in density. Tu$ana area, for$erly a $ediu$ density residential area was %on(erted in So%iali!ed Dousing
2.2.& -and Cse Distribution
The distribution of land uses throughout the %ity;s barangays is shown in the su%%eeding Tables. Tables 16 and 1/ show the land area o%%u#ied by %orres#onding shares of ea%h $aor land use %ategory in e(ery barangay. The foregoing tables re(eal that barangays )arang 433.>6 he%tares, 'on%e#%ion I 4355.?? he%tares, Marikina Deights 4?0>./6 he%tares, 'on%e#%ion II 415.?> he%tares, and Aangka 411.6 he%tares a%%ount for $ore than threefifth of the %ity;s total land area 460.55@. Table 1 shows how ea%h land use is distributed a$ong the barangays indi%ating areas of relati(e %on%entration by land use. Table 17 shows the distribution of land uses within ea%h barangay or the etent of land use s#e%iali!ation by barangay. Tables 1?1> shows the different land use distribution in the 171
arangays 'on%e#%ion II, Aangka, )arang, and 'on%e#%ion I ha(e the largest shares of residential land at 1>.10@, 15.77@, 10.73@ and 7.51@ res#e%ti(ely.E Sta. 2lena 41.>1@, Falu$#ang 4?.7@, and Ta*ong 43.>0@ ha(e the least. Douses lo%ated at arangay Marikina Deights were %lassified under $i uses. arangay )arang 467./7@ where =ortune Toba%%o 'or#oration, +r$s 'or#oration, Cood ear 'or#oration, Tower Steel, )hili##ine 'o%oa 'or#oration, )hili##ine 8o%k 'or#oration and others are lo%ated, has the largest share of the %ity;s industrial area. The bulk of the %ity;s %o$$er%ial land are in barangays Sto. Ai*o 4?6.0/@, 'on%e#%ion :no 416.>/@, San 8o"ue 413.1?@ and arangka 41?.0/@. These are the barangays where the #ubli% $arkets, 8i(erank 'enter and Mall ng ayan are lo%ated. arangay Marikina Deights 4?>.3@ where St. S%holasti%a +%ade$y and Marist S%hool are lo%ated has the largest share of the %ity;s institutional land. arangay )arang, where oystown are lo%ated, ha(e the se%ond largest share of the 4??.@ %ity;s institutional land. arangka 417.>1@ a%%ount for nearly onefifth of the %ity;s )arks#en S#a%es. 'on%e#%ion os and 'on%e#%ion :no rank se%ond and third with 10.70@ and 10.0@ of the total o#en s#a%e of Marikina. 19
Ta*ong, where the Loyola Me$orial )ark is lo%ated a%%ounts for the 7>.?>@ %ity;s allotted lands for %e$eteries. 8esidential land o%%u#ies the largest land area a$ong the different land uses in the $aority of the barangays e%e#t in arangay Marikina Deights, where $ied land #redo$inateE industrial uses #redo$inate in barangays )arang and Falu$#ang, %o$$er%ial uses in Sta. 2lena and the Loyola 'e$etery in Ta*ong.
Table 12 -and Cse b! aranga! Marikina it! 1":1 -(?D aranga!
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15.
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II T7T(-
Park= 7penpaces= +ecreation
Mixed Cse one
0.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.?0 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .>0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1>>.?? 0.00 0.00 0.00
33./6 /?.71 30.?3 >3.05 50.3 1.6 ?3.0 3.0/ 67.30 ?10.?6 0.00 7.?7 15>.06 161.3
0.0> 5.?0 1./5 1.>/ 0.00 ?.>0 5.3? ?7.6 5.?0 13.56 0.00 31.30 1.31 0.00
1.1> 3.?0 0.>0 0.71 0.?0 5.1/ >. >.50 1./1 ?.>? 1/.5> 16.61 0.>0 >./1
?>.?1 1.0 0.00 1./5 0.00 .7/ 0.00 0.00 1.67 ?3.? 0.00 1/7.7> 0.00 0.00
5.5? 5.66 3/.>7 1.>0 3.6 1.3? 1.33 3.>1 ?.>6 6.?5 6.57 3./1 3.?? >.5
0.00 6.>/ 1.70 0.00 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 56.>3 /6.>5 0.00 13.36 ?5.0? 0.00
/.6> >.66 >./ 6.> 7.>1 10.1> ./6 1>.?1 1?.05 11.? ?6.60 50.35 /.>/ 11.3?
/?.?5 116.76 //.3 ?.35 65.>0 10./7 55.?7 15>.>> 13.03 355.?? ?0>./6 33.>6 11.6 15.?>
Table 1$ -and Cse hares ! aranga! Marikina it! 1":1 -(?D aranga!
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15.
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II T 7T(-
Park= 7penpaces= +ecreation
Mixed Cse one
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 /.?? 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.>/ 3.37 1.51 ?.5/ 1.70 3.0 1.11 3.6 3.?? 7./ 0.00 5.>/ 6./5 /.>1
0.01 0.17 0.0 0.0/ 0.00 0.11 0.?0 1.37 0.?0 0.63 0.00 1.56 0.06 0.00
0.0> 0.1> 0.0? 0.05 0.01 0.17 0.?/ 0.?> 0.0 0.1? 0.1 0.// 0.03 0.?/
1.1/ 0. 0.00 0./ 0.00 0.5? 0.00 0.00 0.0 1.0 0.00 .3/ 0.00 0.00
0.?0 0.?? 1./> 0.0/ 0.1 0.0/ 0.06 0.16 0.1? 0.?7 0.30 0.1/ 0.1> 0.?/
0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.31 0.07 0.00 0.5/ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?.16 3.>6 0.00 0.6? 1.1? 0.00 :.$$
0.36 0.?6 0.?/ 0.31 0.55 0.5/ 0.51 0./1 0.>6 0.>? 1.?5 1. 0.3> 0.>? :.$#
3.36 >.55 3.6? 3.3 3.00 >.06 ?.06 6.// 6.5? 16.01 7.>/ 1/.5 .5> .>/ 1##.##
Table 1$ -and Cse hares ! aranga! Marikina it! 1":1 -(?D aranga!
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15.
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II T 7T(-
Park= 7penpaces= +ecreation
Mixed Cse one
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 /.?? 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.>/ 3.37 1.51 ?.5/ 1.70 3.0 1.11 3.6 3.?? 7./ 0.00 5.>/ 6./5 /.>1
0.01 0.17 0.0 0.0/ 0.00 0.11 0.?0 1.37 0.?0 0.63 0.00 1.56 0.06 0.00
0.0> 0.1> 0.0? 0.05 0.01 0.17 0.?/ 0.?> 0.0 0.1? 0.1 0.// 0.03 0.?/
1.1/ 0. 0.00 0./ 0.00 0.5? 0.00 0.00 0.0 1.0 0.00 .3/ 0.00 0.00
0.?0 0.?? 1./> 0.0/ 0.1 0.0/ 0.06 0.16 0.1? 0.?7 0.30 0.1/ 0.1> 0.?/
0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.31 0.07 0.00 0.5/ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?.16 3.>6 0.00 0.6? 1.1? 0.00 :.$$
0.36 0.?6 0.?/ 0.31 0.55 0.5/ 0.51 0./1 0.>6 0.>? 1.?5 1. 0.3> 0.>? :.$#
3.36 >.55 3.6? 3.3 3.00 >.06 ?.06 6.// 6.5? 16.01 7.>/ 1/.5 .5> .>/ 1##.##
Table 1< -and Cse oncentration ! aranga! Marikina it! 1981
1. ?. 3. 5. 5. >. 6. 6. /. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka ' i II
3.06 6.61 ?./5 5.1 3./0 /.50 ?.16 /.>3 6.? 17.0> 0.00 .70 13.15 15 6?
0.0> 5.55 1.5 1.66 0.00 ?.6> 5.>/ 31.60 5.55 15.?5 0.00 33.1? 1.37 0 00
1./> 5.6 0./6 1.3 0.30 6.33 .7? .17 ?.>7 3.? ?6.5 ?>.?0 0./6 66
7.11 6.0 0.00 6.// 0.00 3.?5 0.00 0.00 0.61 .5? 0.00 6>.0> 0.00 0 00
Parks =7pen paces= +ecreation
e6e e6ete teri ries es
(gri (gricu cult ltur ural al
>.13 >.50 53.> 1./5 5.5 1.>3 1.>5 5.0/ ?.7/ /.?3 /.>3 5.30 3./3 6 //
0.00 >3.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.11 0.00 0.00 3>.>6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00
Mixed Cse one
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0 00
0.00 3.6/ 1.06 0.00 >.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?>.77 5?./6 0.00 /.56 13.5? 0 00
5.? 3.1/ 3.?7 3.6 >.33 >.67 5.71 .>? 6./5 6.3? 15.70 ??.>7 5.?5 6 35
Table 1< -and Cse oncentration ! aranga! Marikina it! 1981
1. ?. 3. 5. 5. >. 6. 6. /. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15.
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II T 7T(-
Parks =7pen paces= +ecreation
e6e e6ete teri ries es
(gri (gricu cult ltur ural al
Mixed Cse one
3.06 6.61 ?./5 5.1 3./0 /.50 ?.16 /.>3 6.? 17.0> 0.00 .70 13.15 15.6?
0.0> 5.55 1.5 1.66 0.00 ?.6> 5.>/ 31.60 5.55 15.?5 0.00 33.1? 1.37 0.00
1./> 5.6 0./6 1.3 0.30 6.33 .7? .17 ?.>7 3.? ?6.5 ?>.?0 0./6 .66
7.11 6.0 0.00 6.// 0.00 3.?5 0.00 0.00 0.61 .5? 0.00 6>.0> 0.00 0.00
>.13 >.50 53.> 1./5 5.5 1.>3 1.>5 5.0/ ?.7/ /.?3 /.>3 5.30 3./3 6.//
0.00 >3.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.11 0.00 0.00 3>.>6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 3.6/ 1.06 0.00 >.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?>.77 5?./6 0.00 /.56 13.5? 0.00
5.? 3.1/ 3.?7 3.6 >.33 >.67 5.71 .>? 6./5 6.3? 15.70 ??.>7 5.?5 6.35
Table 1& -and Cse peciali@ation Per aranga! Marikina it! 1":1
1. ?. ?. 3. 5 5.. >. >. 6. /. /. . . 7. 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka
56./3 6?.35 36.5 65.5? 63.30 />.0 >3./5 >/.0/ >0.?1 61.0 0.00 ?>.6? /7 5
0.0/ 3.>7 ?.?5 1.71 0.00 ?.30 7./> ?0.>? 3.05 3.71 0.00 .16 0 /?
1.>7 ?./5 0.65 1.10 0.31 3.3 13.? 3./1 1.?5 0./3 .5 5.33 0 ?
35.70 16.0/ 0.00 ??./6 0.00 .?> 0.00 0.00 1.?? 6./6 0.00 56.7? 0 00
-(?D C> Park= 7pen paces= e6e e6ete teri ries es +ecreation
6.1? 3.77 5.30 1.? >.77 1.?1 3.00 ?.51 1.6 1.1 3.1> 0.7/ 1 //
0.00 0.? 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.5> 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0 00
(gri (gricu cult ltur ural al
Mixed Cse one
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 >.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 />.55 0.00 0 00
0.00 >.6? ?.55 0.00 1>.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 33./1 ??.?5 0.00 3.5 13 ??
10.>7 5.5 /.>5 /.77 15./5 7.33 17./ 10.5> ./? 3.? 1?.73 10.>? 5 1/
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 00
Table 1& -and Cse peciali@ation Per aranga! Marikina it! 1":1
1. ?. ?. 3. 5 5.. >. >. 6. /. /. . . 7. 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15.
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II
56./3 6?.35 36.5 65.5? 63.30 />.0 >3./5 >/.0/ >0.?1 61.0 0.00 ?>.6? /7.5 /.>7
0.0/ 3.>7 ?.?5 1.71 0.00 ?.30 7./> ?0.>? 3.05 3.71 0.00 .16 0./? 0.00
1.>7 ?./5 0.65 1.10 0.31 3.3 13.? 3./1 1.?5 0./3 .5 5.33 0.? 3.10
35.70 16.0/ 0.00 ??./6 0.00 .?> 0.00 0.00 1.?? 6./6 0.00 56.7? 0.00 0.00
-(?D C> Park= 7pen paces= e6e e6ete teri ries es +ecreation
6.1? 3.77 5.30 1.? >.77 1.?1 3.00 ?.51 1.6 1.1 3.1> 0.7/ 1.// 3.1/
0.00 0.? 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.5> 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(gri (gricu cult ltur ural al
Mixed Cse one
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 >.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 />.55 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 >.6? ?.55 0.00 1>.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 33./1 ??.?5 0.00 3.5 13.?? 0.00
10.>7 5.5 /.>5 /.77 15./5 7.33 17./ 10.5> ./? 3.? 1?.73 10.>? 5.1/ 6.15
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Table 19 -and Cse b! aranga! Marikina it! 1""" -(?D aranga!
1. 1. Falu$#ang ?. arangka 3. Ta*ong 5 5.. Jesus dela )e*a >. >. I.G.'. 6. San 8o"ue /. /. Sta. 2lena . . Sto. Ai*o 7. Malanday 10. 'o 'on%e#%ion I 11. Mkna. Deights 1?. )arang 13. Aa Aangka
?5.?> /3.03 ?.55 5.3 3/.>5 >0.07 1?.?6 /?.35 >6.30 /6.>0 0.00 .3 1?1.7?
6.31 16.03 1.? 1.>/ 0.00 1/.53 15.?6 35.63 /.10 ??.01 0.00 1.7/ 5.>6
1.1/ 3.?0 0.>0 0.71 0.?0 >.06 >. >.> 1./1 6.0? 1./> 16.61 0.>/
?>.?1 0./> 0.00 1./5 ?.6/ .7/ 0.00 0.00 3.1> ?3.? 0.00 17>.0 ?.00
Park= 7pen paces= +ecreation
Mixed Cse one
ultural Heritage
>.5? 1?.00 0.?> 1./6 3.6 ?.1 ?.16 6.0? ?.70 6.?5 3.71 >.?1 3.?>
0.00 0.76 36.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.?0 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.?> 1.6> 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1>>.?? 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0? 0.00 0.1? 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 6.>/ 1.70 0.00 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 56.>3 /6.>5 0.00 13.36 ?5.0?
ociali@ed Housing
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.7 0.00 3>.00 0.3/ 5.61 0.00
7. 5.35 7.3/ .67 10.13 ?5.75 7.5? ?>./3 ?0.35 7/.77 ?/.>1 >/.1/ ?>.36
/?.?5 116. /.0 ?.1/ 65.>0 10./7 55.?7 15>.>> 13.03 355.?? ?0>./6 33.>6 11.6
Table 19 -and Cse b! aranga! Marikina it! 1""" -(?D aranga!
1. 1. Falu$#ang ?. arangka 3. Ta*ong 5 5.. Jesus dela )e*a >. >. I.G.'. 6. San 8o"ue /. /. Sta. 2lena . . Sto. Ai*o 7. Malanday 10. 'o 'on%e#%ion I 11. Mkna. Deights 1?. )arang 13. Aa Aangka 15. 'on%e#%ion II T7T(-
Park= 7pen paces= +ecreation
Mixed Cse one
ultural Heritage
?5.?> /3.03 ?.55 5.3 3/.>5 >0.07 1?.?6 /?.35 >6.30 /6.>0 0.00 .3 1?1.7? 1??./3
6.31 16.03 1.? 1.>/ 0.00 1/.53 15.?6 35.63 /.10 ??.01 0.00 1.7/ 5.>6 >.6/
1.1/ 3.?0 0.>0 0.71 0.?0 >.06 >. >.> 1./1 6.0? 1./> 16.61 0.>/ 6.1/
?>.?1 0./> 0.00 1./5 ?.6/ .7/ 0.00 0.00 3.1> ?3.? 0.00 17>.0 ?.00 0.00
>.5? 1?.00 0.?> 1./6 3.6 ?.1 ?.16 6.0? ?.70 6.?5 3.71 >.?1 3.?> 6./>
0.00 0.76 36.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.?0 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.?> 1.6> 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1>>.?? 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0? 0.00 0.1? 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ociali@ed Housing
0.00 6.>/ 1.70 0.00 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 56.>3 /6.>5 0.00 13.36 ?5.0? 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.7 0.00 3>.00 0.3/ 5.61 0.00 0.00
7. 5.35 7.3/ .67 10.13 ?5.75 7.5? ?>./3 ?0.35 7/.77 ?/.>1 >/.1/ ?>.36 5?.73
/?.?5 116. /.0 ?.1/ 65.>0 10./7 55.?7 15>.>> 13.03 355.?? ?0>./6 33.>6 11.6 15.?>
Table 18 -and Cse hares ! aranga! Marikina it! 1""" - ( ? D aranga!
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15.
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II T7 T(-
Park= 7penpaces= +ecreation
1.13 3.50 1.3? ?.?/ 1./> ?.33 0.>/ 3.36 ?.6? 3.>6 0.00 5.13 >.6/ >./1
0.?7 0./5 0.06 0.0/ 0.00 0.1 0.66 1.61 0.33 1.03 0.00 0.07 0.?1 0.?/
0.06 0.1> 0.0? 0.05 0.01 0.?3> 0.?/> 0.?/ 0.0 0.? 0./ 0.// 0.03 0.?7
1.1/ 0.05 0.00 0./ 0.1? 0.5? 0.00 0.00 0.1> 1.0 0.00 7.11 0.07 0.00
0.?> 0.>6 0.01 0.0 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.? 0.15 0.?7 0.17 0.?5 0.1> 0.31
0.00 0.05 1.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00
C >
Mixed Use Zone
0.00 0.00 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 /.?? 0.00 0.00 0.00
ultural Heritage
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0007 0.00 0.00> 0.00> 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #.#1
0.00 0.31 0.07 0.00 0.5/ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?.16 3.>6 0.00 0.6? 1.1? 0.00 :.$$
ociali@ed Housing
0.56 0.?0 0.55 0.51 0.5/ 1.16 0.55 1.?0 0.75 5.>6 1.? ?.66 1.1 1.77
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0> 0.00 1.6? 0.0? 0.?1 0.00 0.00
3.36 >.55 3.63 3.? 3.00 >.06 ?.06 6.// 6.5? 16.01 7.>/ 1/.5 .5> .>/ 1##.##
Table 18 -and Cse hares ! aranga! Marikina it! 1""" - ( ? D aranga!
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15.
Park= 7penpaces= +ecreation
1.13 3.50 1.3? ?.?/ 1./> ?.33 0.>/ 3.36 ?.6? 3.>6 0.00 5.13 >.6/ >./1
0.?7 0./5 0.06 0.0/ 0.00 0.1 0.66 1.61 0.33 1.03 0.00 0.07 0.?1 0.?/
0.06 0.1> 0.0? 0.05 0.01 0.?3> 0.?/> 0.?/ 0.0 0.? 0./ 0.// 0.03 0.?7
1.1/ 0.05 0.00 0./ 0.1? 0.5? 0.00 0.00 0.1> 1.0 0.00 7.11 0.07 0.00
0.?> 0.>6 0.01 0.0 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.? 0.15 0.?7 0.17 0.?5 0.1> 0.31
0.00 0.05 1.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II T7 T(-
C >
Mixed Use Zone
0.00 0.00 0.01 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 /.?? 0.00 0.00 0.00
ultural Heritage
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0007 0.00 0.00> 0.00> 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #.#1
ociali@ed Housing
0.56 0.?0 0.55 0.51 0.5/ 1.16 0.55 1.?0 0.75 5.>6 1.? ?.66 1.1 1.77
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0> 0.00 1.6? 0.0? 0.?1 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.31 0.07 0.00 0.5/ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?.16 3.>6 0.00 0.6? 1.1? 0.00 :.$$
3.36 >.55 3.63 3.? 3.00 >.06 ?.06 6.// 6.5? 16.01 7.>/ 1/.5 .5> .>/ 1##.##
Table 1: -and Cse oncentration ! aranga! Marikina it! 1""" -(?D aranga!
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6.
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue
?.7 .7 3.>0 6.01 5.6? 6.16
5./> 1?.0/ 0.76 1.?0 0.00 13.1?
1.61 5.51 0.67 1.?> 0.? 6.7/
.77 0.?/ 0.00 6.6 0.7> 3.?0
Parks =7pen paces= +ecreation
./6 17.>1 0.50 ?./1 6.?5 3.>?
0.00 ?.>3 7>.?> 0.00 0.00 0.00
C> (grl.
0.00 0.00 11.11 .7 0.00 0.00
Mixed Cse one
ultural H e ri t a g e
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 .00 0.00 5.00
0.00 3.6/ 1.06 0.00 >.65 0.00
ociali@ed Housing
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
?.65 1.16 ?.>1 ?.3? ?./1 6.6/
Table 1: -and Cse oncentration ! aranga! Marikina it! 1""" -(?D aranga!
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?. 13. 15.
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong Jesus dela )e*a I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang Aangka 'on%e#%ion II T 7T(-
Parks =7pen paces= +ecreation
Mixed Cse one
ultural H e ri t a g e
ociali@ed Housing
?.7 .7 3.>0 6.01 5.6? 6.16 1.>1 .7 6.7? 7.51 0.00 10.73 15.77 1>.10
5./> 1?.0/ 0.76 1.?0 0.00 13.1? 10./5 ?6.0/ >.35 16.>/ 0.00 1.5 3.53 5.?/
1.61 5.51 0.67 1.?> 0.? 6.7/ .07 .06 ?.36 .?7 ?>.3 ??. 0./ .>0
.77 0.?/ 0.00 6.6 0.7> 3.?0 0.00 0.00 1.1? .?7 0.00 67./7 0./1 0.00
./6 17.>1 0.50 ?./1 6.?5 3.>? 3.5 7./? 5.67 10.0 6.3? .5? >.?> 10.70
0.00 ?.>3 7>.?> 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.>3 0.00 0.00 1.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 11.11 .7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 .00 0.00 5.00 55.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 3.6/ 1.06 0.00 >.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?6.00 5?./> 0.00 /.56 13.5? 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?.37 0.00 >.5> 0.70 11.?6 0.00 0.00
?.65 1.16 ?.>1 ?.3? ?./1 6.6/ ?.>? 6. >.55 ?6.?? /.36 1>.30 6./7 11.5
Table 1" -and Cse peciali@ation Per aranga! Marikina it! 1""" -(?D aranga!
Park= 7pen paces= +ecreation
1. Falu$#ang
(gr l.
Mixed Cse one
ultural H e ri t a g e
ociali@ed Housing
Table 1" -and Cse peciali@ation Per aranga! Marikina it! 1""" -(?D
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7. 10. 11. 1?.
Park= 7pen paces= +ecreation
Falu$#ang arangka Ta*ong
33.>/ 6?.55 36.50 >7.30 >.?0 56.05 ?/.6 57./0 50./7 ??.?? 0.00 ?3.16
./3 13./0 1.65 1.71 0.00 16.0? 3?.?0 ?3./7 >.15 6.37 0.00 0.>1
1.6? ?./5 0.65 1.11 0.31 5.6> 13.? 5.0? 1.?5 1./> 7.11 5.33
35.70 0.65 0.00 ??.1 5.15 .?> 0.00 0.00 ?.? 6./6 0.00 >1.0>
/.>0 10.33 0.? ?.13 >.7 ?.00 5. 5.15 ?.10 1.1 1.70 1.36
Jesus dela )e*a
I.G.'. San 8o"ue Sta. 2lena Sto. Ai*o Malanday 'on%e#%ion I Mkna. Deights )arang
(gr l.
Mixed Cse one
0.00 0.? 56.3? 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.5> 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.? ?.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 />.55 0.00
ultural H e ri t a g e
ociali@ed Housing
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.11 0.?5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 >.6? ?.55 0.00 1>.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 33./1 ??.?5 0.00 3.5
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.6/ 0.00 10.1/ 0.1 1.?0
13.6 3./1 1?.00 10.> 1>./1 ??.73 ?1.?/ 1/.6 15./5 ?.5/ 13.3/ 15.71
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 27
13. Aangka 15. 'on%e#%ion II
6/.11 66.61
?.>1 3.0
0.31 3.3>
1.10 0.00
1./7 3.66
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
13.?? 0.00
0.00 0.00
13.76 ?3.30
100.00 100.00
13. Aangka 15. 'on%e#%ion II
6/.11 66.61
?.>1 3.0
0.31 3.3>
1.10 0.00
1./7 3.66
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
13.?? 0.00
0.00 0.00
13.76 ?3.30
100.00 100.00
2.3 ECONOMY Marikina 'ity is host to a nu$ber of big $anufa%turing fir$s like !r"une #!$a%%! &!r'. 4%onsidered as the biggest in %igarette $anufa%turing in the whole of +sia and Pure(!!ds &!r'. 4one of the biggest in food #ro%essing in South 2ast +sian 8egion, A8IT+F2, )DIL'+ and +8MS '8). whi%h %ontribute a large #art in the %ity;s re(enue. -ith the in%reasing nu$ber of industrial and %o$$er%ial establish$ents in the %ity, there is a need to anti%i#ate and #ro(ide for future growth re"uire$ents, $aintenan%e of industrial #ea%e, to %ontinuously u#grade lo%al ser(i%e %a#a%ities and i$#ro(e the o(erall #hysi%al en(iron$ent. 2.$.1 >6plo!6ent
The #otentially e$#loyable #o#ulation 41> years and o(er in%reased fro$ ?36,>6 in 177> to ?>6,11? in 177/. +s a result, the %ity;s labor for%e grew fro$ 155,000 in 177> to 1>3,56? in 177/, an in%rease of 6.>/@. In 177>, the nu$ber
2.3 ECONOMY Marikina 'ity is host to a nu$ber of big $anufa%turing fir$s like !r"une #!$a%%! &!r'. 4%onsidered as the biggest in %igarette $anufa%turing in the whole of +sia and Pure(!!ds &!r'. 4one of the biggest in food #ro%essing in South 2ast +sian 8egion, A8IT+F2, )DIL'+ and +8MS '8). whi%h %ontribute a large #art in the %ity;s re(enue. -ith the in%reasing nu$ber of industrial and %o$$er%ial establish$ents in the %ity, there is a need to anti%i#ate and #ro(ide for future growth re"uire$ents, $aintenan%e of industrial #ea%e, to %ontinuously u#grade lo%al ser(i%e %a#a%ities and i$#ro(e the o(erall #hysi%al en(iron$ent. 2.$.1 >6plo!6ent
The #otentially e$#loyable #o#ulation 41> years and o(er in%reased fro$ ?36,>6 in 177> to ?>6,11? in 177/. +s a result, the %ity;s labor for%e grew fro$ 155,000 in 177> to 1>3,56? in 177/, an in%rease of 6.>/@. In 177>, the nu$ber of une$#loyed #ersons totaled to 1?,000 yielding an une$#loy$ent rate of .33@. The 177/ une$#loy$ent rate slightly de%reases as %o$#ared to 177> and $u%h lower than the a(erage for Metro Manila of 15@. The lower une$#loy$ent rate $aybe attributed to the lo%ation of se(eral big $anufa%turing and industrial fir$s in the %ity. This $ay i$#ly that Marikina has a big e$#loy$ent share in the $anufa%turing and industry se%tor o#erating in the %ity.
Table 2# -abor Aorce and >6plo!6ent Marikina it! 1""& / 1""8 )te6
Total #o#ulation 1> years old and o(er ?36,>6 ?>6,11? Labor =or%e 155,000 1>3,56? Labor =or%e )arti%i#ation 8ate 60.0@ >7.7?@ Au$ber 2$#loyed 13?,000 150, 2$#loy$ent 8ate 71.6/@ 71.0@ Au$ber :ne$#loyed 1?,000 1?,>/5 :ne$#loy$ent 8ate .33@ .?0@ Sour%e B Aational Statisti%s ffi%e Aote B )o#ulation figure is esti$ated based on the 177> AS %ensus
2.$.2. -i*elihood, Trade and )ndustr!
The footwear industry has been regarded as one of the growth se%tors in the )hili##ines. It was in Marikina in 16 that the first =ili#ino na$ed on Laureano Cue(ara %rafted the first lo%ally$ade shoes, until shoe$aking be%a$e a ho$e industry. Later on, the town earned the $oni%ker as the “*hoe -apital of the .hilippines$#
Marikina;s need for obs and $ore business has always been a #art of its #lanning. + %o$$er%ial %enter is now taking sha#e %alled +iverban"s -enter whi%h in due ti$e shall re"uire a great nu$ber of workers. +longside Shoe Mart;s gro%ery store 4Sa(e More whi%h o#ened in =ebruary 1777, a s#a%e has been set aside to ser(e as the #ri$ary outlet for lo%al shoes and leathergoods $anufa%turers. +%%ess to the %o$#le shall i$#ro(e when the road linking it to Libis, Kue!on 'ity and '> is o#ened soon. 2(entually, 8i(erbank shall be%o$e Marikina;s %entral business distri%t, generating for the %ity bigger re(enues than its #resent sour%es %o$bined, not to $ention obs that shall be %reated. Marikina 'ity whi%h used to be an agri%ultural (alley is now dotted with 11,? %o$$er%ial and industrial establish$ents in 1777 as shown in Table ?1. It was in 177? when the usiness )er$its and Li%ensing ffi%e stri%tly i$#le$ented its (aluation of businesses and li%enses and reali!ed a 111@ in%rease. In its /th and th years, an in%rease of 33@ and 1@, res#e%ti(ely, were reali!ed. Table 21 +e*enue Generated b! the usiness Per6its and -icensing 7ffice Marikina it! 1992 – 1998 ource Li%ense Ta )er$it =ee Carbage 'harge )enalty Interest T 7 T( Ao. of uss. 2stablish$ents @ In%rease
1""2 ?1,305,??3 ?,107,?
1""$ 5/,3>6,?/? ?,667,>66
1""< >/,1/7,5 3,510,0/0
1""& />,3??,?>/ 3,67/,>76
1""9 1,131,5/0 3,7>3,??
1""8 /,>37,>?> 3,?16,376
1"": 70,?5,>/ 3,?75,?6
1""" 106,>>1,61 3,56>,/0
1,51,67 2&,:1$,19<
1,71,567 &<,&<$,<&&
?,/6>,6>0 98,:"#,8&<
?,>36,5/7 :9,#$2,9#9
?,05,6? "1,"<8,":2
3,?71,0/1 1##,<1:,&$1
3,65,>>? 1#$,818,1:2
5,?0,65 122,<99,&"$
6,736 111@
,/0? ?5@
7,?>0 ?/@
7,6>/ /@
10,>00 7@
10,7?1 33@
11,? 1@
Table 22 ?u6ber of usiness >stablish6ents E (nnual Growth +ate Marikina it! 1""2%1"": ?o. of usiness >stablish6ents
hare of Total ?o. of usiness >stablish6ents 1""2 1"":
(nnual Growth
Manufa%turing Ser(i%es
766 6,0??
1,07/ 7,?5
13.?@ 6.1@
10.05@ 7.76@
?.?6@ 10.>?@
Sour%e B usiness )er$its H Li%ensing ffi%e Marikina has a $oderate nu$ber of business establish$ents. usiness establish$ents totaled 6,7 in 177? and in%reased by >6.?@ to 10,7?1 in 177. Ser(i%eoriented business establish$ents do$inated, a%%ounting for 6.1@ in 177? and 7.76@ in 177 of total establish$ents. It $ay be noted that the nu$ber of $anufa%turing establish$ents de%reased fro$ 13.?@ in 177? to a $ere 10.05@ in 177. Table 2$ usiness >stablish6ent Densit! +atio Marikina it! 1""2 and 1"":
usiness >stablish6ents Per 1,### Persons 1""2
Manufa%turing Ser(i%es
?.7> 1.5?
?.3 ?>.31
Sour%e B usiness )er$its and Li%ensing ffi%e The business density ratio #er 1,000 #o#ulation is another indi%ator of e%ono$i% a%ti(ity. In 177?, there were ?1.3/ establish$ents #er 1,000 #o#ulation in Marikina 'ity. This ratio in%reased by 6.// to ?.15 establish$ents #er 1,000 #o#ulation in 177. The business density ratio of $anufa%turing fir$s de%reased fro$ ?.7>@ establish$ents #er 1,000 #o#ulation in 177? to ?.3@ establish$ents #er 1,000 #o#ulation in 177. 22
)iscal and 'onetary +esources
Ceneral Trends In 1771, Marikina had a total in%o$e of )75,3/3,/35. y 177/, total in%o$e in%reased to )>?0,/5/,735. translating to a %u$ulati(e growth of 5>?@. =or the sa$e #eriod, the Internal 8e(enue +llot$ent 4I8+ in%reased fro$ )6,/00,000. to )???,161,>33. with a %u$ulati(e growth of 3,?16@. The rest of the nonI8+ re(enue in%reased fro$ )/,6/3,/35. to )?7,>6,31. reali!ing a %u$ulati(e growth of ?51@. 2(en if the %u$ulati(e growth of the nonI8+ re(enue lagged behind that of the I8+, figures on a year to year basis showed that the lo%ally generated re(enues were bigger than the I8+. Table 2< )nco6e of Marikina it! 1""1 / 1""8 'ear
1771 177? 1773 1775 177> 1776 177/
6,/00,000.00 ?3,10>,?70.00 53,055,133.00 61,?31,3>1.00 63,6?,170.00 /0,360,51.00 ???,161,>>3.00
) /,6/3,/35.00 6,>3,61?.00 1?6,55>,?00.00 ?/0,770,>?>.00 ?/>,5>,>6.00 3>5,61,030.00 ?7,>6,31.00
) 75,3/3,/35.00 71,653,70?.00 167,57,333.00 33?,??1,/6.00 337,06,//6.00 5?>,051,/1.00 >?0,/5/,735.00
Sour%e B 'ity udget ffi%e
Sin%e 1771, the lo%ally generated resour%es %o$#rised />@ of the total in%o$e, while I8+ %o$#rised ?>@. The %ity did not in%ur any budgetary defi%it sin%e 177?. Sour%es of =unds The $aor reasons why the lo%al re(enues of Marikina 'ity were far larger than the I8+ was that al$ost all the in%o$egenerating de#art$ents and offi%es generated substantially higher re(enues. The )L and the +ssessor;s ffi%e, in #arti%ular, %ontributed $obili!ation of hefty lo%al re(enues. The +ssessor;s ffi%e likewise substantially hiked the (aluation of real #ro#erty taes 48)T. In the 8)T assess$ent #erfor$an%e by the +ssessor;s ffi%e, e%e#t for the first year 4177? that generated a slightly negati(e #erfor$an%e, 177? and 1775 had substantial in%reases of >6@ and /5@ res#e%ti(ely. + $ore intensified %a$#aign in 1776 netted a re$arkable in%rease of )?/,>66,707. or 77@ o(er the #ast year. 'o$#uteri!ation of real #ro#erty transa%tion #ro%essing has fa%ilitated generation of $ore %o$#lete infor$ation on real #ro#erty assets. 23
Table 2& +eal Propert! Tax (ssess6ent Perfor6ance Marikina it! 1""1 / 1""9 1""1
8)T 7,>1/,061 ,>>5,015 'urrent ear @ Crowth 10@ Sour%e B 'ity udget ffi%e
=ro$ 1775 to 1776, the %ity go(ern$ent a(ailed of loans fro$ %o$$er%ial banks to finan%e its (arious infrastru%ture #roe%ts. Loan re#ay$ents were $ade by the %ity in years 177/ H 177, su%h another borrowings in%urred in 1777. The a$ount of these loans are shown in Table ?6. Table 29 -oans and orrowings Marikina it! 1""< / 1""" )te6
Loans and >0,000,000 1>0,000,000 orrowings Sour%e B 'ity +%%ounting ffi%e
:ses of =unds =ro$ 177? to 1777, the total e#enditure of the %ity go(ern$ent a$ounted to )?,>6?,03,/. In 1776, the bulk of the #ersonal ser(i%es fund in Marikina was allo%ated to salaries and wages 4/>@, and the rest to (arious benefits of the %ity #ersonnel. In 1776 and 177/, a larger #art of the $aintenan%e and other o#erating e#enses 4M2 was s#ent for the re#air and $aintenan%e of go(ern$ent fa%ilities and (ehi%les, gasoline and s#are #arts, and so%ial se%urity benefits whi%h %u$ulati(ely a%%ounted for 6/@ of the total M2 e#enditures. In the sa$e year 177? to 1776, land i$#ro(e$ents 4)?5,11,773 whi%h $ainly in(ol(ed infrastru%ture like roads and drainage syste$s, %o$#rised /7@ of the total %a#ital outlayE while e#enditure for e"ui#$ent 4)35,3?>,05 a%%ounted for 11@. In 1776, loan re#ay$ents 4)37,000,000 %o$#rised the largest %o$#onent of nonoffi%e e#enditures 435@.
Table 28 Cses of Aunds Marikina it! 1""2 / 1"""
Personal er*ices
Maintenance and other 7perating >xpenses
apital 7utla!
177? 1773 1775 177> 1776 177/ 177 1777
3,716,5?3 5?,?11,6? >5,656,71 65,33,707 70,/67,755 71,/56,/?1 16?,7//, ?00,557,10
16,03,5?> 30,?61,61 56,557,>00 67,61,506 //,/>5,6>3 77,153,7?7 117,>5>,>1? 1?5,0?7,>>
?on%7ffice >xpenditures
Total >xpenditures
?3,7/7,63> ?6,/5,05> 0,?0/,/? 13?,>>>,770 >0,071,73/ 31,335,7/ 7,300,000 6,651,/7
>,0/5,?10 3>,65,>?6 33,73/,?6/ />,735,710 113,13>,51/ 1?>,>01,006 ?0?,71,600 ?1,516,7>3
5,00,673 135,776,060 ?1>,?51,>30 35?,/36,?1> 331,/>1,7>1 35/,/?6,>>3 575,0>,000 611,>3/,/6
Sour%e B 'ity udget ffi%e 2.$.$ Touris6
Marikina;s $ain tourist attra%tions are the Marikina River Park 4%onsidered as the biggest s#orts and re%reational %enter in the %ountry and lo%al shoes and leather goods fa%toriesoutlets and old and histori% stru%tures lo%ated within the %ultural and heritage !one. The %ity is also dressingu# for the new $illeniu$. + s)!e *useu*, the first and only one in the %ountry, and one of (ery few in the world, shall o#en its doors to the #ubli%. Shoes of %elebrities, in%luding a %olle%tion belonging to for$er #ast )residents of the )hili##ines and their ladies, ho#efully a #air fro$ )resident Jose#h 2strada, shall be #ut on dis#lay. This is #art of the %ity;s #ro$otional %a$#aign for its shoe industry. 2.$.< Marikina >cono6ic one
The 'ity has gained fro$ the oard of In(est$ents authority to o#erate an industrial !ones#e%ial e%ono$i% !one in rgy. )arang and #ortions of rgy. Marikina Deights where industries $ay relo%ate while enoying the sa$e in%enti(es gi(en to industries o#erating in industrial !ones in the #ro(in%es. In(estor in this area $ay also a(ail of other in%enti(es, to witB ta ee$#tions 4ee$#tion fro$ #ay$ent of in%o$e taes for a #eriod of three43 to si46 years If the #roe%t is new with a #ioneer status, ee$#tion fro$ taes and duties on i$#orted s#are #arts for %onsigned e"ui#$ent and ee$#tion fro$ sur%harge dues and e#ort ta, non fis%al in%enti(es 4e$#loy$ent of foreign $aterials in 25
su#er(isory, te%hni%al or ad(isory #osition for fi(e4> years fro$ date of registration, o#eration of a bonded $anufa%turingtrading warehouse sube%t to %usto$s rules and regulations et%. fis%al in%enti(es for s$all and $ediu$si!ed enter#rises as defined by TI 4100@ ee$#tion for a #eriod of fi(e4> years fro$ registration %enter the authority fro$ real #ro#erty ta on land, buildings, $a%hinery;s and other i$#ro(e$ents, annual business ta, %or#orate %o$$unity ta, $ayor;s #er$it fees on businesses et%. under %ertain %onditions. This #ioneering effort between Marikina and the I, %alled Crban +ede*elop6ent Progra6, is intended to ta# eisting and idle %a#a%ities in urban areas left by industries following the industry dis#ersal #rogra$ in the 17/0s. Marikina has been %hosen #artner by the I owing to its effi%ient ad$inistration, %on%ern for the en(iron$ent and its #re(ailing industrial #ea%e.
2.$.& u66ar! of >xisting >cono6ic onditions and Trends
Marikina 'ity fa%es a good #ros#e%t of be%o$ing one of the leading finan%ial, %o$$er%ial, food and ser(i%e %enters in the $etro#olis with the ad(ent of the usiness, =inan%e and =ood Triangle and the re(i(al of the Marikina S#e%ial 2%ono$i%
-i*elihood, Trade and )ndustr! ector Plan Goal
To attain high and sustained e%ono$i% growth.
To $ake lo%al shoe industry globally %o$#etiti(e. To sustain industrial #ea%e in the %ity. To #ro$ote Marikina as a (iable business finan%e and food %enter. To generate additional re(enue for the %ity and e$#loy$ent o##ortunities for lo%al residents.
Sustained industrial #ea%e %hara%teri!ed by $oratoriu$ on labor strikes #ursuant to the essen%e of the tri#artite agree$ent entered into by the labor se%tor, $anage$ent and lo%al go(ern$ent. To $e%hani!e the o#eration of the shoe industry for in%reased #rodu%ti(ity. To in%rease #rodu%ti(ity out#ut of lo%al shoe $anufa%turers fro$ 60@ to >@. To redu%e une$#loy$ent to 10@ by ?00> and >@ by ?010. To generate additional in%o$e of at least ?00 $illion annually by ?00> .
2nhan%e$ent of skills and $e%hani!ation of the lo%al shoe industry. )ro$otion and #arti%i#ation of lo%al shoes and leathergoods $anufa%turers in lo%al and international trade ehibits. early %ondu%t of shoe design %o$#etition. 2$#loy$ent of a #a%kage of ta in%enti(es for shoe $anufa%turers. )ro(ision of %redit for shoe $anufa%turers. )ro(ision of s#a%e 4as outlet for lo%al shoe and leathergoods $anufa%turers in the 8i(erbanks 'o$$er%ial 'enter. 8e(i(al and #ro$otion of the Marikina S#e%ial 2%ono$i%
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M
it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1#
)6ple6enting (genc! ; it! Trade and )ndustr! 7ffice P+7G+(M=P+7>T
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
Skills enhan%e$ent #rogra$.
?000 O ?010
Lo%al =und
Ta in%enti(e #rogra$.
?000 O ?010
International #ro$otional and infor$ation disse$ination #rogra$ on lo%al shoes and leathergoods..
?000 O ?010
)rodu%t "uality %ontrol and i$#ro(e$ent #rogra$.
?000 O ?010
)rodu%t standard de(elo#$ent #rogra$.
?000 O ?00>
)ro$otion on PSa#atos sa Marikina hindi sa a%laranQ.
?000 O ?010
2stablish$ent and #ro$otion of the PMarikina Shoe Museu$Q.
?000 O ?010
)rodu%t "uality and i$#ro(e$ent #rogra$.
?000 O ?010
2stablish$ent of a Shoe esign 'enter and Training 'enter in Marikina. 4-here designers shall ha(e a%%ess to internet and %o$#uteri!e their design and %reations
?000 O ?010
2stablish$ent of linkages with institutions to #ro$ote the shoe industry of Marikina.
?000 O ?010
e(elo#$ent of infrastru%tures and fa%ilities in eisting and #ros#e%ti(e %o$$er%ial and industrial areas.
?000 O ?00>
Industrial Se%urity +ssistan%e to #reser(e obs.
?000 O ?010
)ro$otion of the usiness, =ood and 'o$$er%ial Triangle.
?000 O ?010
)ro$otion of the Marikina S#e%ial
?000 O ?010
2.< T+(?P7+T(T)7? Marikina is easily a%%essible to other %ities and towns sin%e buses and ee#neys en route to and fro$ 'ogeo, +nti#olo, )asig, 'ainta, Taytay, San Mateo, Montalban and #arts of Kue!on 'ity tra(erse through the %ity regularly. -ith the influ of (ehi%les e(eryday, traffi% $anage$ent $easures are i$#le$ented with oint efforts of the 'ity Co(ern$ent of Marikina, )hili##ine Aational )oli%e and the arangay Co(ern$ents. The %ity #rides itself in ha(ing hasslefree roadways to the %o$fort and safety of $otorists and %o$$uters. Dowe(er, due to %ontinuing #o#ulation growth and %orres#onding in%reases in (ehi%ular tri#s, trans#ortation is still a %on%ern for Marikina 'ity to $aintain its effi%ient transit syste$.
2.<.1 >xisting Transportation !ste6s +oad ?etwork
Marikina 'ity has a total road length of about 3/3.0 kilo$eters, %lassified into national 4?>.77 k$s. and %ity roads 435/.1 k$s.. Most of the roads follow a grid #attern e%e#t in Marikina Deights where roads follow %ir%ular and radial #atterns. ue to the li$ited nu$ber of $aor roads within the %ity and the high de#enden%e of tri# $akers on $otori!ed (ehi%le, (ehi%ular traffi% %ongestion is e#erien%ed during #eak hours. J.). 8i!al St. runs along the Marikina 8i(er and is #ra%ti%ally the only through road that goes to San Mateo and 8odrigue!. Traffi% %ounts gathered in %tober 1777 ga(e an esti$ated (olu$e %a#a%ity ratio ranging fro$ 0.> to 0.70 during #eak hours. The Marikina 8i(er di(ides the %ity into two $aor #arts. The Marikina ridge and the bridge along Mar%os Dighway link the two #arts of the %ity. The Tu$ana ridge, %o$#leted in 1776, ser(es as a third link %onne%ting the northern #ortion of Marikina to Kue!on 'ity.
Table 2: +oad )n*entor! b! aranga! and T!pe of Pa*e6ent Marikina it! 1""" aranga!
Sta. 2lena San 8o"ue Sto. Ai*o Ta*ong J. dela )e*a arangka I.G.'. Malanday Falu$#ang 'on%e#%ion I 'on%e#%ion II )arang Aangka Mkna. Deights T7T(-
+esettle6ent ite=MP oncrete Macada6 +oads (lle!s +oads (lle!s
.5>61> ?1.10?0 ??.3?57 7.360 .67350 ?./>>00 10.1?>?0 1?.55/50 7.?6> 5/.06?0 ?1.5>>70 3?.71>70 1.6030 ?3.05/6
0.7651> 3.66>50 0 0 0 0 0 1.36?30 0 ?5.?0/>0 1/.56733 5./?/00 1.1>000 0.>>00
0 0.1/1>0 0.5>00 0 0 0.370> 0 0 0 ?.7?>00 0.?0000 3.31/30 1.3?000 1.07>00
0 0 ?.?650? 0 0 1.?0000 0 0.?5000 0 11.??177 3.0000 11.01600 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.0570 0 3.>0?00 0 0./>?0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5>670 0 0 0 1.1576> 0 ?.1167
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .?600 0 1.13570 1.>?>1> 0
0 0 0.6>?70 0 0 0 0 1./?0 0 0.?55?0 0 ?.03>?> ?./>>/> 0.66?>>
0 0
Sour%e B ffi%e of the 'ity 2ngineer
2.<.2 Public Transport !ste6s
The $aor $odes of #ubli% trans#ortation within the %ity %onsist of buses, ee#neys and tri%y%les. )resently, si 46 bus %o$#anies with a total of 13 units regularly #ly within, to and fro$ Marikina 4See Table ?7. The ee#neys with about 1,1>. units and 7 routes #ro(ide ser(i%e for both internal and eternal tri#s 4See Table 30. =or $ost short distan%e internal tri#s, the tri%y%le is #laying a $aor role with $ore than 3,>00 units o#erating within the %ity 4See Table 31 Table 2" ?u6ber of uses, Dri*ers and onductors Marikina it! 1""" ?a6e of o6pan! Mkna. +uto Line Is$ael us Lines 2J8' us Lines M+' Line us =ides 2#ress us Fat Lines T7T(-
?o. of uses >/ ? ?/ 10 10 6
?o. of Dri*ers 0 >0 30 13 1
?o. of onductors ? >? 30 13 16 10
2#$ 30
Sour%e B )ri$ary Sur(ey 'ity )lanning H e(elo#$ent ffi%e
Table $# Public Ctilit! eepne!s Pl!ing within, to and fro6 Marikina it! 1""" +oute
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7.
Mkna.Montalban)alengke Mkna.)arang)alengke Mkna.)asigSan Joa"uin Marikina+nti#olo Mkna.'ubaoFalu$#ang Modesta)arang'ubao Marikina)arang'ubao MarikinaSSS Gillage'ubao Marikina)asigSantolan T7T(-
?o. of Cnits
?o. of Dri*ers
13 60 300 100 1>0 0 ?00 0 >0
1>0 300 3>0 300 300 1?0 500 160 />
-ocation of Ter6inals
Mkna. Ter$inal Mkna. Ter$inal Mkna. Ter$inal Mkna. Ter$inal aang )asig =ortune +(e. =ortune +(e. )anora$a St. M. 'ru! St.
Sour%e B )ri$ary Sur(ey 'ity )lanning H e(elo#$ent ffi%e
Table $1 ?u6ber of Public Motori@ed Tric!cle per aranga! Marikina it! 1"""
Sto. Ai*o )arang Marikina Deights 'on%e#%ion I 'on%e#%ion II Aangka Malanday arangka Ta*ong Sta. 2lena San 8o"ue Falu$#ang Jesus de la )e*a Industrial Galley 'o$#le T7T(-
?o. of Tric!cle
?o. of (ssociation
603 >/6 3/? 305 ?65 10> 1>> 66 60 5? ?03 ?1? 0 1
1> /> > > 3 3 1 ? 1 7 5 3 0 1
Sour%e B Tri%y%le 8egulations ffi%e 31
2.<.$ u66ar! of >xisting Transportation onditions and Trends
-ith the %ontinuing i$#ro(e$ent and e#ansion of eisting roads and o#ening of new onesde(elo#$ent of new a%%ess roads, traffi% (olu$e shall be greatly redu%ed in $any of the %ity;s $aor thoroughfares. This shall be %riti%al in $eeting future de$and by in%reasing road %a#a%ity sin%e there are li$ited o##ortunities to etend road right of ways, #arti%ularly in $aor roads. The #ro#osed road inter%hange and '> y #ass 8oad )roe%t along Mar%os Dighway, e#ansion of eisting tru%k routes, %onstru%tion of allweather bridge in Tu$ana, 'on%e#%ion I and the de(elo#$ent of 57./ k$. of bikeways on eisting roads and 16.6 k$. along the Marikina 8i(er banks ser(ing as %onne%tion to the new L8T station shall hel# address so$e of the %ity;s trans#ortation re"uire$ents. In addition to road transit #roe%ts, sustainability re"uires effi%ient traffi% enfor%e$ent. It is in this light that the %ity is taking the %udgels of installing its own traffi% signals on about 30 $aor interse%tions. ther traffi% de$and $easures ha(e also been taken into %onsideration for future i$#le$entation.
Transportation ector Plan Goal
)ro(ide effi%ient trans#ortation syste$s for better regional and lo%al a%%essibility and %ir%ulation.
8edu%tion of traffi% %ongestion. I$#ro(e$ent and $aintenan%e of road network in%luding sidewalks. Installation of a##ro#riate street furnitures, signages, loading and unloading bays and other #ubli% trans#ort fa%ilities. e(elo#$ent of new #ubli% #arking areas. More effe%ti(e enfor%e$ent of traffi% and #arking rules and regulations. e(elo#$ent of alternati(e $ode of trans#ortation. I$#ro(e$ent of traffi% signali!ation #rogra$.
8edu%e tra(el ti$e within the %ity by 1> to 30 $inutes. +%hie(e 7@ %o$#lian%e of dri(ers to traffi% rules within the net two 4? years. 32
8edu%e air #ollution in the %ity within tolerable le(el within fi(e 4> years. #erationali!ation of the lo%al bi%y%le network by ?001. #erationali!ation of thirty 430 new traffi% lights by ?001. 'onstru%tion of allweather bridge in Tu$ana, 'on%e#%ion. =ull o#erationali!ation of the a%%ess road %onne%ting the southern #art of Marikina to Libis, Kue!on 'ity 4#assing thru 'a$# +tien!a by ?001. 100@ road %on%reted by ?00?
'ontinuous i$#ro(e$ent of trans#ort and traffi% $anage$ent fa%ilities. 8edu%e #edestrian(ehi%le %onfli%t. Fee# the roadways hasslefree and sidewalks walkable. Stri%k i$#le$entation of traffi% and #arking rules and regulations. Fee#ing the tri%y%les off in $aor thoroughfares to redu%e traffi% %ongestion. 2stablish new ):J routes to s#readout (ehi%les tri#s and ser(e as $any %onstituents as #ossible. is%ourage installation of hu$#s and other obstru%tions, es#e%ially along $aor thoroughfares. 'ontinuing edu%ational %a$#aign on road %ourtesy, #ro#er loading and unloading #ra%ti%es, dress %ode for ):J dri(ers, a$ong others.
P+7P7>D P+7G+(M (?D P+7>T it! of Marikina 2### T7 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; it! >ngineering 7ffice P+7G+(M=P+7>T
T)M> A+(M> 0da!s
7C+> 7A AC?D
1. Mola(e St., 'on%e#%ion I rainage I$#ro(e$ent
31 days
Lo%al =und
?. =al%on St., Sta. 2lena rainage I$#ro(e$ent H Sidewalk %urb and gutter %on%rete
3 days
5? days
>1 days
/0 days
/3 days
/0 days
>0 days
Alood ontrol / Drainage, urb and Gutter and idewalk +epair= )6pro*e6ent
)6pro*e6ent of +oadwa!s
1. 'al%ite 4Cranite to Faolin +epair and Maintenance
1. Toyota +(e., Sta. 2lena 8e#air of rainage syste$Sidewalk %on%reting%o(er ?. 'innabar H asalt Sts., o#en s#a%e at arangay )arang 8e#air of rainage syste$ 3. +. de Cu!$an H )aralu$an Sts., )arang O 8e#air of rainage syste$ 5. alite 'ir%u$ferential 4inner side rgy. )arang O 8e#air of rainage Syste$ >. ayanbayanan +(e., 'on%. I O 8e#air of rainage syste$ +oad ectional locking
1. 2. 8odrigue!Se%tional lo%king at rgy. Sto. Ai*o
?. +. Tua!on 8e#air8ehabSe%tional 34
blo%king at rgy. San 8o"ue H Sta. 2lena
/ days
P+7P7>D P+7G+(M (?D P+7>T it! of Marikina 2### T7 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; it! >ngineering 7ffice P+7G+(M=P+7>T
3. Fati#unan St., 'on%e#%ion I O 8e#air8ehabSe%tional blo%king 5. +. de Cu!$an St., 'on%e#%ion I O 8e#air8ehab.Se%tional blo%king 6. Jogging Lane at brgy. J. dela )e*a Se%tional lo%king8e#air
T)M> A+(M> 0da!s
7C+> 7A AC?D
56 days
Lo%al =und do
10 days
3? days 31 days ?50 days
do do do do do do do do do
? days >5 days 60 days >0 days >> days >? days 7 days 5? days >> days >/ days 3/ days 1?0 days
do do do do do do do do do do do do
+oad oncreting
1. ?. 3. 5. >. 6. /. . 7.
>th St., Sto. Ai*o =reedo$ )ark 8oad 8i(er ike 8oad Tu$ana, 'on%. I )anora$a St. on 8i(er St. =ati$a ri(e Lourdes ri(e 'olt St. 'al%iteFaolin St.
Drainage )6pro*e6ent oncreting of idewalk
1. 2. Santos St. ?. Faren St. 3. Cregorio St. 5. Falaw St. >. +berilla St. 6. Meritt St. /. 2e"uiel St. . 'e#eda St. 7. Fagitingan St., 'alu$#ang 10. =ati$a ri(e, Malanday 11. Shoe +(e., San 8o"ue 1?. rainage utfall R 'rea$, Magat Sala$at, Maroon, )ur#le alanti
'reek to Mola(e
P+7P7>D P+7G+(M (?D P+7>T it! of Marikina 2### T7 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; it! >ngineering 7ffice P+7G+(M=P+7>T
13. Mola(e St., rainage I$#ro(e$ent 15. Mt. 2(erest rainage I$#ro(e$ent H Sidewalk %on%reting 1>. '. 'ru! St., 8e#air of rainage syste$%o(er 4west side 16. 2strado St., rainage I$#ro(e$ent H sidewalk %on%reting 1/. S#arrow, Ma#le -allnut rainage i$#ro(e$ent H sidewalk %on%reting 1. riole St., rainage i$#ro(e$ent H sidewalk %on%reting 17. 'hestnut St. rainage i$#ro(e$ent H sidewalk %on%reting ?0. Mt. 2(erest St. ?1. Cra#hite St. ??. 'ol. i(ino O rainage I$#ro(e$entI$#ro(e$ent.'on%. of sidewalk ?3. 'on%reting of sidewalk O -est ri(e ?5. 'on%reting of sidewalk, %urb H gutter, bi%y%le lane O Lila% St. ?>. M. 8oas St. 2t., 8e#air of rainage syste$%o(er ?6. +uditoriu$, Sta. 2lena ?/. Justi%e DallJail uilding
T)M> A+(M> 0da!s
7C+> 7A AC?D
55 days
Lo%al =und do
5? days
16 days
31 days
10 days
?1 days
do do do do do do
56 days
1?0 days >50 days
do do
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; it! >ngineering 7ffice P+7G+(M=P+7>T
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
'onstru%tion of waiting sheds for #ubli% %o$$uter %on(enien%e
?000 O ?00>
Lo%al =und
)edestriani!ation #roe%ts 4wallkways and street lands%a#ing i$#ro(e$ents
?000 O ?00>
'onstru%tion of lo%al bi%y%le network using finan%ial grant fro$ the Clobal en(iron$ent =a%ility 4C2=
?001 O ?00?
Clobal 2n(iron$ent =a%ility 4C2= -orld ank
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; it! >ngineering 7ffice P+7G+(M=P+7>T
>skuwelahan ng Dri*er sa angketa 4I$#ro$#tu streetside
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
?000 O ?010
Lo%al =und
le%tures on traffi% rules and regulations, road %ourtesy and signages by the arresting traffi% enfor%ers
esignation of a##ro#riate loading and unloading !ones all o(er the %ity 4with stri%t i$#osition of dis%i#linary $easures on erring dri(ers
?000 O ?010
'ontinuous i$#le$entation of Hassle% Aree +oadwa!s Progra6 4-alang Aakaha$balang, -alang Aakakainis sa Lansangan
?000 O ?010
?000 O ?001
Installation of a##ro#riate traffi% and dire%tional signages.
Installation of traffi% signals in 30 $aor interse%tion within the %ity.
?000 O ?001
'onstru%tion of additional #arking fa%ilities.
?000 O ?00>
2.& CT)-)T)> +s a highly urbani!ed area in the $etro#olis, for %ontinued i$#ro(e$ent in the "uality of life and growth of the %ity, a##ro#riate and suffi%ient utility infrastru%tures su%h as water su##ly, drainage, sewerage, ele%tri%ity and tele%o$$uni%ation syste$ are %ru%ial re"uire$ents. -ith the in%reasing #o#ulation, the eisting %o(erage need to e#and and be u#graded to %o#e with future re"uire$ents. 2.&.1 ater uppl!
The %ity;s water su##ly is #ro(ided by the Manila -ater 'o$#any 4for$erly Metro#olitan -aterworks and Sewerage Syste$. o$esti% use a%%ounts for 7?.51@ of the total water %onsu$#tion in the %ity and %o$$er%ial use a%%ounts for the re$aining /.>7@.
Table $2 ?u6ber of usto6er er*ed b! Manila ater Marikina it! 1"": / 1""" 'ear
177 3,/>7 1777 50,161 Sour%eB Manila -ater 'o$#any
3,13 3,?77
51,75? 53,560
+l$ost all areas in the %ity are ser(ed. +s of 1777, 75.1@ of households ha(e dire%t water a%%ess 4through household%o$$unal water fau%ets. -hile the re$aining >@ get their water fro$ #ubli% fau%ets. Table $$ ?u6ber of Households in 7ccupied Housing Cnits b! Main ource of Drinking ater Marikina it! 1""" Main ource of Drinking ater
wn use, fau%et, %o$$unity water syste$ Shared fau%et, %o$$unity water syste$ wn use, tubed#i#ed dee# well Shared, tubed#i#ed shallow dee#dug well S#ring, lake, ri(er, rain, et%.
61,67 3,?? 0 0 0
75.1 >.?
1##3 39
Sour%e B 'ity Dealth ffi%e ectoral Plan Goal=7bBecti*e
2nsure ade"uate and %ontinuous su##ly of #otable water in Marikina 'ity.
)ro(ide 100@ #otable water su##ly %o(erage in Marikina %ity by year ?001.
8e"uire $aor de(elo#$ents to %ondu%t and sub$it i$#a%t assess$ent studies on water su##ly. )rohibit the use of water $otor #u$#s to ensure e"uitable su##ly of water 8e$o(e illegal water %onne%tions and drasti%ally redu%e water leaks. is%ourage installation of dee#wells 4#oso to en%ourage #eo#le to sa(e $oney for %ity water %onne%tion.
PC8I) +-+T +D+Q 4a%%ess to %ity water in all households no $ore dee# wells wala ng #a#oso#oso
2.&.2 Drainage and ewerage
The Marikina 8i(er ser(es as the %ity;s #rin%i#al drainage syste$. The Aangka 8i(er whi%h ser(es as the boundary of Marikina and the Muni%i#ality of San Mateo si$ilarly drains a si!eable area of Marikina, #arti%ularly the eastern #ortions of the %ity. ther than these ri(ers, there are also a nu$ber of %reeks that %an be found in the %ity. The %ity has se(eral o#en and %o(ered %anals whi%h ser(e as its drainage syste$. o$esti% and industrial wastes are dis%harged into this %anals and ulti$ately drains into the %reeks and the ri(er. +dditional drainage fa%ilities es#e%ially in the flood#rone areas are under %onstru%tion to lessen the yearly floodrelated #roble$ of the %ity. Sewerage dis#osal for the rest of the %ity is %ondu%ted $ostly through se#ti% tanks.
ectoral Plan Goal=7bBecti*es
In%rease and i$#ro(e$ent of eisting drainage syste$.
+ttain 100@ %o$#letion of drainage i$#ro(e$ent #roe%ts by ?001. 'onstru%tion of additional drainage es#e%ially in flood#rone areas 2li$inate du$#ing of garbage into waterways
=or$ulation and i$#le$entation of %o$#rehensi(e drainage syste$ #lan. Monitoring and i$#le$entation of the PSa(e the Marikina 8i(erQ #rogra$.
'o$#letion of the drainage i$#ro(e$ent #roe%ts in all barangays Monitoring of the Marikina 8i(er 2ffe%ti(e waste $anage$ent and dis#osal.
Power and Teleco66unications
The Manila le%"ri% &!*'an0 4M28+L' is the fran%hise #ower distributor of Marikina;s ele%tri% #ower su##lyneeds. +s of 1776 residential uses a%%ount for 6.3@ of total Meral%o %onne%tions in the %ity, %o$$er%ial uses a%%ount for 1?.63@ and industrial uses a%%ount for 0.>5@.
Table $< usto6ers er*ed b! Meralco Marikina it! 1""9 usto6er
8esidential 'o$$er%ial Industrial
35,1/ 5,7/3 ?1?
6.3 1?.63 0.>5
Sour%e B Manila 2le%tri% 'o$#any 4M28+L'
P)ili''ine !ng is"an%e and #ele')!ne &!*'an0 4)LT, 4l!$e #ele%!*s and /a0an#el are the #ro(iders of landbased tele#hone ser(i%es in the %ity.
The Tele%o$$uni%ations ffi%e O Marikina ran%h under the e#art$ent of Trans#ortation and 'o$$uni%ations 4T' takes %harge of deli(ering#ro(iding telegra#hi% ser(i%es. +lso, the %ity is ser(ed by two 4? $aor #ri(ate do$esti% telegra#h %o$#aniesE 8adio 'o$$uni%ations of the )hili##ines, In%. 48')I and )hili##ine Telegra#h and Tele#hone 'o$#any 4)THT. )ostal ser(i%es are #ro(ided by the 'entral )ostal ffi%e. Its building is lo%ated ada%ent to Marikina 'ity Dall. It is at #resent $anned by ?5 #ersonnel.
ectoral Plan Goal=7bBecti*es
2nsure steady #ower su##ly. 2nsure the a%%essibility of tele%o$$uni%ations fa%ilities.
+t least one tele#hone line for e(ery household by the year ?003. 8edu%e #ower #ilferage
Creater %oordination with the #ri(ate se%tor in the #ro(ision of #ower and tele%o$$uni%ations fa%ilities. In%reased use of Infor$ation Te%hnology.
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; P-DT, Globe Teleco6 E a!an Tel P+7G+(M=P+7>T
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
'ontinuous e#ansion of )LT, Clobe Tele%o$s and ayanTel tele#hone ser(i%es.
?000 O ?010
'on%erned )ri(ate 'o$#anies
Installation of #ubli% #hones at (arious %on(enient lo%ations.
?000 O ?010
'ontinuous e#ansion of internet a%%ess.
?000 O ?010
2.&.<. u66ar! of >xisting Ctilities
+l$ost all areas in the %ity are ser(ed by the Manila -ater 'o$#any, with do$esti% use a%%ounting for the bulk of water %onsu$#tion. Substantial i$#ro(e$ent in water su##ly ser(i%e are ongoing to ser(e areas in Marikina lo%ated on higher grounds. Se(eral lowlying areas in Marikina are still flood#rone. +dditional drainage fa%ilities along with the #re(ention of indis%ri$inate du$#ing of garbage on waterways are needed to address the flood #roble$. The Manila 2le%tri% 'o$#any #ro(ides ele%tri% #ower in the %ity, with residential uses a%%ounting for the bulk of #ower %onsu$#tion. +n in%rease in #ower su##ly will be re"uired to su##ort future growth. The tele%o$$uni%ation re"uire$ents of the %ity are ser(ed by se(eral utility %o$#anies. Tele#hone ser(i%es was been i$#ro(ing through the years but need further e#ansion to ensure better a%%essibility and to $eet %urrent and future de$and.
2.9 >?F)+7?M>?T 2n(iron$ent #lays a %entral role in %o$$unity $anage$ent. es#ite a fairly ade"uate syste$ of laws and regulations, en(iron$ental degradation ad(an%es in Metro Manila. =or de(elo#$ent to be sustained en(iron$ent $ust be taken %ared of. It is in this light that Marikina has $ounted (arious #rogra$s whi%h are geared towards en(iron$ental #rote%tion and $anage$ent, or $ore s#e%ifi%ally to $ake 'ari"ina clean, orderly, in and out, allover# In reality, the biggest #art of the en(iron$ent in an urban setting is #eo#le there is (irtually a (ast forest or ungle of #eo#le. To address this big #art of en(iron$ent, there is a need for discipline the need to in%ul%ate and internali!e the (alue of dis%i#line a$ong the #eo#le be%ause without it no a$ount of %are for en(iron$ent would be $eaningful. Marikina has be%o$e a $odel in en(iron$entrelated #rogra$s. It has $ade and is still #ursuing a strong %ase for dis%i#line. It has a longrange #rogra$ of $ore dis%i#line at ho$e, in the s%hool and in the whole %o$$unity. 2.9.1 olid aste Manage6ent
Ceneration 8ate In 1777, waste generation in Marikina was esti$ated to be between 1>0 ?00 tons #er day or roughly 500 %ubi% $eters #er day. ulk of the solid waste %o$e fro$ the residential households, a%%ounting for al$ost half of the total waste generated, followed by %o$$er%ial, #ubli% and #ri(ate $arketsE and institutional #la%es. 48efer to Table 3> below The aggregate (olu$e of waste generated daily translates to 1>0?00 tons #er day. Table $& olid aste Generation Marikina it! 1""" T!pe of aste Generated
u. M=da!
hare 03
?/? 3 5 16 ?0 ? 5
6.00 @ 7.>0 @ 1?.00 @ 5.00 @ >.00 @ .>0 @ 1.00 @
<## cu.6.=da!
8esidential 'o$$er%ial )ubli% H )ri(ate Market Industrial Institutional Street Swee#ing Fuyagot T7T(-
Sour%e B -aste Manage$ent ffi%e 44
Carbage 'olle%tion 8ate The Solid -aste %olle%tion and dis#osal o#erations in the %ity is being ad$inistered by the as"e Manage*en" ((i%e M . The %ity is e"ui##ed with twenty four 4?5 %o$#a%tor tru%ks and ten 410 du$# tru%ks, $anned by ?>> #ersonnel. -ith the effe%ti(e de#loy$ent of e"ui#$ent and $an#ower and the use of a Carbage Transfer Station, the %ity is %redited with a high garbage %olle%tion effi%ien%y rate of 7@ based on 1777 data. 4'onsidered as one of he highest in Metro Manila -aste is#osal Syste$ The garbage that is being %olle%ted is trans#orted to the /arbage ransfer *tation lo%ated at the ba%k of the %ity hall where du$#tru%ks are waiting whi%h in turn trans#ort the sa$e to the sanitary landfill site situated in San Mateo 8i!al. These are %olle%ted along the roadstreet at %urbside. 8esidents and owners of establish$ents are re"uired to dis%harge wastes in #lasti% bags or trash re%e#ta%les #rior to the arri(al of garbage %o$#a%tor. The %ity has also ado#ted a :ser;s )ay )rin%i#le 4the $ore garbage you generate the greater the %ost you in%ur. This is the substan%e of the %ity ordinan%e whi%h re"uires %o$$er%ial establish$ents to use only offi%ial bags whi%h they %an #ur%hase fro$ the -aste Manage$ent ffi%e at )?>.00 #er #ie%e 4big si!e and )1?.00 #er #ie%e 4s$all si!e. This s%he$e is intended to #ersuade %o$$er%ial establish$ents into $ini$i!ing on their garbage generation to sa(e on %ost. + s%hedule for garbage %olle%tion #er area is set on%e a week in residential areas, twi%e a week in %o$$er%ialindustrial areas, and ?5hour ser(i%e in the #ubli% $arket !one. 2.9.2 Pollution
+ir )ollution Ao data on air "uality $easure$ents are a(ailable for Marikina 'ity although 9s*!kes"a%k indus"ries: $ay be initially attra%ted by #er$issi(e attitude towards air #ollution %ontrol. 8etrofitting dirty industry with %ontrol de(i%es after %o$#letion 4and %onsiderable de#re%iation is usually une%ono$i%al %o$#ared with designing in stateoftheart #ollution %ontrol during initial %onstru%tion. +ll industries that in(ol(e %o$bustion are sour%es of %o$bustionderi(ed #ollutants, su%h as soot, fly ash, %arbon $onoide and nitrogen oides.
Marikina is %ontinuously as#iring to be%o$e a genuinely wholeso$e #la%e to li(e in. 8e%ently the %ity has laun%hed a #rogra$ IDust%Aree Marikina %% ( Health! it! with lean (ir Progra6J whi%h ai$s to su##ort the national go(ern$ent in #ursuit of the 'lean +ir +%t. To su##ort the national go(ern$ents dri(e against s$okebel%hing (ehi%les, the %ity go(ern$ent of Marikina thru its Sangguniang ayan %reated the 2n(iron$ent and Aatural 8esour%e ffi%e 42A8 #er 8esolution Ao. 1?/, series of 177? whi%h $ain obe%ti(e is to i$#ro(e the "uality of air within Marikina and safeguard the health of the #ubli%. -ater )ollution Latest data on water "uality of Marikina 8i(er using the site under the Marikina ridge as sa$#ling station showed the following resultsB
Table $9 ater Kualit! of Marikina +i*er Marikina it! 1""" Date
D7 6g=l
7D 6g=l
Jan.;77 =eb.;77 Mar.;77 +#r.;77 May77 Jun.;77 Jul.;77 +ug.;77 Se#.;77 %t.;77 Ao(.;77 e%.;77
0 0 0 ?
/.00 /.7 /.51 /.3? /.5? /.67 /.55 /.>6 /.>/ /.3> /.63 /.5
>.30 3.>0 5.00 1.0 >.0 >.00 >.?0 6.70 >./0 >.50
>.00 3.00 /.00 >.00 1.00 .00 1?.00 5.00 7.00 10.00
?/.00 ?.10 ?6.70 30.>0 ?7.30 ?/.70 ?/.?0 ?7.50 ?7.50 ?/.30 ?>.70 ?.0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9.&% :.&
5.6 &.#
.1 801#
$L Max. rise
ater depth 06
ecchi depth 06
1.> 0./> 0./>
0.?> 0.0> 0.10 0.0/
1.> 1.1
0.?0 0.1> 0.13 1.#
?H$%? Mg=l
P7<%P 6g=l
?7$%? 6g=l
0.07> 1.3/0 ?.1?0 ?.5/0 1.?70 1.1/0 0.76 0.>/5 1.1>0 1.350
0.??3 0.0/1 0.35 0.530 0.?>? 0.?55 0.17> 0.06 0.1/5 0.176
0.67 0.7?/ 0. 0.>76 0.73 0.6>? 0.65> 0.65/ 0./31 0.71>
Sour%e B 'ity Dealth ffi%e
Marikina 8i(er tra(ersing Marikina 'ity is %lassified as 'lass ' 4good for fishery and re%reational #ur#oses. Dowe(er, its o(erall water "uality has deteriorated %o$#ared to its water "uality during the se(enties when it was %lassified as 'lass + 4a##ro#riate for water su##ly with %o$#lete treat$ent. =or the sa$#ling 46
#eriod 4January to Ao(e$ber 1777, a(eraged .1 $gl whi%h is slightly abo(e the standard of / $gl while a(eraged 5.6 $gl whi%h is slightly below the standard (alue of >.0 $gl. AD3A registered an a(erage of 1.?5/ $gl whi%h is slightly abo(e the standard of 1.0 $gl while the a(erage results for )5) and A3A were within standards. The o(erall water "uality of Marikina 8i(er is better %o$#ared to other ri(ers in Metro Manila. In fa%t, it is the only biologi%ally ali(e ri(er in the whole of Metro Manila today. Marikina 8i(er;s water "uality has the #otential to further i$#ro(e %onsidering its #resent %onditions and the way it is $anaged by the 'ity Co(ern$ent. There is still a nu$ber of solid wastes 4#lasti% wra##ers, styrofoa$ that are fre"uently seen floating in the ri(er. +lthough the Marikina 8i(er is $u%h %leaner than the )asig 8i(er, the northern and southern ends of its ri(erbanks are obser(ed to be o%%asionally littered with so$e waste $aterials. So$e lo%al residents are o%%asionally seen fishing in so$e seg$ents of the ri(er. Tila#ia, $udfish, %ar# and %atfish are re#orted to be %aught in the ri(er. thers inter(iewed also re#orted the #resen%e of s$all shri$#s and so$e freshwater shellfish. Alooding
+s de#i%ted in the flooding $a# 4=lood )rone areas in Marikina, both ri(er banks for the whole stret%h of the Marikina 8i(er tra(ersing the %ity are re#orted to be flood#rone areas and fre"uently flooded during hea(y rainsty#hoons. -hile the nor$al de#th of the ri(er is 3 $eters it %an go as high as 1 $eters during hea(y down#our of rains. The Marikina 8i(er is #ra%ti%ally a %at%h basin of rain water %o$ing fro$ 8odrigue!. 4for$erly Montalban and San Mateo, 8i!al Streets that get inundated within the %ity in%lude seg$ents of J.). Laurel and ada%ent lots, Kuirino, Mt. -ilson, Mt. 2tna, Mt. Fennedy, Fati#unan and )io del )ilar interse%tion, 8osas, Kuarts, asalt, Lennon, )ana$a and ra!il. >n*iron6ent ector Plan
2n(iron$ental %on%erns su%h as water "uality, air #ollution and waste $anage$ent ha(e been and are being effe%ti(ely addressed by the %ity through no(el, yet #ra%ti%al strategies. )roof of this are the nu$erous awards %onferred to %ity as the &leanes" and 4reenes" #!;n and &leanes" Inland /!d0 !( a"er in ")e Na"i!nal &a'i"al Regi!n . Aonetheless lo%al efforts need to be sustained and new %o$#le$entary #roe%ts should #ut in #la%e to #re(ent the %ity fro$ going ba%k to its sorry state of years ago.
To $ake Marikina %lean and green, and orderly, in and out, all o(er.
To sustain, e#and and %o$#le$ent #roe%ts that are already in #la%e.
'ari"ina the most livable city in the .hilippines by &00& .
)ursuit of #ra%ti%al and (iable solutions that would %reate i$$ediate i$#a%t to the %ity;s foreboding en(iron$ental %on%erns, es#e%ially those whi%h affe%t $arginali!ed seg$ents of the #o#ula%e.
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; Parks De*elop6ent 7ffice=M7=>ngineering 7ffice P+7G+(M=P+7>T
IPuno 5ahit aanJ 4the whole town
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
?000 O ?010
Lo%al =und
is a nursery of trees
e(elo#$ent of #ubli% lands and o#en s#a%es into )eo#le;s )arks
?000 O ?00>
IDust Aree Marikina % % ( Health! it! with lean (ir Progra6J
?000 O ?010
'ity ikelane Aetwork
?001 O ?00?
Clobal 2n(iron$ent =a%ility 4C2= -orld ank
2#ansion of the Marikina 8i(er )ark )roe%t
?000 O ?00>
Lo%al =und
isi#lina sa angketa
?000 O ?010
2ffe%ti(e -aste Manage$ent through e#loy$ent of )ro#er 2ngineering 4Carbage Transfer Station and stri%t obser(an%ead(o%a%y of the #rin%i#le Pasura Mo +lagaan MoQ
?000 O ?010
Hakot 5u!agot 4%olle%tion of s%ra#
?000 O ?010
$aterials e.g. rusted C.I. sheets, old li$bers, tree bran%hes e%e#t %onstru%tion debris at least on%e a week in e(ery barangay and on #er re"uest basis by residents
2.9.$ u66ar! of >xisting >n*iron6ental onditions
In 1777, the esti$ated total solid waste generation in Marikina 'ity was between 1>0?00 tons #er day or roughly 500 %ubi% $eters #er day. 8esidential households generated the $ost waste, a%%ounting for al$ost half of the total waste generated, followed by %o$$er%ial, #ubli% and #ri(ate $arkets and institutional #la%es.
Solid waste %olle%tion and dis#osal o#erations in the %ity is handled by the -aste Manage$ent ffi%e 4-M. Marikina is %redited with a high garbage %olle%tion effi%ien%y rate of 7@ based on 1777 data. Marikina 'ity has no a(ailable data on air "uality $easure$ents but the bulk of air #ollution $aybe attributed to $otor (ehi%les. )art of air #ollution $ay be attributed to all industries that in(ol(e %o$bustion. The o(erall water "uality of the Marikina 8i(er has deteriorated thru the years. uring the se(enties, the Marikina 8i(er water "uality was %lassified as 'lass + but has dro# to 'lass ' during the nineties. 2(en the water "uality of the ri(er has dro##ed, lo%al residents are o%%asionally seen fishing in so$e seg$ents of the ri(er.
The #ro#osed Marikina ikeways )roe%t is e#e%ted to redu%e %onsiderably traffi% %ongestion and air #ollution within the %ity. The #roe%t is #ri$arily ai$ed at #ro$oting low%ost and en(iron$ent friendly trans#ort within the %ity. through the #ro(ision of s#a%e dedi%ated for bikeways in eisting roads, the #roe%t e#e%ts to en%ourage $ore residents to use bi%y%les as an alternati(e $eans of trans#ort in the %ity. iking as an alternati(e $eans of trans#ortation is not only e%ono$i%al but #ollutionfree. It is #roe%ted to benefit Marike*os, #arti%ularly the #oor seg$ent of the so%iety when $aking short distan%e tri#s, %o$$uting to their work #la%es and students going to s%hools. ikeways also effe%ti(ely in%rease the lo%al residents $obility for other do$esti% and business #ur#oses. The ri(erside lanes will also #ro$ote biking as a healthy re%reation a$ong Marike*os and lo%al (isitors. The %ontinuing i$#le$entation and intensifi%ation of su%h #roe%ts as Marikina River Park evel!'*en", Pun! Ka)i" +aan, evel!'*en" !( Pe!'le
7)(- >+F)> 2.8.1 >DC(T)7? 2isting -ondition
Litera%y 8ate +s of 177>, the household #o#ulation 10 years old and o(er, 77.16@ are literate and only 0.5@ are illiterate. 48efer to Table 3/
Table $8 -iterac! of Household Population 1# !ears old and 7*er Marikina it! 1""& (ge Group
1015 1>17 ?0?5 ?>?7 3035 3>37 5055 5>57 >0>5 >>>7 6065 6>67 /0/5 />/7 0 H o(er
5?,3/1 55,6/5 56,57 51,363 35,775 ?7,005 ??,35 1>,3>3 13,36/ 7,?67 6,500 5,005 ?,333 1,/0? 1,17
>73 500 ?10 13> 117 135 ? 11> 130 11 156 137 1?> 136
5?,765 5>,0/5 5/,0>7 51,57 3>,133 ?7,13 ??,5/? 1>,53> 13,5? 7,377 6,>1 5,1>0 ?,5/? 1,?/ 1,335
Sour%e B AS 2du%ational +ttain$ent +%%ording to the 177> %ensus, 35.03@ of the %ity&s #o#ulation had attained, at a $ini$u$, a se%ondary le(el of edu%ation, while 13.65@ had a%ade$i% degree. + total of 3,>13 or 1.15@ of the household #o#ulation aged > years and older had no edu%ational attain$ent 4See Table 3. 51
Table $: Household Population & !ears old and 7*er b! Highest >ducational (ttain6ent b! chool (ttendance and ex Marikina it! 1""& >ducational -e*el
Ao Crade 'o$#leted )re S%hool 2le$entary Digh S%hool )ost Se%ondary 'ollege :ndergraduate +%ade$i% egree Dolder Aot Stated T7T(-
1,>5 1,??5 55,5> >1,>?> >,?/7 ??,3>> 17,57> 1,175
1,76> 1,0>5 >3,5/0 >3,037 >,6/1 ?0,6/? ??,513 1,567
3,>13 ?,?/ 7,31> 105,>65 10,7>0 53,0?/ 51,70 ?,663
Sour%e B AS +s of e%e$ber 1777, Marikina 'ity had 1> #ubli% #res%hool, 1 #ubli% ele$entary s%hools and 6 #ubli% se%ondary s%hools. The Marikina Ins"i"u"e !( +%ien%e and #e%)n!l!g0 is the only #ubli% higher edu%ation institution o#erated by 2'S. It is also the only institution offering #ost graduate %ourses to in%lude Masteral and o%torate degrees in edu%ational $anage$ent. )ri(ate s%hools in%luded 35 #res%hool, 35 ele$entary, 1> se%ondary. The %ity also has 5 (o%ational s%hools and ? tertiary s%hools. 4See Table 37
Table $" Distribution of chools b! -e*el of >ducation Marikina it! 1""" ! -e*el
)reS%hool 2le$entary Digh S%hool Tertiary Go%ationalTe%hni%al S%hool
?o. of Public chools
?o. of Pri*ate chools
1> 1 6 1 1
35 35 1> ? 5
Sour%e B 2'S
S%hoolgoing +ge )o#ulation S%hool year 1777?000, the total enroll$ent of s%hoolgoing age #o#ulation in Marikina 'ity was 75,/76. The ele$entary le(el has the highest nu$ber of s%hool enroll$ent totaling to about >/,76 or 61.1>@. 4Table 50
Table <# Population b! (ge Group Marikina it! ' 1"""%2### (ge Group
5 / 13 1/
Population 0oth exes
6 1? 16 ?5
>,63 >/,76 ?6,?66 5,7?5
T7T(Sour%e B 2'S
2nroll$ent =or the year of 1777?000, #ubli% s%hools enroll$ent a%%ounted for /3.>6@ of total ele$entary enrol$entE the balan%e of ?6.55@ enrolled in #ri(ate ele$entary s%hools. +t the high s%hool le(el, 65.36@ were enrolled at #ubli% s%hools whereas 3>.65@ were enrolled at #ri(ate high. The total enrol$ent in %ollege are 30.>5@ in #ubli% s%hools and 67.56@ are in #ri(ate s%hools.
Table <1 >nroll6ent tatistics b! -e*el Marikina it! ' 1"""%2### Pre% chool
Focational% Technical
)ubli% )ri(ate
1,71 3,/?0
55,/0 13,07
16,706 7,360
1,653 ?
715 ?,0/7
Sour%e B 2'S
istribution of )ubli% S%hool Tea%hers and Tea%herStudent 8atios =or the year 1777?000, the total nu$ber of Marikina 'ity #ubli% s%hool tea%hers was 1,>//. Marikina )ubli% Digh S%hool had a total of 513 tea%hers. The #ubli% #res%hool tea%herstudent ratio has been %onsistent at 1B30 for three %onse%uti(e year 4177/?000. In the ele$entary s%hool tea%herstudent ratio of 1B51 was the highest re%orded during s%hool year 1777?000. In the high s%hool le(el, the tea%herstudent ratio of 1B3> during s%hool year 1777?000. 4Table 5?
Table <2 Teacher%tudent +atio Marikina it! ' 1"""%2### chool -e*el
' 1""8%1"":
' 1"":%1"""
' 1"""%2###
1B30 1B>0 1B>0
1B30 1B5> 1B5>
1B30 1B51 1B3>
)reS%hool 2le$entary Digh S%hool Sour%e B 2'S
TetbookStudent 8atios on )ubli% S%hool The i(ision of Marikina has $aintained the tetbookstudent ratio of 1B1 in all le(el during the s%hool year 1777?000 )erfor$an%e Indi%ators )erfor$an%e indi%ators during the s%hool year 1771777 are generally good for #ubli% ele$entary s%hools. Dowe(er, #erfor$an%e indi%ators for high s%hool le(el shows a relati(ely low %o$#letion rate, high dro# out rate and low sur(i(al rate. The high dro# out rate %ontributed to the low %o$#letion and sur(i(al rates. The sur(i(al rate of /7.7/@ i$#lies that $ore than ?0@ of the students who enrolled in the first year did not rea%h or finish fourth year. These $aybe attributed to the followingB e$#loy$ent of students, relo%ation of s"uatter fa$ilies and early $arriage or #regnan%y and illness or #oor health. So$e students, es#e%ially %hildren of une$#loyed #arents, lea(e s%hool to be e$#loyed in obs that do not re"uire te%hni%al skills )oor health is also an essential fa%tor due to debilitating diseases whi%h hinder student fro$ going to s%hool. 2arly $arriage and #regnan%y are %o$$on fa%tors for the low sur(i(al rate es#e%ially a$ong the 151/ age bra%ket.
Table <$ Public chool Perfor6ance )ndicators Marikina it! ' 1"":%1""" )ndicators
'o$#letion 8ate ro#out 8ate Craduation 8ate )arti%i#ation 8ate )ro$otion 8ate 8etention 8ate Sur(i(al 8ate Transition 8ate
High chool
.00 00.10 100.00 73.00 77.00 76.00 /.00 76.00
>>.30 0/.1? 7>.?1 7?./> /.3> 63.7/ /7.7/ 6/./>
+%hie(e$ent 8esult In the 177 Na"i!nal le*en"ar0 A%)ieve*en" #es" NA# and Na"i!nal +e%!ndar0 A%)ieve*en" #es" N+A#= Table 55 indi%ates that the i(ision of Marikina ranked first in 2nglish, =ili#ino and Mathe$ati%s and se%ond in S%ien%e in the A'8. Table << ?(T Perfor6ance in ubBect (reas Marikina it! 1"": ?(T Di*ision Manila >. &i"0 Mandalu0!ng 'A+454A Pasig?+n. Juan &al!!%an @AMANA Pasa0 Maka"i Parañaue as Piñas Mun"inlu'a #APA# Regi!nal Mean
>?G-)H Di*. Mean +ank
A)-)P)?7 Di*. Mean +ank
)>?> Di*. Mean +ank
M(TH>M(T) Di*. Mean +ank
>0.05 >0.17 >6.33
/ 6 3
/0.?/ 6./0 /1.63
> 7 3
5.0> 5/.// >1.//
/ 3
>1.>> 5/.76 >6.60
> 11 ?
>?.?5 5/.1 56.63 5./5 5/.37 >6./3 5/./5 >?./0 5?.60 57./1
> 7 1? 11 ? 10 5 13
67.?3 /0.50 67.53 6.00 66.// /?.// 6.>3 6.0 6>.?/ 67.3/
/ 5 6 11 1? ? 10 13
57.53 5/.?7 56.?0 5.0/ 5>.5 >3.61 5/.0/ >0.?0 53.65 5.03
> 7 11 6 1? 1 10 5 13
>0.5 5.63 57./> 57.?7 55.>/ >5./7 5.07 >?.0/ 50.36 57.36
6 7 / 1? 3 10 5 13
Sour%e B 2'S 55
Table <& ?>(T Perfor6ance in Different ubBect (reas Marikina it! 1"": ?>(T Di*ision Manila >.&. Mandalu0!ng 'ari"ina Pasig?+J &al!!%an @AMANA Pasa0 &i"0 Maka"i &i"0 Paranaue as Piñas Mun"inlu'a #APA# R4INA
H>5() Mean +ank
M(TH>M(T) Mean +ank
)>?> Mean +ank
>?G-)H Mean +ank
>>.0> >5.0 >5.53
10 1? 13
>5.63 >5.73 >>.?>
1? 11 10
>3./0 >5.? >5.00
11 10
57.>> 5.>> 5.60
11 10
>6.7> >5.0 >0.6> 63.3> 6>.0 >>.1 >/.60 61.>> >5.50 >>.1>
> 7 13 ? 1 6 5 3 /
>?.?0 5.33 5>.70 >7.73 6?.6> 57./3 >?.60 >/.> 57.>> >0.?0
>>.03 >6.30 >>.33 60.53 6?.> >>.?> >/.5> >7.0> >>.> >6.00
11 6 7 ? 1 5 3 /
>/.60 >6.00 >5.>0 61.5 6>.?> >>.>3 >.03 61.0> >>.3 >6.?3
> 6 13 ? 1 5 3 7
> 7 13 ? 1 6 5 3 /
=or the 177 A2+T )erfor$an%e in different sube%t areas, the i(ision of Marikina 'ity ranked >th in D2F+SI, /th in Mathe$ati%s, 1? th in S%ien%e and 7 th in 2nglish, the di(ision $ean of >/.00@ in D2F+SI is one #oint higher than the regional $ean 4>6.00@E 0.>3@ higher than the regional $ean. Deter6ination of Auture ?eeds
)roe%ted 2nroll$ent y ?010, enroll$ent at the #res%hool le(el is #roe%ted to rea%h ?,>6E >,?/7 for the ele$entaryE and ??,7/0 for high s%hool and 1,3?0 for %ollege. The 2'S, i(ision of Marikina 'ity has #roe%ted this figures based on the annual enroll$ent growth rate. Table <9 ProBected Public chools >nrol6ent b! -e*el Marikina it!
?00> O ?010 -e*el
5O6 4)res%hool /1? 42le$entary 1316 4Digh S%hool 1/?1 4'ollege Sour%e B 2'S
2##& ProBected >nrol6ent
2#1# ProBected >nrol6ent
?,351 >?,/> ?0,0> 1,176
?,>6 >,?/7 ??,7/0 1,3?0 56
Tea%her 8e"uire$ents y ?00>, the additional #ubli% s%hool tea%her re"uire$ents for the #res%hool based on the 1 tea%herB 30 #u#ils standard ratio is ?3E for the ele$entary and high s%hools based on the 1 tea%herB 5> #u#ils standard ratio is / and 57 res#e%ti(ely. -hile the %ollege le(el based on the 1 tea%herB >0 #u#ils standard ratio is 10. Table <8 ProBected Teacher +e4uire6ents for Public chool Marikina it! 2##&
)reS%hool 2le$entary Digh S%hool 'ollege Sour%eB 2'S
ProBected >nrol6ent
tandard Teacher%Pupil +atio
urrent ?o. of Teacher
?,351 >?,/> ?0,0> 1,176
1B30 1B5> 1B5> 1B>0
>> 1,07> 513 15
ProBected Teacher +e4uire6ent
?3 / 57 10
Table <: ProBected Teacher +e4uire6ents for Public chool Marikina it! 2#1#
)reS%hool 2le$entary Digh S%hool 'ollege Sour%e B 2'S
ProBected >nrol6ent
tandard Teacher%Pupil +atio
urrent ?o. of Teacher
?,>6 >,?/7 ??,7/0 1,3?0
1B30 1B5> 1B5> 1B>0
>> 1,07> 513 15
ProBected Teacher +e4uire6ent
31 ?00 7/ 1?
'lassroo$ 8e"uire$ents y the year ?010, the additional %lassroo$ re"uire$ents for the #res%hool based on the 1 %lassroo$ ; ?> #u#ils standard ratio is 3E for the ele$entary le(el based on the 1 %lassroo$B 5> #u#ils standard ratio is ///E for the high s%hool le(els based on the 1 %lassroo$B >0 #u#ils standard ratio is 35 while the %ollege le(els based on the 1 %lassroo$B >? #u#ils standard ratio is 15. Table <" 57
ProBected lassroo6 +e4uire6ents for Public chools Marikina it! 2##&
ProBected >nrol6ent
tandard lassroo6% Pupil +atio
)reS%hool 2le$entary Digh S%hool 'ollege Sour%e B 2'S
?,351 >?,/> ?0,0> 1,176
1B30 1B5> 1B>0 1B>?
urrent ?o. of lassroo6
ProBected lassroo6 +e4uire6ent
5 >1 111 11
30 6>> 30> 1?
Table ProBected lassroo6 +e4uire6ent for Public chools Marikina it! 2#1#
ProBected >nrol6ent
tandard lassroo6 / Pupil +atio
)res%hool 2le$entary Digh S%hool 'ollege Sour%e B 2'S
?,>6 >,?/7 ??,7/0 1,3?0
1B30 1B5> 1B>0 1B>?
urrent ?o. of lassroo6
ProBected lassroo6 +e4uire6ent
5 >1 111 11
3 /// 35 15
u66ar! of >xisting >ducation Trends and onditions
The %ity;s litera%y rate is high at 77.16@, nearly onethird of the #o#ulation attained at a $ini$u$ of se%ondary le(el of edu%ation. Tetbookstudents ratios in #ubli% s%hools ha(e been %onsistent at 1B1. Tea%herstudent ratios in all le(els ha(e rea%hed their highest le(els e(er. Marikina 'ity has i$#ro(ed its #erfor$an%e in the Aational Se%ondary +%hie(e$ent Test 4AS+T in the S%hool ear 1771777. y ?00>, the additional tea%her re"uire$ents based on the 1 tea%herB 30 #u#ils standard ratio are ?3 at the #res%hool le(el. ased on the 1 tea%her B 5> students ratio, the additional tea%her re"uire$ents on the ele$entary and high s%hool le(els are / and 57 res#e%ti(ely. ased on the standard 1 %lassroo$ B 30 #u#ils ratio, the %lassroo$ re"uire$ents by ?010 were esti$ated to be 3 at the #res%hoolE /// based on the 1 %lassroo$ B 5> students standard ratio on the ele$entary le(elE 35 in the high s%hool le(el based on the standard 1 %lassroo$ B >0 students. 58
>ducation ector Plan Goal
To #ro(ide free edu%ation to ele$entary and high s%hool students as guaranteed by the %onstitution.
To %urb the #erennial #roble$ of %lassroo$ inade"ua%y. To redu%e truan%y a$ong students. To in%rease a%hie(e$ent le(els of #u#ils to >@ by ?003. To eli$inate %olle%tion of fees%ontributions fro$ the students.
I$#ro(ed a%hie(e$ent le(els of #u#ils by ?@ annually. Lower the %lassroo$#u#il ratio of 1B71 to 1B50 within the #lanning #eriod S ?000 forward. In%reased a%%essibility to #ubli% edu%ation of lo%al residents. +dditional ?>0 new %lassroo$s s#readout to the different barangays. Issuan%e of I;s to students bearing, a$ong others, s%hedule of %lasses to %he%k truan%y. Stri%t i$#le$entation and $onitoring of P!ero %ontributionQ for an honest to goodness free edu%ation #rogra$.
)riority shall be gi(en to lo%al residents to a(ail of the free edu%ation #rogra$. :#grade tea%hing skillsstrategies in all areas both in ele$entary se%ondary le(els. )ro(ision of the re"uired nu$ber of s%hool roo$s and other fa%ilities. Syste$ati% $onitoring and e(aluation of the #ubli% ele$entary and se%ondary s%hool #erfor$an%e. )ro(ision of ade"uate instru%tional $aterials 4(isual aids. )ro(ision of in%enti(es to honor and deser(ing students. ire%t basi% edu%ation not only to litera%y but also on the #ro$otion of %reati(e skills. +%ti(e #ro$otion of the (alues of dis%i#line, good taste and e%ellen%e a$ong students. 2#loratory resear%hstudy on the establish$ent of a 'ity 'ollege.
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; G7=D> P+7G+(M=P+7>T
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
'onstru%tion of )ubli% 2le$entary S%hool uilding in arangay Marikina Deights and additional s%hool roo$s in other barangays.
?000 O ?001
Lo%al =und
Truan%y 'ontrol )rogra$ 4lo%al ordinan%e
?000 O ?010
Aon=or$al 2du%ation gi(en by 2'S.
?000 O ?010
8e%ruit$ent of additional s%hool tea%hers as $ay be ne%essary and as the %ity go(ern$ent %an afford
?000 O ?010
2stablish$ent of a 'ity 'ollege.
?000 O ?010
=ree 2du%ation 4
?000 O ?010
2.8.2 H>(-TH 'onsidered as the leading indi%ator in %o$$unity de(elo#$ent is the health status of the #o#ula%e. The health se%tor is tasked with the res#onsibility of %aring for the wellbeing of the #o#ula%e. It in(ol(es a $ultifa%eted endea(or fro$ all %on%erns not only in the deli(ery of $edi%al, institutional and welfare ser(i%es but also the "uality of eisting health fa%ilities, infrastru%ture and $an#ower to satisfy the needs of the %o$$unity.
>xisting onditions
Gital Dealth Statisti%s ased on the (ital health statisti%s of Marikina 'ity Dealth ffi%e, the total nu$ber of li(e births in 1777 was 11,6>> and 1,??1 total nu$ber of deaths. 'hild $ortality, infant $ortality, fetal $ortality and $aternal $ortality nu$ber are shown in Table >1 below. The leading %auses of infant and %hild $ortality were #neu$onia, fetal deaths, neonatal deaths, Dfe(er and $easles. Table &1 Fital Health tatistics Marikina it! 1""" ause
Li(e irths Total eaths 'hild Mortality Infant Mortality =etal Mortality Maternal Mortality Sour%eB 'ity Dealth ffi%e
+ate per 1,### population
11,6>> 1,??1 37 60 57 ?
?7.3> 3.?0 1.05 >.15 5.17 .1/
Mortality =or all ages, the leading %ause of $ortality was %ardio(as%ular disease. The 'ity Dealth ffi%e re#orted ?10 deaths of this disease out of the total #o#ulation in 1777 4See Table >?.
Table &2 -eading auses of Mortalit! Marikina it! 1""" auses
'ardio(as%ular isease )neu$onia Dy#ertension 'an%er )T =etal eath Aeonatal eath Fidney iseases Deart iseases iabetes :nknown 'auses T7T(Sour%eB 'ity Dealth ffi%e
+ate per 1,### population
?10 177 15 1?0 > 57 > 35 ?/ 3> 1>6 1,121
0.>3 0.>0 0.3/ 0.30 0.?1 0.1? 0.1> 0.0 0.0/ 0.07 0.37 2.:2
Morbidity =or all ages, )neu$onia was the leading %ause of $orbidity with >,//1 %ases or a rate of 15.> #ersons #er 1,000 #o#ulation 4Table >3 Table &$ -eading auses of Morbidit! Marikina it!, 1""" auses
)neu$onia iarrhea Dy#ertension Influen!a ron%hitis Skin isease )T og bite Intestinal )arasitis$ Stati% +sth$ati% Sour%e B 'ity Dealth ffi%e
>,//1 3,13 3,0/1 1,/?> 1,3> 1,??7 7/> >/1 61? 36?
+ate per 1,### population
15.> .0 /./ .5 3.> 3.0 ?.> 1.5 1.> 0.7
Autritional Status of 'hildren The total nu$ber of $alnourished %hildren aged 06 years old was 1?,?6>. =ro$ the fourteen 415 barangays, arangay )arang registered the highest $alnourished %hildren. Table >5 illustrates the nutritional status of #res%hool %hildren of ea%h barangay in 177.
Table &< ?utritional tatus of Pre%chool hildren Per aranga! Marikina it! 1"": ?utritional tatus
1. arangka ?. 'on%e#%ion :no 3. 'on%e#%ion os 5. I. G.' >. Jesus dela )e*a 6. Falu$#ang /. Malanday . Marikina Deights 7. Aangka 10. )arang 11. San 8o"ue 1?. Sta. 2lena 13. Sto. Ai*o 15. Ta*ong T7T(-
?o. of hildren eigh #% :$ 6os.
Moderatel! Cnderweight
e*erel! Cnderweight
Mildl! Cnderweight
7*er% eight
5,6// 11,0>? 3,761 ?,/1 1,6 ?,3> /,7?7 >,/?5 >,60? 7,>/3 3,13 1,167 >,05 ?,01?
/0 315 3 1/ ?7 ?/ 11 1/7 ?5/ ?5 3/ 1? 1> ?1
? 6/ 5 0 1 5 30 1? 1 1 6 1 ?> 3
6/6 71 537 166 ?6/ 1> 1,??/ 1,03? 1,11/ ?,/0/ 3> 166 /?/ 375
3,/>> 7,?03 ?,765 ?,5?5 1,5> ?,55 >,6/ 3,61 3,>? 6,?0? ?,?03 73? 3,66/ 1,50>
1/5 5/ >16 111 113 1/1 05 36 36 37 >0/ > 555 17
Sour%e B 'ity Dealth ffi%e
Dealth =a%ilities +s of 1777, Marikina 'ity had a total of 3> health fa%ilities, 17 of whi%h were go(ern$entowned. These fa%ilities in%lude health %enters, hos#itals, so%ial hygiene %lini%s and fa$ily #lanning %lini%s 48efer to Table >>.
Table && Health Aacilities Marikina it! 1"""
Dealth 'enters LyingIn 'lini%s Dos#itals So%ial Dygiene 'lini% =a$ily )lanning 'lini%
16 0 1 1 1
0 10 6 0 0
Sour%eB 'ity Dealth ffi%e Table &9 Hospitals and ?u6ber of eds (*ailable Marikina it! 1""" ?a6e of Hospitals Pu$li%?4!vern*en"
+$ang 8odrigue! Medi%al 'enter Priva"e Sta. Moni%a Dos#ital Car%ia Ceneral Dos#ital I$$a%ulate 'on%e#%ion Dos#ital St. Gin%ent Dos#ital ). Con!ales Dos#ital Gi%toria Dos#ital T7T(Sour%e B 'ity Dealth ffi%e
1>0 ?> ?> ?> 5> 1> 35 $1"
Dealth )ersonnel The 'ity has a total of 1 )hysi%ians and 16 entists whi%h are distributed in 1> health %enters. The Dealth :nit )hysi%ian)o#ulation ratio is 1B??,060 while for entist)o#ulation ratio is 1B?5,1 whi%h are both below the standard 1 #hysi%iandentistB ?0,000 #o#ulation. The )ubli% Dealth Aurse and 8ural Dealth Midwife)o#ulation ratio are also below the standard staffing #attern. -ith the in%reasing si!e of #o#ulation, the %ity needs to hire additional health #rofessionals to $eet the standards in 8ural Dealth )ersonnel )o#ulation.
Table &8 Public Health Manpower Marikina it! 1""" Health Manpower
)hysi%ians entists ental +ides )ubli% Dealth Aurses Midwi(es )o#ulation -orker I, II Autrition ieti%ian II arangay Dealth +ides Medi%al Te%hnologies II Sanitary Ins#e%tors III Laboratory +ide II :tility -orkerri(er +d$inistrati(e ffi%er III 'lerk II T7T(Sour%e B 'ity Dealth ffi%e
1 16 1/ 51 3 / 5 7 3 1? 1 1 1<:
1B??,060 1B?5,1 1B57,636 1B?3,3> 1B7,6> 1B13?,363 1B>6,/?/ 1B57,636 1B77,?/? 1B55,1?1 1B13?,363 1B33,070 1B37/,070 1B37/,070
u66ar! of >xisting Health onditions
The leading %auses of infant and %hild $ortality were #neu$onia, #re$aturity, Dfe(er and $easles. =or all ages, the leading %ause of $ortality was %ardio(as%ular disease, while #neu$onia was the leading %ause of $orbidity. +$ong the ?5 barangays sur(eyed, arangay )arang registered the highest nu$ber of $alnourished %hildren. Marikina 'ity has a total of 16 #ubli% health %enters in%luding the 'ity 2$#loyees 'lini%. There are / hos#itals, 6 of whi%h are #ri(ate and 1 #ubli%. In 1777, the #hysi%ian#o#ulation ratio for Marikina was 1B??,060 while the nurse#o#ulation ratio was 1B?3,3>. The e#art$ent of Dealth;s standard for #hysi%ian#o#ulation ratio is 1B?0,000, signifying that the %ity;s health $an#ower is inade"uate.
Health ector Plan Goal
'A+454A 'alinis, 'alusog at 'asaya:
To #ro(ide health %are ser(i%es to the %o$$unity #arti%ularly the #oor and (ulnerable grou#s so that they %an %ontribute a%ti(ely, #rodu%ti(ely and #arti%i#ate $eaningfully in %o$$unity life, #ra%ti%ing healthy lifestyles. 7bBecti*es
To i$#ro(e the health %ondition of the lo%al residents, #arti%ularly the disad(antaged and (ulnerable se%tors. To ensure stri%t %o$#lian%e to sanitation standards. To sustain Marikina a $odel of healthy %ity in the )hili##ines.
+ll households in Marikina ha(e toilets by the year ?000. 100@ %o$#lian%e of all $arket (endorsstallholders to )tra# re"uire$ent. + %lean and safe food for all. I$#ro(ed o#erational effi%ien%y of %ity health %enters. 2#anded #atronage of lo%al residents of free health ser(i%es.
2nhan%e$ent of %a#abilities of the 'ity Dealth ffi%e. I$#le$entation of new and inno(ati(e #rogra$s to reinfor%e those whi%h are already in #la%e. )ro$otion of health #rogra$s and a%ti(ities and healthy lifestyles through $assi(e edu%ation and infor$ation %a$#aign. Stri%t, %onsistent and nonsele%ti(e enfor%e$ent of lo%al ordinan%es on sanitation and hygiene. en%h$arking with #ubli% and #ri(ate institutions 4lo%al and international on health related standards, #rogra$
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; it! Health 7ffice P+7G+(M=P+7>T
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
Aon2$ergen%y Medi%al Transfer Ser(i%e
?000 O ?010
Lo%al =und
Midnight o%tor
?000 O ?010
'onstru%tion of three 43 health %enters in Tu$ana, 'on%e#%ion I, San 8o"ue and Industrial Galley Galley 'o$#le.
?000 O ?001
8eno(ation of eisting health %enters in Malanday, alubad Aangka and Marikina Deights.
?000 O ?001
#eration )tra# and %at%h asin
?000 O ?010
2.8.$ 7)(- >-A(+> 2isting -onditions
=a$ily and 'o$$unity -elfare So%ially So%ially disad(antaged disad(antaged fa$ilies fa$ilies are the $ain benefi%iari benefi%iaries es of fa$ily and welfare welfare ser(i%es to de(elo# their %a#abilities in defining their needs as well as solutions. Table > shows the benefi%iaries of =a$ily and 'o$$unity -elfare )rogra$ for the #eriod 1777.
Table &: ?u6ber of eneficiaries of Aa6il! and o66unit! elfare elfare Progra6 Marikina it! 1"": / 1""" er*ice T!pe
?o. of eneficiaries
)reMarriage 'ounseling 8es#onsible )arenthood Ser(i%e )arent 2ffe%ti(eness Ser(i%e So%ial )r )re#aration fo for )e )eo#le;s )a )arti%i#ation Skills and Li(elihood Training 'a#ital Loan +ssistan%e Sour%e B So%ial -elfare and e(elo#$ent ffi%e
1,3// 1,3// /5 1,>60 70 ?
'hild and outh )rote%tion 'hildren in es#e%ially diffi%ult %ir%u$stan%es 4'2' in%lude the street %hildren, $altreated, abused, $altreated, $altreated, abandoned, or#haned and the the negle%ted. Table >7 below shows shows the nu$ber nu$ber of '2' benefi% benefi%iar iaries ies in 1777. The %ity %ity has a #rogra$ for street %hildren, a$ong whi%h are as followsB a b % d
)eer Crou# Ser(i%es 4)+ 'o$$unityba based fo for st stree reet %h %hildre dren 'o$$ 'o$$un unit ity yba base sed d ser ser(i (i%e %es s for for eli elin" n"ue uent nt outh outh,, and and ay 'are Ser(i%es
Table &" hildren in >speciall! Difficult ircu6stances gi*en er*ices Marikina it! 1""" ategor!
Street 'hildren Maltreated +bused and e#loited outhful offenders T7T(-
?o. of eneficiaries
10 > 5 10 2"
Sour%e B So%ial -elfare and e(elo#$ent ffi%e -o$en;s -elfare The %ity has a #rogra$ that seeks to #ro$ote the welfare of wo$en like Self 2nha 2nhan%e n%e$e $ent nt Skil Skills ls e(e e(elo lo#$ #$en entt and and 'o$$ 'o$$un unit ity y )art )arti% i%i# i#at atio ion n in Skill Skills s e(elo#$ent. isabled and 2lderly The ser(i%es #ro(ided by the %ity for the disabled and elderly are the followingB a b % d e f g
Info Infor$ r$at atio ion n is isse se$i $ina nati tion on on isa isabi bilility ty )re( )re(en enti tion on +ssistan% an%e for )hysi ysi%al 8est estorat ration of isabled )erso rsons and 2lderly Self Self So%i So%ial al 2nha 2nhan% n%e$ e$en entt Ser Ser(i (i%e %e for for is isab able led d )er )erso sons ns So%i So%ial al Go% Go%at atio iona nall )re# )re#ar arat atio ion n for for 2$#l 2$#loy oy$e $ent nt Ser Ser(i (i%e %es s S#e% S#e%iial So%i So%ial al Ser( Ser(ii%es %es for for the 2lde 2lderl rly y So%i So%ial al and and Go%at o%atio iona nall )re# )re#ar arat atio ion n for for Job Job )la% )la%e$ e$en entt 8egi 8egist strat ratio ion n of Senio Seniorr 'iti 'iti!e !ens ns and and )ro( )ro(is isio ion n of of Sen Senio iorr 'iti 'iti!en !ens s I. I... %ards
In ter$s of assistan%e to the elderly, Senior 'iti!en identifi%ation %ards were issued to o(er 17,611 elderly #ersons, as #ro(ided for under 8.+. /53?. 2$ergen%y +ssistan%e The %ity;s 2$ergen%y +ssistan%e )rogra$ #ro(ides relief, $itigation, restoration and rehabilitation ser(i%es to (i%ti$s of natural and $an$ade %ala$ities and other so%ial #roble$s. Table 60 shows the nu$ber of benefi%iaries ser(ed under this #rogra$.
Table 9# eneficiaries of >6ergenc! (ssistance Progra6 Marikina it! 1"""
T!pe of er*ice
=ood and %lothing assistan%e to =ire Gi%ti$s =ood +ssistan%e to Ty#hoon Gi%ti$s =ood +ssistan%e to 8elo%ated =a$ilies urial +ssistan%e to Indigent 8esidents +ssistan%e to Mendi%antsGagrants Sour%e B So%ial -elfare and e(elo#$ent ffi%e
?o. of eneficiaries
30 1,>60 10,?65 1,5> 10
u66ar! of >xisting ocial elfare er*ices
So%ially disad(antage fa$ilies are the $ain benefi%iaries of fa$ily and welfare ser(i%es. Se(eral ser(i%es are #ro(ided for the disabled and elderly like the Infor$ation isse$ination and isability )re(ention, Self So%ial 2nhan%e$ent Ser(i%e for isabled )ersons, S#e%ial So%ial Ser(i%es for the 2lderly and others. Senior 'iti!en identifi%ation %ards were issued to o(er 17,611 elderly #ersons. The 'ity;s 2$ergen%y +ssistan%e )rogra$ #ro(ides relief, $itigation, restoration and rehabilitation ser(i%es to (i%ti$s of natural and $an$ade %ala$ities and other so%ial #roble$s.
ocial elfare ector Plan Goal
To e#and the deli(ery of so%ial welfare ser(i%es to #rote%t and u#lift the so%ioe%ono$i% %ondition of the disad(antaged and (ulnerable se%tor.
To in%rease a%%essibility of so%ial ser(i%es and fa%ilities to all #arti%ularly relo%ated fa$ilies. To #ro$ote strong inter#ersonal relationshi# within and a$ong fa$ilies. To enable the disad(antaged and disabled se%tors of the #o#ulation to enhan%e their so%ial fun%tioning. 70
)ro(idegenerate e$#loy$ent o##ortunities to lo%al residents, es#e%ially the disad(antaged to redu%e and totally eli$inate beggars and street %hildren in the %o$$unity by the year ?00?. 2#anded so%ial ser(i%es for the elderly to in%lude establish$ent of a %enter for the Senior 'iti!ens.
=ostering of stronger #artnershi# between go(ern$ent organi!ations, ACs, and %o$$unity based organi!ations. )ro(ision of a $ore %o$#rehensi(e and %o$$unitybased skills training and de(elo#$ent #rogra$. Strengthening of the %a#abilities of so%ial welfare #ersonnel in the deli(ery of ser(i%es. 2stablish$ent of so%ial welfare fa%ilities to %ater to s#e%ial grou#s #arti%ularly the youth, #res%hool %hildren, elderly wo$en and other indi(iduals with s#e%ial needs. 2nhan%e$ent of #arent effe%ti(eness to attain selfrelian%e and a%hie(e self $anage$ent %a#abilities through $arriage %ounseling, res#onsible #arenthood and (arious li(elihood de(elo#$ent ser(i%es. Intensifi%ation of infor$ation %a$#aign on the fa$ily %ode, %hild and youth welfare %ode, and other towns on wo$en;s and %hildren;s rights. Stri%t i$#le$entation of lo%al ordinan%e whi%h #rohibits gi(ing of al$s to beggarsstreet %hildren.
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; D7=aranga! P+7G+(M=P+7>T
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
=a$ily 'o$$unity -elfare )rogra$
?000 O ?010
Lo%al =und
-o$en;s -elfare )rogra$
?000 O ?010
'hild and outh -elfare )rogra$
?000 O ?010
)rogra$ for isabled )ersons and 2lderly
?000 O ?010
2$ergen%y +ssistan%e )rogra$
?000 O ?010
arangay Talyer 4 a %o$$unity sho# where barangay residents, #arti%ularly the $arginali!ed grou#s and the youth are gi(en a%%ess to basi% re#air tools and e"ui#$ent
?000 O?010
2.8.< 7)(-)>D H7C)?G 2isting -onditions
Marikina has de(elo#ed 106 he%tares of #ri(atelyowned lands $ade a(ailable for the resettle$ent of al$ost ??,??6 infor$al settlers under the 'o$$unity Mortgage )rogra$ 4'M). This has %urbed the #roliferation of infor$al settlers 4s"uatters resulting fro$ $igration, in%reasing %o$$er%iali!ation and subse"uent high land (alues and unaffordable housing units. The nu$ber of s"uatter relo%ated fa$ilies re%orded a tolerable in%rease fro$ 700 in 177 to ?,136 fa$ilies in 1777 based on the %ity go(ern$ent&s esti$ates. Table 91 ?u6ber of )nfor6al ettlers Marikina it! 1"""
-ist of )nfor6al ettlers (rea for Priorit! De*elop6ent 0(PD
1.1 1.? 1.3 1.5 )).
'M) 4LC: riginated 'M) 4ther +gen%y ire%t )ur%hase onated Land
Total Go*ern6ent -and
?.1 )er$anent Settle$ent Site ?.? :nder AD+ Total ))). Aor +elocation
3.1 3.? 3.3 3.5
?1,067 1,1>/ 5?> 17 22,:<"
1,765 1,5>3 $,<18
767 >>> ?/> 33/ 2,1$9
Sour%e B Marikina Settle$ent ffi%e There are si 46 identified highdensity areas in the %ity of Marikina. 8elo%ated fa$ilies are $ostly found in arangays )arang, Aangka, 'on%e#%ion I, Malanday, Sto. Ai*o and Marikina Deights. In ter$s of barangay distribution, a $aority of these fa$ilies are lo%ated in arangays 'on%e#%ion I and Malanday.
+l$ost 100@ of these highdensity %o$$unities are #ro(ided with ele%tri%ity. -ater syste$s were installed in about 1/ of the 1 %o$$unities. So$e ?>@ of the inner roads and alleys were %onstru%ted. -ith the 1,53? re$aining fa$ilies waiting to be relo%ated, the %ity of Marikina has a##ro(ed se(eral ordinan%es to intensify its eisting lo%al settle$ents #rogra$. It is ho#ed that with the %ity&s best effort, its (ision of $aking Marikina a s"uatterfree %o$$unity in Metro Manila will be reali!ed by the year ?001. -ocal ettle6ents Progra6
In line with the Marikina;s (ision of transfor$ing Marikina into a s"uatterfree %o$$unity, the %ity laun%hed the #rogra$ alang )skuwater sa Marikina. To #ro(ide additional teeth to the i$#le$entation of the #rogra$, the %ity, thru the 'ity 'oun%il has ena%ted se(eral resolutions and ordinan%es. They are as followsB
8esolution gi(ing the 'ity Mayor the right to ser(e as originator of %o$$unity asso%iation on the 'M). 8esolution on nSite e(elo#$ent )lan of the Su$ulong Tanglaw ng Malanday )hase II D+. +%%essibility of ele%tri%ity and water syste$s to highdensity %o$$unities. 'on(ersion of 2$ergen%y 8elo%ation 'enter fro$ #ark lot to residential lot. Laun%hing of the #rogra$ Dindi Tahanan Fung -alang Fubeta. rdinan%e de%laring alubad Settle$ent Site in Aangka as )er$anent 8elo%ation Site. )ro(ision of Ta in%enti(es to lot owners who %oo#erated to the 'M). rdinan%e li$iting lot owners on areas de%lared as resettle$ent site to >0 s"uare $eters. rdinan%e #rohibiting the %hange of ownershi# or renting of lots awarded by the %ity go(ern$ent to benefi%iaries. rdinan%e gi(ing indi(idual Transfer 'ertifi%ate of Title to awarded lots at =ortune Gillage, Marikina Deights 8e%lassifi%ation of )ark 6 and / 4go(ern$ent lot at Marikina Deights as #er$anent settle$ent site. =ree transfer Ta to benefi%iaries of Marikina 8esettle$ent )rogra$ under the 'M). Ta ee$#tion on lands de%lared as +rea for )riority e(elo#$entQ 4+).
In re%ognition to the effort of the 'ity of Marikina in Lo%al Settle$ents )rogra$, the %ity go(ern$ent has re%ei(ed se(eral re%ognition and awards fro$ #restigious award gi(ing bodies, to witB
a!ani ng Maralita (ward )hili##ine 'o$$ission on :rban )oor Caling )ook +ward for Inno(ations and 2%ellen%e 4177/177 4uatters% Aree Progra6 O +IM, LC+ILC and =ord =oundation Most 7utstanding it! in Population Manage6ent in the Philippines +ua""ersree Marikina Pr!gra* 'o$$ission on )o#ulation A'8
u66ar! of >xisting Housing onditions and Trends
Marikina 'ity has de(elo#ed 106 he%tares of #ri(atelyowned lands $ade a(ailable for the resettle$ent of al$ost ??,??6 infor$al settlers under the 'o$$unity Mortgage )rogra$. The nu$ber of s"uatter relo%ated fa$ilies re%orded a tolerable in%rease fro$ 700 in 177 to ?,136 fa$ilies in 1777 based on the %ity go(ern$ent;s esti$ates. =a%tors whi%h ha(e %ontributed to the in%rease were $igration, in%reasing %o$$er%iali!ation, subse"uent high land (alues and unaffordable housing units. S"uatter relo%ated fa$ilies are $ostly found in arangays )arang, Aangka, 'on%e#%ion I, Malanday, Sto. Ai*o and Marikina Deights. In line with the Marikina;s (ision of transfor$ing Marikina into a s"uatterfree %o$$unity, the %ity laun%hed the #rogra$ P-alang Iskwater sa Marikina.Q The #rogra$ has rea#ed se(eral re%ognition and awards fro$ #restigious award gi(ing bodies.
Housing ector Plan Goal
To $ake Marikina a s"uatterfree %o$$unity.
To #ro(ide s"uatter fa$ilies o##ortunities to own lands and enoy hu$ane li(ing %ondition. To re$o(e #o%kets of s"uatter %olonies all o(er town to allow rede(elo#$ent of legiti$ate (illages leading to a wholeso$e en(iron$ent for all. To i$#ro(e eisting blighted areas into better and selfreliant %o$$unities. 75
8elo%ation of the re$aining ?,136 s"uatter fa$ilies leading to the reali!ation of the %ity;s (ision of a s"uatterfree %o$$unity. +%"uisition of landde(elo#$ent of new settle$ent sites within Marikina or in the ada%ent towns of San Mateo, 8odrigue! and +nti#olo 8i!al. e(elo#$ent of 0 #laygrounds in the eisting and future settle$ent areas. 'onstru%tion of ?? k$s. of roadways and alleys and >? k$s. of drainage fa%ilities. +%%essibility to %ity water of all households by ?001. 100@ of all households with %ity water %onne%tion by ?003. 100@ of all households in relo%ation siteshigh density areas ha(e indi(iduali!ed ele%tri% ser(i%es through the e#ressed +reas 2le%trifi%ation )rogra$.
The new #la%e where the s"uatter fa$ilies would be relo%ated should be better than their #resent %o$$unity. It has to beB
)er$anent 4ownershi# of land In Marikina -ith roads and drainage -ith utilities
Mobili!ation of internal and eternal resour%es to i$#le$ent and sustain the #rogra$. e(elo#$ent of settle$ent sites #referably within the boundaries of the %ity to a(oid dis#la%e$ent. enefi%iaries of the #rogra$ should be ho$eownersstru%ture owners and should a##ear in the town;s %ensus and their houses in%luded in the town;s $a##ing. Those who are renting houses $ay also "ualify if their finan%ial status does not allow the$ to rent inside or outside Marikina. +lso, benefi%iaries $ust not own land inside or outside Marikina and $ust ha(e resided in the %ity for at least fi(e years. +llot$ent of ?5 s"uare $eters of lot #er fa$ilybenefi%iary. I$#le$entation of 'o$$unity Mortgage )rogra$ 4'M) s%he$e (ia the %o$$unity asso%iation wherein resettled fa$ilies shall #ay a $onthly a$orti!ation of an affordable a$ount ranging fro$ )?00.00 to )300.00 for ?> years.
8elo%ation shall de done by %olony and not by rando$. e$olition and relo%ation shall be undertaken under the following situationsB
If the s"uatters are li(ing in danger !ones su%h as ri(erbanks, %reeks, under the bridge and slo#ing areas. If the s"uatters are o%%u#ying go(ern$ent #ro#erties needed for infrastru%ture #roe%ts. If the land already has a %ourt order for de$olition. If the land in "uestion is going to be affe%ted by go(ern$ent;s #roe%ts intended for the good of the $any.
Stri%t i$#le$entation of the antis"uatting law. This shall be done with the su##ort of the %o$$unity organi!ations in the highdensity %o$$unities and $ake it as their $oral obligation to the %o$$unity in return for a%%o$$odation etended to the$. 'lose $onitoring of the status of #rogra$ i$#le$entation ointly by the %ity, AD+, D:'', ILC and )':). Aew s"uatters are $onitored and su$$ary de$olition is done on%e new stru%tures are built. I$#le$entation of the #rogra$ stri%tly in a%%ordan%e to #lan. 2n%ourage the de(elo#$ent of %o$$unity organi!ations and their institutionali!ation for #arti%i#ation in the whole #ro%ess of settle$ent #rogra$ deli(ery and $anage$ent.
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; Marikina ettle6ent 7ffice
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
8elo%ationsettle$ent #rogra$
?000 O ?00?
Lo%al =und
nsite e(elo#$ent #rogra$
?000 O ?001
S"uatter )re(ention and Sur(eillan%e )rogra$
)ro(ision of infrastru%ture, utilities and s#orts and re%reational fa%ilities in all settle$ent sites.
?000 O ?003
-upa para sa 5atutubo 48e%la$ation
?000 O ?005
?000 O ?00?
of lowlying areas along the ri(erbanks outside of the 76$eter ease$ent to be reser(edallo%ated to the nati(es and old residents of the %ity
Gripo awat aha! 4a%%ess to %ity
water in relo%ation sites and high density areas.
2.8.& P+7T>T)F> >+F)> 2isting -onditions
'ri$e In%iden%e In 1777, there were a total of 6?0 %ri$es, 51.5>@ were inde %ri$es or those against #ro#erty, #erson and %hastity. The re$aining >.>>@ were noninde %ri$es. 4+s shown in Table 6? Table 92 ri6e tatistics Marikina it! 1""& / 1""" 7ffense
'ri$es (s. )erson 'ri$es (s. )ro#erty 'ri$es (s. 'hastity ther 'ri$es
15/ 10> 1 /6
>6 11? 1 1?5
110 1? ?/7
7 1?0 1> 36>
7> 15> 1/ 363
Sour%eB Marikina )oli%e Station )oli%e )rote%tion )oli%e ser(i%es in Marikina 'ity is under the urisdi%tion of the 2astern )oli%e istri%t of the )hili##ine Aational )oli%e. The %ity has 5 #oli%e substations and a %entral head"uarter with a #ersonnel %o$#le$ent of ?3? law enfor%ers. The ratio of #oli%e #ersonnel to #o#ulation is 1 #oli%e$an B 1,/1? residents, whi%h is below the $ini$u$ standards of 1B1,000 and the standard of 1B>00 re"uired for a highly urbani!ed %ity. -ith the #resent le(el of #o#ulation of the %ity, the %orres#onding nu$ber of #oli%e offi%ers should be /75, thus, a defi%it of >6? law enfor%ers to attain the standard ratio of 1B>00.
Table 9$ -ocation of Police tation and ?u6bers of Me6bers Marikina it! 1""" tation and ub% tations
2) 'entral Station
)ubli% Safety 'entral Station at the ba%k of Marikina 'ity Dall, Sta. 2lena La#ula#u St., 'or. )aralu$an St., )arang ayanbayanan +(e., 'on%e#%ion I )ubli% Safety 'enter, IG' 'or. M.+. 8oas H J. +bad Santos, San 8o"ue
SubStation I SubStation II SubStation III SubStation IG T7T(-
Sour%e B Aote B
?1 ?> 1 ?? 2$2
Marikina )oli%e Station Ineffe%ti(e ?1 Aonunifor$ 7
Table 9< >4uip6ent=Aacilities of the Marikina Police tation Marikina it! 1""" >4uip6ent=Aacilit!
1. )atrol Gehi%les ?. Mobile 'ars 3. Motor%y%les 5. +r$a$ents 4long H short >. DandheldMobile 8adios Sour%eB Marikina )oli%e Station
?? 36 1 ?71 ?6
Table 6> below refle%ts 1777 )ea%e and rder situation in the %ity whi%h is relati(ely re$ains nor$al. This %an be attributed to the following fa%tsB firstly, the de#loy$ent of $ore #ersonnel in the field by redu%ing its #ersonnel at the offi%e head"uarters in %onsonan%e with the #oli%e (isibility #rogra$, se%ondly, e$#loy$ent of )SS traffi% enfor%ers, and thirdly, through the %ity;s >Minute Kui%k 8es#onse Tea$, wherein #oli%e assistan%e is being rendered within fi(e $inutes or less u#on re%ei#t of the %all.
Table 9& ri6e )ncidence Marikina it! 1""" 7ffense o66itted Murder Do$i%ide )hysi%al Inuries 8a#e 8obbery Theft Giolation of 8.+. 65?> 4+ntiIllegal rugs Giolation of 8.+. 160? 4+ntiCa$bling Giolation of ).. 166 4+ntieadly -ea#ons 'arna##ing ther 'ri$es Total Inde 'ri$es Total AonInde 'ri$e Total 'ri$e Golu$e 'ri$e Solution 2ffi%ien%y 8ate Total 'ri$e Sol(ed Total 'ri$e :nsol(ed +(erage Monthly Inde 'ri$e 8ate +(erage Monthly 'ri$e 8ate Sour%e B Marikina )oli%e Station
anuar! / Dece6ber 1""" 7 ?1 6> 1/ /0 /1 17? 67 1/ 5 > ?>/ 363 6?0 7@ 60/ 13 ?1 >?
+side fro$ the national #oli%e organi!ation, the %ity has also #ut in #la%e R+&B 161 whi%h guarantees the arri(al of e$ergen%y ser(i%es 4fire, #oli%e or #ara$edi%s within > $inutes u#on %all for assistan%e anywhere in Marikina. To $ake the #rogra$ work, the %ity has established a )ubli% Safety 'o$$and 'enter at the ba%k of the %ity hall and two 4? strategi%ally lo%ated satellite stations. 2"ui#$ent and o#erati(es of all units in(ol(ed in the #rogra$B 82S':2 161 4)ara$edi%s, )oli%e, =ire and ffi%e of the )ubli% Safety and Se%urity 4)SS are housed in these %enters. ther safekee#ing for%es in the %ity in%lude the ffi%e of )ubli% Safety and Se%urity 4)SS whi%h has 173 #ersonnel and antay ayan whi%h %ounts on a strong $e$bershi# of ?,000 %i(ilian (olunteers. The )SS assists in traffi% $anage$ent in $inor and $aor interse%tions, kee#ing roadways and sidewalks hasslefree and se%uring #ubli% buildingsoffi%es. Traffi% wardens of the )SS are res#onsible in i$#le$enting the no#arking !ones in designated areas, fa%ilitating (ehi%le flow and #ro(iding se%urity to #arked (ehi%les in designated #arking areas. The antayayan is a oint effort between the %ity go(ern$ent and the barangay se%tor to hel# $aintain #ea%e and order in the barangays.
=ire In%iden%e and )rote%tion The Marikina =ire e#art$ent 'entral Stations holds offi%e at the )ubli% Safety 'entral Station lo%ated at the ba%k of the Marikina 'ity Dall uilding with > fire substations. 2a%h substation is e"ui##ed with at least one 41 fire tru%k, aerial ladder and water tanker. The =) 'entral Station has ? a$bulan%es to attend to %asualties in %ase of fire. The fire fighting for%e is /3 to aug$ent the firefighting for%e, the =ire e#art$ent ta#s (olunteer fire brigades fro$ the business se%tor and =il'hinese =ire rigade. The %ity go(ern$ent has $ade a(ailable three 43 water tankers whi%h #ro(ide assistan%e to lo%al =ire e#art$ent during its o#eration.
Table 99 -ocation of Aire tation=ub%tation Marikina it! 1""" tation
1. 'entral =ire Station ?. Ta*ong SubStation 3. Malanday SubStation 5. )arang Substation >. Aangka Substation 6. Industrial Galley 'o$#le Sour%e B Marikina =ire e#art$ent
Ja%a$ar St., Sta. 2lena Cil )uyat St., Ta*ong Gisayas St., Malanday .C. Molina St., )arang ali$bing St., Aangka Maor i!on St., Ind;l. Galley
Table 98 Aire )ncidence b! ?ature=lassification, ?u6ber of asualties and (6ount of Da6age Marikina it! 1""& / 1""" lassification
1. ?. 3. 5. >.
Stru%tural =ire 30 2le%tri%al =ire /7 'he$i%al =ire 1 8ubbishCrass =ire /1 Gehi%ular =ire 6 'asualties > a$age 4$illion ?.? Sour%e B Marikina =ire e#art$ent
?3 /1 0 >0 ? 0 ?3.1
?6 55 0 7> > 6 >.?
? 71 0 1?6 10 1 ?3.?
?? 1?? 1 ?1 > 1 17.
+s refle%ted in Table 6/ abo(e, fire o%%urren%es in 1777 nu$bered 1/1, $aority of whi%h were ele%tri%al fire in nature. The total a$ount of fire da$ages was esti$ated at )h# 17. M with only 1 %asualty. Deter6ination of Auture ?eeds
ased on the standard #oli%e$an and fire$an to #o#ulation ratios, it is esti$ated that an additional 30 #oli%e$en and 77 fire$en will be re"uired by ?010. Table 9: ProBected Police +e4uire6ents Marikina it! 2##& and 2#1#
ProBected Population
td. Police PopNn. +atio
urrent Aorce
Police Aorce +e4uire6ent
(dditional +e4uire6ent
?00> ?010
56>,30 >31,16>
1B>00 1B>00
?3? ?3?
731 1,06?
677 30
Table 9" ProBected Aire Aighting Aorce +e4uire6ents Marikina it! 2##& and 2#1#
ProBected Population
td. Aire6an PopNn. +atio
urrent Airefighting Aorce
Aire6an Aorce +e4uire6ent
(dditional +e4uire6ent
?00> ?010
56>,30 >31,16>
1B>00 1B>00
/3 /3
731 1,06?
> 77
u66ar! of >xisting Protecti*e er*ices
+bout 51@ of %ri$es %o$$itted in the %ity are inde %ri$es, 4against #ro#erty, #erson and %hastity while the re$aining #er%entages are #ri$arily noninde %ri$es, $ost of whi%h were related to antiillegal drugs. The %ity has > #oli%e stations with an a%tual strength of ?3?. ased on the 1777 esti$ated #o#ulation, the #oli%e$en to #o#ulation ratio is 1 #oli%e$an B 1,/1? residents whi%h is below the standard of 1B>00 re"uired for a highly urbani!ed %ity. 83
Marikina 'ity has 8es%ue 161 whi%h guarantees the arri(al of e$ergen%y ser(i%es 4#oli%e, fire and )ara$edi%s within > $inutes u#on your %all for assistan%e. ther safekee#ing for%es in the %ity in%lude the ffi%e of )ubli% Safety and Se%urity 4)SS and the antay ayan Golunteers. The %ity has 6 fire stations in%luding the %entral fire station. The fire$an B #o#ulation ratio is 1B>,537 whi%h is far below the standard of 1B>00. To aug$ent the fire fighting for%e, the =ire e#art$ent ta#s (olunteer fire brigades fro$ the business se%tor, =ili#ino'hinese =ire rigade and %ity go(ern$ent organi!ations. The %ity go(ern$ent has $ade a(ailable three43 water tankers to #ro(ide assistan%e to the lo%al =ire e#art$ent during its o#eration. y ?010, the additional )oli%e$an and fire$an re"uire$ents is esti$ated to be 30 and 77 res#e%ti(ely based on the 1B>00 standard ratio.
Protecti*e er*ices ector Plan Goal
To $ake Marikina the $ost #ea%eful %o$$unity in the )hili##ines.
To #ro$ote and sustain dis%i#line in the streets. To further i$#ro(e #oli%e e$ergen%y res#onse ti$e. To $ake Marikina drugfree %o$$unity. To foster #oli%e and %i(ilian relations. To $aintain and further i$#ro(e %ri$e solution effi%ien%y rate of 7/@
Marikina B $ost #ea%efulli(able %o$$unity in the )hili##ines by the year ?001. 8edu%e %ri$e rate fro$ 5?@ to 10@ by ?003. 8edu%tion by 100@ of drugde#endent youth by year ?003. Total %ontain$ent of illegal drug trading a%ti(ities by the year ?001. 2li$ination of s%alawags fro$ the ranks of the lo%al )A).
)ro(ision of ne%essary and ade"uate logisti%al su##ort to the lo%al )A) by the lo%al go(ern$ent. Strong #artnershi# between the lo%al )A), lo%al go(ern$ent, barangay go(ern$ents and the %o$$unity in general. 'ontinuing and intensified %o$$unity dialogues. )ro(ision of a##ro#riate re%ognition to outstanding #ea%ekee#ing #ersonnel. Strengthening of the barangay usti%e syste$. 8egular u#dating of %ontingen%y #lans and disaster $anage$ent #rogra$s. Stri%t enfor%e$ent of eisting laws and ordinan%es related to #ea%e and order. +%ti(e #arti%i#ation of su%h s#e%ial bodies as the )eo#le;s Law 2nfor%e$ent oard 4)L2 and )ea%e and rder 'oun%il. )ro$otion of %o$$unity #arti%i#ation in %ri$e sol(ing, #arti%ularly the antay ayan 4#ea%ekee#ing %i(ilian (olunteers
-7(- D>F>-7PM>?T=)?F>TM>?T P+7G+(M it! of Marikina 2### to 2#1# )6ple6enting (genc! ; 7P=P?P=Fice%Ma!ors 7ffice=>ngineering P+7G+(M=P+7>T
T)M> A+(M>
7C+> 7A AC?D
rgani!ation of )ndustrial ecurit! (ssistance Group for sur(eillan%e and intelligen%e networking in %oordination with the $anage$ent of business establish$ents, -orkers +ffairs ffi%e and ffi%e of the )ubli% Safety and Se%urity 4)SS.
?000 O ?010
Lo%al =und
Institutionali!ation of )LI'2 161 whi%h shall for$ #art of the %ity;s
?000 O ?010
&%Minute Kuick +esponse Ti6e.
Drug Kuarantine Progra6
?000 O ?00>
#eration of a Dolding 'enter for drug de#endents.
?000 O ?010
ragnet #eration
?000 O ?010
)oli%e %hief in e(ery barangay.
?000 O ?010
e(elo#$ent of Aew 'ity Jail and Aew Justi%e Dall.
?000 O ?001
Marikina 'ri$inal =ollowu# unit 4a unit whi%h will engage in hot #ursuit of %ri$inals where(er they $ay flee in the %ountry
?000 O ?010
7F>+(-- D>F>-7PM>?T, F))7?, G7(- (?D T+(T>G)> The #hysi%al de(elo#$ent goals, obe%ti(es and %orres#onding land use strategies of Marikina 'ity are ins#ired by the o(erall (ision and guided by the de(elo#$ent, goals and strategies of the %ity, to witB
F))7? ;
M(+)5)?( O (n )ndustr! and Go*ern6ent%Ariendl!, Happ! orking lass o66unit!
The (ision of the %ity is so si$#le and #ra%ti%al. Si$#ly #ut, it does not as#ire to transfor$ itself into a first %lass residential area in the $old of +yala+labang or =orbes )ark. Marikina is so designed to suit the working %lass "ualified as a ha##y working %lass. Aothing in e%ess of that (ision. To ha(e a grandiose (ision will only get you to ha(e so$e #o%kets of good things while lea(ing the rest of the %o$$unity in disarray. $.1.1 Goals
1. 2$#loy$ent o##ortunities are readily a(ailable for the residents within the %ity. ?. Infrastru%tures and fa%ilities are fully de(elo#ed and well$aintained to the standards of ser(i%eability to fa%ilitate effi%ient $obility of #eo#le, goods and ser(i%es. Ser(i%es in%lude $otori!ed and non$otori!ed trans#ort. 3. Sidewalks are %leared of all obstru%tions, #a(ed ;!al"able< and $aintained. 5. Streets are ke#t hasslefree. >. Industrial #ea%e %hara%teri!ed by har$onious relationshi# a$ong labor, $anage$ent and lo%al go(ern$ent under a tri#artite agree$ent. 6. 2n(iron$ent is %ons%iously #rote%ted not only thru go(ern$ent efforts but also thru #eo#le;s %ollaboration. /. 8esidents #ra%ti%e urbani!ed beha(ioral #attern and foster %o$$unity (alues of discipline, good taste and ecellence. . 8esidents ehibit %i(i% #ride and strong sense of %o$$unity. 7. 'ultural heritage is a%knowledged and gi(en due i$#ortan%e. 10. *=uatter)ree 'ari"ina O ea%h household is a real #ro#erty holder or a legiti$ate leaseholder. 11. )ubli% edu%ation is free 4absolutely no %ontribution as guaranteed by the %onstitution and a(ailable to all residents. 1?.=ree Dealth 'areSer(i%es are #ro(ided as additional safety net for the #oor. 13.The %o$$unity is %lean, green and orderly in and out, allo(er. 15.8egulations on sanitation and hygiene are stri%tly enfor%ed to #rote%t the health of the %iti!enry, es#e%ially in su%h areas as the #ubli% $arket and high density %o$$unities. 1>.)ubli% funds are effi%iently %olle%ted and utili!ed. 16.2(ery household enoys indi(iduali!ed ele%tri% ser(i%es and has a%%ess to %ity water and other utilities. 1/.)ubli% ser(i%es are rendered effi%iently and with %onsisten%y. 88
1.2$ergen%y ser(i%es are instantly a(ailable when needed. 17.8etention of a rural at$os#hereway of life in an urban setting. ?0.Dighly %o$#etent, dis%i#lined and working bureau%ra%y. ?1.Lo%al shoe industry is effe%ti(ely reinfor%ed to $ake it globally %o$#etiti(e. ??.e(elo#$ent of a network of bike lanes to #ro(ide the #eo#le, #arti%ularly the workers, an en(iron$entfriendly $ode of trans#ortation. ?3.Mendi%ant attitude is not tolerated. ?5.There is #ronoun%ed #ea%e and order %hara%teri!ed by a $arked i$#ro(e$ent in so%ial range of #eo#le, $ini$i!ed in%idents of %ri$e, industrial #ea%e, a$ong others. ?>.+$enities for entertain$ent, s#orts, re%reation, leisure and the like are #ro(ided and are easily a(ailable to all. ?6.Introdu%tion of inno(ati(e health%are related #rogra$s to in%lude Dust)ree 'ari"ina and -lean )ood .rogram 4=ood Laboratory to reinfor%e the %ity;s healthy %ity initiati(es. ?/.+%ti(ity 'enters in e(ery barangay fully e"ui##ed with ne%essary fa%ilities. ?.Industries are #ro(ided se%urity assistan%e by the lo%al go(ern$ent to #reser(e obs and attra%t new in(estors. $.1.$. trategies
The foregoing goals shall be #ursued a%%ording to the following strategiesB
Sustain e%ono$i% growth by #ro$oting Marikina as a (iable business (enue to enhan%e e$#loy$ent and in%o$e generation. 2#and the deli(ery of basi% ser(i%es refle%ti(e of a balan%ed and rational utili!ation of resour%es that are res#onsi(e to the needs of $aority of the %onstituents. In%reased a%%essibility of so%ial ser(i%es to the disad(antaged se%tors. Maintain e%ologi%al balan%e and en(iron$ental health through rational land use allo%ation and utili!ation to attain $ai$u$ benefits for the #eo#le. )ro$ote an effi%ient and res#onsi(e lo%al ad$inistration to foster strong institutional su##ort and a %oordinated and %osteffe%ti(e i$#le$entation $easures.
$.2 PH')(- D>F>-7PM>?T G7(-=7>T)F>
.hysical Development /oal
Marikina;s #hysi%al de(elo#$ent goal is to $anage the growth of the %ity su%h that the resulting builtu# en(iron$ent, in%luding ty#e, etent and lo%ation of land use a%ti(itiesB
Maintenan%e of a rural en(iron$ent in an urban setting. 2nhan%e$ent of e%ono$i% #rodu%ti(ity, so%ial and #hysi%al integration, a%%ess to basi% ser(i%es, regional a%%ess and lo%al %ir%ulation. 'reation of a balan%ed and orderly urban en(iron$ent. Integration of the %o$$unity with the en(iron$ent.
.hysical Development >b?ective
The s#e%ifi% obe%ti(e of the #hysi%al de(elo#$ent goal is to %reate a #hysi%al en(iron$ent that will #ro(ideB
+n urban lands%a#e whi%h is %lean, green and orderly. The eisting and future housing, business, %o$$er%ial, re%reational and other s#a%e re"uire$ents of the %ity. Infrastru%ture, utilities and ser(i%es to $eet #resent re"uire$ents and to fa%ilitate future growth. Trans#ortation and %o$$uni%ation fa%ilities and ne%essary $anage$ent syste$s to allow lo%al and eternal linkages between #rodu%ersser(i%e #ro(iders and $arkets and to enhan%e o(erall lo%al integration. + land use #attern that #ro$otes en(iron$ental #rote%tion and #reser(ation and disaster $itigation.
@and se *trategies
Ci(en the li$ited land resour%es of the %ity, land de(elo#$ent #lan shall be based on the followingB a. 'on%entration of de(elo#$ent in designated areasB
Industry 4Industrial
b. 8e%o(ery of #ubli% #ro#erties like ri(er ease$ents, streets, sidewalks and rightofwaysE and a%"uisition of #ri(ate lands to %onne%t $aor roads and de(elo# alternate routes to de%ongest traffi%. %. Stri%t enfor%e$ent of the national uilding 'ode. d. e(elo#$ent of non$otori!ed trans#ortnetwork of bikelanes to enhan%e internal %ir%ulation. e. 'onstru%tion of $ultistorey s%hool buildingsinstitutional fa%ilities. The foregoing i$ages are a%tually endstate s%enarios that $ay well ser(e as longter$ goals for the so%ial, e%ono$i% and #hysi%al de(elo#$ent of the %ity. So$e of whi%h will be restated in #ro#er for$ in the a##ro#riate se%tors where they belong in the 'o$#rehensi(e e(elo#$ent )lan.
The following %on%e#tual #lans #ro(ide the stru%ture of the Land :se )lan. These #lans integrate the land use strategies into a #hysi%al fra$ework, indi%ating a##roi$ate areas of and s#atial relationshi#s a$ong the different land uses and #ro(iding a sket%h of how the Land :se )lan would look like. =our 45 basi% %on%e#tual #lans are #resentedB onceptual -and Cse Plan, onceptual Densit! Plan, onceptual Green Plan.
The -onceptual @and se .lan indi%ates the %ore areas of Marikina 'ityB a. The So%iali!ed Dousing Se%tor lo%ated in the different #arts of the %ity whi%h %ontains the highest densities. b. The S#e%ial 2%ono$i%
7)(-)>D H7C)?G
The %ity shall stri(e to fully reali!e its (ision of a s"uatterfree %o$$unity. +lready, the %ity has de(elo#ed 106 has. of in%ity settle$ent sites where about ,000 s"uatter fa$ilies ha(e been relo%ated. Se(eral areas for )riority de(elo#$ent 4+) !ones were ta# and de(elo# for the relo%ation of this infor$al settlers. Aew relo%ation sites shall be e#lored and de(elo#ed to a%%o$$odate the re$aining 1,00 or so s"uatter fa$ilies. ut sin%e the %ity has already runout of s#a%e for su%h #ur#oses, e#loring in the ada%ent towns of San Mateo, 8odrigue! and +nti#olo, 8i!al shall be #ursued. :nder no %ir%u$stan%es shall the %ity allow the resurgen%e of s"uatter %olonies in su%h areas as go(ern$ent lots, ri(erbanks, %reeks, road rightofways and road lots and #ubli% o#en s#a%es whi%h ha(e already been %leared of s"uatters. Likewise, influ of new settlers in the eisting settle$ent sites shall be %ontained to #re(ent the deterioration of these areas into de#ressed %o$$unities.
-CP( P(+( ( 5(TCTC7
2"uity re"uires that we do to the nati(es and old residents what we ha(e done for the new residents $ostly s"uatter fa$ilies. =or la%k of $eans, $any nati(es had been for%ed to stay in their #arent;s ho$es or an%estral lots resulting in o(er%rowding. Aati(e and old residents %an look forward to owning lots away fro$ their %rowded an%estral ho$es. The %ity shall re%lai$ lowlying areas for #riority de(elo#$ent along the ri(erbanks outside of the 76 $eter ease$ent, s#e%ifi%ally in o*a )etra, 'on%e#%ion :no. The #roe%t is now in the #lanning stage. +##roi$ately 11 has. of land shall be re%lai$edreser(ed for this #ur#ose. So$e >,000 fa$ilies will stand to benefit fro$ this #roe%t. It shall %a# the %ity;s hu$an settle$ents #rogra$. M(+)5)?( P>)(- >7?7M) 7?>
The %ity shall #ursue the re(i(al of its industrial !one in arangay )arang and #arts of arangay Marikina Deights where industries $ay relo%ate. In this %onne%tion, de(elo#$ent #lans for Marikina shall %enter on )arang and Marikina Deights as the %ity;s industrial !one. +ll roads shall lead to )arang and Marikina Deights. =ro$ there, the %ity&; new found wealth shall filter down to the other areas of the %ity, thereby, raising the standard of #eo#le and their en(iron$ent. >?T+(- C)?> T+)(?G->
ne of the %enter#ie%e of the %o$#rehensi(e land use #lan is the %ontinuing de(elo#$ent and strengthening of Marikina;s 'entral usiness istri%t dubbed as Business, )ood and )inance riangle# It is na$ed triangle be%ause it is one su%h area where Marikina 'ity, )asig 'ity and Kue!on 'ity $eet. The %enter is strategi%ally lo%ated being a%%essible to two $aor thoroughfares +. onifa%io +(enue and Mar%os Dighway and %lose enough to the eastern towns of San Mateo, 8odrigue! 4for$erly Montalban, +nti#olo and 'ainta. 8esidents of these nearby areas #ass through the %enter to get to the heart of the $etro#olis. It sits on 30 he%tare land, for$erly o%%u#ied by :ni(ersal Tetile Mills 4:T2U, and Aoahs )a#er Mills lo%ated on both the east and west banks of the Marikina 8i(er. The %enter is a new %on%e#t in %o$$er%ial %enter de(elo#$ent whi%h integrates intelligent business, residential, sho##ing and leisure fa%ilities with the natural setting by the ri(er. 94
-hile the %enter is basi%ally a #ri(ate initiati(e ne%essary su##ort infrastru%tures and fa%ilities around it shall be #ro(ided to in%lude the road linking the %enter to Libis, Kue!on 'ity, '> y)ass and Mar%os Dighway Inter%hange and installation of streetlights and other street furnitures. This is ne%essary to %reate an enabling en(iron$ent for the %o$#le to flourish as en(isioned. C-TC+(- (?D H>+)T(G> 7?>
The %ity shall #ursue the establish$ent of its %ultural reawakening #rogra$ through the establish$ent of &ul"ural and Ceri"age D!ne. The %o(erage of the %ultural and heritage !one is des%ribed as followsB +"ar"ing a" a '!in" in ")e Marikina River /ank a" /g0. +an R!ue near ")e end !( &alle iguang%!, ")en *!ve eas";ard al!ng ")e n!r") side !( Anna #uaE!n +"., ")en "urn s!u");ard un"il i" in"erse%" ;i") I. Mend!Ea +"., ")en "urn eas";ard al!ng ")e n!r")ern side !( I. Mend!Ea +"., ")en s!u");ard "! !nel!" dee' 'arallel "! J.P. RiEal +"., and eas";ard al!ng !ne l!" dee' 'arallel "! I. Mend!Ea +". un"il i" in"erse%"s . PaE +"., a" ")e line !( (en%e ;all !( ")e Marikina le*en"ar0 +%)!!l, ")en "urn n!r");ard al!ng ")e (en%e ;all !( Marikina le*en"ar0 +%)!!l, ")en "urn ;es";ard a" !ne l!" dee' (r!* an%el +"., (r!* Ka'". M!0 +"., run al!ng ")e 'eri*e"er ;all !( ")e R!*an &a")!li% &e*e"er0 ")en "urn n!r");ard al!ng ")e ;es" side !( M. &ruE +"., "urn a" ")e se%!nd l!" ;es";ard "! !ne l!" dee' (r!* an%el +"., and "urn n!r");ard al!ng !ne l!" dee' (r!* eas" side !( &a"alin! &ruE +"., un"il i" in"erse%" ")e %!rner !( Da'a"er! +"., and J.P. RiEal +"., and "urn ;es";ard a" ")e %!rner !( J.P. RiEal +". and Da'a"er! +". a" ")e s!u") side !( Da'a"er! +". un"il ")e river $ank and %r!ss ")e Marikina River un"il i" *ee"s ")e end !( Malvar +". a" /g0. Jesus de la Peña a" i"s s!u")side and run ;es";ard un"il i" in"erse%" ")e !ne l!" dee' 'r!l!nga"i!n (r!* Da*!ra +". and run n!r");ard al!ng ")is !nel!" dee' !( Da*!ra +"., un"il i" in"erse%"s ")e s!u")side !( aEar! +". and run eas";ard al!ng ")e s!u")side !( aEar! alle0 un"il ")e river$ank, %r!ss ")e Marikina River and end a" ")e river $ank a" /g0. +"!. Niñ!.
+lready in #la%e are the Sentrong )angkultura ng Marikina and Shoe Museu$. The %ity has %on(erted the histori% two%entury old Fa#itan Moy building into a %ultural %enter to ser(e as (enue of (arious a%ti(ities show%asing =ili#ino tradition in $usi%, (isual arts, literature and the like. The Shoe Museu$ 4a for$er ri%e $ill, on the other hand, the first and only one in the %ountry and one of the (ery few in the world, will soon o#en its doors to the #ubli% shoes of known #ersonalities in%luding a %olle%tion belonging to =or$er =irst Lady I$elda Mar%os, shoes of for$er #residents and their ladies will be #ut on dis#lay. +s the %ity $o(es towards industriali!ation, there re$ains a deliberate effort to hold on to the Iold MarikinaJ and its (alued heritage and %ultural treasures whi%h e#ito$i!e old traditions and the town;s #ath to the #resent. +long this line 95
s#anish%olonial ar%hite%tural designs shall be en%ouraged to be #reser(ed or established within this area. + lo%al ordinan%e shall be ena%ted in the future whi%h shall #rohibit de$olition of old and histori% stru%tures within the %ultural and heritage !one without #rior %learan%e fro$ %on%erned agen%y of the %ity go(ern$ent. PC-) M(+5>T 7?>
This area is bounded by Su$ulong Dighway on the north, J.). 8i!al St. on the west, Shoe +(enue on the east and =. )a! St. on the south. This area whi%h %o(ers about 7.5/ has. and shall be reser(ed for %o$$er%ial de(elo#$ent. +s su%h, no residential stru%tures shall be allowed to be built in this area while the eisting ones shall be gi(en a #haseout #eriod of fi(e 4> years. The onceptual Densit! Plan indi%ates density le(els throughout Marikina 'ity. The three nodes re#resent density #eaks in their res#e%ti(e #arts of the %ity. ensity %ontrols is one of the $ost funda$ental and effe%ti(e tools in $anaging urban growth. Together with land use, density dire%tly affe%ts the ty#e and a$ount of infrastru%ture and other ser(i%e re"uire$ents of the %ity. ensity %ontrols %an hel# in $anaging growth in high or near%ongested areas, #re(enting further o(er %on%entration of land uses. efining density li$its will also allow the #lanning of infrastru%ture and other #roe%ts needed to address ser(i%e and utility ga#s. In the land use #lan, density %ontrol are established a%%ording to the following guidelinesB
The entire %ity is sube%t to so$e for$ of density %ontrol. ensity %ontrols shall be #arti%ularly a##lied to residential areas to %urb o(er %on%entration. Through a##ro#riate legislation, the $ini$u$ $easure$ent of lots to be resubdi(ided would be set at 100 s"uare $eters e%e#t in so%iali!ed housing areas where the $ini$u$ lot area is #egged at ?5 s"uare $eters.
The onceptual Transportation ?etwork shows the $aor roadtrans#ortation routes. The road network is oriented in su%h a way that would s#read out (ehi%ular tri#s to ser(e as $any %onstituents and ease traffi% in $aor thoroughfares. The %ity;s trans#ortation and traffi% re"uire$ents ha(e to be addressed at two le(elsB regional a%%ess and lo%al %ir%ulation. In order to $aintain the %ity;s (iability as an alternati(e lo%ation for business and %o$$er%ial a%ti(ities, it has to re$ain a%%essible at the regional le(el. 2$#loyees, entre#reneurs, $anagers, 96
(isitors and the like need reliable $eans of trans#ortation going to and out of Marikina ust as residents need to a%%ess other #arts of Metro Manila. To i$#ro(e regional a%%ess and internal %ir%ulation, key road linkages and #roe%ts need to be in #la%e. The 5abayani road network that shall stret%h fro$ Aangka to Sto. Ai*o shall ser(e as an alternati(e road to the $ain street. This shall enable $otorists to tra(el the distan%e without #assing the $ain streetB J.). 8i!al. This shall also hel# redu%e the nu$ber of re$aining #o%kets of isolated areas in the %ity. e(elo#ing a%%ess roads in the western se%tion of the %ity, #arti%ularly in arangays arangka, Ta*ong and J. de la )e*a are dee$ed %ru%ial due to se(ere traffi% %ongestion along +. onifa%io +(enue and Mar%os Dighway. 2tending on Con!alo )uyat +(enue and %onne%ting the sa$e to )uerto 8i%o St. in Loyola Crand Gillas Subdi(ision shall #ro(ide a $ore (iable a%%ess road. There shall also be %onstru%ted a #eri$eter road fro$ Do$eowner;s ri(e in gy. Sto. Ai*o to Tu$ana in gy. 'on%e#%ion :no. This shall be a road network %losest to the ri(er whi%h shall ser(e as a #atrol road wherein no #ri(ate stru%tures shall be allowed to be built. + three 43 kilo$eter or so arterial road fro$ Lila% St. in 'on%e#%ion os to Mar%os Dighway #assing through the re%lai$ed #ubli% #ro#erty along alanti 'reek and #ortions of Aew Marikina, Mountain Giew and Midtown Subdi(isions in arangays Sta. 2lena and San 8o"ue shall be %onstru%ted. +ll these shall be %o$#leted by the Metro Manila :rban Trans#ortation Integrated )roe%t 4MM:T8I) whi%h in%ludes the %onstru%tion of another bridge a%ross the Marikina 8i(er that will %onne%t '> or the Fati#unan 8oad in Kue!on 'ity to Mar%os Dighway (ia =G8 8oad in Sitio landes, gy. Industrial GalleyE widen and wideningi$#ro(e$ent of Mar%os ridge to Masinag Market in +nti#olo 'ityE etension of Light 8ailway Transit 4L8T? with its Marikina Ter$inal to be lo%ated at the eastern foot of Mar%os ridge in sitio Tayug, gy Falu$#angE and %onstru%tion of all weather Tu$ana bridge whi%h links the northern #ortion of the %ity to Fati#unan 2tension in Kue!on 'ity. The %o$#letion of the foregoing #roe%ts will greatly i$#ro(e effi%ien%y in internal %ir%ulation and will herald the beginning of de(elo#$ent a%ti(ities un#re%edented in Marikina; history. To further enhan%e lo%al %ir%ulation other a%ti(ities shall be #ursued su%h as bringing roads to #ro#er standards, kee#ing the streets and sidewalks hassle free, #uttingu# ne%essary infrastru%ture fa%ilities to in%lude installation of traffi% signals in at least 30 $aor interse%tions, rationali!ing inter%onne%tions and de(elo#$ent of so$e 96 "ms# of bi"elanes whi%h shall %onne%t s%hools, go(ern$ent offi%es, $arkets and so$e fa%tories. he 'ari"ina Bicycle et!or" 4the first in the )hili##ines is to be finan%ed by the /lobal 2nvironment )acility 4C2= to the tune of V1./ $illion. It is esti$ated that in due ti$e about ?> #er%ent of lo%al workers will $o(e around the %ity on bi%y%les. 97
+ strategi% and #ra%ti%al a##roa%h is to allow but %ontrol future growth 4through areas#e%ifi% density %ontrols and land use li$itations while #ro(iding the ne%essary in%reases in infrastru%ture and ser(i%e %a#a%ities. The obe%ti(e would be to allow growth u# to the etent where the %ity;s %o$#etiti(e ad(antage (isW(is alternati(e lo%ations in Metro Manila would not be s#oiled, while the %ity endea(ors to buildu# su%h %a#a%ities to su##ort eisting as well as future re"uire$ents. The onceptual Green Plan shows the lo%ation of green ele$ents to in%lude the Marikina +i*er Park, pocket parks, green spaces and other strategi%ally lo%ated areas to be de(elo#ed into peoples parks. The %ity will ride on the $o$entu$ it has set in ter$s of sa(ing and rehabilitating the ??0 ha. Marikina 8i(er and its transfor$ation into a s#orts and re%reational #ark. e(elo#$ent of new and e#ansion of the eisting a$enities shall be undertaken to in%lude ogging lane on both sides of the ri(er, #i%ni%%a$#ing grounds, #ark, ben%hes, a$ong others. To do this, the %ity shall %ontinue the re%la$ation of lands within the ri(er;s 76 $eter ease$ents and se%ure those areas already liberated fro$ #o%kets of s"uatter %olonies. The eisting Marikina 8i(er )ark shall be a $aor ele$ent of the %ity;s %lean and green #lan. It shall %ontinue to be a uni"ue lo%ation that offers o##ortunity to integrate o#en and green s#a%es with a%ti(e re%reational and %o$$er%ial land uses. The Marikina 8i(er )ark shall be reinfor%ed by the de(elo#$ent of other #o%ket #arks and green s#a%es a%ross the %ity and the %ontinuing i$#le$entation of the .uno 5ahit *aan )rogra$. Strategi%ally lo%ated #ar%els of land 4#ubli%, o#en s#a%es, (a%ant areas, et%. shall be de(elo#ed into .eopleCs .ar"s. +lready the %ity has de(elo#ed 1>0 #arks sin%e the in%e#tion of the #rogra$. This #roe%t shall ha(e the following as its $aor %o$#onentsB ground le(eling, lands%a#ing, tree #lanting, grass #lanting and bougain(illea ga!ebo. 'o$$unity su##ort and %ollaboration with the 'ity;s )arks e(elo#$ent ffi%e in $anaging and $aintaining these #o%ket #arksgreen s#a%es shall be %onsidered. P>)(- D>F>-7PM>?T (+>(
The Land :se )lan identifies s#e%ial de(elo#$ent areas that, be%ause of their uni"ue a%ti(ities or lo%ation and i$#a%t to the so%ioe%ono$i% life of the %o$$unity, %an be %o(ered and guided by $ore detailed de(elo#$ent #lansB
The Marikina Industrial
The usiness, =ood and 'o$$er%ial Triangle 4Marikina;s 'entral usiness istri%t whi%h shall be the ful%ru$ of business and other %o$$er%ial a%ti(ities in the %ity. The 'ultural and Deritage
The #ro#osed Land :se )lan is a detailed translation of the )hysi%al fra$ework%on%e#tual )lans. The resulting land use distribution is su$$ari!ed and %o$#ared to the %orres#onding distribution of the 171 1.33@ of its total land area. The large dro# in residential land area was due to the in%reased de$and for %o$$er%ial and industrial areas and de(elo#$ent of newadditional roads. Industrial areas %o$e in se%ond 41?./@. +rea for )riority e(elo#$ent rank third at .33@. 8oads rank net whi%h ha(e al$ost doubled in ?000 as o##osed to 171. This %an be attributed to the o#ening andor de(elo#$ent of new roads #arti%ularly in so%iali!ed housing areas. esignated agri%ultural areas were %on(erted into so%iali!ed housing and #artly into re%reational uses.
Table 8# Proposed -and Cse Marikina it! 1":1%2#1# LAND USE
R#si%#nia" C!++#r*ia" In%'sria" i#% Us# !n# Insi'i!na" O,#n .,a*#ar) D .!*ia"i:#% ;!'sing C#+##ri#s C'"'ra" ;#riag# gri*'"'ra" R!a%s TOTAL
1981 MMDA Zoning Ordinn!e
(+>( 1/10361 9451 27664 15522 6591 8625 17902 000 180 000 850 17854 2(1)#.##
& 5133 440 1287 722 306 401 833 000 008 000 040 830 1##.##
1999 Exis"ing Lnd Use A'EA 81306 13282 28057 15522 7260 6191 17902 4096 3789 025 190 37380 2(1)#.##
& 3782 617 1305 722 338 288 833 190 176 001 009 1739 1##.##
2#1# Pro$osed Lnd Use A'EA 80145 24381 29565 000 9523 5008 17902 4128 3789 025 190 40344 2(1)#.##
& 3728 1134 1375 000 443 233 833 192 176 01 09 1876 1##.##
2#1# % 1999 A'EA -1161 11099 1508 000 2263 -1183 000 032 000 000 000 2964
& -143 8356 537 000 3117 -1911 000 078 000 000 000 793
Sour%e B Muni%i#ality of Marikina Ma#s, MM+
+s $entioned in the )ro#osed
-(?D C> T+>?D
8esidential uses shall re$ain to be the do$inant land use in the net ten 410 years. Industrial and %o$$er%ial uses, howe(er, are e#e%ted to gain ground in the light of the %ity;s s#irited efforts at #ro$oting Marikina as a (iable (enue for industrial and business lo%ators. The %o$$er%ial land use, in #arti%ular, shall benefit a great deal fro$ the %on(ersion of the #ubli% $arket !one and other residential areas into %o$$er%ial !ones. This trend shall re%ei(e an added boost fro$ the $aor infrastru%ture #roe%ts whi%h are #rogra$$ed for i$#le$entation to in%lude the MM:T8I) 4whi%h %o$#onents are dis%ussed lengthily in the early #ages, %onstru%tion of an allweather bridge in Tu$ana, 'on%e#%ion I and %onstru%tion of 76 k$s. bi%y%le network. +ll these #roe%ts when %o$#leted shall #osition Marikina a$ong the ranks of #referred industrial and %o$$er%ial lo%ations in the $etro#olis. +nother $aor %ontributory to the de(elo#$ent of this trend is the lo%al shoe industry whi%h is e#e%ted to re$ain #ro$inent in the years to %o$e. 8oads shall %onstitute a re$arkable #ortion of the land use but it is e#e%ted that at %ertain #oint in the future they shall so$ewhat ta#eroff when $ost of the road #roe%ts on the #i#eline ha(e already been %o$#leted 4in%luding the bikeways. Se%ondly, sin%e the %ity is already runningout of s#a%es to be de(elo#ed into settle$ent sites the #hase of %onstru%tion of new roads shall %onsiderably slow down. In other words, %onstru%tion of new roads had already rea%hed its #eak during the last se(en 4/ years. Dousing #roe%ts in the %ity are #roe%ted to in%rease a little bit in se(eral areas for #riority de(elo#$ent4 +) with the laun%hing of the @.A *A 5AB> .+>/+A' whi%h shall $ake a(ailable about ele(en 411 he%tares or so of re%lai$ed lands for the nati(esold residents of Marikina. The in%rease, howe(er, would not be as aggressi(e as in the last se(en 4/ years. +ll told, we foresee a good balan%e in land uses a$ong residential, industrial and %o$$er%ial as it is the kind of s%enario that the %ity would be #ursuing in the net ten 410 years.