Preface This COAL HANDLING OPERATION SYSTEM MANUAL was made accordin !o !he ins!r"c!ion #oo$ of main!enance and re%e&an! drawin offered #' !he coa% hand%in e("i)men! e("i)men! man"fac!"rer of *+,-.M .M coa% !he *+,coa% fired fired )ower )ower )%an! )%an! )ro/e )ro/ec! c! in PACIT ACITAN AN00 Indone Indonesia sia11 I! is on%' on%' s"i!a# s"i!a#%e %e for !he *+,-.M coa% fired )ower )%an! )ro/ec! in Paci!an0 o)era!io o)era!ion n of !he coa% hand%in hand%in s's!em s's!em of !he *+,-.M Indonesia1 The man"a%s wi%% #e re&ised and im)ro&ed wi!h !he )ro/ec! )roress de&e%o)men!1
Page 2 of 160
Preface This COAL HANDLING OPERATION SYSTEM MANUAL was made accordin !o !he ins!r"c!ion #oo$ of main!enance and re%e&an! drawin offered #' !he coa% hand%in e("i)men! e("i)men! man"fac!"rer of *+,-.M .M coa% !he *+,coa% fired fired )ower )ower )%an! )%an! )ro/e )ro/ec! c! in PACIT ACITAN AN00 Indone Indonesia sia11 I! is on%' on%' s"i!a# s"i!a#%e %e for !he *+,-.M coa% fired )ower )%an! )ro/ec! in Paci!an0 o)era!io o)era!ion n of !he coa% hand%in hand%in s's!em s's!em of !he *+,-.M Indonesia1 The man"a%s wi%% #e re&ised and im)ro&ed wi!h !he )ro/ec! )roress de&e%o)men!1
Page 2 of 160
Con!en! 1
INTRODUCTION OF COAL HANDLING SYSTEM11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
COMPREHENSI2E INSTRUCTION O3 COAL H ANDLING SYSTEM................................................................5
SUMMERY T A4LE O3 THE COAL H ANDLING SYSTEM E5UIPMENTS DRA6ING 7SEE THE APPENDI8 -1*9 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. 1.2.1 1
Draw Drawin ing g of the the Over Overal alll Arra Arrang ngem emen entt and and Inst Instal alla lati tion on of of the the Equi Equipm pmen ents ts (Se (See e the the App Appen endi dix x 1.2.1 ...........................................................................................................................................................5
1.2.2 .2.2
Drawi awing of of Eq Equipm ipment !o !onstr stru"ti u"tio on (S (See th the appe append ndix ix 1.2. .2.2 .........................................................5
COAL HANDLING SYSTEM OPERATION MANUAL1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:
. ..........................................................................................................6 #ridge $%pe &ra' Ship nloader ...........................................................................................................6
#u")et *heel Sta")er + ,e"laimer.....................................................................................................27
*ater *iper.............................................................................................................................................73
E5UIPMENT O3 COAL H ANDLING SYSTEM..............................................................................................79
#elt !onve%or..........................................................................................................................................79
$ension Devi"e........................................................................................................................................84
!leaning Devi"e......................................................................................................................................86
Auxiliar% Eq Equipment ................................................................................................................................86
. .......................................................................................................92 ,ing ammer $%pe !oal !rusher ........................................................................................................92
In"linatio tion 4aria'le Iso"hori" ,oller S"reen .......................................................................................95
6agneti" Separator ................................................................................................................................99
As re"eived !oal Sampling Devi"e....................................................................................................104
...............................................................................................109 6e"hani"al Sa Sampler of of As As9:ired !o !oal ...............................................................................................109
Ele"troni" #elt S"ale............................................................................................................................114
. ............................................................................................................117 ;on 6agneti" 6e 6etal De Dete"tor .............................................................................................................117
!oal :e :eeding Equipments ...................................................................................................................121
. ..................................................................................................................123 !oal !h !harging Eq Equipment ...................................................................................................................123
COAL H ANDLING E5UIPMENT CONTROL...............................................................................................126
..........................................................................126 :un"tion and !omponents of !entra trali/ed !ontrol ..........................................................................126
!entrali/ed !ontrol 6ode ....................................................................................................................126
Inte Interrlin) lin)iing !ri !riter teria on !entr entra ali/ li/ed !o !ontro trol Eq Equipm ipments= ts= ...............................................................127
$he 6ain !oal St Sta") 6ode fo for th the !o !oal andling S% S%stem tem ...........................................................127
2.-. 2.-.0 0
Insp Inspe" e"ti tion on and and >rep >repar arat atio ion n 'efo 'efore re !ent !entra rali li/ /ed !ont !ontrrol Oper Operat atio ion n ...............................................127
2.-. .-.
...................................................128 $he St Start? art?St Sto op Op Operatio ation n of of !oa !oall a andli ndlin ng >r >ro"e o"edural !ont !ontrrol ...................................................128
PROTECTION DE2ICES O3 COAL HANDLING SYSTEM .............................................................................137
2..1 ..1
$he :orm ormatio ation n of of >r >rote"ti e"tio on Dev Devii"es "es of of !oa !oall a andli ndling ng S%st S%stem em...................................................137
Page 3 of 160
$he Dou'le9>ole Swit"h for Dete"ting Deviation State of #elt in #elt !onve%er. ......................137
$wo @ $hrow >ulling Swit"h................................................................................................................137
D —Ⅲ $%pe ,elative96ovement Dete"tor ....................................................................................138
DS $%pe Speed Dete"tor..............................................................................................................138
4erti"al Slitting >rote"tive Equipments of B< Series .......................................................................138
Supersoni" *ave 6aterial
6*—Ⅱ $%pe igh and
6aterials :low Dete"tor of << —ⅠSeries..........................................................................................140
Prote"tive Epuipments for
APPENDI8 -;* -1*
COAL DELI2ERY SYSTEM E5UIPMENT SUMMARY DRA6INGS T A4LE..................................................142
Equipment &eneral Arrangement and Installation Diagrams ........................................................143
Equipment !onstru"tional Drawings .................................................................................................146
Page 4 of 160
Introduction of Coa Handin! S"#t
%$1.1 Co%&r$'$n#i($ In#truction of Coa Handin! S"#t
The coa% hand%in s's!em of !his )ower )%an! is desined #' !he ca)aci!' of * "ni!s of ,-.M61 The f"nc!ion of !he coa% hand%in s's!em is !o "n%oad coa%s from !he coa% #are of coa% "n%oadin !ermina% and con&e' !hem !o !he coa% 'ard1 Then !he coa% wi%% #e )rocessed in!o !hose wi!h !he )ar!ic%e si
rec%aimer and main wor$sho) is do"#%e1 C?-、 C? *、c?,、c?@are a%% wi!h sin%e #e%!0 which are ins!a%%ed in !he coa% 'ard and emerenc' coa% #"c$e!1 The )ar!ic%e si
Su%%$r" Ta+$ of t'$ Coa Handin! S"#t$% E,ui&%$nt# Dra*in! -S$$ t'$ A&&$ndi. 1)2/
Dra*in! of t'$ O($ra Arran!$%$nt and In#taation of t'$ E,ui&%$nt# -S$$ t'$ A&&$ndi. 1)2)1/
Dra*in! of E,ui&%$nt Con#truction -S$$ t'$ a&&$ndi. 1)2)2/
Page 5 of 160
2) Coa Handin! S"#t$% O&$ration Manua 2)1
Introduction to Coa Unoadin! E,ui&%$nt and Ot'$r Coa Sio E,ui&%$nt#
0rid!$ T"&$ Gra+ S'i& Unoad$r
E("i)men! o&er&iew The e("i)men! is of #ride !')e rad shi) "n%oader wi!h fo"r %eadin wo"nd ro%%s1 The re)resen!a!i&e "n%oadin e("i)men! is a #"%$ caro crane wi!h-1*?* !on ca)aci!'1 The s!r"c!"re and %oca!ion of !his machine refers !o !he 3i1 -1 D"rin o)era!ion0 !he ra##er )ic$s ") ma!eria% from !he ca#in of shi) and !hen !he ra##er !ro%%e' mo&es !owards !he shore and "n%oad !he ma!eria% in!o !he ho))er !ha! is %oca!ed a! fron! door #ride in!erior1 The crane mo&es a%on !he /e!!' and !a$es ma!eria%1 B58-*. shi) "n%oader consis!s of s's!ems %i$e !he me!a%%ic s!r"c!"re0 !he o)era!ion mechanism wi!h %if!in )ar!s0 o)enin and c%osin )ar!s0 and !ro%%e' 7!hree )ar!s are on a com)%e!e se!0 which is ca%%ed fo"r ro%%in s)oo% mechanism90 %if!in mechanism0 crane o)era!ion mechanism0 ra##er and ma!eria% co%%ec!in s's!em0 d"s! )roof s's!em0 mo#i%e ca#0 main!enance faci%i!ies and safe!' !oo%s %i$e an!icree)er0 anchorin0 !ie down de&ice0 safe!' hoo)0 and )osi!ion %imi!in de&ice0 as we%% as e%ec!rica% s's!em1 This e("i)men! is of #o irder s!r"c!"re1 The fron! and rear cross#eams are connec!ed #' )in shaf!1 D"rin non?wor$in s!a!e or when !he shi) a))roaches !he shore or %ea&es !he shore0 !he fron! cross#eam %if!s ") for !he shi) !o o1 The fron! cross#eam is of d"a%?cross#eam s!r"c!"re1 There are hori
Page 6 of 160
The wa%% #oard of main #"i%din and e%ec!rica% ho"se is made of hih ("a%i!' ins"%a!ion ma!eria%1 A))earance is ood and s"i!a#%e1 Ins"%a!ion and sea%in )erformance is ood1 This $ind of se!!in im)ro&es !he wor$in en&ironmen! of e%ec!rica% e("i)men!1 The &er!ica% air condi!ioner in !he e%ec!rica% ho"se he%)s !o "aran!ee !he re%ia#%e and safe o)era!ion of e%ec!rica% e("i)men!1 In addi!ion0 !here are .T crane for main!enance "se1 The s!airs0 )%a!forms and )assae wa's are a%% made of a%&ani
Shi) "n%oader ma!eria% recei&in charac!eris!ics and main !echnica% )arame!ers Shi) "n%oader ma!eria% recei&in charac!eris!ics and main !echnica% )arame!ers I!em
Coa% Ma!eria% si
Main !echnica% )arame!ers= Ra!ed )rod"c!ion ra!e 7of !he shi) "n%oader9
Trac$ dis!ance
4ase dis!ance
Ra!ed %if!in weih! of ra##er
Gra&i!' weih! of ra##er
Gra##er ca)aci!'
Ma o"!er dis!ance
Ma inner dis!ance
Page 7 of 160
Lif!in sco)e a#o&e !he ro%%er
Lif!in sco)e "nder !he ro%%er
Ca# o"!er dis!ance
Ca# inner dis!ance
Shi) "n%oader mo&in sco)e
Ma )ress"re of !he ro%%er
; Lif!in and c%osin s)eed
4"' mo&in s)eed
3ron! cross#eam mo&in !ime
Sin%e /o"rne'
Crane mo&in s)eed
Mo&in s)eed of !he ca#
Ho))er ca)aci!'
Prod"c!ion ca)aci!' of !he ho))er
Desined am#ien! !em)era!"re
?-* ;
Ma mois!"re
Ann"a% a&erae re%a!i&e mois!"re
℃ % %
Power so"rce
:,20 .H<0 !hree )hase
Con!ro% mode
PLC semi?a"!o man"a%
Com)%e!e e("i)men! ca)aci!'
Com)%e!e e("i)men! ra&i!' weih!
In!rod"c!ion !o main )ar!s of !he shi) "n%oader
Me!a% s!r"c!"re
The main me!a% s!r"c!"re of shi) "n%oader is com)osed of !he fo%%owin )ar!s= fron! and rear cross#eam0 fron! and rear )"%%in rod0 sma%% fron! a!e0 s%o)ed s"))or!in rod0 side irder0 #oard0 ho))er and #rac$e!1 The mos! s!r"c!"res are cons!r"c!ed in !erm of !hin wa%% enc%osed #o form1 The' are made of 5,;.?4 s!ee%1 The main connec!in /oin!s are hine /oin!s or we%ded connec!ion0 which owns !he ad&an!aes %i$e sim)%e s!r"c!"re0 ood riidi!'0 eas' assem#%' and %ih! ra&i!' weih!1 The ro!a!in hine /oin!s of fron! and rear cross#eam and fron! )"%%in rod "ses !he ra)hi!e s%idin #earin wi!h se%f %"#rica!ion1 The wear resis!an! )erformance of !his #earin is ood and i! is eas' !o main!ain wi!h eas' ro!a!ion1 There are "))er and %ower s"))or!in #ases %oca!ed direc!%' "nder !he !rac$ wi!h ad/"s!in as$e!s !o ens"re a )recise )osi!ion af!er !he cross #eam is %owered down1 The !rac$ /oin!s ma$e a ood difference in !wis! resis!ance a! hine ear1 S!r"c!"re of !he fron! and rear
Page 8 of 160
)"%%in rod is ("i!e sim)%e0 which is made ") wi!h one or !wo !rans)osi!ion )%a!es1 The )%a!form #oard in com)"!er room "ses rear arm s"s)endin me!hod1 The ra&i!' cen!er of !he who%e e("i)men! is !hen mo&ed #ac$wards1 The #a%ancin weih! for inc%ina!ion )re&en!ion is decreased in !his wa' and !he s!a#i%i!' of !he e("i)men! is enhanced1 4eca"se i! "ses !he %eadin s's!em0 !he ra&i!' weih! of !he #"' is %ih! wi!h sim)%e s!r"c!"re0 %ow mo#i%e %oad and eas' main!enance1 There are !wo co")%es of hori
3i1 *1-1-1-1*1*
O&er&iew of shi) "n%oader
Mechanism of !he fo"r s)oo%s The fo"r s)oo% mechanism is !he cen!ra% )ar! of !his e("i)men!0 which is %oca!ed in !he main #"i%din1 The o)era!ion of #"' and %if!in and c%osin of !he ra##er is achie&ed #' ro!a!ion from direc!ions of !he fo"r s)oo%s1 6hen !he %if!in mo!or is s!ar!ed ")0 !wo s)oo%s are dri&en #' !he ear#o !o ro!a!e in !he same direc!ion !o achie&e !he %if!in and %owerin of !he ra##er1 6hen !he sh"!down mo!or is ac!i&a!ed0 !wo s)oo%s are dri&en #' !he ear#o !o ro!a!e in !he same direc!ion !o achie&e !he o)enin and c%osin of !he ra##er1 6hen !he o)era!ion mo!or is ac!i&a!ed !o dri&e !wo ear#oes0 !he fo"r s)oo%s ro!a!es in ro")s and in o))osi!e direc!ion !o achie&e !he mo&emen! of !he #"'1 6hen !he %if!in mo!or0 c%osin mo!or and #"' %eadin mo!or are ac!i&a!ed a! !he same !ime0 !he ra##er can wor$ in a c"r&i%inear mo!ion1 Page 9 of 160
6or$in )rinci)%e of !he fo"r?ro%%er mechanism 7refer !o 3i1 *9= 7-9 Lif! ") and %ower down0 o)en and c%ose !he s)oo% and ma$e i! ro!a!e !o !he rih! side1 Lif! ") !he ra##er1 7*9 Lif! ") and %ower down0 o)en and c%ose !he s)oo% and ma$e i! ro!a!e !o !he %ef! side and %ower down !he ra##er1 7,9 Lif! ") and %ower down one co")%e of !he s)oo% and ma$e i! ro!a!e !o !he inner side so !ha! !he ra##er #"' mo&es !owards !he wa!er side 7!his wor$in condi!ion is dri&en #' #"' %eadin mo!or91 7;9 Lif! ") and %ower down one co")%e of !he s)oo% and ma$e i! ro!a!e !o !he o"!er side so !ha! !he ra##er #"' mo&es !owards !he %and side 7!his wor$in condi!ion is dri&en #' #"' %eadin mo!or91 7.9 The %if!in s)oo% does no! wor$1 O)en and c%ose !he s)oo% so !ha! i! ro!a!es !owards !he rih! side1 The ra##er can #e c%osed a! !his )oin! 7on%' !he c%osin and o)enin mo!or is s!ar!ed ") "nder !his wor$in condi!ion91 7:9 The %if!in s)oo% does no! wor$1 O)en and c%ose !he s)oo% so !ha! i! ro!a!es !owards !he %ef! side1 The ra##er can #e o)ened a! !his )oin! 7on%' !he c%osin and o)enin mo!or is s!ar!ed ") "nder !his wor$in condi!ion91
3i1* 3o"r?ro%%er mechanism fi1 Power of !he %if!in and o)eninc%osin mo!ors of !his mechanism is ;-:61 The hih s)eed shaf! #rea$er "ses !he disc !')e #rea$er of +, wi!h hih #rea$er !or("e0 re%ia#%e )erformance and safe and eas' o)era!ion1 Power of !he #"' %eadin mo!or is -,*61 One disc !')e #rea$er is e("i))ed on !he hih s)eed shaf!1 4endin fa!i"e and wear condi!ion of !he o)enin and c%osin sec!ion s!ee% wire ro)e in !he ra##er is se&erer !han !ha! of o!her )ar!s1 In order !o e!end !he ser&ice %ife of !he s!ee% wire ro)e and decrease !he cons"m)!ion of !he ro)e0 cer!ain s!orae is %ef! on !he s!ee% wire ro)e s)oo% d"rin !he desin1 In !his wa'0 !he se&ere%' worn )ar!s in !he ra##er can #e c"! off1 One sec!ion on !he s)oo% is %ef! !o sa!isf' !he re("ired %en!h for norma% %if!in and o)eninc%osin1 Us"a%%'0 one ro)e can #e re"sed for a! mos! !hree !imes1 The mode of !he s!ee% wire ro)e for !his e("i)men! is ,:NAT:*K3i3c-@@BS and
Page 10 of 160
,:NAT:*K3i3c-@@SB1 The hih ("a%i!' s!ee% ro)e wi!h hemo core fi%%in is of hiher !o"hness0 e%as!ici!' and cer!ain %"#rica!in rease1 I! has charac!eris!ics %i$e hiher #earin ca)aci!'0 e!r"sion resis!an! ca)aci!'0 non ro!a!ion and fa!i"e resis!an! a#i%i!'1 In order !o effec!i&e%' )re&en! ro!a!ion and )ro)er%' "se !he s!ee% ro)e1 The %if!in%owerin and o)eninc%osin sho"%d #e ro!a!ed in )airs from #o!h !he %ef! side and rih! side1 Use %ef! ro!a!in s!ee% ro)e on !he rih! s)oo% and &ice &ersa1 A s)ecia% s%idin #%oc$ %i$e c%"!ch mechanism is e("i))ed in !he ear#o !o faci%i!a!e !he assem#%' and disassem#%' of !he s!ee% wire ro)e1 Sin%e s)oo% ro!a!ion is achie&ed !hro"h %if!in and %owerin mo!or and #"' o)era!ion mo!or 7or o)eninc%osin mo!or and #"' mo!or91 In addi!ion0 s!ee% wire ro)e oin?!hro"h mechanism is se! !o decrease !he oin !hro"h 7ro)e chanin9 in!ensi!'1 *1-1-1-1*1,
The am)%i!"de &aria#%e mechanism The fo"r s)oo% mechanism is e("i))ed a! rear sec!ion of !he am)%i!"de &aria#%e mechanism1 The ear#o is dri&en #' one ..6 AC fre("enc'?&aria#%e mo!or1 The cross#eam mo&es ")wards and downwards as !he s)oo%s ro!a!e in o))osi!e direc!ion0 which dri&es !he )"%%in #ac$ and !hrowin of !he s!ee% wire ro)e1 Two ro)e ends of !he s!ee% wire ro)e are fied on !he end of !he s)oo% and on !he #a%ancin )"%%e'1 One #a%ancin )"%%e' is %oca!ed on !he "))er sec!ion of !he sma%% a!e in order !o #a%ance !he force #earin of !he !wo ro") ro)es1 The a))%ied force of !he !wo ro")s can #e ad/"s!ed a"!oma!ica%%'1
3i1, 3re("enc' &aria#%e s!r"c!"re There is a $ind of in!er%oc$ re%a!ionshi) #e!ween !his mechanism0 #"' %eadin mechanism and mo#i%e ca#1 On%' when !he #"' and ca# are in !he cross#eam sco)e0 !he %if!in mechanism can wor$1 The modes of !he s!ee% wire ro)e of !he %if!in mechanism is *NAT:*K3i3c-@@BS and *NAT:*K3i3c-@@SB0 which are of %ef! and rih! ro!a!ion s!r"c!"re1 *1-1-1-1*1;
Crane o)era!ion mechanism The crane o)era!ion mechanism of !he shi) "n%oader consis!s of fo"r ro")s of eih! whee% r"nnin !ro%%e's1 There are a%!oe!her ,* whee%s1 One se! of dri&in mechanism
Page 11 of 160
is "sed on !he !ro%%e'1 The dri&in mechanism is dri&en #' one fre("enc' &aria#%e mo!or !o mo!i&e !he crane !o mo&e1 The s!r"c!"re of !his mechanism is easi%' assem#%ed0 which is eas' !o disassem#%' and re)air1 There are in!er%oc$s #e!ween !he crane o)era!ion mechanism and an!icree)er and !he anchorin de&ice1
3i1 ; *1-1-1-1*1.
Tro%%e' ro")s of !he crane mo&in mechanism
Coa% con&e'in s's!em The ho))er of !his e("i)men! is %oca!ed on !he sea side !rac$1 There is a weihin sensor e("i))ed on !he ho))er s"))or!in #eam1 The s's!em in!er%oc$ is ac!i&a!ed and deac!i&a!ed #' weihin sensor0 feeder and ra##er0 #' which wa' !he wor$in !ime of !he ho))er coa% s!orae and o"!?con&e'in )or! is con!ro%%ed1 A fre("enc' &aria#%e s)eed o&ernin &i#ra!in feeder is e("i))ed a! %ower )ar! of !he ho))er1 The coa% s"))%'in amo"n! has !o #e we%%?dis!ri#"!ed and !he amo"n! can #e ad/"s!ed1 There is a wa%% !')e &i#ra!ion mo!or e("i))ed on !he side wa%% of !he ho))er0 which can remo&e !he acc"m"%a!ed coa%1 A s!ain%ess s!ee% %inin )%a!e is e("i))ed on !he ho))er %ower )ar! inner wa%%1 A d"s! )re&en!ion screen is e("i))ed on !he "))er )ar! of !he ho))er0 which can se)ara!e !he %are #%oc$ coa% and a%so can )re&en! !he d"s! or ash1 A ,m hih #oard is %oca!ed on !he sides of !he ho))er o)enin and ano!her #oard #ehind !he o)enin for d"s! s"))ression1 A mo#i%e ch"!e #oard is %oca!ed on !he fron! )ar! of !he ho))er o)enin !o )re&en! !he coa% #oc$ from fa%%in in!o !he sea0 which )o%%"!es !he en&ironmen!1 6or$ of c"! #oard is dri&en #' a !rier ear1
6a!er s)ra'in d"s! )re&en!ion s's!em To mee! !he en&ironmen! )ro!ec!ion re("iremen!s0 !here are d"s! co%%ec!or and d"s! )re&en!ion de&ice %oca!ed a! each d"s! raisin )oin!s of !he coa% co%%ec!ion s's!em1 6a!er for !he mis! s)ra'in s's!em is s"))%ied from !he /e!!' desina!ed wa!er s"))%'in )oin!0 which is s!ored in !he wa!er ! an$ of !he e("i)men!1 Press"re is raised
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#' !he wa!er )"m)1 6a!er #ecomes mis! a! !he s)ra'in no<<%e1 In !his wa'0 !he d"s! )re&en!ion aim is achie&ed1 The ho))er "))er )ar! wa!er s)ra'in and "n%oadin of ra##er are in in!er%oc$1 The wa!er s)ra'in a! coa% re?con&e'in )oin!s is in in!er%oc$ wi!h !he coa% f%ow wa'1 6a!er s)ra'in can #e cance%ed man"a%%'1 *1-1-1-1*1@
Dri&er ca#0 main #"i%din and e%ec!rica% #"i%din The ca# is a $ind of enc%osed s!r"c!"re wi!h ood &iew1 Doors and windows are sea%ed wi!h a%"min"m a%%o'1 There are decora!in )%a!es %oca!ed on inner wa%% wi!h ins"%a!ion ma!eria% in !he midd%e and air condi!ioners e("i))ed1 6or$in en&ironmen! in !he ca# is &er' nice and comfor!a#%e0 and !he a))earance is a%so #ea"!if"%1 The dri&er ca# is a se%f mo&in one wi!h !he se%f?mo&in mechanism1 The dri&er can mo&e a%on i! de)endin on re("iremen! of !he &iew1 If emerenc' )ower?off occ"rs0 !he dri&er can o !o !he roof !hro"h !he o"!door s!airs and !hen o ") !o !he wa%$wa' on !he #eam1 Necessar' faci%i!ies in !he can are com)%e!e0 s"ch as in%e! in!er%oc$ )%a!form0 wind &e%oci!' indica!or0 %o"d?s)ea$er and !e%e)hone1 Comm"nica!ion is con&enien!1 The main #"i%din is %oca!ed on !he "))er )%a!form !ha! is "nder !he cross#eam1 The %if!in0 o)eninc%osin and fre("enc' &aria#%e ro)e en!er !he #"i%din !hro"h !he wa!er?)roof ho%es on !he roof1 One .T e%ec!ric sin%e #eam crane is e("i))ed in !he #"i%din1 This crane com)rises !he CD-.?-D mo!or?dri&en hois!er and o!her mo&in )ar!s1 O!her %are com)onen!s in !he #"i%din can #e %if!ed !o !he ro"nd of !he /e!!' !hro"h %if!in ho%es1 Two !ransformers and a e%ec!rica% )ane% are %oca!ed in !he e%ec!rica% #"i%din1
*1-1-1-1*1 Gra##er The E"ro)ean !')e ad&anced fo"r?ro)e and fo"r?)o%e ra##er is e("i))ed for !his e("i)men!1 The !a$in ra!e of !he ra##er is %are wi!h hih )rod"c!ion ra!e1 The )or! ede is made of hih%' reinforced corrosion resis!an! ma!eria% wi!h ood we%din )erformance0 in!ensi!' and riidi!'1 In addi!ion0 !here are %if!in ears for !he #"%%do
s)eed of !he %if!in ") ro)e and !he c%osin ro)e1 6hen s)eed of !hese !wo is same0 cer!ain o)eninc%osin0 %if!in or %owerin can #e main!ained1 6hen !he s)eed of !hese !wo &aries0 ho))er o)enin or c%osin are carried o"! a! !he same !ime d"rin ra##er %if!in ") or %owerin down )rocess1 The s)ecific wor$ circ"%a!ion is shown in !he fo%%owin= 7-9 The em)!' ho))er o)ens and decreases1 7*9 A! !his )oin!0 !he c%osin s!ee% wire ro)e is %oosened1 7,9 The !o!a% weih! of !he ra##er is #orne #' !he %if!in s!ee% wire ro)e1 The %if!in and o)eninc%osin can #e re%eased wi!h same s)eed1 The ra##er decreases down wi!h a na!"re o)en s!a!e and !o !he ma!eria% )i%e on !he ca#in1 7;9 Ta$in ") of ra##er1 7.9 Af!er !he ra##er is %owered down !o !he coa% )i)e and o)ened1 7:9 Lif! !he s!ee% wire ro)e and %oosen i! for a whi%e !o $ee) i! in a s%ih!%' %oose s!a!e1 6i!h ra&i!' weih!0 !he /aw )%a!e inser!s in !he )i%e1 A! !his !ime0 !he %if!in ro)e does no! wor$1 Tih!en !he o)eninc%osin ro)e0 and !he !a$in ") of !he ra##er can #e com)%e!ed1 7@9 3"%% %oad %if!in1 79 S!ar! %if!in !he ro)e when !he ra##er is a#o"! !o #e c%osed1 7K9 As !he ro)e %if!s ")0 !he ra##er is %if!ed ") in c%osin s!a!e1 A! ini!ia% s!ae when !he ra##er %ea&es !he )i%e0 !he !o!a% weih! of !he ra##er is #orne #' !he o)eninc%osin ro)e1 In !his wa'0 !he ra##er is %if!ed ") and !he %oad of o)eninc%osin ro)e is e("a%i
Gra##er Gra##er 3"%% %oad and Gra##er o)enin o)enin and o)enin and %if!in and ma!eria% %owerin down ma!eria% "n%oadin !a$in
6or$in s!a!e of Lower Loosen S!o) %if!in ro)e down wi!h
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S%ih! Lif! ") Tih!en S!o) %oosen wi!h
6or$in s!a!e of Lower same o)eninc%osin down s)eed ro)e
Lif! ") Ta$e? Lif! ") same ") s)eed
Lower down
The ra##er wor$in condi!ion and ra##er "n%oadin are in in!er%oc$ in e%ec!rica% con!ro%1 6hen !he ma!eria% s!orae amo"n! of !he ra##er eceeds cer!ain &a%"e0 !he ra##er canno! o)en !o "n%oad0 canno! e&en when !he ra##er mo&es !o !he direc! !o) of !he )i%e *1-1-1-1*1K
Ca#%e ree% The d'namic )ower0 con!ro% sina% and comm"nica!ion faci%i!' of !he shi) "n%oader are %ead in !he e("i)men! !hro"h !he ca#%e ree%1 The d'namic ca#%e ree% is main%' res)onsi#%e for !he rec%aimin and re%easin of !he :,2 AC H2 ca#%e1 I! is dri&en #' !he h's!ere!ic mo!or0 which is simi%ar !o !he cons!an! !ension dri&in f"nc!ion1 This can wor$ re%ia#%' wi!h safe!' "aran!ee1 The con!ro%%in ca#%e ree% is main%' res)onsi#%e for !he rec%aimin and re%easin of !he L2 comm"nica!ion ca#%e1 The dri&in de&ice and wor$in condi!ion are simi%ar !o !he )re&io"s men!ioned one1 In order !o "aran!ee !he norma% wor$ of !he ca#%e0 !here are ca#%e %eadin #rac$e! %oca!ed "nder !he ree%1
*1-1-1-1*1- Safe!' faci%i!ies *1-1-1-1*1-1-
An!icree)er0 anchorin and !ie down e("i)men!
3o"r an!icree)ers0 fo"r man"a% anchorin de&ices and fo"r remo&a#%e !ie down de&ices are e("i))ed for !his e("i)men!1 The an!icree)er and anchorin de&ice are se! !o )re&en! s!ron wind a!!ac$in0 !o #e s)ecific0 )re&en! !he crane s%idin off !ha! ma' ca"se se&ere damae1 The shi) "n%oader is s!o))ed from mo&in a%on !he !rac$ #' inser!in !he anchorin #%oc$ in!o !he #ase on !he /e!!'1 The !ie down e("i)men! aims !o )re&en! !he "n%oader ca)si
Safe hoo$
The safe hoo$ is %oca!ed a! !o) of !he shi) "n%oader sma%% frame in order !o %oc$ !he %if!ed #oom1 The mode% is of hoo$ !')e1 6hen !he #oom %if!s ") !o se! )osi!ion0 !he hoo$ can #e %if!ed ") #' h'dra"%ic )"sh )o%e1 As !he #oom is %if!ed ") !o )osi!ion0 !he h'dra"%ic )"sh )o%e is )owered off and s!o)s wor$in1 The hoo$ %owers down !o %oc$ !he #oom1 The hoo$ sends o"! !he sina% when i! reaches !he )osi!ion1 The %if!in mechanism s!o)s wor$in1
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6hen !he #oom needs !o #e %owered down0 firs! !ih!en !he fre("enc' &aria#%e s!ee% wire ro)e1 The h'dra"%ic )"sh )o%e is )owered on and %if!s ") !he hoo$1 As !he hoo$ is )"%%ed o"!0 re%ease !he fre("enc' &aria#%e s!ee% wire ro)e1 Lower down !he #oom !o !he hori
4"fferin de&ice
There is a )o%'"re!hane #"ffer %oca!ed a! !wo ends of !he crane !ra&e% mechanism #oie frame1 The #"fferin #ase is fied a! !rac$ on !he /e!!'0 a! !wo ends of !he !ro%%e' frame0 and one )o%'"re!hane #"ffer is e("i))ed a! !wo ends of !he !ro%%e' !rac$1 In addi!ion0 a! !wo ends of !he o)era!or ca# mo&in whee%0 !here is ano!her #"ffer1 The main f"nc!ion of !he #"ffer is !o a#sor# r"nnin e("i)men!0 e%imina!in !he im)ac! and decrease !he im)ac!in &i#ra!ion1 *1-1-1-1*1-1;
E%ec!rica% )osi!ion %imi!in de&ice
There are ac!i&a!ion swi!ches con!ro%%in )osi!ion %imi!in0 s)eed red"cin0 %oca!in0 and crash )re&en!ion !ha! are in mechanica% in!er%oc$ wi!h !he e%ec!rica% )ar! of each mechanism1 In addi!ion0 safe!' )ro!ec!ion de&ices %i$e cam )osi!ion %imi!in swi!ch0 )ho!oe%ec!ric encoder0 o&ers)eed )ro!ec!ion are e("i))ed for !he fo"r s)oo% mechanism and %if!in mechanism1 P"r)ose of "sin &ario"s )ro!ec!ion s's!ems is !o "aran!ee !he re%ia#%e0 safe and f%ei#%e o)era!ion of each mechanism on shi) "n%oader0 and !o red"ce !he %a#or force in!ensi!' of !he dri&er a! !he same !ime1 *1-1-1-1*1-1.
A)ar! from !he a#o&e men!ioned safe!' de&ices !here is wind &e%oci!' indica!or e("i))ed on !he shi) "n%oader0 which is ins!a%%ed a! !he !o) )osi!ion of !he "n%oader1 The sina% !ha! de!ec!s is !ransmi!!ed !o !he dis)%a' in o)era!ors ca#1 There is aco"s!ic?o)!ic a%arm %oca!ed !here a%so1 If !he &e%oci!' of !he wind eceeds Le&e% @0 i! is re("ired !o s!o) wor$in1 Do no! wor$ a! a%% when !he &e%oci!' eceeds Le&e% and !he anchorin has !o #e done1 Tie down de&ice has !o #e e("i))ed in !he !')hoon season1 A&ia!ion %ih! mar$ers in read co%or are e("i))ed a! !o) of shi) "n%oader and a! #oom ends1 3o"r s)ea$er sina% a%arm s%ewin f%ash %ih!s are e("i))ed on #oies of !he crane !ra&e% mechanism1 Aco"s!ic?o)!ic a%arm is )rod"ced d"rin crane o)era!ion !o a%arm !he o)era!ors on !he /e!!'1 Sina%s are sen! !o !he dis)%a' in !he ca# for #e!!er "nders!andin of ma!eria% con&e'in condi!ion1 The shi) "n%oader has !o #e %oca!ed a! anchorin main!enance )osi!ion when wor$ is finished or when i! is s"s)ended1 Anchorin is !hen carried o"! and !he !ie down de&ice has !o #e e("i))ed if necessar'1 The in!erconnec!ion !e%e)hone and o"!side %ine for comm"nica!ion s's!em has !o #e com)%e!e1 *1-1-1-1*1-- E%ec!rica% s's!em *1-1-1-1*1--1-
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The e%ec!rica% )ar! of !he B58-*. #ride !')e ra# shi) "n%oader inc%"des !he )ower dis!ri#"!ion0 con!ro%0 i%%"mina!ion0 &en!i%a!ion and comm"nica!ion for !he fo%%owin s's!ems= !he %if!in0 o)eninc%osin0 !ro%%e' !ra&e%in0 %if!in0 crane !ra&e%in0 mo#i%e o)era!or ca#0 and in!erna% coa% con&e'in s's!em1 The )ower so"rce for !his e("i)men! is H2 :1,20 , )hase0 .H<0 which is %ead on!o !he shi) "n%oader from !he /e!!' H2 connec!ion #o !hro"h !he d'namic ca#%e winch disc1 The comm"nica!ion 7inc%"din !e%e)hone and sina% in!er%oc$9 of !his e("i)men! wi!h !he ro"nd )ersonne% is achie&ed #' f%a! ca#%e C3R7*; 8-1.90 which is a%so %ead on!o !he shi) "n%oader from !he /e!!' con!ro%%in connec!ion #o !hro"h !he con!ro%%in ca#%e winch disc1 The !o!a% ca)aci!' of !his e%ec!ric e("i)men! of !he "n%oader is -*.61 As one of !he main e("i)men! for )ower )%an! coa% con&e'in s's!em0 !he &i!a% )ar! of e%ec!rica% con!ro% )ar! is !he )rod"c! from in!erna!iona% famo"s A44 Cor)ora!ion0 whose con!ro%%in )erformance is ood and re%ia#i%i!' is hih1 There are in!er%oc$ con!ro% )ane%0 CMS dis)%a'0 )ower dis!ri#"!ion #o for d'namic i%%"mina!ion0 wind &e%oci!' indica!ion0 s)ea$er0 and air condi!ioners %oca!ed in !he O)era!or Ca#1 Main and a"i%iar' !ransformers are %oca!ed in !he Transformer Room1 H2 %eadin in )ane%0 main !ransformer con!ro% )ane%0 !ransmi!!in %eadin in )ane%0 !ransmi!!in )ane%0 &i#ra!in feeder and !ro%%e'%if!in swi!chin )ane%0 PLC )ane%0 CMS )ane%0 )ower dis!ri#"!ion #o for a"i%iar' e("i)men!0 i%%"mina!ion #o and air condi!ioner for !he E%ec!rica% Room are e("i))ed in !he E%ec!rica% Room1 One %if!in o)era!ion #o is %oca!ed in !he Lif!in room1 One com)"!er room o)era!ion #o is %oca!ed in !he com)"!ers room1 O!her e%ec!rica% e("i)men! is %oca!ed in &icini!' of !he re%a!ed mechanisms1 Refer !o !he e%ec!rica% re%a!ed e("i)men! %oca!in s$e!ch1 *1-1-1-1*1--1*
Power dis!ri#"!ion s's!em
The )ower dis!ri#"!ion s's!em consis!s of !he H2 )ower dis!ri#"!ion and L2 )ower dis!ri#"!ion s's!ems -9
H2 )ower dis!ri#"!ion
Hih &o%!ae )ower dis!ri#"!ion )ane% is man"fac!"red #' 6"han Gandi E%ec!rica% Co10L!d11 There are !wo )ane%s in !o!a%0 which are wire %ead?in )ane% and main !ransformer )ane%1 A%so0 !here is &ac""m circ"i! #rea$er in !he main !ransformer )ane%1 Refer !o !he O)era!ion Ins!r"c!ions for !he de!ai%s of H2 o)era!ion1 *9
L2 )ower dis!ri#"!ion
The L2 )ower dis!ri#"!ion inc%"des !he L2 )ower dis!ri#"!ion for #o!h !he main s's!em and a"i%iar' s's!ems1 The main s's!em L2 )ower dis!ri#"!ion s"))%ies d'namic )ower for %if!in )ane%0 o)eninc%osin )ane%0 !ro%%e'%if!in )ane% and crane )ane% !hro"h !he dri&in %eadin?in )ane%1 The a"i%iar' )ower dis!ri#"!ion )ane% s"))%ies !he d'namic and con!ro% )ower for !he
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a"i%iar' s's!ems %i$e coa% feedin s's!em1 Do"#%e?)o%e and do"#%e?!hrow swi!ch is "sed !o )ro&ide !he d'namic )ower and con!ro% )ower for !he i%%"mina!ion #o0 o)era!or ca# i%%"mina!ion #o0 %if!in con!ro% #o0 com)"!er room i%%"mina!ion #o and e%ec!rica% )ane%1 6hen !he H2 )ower has !o #e c"! off for main!enance0 !he do"#%e?)o%e and do"#%e? !hrow swi!ch can #e )"%%ed downwards1 A! !his !ime0 !he i%%"mina!ion and main!enance )ower is s"))%ied from !he ro"nd1 The ma$e?and?#rea$ of !he i%%"mina!ion )ower main con!ac!or are con!ro%%ed a! fo"r %oca!ions0 which are res)ec!i&e%' !he o)era!or ca#0 s!air c%im#in )osi!ion0 e%ec!rica% room i%%"mina!ion #o and com)"!er room i%%"mina!ion #o1 *1-1-1-1*1-* Re)%acin me!hod and ad/"s!men! of s!ee% wire ro)e a
Len!h of !he %if!in s!ee% wire ro)e Len!h of %ef! ro!a!in s!ee% wire ro)e is LQ*;m Len!h of rih! ro!a!in s!ee% wire ro)e is LQ*;m
Len!h of !he %if!in s!ee% wire ro)e Len!h of seaside s!ee% wire ro)e is LQ-.m Len!h of %andside s!ee% wire ro)e is LQ*m
Len!h of !he o)eninc%osin s!ee% wire ro)e Len!h of seaside s!ee% wire ro)e is LQ-@m Len!h of %andside s!ee% wire ro)e is LQ*m
O)eninc%osin ro)e )ar!ia% re)%acemen! me!hod is shown in !he fo%%owin= -9
Dri&e !he !ro%%e' !o %andside s!o) %imi!in )osi!ion
*9 P%ace !he ra##er on!o !he /e!!' s"rface and main!ain !he ro)e !ension1 Disenae !he n'%on ears for %if!in !he main ear#o and o)eninc%osin !he %imi!er ,9
P%ace !he ra##er on!o !he /e!!' com)%e!e%'
;9 Ge! rid of !he fiin de&ice on !he ra##er on which !he s!ee% wire ro)e needs !o #e re)%aced .9 Se%ec! !he re%e&an! dr"m whose ro)e needs !o #e re)%aced1 Indi&id"a% ro!a!ion of !his dr"m is con!ro%%ed in com)"!er room1 Lower s"fficien! sec!ion of !he ro)e !o !he /e!!' :9
P"%% o"! !he damaed sec!ion of !he ro)e and c"! i! off
3i !he ro)e !ha! is in ood condi!ion on!o !he fiin de&ice of !he ra##er aain1
Re)%ace one )iece of ro)e IA6 !he s!e) ;?:1
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Tih!en !he ro)e and #a%ance !he ra##er1
-9 Res!ore !he ra##er !o !he s!a!e as s!e) * and res!ore !he n'%on ear for ear#o %if!in and c%osino)enin %imi!er1 --9 3inish now1 6ho%e )iece ro)e re)%acemen! me!hod inc%"des !he fo%%owin= a9
Dri&e !he !ro%%e' !o %andside s!o) %imi!in )osi!ion
#9 P%ace !he ra##er a%mos! on !he /e!!' and main!ain !he ro)e !ension1 Disenae !he n'%on ears for %if!in and o)eninc%osin of !he main ear#o %imi!er c9
P%ace !he ra##er on!o !he /e!!' com)%e!e%'
d9 Ge! rid of !he fiin de&ice on !he ra##er on which !he s!ee% wire ro)e needs !o #e re)%aced e9 Se%ec! !he re%e&an! dr"m whose s!ee% wire ro)e needs !o #e re)%aced1 Ge! off !he ro)e fiin de&ice on !he dr"m1 3i !he !hin s!ee% wire ro)e of !he oin?!hro"h mechanism on!o !he ro)e !ha! needs !o #e re)%ace and )%ace !he ro)es on!o !he /e!!' com)%e!e%' f9
Connec! !he new ro)e on!o !he !hin ro)e of !he oin?!hro"h mechanism
9 O)era!e !he oin?!hro"h mechanism in !he com)"!er room and %ead !he new ro)e in!o !he re%a!ed dr"m h9
3i one end of !he new ro)e on!o !he dr"m
3i !he o!her end of !he ro)e on!o !he fiin de&ice in !he ra##er
Re)%ace o!her ro)es IA6 !he s!e)s from ; !o K1
Tih!en !he ro)e and #a%ance !he ra##er
%9 Res!ore !he ra##er !o !he s!a!e men!ioned in S!e) * and res!ore !he n'%on ear for !he main ear#o %if!in and c%osino)enin %imi!er m9
3inish now1
Dos and don!s #efore o)era!ion Shi) "n%oader sho"%d #e o)era!ed #' s)ecia%%' !rained )ersonne%0 who are fami%iar wi!h wor$in )rinci)%es and s!r"c!"res and $now !he f"nc!ions and re)airin me!hods1 The o)era!ion sho"%d #e s!o))ed a! !he force @ wind1 The "n%oader sho"%d #e in anchorin s!a!e off d"!' e&er'da' and when !he sh"!down re)airin occ"rs1 The fron! cross#eam sho"%d #e %if!ed d"rin nonwor$in ho"rs0 hoo$ed firm%' wi!h !he safe!' hoo$1 No one is a%%owed !o s!a' where ra# #"c$e! )asses when !he e("i)men!s are wor$in0 s"ch as dor$ or dec$ of !he ca#in1 To crane and !rans)or! wor$ers wi!h ra#
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#"c$e! is a%so for#idden1 6or$ers sho"%d no! re)air or re"%a!e !he ro!a!in )ar!s when !he e("i)men! is s!i%% o)era!in1 The )ower s"))%' sho"%d #e c"! off d"rin chec$in and re)airin1 The dri&er sho"%d immedia!e%' ha"% a%% !he con!ro% hand%es #ac$ and c"! off !he main swi!ch d"rin o)era!ion when )ower fai%"re or drama!ic )ress"re dro) of !he circ"i! occ"r1 *1-1-1-1,1*
Pre)ara!ions #efore o)era!ion now !he )ower s"))%' condi!ion of !he main swi!ch1 Chec$ if !here are o#s!ac%es and oi% con!amina!ions on !he dra' !rac$1 Lif! !he anchorin )%" 1Chec$ !he %"#rica!ion condi!ion of e&er' %"#rica!ion )oin! of !he "n%oader1 Chec$ if !he oi% %e&e% of oi% !an$ and red"cer mee!s !he re("iremen!1 Chec$ !he a!!ri!ion condi!ion of s!ee% ro)e and )"%%e' and !he re%ia#i%i!' of !he fas!enin of !he s!ee% ro)e end1 Chec$ if !he fas!enin of !he screw #o%! is mo#i%i
Safe o)era!ions a! wor$ The dri&er sho"%d o)era!e !he hand%es correc!%' and nim#%'1 6hen swi!chin !he ro!a!ion direc!ion of each enera!or0 !he dri&er sho"%d )"%% !he hand%es !o
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A! !he s!ar!in ") )oin!0 hois!in0 c%osin and #rea$er mechanism sho"%d #e %imi!ed a! %ow s)eed1 Af!er ini!ia%i
Man"a% "n%oadin Swi!ch !he !ransfer swi!ch SA !o !he ra# #"c$e! )osi!ion and man"a% "n%oadin can #e o)era!ed af!er swi!chin SA: !o man"a%1 The o)era!or con!ro%s !he c%osin0 hois!in s)eed and an!i?ro%%in of !he ra# #"c$e! and o)era!in s)eed of !he #rea$er1 D"e !o "sin dii!a% DC s)eed ad/"s!in de&ice and PLC con!ro%0 !he fo%%owin con!ro%%in f"nc!ions are s!i%% a&ai%a#%e !o red"ce !he o)era!ors wor$ %oad in !he man"a% o)era!ion1
*1-1-1-1,1:1- Coo)era!i&e con!ro% of hois!in and c%osin If !he o)era!ors o)en !he swi!ch %ih! !o hois!in or descendin0 hois!in and c%osin enera!ors wi%% hois! or descend a! !he same !ime1 If PLC ca%c"%a!es !ha! !he ra# #"c$e! is c%osed accordin !o !he n"m#ers of hois!in and c%osin )ho!oe%ec!ric encoder0 i! wi%% #a%ance !he %oad a"!oma!ica%%'0 ma$in !he c"rren! of hois!in and c%osin enera!or we%%?dis!ri#"!ed1 If !he ra# #"c$e! is o)en0 i! wi%% a"!oma!ica%%' #a%ance !he )osi!ion0 $ee)in !he o)enness "nchaned in !he risin and descendin )rocess1 *1-1-1-1,1:1* O)en and C%ose Con!ro% of Gra##er To increase )rod"c!ion efficienc'0 o)era!ors on%' need !o o)en or c%ose !he mas!er swi!ch !o !he maim"m deree #eca"se !here has #een s)ecia% desina!ion for !he !horo"h o)en and c%ose of !he ra##er swi!ch in i!s ini!ia%i
!he s)eed ad/"s!men! de&ices has !he f"nc!ion which s"i!s !he )o!en!ia% %oad0 so when !he ra##er is %if!in or dro))in0 an e%ec!ric !or("e sho"%d #e #"i%! ") !o o&ercome !he %oad !or("e1 Then %oosen !he #and?!')e #ra$e !o ma$e s"re !ha! !he ra##er wi%% no! dro) s"dden%'1 On%' when !he wor$in s)eed has red"ced !o a#o"! -F of !he ra!ed s)eed0 can !he #ra$e )erform a"!oma!ic #ra$e !o decrease a#rasion and s!ar!#ra$e smoo!h%'1 Howe&er0 in case of emerenc' sh"!down or !he ac!ion of !ermina% %imi! swi!ch or fa"%!s of )ower ec!10 !he #ra$e immedia!e%' c%oses for !he see$ of safe!'1 *1-1-1-1,1:1; Con!ro% of Ma!eria% Gra##er c%ose and %oaded dra"h! 6hen !he ra##er is c%osed in !he air0 se! !he mas!er swi!ch !owards !he c%ose direc!ion1 A! !his !ime0 !he c%ose mo!or wor$s whi%e !he %if!in mo!or does no! and !he #and?!')e #ra$e does no! %oosen1 4"! when !he ra##er is ra##in ma!eria%s !he mas!er swi!ch SA* sho"%d #e f"%%' swi!ched !o !he c%ose )osi!ion and !o !he %if!in )osi!ion1 These )erformances sho"%d #e finished wi!hin !wo seconds Then0 !he c%ose mo!or a"!oma!ica%%' acce%era!es !o a s!ead' s)eed0 and dece%era!es s)eed when i! is a#o"! !o c%ose rea%i
Semia"!oma!ic Un%oadin Ma!eria%s Screw !he !ransfer swi!ch SA !o !he ra##er )osi!ion1 A! !he same !ime0 screw SA: !o A"!o )osi!ion1 Then !he semia"!oma!ic "n%oadin is s!ar!ed1
*1-1-1-1,1@1- Safe Heih! Af!er ini!ia%%' se%ec!in semia"!oma!ic mode0 !he dri&er sho"%d s"s)end !he ra##er o&er !he ca#in a! !he )redic!ed safe heih! and )ress !he #"!!on S4 wi!h indica!in %ih!1 Then !he indica!in %am) s!o)s f%ashin1 Se! !his )osi!ion as %ih! on and fi !he safe heih!1 Af!er a#o"! fo"r ho"rs !he indica!in %ih! wi%% f%ash aain a%armin !he dri&er !o rese! !he safe heih!1 On%' when a new safe heih! is en!ered0 can !he semia"!oma!ic circ"%a!ion con!in"e0 and !he safe o)era!ion of semia"!oma!ic rec'c%e is ens"red1 *1-1-1-1,1@1* A))%ica!ion for semi?a"!o In a"!oma!ic circ"%a!ion0 o)era!ion is s!i%% )erformed man"a%%' wi!hin !he safe heih!1 To en!er semi?a"!o0 )ress !he #"!!on a! !he !o) of !he mas!er swi!ch on !he rih! wor$!a#%e and !he #ee)er on !he rih! wor$!a#%e wi%% )rod"ce a shor! a%arm *1-1-1-1,1@1, Semia"!oma!ic O)era!ion
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4efore each semia"!oma!ic circ"%a!ion #eins0 !he fo%%owin condi!ion sho"%d #e achie&ed= -1
The #rea$er mas!er swi!ch is a!
The ra##er is c%osed and !he mas!er swi!ch is risin1
The ra##er is a! !he safe heih!1
Lif!in0 swi!chin0 #rea$ers are fa"%!%ess1
The semi?a"!o is a))%ied for1
Un%oadin !he ma!eria% is )ermi!!ed1 7The in!er%oc$ed condi!ions0 s"ch as o)en0 are )ermi!!ed when !he ra##er is a#o&e !he #"n$er1
Af!er en!erin semi?a"!o0 !he mas!er swi!ch on !he rih! sho"%d #e a! !he
*1-1-1-1,1@1. P"sh frame 6hen %if!in !he )"sh frame0 !he !ransfer swi!ch sho"%d #e swi!ched !o !he )"sh frame )osi!ion1 The ra##er sho"%d #e %imi!ed !o %ow s)eed o)era!ion1 On%' when !he ra##er and )"sh frame are dro))ed !o !he %owes! %if!in )osi!ion0 can !he mo!or for dri&in "ni! cross o&er !he ho))er1 *1-1-1-1,1
E("i)men! Room 3"nc!ion The f"nc!ion of !his room is !o carr' o"! s!ee% ro)e )ene!ra!in and main!enance1 6hen o)era!in in !his room0 s)eed %imi! of each mo!or sho"%d #e a! %ow s)eed1
*1-1-1-1,11- Eneri
Press !he #"!!on Swi!ch in0 wi!h an indica!in %ih! on1 The mo!or room o)era!ion is &a%id1 *1-1-1-1,11-1-
Ro%%er Se%ec!ion
Threadin or re)%acin s!ee% wire ro)e sho"%d choose ro%%er wor$in mode1 The !wo ro%%ers near %if!in mo!or are coi%in #%oc$ n"m#er - and n"m#er *1The !wo near mo!or for s!ar! and s!o) and mo!or for dri&in "ni! are n"m#er , and n"m#er ;1 The coo)era!ed o)era!ion #e!ween %if!in mo!or and mo!or for s!ar! and s!o) or #e!ween mo!or for dri&in "ni! and mo!or for s!ar! and s!o) can achie&e ro%%er iso%a!ed o)era!ion1 Pressin %ih!ed #"!!on ro%%er se%ec!ion ma$es ro%%er wor$in mode a&ai%a#%e1 Each in&er!er con!ro%s ro%%er n"m#er - and n"m#er ; res)ec!i&e%'1 The direc!ion of in&er!er ro!a!ion is iden!ica% !o !he direc!ion of ro%%er ro!a!ion1 A!!en!ion= To ma$e ro%%er n"m#er - or n"m#er * in iso%a!ed o)era!ion se)ara!e !he crane c%"!ch on s!ar! and s!o) side firs!%'1 To ma$e ro%%er n"m#er , or n"m#er ; in iso%a!ed o)era!ion se)ara!e !he carriae c%"!ch on %if!in side firs!%'1 *1-1-1-1,11-1*
Ac!"a!or Se%ec!ion
Pressin %ih!ed #"!!on ac!"a!or se%ec!ion ma$es ac!"a!or o)era!ion mode a&ai%a#%e1 Each in&er!er con!ro%s %ow s)eed of %if!in mo!or0 mo!or for s!ar! and s!o) and mo!or for dri&in "ni! res)ec!i&e%'1 In&er!er SA*; and #"!!on S4*-; con!ro% o)era!ion and sh"!down of %if!in mo!or1 Lih! HL*- indica!es !he s!ar!") of safe!' #ra$e1 *1-1-1-1,11-1,
O&ershoo! 4')ass
6hen %if!in mo!or0 mo!or for s!ar! and s!o)0 mo!or for dri&in "ni! and am)%i!"de? chane mo!or o&er norma% s!o) %imi! and ma$e o&ershoo! #')ass emerenc' s!o) #eca"se of mechanica% #rea$down or some e%se reasons0 $e' !')e #')ass in&er!er SA*-* sho"%d #e o)era!ed in o)era!ion ca#ine! of mo!or room !o reeneri
Lif!in Safe!' 4ra$e
To ass"re !he safe!'0 %if!in mo!or is e("i))ed wi!h safe!' #ra$e #eside norma% wor$in #ra$e1 Af!er sh"!down of am)%i!"de mo!or a! hori
Indoor O)era!ion of Lif!in Mo!or The %if!in mo!or can #e con!ro%%ed in %if!in room wi!h !he se%ec!ions of man"a% and a"!o mode1
*1-1-1-1,1K1- Eneri
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a&ai%a#%e1 *1-1-1-1,1K1* Man"a% O)era!ion T"rnin swi!ch SA*. !o !he risin direc!ion0 wi!h %ih!in of %ih!s HL*: and HL*0 %if!in mo!or s!ar! risin1 6hen i! comes !o !he midd%e 7a#o"! @ J90 !he )in of %if!in mo!or rises man"a%%' and !he %ih! HL*. s!ar!s1 Un!i% %if!in mo!or con!in"es risin !o !he norma% "))er s!o) )oin!0 i! sh"!s down1 Re%ease !he %if!in )in and descend %if!in mo!or man"a% mode s%ih!%'1 Ti%% %if!in s%ac$?ro)e swi!ch ac!i&a!es0 %if!in mo!or sh"!s down a"!oma!ica%%'1 The )innin o)era!ion is finished1 T"rnin swi!ch SA*. !o !he risin direc!ion0 %if!in mo!or s%ih!%' mo&es ") !o !he norma% "))er s!o) )oin! and s!o)s firs!%'1 Af!er !ha!0 !"rnin )rimar' con!ro% swi!ch SA*. !o !he descendin direc!ion0 %if!in )in descends man"a%%'1 Re%ease %if!in )ins when %if!in mo!or o&er !he midd%e )osi!ion1 Af!er %if!in mo!or con!in"es descendin !o hori
Coa% Con&e'in S's!em
The wor$ of coa% s's!em means coa% dro)s from ho))er !o &i#ra!in feeder0 and !hen !hro"h fi%%in )i)e !o !ermina% #e%! con&e'or1 The s!ar!") of &i#ra!in feeder can #e o)era!ed wi!h #"!!on 3eeder S!ar!") 74"!!on S4-9 and 3eeder Sh"!down 74"!!on S4--9 a! %ef! in!er%oc$ conso%es in o)era!or room1 I! a%so can #e achie&ed wi!h !he 3eeder Sh"!down 74"!!on S4K-9 and 3eeder Sh"!down 74"!!on S4K*9 wi!h ho))er %oca% o)era!ion ca#ine!1 The fre("enc' of &i#ra!in feeder is coa% f%ow ra!e and i! is con!ro%%ed #' !he in&er!er SA-* a! %ef! in!er%oc$ conso%es in o)era!or room1 6hen i! wor$s norma%%'0 s!ar!") of &i#ra!in feeder is in!er%oc$ed wi!h !ermina% #e%! con&e'or sina% and coa% mo"n! in ho))er1 In feedin o)era!ion0 feeder s!ar!s ") when coa% mo"n! is more !han ,.F0 and feeder sh"!s down when coa% mo"n! is %ess !han *F1 Lif!in and sh"!down of ho))er )ic$") #oard is can #e o)era!ed wi!h !he #"!!on ") ho))er )ic$") #oard and #"!!on down )ic$")?#oard of ho))er a! %ef! in!er%oc$ conso%es in o)era!or room1 I! a%so can #e achie&ed wi!h !he ") ho))er )ic$") #oard and down )ic$")?#oard ho))er wi!h ho))er %oca% o)era!ion ca#ine!1 6hen coa% is acc"m"%a!ed a! ho))er wa%%s0 2i#ra!or S!ar!") 7 #"!!on S4-: 、 #"!!on S4-@、#"!!on S4-9 a! %ef! in!er%oc$ conso%es in o)era!or room as we%% as 2i#ra!or S!ar!") 7 #"!!on S4K.9 on ho))er %oca% o)era!ion ca#ine! is "sed !o ma$e &i#ra!or wor$ &i#ra!in !he coa%1 *1-1-1-1,1-1*
6a!er s's!em
6a!er !an$ is se! in shi) "n%oader1 6a!er %e&e% de!ec!in de&ice )%a's a &er' im)or!an! ro%e in a"!oma!ic wa!er?s)a' con!ro% )rocess1 T"rn off !he wa!er s)a' mo!or when !he wa!er is in %ow %e&e%1 The
Page 25 of 160
wa!er in/ec!ion con!ro% of s)ra' &a%&e on ho))er is con!ro%%ed #' feedin on !he "))er )ar! of ho))er1 The wa!er in/ec!ion on in%e! and !he &i#ra!ion feeder are in s'nchrono"s o)era!ion1 6hen !he wa!er s)ra' &a%&e and !he wa!er in/ec!ion &a%&e are c%osed0 !he wa!er re!"rn &a%&e o)ens a"!oma!ica%%'1 The con!ro% of wa!er s's!em inc%"des !wo )ar!s0 one is for wa!er s)ra' mo!or and !he o!her one is for s)ra' mane! &a%&es on #o!h ho))er and feeder1 The wa!er s)ra' mo!or can #e s!ar!ed ") or sh"!down !hro"h )"shin !he #"!!on S4-; and S4-. which is on %ef! %in$ae con!ro% conso%e in o)era!ion ca# or )"shin !he #"!!on S4K, and S4K;; on ho))er o)era!ion ca#ine! a! si!e1 S)ra' mane! &a%&e on ho))er is con!ro%%ed #' #o!h !he sina% from #"!!on SA-K on %ef! %in$ae con!ro% conso%e in o)era!or ca# and !he sina% of s!ar!in "n%oadin on "))er )ar! of ho))er from ra# #"c$e!1 3or s)ra' mane! &a%&e on feeder0 i! is con!ro%%ed #' #o!h !he sina% from #"!!on SA- on %ef! %in$ae con!ro% conso%e in o)era!or ca# and !he sina% of feeder o)era!in1 *1-1-1-1,1-1,
O)era!or ca#
The o)era!or ca# is dri&en #' !wo a%!erna!e s("irre%?cae mo!ors1 The con!ro% )ane% in o)era!or ca# s"))%ies !he )ower so"rce and con!ro% )ower !o !hese !wo mo!ors1 Choosin sof! s!ar! !he direc!or when s!ar! ") !o s!ar! ") !he mo!or smoo!h%'1 The o)era!ion of o)era!or ca# is con!ro%%ed #' !he #"!!on SA- on %ef! %in$ae con!ro% conso%e1 On%' when #o!h !he swi!ch of o)era!or ca#s door and !he am)%i!"de !rans&ersa% swi!ch are c%osed s!ric!%'0 !he o)era!or ca# can o)era!e norma%%'1 *1-1-1-1,1-1;
Crane mechanism
Mo&in "ni! of crane mechanism "ses AC mo!or fre("enc' con!ro% so as !o s!ar! or #ra$e smoo!h%' and wi!h ood s)eed re"%a!ion )erformance Crane mechanism o)era!ion can #e achie&ed in o)era!or ca# or on si!e0 as %oca% con!ro% )ane% is desined near !he access door1 O)era!or ca# o)era!ion= )"sh !he c%ose #"!!on on rih! %in$ae o)era!ion conso%e in o)era!or ca#1 6hen !he main order swi!ch is onward or #ac$ward on %ef! %in$ae o)era!ion conso%e0 s'nchrono"s so"nd and %ih! a%arm0 an!i?cree)er and mo!or arres!er is o)ened0 !he crane mechanism o)era!es #' fo%%owin !he o)era!ors orders1 3i&e deree s)eed ad/"s!in can sa!isf' !he norma% )rod"c!ion needin1 Loca% o)era!ion= )"sh !he c%ose #"!!on on %oca% con!ro% )ane%1 6hen !he main order swi!ch is onward or #ac$ward on %oca% )ane%0 s'nchrono"s so"nd and %ih! a%arm0 an!i? cree)er and mo!or arres!er is o)ened , !he crane mechanism o)era!es #' fo%%owin !he o)era!ors orders1 On%' one %ow s)eed deree is "sed for %oca% o)era!ion and i! is main%' for sa!isf' !he needin of %oca% anchor0 commissionin and so on1 6hen arri&e !o !he !ermina% %imi!in0 !he crane sho"%d #e s!o))ed and do !he in&er!ed r"nnin1 6hen !he ca#%e dr"m em)!' %imi!er is ac!i&a!ed0 o)era!or sho"%d !"rn !he $e' swi!ch Page 26 of 160
SA@* !o crane #')ass )osi!ion on %oca% )ane%0 and a! same !ime0 %e! !he crane r"n in&erse%'1 Af!er !he ca#%e dr"m em)!' %imi!er is rese!0 !he crane can o)era!e norma%%' aain1 The crane )ower ca#%e ree% and con!ro% ca#%e ree% "se TIC h's!ere!ic ca#%e ree%1 Com)ared wi!h !or("e mo!or !')e ca#%e ree%0 !his one is sma%%er0 has more rich f"nc!ions0 easier !o ins!a%% and main!ain and near !o cons!an! !ension1 4esides0 i!s o"!)"! momen! can #e ad/"s! accordin !o !he wor$in condi!ion and !his ca#%e ree% is wi!h fine a"!o #ra$e charac!er0 no need #ra$er0 !he ca#%e ree% o)era!es smoo!h%' and no damae af!er %on?!erm o)era!ion1 P%ease )a' serio"s%' a!!en!ion !ha! !he mo!or "sin !he ca#%e ree% can on%' #e !"rned fo%%owin !he indica!in direc!ion sina%%'1 3or !he de!ai%0 see !he ins!r"c!ion from !he man"fac!"re1 6hen !he &en! s)eed is o&er se!!in &a%"e0 ne&er o)era!e !he crane1 Dri&e !he crane !o anchor ho%e !o #e anchored af!er !he o)era!ion #e finished1 *1-1-1-1,1-- Safe!' de&ices The safe!' de&ices on shi) "n%oader sho"%d #e d"ra#%e and i!s )ro!ec!ion %e&e% sho"%d no! #e %ess !han IP:. The fo%%owin safe!' de&ices sho"%d #e )ro&ided on shi) "n%oader 7No! %imi!ed !o !his9= Limi!er for %if!in heih! and dro) heih! Gra##er )osi!ion %imi!er for coa% "n%oadin Gra##er %if!in o&er%oad )ro!ec!ion de&ice Secondar' %imi!er on !he s!ro$e end of Secondar' %imi!er on !he s!ro$e end of An!i?co%%ision )ro!ec!ion de&ice for shi) "n%oader S!re!ch an%e %imi!a!ion and o&ers)eed fa%% down )ro!ec!ion Ca#%e #rea$ )ro!ec!ion de&ice Ro!ar' !')e iden!if' so"nd and %ih! warnin sina% for shi) "n%oader mo&in Ins!a%% %ih! con!ro% red a&ia!ion o#s!r"c!ion %ih!s on !he !o) of shi) "n%oader 2en! s)eed a%armin sina% 6ire ca#%e an!i?re%aa!ion )ro!ec!ion de&ice A%%oca!e com)%e!e safe!' de&ices in e&er' s!ae for e%ec!rica% )ro!ec!ion de&ices accordin !o !he s's!em se!!ins needin1 *1-1-1-1,1-* Emerenc' sh"!down 6hen each mechanism need !o sh"!down0 !"rn !he corres)ondin main order swi!ch
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#ac$ !o
0uc$t '$$ Stac$r 3 R$cai%$r
E("i)men! descri)!ion D5-*.-*.1; 4oom #"c$e! whee% s!ac$er rec%aimer 746SR9 is a $ind of %are0 con!in"o"s and efficien! #"%$ caro s!ac$in Rec%aimin e("i)men!0 de&e%o)ed0desined and man"fac!"red #' Chanch"n Genera!in E("i)men! Co10 L!d0 China for PLTU - a!im ? Paci!an 7*+,-.M69 Coa% 3ired S!eam Power P%an! )ro/ec!0Indonesia1This machine has !he f"nc!ion of "nidirec!iona% s!ac$in and sh"!!%in rec%aimin1 There are in!er%oc$in )ro!ec!ion amon %on !ra&e% dri&e0 S%ew0 %"ff0 #"c$e! whee% dri&e and #oom con&e'or e!c !ransmission )ar! 7de!ai%ed informa!ion refer !o !he ins!r"c!ion in each Cha)!erSec!ion91 O)era!or m"s! read Ins!r"c!ion caref"%%' and mas!er dai%' o)era!ion and main!enance #efore s!ar!in !o wor$ if o)era!ion is no! )ro)er0 no! on%' can red"ce !he ser&ice %ife of e("i)men!0 #"! a%so can ca"se !he acciden!1
Technica% s)ecifica!ion
T')e of e("i)men! D 5 -*. -*. 1; ;Vs%ewin radi"s Page 28 of 160
S!ac$in ca)aci!' -*. !h Rec%aimin ca)aci!' -*.!h Rec%aimin S!ac$in *1-1*1*1*
Na!"ra% Condi!ion of !he coa% 'ard Coa% 'ard !')e= sh"!!%in !')e %a'o"! En&ironmen!a% !em)era!"re= .℃ ~.℃ Coa% densi!'= 1~-1*!m, Heih! of s!oc$)i%e= -*m a#o&e !he rai%0 * m #e%ow !he rai%
Main )arame!er of e("i)men! Genera% )arame!er= Ra!ed s!ac$in ca)aci!' -*. ! h Ra!ed rec%aimin ca)aci!' -*. !h a
Lon !ra&e% Tra&e%in s)eed= O)era!in s)eed .mmin Commissionin s)eed -.mmin 6hee% #ase and whee% a"e= m m Mo!or )ower= :@1.$6 Red"cer !')e= 3H-*@GD2-,*M;4MH3 Transmission ra!io of red"cer= iQ-@1, Rai% c%am)s !')e= TBT?*. 7h'dra"%ic s)rin !')e9 Limi! swi!ch of anchor de&ice= 6LCA-* Limi!ed swi!ch for an!i s!orm moorin arranemen! 8S;?P,MA*,
S%ewin "ni! S%ewin radi"s= ;m S%ewin s)eed= 1*~1-*rmin S%ewin an%e= W--J Mo!or !')e= Y-L? Mo!or )ower= *--$6
Page 29 of 160
Red"cer !')e= BHP.1,*L?e Transmission ra!io of red"cer= iQ @,1: 4ra$e !')e= Y6BK?*E*, O&er !or("e %imi!ed swi!ch for S%ew TL?N-MYc
4"c$e!?whee% mechanism Rec%aimin ca)aci!'= -*.!h O"!er diame!er of #"c$e!?whee%= X:,mm Ro!a!iona% s)eed of #"c$e!?whee% :1.rmin 4"c$e! &o%"me = 1.-m, 4"c$e! ("an!i!' = K nos1 Dri&in de&ice )arame!er : Mo!or )ower= K$6 Red"cer !')e= BHP.1,, O"!)"! !or("e of !he red"cer K;.,.Nm T')e of f%"id co")%in YO8A.
L"ff "ni! Lif!in an%e %"ff U) K1.;J0 %"ff down -1:-J Lif!in s)eed = ; ~ :mmin 7 a! cen!er of #"c$e! whee%9 T')e of h'dra"%ic c'%inder ,*MP.MM4YLS-;M-..M--;; T')e of oi% )"m) mo!or Y-M;A?4,. Ra!ed wor$in )ress"re= -:MPa
4oom con&e'or Len!h of #oom con&e'or ;-1Km Ra!ed con&e'in ca)aci!' -.!h 4e%! wid!h #e%! s)eed= -;mm , Id%er diame!er= -,,mm Tro"h an%e of id%er= ,.J Ta$e ") !')e Hea&' #o# !a$e ") Dri&in de&ice )arame!er
Page 30 of 160
Mo!or !')e= Y*M?; Mo!or )ower= K$6 Red"cer !')e= MC,RLH3@-3AN Transmission ra!io of red"cer= iQ* Limi!ed !or("e !')e f%"id co")%in YO8NB?. 4ra$e !')e= Y6BK?,E. D"a% direc!ion )"%%in wire swi!ch !')e LT*?I Misa%%iance de!ec!in swi!ch !')e= 3P?-*?, #oom con&e'or ma!eria% f%ow de!ec!in swi!ch !')e: Loni!"dina% s)%i!!in )ro!ec!ion swi!ch !')e= H3BL? S)eed sensor !')e= S?4?Z Dri&in de&ice )arame!er Mo!or !')e= Y*M?; Mo!or )ower= K$6 T')e of red"cer= MC,RLH3@-3AN Transmission ra!io of red"cer iQ* Limi!ed !or("e !')e f%"id co")%in YO8NB?. 4ra$e !')e: Y6BK?,E.
6a!er )rin$%in s's!em 6a!er !an$ &o%"me= -m, T')e of wa!er )"m) D:?*.8, m"%!is!ae cen!rif"a% )"m) 3%ow of wa!er )"m)= :1*.m,h De%i&er' %if!= @.m T')e of mo!or e("i))ed wi!h wa!er )"m)= Y-,*S-?* Mo!or )ower .1.$6 Ro!a!iona% s)eed of mo!or= *K.rmin Li("id %e&e% re)%a' = U5?* Mane!ic &a%&e= BCL3?; 6a!er )ress"re en!erin in!o wa!er !an$= 1-~1*7MPa9
Page 31 of 160
Power ca#%e ree%er de&ice Ca#%e s)ecifica!ion= :20 G34?,,.,-:,Pmm Ca#%e cross?sec!ion dimensions= @-1mm,-1,mm
Ree%er de&ice Ca#%e s)ecifica!ion = ,2 ,YE34G?*;***;Gmm * Ca#%e cross?sec!ion dimensions= KKmm-Kmm
Transfer ch"!e E%ec!rica% !hr"s!or DT,.?*II
Limi!ed swi!ches de&ice An!i?co%%ision de&ice of #oom rac$= 3LT*?I O!her %imi!ed swi!ches= 6LCA-*
Not$4 O!her %imi! swi!ches refer !o #oom rac$ %if!in %imi!ed )osi!ion0 s%ewin an%e0 s%ewin %"ff and !ermina% %imi!ed )osi!ion of Lon !ra&e% and !ri))er car %"ff end %imi!ed swi!ch e!c1
De!ec!ion de&ice De!ec!ion de&ice for !ra&e%in dis!ance= TRD?G,?4B !')e ro!ar' encoder De!ec!ion de&ice for s%ewin an%e= E:C,?AG.C !')e ro!ar' encoder De!ec!ion de&ice for %if!in an%e= E:C,?AG.C !')e ro!ar' encoder De!ec!ion de&ice for ma!eria% %e&e%: *?,K !')e inc%inin swi!ch
E("i)men! S!r"c!"re
Sec!ion - Genera% S!r"c!"re The e("i)men! 7see de!ai%s in enera% drawin D5K@--1ST9 consis!s of #"c$e! whee% mechanism0 S")er s!ee% s!r"c!"re0 #oom con&e'or0 main machine %adder0 wa%$wa' s!airs and )%a!form0 %if!in "ni!0 Lon !ra&e%0 )or!a%0 !ransfer ch"!e0 im)ac! )"%%e' #rac$e! 0s%ew "ni!0 cen!ra% %"#rica!ion s's!em0 %imi!ed swi!ch de&ice0 de!ec!ion de&ice0 !ri))er car0 %adder )%a!form of !ri))er car0 e%ec!ric room0 e%ec!rica% s's!em0 o)era!ors ca#in and #rac$e!0 name)%a!e0 co"n!erweih! assem#%'0 wa!er s)rin$%in de&ice0 )ower ca#%e ree% dr"m de&ice0 con!ro% ca#%e ree% dr"m de&ice0 S%ew dec$0 s"))or! )i&o!0 fo"nda!iona% %a'o"! and %oad e!c1 S")er s!r"c!"re of main machine is an in!era% s!r"c!"re which consis!s of fron! #oom rac$0 )'%on0 co"n!erweih! #oom and fron! and #ac$ #racin 0 a%% )ar!s wi%% #e connec!ed #' )in ro%% which fied #' #%oc$1 Head )ar! is #"c$e!?whee% mechanism #ac$ )ar! is co"n!erweih! assem#%' which can ad/"s! !he #a%ance of s")er s!r"c!"re1 S")er s!r"c!"re is fied on s%ew dec$ #' s"))or! )i&o!0 !he "))er )ar! of !he s"))or! Page 32 of 160
)i&o! and !he end )ar! of !he )'%on wi%% #e hined /oin! and %ower )i&o! s"))or! sho"%d #e we%ded wi!h !o) s"rface of s%ew dec$1 The com)%e!ed s!r"c!"re can wa%e aro"nd !he s"))or! )i&o! )oin!0 H'dra"%ic c'%inder which %ie #e!ween s%ew dec$ and )'%on ac!s can achie&e in!era% %"ff of s")er s!r"c!"re1 S%ew s"))or! #earin is mo"n!ed #e!ween "))er and %ower )edes!a% rin0 "))er )edes!a% rin s"))or!s !he s%ew dec$0 and %ower )edes!a% rin is fied on !he )or!a%1 S%ew dri&in de&ice is fied on !he s%ew dec$0 and !hro"h o"!)"! ais )inion of s%ewin red"cer0 !he s)"r )inion is meshed wi!h #i ear rin which is fied "nder !he #earin of %ower )edes!a% rin0 which sha%% !ransmi! "))er s!r"c!"re !o ro!a!e aro"nd s%ew cen!er1 Pi&o! of !ra&e%in mechanism is we%ded wi!h s"))or! %e of )or!a%1 This )ar! wi%% #e assem#%ed on /o#si!e0 and !hen we%ded !oe!her1
P'%on P"%% rod
P"%% rod Co"n!erweih! assem#%'
S"))or! )i&o! Co"n!erweih! s!ac$ 4"c$e! whee% mechanism 4"c$e! whee% #oom rac$
Pi!ch c'%inder
De!ai%ed s!r"c!"re of "ni! and o)era!in fea!"res
4"c$e! whee% mechanism
S%ewin mechanism
4"c$e!?whee% mechanism main%' consis!s of #"c$e! whee% #od'0 #"c$e! whee% a%e0 #earin assem#%'0 rin ch"!e0 s%idin ch"!e0 "ide ch"!e de&ice and #"c$e! whee% dri&e de&ice e!c1 4"c$e! whee% #od' is ce%% %ess !')e i! has !he meri!s of ra)id%' dischare1 4"c$e! whee% mechanism has nine #"c$e!s !o!a%0 !he' are e&en%' dis!ri#"!ed a! !he e!erna% of !he whee% #od' circ%e0 and fied #' )ins and #o%!s0 ferromane!ic wearin resis!ance disassem#%ed #"c$e! !ee!h wi%% #e ins!a%%ed on !he en!rance of !he #"c$e! 0 4"c$e! #%ade )osi!ion has !he )ro!ec!i&e %a'er which is made of wearin resis!ance e%ec!rode #' #"i%din ") we%din1 In order !o #e con&enien! for discharin !he ma!eria%0 #"c$e! whee% shaf! re%e&an! hori
#"c$e! whee% #oom con&e'or rec%aimin direc!ion1 The wor$in s"rface of rin ch"!e and s%idin ch"!e are a%% ins!a%%ed wearin resis!ance %iner eas' re)%aced1
4"c$e! whee% dri&e de&ice ado)!s mechanica%%'?dri&en0 and mechanica%%'?dri&en de&ice consis!s of mo!or0 f%"id co")%in0 #"c$e! whee% dri&e red"cer 7Bo%%ern90 !or("e %imi!ed de&ice0 %"#rica!ion s's!em e!c1 4"c$e! whee% dri&e red"cer is or!hoona% ho%%ow shaf! )%ane! !ransmission i! is com#ined wi!h mo!or and f%"id co")%in in!o one #od' and wi%% #e fied on #"c$e! whee% shaf! !hro"h e)anded s%ee&e1 Le&er?!')e !or("e %imi!ed de&ice wi%% #e ins!a%%ed on #"c$e! whee% dri&e red"cer0 which f"nc!ion is when eca&a!in force of !he #"c$e! eceed -1. !imes of desinin &a%"e0 !he %imi!ed swi!ch in !or("e %imi!ed de&ice s!ar! ac!ion0 i! wi%% c"! off !he circ"i! a"!oma!ica%%'0 and carr' o"! o&er%oad )ro!ec!ion1 3orci#%e %"#rica!ion s's!em consis!in of mo!or and )"m) sho"%d #e ins!a%%ed on hih s)eed shaf! side of !he red"cer and )ress"re )ro!ec!ion de&ice sho"%d #e e("i))ed1 *1-1*1;1*1*
Lon !ra&e% S!r"c!"re Tra&e%in mechanism main%' consis!s of X:, dri&e whee% #oie assem#%'0 X:, non dri&en whee% #oie assem#%'0 e("a%i
Page 34 of 160
S%ew "ni! S!r"c!"re S%ewin mechanism main%' consis!s of s%ewin dri&e de&ice0 !hree rows co%"mn ro%%er assem#%ed #earin0 )edes!a% rin0 f%ane0 ear0 ear co&er0 and fas!eners1 S%ewin dri&e consis!s of mo!or0 red"cer0 #ra$e0 !or("e %imi!ed co")%in0 enine #ase and co&er e!c1 S%ewin mechanism is ins!a%%ed #e!ween )or!a% and s%ew dec$1 Lower )ar! of %ower )edes!a% rin is fied on !he )or!a%0 whi%e "))er )ar! of %ower )edes!a% rin is connec!ed wi!h e!erna% rin of %are s%ewin #earin U))er )ar! of "))er )edes!a% s"))or! !he s%ew dec$0 whi%e %ower )ar! of "))er )edes!a% rin is connec!ed wi!h in!erna% rin of %are s%ewin #earin S%ewin dri&e is ins!a%%ed a! rear )ar! of s%ew dec$ dri&e ear on o"!)"! a%e of red"cer is meshed wi!h o"!er ear of %are s%ewin #earin0 mo!or enera!es !ransmission force !o ma$e s%ew dec$ s%ewin aro"nd )or!a% 0 and f"r!her finish main machine s%ewin1 Ro%%er #earin in !hree rows
Driving device
Rotary late Small driving gear "ear cover Pede!tal
O)era!ion and main!enance of s%ew #earin Af!er a#o"! - ho"rs o)era!ion0 ins)ec! )re?!ih! !or("e of #o%! a! inner rin and o"!er rin , %a!er0 ins)ec!ion in!er&a% is each . ho"rs o)era!ion1 S!o) machine for ins)ec!ion if a#norma% condi!ions s"ch as noise0 im)ac!0 and a#r")! increase of )ower occ"r1 Af!er #i #earin is ins!a%%ed0 accordin !o ac!"a% condi!ions0 fi%% %"#rica!in
Page 35 of 160
rease meanwhi%e s%ewin !he #earin !o ma$e rease e&en%' dis!ri#"!e "n!i% rease is s("ee
4oom con&e'or S!r"c!"re 4oom con&e'or main%' consis!s of con&e'or dri&e0 diamond r"##er?faced !ransmission )"%%e'0 r"##er?faced #end )"%%e'0 hea&' #o# !a$e ") de&ice0 !ro"h id%erro")0 re&ersi#%e a"!oma!ic ")ward a%inin id%er0 %ow?%e&e%in id%er ro")0 )ara%%e% %ower id%ers ro")0 c%eaner0 Po%'es!er con&e'in #e%!0 #oom con&e'or )ro!ec!ion de&ice 7misa%inmen! de!ec!in de&ice0 )"%%in wire swi!ch and s)eed sensor9 and !ransmission )ar!1 Dri&in de&ice consis!s of mo!or0 f%"id co")%in0 #ra$e0 &er!ica% #e&e%?he%ica% ho%%ow shaf! and s"rface hardened !oo!h ear red"cer7SE690 machine #%oc$ and ho"sin e!c1 Mo!or )ower is !ransferred !o dri&en )"%%e' #' means of red"cer0 and f"r!her !o !ransmi! #e%! con&e'or !o r"n1 3orward and re&erse !ransmission wi%% com)%e!e s!ac$in and rec%aimin o)era!ion1
8 10
7 9
-1 Direc!ion di&erse dr"m *1 C%eanser ,1 4e%! ;1 Id%er ro") .1 4e%! con&e'or )ro!ec!ion de&ice :1 Hammer !a$e?") de&ice @1 S"))or!in hine )edes!a% 1 Pi%%ar K1 Ro!ar' )%a!e -1 Dri&en dr"m --1 Dri&in de&ice
S")er s!ee% s!r"c!"re S")er s!ee% s!r"c!"re main%' consis!s of #"c$e! whee% #oom rac$0 )'%on0 co"n!erweih! #oom0 )i&o!0 #racin0 connec!ion )%a!e0 )i&o! a%e0 and fiin )%a!e e!c1 4"c$e! whee% mechanism is ins!a%%ed a! fron! )ar! of s")er s!ee% s!r"c!"re1 4oom con&e'or is mo"n!ed on #"c$e! whee% #oom co"n!erweih! "ni! is h"n a! rear )ar! of co"n!erweih! frame1 The s")er s!ee% s!r"c!"re a%on wi!h i!s a"i%iar' mechanisms sha%% #e dri&en #' %if!in h'dra"%ic c'%inder !o ma$e %"ff mo!ion aro"nd s"))or! )i&o! )oin!1
L"ff "ni!
*1-1*1;1*1:1- S!r"c!"re L"ff "ni! is h'dra"%ic %if!in !')e1 i! ado)!s d"a% ac!ion h'dra"%ic c'%inders0 !wo ends of
Page 36 of 160
!he c'%inders wi%% #e connec!ed !o s%ew dec$ and !he )'%on se)ara!e%' wi!h )i&o! 0 !hro"h !he !e%esco)ic c'%inder rea%i
3i%!er sha%% #e ins!a%%ed a! oi% in%e! and o"!%e! of )"m)0 which sha%% )re&en! )o%%"!ed )ar!ic%es from damain )ar!s1 Once fi%!er of re!"rn oi% is cho$ed0 warnin sina% sha%% a"!oma!ica%%' send off o)era!ion sha%% #e s!o))ed0 o)era!ion ma' s!ar! on%' af!er fi%!er is c%eaned or re)%aced1
3re("en!%' o#ser&e )ress"re0 s)eed and !em)era!"re !o see whe!her !he' are norma% 7norma% wor$in !em)era!"re is -.@℃ 90 if a#norma% condi!ions occ"r0 ("ic$%' find o"! and re)air fai%"re1
3re("en!%' o#ser&e whe!her oi% is %ea$ a! /oin! s"rface of e%emen!s0 )i)e%ine and oi% c'%inder0 o#ser&e whe!her a#norma% noise occ"rs if an' one of !he a#o&e condi!ions occ"r0 ("ic$%' find o"! and re)air fai%"re1
6hen !he e("i)men! s!o)s0 swi!ch sho"%d #e in s!o) )osi!ion1
*1-1*1;1*1:1, Main!enance and Ser&ices a1
The h'dra"%ic )"m) s!a!ion sho"%d #e fre("en!%' main!ained and ser&iced1 Page 37 of 160
C%eanness of h'dra"%ic oi% sha%% #e main!ained accordin !o re("iremen! s)ecified in re%e&an! s!andard1 O!herwise0 e%emen! ma' #e damaed and ser&ice %ife ma' #e affec!ed1 H'dra"%ic oi% sha%% #e re)%aced a! %eas! once a 'ear1 3i%!er sha%% #e c%eaned or re)%aced if oi% is re)%aced1 New h'dra"%ic oi% fi%%ed m"s! #e fi%!ered and !hen fi%% in1 #1
D"rin !he )rocess of o)era!ion0 fre("en!%' chec$ whe!her )i)e%ine and e%emen!s are )ro)er%' sea%ed0 if %ea$ae occ"rs0 sea%in )ar!s sha%% #e re)%aced in !ime1
If !he h'dra"%ic s!a!ion is no! "sed for %on !ime0 )eriodic s!ar! of )"m) s!a!ion sho"%d #e needed 7once for -*mon!hs9 and "n%oadin %if!in ac!ion sho"%d #e done se&era% !imes !o a&oid an' corrosion on )ar!s of s's!em1
Common fa"%!s and fa"%!s remo&a% me!hod
3ai%"re s'm)!oms
Possi#%e ca"ses
Possi#%e ca"ses
Mo!or does no! ro!a!e or ma$es #"<< noise
7-9 )ro&ide )ower s"))%' 7*9 Lac$ of )hase 7,9 3ai%"re of e%ec!rica% circ"i! 7;9 Damae of mo!or
7-9 To s"))%' )ower 7*9 Re)%ace f"se 7,9 Chec$ circ"i! and c%ear fai%"re 7;9 Re)air or re)%ace
O"!)"! of )"m) f%ow sha%% no! mee! !he re("iremen!0 and noise %e&e% increases
7-9 Low oi% %e&e% in oi% !an$ 7*9 Re&erse ro!a!ion of )"m) 7,9 Air %ea$ae a! oi% s"c$ in%e! 7;9 Damae of )"m)
7-9 Refi%% oi% 7*9 Ad/"s! )hase 7,9 Ec%"de !he fai%"re 7;9 Re)air or re)%ace
Serio"s of )"m)
hea!in?") 7-9 Same as a#o&e 7-9 7*9 Same as a#o&e 7*9 7,9 Disa%inmen! #e!ween mo!or and )"m) a%e
Press"re no! ") in s's!em
7-9 2a%&e core of o&erf%ow &a%&e is #%oc$ed or dam) ho%e is cho$ed 7*9 O&erf%ow &a%&e is damaed 7,9 E%ec!romane!ic &a%&e -; does no! chane o&er 7;9 Press"re a"e is damaed
Oi% c'%inder e)ands 7-9 Press"re of o&erf%ow &a%&e or con!rac!s !oo does no! s%ow%' reach se! &a%"e 7*9 3ai%"re in o&erf%ow &a%&e 7,9 An%e of s%o)in cam )%a!e of )"m) is %ess 7;9 O)enin of non?re!"rn !hro!!%e &a%&e is %ess
Page 38 of 160
7-9 Same as a#o&e 7-9 7*9 Same as a#o&e 7-9 7,9 Re?ad/"s! a%inmen! 7-9 C%ear or o)en dam) ho%e 7*9 Re)air or re)%ace 7,9 Re)air or re)%ace 7;9 Re)%ace
7-9Re?ad/"s! )ress"re 7*9Remo&e s"ch fai%"re accordin !o a#o&e men!ioned me!hod 7,9Increase an%e of s%o)in cam )%a!e 7;9 Same as 7-9
Oi% c'%inder can no! 7-9 H'dra"%ic one?wa' &a%&e is s!a' a! a random #%oc$ed or damaed )osi!ion 7*9 E%ec!romane!ic &a%&e -. is #%oc$ed or damaed
7-9 C%ean0 re)air or re)%ace 7*9 Re)air or re)%ace
Oi% c'%inder does no! e)and or con!rac!
7-9Chec$ whe!her )ower s"))%' is norma% If i! is norma%0 c%ean or re)%ace &a%&e 7*9 Re)air oi% c'%inder 7,9 Ad/"s! o)enin of !hro!!%e &a%&e
7-9 E%ec!romane!ic &a%&e does no! chane o&er 7*9 Serio"s %ea$ae in oi% c'%inder 7,9 Thro!!%e &a%&e is c%osed
Limi!ed swi!ches Limi!ed swi!ches de&ice consis!s of #oom #oom rac$ an!i?co%%ision de&ice0 s%ewin an%e %imi!0 S%ewin %"ff cross?s's!em %imi!0 %on !ra&e% dri&e end %imi!ed swi!ches and #oom %"ff %imi!ed swi!ches1
4oom rac$ an!i?co%%ision de&ice= 3LT*?I swi!ch sha%% #e ins!a%%ed a! !wo sides of midd%efron! )ar! of head #oom1 6hen #"c$e! whee% #oom !ra&e%s0 if s!ee% wire ro)e !o"ches coa% )i%e or o!her o#s!ac%e0 swi!ch sha%% #e ac!"a!ed !o send off sina%0 mean!ime )ower s"))%' of s%ewin mo!or and !ra&e% mo!ors wi%% #e c"! off in order !o )re&en! head #oom rac$ from co%%idin wi!h o#s!ac%es1
S%ewin an%e and s%ewin %"ff %imi!= 6LCA-* !ra&e% swi!ches sha%% #e ado)!ed s%ewin an%e %imi!ed swi!ch is ins!a%%ed #e!ween s%ew dec$ and )'%on !o con!ro% s%ewin sco)e of #"c$e! whee% #oom "nder !he e("i)men! is in wor$in s!a!"s of s!ac$inrec%aimin or "nder condi!ion of cross?s's!em s%ewin %"ff %imi!ed swi!ch is ins!a%%ed #e!ween )'%on and s%ew dec$ !o con!ro% %if!in sco)e "nder condi!ion of cross?s's!em s%ewin1
Lon !ra&e% dri&e end %imi!= 6LCA-* swi!ch is ado)!ed0 and sha%% #e ins!a%%ed on non dri&en whee% #oie assem#%' of %on !ra&e% mechanism !o con!ro% !ra&e% sco)e1
L"ff %imi! of #oom rac$= 6LCA-* !ra&e%in swi!ch wi%% #e ado)!ed and ins!a%%ed #e!ween s%ew dec$ and )or!a% !o con!ro% %"ff %imi! sco)e of e("i)men! #"c$e! whee% #oom 1
Limi!ed swi!ch for !ri))er car 6LCA-* swi!ch sho"%d #e ado)!ed for !ri))er car Limi!ed swi!ch0 I! wi%% #e ins!a%%ed a! !ri))er car %"ff "ni! !o con!ro% !he %e&e% of s!ac$in and rec%aimin of !he !ri))er car1
De!ec!ion de&ice De!ec!ion de&ice consis!s of !ra&e%in dis!ance de!ec!ion de&ice0 s%ewin an%e de!ec!ion de&ice0 %"ff an%e de!ec!ion de&ice and ma!eria% %e&e% de!ec!ion de&ice1 Tra&e%in dis!ance de!ec!ion de&ice is ins!a%%ed on rear )ar! #"ffer of !ra&e%in
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mechanism !o de!ec! !ra&e% dis!ance1 Meanwhi%e0 i! wi%% de!ec! !ra&e% dis!ance "nder wor$in condi!ion of a"!oma!ic s!ac$inrec%aimin and wi%% de!ec! %imi! for !ra&e% end1 S%ewin an%e de!ec!ion de&ice is ins!a%%ed on dri&e ear of s%ewin "ni! !o de!ec! s%ewin an%e of #"c$e! whee% #oom rac$ Meanwhi%e0 i! wi%% rea%i
Cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice Cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice consis!s of #"c$e! whee% cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice0 !ra&e%in cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice0 %if!in cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice and s%ewin cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice1 4"c$e! whee% cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice is ins!a%%ed a! head of fron! #oom rac$0 which %"#rica!es !wo #earin sea!s of #"c$e! whee% mechanism Tra&e%in %"#rica!ion de&ice is ins!a%%ed on !ra&e% !ro%%e' #rac$e!0 which %"#rica!es #earin of whee% a%e1 Lif!in cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice is ins!a%%ed near %"ff "ni!0 which %"#rica!es h'dra"%ic c'%inder and !he )i&o! #earin of !he s"))or! )i&o!1 S%ewin cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice is ins!a%%ed on )or!a% )%a!form0 which %"#rica!es !hree rows co%"mn ro%%er #earin assem#%' of s%ewin mechanism1 Cen!ra% %"#rica!ion de&ice of #"c$e! whee% consis!s of e%ec!rica% )"m)0 hih )ress"re hose0 fi%!er0 dis!ri#"!or0 )i)e%ine and accessories The dis!ri#"!or ado)!s s%ice feedin mode0 )ress"re oi% sen! #' e%ec!rica% )"m) ma$e !he )%"ner in !he dis!ri#"!or enera!e feedin and reci)roca!in mo!ion order%'0 and !he oi% wi%% #e forced0 ("an!ified and ordered sendin !o each %"#rica!in )oin!s
*1-1*1;1*1- Tri))er car 3"%%' f"nc!iona% !ri))er car main%' consis!s of sin%e?whee% non dri&en whee% #oie assem#%'0 main !ri))er car and ")?and?down a"i%iar' !ri))er car0 main !ri))er car #e%! con&e'or0 a"i%iar' !ri))er car %"ff mechanism0 !ri))er car s!ee% s!r"c!"re0 head coa% ch"!e0 %in$ae assem#%' and a"i%iar' !ri))er car #e%! con&e'or e!c 0 which f"nc!ion sho"%d #e a))%ica#%e for s!ac$in and rec%aimin wor$ condi!ion1 D"rin !he )rocess of s!ac$in0 coa% comin from !he #e%! con&e'or wi%% dro) on !ri))er car con&e'or !hro"h a"i%iar' !ri))er car con&e'or &ia Sin%e?whee% !ransfer ch"!e0 !hen coa% wi%% #e de%i&ered !o midd%e non dri&en whee% #oie assem#%' ch"!e !hro"h head )ar! coa% ch"!e and !ransferred !o #oom #e%! con&e'or0 #' which ma!eria%s are con&e'ed and !hrew down !o coa% 'ard1 D"rin !he )rocess of rec%aimin0 #"c$e! whee% mechanism wi%% !a$e coa% from coa% 'ard !o dro) on #oom #e%! con&e'or0 !hro"h !ransfer ch"!e coa% wi%% #e de%i&ered !o 'ard con&e'or of s's!em1 Tri))er car %adder and )%a!form sha%% #e ins!a%%ed on !he !ri))er car0 wa!er s)rin$%in s's!em and wa!er so"rce de&ice and )ower con!ro% ca#%e ree% dr"m wi%% #e ins!a%%ed on !ri))er car #o!!om #eam1 The !ri))er car wi%% #e connec!ed wi!h main Tri))er car s!r"c!"re
Main !ri))er car #e%! con&e'or
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Tri))er car %"ffin mechanism
Tri))er car
machine de)endin on connec!in rod assem#%'1 E%ec!rica% room is ins!a%%ed on #o!!om #eam1
-1 Me!a% s!r"c!"re of main !ai% car! *1 4e%! con&e'or of main !ai% car! ,1 Sin%e?whee% dri&en %oo) whee% machine ;1 2aria#%e am)%i!"de mechanism of a"i%iar' !ai% car! .1 A"i%iar' !ai% !r"c$
O)era!ion mode and fea!"res of !he e("i)men!
Sec!ion- S's!em S"r&e' There is one se! of #"c$e! whee% s!ac$er rec%aimer7Drawin No= D5K@--ST19 in !his )ro/ec!0 !he e("i)men! wi%% #e %aid o"!0 which can s!ac$ coa% from !wo sides of coa% 'ard0 can rec%aim coa% from coa% 'ard and !ransmi! coa% o"! !hro"h 'ard con&e'or0 Power s"))%'7ca#%e ree% dr"m9 is %oca!ed in midd%e of !ra&e%in dis!ance of 4"c$e! whee% s!ac$er rec%aimer1
Mechanica% o)era!in mode and fea!"re
S!ac$in o)era!ion )rocess S!ac$in o)era!ion )rocess inc%"des !ra&e%in?orien!ed s!ac$in0 ro!ar'?orien!ed s!ac$in and s)o! s!ac$in1 a9
In!ermi!!en! !ra&e%in s!ac$in
7Refer !o )rocess drawin90 ma!eria% is s!ac$ed %a'er #' %a'er row #' row in an in!ermi!!en! !ra&e%in s)o! manner1 S!ac$in of e("i)men! s!ar!s from !he f irs! )oin! -? - of !he firs! row0 meanwhi%e0 )i%e heih! de!ec!or wi%% meas"re heih! of each s!ac$ed )i%e 7or con!ro%%ed ar!ificia%%'0 fo%%owin !he same90 !he de!ec!or sends off command sina% !o con!ro% !he !ra&e% mechanism !o ma$e a minor mo&emen!1 S!ac$in con!in"es )i%e #' )i%e "n!i% i! reaches !he s)ecified sco)e of !ra&e%in !o chane o&er !o ne! row0 s!ac$in con!in"es in re&erse direc!ion from *?- 6hen s!ac$in of e("i)men! finishes !he firs! %a'er of a%% rows0 i! wi%% chane o&er !o s!ac$in of !he second %a'er0 and !he %i$e "n!i% i! f inishes s!ac$in of !he %as! )i%e1 In!ermi!!en! !ra&e%in s!ac$in )rocess ma' form rec!an"%ar ma!eria% )i%e !herefore i!s "!i%i
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s!oc$'ard is hiher wi!h %ess d"s!0 which is he%)f"% !o ad/acen! en&ironmen!1 As !o differen! !ransmi!!ed ("an!i!'0 %en!h of s!ac$in can #e ad/"s!ed0 in !his wa' re%a!i&e%' re"%ar )i%e ma' #e s!ac$ed1
In!ermi!!en! !ra&e%in s!ac$in #9
Con!in"o"s ro!ar' s!ac$in
7Refer !o )rocess drawin90 heih! of #oom rac$ is se! as !he same of )rese! heih! of s!ac$in0 #oom rac$ s!ac$s in o"! and #ac$ ro!ar' manner "n!i% se! !imes are me!0 and !hen !ra&e% mechanism ma$es a minor se! mo&emen!0 in se("en! order -?*?,0 o)era!ion wi%% con!in"e1 Ro!ar' s!ac$in )rocess in !his occasion which !ransmission ("an!i!' of raw ma!eria% is no! con!in"o"s or re%a!i&e%' %es0 %en!h of s!ac$ed )i%e ma' #e )rese! accordin !o !ransmission ("an!i!' !o form a re%a!i&e%' re"%ar )i%e0 !herefore a #ig#
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Con!in"o"s ro!ar' s!ac$in c9
In!ermi!!en! ro!ar' in!ermi!!en! !ra&e%in s)o! s!ac$in
In!ermi!!en! ro!ar' in!ermi!!en! !ra&e%in s)o! s!ac$in sha%% refer !o )rocess drawin of in!ermi!!en! ro!ar' in!ermi!!en! !ra&e%in s)o! s!ac$in1 S!ac$in o)era!ion s!ar!s from !he firs! )i%e %a'er #' %a'er in order !o red"ce d"s!1 Heih! de!ec!or wi%% send off command ins!r"c!ion !o chane o&er ne! %a'er "n!i% !he %as! %a'er is finished1 Heih! of #oom rac$ is $e)! "nchaned #oom rac$ wi%% ro!a!e accordin !o )rese! direc!ion and an%e !o !he second )i%e0 s!ac$in o)era!ion con!in"es af!er #oom rac$ arri&es a! ro!a!ion sco)e0 !ra&e% mechanism sha%% mo&e in a )rese! minor dis!ance "n!i% s!ac$in reaches a )rese! )i%e %en!h0 o)era!ion ma' s!o)1
In!ermi!!en! ro!ar' in!ermi!!en! !ra&e%in s)o! s!ac$in
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Rec%aimin o)era!ion )rocess Rec%aimin )rocess inc%"des ro!ar' %a'er rec%aimin and s)o! s%o)e rec%aimin1 a9
Ro!ar' %a'er rec%aimin
7Refer !o ro!ar' %a'er rec%aimin )rocess drawin90 accordin !o i!s )i%e heih!0 i! is di&ided in!o %a'er s"#sec!ion rec%aimin and ro!ar' %a'er non?s"#sec!ion rec%aimin1 The firs! o)era!in mode : La'er s"#sec!ion a"!oma!ic rec%aimin= firs! of a%%0 dri&er o)era!es !he s!ac$er rec%aimer !o !ra&e%0 ro!ar' and %"ff mechanism !o mo&e #"c$e! whee% !o s!ar!in )oin! of !o) %a'er of )i%e 7sin%e )osi!ionin ro!a!ion90 rec%aimin s!ar!s i!s o)era!ion "nder con!ro% of ro!a!ion0 when i! reaches !o a )rese! ro!a!ion sco)e0 !ra&e% mechanism wi%% ma$e a minor )rese! dis!ance 7feedin ("an!i!'90 accordin !o )rese! %en!h of ma!eria% s"))%' sec!ion Lm 7or )rese! ro!ar' !imes90 af!er rec%aimin of !he firs! %a'er is finished0 o)era!ion chanes o&er !o ne! %a'er ro!ar' an%e of each %a'er is de!ermined #' an%e of re)ose and n"m#er of %a'ers %"ff heih! is de!ermined #' )rese! n"m#er of %a'ers0 !ra&e%in dis!ance is de!ermined #' feedin ("an!i!'1 6hen rec%aimin of !he #o!!om %a'er is finished0 rec%aimin wi%% chane o&er !he ne! sec!ion1 4"c$e! whee% wi%% #e )%aced a! s!ar! )oin! of !o) %a'er of !he second sec!ion0 rec%aimin o)era!ion con!in"es Len!h of ma!eria% s"))%' sec!ion is )rese! accordin !o )rinci)%e !ha! #oom rac$ does no! !o"ch ma!eria% )i%e1 The second o)era!in mode : Ro!ar' %a'er non?s"#sec!ion rec%aimin= i!s wor$in efficienc' is !he hihes! !o a&oid o&er%oad daner of #"c$e! whee% and #oom rac$ ca"sed #' co%%a)se of ma!eria% )i%e0 which is s"i!a#%e in s!ac$in %ow and shor! ma!eria% )i%e1 4oom rac$ canno! !o"ch ma!eria% )i%e1 In order !o rea%i
Ro!ar' %a'er rec%aimin
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S)o! s%o)e rec%aimin 7end face rec%aimin9
Refer !o s)o! s%o)e rec%aimin 7end face rec%aimin9 )rocess drawin0 i! is a $ind of wor$in )rocess which is firs! s!ac$in0 firs! rec%aimin0 in!ermi!!en! o)era!ion0 and i!s wor$in efficienc' is !he %owes!1 D"rin !he )rocess of o)era!ion0 ma!eria% )i%e easi%' co%%a)ses and res"%!s in o&er%oad of #"c$e! whee%1 6hen dri&er ado)!s !he a#o&e se&era% me!hods of rec%aimin0 dri&er sho"%d rec%aim coa% from !o) %a'er of ma!eria% )i%e0 and sho"%d o#ser&e condi!ion of ma!eria% )i%e a! a%% !ime !o a&oid !ha! head or #o!!om of #oom rac$ !o"ches or co%%ides ma!eria% )i%e d"rin s%ewin o)era!ion of #"c$e! whee%1 In order !o a&oid damain !he e("i)men!0 con!in"o"s !ra&e%in rec%aimin mode of Lon !ra&e% is no! a%%owed1
S)o! s%o)e rec%aimin *1-1*1:
O)era!ion re"%a!ions of e("i)men!
O)era!in re"%a!ions of !he mechanica% )ar!s O)era!ion mode a1
Sin%e?ac!ion o)era!ion Each mechanism of #"c$e! whee% s!ac$errec%aimer sha%% ma$e se)ara!e s!ar!s!o) o)era!ion in o)era!or ca#in1
In!er%oc$ o)era!ion 6hen #"c$e! whee% s!ac$errec%aimer ma$es in!er%oc$ o)era!ion0 !he fo%%owin o)era!ion )roced"res sha%% #e o#ser&ed0 o!herwise i! wi%% no! o)era!e1
7-9 S!ac$in in!er%oc$ o)era!ion )roced"re Transfermidd%e ch"!e #aff%e )%a!e is c%osed a"i%iar' !ri))er wi%% #e %"ffed !o s!ac$in )osi!ion 4"c$e! whee% #oom con&e'or carries o"! s!ac$in o)era!ion?main !ri))er car con&e'or carries o"! s!ac$in o)era!ion and 'ard con&e'or a%so carries o"! s!ac$in o)era!ion1 Page 45 of 160
7*9 Rec%aimin in!er%oc$ o)era!ion )roced"re Transfermidd%e ch"!e #aff%e )%a!e is o)ened a"i%iar' !ri))er wi%% #e %"ffed !o rec%aimin )osi!ion 'ard con&e'or a%so carries o"! rec%aimin o)era!ion #"c$e! whee% #oom con&e'or carries o"! rec%aimin o)era!ion and #"c$e! whee% mechanism s!ar! o)era!in1 *1-1*1:1*
O)era!in re"%a!ions a#o"! h'dra"%ic )ar!s Af!er %"ff mo!or s!ar!s0 )"m) #eins !o s"))%' oi% !o s's!em0 a! !his !ime0 e%ec!romane!ic &a%&e is in s!a!e of )ower off oi% f%ows !hro"h midd%e )osi!ion of e%ec!romane!ic &a%&e #ac$ in!o oi% !an$1 6hen con!ro% swi!ch is in s!a!e of %"ff ascend0 e%ec!romane!ic &a%&e wi%% #e e%ec!rified0 oi% wi%% f%ow in!o non?rod ca&i!' of %"ff c'%inders )assin !hro"h h'dra"%ic one?wa' &a%&e0 one?wa' &a%&e a! rih! side of one? wa' !hro!!%e &a%&e0 h'dra"%ic one?wa' &a%&e a! rih! side of %oc$ #%oc$ 7h'dra"%ic one? wa' &a%&e91 Pis!on rod in oi% c'%inder wi%% e!r"de1 Oi% in rod ca&i!' wi%% f%ow in!o oi% !an$ )assin !hro"h !hro!!%e &a%&e in one?wa' &a%&e a! %ef! side of h'dra"%ic one?wa' &a%&e and e%ec!romane!ic &a%&e1 6hen con!ro% swi!ch is in s!a!e of %"ff descend0 e%ec!romane!ic &a%&e wi%% #e e%ec!rified and #eins !o ma$e ac!ion0 i!s oi% f%ow direc!ion is re&erse !o !ha! of %"ff ascend1
O)era!in re"%a!ions of e%ec!rica% o)era!ion
Pre)ara!ions #efore s!ar!")
Do a%% !he )re)ara!ions #efore s!ar!") of !he s!ac$er rec%aimer
Chec$ !he H2 swi!ch )ane% is eneri
Chec$ a%% emerenc' #"!!ons are res!ored !o oriina% s!a!es1
Power s"))%'
*1-1*1:1,1*1- Com)"!er )ower so"rce This e("i)men! "ses a com)"!er wi!h ~:$2 .H< H2 %oad and !he )ower is s"))%ied #' !he ca#%e dr"m1 There are &o%!ae a"es %oca!ed in !he -+A H2 e%ec!rica% )ane% in !he e%ec!rica% room and in !he *+- o)era!ion )ane% in !he o)era!or ca#1 The )"r)ose is !o )ro&ide con&enience for !he o)era!ors in !he e%ec!rica% room and o)era!or ca# !o moni!or !he com)"!er )ower s"))%' on !he e("i)men!1 *1-1*1:1,1*1* L2 d'namic )ower 6hen !he :$2 .H< H2 com)"!er is ac!i&a!ed0 !he &o%!ae of )ower is !ransformed in!o ,2 .H<1 I! can #e "sed as a L2 )ower s"))%' !hro"h !he iso%a!ion swi!ch 2* 5S- and frame !')e air #rea$er 2* (- in !he -+- L2 e%ec!rica% )ane%1 The L2 )ower s"))%ies each mo!or !o dri&es !he o)era!ion of each mechanism1 *1-1*1:1,1*1, L2 con!ro% )ower so"rce
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6hen !he :$2 .H< H2 com)"!er is ac!i&a!ed0 !he &o%!ae of )ower is !ransformed in!o ,2 .H< !hree?)hase )ower1 I! can #e "sed as )ower s"))%' for com)%e!e "ni! con!ro%0 i%%"mina!ion0 main!enance and cen!ra% %"#rica!ion !hro"h !he iso%a!ion swi!ch 2- 5S- in !he -+- L2 e%ec!rica% )ane%1 7-9 Con!ro% )ower so"rce= ser&es as !he com)%e!e "ni! con!ro% )ower so"rce af!er i! oes !hro"h !he iso%a!ion swi!ch 2- 5S- and !hen !he con!ro% and iso%a!ion !ransformer 2- T- 7~,2~**291 7*9 I%%"mina!ion )ower= ser&es as !he com)%e!e "ni! i%%"mina!ion and soc$e! )ower af!er i! oes !hro"h !he iso%a!ion swi!ch 2- 5S- and !hen !he circ"i! #rea$er 2, (-1 7,9 Main!enance )ower= ser&es as !he com)%e!e "ni! main!enance )ower af!er i! oes !hro"h !he iso%a!ion swi!ch 2- 5S- and !hen !he circ"i! #rea$er 2, (-1 7;9 Cen!ra% %"#rica!ion )ower= ser&es as !he com)%e!e "ni! cen!ra% %"#rica!ion )ower af!er i! oes !hro"h !he iso%a!ion swi!ch 2- 5S- and !hen !he circ"i! #rea$er 2. 5-1 *1-1*1:1,1,
Dis!ri#"!ion of e%ec!rica% s's!em E%ec!rica% e("i)men! of !his s's!em are dis!ri#"!ed in !he e%ec!rica% room and o)era!or ca#1
*1-1*1:1,1,1- E%ec!rica% room a1
H2 room 7-9 Con!ro% !ransformer H2- T-1 7*9 D'namic !ransformer H2* T-1 7,9 H2 in?comin circ"i! of !he -+A H2 e%ec!rica% )ane%1 7;9 H2 feed#ac$ circ"i! of !he -+4 H2 e%ec!rica% )ane%1
L2 room 7-9 -+- L2 e%ec!rica% )ane%= L2 )ower circ"i!1 7*9 -+* L2 e%ec!rica% )ane%= PLC main s!a!ion and a"i%iar' con!ro% circ"i!1 7,9 -+, L2 e%ec!rica% )ane%= con!ro% circ"i! for !he crane !ra&e% mechanism0 ca#%e dr"m0 and rai% c%am)in de&ice1 7;9 -+; L2 e%ec!rica% )ane%= con!ro% circ"i! for !he s%ewin0 %if!in0 wa!er s)ra'in0 in!ermedia!e sec!ion ho))er dam)er0 and #"c$e! whee% "ide !hro"h1 7.9 -+; L2 e%ec!rica% )ane%= con!ro% circ"i! for !he #"c$e! whee%0 #oom #e%!0 a"i%iar' !rai%er a%!erna!ion0 and !rai%er #e%!1
O)era!or ca#
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-1 *+- %ef! side o)era!ion )%a!form= !here are a"es and o)era!ion swi!ches %oca!ed1 7-9 Ga"e= indica!or on !he :$2 H2 com)"!er )ower s"))%' 7*9 Indica!or= indica!ions of H2 )ower C4 c%osin and o)enin 7,9 4"!!ons wi!h %ih!s= indica!ions of con!ro% )ower so"rce c%osin and o)enin 7;9 4"!!ons wi!h %ih!s= indica!ions of con!ro% )ower so"rce c%osin and o)enin 7.9 4"!!ons= %oosenin and !ih!enin of !he !rai% c%am)in de&ice 7:9 4"!!ons= c%osin and o)enin of con!ro% )ower so"rce C4 7@9 Main order swi!ch= ac!i&a!ion and deac!i&a!ion of !he wi)er 79 Main order con!ro%%er= mo&in0 s!o))in and re!rac!in of !he crane1 *1 *+* rih! o)era!ion )%a!form= o)era!ion #"!!ons and swi!ches are %oca!ed1 7-9 M"shroom #"!!on= emerenc' sh"!down #"!!on 7in case of an' acciden!9 7*9 Transferrin swi!ch= con!ro% of s!ac$ rec%aimer 7rec%aimin0 sh"!down and !a$in9 7,9 Transferrin swi!ch= se%ec!ion of o)era!ion mode 7sin%e o)era!ion0 in!er%oc$0 and semia"!oma!ic9 7;9 Transferrin swi!ch= !ransferrin con!ro% of a"i%iar' !rai%er 7chanin of coa% s!ac$in0 s!o))in and !a$in !ransferrin9 7.9 4"!!on= s!ar!") !he crane and i&e o"! a%arm1 Sina%s are res!ored 7:9 4"!!on= o)era!ion of %if!in oi% )"m) and con!ro% of deac!i&a!ion 7@9 Main order swi!ch= se%ec!ion of hih s)eed and %ow s)eed of !he crane 79 Main order swi!ch= s's!em in!er%oc$ 7in!er%oc$ and disconnec!ion9 7K9 Main con!ro%%er= s%ewin 7%ef!0 s!o) and rih!9 7-9 Main con!ro%%er= %if!in 7")0 s!o) and down9 7--9 4"<
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7;9 Parame!er se!!in= se!!in of %if!in and s%ewin !imes d"rin o)era!ion of semia"!oma!ic s!ac$ rec%aimer1 Man"a% in!err")!ion and #"!!on disconnec!ion are carried o"! d"rin semi a"!oma!ic o)era!ion )rocess 7.9 C"rren! indica!ion= dis)%a' of mo!or c"rren! of #oom con&e'or #e%!0 !rai%er #e%!0 s!ac$ rec%aimer0 crane0 and s%ewin de&ice 7:9 Dii!a% dis)%a'= !ra&e% dis!ance0 s%ewin an%e and %if!in an%e of !he crane 7@9 Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro%= sin%e ac!i&a!ion of #oom con&e'or #e%!0 s!ac$ rec%aimer0 in!ermedia!e sec!ion ho))er dam)er0 rec%aimer "ide !hro"h0 !rai%er #e%! and oi% hea!er1 *1-1*1:1,1;
O)era!ion and se("ence d"rin )re)ara!ion= 4efore !he ac!i&a!ion of !he e("i)men!0 o)era!ors are re("ired !o %if! ") !he anchorin man"a%%' and chec$ !he C4 is com)%e!e%' c%osed on each con!ro% )ane%s in !he e%ec!rica% room1 C%ose !he C4 s of H2 )ower0 con!ro% )ower so"rce0 and d'namic )ower1 Loosen !he rai% c%am)in de&ice and se%ec! a con!ro% mode1 The s)ecific o)era!ion me!hod and se("ence are shown in !he fo%%owin=
*1-1*1:1,1;1- Lif!in of anchorin O)era!ors are re("ired !o man"a%%' %if! ") !he anchorin a! ! wo?side #oies0 in order !o c%ose !he anchorin %imi!s a! !wo sides *1-1*1:1,1;1* C%osin of H2 )ower En!er !he e%ec!rica% room and chec$ !he -+A H2 )ower )ane% &o%!ae dis)%a' a"e has !he com)"!er )ower wi!h :$2 H2 %oad1 If !he com)"!er )ower :$2 is norma%0 c%osin of !he H2 C4 can #e done1 Press !he H2 PO6ER C4 CLOSING on !he -+# H2 e%ec!rica% )ane% !o c%ose !he C41 Af!er !he C4 is c%osed0 !he indica!or of H2 PO6ER C4 CLOSED is on1 A! !his !ime0 C4 of !he H2 )ower is c%osed1 *1-1*1:1,1;1, C%osin of con!ro% )ower so"rce C4 C4 of con!ro% )ower so"rce can #e c%osed af!er C4 of !he H2 )ower is c%osed1 3irs! en!er !he o)era!or ca#1 Use $e's !o c%ose !he EY S6ITCH on !he %ef! o)era!ion )%a!form #efore c%osin !he con!ro% )ower so"rce C41 Press !he CONTROL PO6ER SOURCE C4 CLOSING #"!!on on !he %ef! o)era!ion )%a!form and !he CONTROL C4 CLOSED indica!or wi%% #e on0 indica!in c%osin of con!ro% )ower so"rce is finished1 No!e= !he PLC )roramma#%e con!ro%%er and PT )roramma#%e end are eneri
Press !he PO6ER SUPPLY C4 CLOSING #"!!on on !he %ef! o)era!ion )%a!form0 and !he re%e&an! indica!or wi%% #e on0 indica!in !he C4 c%osin is finished1 *1-1*1:1,1;1. Re%easin of !rai% c%am)in de&ice Press !he TRAIL CLAMPER RELEASING #"!!on on !he %ef! o)era!ion )%a!form and i! can #e dis)%a'ed on !he s!a!e indica!in dis)%a' a! !he )roramma#%e end1 The re%e&an! TRAIL CLAMPER RELEASED indica!or is on0 indica!in i! is re%eased a%read'1 *1-1*1:1,1;1: Se%ec!ion of con!ro% mode Con!ro%%in modes !he s!ac$ rec%aimer can #e di&ided in!o sin%e ac! con!ro%0 in!er%oc$ con!ro%0 and semi?a"!oma!ic con!ro%1 These !hree modes can #e !ransferred free%'1 One mode has !o #e decided #efore o)era!ion of !he e("i)men! No!e= !hese !hree modes canno! #e !ransferred d"rin o)era!ion 4' o)era!in !he !ransferrin swi!ch of CONTROL MODE SELECTION on !he rih! o)era!ion )%a!form0 one mode can #e se%ec!ed1 On !he dis)%a' of STATE INDICATION a! !he )roramma#%e end0 !he re%e&an! SINGLE ACT0 INTERLOC and SEMIAUTOMATIC indica!in %ih!s wi%% #e on0 indica!in !he con!ro% mode is a%read' se%ec!ed Af!er )re)ara!ion wor$ of !he a#o&e men!ioned se("ence0 !he norma% o)era!ion of s!ac$ rec%aimer can #e done *1-1*1:1,1.
Con!ro% of s!ac$ rec%aimer mechanisms
*1-1*1:1,1.1- Sin%e ac!ion con!ro% Transfer !he CONTROL MODE SELECTION on !he rih! o)era!ion )%a!form !o SINGLE ACTI2ATION0 so !ha! !he com)%e!e "ni! is in sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% mode1 Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% mode refers !o indi&id"a% s!ar!") and sh"!down of each mechanism of !he s!ac$ rec%aimer No!e= This mode is on%' "sed d"rin commissionin and main!enance of each mechanism0 which has !o #e a))ro&ed #' !he )rod"c!ion coordina!or1 There m"s! #e o)era!ors d"rin o)era!ion !o moni!or and main!ain a1
Crane !ra&e% sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% s's!em 7-9 The mo&in s)eed of !he crane can #e se%ec!ed ei!her in hih s)eed or in s%ow s)eed #' !he CRANE SPEED CONTROL main order swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane%1 One s)eed has !o #e decided #efore !he crane s!ar!s !o mo&e1 The s%ow s)eed is norma% wor$in s)eed for !he crane1 The hih s)eed is a#norma% mo&in s)eed or !he s)eed d"rin !ria% o)era!ion1 No!e= do no! choose !he hih s)eed d"rin norma% wor$in )rocess1 7*9 The mo&in direc!ion of !he crane can #e achie&ed #' o)era!in !he main order con!ro%%er on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane%1 The re%e&an! CRANE MO2ING Page 50 of 160
3OR6ARD and CRANE MO2ING 4AC6ARDS indica!ors )roramma#%e end STATE INDICATION DISPLAY wi%% #e on1
7,9 The main order con!ro%%er !ha! con!ro%s !he crane mo&in direc!ion ei!her forwards or #ac$wards can on%' #e !ransferred 7!o !he o))osi!e direc!ion9 when !he crane main!ains a o"!ae s!a!e for a whi%e1 7;9 The crane ceases mo&in as i! reaches !he forward or #ac$ward %imi!in )osi!ions1 The indica!ors of CRANE MO2ING 3OR6ARD LIMITING POSITION0 CRANE MO2ING 3OR6ARD LIMIT0 CRANE MO2ING 4AC6ARDS LIMITING POSITION and CRANE MO2ING 4AC6ARD LIMIT wi%% #e on on !he )roramma#%e end LIMITING POSITION INDICATION dis)%a'1 7.9 D"rin crane mo&in )rocess0 !he mo!or c"rren! can #e o#ser&ed a! !he )roramma#%e end1 #1
Ca#%e dr"m sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% 7-9 There is no indi&id"a% swi!ch con!ro%%in !he o)era!ion of !he ca#%e dr"m1 The ca#%e dr"m o)era!es a! !he same !ime when !he crane mo&es1 The re%e&an! CA4LE DRUM OPERATING indica!or is on on !he )roramma#%e end STATE INDICATION dis)%a'1 7*9 D"rin !he ca#%e dr"m o)era!ion0 !he dr"m s!o)s o)era!in as !he !ension %imi!in ac!ion is eceeded1 A! !he same !ime0 !he crane s!o)s o)era!in1 On !he )roramma#%e end 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here is an a%armin !i) indica!in DRUM TENSION E8TENDS1 A! !he same !ime0 !here is a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !his )oin!0 )ersonne% ca"sed fai%"res ha&e !o #e remo&ed and !he )ress !he SIGNAL RESTORE #"!!on on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% can #e ac!i&a!ed once aain1
6a!er s)ra'in sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% The con!ro% of wa!er s)ra'in s's!em is achie&ed #' !he )roramma#%e end1 7-9 6a!er s)ra'in can on%' #e carried o"! when no SHORT O3 6ATER IS 6ATER TAN dis)%a' a))ears on !he )roramma#%e end STATE INDICATION dis)%a'1 7*9 En!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a' and c%ic$ !he ACTI2ATE and DEACTI2ATE #"!!ons of !he s)ra'in )"m)1 O)era!ion and sh"!down of !he s)ra'in )"m) can #e achie&ed1 On !he )roramma#%e end STATE INDICATION dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! 6ATER SPRAYING PUMP ON indica!or is on1 7,9 D"rin wa!er s)ra'in of s!ac$er rec%aimer o)era!ion0 en!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a' and c%ic$ !he SPRAYING DURING STACING #"!!on and !he rec%aimer s!ar!s s)ra'in1 6hen s)ra'in
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is com)%e!ed0 en!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a' and c%ic$ !he RECLAIMER CEASES SPRAYING0 and !he rec%aimer s!o)s wor$in1 7;9 D"rin wa!er s)ra'in of s!ac$er rec%aimer0 en!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a' and c%ic$ !he SPRAYING DURING RECLAIMING #"!!on and !he rec%aimer s!ar!s s)ra'in1 6hen s)ra'in is com)%e!ed0 en!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a' and c%ic$ !he RECLAIMER CEASES SPRAYING0 and !he rec%aimer s!o)s wor$in1 7.9 S!o) wa!er s)ra'in when !he SHORT O3 6ATER IN 6ATER TAN indica!or a! !he )roramma#%e end STATE INDICATION dis)%a' is on in case of damae !o !he wa!er )"m) and mo!or1 A! !his )oin!0 fi%% wa!er in !he wa!er !an$ !i%% !he 6ATER TAN 3ULL indica!or on !he dis)%a' is on1 6a!er s)ra'in can #e done a! !his )oin!1 d1
S%ewin sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% 7-9 Lef! s%ewin and rih! s%ewin can #e achie&ed #' o)era!in !he !ransferrin swi!ch of !he main order con!ro%%er on !he rih! o)era!ion )%a!form1 The re%e&an! LE3T SLE6ING and RIGHT SLE6ING indica!ors are on on !he )roramma#%e end STATE INDICATION dis)%a'1 7*9 6hen !he s!ac$er?rec%aimer s%ews !o !he o"!ermos! %ef! and rih! %imi!0 i! wi%% s!o)1 The re%e&an! LE3T SLE6ING END0 LE3T SLE6ING LIMIT0 RIGHT SLE6ING END0 and RIGHT SLE6ING LIMIT are on !he )roramma#%e END INDICATION dis)%a'1 A! !he same !ime0 !here is a"di#%e and &is"a% a%armin1 A! !his )oin!0 !he s%ewin can on%' fo%%ow !he o))osi!e direc!ion1 7,9 S%ewin s!o)s o)era!in as !he co%%ision )re&en!ion de&ice wor$s1 On !he )roramma#%e end 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here are a%arms of SLE6ING LE3T COLLISION PRE2ENTION and RIGHT COLLISION PRE2ENTION wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%armin1 A! !his !ime0 !he s!ac$er?rec%aimer s%ews !o !he o))osi!e direc!ion1 7;9 6hen !he s!ac$er?rec%aimer s%ews "nder !he s's!em #e%!0 i! s!o)s o)era!in as !he )re&en!ion de&ices wor$s1 On !he )roramma#%e end 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here are LE3T SLE6ING NO?GO and RIGHT SLE6ING NO GO wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !his )oin!0 !he s!ac$er?rec%aimer s%ews !o !he o))osi!e direc!ion1 The %if!in mo&es ")wards1 7.9 6hen !he s%ewin o&er !or("e %imi! )ro!ec!ion de&ice wor$s0 s%ewin s!o)s o)era!in1 On !he )roramma#%e end 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here is SLE6ING O2ER TOR5UE a%armin dis)%a' wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !he same !ime0 remo&e !he fai%"res man"a%%' and )ress !he SIGNAL RESTORE #"!!on on !he rih! o)era!ion )%a!form and !he e("i)men! can #e reac!i&a!ed1 Page 52 of 160
7:9 C"rren! of !he s%ewin mo!or can #e o#ser&ed a! !he )roramma#%e end d"rin !he s%ewin )rocess1 e1
Lif!in sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% 7-9 O)era!ion and sh"!down of !he %if!in oi% )"m) can #e achie&ed #' )ressin !he re%e&an! ACTI2ATE and DEACTI2ATE #"!!ons on !he rih! o)era!ion )%a!form1 7*9 Lowerin and %if!in of !he #oom can #e achie&ed #' !ransferrin !he forward and #ac$ward of !he main order con!ro%%er on !he rih! )%a!form1 On !he )roramma#%e end STATE INDICATION dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! 4OOM LO6ER and 4OOM LI3T indica!ors are on1 7,9 The %if!in s!o)s o)era!in as i! reaches !he %if!in se! )osi!ion0 maim"m %imi!0 %owerin se! )osi!ion and minim"m %imi!1 On !he )roramma#%e end !he SET POSITION INDICATION dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! LI3TING LI3T SET POSITION0 LI3T MA8 LIMIT0 LO6ERING SET POSITION0 and LO6ERING MIN LIMIT indica!ors are on wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !his )oin!0 ! he %if!in can on%' mo&es !o !he o))osi!e direc!ion1 7;9 6hen !he %if!in %owerin mo&es !he no?o
4oom con&e'er #e%! sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% 7-9 Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% of !he #oom con&e'er #e%! can #e achie&ed #' !he )roramma#%e end con!ro%1 7*9 En!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE CONTROL dis)%a'0 and c%ic$ !he #"!!ons con!ro%%in !he #oom con&e'er #e%! %i$e STAC0 RECLAIM and STOP1 Re%e&an! wor$ wi%% #e done as !he #"!!on is c%ic$ed1 On !he dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! 4OOM CON2EYER 4ELT STAC0 and RECLAIM indica!ors wi%% #e on1 7,9 D"rin o)era!ion0 when !he )rimar' off?!rac$in )ro!ec!ion de&ice wor$s0 !he #oom #e%! o)era!es norma%%'1 On !he 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here wi%% #e PRIMARY O33?TRACING a%arm wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 6hen !he secondar' off?!rac$in %imi! )ro!ec!ion wor$s0 !he con&e'er #e%! s!o)s Page 53 of 160
o)era!in1 On !he 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here wi%% #e SECONDARY O33 > TRACING a%arm wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !his )oin!0 !he fai%"res ha&e !o #e remo&ed man"a%%'1 Press !he SIGNAL RESTORE #"!!on on !he rih! )%a!form0 and i! can #e reac!i&a!ed1 7;9 D"rin norma% o)era!ion0 !he #oom con&e'er #e%! s!o)s o)era!in as !he #e%! radia% %acera!ion )ro!ec!ion0 s)eed moni!orin )ro!ec!ion and ho))er coa% acc"m"%a!ion de!ec!in de&ice wor$1 On !he )roramma#%e end 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! RADIAL LACERATION0 4ELT SLIPPAGE0 and COAL HOPPER 4LOCAGE a%arms wi%% a))ear wi!h !he same a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !he same !ime0 !he fai%"res ha&e !o #e remo&ed man"a%%'1 Press !he SIGNAL RESTORE #"!!on on !he rih! )%a!form0 and i! can #e reac!i&a!ed1 7.9 C"rren! of !he #oom con&e'er #e%! can #e o#ser&ed a! !he )roramma#%e end d"rin o)era!ion of !he #e%!1 1
4"c$e! whee% sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% 7-9 Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% of !he #"c$e! whee% can #e achie&ed #' !he )roramma#%e end1 7*9 En!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a'0 and c%ic$ !he #"!!ons con!ro%%in !he #"c$e! whee% %i$e ACTI2ATE and DEACTI2ATE1 On !he dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! 4UCET6HEEL OPERATING indica!or wi%% #e on1 7,9 D"rin !he #"c$e! whee% o)era!ion0 when !he %"#rica!in oi% )"m) f%ow me!er is ac!i&a!ed0 !he #"c$e! whee% s!o)s o)era!in1 On !he )roramma#%e end 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here is a%arm %i$e 4UCET6HEEL LU4RICATING OIL PUMP 3LO6 LO6 a%arm wi%% a))ear wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !he same !ime0 !he fai%"res ha&e !o #e remo&ed man"a%%'1 Press !he SIGNAL RESTORE #"!!on on !he rih! )%a!form0 and i! can #e reac!i&a!ed1 7;9 6hen !he s%ewin o&er !or("e %imi! )ro!ec!ion de&ice wor$s0 !he #"c$e!whee% s!o)s o)era!in1 On !he )roramma#%e end 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here is SLE6ING O2ER TOR5UE a%armin dis)%a' wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !he same !ime0 remo&e !he fai%"res man"a%%' and )ress !he SIGNAL RESTORE #"!!on on !he rih! o)era!ion )%a!form and !he e("i)men! can #e reac!i&a!ed1 7.9 C"rren! of !he #"c$e! whee% can #e o#ser&ed a! !he )roramma#%e end d"rin o)era!ion of !he #"c$e! whee%1
Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% of in!ermedia!e ho))er dam)er 7-9 Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% of !he in!ermedia!e ho))er dam)er can #e achie&ed #' !he )roramma#%e end1
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7*9 En!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a'0 and c%ic$ !he #"!!ons con!ro%%in !he in!ermedia!e ho))er dam)er %i$e STAC0 RECLAIM and STOP1 4' o)era!in %i$e !his0 !he re%e&an! wor$ can #e done1 Af!er !he dam)er mo&es !o i!s )osi!ion0 on !he dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! in!ermedia!e ho))er dam)er STACING POSITION and in!ermedia!e ho))er dam)er RECLAIMING POSITION indica!ors wi%% #e on1 i1
Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% of !he #"c$e! whee% "ide !hro"h 7-9 Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% of !he #"c$e! whee% "ide !hro"h can #e achie&ed #' !he )roramma#%e end1 7*9 En!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a'0 and c%ic$ !he #"!!ons con!ro%%in !he #"c$e! whee% "ide !hro"h %i$e STAC0 RECLAIM and STOP1 4' o)era!in %i$e !his0 !he re%e&an! wor$ can #e done1 Af!er !he "ide !hro"h desina!ed )osi!ion is reached0 on !he dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! #"c$e! whee% "ide !hro"h STACING POSITION and #"c$e! whee% "ide !hro"h RECLAIMING POSITION indica!ors wi%% #e on1
Trai%er con&e'er #e%! sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% 7-9 Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% of !he !rai%er con&e'er #e%! is achie&ed #' !he )roramma#%e end1 7*9 En!er !he )roramma#%e end SINGLE ACTI2ATION CONTROL dis)%a'0 and c%ic$ !he #"!!ons con!ro%%in !he !rai%er con&e'er #e%! %i$e ACTI2ATE and DEACTI2ATE1 4' o)era!in %i$e !his0 !he re%e&an! wor$ can #e done1 On !he )roramma#%e end STATE INDICATION dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! TRAILER CON2EYER 4ELT RUNNING indica!or wi%% #e on1 7,9 D"rin !rai%er con&e'er #e%! o)era!ion0 when !he )rimar' off?!rac$in )ro!ec!ion de&ice wor$s0 !he !rai%er con&e'er #e%! o)era!es norma%%'1 On !he 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here wi%% #e PRIMARY O33?TRACING a%arm wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 6hen !he secondar' off?!rac$in %imi! )ro!ec!ion wor$s0 !he !rai%er con&e'er #e%! s!o)s o)era!in1 On !he 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !here wi%% #e SECONDARY O33 >TRACING a%arm wi!h !he a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !his )oin!0 !he fai%"res ha&e !o #e remo&ed man"a%%'1 Press !he SIGNAL RESTORE #"!!on on !he rih! )%a!form0 and i! can #e reac!i&a!ed1 7;9 D"rin norma% o)era!ion of !he !rai%er con&e'er #e%!0 i! s!o)s o)era!in as !he #e%! radia% %acera!ion )ro!ec!ion and s)eed moni!orin )ro!ec!ion wor$1 On !he )roramma#%e end 3AILURE LIST dis)%a'0 !he re%e&an! RADIAL LACERATION and 4ELT SLIPPAGE a%arms wi%% a))ear wi!h !he same a"di#%e and &is"a% a%arm1 A! !his !ime0 !he fai%"res ha&e !o #e remo&ed man"a%%'1 Press !he SIGNAL RESTORE #"!!on on !he rih! )%a!form0 and i! can #e reac!i&a!ed1 7.9 C"rren! of !he !rai%er con&e'er #e%! can #e o#ser&ed a! !he )roramma#%e end d"rin o)era!ion of !he #e%!1
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A"i%iar' !rai%er swi!cho&er sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% 7-9 Sin%e ac!i&a!ion con!ro% of !he a"i%iar' !rai%er swi!cho&er can #e achie&ed #' !he !ransferrin swi!ch on !he o)era!or ca# rih! o)era!in )%a!form and %oca% o)era!ion1 7*9 In !he o)era!or ca#0 swi!ch !he AU8ILIARY TRAILER S6ITCHO2ER CONTROL !o AU8ILIARY TRAILER STAC1 The !rai%er is swi!ched !o s!ac$1 The s)ecific !ransferrin se("ence is in !he f o%%owin= ??? eneri
end0 !he re%e&an! AU8ILIARY TRAILER RECLAIMING POSITION indica!or is on1 Ti%% now0 !he rec%aimin swi!cho&er is finished1 No!e= #efore !he a"i%iar' !rai%er is swi!ched o&er0 o!her !ransferrin swi!ches ha&e !o #e in BERO )osi!ion1 Do no! o)era!e o!her mechanisms1 *1-1*1:1,1.1* In!er%oc$ con!ro% T"rn !he CONTROL MODE SELECTION chane?o&er swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o INTERLOC )osi!ion0 and !hen !he in!era!ed e("i)men! wi%% #e in !he in!er%oc$ con!ro% s!a!e1 The in!er%oc$ con!ro% mode is !he in!er%oc$ o)era!ion in sin%e con!ro% mode0 name%'0 !he corres)ondin mechanisms of #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er? rec%aimer are in in!er%oc$ o)era!ion1 The )ro!ec!ion of each mechanism in in!er%oc$ con!ro% mode is !he same as !ha! in sin%e con!ro% mode The o)era!ion of !ra&e%0 dr"m0 wa!er s)ra'in0 %if!in and s%ewin mechanisms of crane and !he a"i%iar' !rai%er in in!er%oc$ con!ro% mode is com)%e!e%' !he same as !ha! in sin%e con!ro% mode a
Rec%aimin in!er%oc$ con!ro% No!ice :!he a"i%iar' !rai%er m"s! #e swi!ched !o rec%aimin )osi!ion #efore )"!!in in!er%oc$ con!ro% in!o o)era!ion1 7-9 T"rn !he RECLAIMING CONTROL chane?o&er swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o RECLAMING )osi!ion0 and !he corres)ondin mechanisms wi%% #e s!ar!ed in !he fo%%owin order= [[!he s's!em #e%! o)era!es and rec%aims coa% [[!he #"c$e!?whee% "ide ch"!e fa%%s down 7in rec%aimin )osi!ion9 [[!he midd%e coa% fa%%in dam)er %if!s ") 7in rec%aimin )osi!ion9 [[af!er de%a' for a cer!ain )eriod of !ime0 !he can!i%e&er #e%! o)era!es in rec%aimin direc!ion [[af!er de%a' for a cer!ain )eriod of !ime0 !he #"c$er?whee% o)era!es1 7*9 Af!er finishin !he o)era!ion men!ioned a#o&e0 !he o)era!in %ih!s of corres)ondin mechanisms !"rn on on !he STATE INDICATION men" of )roramma#%e men"1 A! !he same !ime0 4UCET?6HEEL STACER? RECLAIMER RECLAMING %ih! !"rns on1 7,9 The rec%aimin wor$ of #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer can #e f"%fi%%ed #' con!ro%%in !he corres)ondin o)era!ion of o!her mechanisms fo%%owin !he o)era!ion of sin%e con!ro% mode1
S!ac$in in!er%oc$ con!ro% No!ice= !he a"i%iar' !rai%er m"s! #e swi!ched !o !he s!ac$in )osi!ion #efore )"!!in !he s!ac$in in!er%oc$ con!ro% in!o o)era!ion1 Page 57 of 160
7-9 T"rn !he STACING CONTROL chane?o&er swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o STACING )osi!ion0 and !he corres)ondin mechanisms wi%% #e s!ar!ed in !he fo%%owin order= [[!he #"c$e!?whee% "ide ch"!e %if!s ") 7in s!ac$in )osi!ion9; [[!he midd%e coa% fa%%in dam)er %if!s ") 7in s!ac$in )osi!ion9 ; [[af!er de%a' for a cer!ain )eriod of !ime0 !he can!i%e&er #e%! o)era!es in s!ac$in direc!ion [[af!er de%a' for a cer!ain )eriod of !ime0 !he !rai%er #e%! o)era!es [[af!er de%a' for a cer!ain )eriod of !ime0 !he s's!em #e%! o)era!es in s!ac$in direc!ion1 7*9 Af!er finishin !he o)era!ion men!ioned a#o&e0 !he o)era!in %ih!s of corres)ondin mechanisms wi%% !"rn on on !he STATE INDICATION men" of !he )roramma#%e men"1 A! !he same !ime0 4UCET?6HEEL STACER? RECLAIMER STACING %ih! !"rns on1 7,9 The s!ac$in wor$ of #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer can #e f"%fi%%ed #' con!ro%%in !he corres)ondin o)era!ion of o!her mechanisms fo%%owin !he o)era!ion of sin%e con!ro% mode *1-1*1:1,1.1, Semi?a"!oma!ic con!ro% The semi?a"!oma!ic con!ro% o)era!ion is di&ided in!o !wo )ar!s= semi?a"!oma!ic s!ac$in and semi?a"!oma!ic rec%aimin0 which a%%ows !he man"a% in!erference in semi?a"!oma!ic o)era!ion condi!ions a1
Semi?a"!oma!ic rec%aimin con!ro%
No!ice= !he a"i%iar' !rai%er m"s! #e swi!ched !o rec%aimin )osi!ion #efore )"! !he semi?a"!oma!ic con!ro% in!o o)era!ion1 7-9 4efore )"!!in !he semi?a"!oma!ic rec%aimin in!o o)era!ion0 !he wor$in s"rface can #e c%eared in in!er%oc$ mode and !hen swi!ched o&er !o semi? a"!oma!ic mode if !he sha)e of coa% )i%e in coa% 'ard is irre"%ar1 7*9 In in!er%oc$ con!ro% mode0 mo&e !he crane !o !he )rese! coa% rec%aimin )osi!ion and !"rn !he CONTROL MODE SELECTION chane?o&er swi!ch !o SEMI?AUTOMATIC )osi!ion1 7,9 Then !"rn !he STACING?RECLAIMING CONTROL chane?o&er swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o RECLAIMING )osi!ion0 and !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer wi%% s!ar! ") !he "ide ch"!e0 midd%e ho))er dam)er0 can!i%e&er #e%! and #"c$e! whee% in !he )roram se("ence1 7;9 6hen !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer is s!ar!ed ")0 !he can!i%e&er is in !he )osi!ion !ha! is !he firs! re&ersa% )oin!1 The oriina% s%ewin direc!ion of !he
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can!i%e&er is con!ro%%ed #' TURN LE3T and TURN RIGHT of mas!er con!ro%%er on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane%1 7.9 The an%e of !he second re&ersa% )oin! is confirmed #' STOP of !he mas!er con!ro%%er on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane%1 7:9 Af!er confirmin0 !he crane s!ar!s !o mo&e forward for a dis!ance0 and !hen !he can!i%e&er s!ar!s !o ro!a!e in a re&erse direc!ion 7!he second re&ersa% )oin!91 6hen i! s%ews !o !he firs! re&ersa% )oin! and s!o)s0 !he crane mo&es forward for a dis!ance aain and e!s !o !he second re&ersa% )oin! in !he re&erse direc!ion0 and !hen con!in"es !o mo&e forward and !"rns in a re&erse direc!ion and re)ea!s !o wor$ in !his wa' !i%% i! s!o)s1 7@9 En!er !he PARAMETER SETTING men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina%0 and !he semi?a"!oma!ic rec%aimin )rocess f%ow can #e !em)orari%' s!o))ed #' c%ic$in MANUAL INTER3ERENCE #"!!on1 A! !his !ime0 !he fo%%owin )arame!er se!!in can #e done= [[Ad/"s! !he an%es of !he firs! re&ersa% )oin! and !he second re&ersa% )oin! #' %ef! or rih! swi!cho&er of !he mas!er con!ro%%er on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% [[Ad/"s! !he rec%aimin )osi!ion #' forward or #ac$ward swi!cho&er of !he mas!er con!ro%%er on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane% [[Ad/"s! !he can!i%e&er heih! #' forward or #ac$ward swi!cho&er on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane%1 Af!er confirmin0 en!er !he PARAMETER SETTING men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina% !o rea%i
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Semi?a"!oma!ic s!ac$in con!ro%
No!ice= !he a"i%iar' !rai%er m"s! #e swi!ched !o s!ac$in )osi!ion #efore )"!!in !he semi?a"!oma!ic con!ro% of s!ac$in in!o o)era!ion1 7-9 In !he in!er%oc$ con!ro% mode mo&e !he crane !o !he )rese! s!ac$in )osi!ion1 7*9 T"rn !he CONTROL MODE SELECTION chane?o&er swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o SEMI?AUTOMATIC )osi!ion1 7,9 En!er !he PARAMETER SETTING men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina% !o se! !he %if!in !imes and s%ewin !imes of !he can!i%e&er1 7;9 T"rn STACING?RECLAIMING CONTROL chane?o&er swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o RECLAIMING )osi!ion0 !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er? rec%aimer wi%% s!ar! ") !he "ide ch"!e0 midd%e ho))er dam)er0 can!i%e&er #e%! and !rai%er #e%! in !he )roram se("ence1 7.9 Confirm !he oriina% s%ewin direc!ion of !he can!i%e&er #' TURN LE3T and TURN RIGHT of !he mas!er con!ro%%er on !he o)era!ion )ane%1 Then !"rn #ac$ !o STOP )osi!ion af!er s!o))in for a momen! and !he semi?a"!oma!ic rec%aimin wi%% #e s!ar!ed1 7:9 6hen !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s0 !he can!i%e&er wi%% %if! ") for a cer!ain an%e1 E&er' !ime when !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s once0 !he can!i%e&er %if!s ") once1 The can!i%e&er wi%% no! s!o) %if!in ") "n!i% i! e!s !o ! he )rese! %if!in !imes1 7@9 6hen !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s ne! !ime0 !he can!i%e&er wi%% s%ew a cer!ain an%e in !he oriina% direc!ion1 E&er' !ime when !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s once0 !he can!i%e&er s%ews once1 The can!i%e&er wi%% no! s!o) s%ewin "n!i% i! e!s !o !he )rese! s%ewin !imes1 79 6hen !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s ne! !ime0 !he crane wi%% mo&e #ac$ward for a dis!ance1 7K9 6hen !he %e&e% me!er wor$s ne! !ime0 !he can!i%e&er wi%% s%ew for a cer!ain an%e in !he direc!ion o))osi!e !o !he oriina% direc!ion1 E&er' !ime when !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s once0 !he can!i%e&er s%ews once1 The can!i%e&er wi%% no! s!o) s%ewin "n!i% i! e!s !o !he )rese! s%ewin !imes1 7-9 6hen !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s ne! !ime0 !he crane wi%% mo&e #ac$ward for a dis!ance1 7--9 6hen !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s ne! !ime0 !he can!i%e&er wi%% s%ew for a cer!ain an%e in !he oriina% direc!ion1 E&er' !ime when !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s once0 !he can!i%e&er s%ews once1 The can!i%e&er wi%% no! s!o) s%ewin "n!i% i! e!s !o !he )rese! s%ewin !imes1 7-*9 6hen !he ma!eria% %e&e% wor$s ne! !ime0 !he crane wi%% mo&e #ac$ward and !hen !"rns in re&erse direc!ion1 Af!er !ha!0 !he crane wi%% mo&e
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#ac$ward and !"rns in a na!"ra% direc!ion0 and !hen mo&es #ac$ward and re)ea!s !he o)era!ion in !his wa' !i%% !he e("i)men! s!o)s1 7-,9 En!er !he PARAMETER SETTING men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina% and !he semi?a"!oma!ic s!ac$in?rec%aimin f%ow can #e )a"sed #' c%ic$in MANUAL INTER3ERENCE #"!!on1 A! !his !ime0 !he fo%%owin )arame!er se!!in can #e done= [[En!er !he PARAMETER SETTING men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina% !o ad/"s! !he %if! !imes and s%ewin !imes of !he can!i%e&er [[Ad/"s! !he s%ewin an%e of !he can!i%e&er #' %ef! or rih! swi!cho&er of !he mas!er con!ro%%er on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% [[Ad/"s! !he s!ac$in )osi!ion #' forward or #ac$ward swi!cho&er of !he mas!er con!ro%%er on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane% [[Ad/"s! !he can!i%e&er heih! #' forward and #ac$ward swi!cho&er of !he mas!er con!ro%%er on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane%1 Af!er confirmin0 en!er !he PARAMETER SETTING men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina% !o rea%i
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*1-1*1:1,1.1; In!er%oc$ con!ro% In!er%oc$ con!ro% refers !o !he in!er%oc$ #e!ween !he s's!em #e%! and #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer when i! is in o)era!ion1 6hen !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer is in norma% o)era!ion0 !"rn !he INTERLOCING 6ITH THE SYSTEM chane?o&er swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o INTERLOC )osi!ion1 6hen !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer is in commissionin or main!enance s!a!e0 !"rn !he INTERLOCING 6ITH THE SYSTEM chane?o&er swi!ch on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o RELEASE )osi!ion a1
Rec%aimin in!er%oc$ En!er !he STATE INDICATION men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina% when !he SYSTEM ALLO6ING RECLAIMING %ih! !"rns on0 !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er? rec%aimer can come in!o norma% rec%aimin wor$ s!a!e and send o"! 4UCET? 6HEEL STACER?RECLAIMER RECLAIMING sina% !o !he s's!em )roram con!ro% room1 6hen !he s's!em #e%! s!o)s o)era!ion d"e !o fa"%!0 !he rec%aimin wor$ wi%% a"!oma!ica%%' s!o) A! !his !ime0 a%% !he chane?o&er swi!ches on !he o)era!ion )ane% m"s! #e swi!ched !o !he s!o) )osi!ion !o )re&en! corres)ondin mechanisms a"!oma!ica%%' res!ar!in ") when !he s's!em reco&ers !o norma% s!a!e
S!ac$in in!er%oc$ En!er !he STATE INDICATION men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina% when !he SYSTEM ALLO6ING STACING %ih! !"rns on0 !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er? rec%aimer can come in!o norma% s!ac$in wor$ s!a!e and send o"! 4UCET? 6HEEL STACER?RECLAIMER STACING sina% !o !he s's!em )roram con!ro% room1 6hen !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer s!o)s o)era!ion d"e !o fa"%!0 !he s!ac$in wor$ of !he s's!em #e%! wi%% a"!oma!ica%%' s!o)
*1-1*1:1,1.1. Common con!ro% Common con!ro% o)era!ion refers !o !he con!ro% !ha! can #e "sed !o o)era!e !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer in sin%e0 in!er%oc$ and semi?a"!oma!ic con!ro% modes a1
Emerenc' sh"!down In an emerenc' condi!ion0 )ress EMERGENCY SHUTDO6N #"!!on on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% !o immedia!e%' c"! off !he d'namica% )ower and con!ro% )ower of !he who%e e("i)men! !o s!o) !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer In an emerenc' condi!ion0 !he emerenc' sh"!down )"%%in wire in !he midd%e of !he can!i%e&er and !he !rai%er !o s!o) !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er? rec%aimer
3a"%! rese!
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3a"%! rese! is "sed !o re%ease !he se%f?%oc$in of !he fa"%! sina% sen! o"! d"rin !he o)era!ion of #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer1 Press 3AULT RESET #"!!on on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% can re%ease !he fa"%! sina% If !he fa"%! sina% s!i%% a%arms af!er )ressin !he fa"%! rese! #"!!on0 !he main!enance s!aff needs !o chec$ i!1 Rese! !he sina% aain af!er !he fa"%! is re%eased c1
S!ar!") a%arm S!ar!") a%arm is "sed for !he so"nd and %ih! a%arm #efore s!ar!in ") each mechanism of #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer1 Press STARTUP ALARM #"!!on on !he rih! o)era!ion )ane% can f"%fi%% !he a%arm o)era!ion The so"nd and %ih! a%arm s!ar!s a"!oma!ica%%' when !he crane is mo&in
6ind s)eed moni!orin The wind s)eed can #e moni!ored on ! he wind s)eed indica!in ins!r"men! in !he ca#1 The wind s)eed a%arm sina% a"!oma!ica%%' a%arms !o warn !he o)era!or !o s!o) wor$in0 and !he rai% c%am) wi%% a"!oma!ica%%' c%am) !ih!%'
Lih!in con!ro% Pressin LIGHTING PO6ER ON #"!!on on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane% can !"rn on !he )ro/ec!in %ih! of !he who%e e("i)men!1 Pressin LIGHTING PO6ER O33 #"!!on on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane% can !"rn off !he %ih!in )ro/ec!in %ih! of !he who%e e("i)men!1 Pressin LIGHTING PO6ER ON #"!!on on !he %oca% %ih!in con!ro% #"!!on #o can !"rn on !he %ih!in )ro/ec!in %ih! of !he who%e e("i)men!1 Pressin LIGHTING PO6ER O33 #"!!on on !he %oca% %ih!in con!ro% #"!!on #o can !"rn off !he %ih!in )ro/ec!in %ih! of !he who%e e("i)men!
O)era!ion af!er finishin wor$
*1-1*1:1,1:1- C%am)in of rai% c%am) Af!er )ressin RAIL CLAMP CLAMPING #"!!on on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane%0 !he corres)ondin RAIL CLAMP CLAMPING %ih! !"rns on on !he STATE INDICATION men" of !he )roramma#%e !ermina%0 indica!in !he rai% c%am) has c%am)ed !ih!%'1 Th"s0 !he o)era!ion can )roceed *1-1*1:1,1:1* Power?off of d'namica% )ower Af!er )ressin DYNAMICAL PO6ER O33 #"!!on on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane%0 !he DYNAMICAL PO6ER O33 INDICATION %ih! !"rns on and !he DYNAMICAL PO6ER ON INDICATION %ih! !"rns off1 A! !his !ime0 !he d'namica% )ower?off o)era!ion is finished
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*1-1*1:1,1:1, Power?off of con!ro% )ower Af!er )ressin CONTROL PO6ER O33 #"!!on on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane%0 !he CONTROL PO6ER O33 INDICATION %ih! !"rns on and !he CONTROL PO6ER ON INDICATION %ih! !"rns off1 A! !his !ime0 !he d'namica% )ower?off o)era!ion is finished Af!er con!ro% )ower is off0 !a$e off !he $e' on EY S6ITCH on !he %ef! o)era!ion )ane%1 Then !he o)era!or can %ea&e !he ca# *1-1*1:1,1:1; Anchor fa%%in The o)era!or sho"%d )"! !he anchor near !he !ro%%e' a! !he !wo sides of !he e("i)men! !o o)en !he anchor %imi! de&ices a! !he !wo sides #efore %ea&in A! !his !ime0 !he norma% o)era!ion of #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer is finished0 and !hen !he o)era!or can %ea&e *1-1*1:1,1@
O)era!ion safe!' )reca"!ions
*1-1*1:1,1@1- O)era!ion safe!' )reca"!ions 7-9 The o)era!or in !he ca# m"s! fo%%ow !he commanders order and )a' a!!en!ion !o !he s"rro"ndin condi!ions and !he condi!ion of coa% inside !he 'ard1 A! !he same !ime0 when !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer is o)era!in0 !he o)era!or is no! a%%owed !o %ea&e !he o)era!ion )osi!ion1 7*9 The rai% c%am) m"s! #e %oosened #efore !he o)era!in mechanism of !he crane mo&es1 If !he anchor is %oc$ed #efore !ha!0 i! sho"%d #e "n%oc$ed0 !oo1 A! !he same !ime0 !he condi!ion of !he rai% a%so needs !o #e )aid a!!en!ion !o #efore !he o)era!ion of crane1 The o)era!in mechanism of !he crane is o)era!in in ad/"s!in mode0 so !he s%ewin and %if!in mechanisms and so on are no! a%%owed !o o)era!e in o)era!ion1 4esides0 when !he crane is o)era!in0 !he o)era!or sho"%d )a' a!!en!ion !o !he )osi!ion of !ransfer s!a!ion !o )re&en! co%%ision of !he #"c$e!? whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer0 e!c1 7,9 The safe!' de&ice of each )ar! sho"%d #e fre("en!%' chec$ed1 The e("i)men! on%' can #e s!ar!ed when ma$in s"re !he safe!' de&ice is in ood condi!ions1 7;9 In o)era!ion0 o)era!ion wi!h a r"sh sho"%d #e a&oided !o )re&en! im)ac! and &i#ra!ion !o !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer and coa%0 ca"sin hidden !ro"#%e1 Therefore0 !he o)era!ion m"s! #e s!ead'1 7.9 D"rin rec%aimin0 i! is no! a%%owed !o di dee)%' !o )re&en! acciden! ha))enin d"e !o coa% s!ac$ co%%a)se1 7:9 In s%ewin0 %if!in and crane o)era!ion0 !he o)era!ion can no! on%' #e s!o))ed de)ends on !he %imi! swi!ch #eca"se !he %imi! swi!ch is on%' "sed as a $ind of )ro!ec!ion meas"re1 Once !he %imi! swi!ch is o"! of "se0 se&ere acciden!s mih! ha))en1 Therefore0 !he ha#i! !ha! "ses o)era!in swi!ch !o con!ro% !he o)era!ion m"s! #e de&e%o)ed1
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7@9 The door of !he ca# sho"%d #e we%% c%osed d"rin o)era!ion in !he ca#1 79 O&er%oad m"s! #e )re&en!ed d"rin rec%aimin1 3or !he o&er%oad of a few !imes0 !he o&er%oad ca)aci!' m"s! no! eceed *F of !he %oad *1-1*1:1,1@1* Preca"!ion i!ems re("ired !o #e chec$ed d"rin !he o)era!ion of #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer 6hen !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer is o)era!in0 !he )erson in chare of wor$ sho"%d of!en ins)ec! !he fo%%owin i!ems !o ma$e s"re !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er? rec%aimer is in ood and safe wor$in s!a!e 7-9 whe!her !he mo!or0 #earins0 s)eed red"cer0 co")%in or #ra$e has a#norma% so"nd0 &i#ra!ion and hea!in whe!her !he s)eed red"cer #od'0 dr"m0 shaf! or whee% is crac$ed or #ro$en0 and es)ecia%%'0 whe!her o#&io"s a#normi!' can #e fo"nd !hro"h !he a#rasion condi!ion of !he whee%1 7*9 6he!her !he #o%!s0 n"!s and shaf! end re!ainin )%a!e are %oose or dro)1 7,9 6he!her each #ra$e wor$s norma%%'0 and ins)ec! !he a#rasion condi!ion of !he #ra$e shoe1 7;9 6he!her !he %"#rica!ion oi% inside !he s)eed red"cer is )ro)er whe!her !heres oi% %ea$ae whe!her %"#rica!ion oi% is f"%%' dis!ri#"!ed in o!her %"#rica!ion )ar!s1 7.9 6he!her each %imi! swi!ch is o"! of "se1 7:9 Ins)ec! !he con&e'in condi!ion of !he can!i%e&er #e%! con&e'or1 7@9 Pa' f"%% a!!en!ion !o !he s!ac$in condi!ion of s)i%%ed coa% #eca"se !he norma% wor$ of !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer and !he correc! !ransmission of %imi! swi!ch sina% wi%% #e inf%"enced if !oo m"ch s)i%%ed coa% is s!ac$ed1 In !his wa'0 !he s!ac$ed coa% in !he fo%%owin )osi!ions m"s! #e c%eared in !ime1 [[The !wo sides of !ra&e%in rai% for crane [[S%ewin cen!er [[The !ra&e%in )%a!form a! !he !wo sides for can!i%e&er #e%! con&e'or If a#normi!' is fo"nd when ins)ec!in each )ar! men!ioned a#o&e0 !he e("i)men! m"s! #e sh"! down immedia!e%' for !rea!men! and !hen can con!in"e !o o)era!e af!er !rea!men!1 *1-1*1:1,1@1,
Preca"!ions !o winds!orm 6hen wind s)eed is \*ms0 !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer is no! a%%owed !o #e o)era!ed1 Therefore0 )re)ara!ion m"s! #e done in ad&ance when winds!orm a%arm is sen! o"!= !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer m"s! #e mo&ed !o !he anchor )ar$in )osi!ion and !he rai% c%am) of !he crane m"s! c%am) !ih!%'1 A! !he same !ime0 !he anchor m"s! #e in %oc$in )osi!ion1 The can!i%e&er m"s! #e )"! on !he wind#rea$ s!a$e and %oc$ed1 Ins)ec! and %oc$ !he doors and windows of Page 67 of 160
e%ec!ric room and !he ca#0 and c"! off !he )ower s"))%' *1-1*1:1,1
Main!enance of e%ec!ric e("i)men! 3re("en! main!enance of e%ec!ric e("i)men! is a necessar' condi!ion for ens"rin norma%0 safe and re%ia#%e wor$ of #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer Each $ind of main!enance )eriod sho"%d #e decided #' !he wor$in condi!ion of !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer and en&ironmen!a% condi!ion1 The main!enance s's!em %is!ed #e%ow refers !o enera% condi!ions
*1-1*1:1,11- Dai%' main!enance Dai%' main!enance is carried o"! #' !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer when !a$in o&er shif! e&er' da'1 The main!enance rane is as fo%%ow= 7-9 C%ean d"s!0 dir! and oi% a!!achin !o !he e!erna% )ar! of !he e%ec!ric e("i)men! 7*9 De!ec! !he hea!in condi!ion of mo!or0 e%ec!romane!0 con!ro%%er con!ac! and resis!or #' hand 7,9 Ins)ec! whe!her !he #earin %ea$s oi% and whe!her !he e%ec!ric wire /oin! of !he main e("i)men! is c%am)ed !ih!%' or no!1 7;9 Ma$e a ood record of a%% s)ecia% o#ser&ed condi!ions1 7.9 D"s! and scra) iron sho"%d #e )re&en!ed en!erin !he in!erna% )ar! of !he e("i)men! when o)enin !he co&er of o#ser&a!ion ho%e or she%% *1-1*1:1,11* Ten?da' main!enance Ten?da' main!enance is carried o"! #' e%ec!ric main!enance s!aff0 #"! !he #"c$e!? whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer o)era!or a%so needs !o /oin in i!1 The main!enance rane is as fo%%ows= 7-9 C%ean d"s! and oi% dir! a!!achin !o !he in!erna% )ar! of !he e%ec!ric e("i)men! 7*9 O#ser&e !he a#rasion condi!ions of mo!or #r"sh ho%der0 car#on #r"sh and s%i) rin1 7,9 Moni!or whe!her !he so"nd of mo!or0 e%ec!romane!0 re%a' and con!ac!or is norma% d"rin o)era!ion1 7;9 Main!ain and re)air !he con!ac! of !he con!ro%%er0 con!ac!or and swi!ches and coa! !hem wi!h a !hin %a'er of &ase%ine *1-1*1:1,11, Ann"a% main!enance Ann"a% main!enance is carried o"! #' e%ec!ric main!enance s!aff The main!enance rane is as fo%%ow
Page 68 of 160
7-9 Ta$e a)ar! !he e%ec!ric e("i)men! !o c%ean and main!ain !he e("i)men! s"))or!1 7*9 C%ean !he ro%%in #earin of !he mo!or and chane new %"#rica!in rease for i! 7,9 Meas"re !he c%earance #e!ween !he s!a!or and ro!or if i! is "ne&en0 !he ro%%in #earin needs !o #e chaned1 7;9 Meas"re !he ins"%a!ion resis!ance and !a$e dr'in !rea!men! meas"re if necessar'1 7.9 2ario"s fa"%!s fo"nd d"rin ann"a% main!enance ha&e #een !rea!ed1 7:9 The )ar!s !ha! can! #e re)aired d"rin ann"a% main!enance sho"%d #e re)%aced1 7@9 The ann"a% main!enance rane sho"%d #e decided #' !he ac!"a% a#rasion and !he "sin deree *1-1*1:1,11; 3ire !rea!men! Dr' !')e fire e!in"isher m"s! and on%' can #e )ro&ided for !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er? rec%aimer1 The mos! common !')e is car#on !e!rach%oride fire e!in"isher1 I! is no! a%%owed !o "se foam e!in"isher1 The dr' sand on%' can #e "sed !o e!in"ish fire on %ead #"! can! #e "sed !o e!in"ish fire on mo!or 6hen !heres fire0 !he )ower s"))%' sho"%d #e c"! off firs!1 A! !his !ime0 emerenc' swi!ch or emerenc' #"!!on can #e "sed !o o)en !he main con!ac!or or main circ"i! #rea$er in !he )ower dis!ri#"!ion ca#ine!1 6hen !he %ead in fron! of !he )ower s"))%' ca#ine! ca!ches fire0 !he incomin %ine circ"i! #rea$er or f"se of !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer sho"%d #e o)ened0 or !he circ"i! #rea$er of !he feeder %ine of !he ro"nd s's!em1 The #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer !ha! ca!ches fire sho"%d #e c%eaned and dried0 and !he e%ec!ric e("i)men! and e%ec!ric %ine sho"%d #e chec$ed1 I! on%' can #e re"sed af!er i! is re)aired and mee!s !he re("iremen!s *1-1*1@
Safe!' o)era!ion re"%a!ions of !he e("i)men!
Safe!' o)era!ion re"%a!ions
O)era!ors sha%% #e )rofessiona% s!aff0 #e !rained0 and sha%% )ass eamina!ion1
I! is )rohi#i!ed !ha! s!ac$inrec%aimin ca)aci!' wi%% eceed s)ecifica!ions descri#ed in !he Ins!r"c!ions0 i! is )rohi#i!ed !ha! %"ff an%e sco)e0 s%ewin an%e sco)e and o!her %imi! sco)e sha%% eceed !he s)ecified sco)e1 Under norma% wor$in condi!ion0 s!ac$errec%aimer sha%% wor$ in en&ironmen!a% !em)era!"re .℃ ~ .℃ 0s!ac$errec%aimer sha%% wor$ norma%%' "nder @ rade wind &e%oci!' 1Of!en chec$ whe!her )osi!ion of %imi! swi!ch is correc!0 chec$ whe!her #ra$e c!ion of #ra$e is re%ia#%e0 i! is )rohi#i!ed !o chane %imi! swi!ch a! random0 i! is )rohi#i!ed !o ad/"s! !he #ra$e1
4"c$e! whee% s!ac$errec%aimer sha%% wor$ on%' when wind s)eed is %ess !han *.ms0 Page 69 of 160
since #ra$e of rai% c%am)s and !ra&e% mechanism ma$es ac!ion on%' when wind s)eed is %ess !han *.ms1 Once #"c$e! whee% s!ac$errec%aimer is #%own awa' #' wind0 i! is diffic"%! !o ma$e f"r!her #ra$in ac!ion1 Therefore0 rai% c%am)s sha%% #e main!ained we%% a! a%% !ime0 and )eriodica%%' chec$ re%ia#i%i!' of wind force warnin s's!em1 3o%%owin re("iremen!s sha%% #e o#ser&ed d"rin o)era!ion of !he e("i)men!= a1
6hen wind s)eed eceeds *.ms7Grade @ wind90 warnin s's!em sends off warnin sina%0 o)era!ion sha%% #e s!o))ed immedia!e%'1
# 6hen wind s)eed is )redic!ed !o eceed *.ms0 con!ro% room sha%% ha&e s"fficien! !ime !o mo&e #"c$e! whee% s!ac$errec%aimer !o #e anchored and c%am)ed0 meanwhi%e0 #"c$e! whee% sho"%d #e ("ic$%' %anded1 c
6hen wind s)eed reaches *.ms0 an' wor$ sha%% #e ha%!ed0 !he e("i)men! sha%% #e anchored a! anchor )osi!ion0 rai% c%am)s sha%% #e c%am)ed0 #"c$e! whee% sho"%d #e %anded1
D"rin !he )rocess of o)era!ion0 when e%ec!rici!' s"dden%' is c"! off or &o%!ae in )ower %ine f%"c!"a!es rea!%'0 dri&er sha%% c"! off mas!er swi!ch as soon as )ossi#%e0 each con!ro% swi!ch sha%% #e rese!1
D"rin !he )rocess of o)era!ion0 fi%%in oi%0 c%eanin and ser&ice are for#idden Power s"))%' sha%% #e c"! off when !he e("i)men! s!o)s for main!enance1
Too%s and s)ares sha%% #e s!ored in s)ecia%?)"r)ose #o or ca#ine!0 !he' sha%% no! #e )%aced an'where a! random1 3%amma#%e0 e)%osi&e ma!eria%s sha%% no! #e a%%owed !o s!ore on !he e("i)men!0 in o)era!ors ca#in and e%ec!rica% room0 dr' fire e!in"ishers sha%% #e e("i))ed1
Of!en c%ean oi% dir!0 rainwa!er0 ice and sca!!ered coa% #%oc$ and coa% )owder on %adder and )%a!form1
As !o e%ec!rica% )ar!0 s)ecia%i
Mo!or and o!her e%ec!rica% e("i)men!s sha%% #e we%% ro"nded1
*1-1*1@1-1- End?"ser sha%% de&e%o) safe!' o)era!ion and main!enance r"%es1 *1-1*1@1-1-- R"%es sha%% #e o#ser&ed in norma% o)era!ion0 in )re)ara!ion wor$ )rior !o o)era!ion and recordin af!er o)era!ion1 *1-1*1@1-1-* Dri&ers res)onsi#i%i!' 3"%%' "nders!and mechanica% s!r"c!"re0 wor$in )rinci)%e0 !echnica% )arame!ers0 assem#%' and o)era!ion and main!enance me!hods1 S!ric!%' o#ser&e safe!' o)era!ion r"%es1 *1-1*1@1-1-, Pre)ara!ion wor$ )rior !o o)era!ion Pa' a!!en!ion !o c%ima!e chane accordin !o wea!her forecas!0 )a' s)ecia% a!!en!ion
Page 70 of 160
!o condi!ion of s!ron wind in order !o safe"ard #"c$e! whee% s!ac$er rec%aimer1 Prior !o norma% s!ar!?")0 #esides r"%es re("ired in )ower enera!ion )%an!0 chec$ !he fo%%owin=
No o#s!ac%e sho"%d #e on rai% and wi!hin o)era!ion sco)e of e("i)men!1
No o#s!ac%e sho"%d #e on ca#%e
Re%ease a%% fiin de&ices
2o%!ae of )ower s"))%' sho"%d #e con!ro%%ed wi!hin .F?-.F ra!ed &o%!ae sco)e1
Ca"!ion d"rin o)era!ion Ins!an!aneo"s forward and re&erse ro!a!ion of dri&in de&ice is s!ric!%' )rohi#i!ed1 A shor! )eriod of )a"se sha%% #e i&en in chane of ro!a!ion direc!ion in order !o s!a#i%i
Lif!in0 !ra&e%in and s%ewin %imi! swi!ches sha%% on%' #e "sed in emerenc' s!o) of fai%"re as !o norma% s!o)0 swi!ches 7#"!!on9 on con!ro% conso%e sha%% #e "sed1 A shor! )eriod of )a"se sha%% #e i&en in chane of ro!a!ion direc!ion in order !o s!a#i%i
*1-1*1@1*1* Dri&er sha%% concen!ra!e his a!!en!ion on o)era!ion and o#ser&a!ion0 es)ecia%%' d"rin !he )rocess of s%ewin and %if!in o)era!ion0 !o a&oid an' co%%ision #e!ween !he e("i)men! and coa% )i%e or an' cons!r"c!ion faci%i!'1 In !he o)era!ion of a"!oma!ic s!ac$inrec%aimin0 dri&er sha%% s!ren!hen moni!orin of wor$in condi!ions1 *1-1*1@1*1, If s"dden fai%"re occ"rs in o)era!ion of e("i)men!0 "se emerenc' s!o) swi!ch !o s!o) !he e("i)men!1 *1-1*1@1*1; Too m"ch coa% acc"m"%a!ed on head of #oom rac$ ma' affec! norma% %"ff ac!ion0 which sha%% #e remo&ed in !ime1 *1-1*1@1*1.
Pa!ro% ins)ec!ion in o)era!ion of e("i)men! 4esides dri&er0 )a!ro% ins)ec!or sha%% #e arraned chec$ !he fo%%owin= a9
6he!her a#norma% noise0 &i#ra!ion0 hea!in?") eis! in mo!or0 #earin0 !ransmission de&ice and h'dra"%ic oi% c'%inder1
4o%!0 n"!0 end co&er0 fiin )%a!e of mechanica% )ar!s sha%% no! #e %oosened or damaed1
c9 No crac$ of we%din /oin! or o#&io"s deforma!ion occ"rs in an' s!r"c!"ra% e%emen!s1 d9
No oi% %ea$ae in red"cer af!er !he red"cer is fi%%ed f"%%' o!her )ar!s sha%% #e !o!a%%' %"#rica!ed
Emerenc' s!o) swi!ch and )"%%in wire swi!ch sha%% #e "sed for s!o))in
Page 71 of 160
machine if fai%"re occ"rs1 *1-1*1@1,
Ca"!ion d"rin h'dra"%ic o)era!ion a1
Oi% fi%!er sha%% #e ins!a%%ed a! oi% s"c$ in%e! and oi% re!"rn in%e! of )"m) !o )re&en! )o%%"!ed )ar!ic%es in oi% from en!erin in!o and damain )ar!s1 6arnin sina% wi%% send off if oi% re!"rn fi%!er is cho$ed0 mo!or of oi% )"m) wi%% s!o) )ower s"))%' "n!i% fi%!er e%emen!s are c%eaned or re)%aced1
3re("en!%' o#ser&e whe!her )ress"re0 s)eed0 !em)era!"re are norma% 7norma% wor$in !em)era!"re sha%% #e -.J ~ @J90 if a#norma% condi!ions occ"r0 ca"ses sha%% #e fo"nd o"!0 fai%"re sha%% #e so%&ed
3re("en!%' o#ser&e whe!her oi% %ea$ae eis!s in connec!in s"rface of )ar!s0 in )i)e%ine and oi% )i)e%ine0 whe!her a#norma% noise eis!s in o)era!ion if one of !he a#o&e condi!ions occ"rs0 find o"! ca"ses in !ime0 )ro)er%' re)air !he fai%"re1
6hen !he e("i)men! s!o)s o)era!ion0 swi!ches sha%% #e in s!o) )osi!ion1
Chec$ af!er s!orm 6hen wind s)eed eceeds *.ms0 af!er wind s!o)s0 chec$ !he fo%%owins= -1
No o#s!ac%e eis!s on !ra&e% rai% of e("i)men!
Anchor de&ice of !ra&e% mechanism and anchor sea! on ro"nd fo"nda!ion sha%% no! #e #ro$en1
No crac$ eis!s in main mechanica% s!r"c!"res 7%i$e )'%on0 co"n!erweih! #oom0 #oom rac$0 )or!a%0 machine #od' frame0 s"))or! %es e!c91
O)era!or ca#in0 e%ec!rica% room0 e%ec!rica% )ar!s and e%emen!s sha%% no! #e mois!ened or damaed1
Power s"))%' ca#%e and ca#%e ree% dr"m sha%% no! #e damaed1
Af!er #"c$e! whee% s!ac$errec%aimer is confirmed !o #e norma%0 refi%% oi% !o a%% %"#rica!in )oin!s0 firs! of a%%0 commissionin !he e("i)men! in %ow s)eed "n%oadin0 on%' af!er %imi! swi!ches can wor$ norma%%'0 !o r"n !he e("i)men! in f"%% s)eed1 *1-1*1@1.
Chec$ af!er ear!h("a$e Af!er ear!h("a$e0 chec$ !he fo%%owins0 on%' af!er a%% damaed )ar!s are re)%aced or re)aired0 norma% o)era!ion ma' #e a%%owed1 -1
No o#s!ac%e on rai%0 rai% acc"rac' sha%% com)%' wi!h !he re("iremen!s s)ecified in A))endi -1
No crac$ a! we%d of s!r"c!"res1
No damae in o)era!or ca#in and e%ec!rica% room1
No %oss or damae in e%ec!rica% )ar!s1
Page 72 of 160
Af!er !he e("i)men! is confirmed !o #e norma%0 refi%% %"#rican!s !o an' %"#rica!in )oin!0 firs! of a%%0 commissionin !he e("i)men! in %ow s)eed "n%oadin0 on%' af!er %imi! swi!ches can wor$ norma%%'0 !o r"n !he e("i)men! in f"%% s)eed1 *1-1*1
Main!enance and ser&ices of !he e("i)men!
Dai%' ins)ec!ion
Oi% %ea$ae in ear#o0 h'dra"%ic s's!em and #ra$e1
6or$in condi!ions of con!ac!ors and re%a's1
Tem)era!"re rise condi!ion of mo!or
Damae and misa%inmen! of !he con&e'in #e%!
So"ndness of sina% and %ih!in1
6ee$%' and mon!h%' ins)ec!ion a1
6ear of #ra$e shoes0 )in and #ra$e disc
Deforma!ion of me!a% s!r"c!"re0 crac$ and we%d hih?!ension #o%! connec!ion
6he!her #o%! is screwed0 whe!her s"))or! #rac$e! and #ase off or %oosen1
6he!her me!a% )owder eis!s in %"#rica!in rease e!r"ded from #earin1
Ins"%a!ion condi!ions of con!ro% ca#ine!0 mo!or0 and o!her e%ec!rica% e%emen!s1
Ac!ion of %imi! swi!ch and safe!' de&ices1
6he!her crac$ eis!s in #ra$e disc0 co")%in0 a%e and )"%%e'1
L"#rica!in condi!ion of %"#rica!in )oin!s
5"ar!er%' and 'ear%' ins)ec!ion a1
Ca%i#ra!e acc"rac' of &ario"s ins!r"men!s
Oi% )o%%"!ion in red"cer #o0 if necessar'0 fi%!erc%ean or re)%ace !he oi%1
6he!her wirin !ermina% of mo!or is %oose0 whe!her o!her e%ec!rica% !ermina%s are damaed1
A!!ri!ion of wearin )%a!e on #"c$e! ch"!e and o!her wearin )ar!s1
6or$in s!a!"s of ca#%e ree%s0 chec$ whe!her damae eis!s in s%i) rin1
Ac!ion re%ia#i%i!' of #ra$e and rai% c%am)s1
6ear of red"cer ear0 ro%% #earin and s%ide #earin0 c%ean red"cer and re)%ace
Corrosion of s!r"c!"res0accordin !o !he ac!"a% condi!ion0re)ain! once for *, 'ears1
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Chec$ whe!her %on !ra&e% rai% acc"rac' is wi!hin con!ro% %imi! accordin !o A))endi I1
at$r i&$r
Genera% descri)!ion of e("i)men! 6a!er wi)er is main%' "sed for !he #e%! in !he o)en air in !he coa% 'ard !o wi)e acc"m"%a!ed rain wa!er on !he #e%! con&e'or in !ime d"rin s!ar!")1 In !his wa'0 rain wa!er acc"m"%a!ed on !he #e%! con&e'or is )re&en!ed from #ein carried !o !he !ransfer s!a!ion d"rin o)era!ion1 I! is main%' consis!ed of frame0 wa!er wi)in )%a!e0 id%er0 connec!in rod0 ch"!e and ac!"a!or of e%ec!ric )"shin rod1 The wor$in )rocess is !ha! !he wa!er wi)er is fied0 !he id%er in !he ch"!e rises !o mo&e !he #e%! ")ward !o a!!ach !o !he wa!er wi)in )%a!e0 so rain wa!er carried #' !he o)era!in #e%! con&e'or can #e wi)ed in !ime1 D"rin ascendin0 !he id%er is %if!ed #' means of one e%ec!ric )"shin rod dri&in one %e&er so as !o wi)e rain wa!er acc"m"%a!ed on !he #e%!
Technica% s)ecifica!ion Parame!er name
Parame!er da!a
Parame!er name
Parame!er da!a
Mo!or )ower
-1. 6
4e%! wid!h
Rise an%e )%o"h head
T')e of )"shin rod
Ac!in !ime
. S
Ins!a%%a!ion )osi!ion
On C?, #e%! con&e'or
Ins!a%%a!ion n"m#er
- se!
of *.
Chec$ and )re)ara!ion #efore s!ar!")
Chec$ !he fo%%owin i!ems= !he e("i)men! ins!a%%a!ion has #een finished !he frame is we%% fied and no! %oose !he id%er frame mo&es ") and down free%'0 and !he id%er ro!a!es f%ei#%'
4efore s"))%'in )ower0 do man"a% !es! firs! and sha$e !he hand whee% !o see r"nnin condi!ion of !he who%e e("i)men! a! !he same !ime0 ad/"s! !he ini!ia% end and s!ro$e of !he e%ec!ric )"shin rod
Add %"#rica!in rease in a%% !ransmission )ar!s
The !ra&e%in direc!ion of !he e%ec!ric )"shin rod is correc!
S!ar!") and commissionin
S"))%' )ower !o !he e%ec!ric )"shin rod chec$ !he con!ac! #e!ween !he wa!er wi)in )%a!e and !he #e%! is ood s!ar! ") !he #e%! of !his sec!ion !o o)era!e
Chec$ !he con!ac! #e!ween !he wa!er wi)in )%a!e and !he #e%! is ood
Chec$ !he e%ec!ric )"shin rod is no! o&erhea!ed in o)era!ion
Page 74 of 160
Loosen !he ad/"s!in screw !o %oosen !he con!ac!in #%oc$1
Ad/"s! !he dis!ance #e!ween !he con!ac!in #%oc$ and !he !ra&e% swi!ch !o mo&e !hem in !he re("ired )osi!ions
Screw down !he ad/"s!in screw !o fi !he con!ac!in #%oc$ and !hen s"))%' )ower !o do !es! !i%% !he e("i)men! e!s !o !he #es! wor$in s!a!e
Sh"!down and )reca"!ion
P"! !he e%ec!ric )"shin rod in re!rac!in )osi!ion and c"! off )ower of !he mo!or
Confirm !he wa!er wi)in )%a!e has %if!ed ") and !he id%er frame has #een #ac$ !o !he hori
3a"%!0 so%"!ion and )re&en!ion 3a"%! descri)!ion
3a"%! ca"se
3a"%! !rea!men!
E%ec!ric )"shin rod o"! of wor$
No )ower in mo!or or fa"%! in in!erna% !ransmission )ar!
Chec$ !he )ower s"))%' or disman!%e !he )"shin rod mechanism !o chec$1
Incom)%e!e wi)in
wa!er 4ad con!ac! #e!ween wa!er Ad/"s! !he wi)in )%a!e and fi wi)in )%a!e and #e%! !he #o%!s ad/"s! !he frame chec$ whe!her !he ro!a!in mechanism of !he id%er frame is /ammed and !rea! i!1
Genera% descri)!ion of e("i)men! In coa% 'ard0 !o coo)era!e wi!h !he #"c$e!?whee% s!ac$er?rec%aimer !o s!ac$ and rec%aim coa%0 !wo #"%%do
Technica% s)ecifica!ion
Chec$ and )re)ara!ion #efore s!ar!")
Com)rehend !he condi!ions of coa% 'ard and coa% sho&in !as$
Chec$0 main!ain0 ad/"s! and fi !he sho&e% fo%%owin !he dai%' ro"!ine main!enance i!ems
Chec$ whe!her f"e%0 %"#rica!ion oi% and coo%in wa!er are s"fficien! and add !hem if !he' are ins"fficien!1 I! is for#idden !o smo$e or e! c%ose !o o)en f%ame when addin f"e% oi%0 so as !o a&oid fire
Chec$ whe!her !he e%ec!ric %ine ins"%a!ion and each swi!ch con!ac! are ood
I! is for#idden !o s!and inside !he #"c$e!0 on !he arm %in$0 craw%er and #"%%do
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s%a# *1-1;1 *1-1;1,1: ,1:
4efor 4efore e o)era! o)era!in in !he !he #"%%d #"%%do
S!ar!") and commissionin
*1-1;1 *1-1;1;1;1-
Chec$ Chec$ whe!h whe!her er a%% a%% )i)es0 )i)es0 o)er o)era!i a!in n &a%&e &a%&es0 s0 wor$i wor$in n oi% oi% c'%ind c'%inder er and and oi% )"m )"m)s )s of !he !he h'dra"%ic s's!em %ea$ and are a#norma%
*1-1 *1-1;1 ;1;1 ;1* *
P"! P"! !he !he /o's!i /o's!ic$ c$ of !he main main c%"!c c%"!ch h in NEUT NEUTRA RAL L POSI POSITIO TION N and s!ar! s!ar! !he eni enine ne11 Chec$ whe!her a%% ins!r"men!s0 !ransmission mechanism0 wor$in de&ice and #ra$e mechanism are norma%1 The wor$ can #e s!ar!ed af!er confirmin a%% is correc!
*1-1;1 *1-1;1;1, ;1,
3or nih nih!! wor$0 wor$0 !he !he wor$i wor$in n )%ac )%ace e sho"%d sho"%d #e )ro& )ro&ide ided d wi!h wi!h ood ood %ih %ih!in !in
*1-1; 1-1;1. 1.
Chec hec$ and and ad/"s!m "s!men en!! d"rin rin o)e o)era!i ra!io on
*1-1;1 *1-1;1.1.1-
I! is is for#i for#idde dden n !o s!an s!and d on !he !he craw craw%er %er or !he !he s")) s"))or! or! of of !he sho&e% sho&e% #%ade #%ade
*1-1;1 *1-1;1.1* .1*
The #"%% #"%%do do
*1-1;1 *1-1;1.1, .1,
6hen 6hen !he #"%%d #"%%do
*1-1 *1-1;1 ;1.1 .1; ;
Hea& Hea&' ' !"rn !"rnin in mo&e mo&eme men! n! is no! a%%ow a%%owed ed when when !he #"%% #"%%do do
*1-1;1 *1-1;1.1. .1.
On !he !he wa' !o !o ascend ascend s%o s%o)e0 )e0 ifif !he enin enine e sh"!s sh"!s down down s"dd s"dden% en%' '0 )"! )"! !he sho&e sho&e%% #%ade #%ade on !he ro"nd immedia!e%'0 s!e) down and %oc$ !he #ra$e )eda% when !he #"%%do
*1-1;1 *1-1;1.1: .1:
6hen 6hen !he #"%%d #"%%do
*1-1 *1-1;1 ;1.1 .1@ @
6hen 6hen a n"m# n"m#er er of #"%% #"%%do do
*1-1;1 *1-1;1.1 .1
The #"%% #"%%do< do
*1-1;1 *1-1;1.1K .1K
In wor$ wor$in in !ime0 !ime0 !he !he o)era o)era!or !or is no! no! a%% a%%ow owed ed !o %ea&e %ea&e !he !he wor$ wor$ )os! )os! a! a! wi%% wi%%
I! is for#idd for#idden en !o main!a main!ain in and e! on or or e! off off !he #"%%do #"%%do
Page 76 of 160
Sh"!down an and )r )reca"!ion
*1-1 *1-1;1 ;1:1 :1-
D"s! D"s! and dir! dir! a!!a a!!ach chin in !o !he e!er e!erna na%% )ar! )ar! of !he !he #"%% #"%%do do
*1-1;1:1* *1-1;1:1*
Chec$0 Chec$0 main!ai main!ain0 n0 ad/"s! ad/"s!00 %"#rica %"#rica!e !e and and fas!en fas!en !he !he #"%%do< #"%%do
*1-1 *1-1;1 ;1:1 :1, , ro"nd
Mo&e Mo&e !he !he #"%% #"%%do do
*1-1;1 *1-1;1:1; :1;
The o)e o)era! ra!or or m"s! m"s! sh"! sh"! down down !he eni enine ne and and %oc$ %oc$ !he door door and and window window #efo #efore re %ea&i %ea&in n
Common fa"%!s and so%"!ions 3a"%! charac!eris!ics
The The ro!a ro!a!i !in n s)eed )eed of enera!or is cons!an! and * !he amme!er swa's rea!%'1
6irin is is no no! o ood1
The #e%! ad/"s!men! a))ro)ria!e1
Chec$ and !he %ine1
Ad/"s! !ension1
Re)%ace i!1
Chec$ and !he %ine1
!ension is no!
The amme!er ood1
The The e enera nera!o !orr ha has fa fa"%!1 %!1
Re)a e)air !he !he enera nera!o !orr1
P"! !hro"h !he circ"i! #"! !he s!ar!er does no! ro!a!e1
The The wiri irin is no! ood ood1
The s!ar!in swi!ch is no! ood1
Chec$ and !he %ine1
Chane !h !he sw swi!ch1
Chare acc"m"%a!or1
Re)%ace !he swi swi!ch1
The The ro!a ro!a!i !in n s)eed )eed of ene enera ra!o !orr is chan chani in n and and !he !he amme amme!e !err does does * no! swa'1 ,
The The wiri irin is no! ood ood1
The )ower acc"m"%a!or ins"fficien!1
in is
The The swi swi!ch !ch is no! no! ood1 od1
6hen !he enera!or s!o)s The The oi% oi% )res )ress" s"re re a" a"e e is Re)%a Re)%ace ce !he oi% oi% )ress" )ress"re re ro!a!in ro!a!in00 !he oi% )ress"re )ress"re damaed1 a"e1 a" a"e e indi indica ca!i !ion on is no! no!
The oi% amo"n! in #o!!om case ins" ins"ff ffic icie ien! n! and and air air a#so a#sor# r#ed ed in!o in!o !he !he )i)e1
Page 77 of 160
oi% is is * oi% oi%
Add oi% fo% fo%%owin !he r"%es1 Chec$ !h !he re reco&er' of of oi% %ea$ae )oin!1
Oi% )ress"re a"e indica!ion is !oo hih1
The The con conne nec! c!o or %e %ea$s a$s oi% oi%11
The oi oi% )re )ress"re a" a"e is damaed and !he !he fi%! fi%!er er is #%oc #%oc$e $ed d or i!s i!s ins!a%%a!ion is ina))ro)ria!e1
S!eam s)ra'ed from !he "))er )ar! of wa!er !an$ radia!or * ,
The wa!er !em)era!"re is !oo hih1
6ash !h !he oi oi% fi% fi%!er or or re)%ace i! aain1
Oi% &is &isco cosi si!' !' is !oo !oo hi hih1
Oi% )ress"re a"e is #ro$en1
Chane oi% fo%%owin !he r"%es1
Re)%ace !he )ress"re a"e1
Add wa!er1
Ad/"s! !h !he #e #e%!1
6ash !he s's!em1
C%ear )oin!1
Re)%ace !he !hermome!er1
The coo%in wa!er is ins"fficien! and %ea$s1 The The #e%! e%! of fa fan is %oo %oose1 se1 The coo%in s's!em is )o%%"!ed1 The coo%in #%oc$ed1
The wa wa!er !er !h !hermome!er !er is #ro$en1
The !hermos!a! is no! ood1
Re)%ace !hermos!a!1
The !hermos!a! is no! we%% sea%ed1
Chane !he !hermos!a! sea%in1
The wa!er wa!er !hermo !hermome! me!er er indica!ion is !oo %ow1 *
The enin enine e canno! canno! s!ar! s!ar! 7!he 7!he swir%i swir%in n s!ar!e s!ar!err has has a%read' #een "sed91 *
The wa wa!er !er !h !hermome!er !er is #ro$en1
Re)%ace !hermome!er1
The )% )%" )a )ar! doe d oes no no! con!ac! we%%1
Chec$ !he )%"1
The f"e% #%oc$ed1
C%ear )i)e%ine1
Air en!ers in!o !he f"e% * s's!em1 , The in/ec!ion )"m) or oi% in/ec!ion no<<%e is no! ood1 ; The s!ar!er ro!a!in
Page 78 of 160
Dischare air1 Re)%ace !he in/ec!ion )"m) )"m) or oi% oi% in/ec! in/ec!in in no<<%e1 Chec$ s's!em1
s)eed is %ow1 .
3eed more f"e%1
The f"e% is ins"fficien!1
The enine &i#ra!es1
The a#sor#in side of f"e% Trea! !he %ea$ )ar!1 )i)e%ine %ea$s air1
The s!eerin /o' s!ic$ has ma%f"nc!ion1
The c%earance ad/"s!men! is no! ood1
The /o' s!ic$ mo&emen! is no! ood1
The oi% amo"n! ins"fficien!1
Ad/"s! !he c%earance1
Inform main!enance ad/"s!men!1
Ma$e ") oi% !o !he )rescri#ed oi% amo"n!1
S!e) down !he #ra$e dam)er !he e("i)men! canno! s!o)1
The #ra$e is no! ood or !he Ad/"s! i!1 !ra&e% rane is !oo #i1
The craw%er fa%%s off !he chain whee% is worn a#norma%%'1
The craw%er is !oo %oose or Ad/"s! i!1 !oo !ih!1
The sho&e% rises s%ow%' or does no! rise a! a%%1
The h'dra"%ic s's!em -1 )ress"re is %ow or o"! of wor$1 *1 The o)era!in swi!ch is o"! of wor$1
E,ui&%$nt of Coa Handin! S"#t
0$t Con($"or
Genera% descri)!ion of e("i)men!
!he for
Inform main!enance for !rea!men!1 Main!ain or re)%ace i!1
The #e%!s #efore no1, !ransfer s!a!ion are desined in sin%e series1 The #e%! wid!h is -;mm0 wi!h s)eed a! , and con&e'in ca)aci!' of *!h1 The #e%!s from !he s!ac$er?rec%aimer !o !he main #"i%din are desined in do"#%e wa'1 C?-1C?*1c?, and c? @ are a%% sin%e?wa' #e%!s which are ins!a%%ed in coa% 'ard and emerenc' coa% ho))er1 The do"#%e?wa' #e%! con&e'or wi%% #e desined as= 4Q-*mm0 &Q,1-.ms0 5Q-*.!h whi%e !he #e%! A4 of C?: ins!a%%ed in !he coa% #"n$er wi%% #e desined as= 4Q-;mm0 &Q*1.ms0 5Q-*.!h0 accordin !o !he e%ec!ric s%edes ins!a%%ed a! !he !wo sides1 *1*1-1*
Genera% a))%ica!ion )rinci)%e= One of !he !wo #e%!s is in o)era!ion whi%e !he o!her is s!and#'1 4o!h of !he #e%!s can o)era!e a! !he same !ime1
Chec$ and )re)ara!ion #efore s!ar!")
Chec$ whe!her !he fo"nda!ion and !he connec!in #o%!s in a%% )ar!s ha&e #een
Page 79 of 160
fas!ened1 *1*1-1,1*
Chec$ whe!her !he we%ded )ar!s in !he side %ac$ of we%d or no!1
Chec$ whe!her s"fficien! %"#rica!ion oi% ha&e #een added !o !he mo!or0 s)eed red"cer and #earin )edes!a% accordin !o !he re("iremen!s1
Chec$ whe!her !he e%ec!ric sina%0 con!ro% )ro!ec!ion and ins"%a!ion mee! !he re("iremen!s1
Chec$ !he roo&e inc%ina!ion direc!ion of !he !ransmission dr"m wi!h herrin#one r"##er s"rface )ress !he #"!!on !o s!ar! ") !he mo!or ("ic$%' and !hen re%ease !he #"!!on !o sh"! down !he mo!or !o confirm i!s r"nnin direc!ion1
3i%% oi% in !he h'dra"%ic co")%er and confirm !he oi% ca)aci!' af!er )ress !he #"!!on !o s!ar! ") !he mo!or ("ic$%' and !hen re%ease !he #"!!on !o sh"! down !he mo!or !o chec$ whe!her !he r"nnin direc!ion of !he mo!or mee!s !he re("iremen!s1
There sho"%d #e no o#s!ac%es aro"nd !he mo!ors0 s)eed red"cer and #e%!s !he anchor #o%! sho"%d #e fied s!eadi%' !he ear!hin wire is ood !he "ardrai%0 co")%in safe!' co&er and d"s!)roof de&ice sho"%d #e in!ac!1
The oi% of each )ar! is s"fficien! !he oi% ("a%i!' is ood !here is no se&ere oi% %ea$ae 7!he oi% %e&e% of !he s)eed red"cer sho"%d no! #e %ess !han !he s)ecified oi% %e&e%91The head and rear dr"m0 frac!ion increasin dr"m0 !"rna#o"! dr"m0 mo&ea#%e dr"m0 "))er and %ower id%er and ad/"s!in dr"m sho"%d #e in!ac! wi!ho"! ro%% re%ease1 There is no coa% acc"m"%a!ion a%% ro!a!in )ar!s are in ood %"#rica!in s!a!es0 wi!ho"! a %ac$ of oi%1
A%% !ension de&ices 7mo&ea#%e !ension de&ice0 Tro%%e' !')e !ension de&ice and %ead screw !ension de&ice90 and !he ad/"s!in id%er are f%ei#%e0 wi!ho"! ro%% re%ease !he s!ee% wire ro)e sho"%d #e in "ide whee% ch"!e0 wi!ho"! wire #rea$ or damae !he co"n!erweih! de&ice is )ro)er and does no! con!ac! !he ro"nd1
*1*1-1,1- The in&ersion #ra$e and !he s!o))er )%" are in correc! )osi!ions and )%a' ood f"nc!ions1 *1*1-1,1--
The coa% wi)in )%a!e and c%eaner are f%ei#%e and )%a' ood f"nc!ions1
The coa% fa%%in )i)e and %inin )%a!e inside !he )i)e and !he se! screw are in!ac! !here is no forein ma!!er and no acc"m"%a!ed coa% !he r"##er %inin )ar! of !he "ide ch"!e #e%! %inin )ar! is in!ac! !here is no f%' coa% )owder d"rin coa% %oadin and no forein ma!!er #%oc$in !he wid!h of !he new%' re)%aced #e%! %inin )ar! is )ro)er !he coa% can )ass smoo!h%'1
*1*1-1,1-, There sho"%d #e no warnin #oard for !he 7if !here is0 find o"! !he ca"se and e%imina!e0 and !hen !he e("i)men! can #e s!ar!ed ")9 !he indica!ions of )ower s"))%' indica!ion %ih! and am)ere me!er are norma% !he )osi!ions of !he in!er%oc$ o)era!ion swi!ch and !he emerenc' #"!!on are correc! and in ood "se s!a!es1 The coa% in!err")!ion0 coa% #%oc$in0 de&ia!ion0 coa% %e&e%0 e("i)men! )osi!ion0 %imi!0 %ow s)eed and coa% )%o"h ascendin and descendin sina%s are ood1 *1*1-1,1-;
The %ih!in is s"fficien!1
The !"rno&er )%a!e is f%ei#%e and )%a's ood f"nc!ion1 I!s )osi!ion is correc!1
Page 80 of 160
The coa% )%o"h is f%ei#%e0 )%a's ood f"nc!ion and can free%' ascend and descend0 wi!ho"! coa% #%oc$in or r"nnin1
There sho"%d #e no wa!er0 fros!0 forein ma!!er on !he #e%! !he #e%! has no se&ere damae0 no #ondin a) and coa% %ea$ae0 and i!s !ension is s"i!a#%e1
The #e%! sca%e and !he mane! se)ara!or o)era!e we%%1
The d"s! remo&in de&ice can #e )"! in!o "se1
S!ar!") and commissionin
Man"a% no?%oad !es! r"nnin
S!ar! !he e("i)men! one #' one in !he #ac$ward coa% f%ow direc!ion af!er !he s's!em chec$ is finished1 The ne! e("i)men! on%' can #e s!ar!ed af!er confirmin !he %as! e("i)men! is o)era!in norma%%'1
The no?%oad !es! r"nnin of !he s's!em sho"%d #e no %ess !han * ho"rs1
Proramma#%e con!ro% no?%oad !es! r"nnin Swi!ch !o )roramma#%e con!ro% )osi!ion on PLC men" and )ress !he s!ar! #"!!on0 and !hen !he s's!em wi%% s!ar! !he e("i)men! one #' one in #ac$ward coa% f%ow direc!ion1
In!er%oc$ !es! r"nnin
In man"a% or )roramma#%e no?%oad !es! r"nnin )rocess0 if an' of !he e("i)men! is s!o))ed0 !he e("i)men! which r"ns #efore i! sho"%d #e s!o))ed immedia!e%' whi%e !he one which r"ns af!er i! sho"%d $ee) r"nnin1
In man"a% or )roramma#%e no?%oad !es! r"nnin )rocess0 if !he e("i)men! has !es! swi!ch )ro!ec!ion0 de&ia!ion0 coa% #%oc$in or #e%! !earin sina%0 !he r"nnin e("i)men! #efore i! sho"%d #e s!o))ed whi%e !he one af!er i! sho"%d $ee) r"nnin1
On?%oad !es! r"nnin
On?%oad !es! r"nnin needs !o #e done af!er man"a% or )roramma#%e con!ro% s!ar!")0 !he %oad sho"%d #e increased rad"a%%'0 in accord wi!h *F?.F?F?-F of !he ra!ed %oad1 The !es! r"nnin !ime "nder each $ind of %oad sho"%d #e no %ess !han * ho"rs1 Decide whe!her !he f"%%?%oad s!ar!") and r"nnin !es! "nder !he %oad of --F?-*.F of !he ra!ed %oad sho"%d #e done accordin !o !he s's!em )rocess f%ow re("iremen!s1
Chec$ and ad/"s!men! d"rin o)era!ion
O#ser&e whe!her !he r"nnin )ar!s ha&e fric!ion or no! if !here is0 ad/"s! !hose )ar!s !o )re&en! #e%! damae1
Chec$ whe!her !he con&e'in #e%! de&ia!es or no! if i! de&ia!es .F of !he #e%! wid!h0 i! sho"%d #e ad/"s!ed1
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Chec$ whe!her each )ar! has a#norma% so"nd or &i#ra!ion1
Chec$ whe!her !he s)eed red"cer0 h'dra"%ic co")%er and o!her %"#rica!ion )ar!s %ea$ oi% or no!1
Chec$ whe!her !he !em)era!"re rises of %"#rica!ion oi% or #earin are norma%1
Chec$ whe!her !he con!ac! #e!ween !he wi)in )%a!e of !he c%eaner and !he con&e'in #e%! is norma%1
Chec$ whe!her !he !ension de&ice has #%oc$ or o#s!r"c!ion or no!1
Chec$ whe!her !he connec!in #o%!s of !he fo"nda!ion and each )ar! are %oose or no!1
Sh"!down and )reca"!ions
The #e%!s can #e s!o))ed af!er confirmin !here is no coa% on !he %as! #e%!1 S!o) !he e("i)men! one #' one accordin !o !he coa% f%ow direc!ion if man"a% sh"!down mode is "sed if )roramma#%e con!ro% sh"!down mode is "sed0 )ress !he sh"!down #"!!on direc!%'1
I! is no! a%%owed !o "se !he #e%! con&e'or !o do wor$ #e'ond !he desin re"%a!ions1
O&er%oad o)era!ion is no! a%%owed1
A%% safe!' a%arm de&ices sho"%d #e in ood s!a!es1
There sho"%d #e no o#s!ac%e in !he )assae !o !he emerenc' sh"!down swi!ch1
There sho"%d #e eno"h %ih!in e("i)men! is each %oadin )ar!1
The o)era!ion sho"%d #e carried o"! s!ric!%' fo%%owin !he re"%a!ions1
The o)era!or and )a!ro% ins)ec!or sho"%d ma$e a ood record when findin !he e("i)men! o)era!ion is a#norma% and sh"! down !he e("i)men! in emerenc' condi!ions1
3a"%!s and so%"!ions 3a"%! descri)!ion
3a"%! ca"se
Coa% %ea$ae of The #e%! de&ia!es or is Ad/"s! !he #o!!om cen!erin id%er or #e%! damaed1 !he head !ransmission dr"m sh"! down !he e("i)men! and ad/"s! !he who%e e("i)men! frame if !he si!"a!ion is serio"s1 Re)air !he #e%! in !ime if i! is damaed1 4e%! s%i) O&erhea!in #earin !ransmission
The #e%! is !oo %oose1
Ad/"s! !he !ension de&ice1
The #earin %ac$s of oi% or Add oi% or chane %"#rica!ion oi% of !he oi% ("a%i!' de!eriora!es con!ro% !he o)era!in %oad and for#id !he e("i)men! o)era!es
Page 82 of 160
for !oo %on !ime "nder no o&er%oad o)era!ion1 o&er%oad1
3ai%ed s!ar!") of There is coa% on !he #e%! #e%! con&e'or in sh"!down )rocess1
C%ear )ar! of coa% and res!ar!1
Pa!ro% ins)ec!ion re"%a!ions of coa% hand%in s's!em To ens"re safe and s!a#%e o)era!ion of coa% hand%in s's!em0 !he o)era!ors a%% sho"%d ha&e hih res)osi#i%i!' and !he !ho"h! of SA3ETY 3IRST and caref"%%' do e("i)men! )a!ro% ins)ec!ion fo%%owin !he re"%a!ions1 D"rin )a!ro% ins)ec!ion0 !he ins)ec!ion me!hod of SEE0 LISTEN0 TOUCH and SMELL sho"%d #e ado)!ed1 Tha! is= See= com)%e!e%' ins)ec! !he a))earance of !he e("i)men!1 Lis!en= Lis!en !o see whe!her !he )ar!s of a%% ro!a!in e("i)men! ha&e a#norma% so"nd or no!1 To"ch= ins)ec! !he !em)era!"re and &i#ra!ion of !he ro!a!in e("i)men! #earins0 mo!ors and ear#o1 Sme%%= sme%% whe!her !he e("i)men! has )erc"%iar sme%% or no!1
Tro"h id%er Tro"h id%er is enera%%' consis!ed of !hree shor! id%ers !he ais of !he shor! id%er in !he midd%e and !he ais of !he shor! id%ers a! !he !wo sides forms an an%e which is ca%%ed !he !ro"h an%e of !he id%er1 The !ro"h an%e of !he #e%! con&e'or is ,.J1 As fi"re a is showin0 !he id%er #od' is enera%%' made of seam%ess s!ee% )i)e0 #"! seam%ess s!ee% )i)e is re)%aced #' seamed s!ee% )i)e in some )%aces now1 The id%er of !he #e%! con&e'or of !he com)an' is in a seamed s!ee% )i)e we%din s!r"c!"re1 No1* %i!hi"m #ase rease is "sed for %"#rica!ion and %a#'rin!h sea% is "sed for !he sea% of !he id%er1
Para%%e% ro%%er Genera%%'0 )ara%%e% ro%%er is a %on id%er which is main%' "sed as !he id%er for !he "nder %a'er #e%! 7#e%ow id%er for shor!90 s"))or!in !he #e%! of no?%oad sec!ion0 shown as fi"re #1
Im)ac! id%er The f"nc!ion of im)ac! id%er is !o decrease !he im)ac! of coa% on !he #e%! a! !he coa% %oadin )ar! !o )ro!ec! !he #e%!1
Page 83 of 160
The im)ac! id%er is di&ided in!o r"##er !')e im)ac! id%er0 s)rin )%a!e !')e im)ac! id%er and s)rin )%a!e !')e a)ron im)ac! id%er0 shown as fi"re c1
Common id%ers a9 Tro"h id%er ro") #9 )ara%%e% id%er c9 im)ac! id%er d9 inc%ined s!raih! id%er d9 Se%f?cen!erin id%er 2ario"s #e%! con&e'ors ine&i!a#%' ha&e differen! de&ia!ion )henomena in o)era!ion )rocess d"e !o man' random fac!ors0 so a cer!ain n"m#er of se%f?cen!erin id%ers sho"%d #e ins!a%%ed The re&ersi#%e se%f?cen!erin id%er is "sed for do"#%e?wa' o)era!ion #e%! con&e'or0 whose s!r"c!"re is shown as fi"re .?*1 I!s wor$in )rocess is %i$e !his= !he !wo c"r&e )%a!es a! !he %ef! and rih! sides and !he fric!ion disc fied on !he id%er shaf! )rod"ce cer!ain fric!ion force !o ma$e !he s"))or! s%ew1 6hen !he #e%! de&ia!es0 i! con!ac!s !he %ef! c"r&e )%a!e or !he rih! one and )rod"ces a fric!ion !or("e !hro"h !he c"r&e )%a!e !o ma$e !he s"))or! ro!a!es a cer!ain deree so as !o achie&e !he cen!erin aim1 The do"#%e?wa' cen!erin id%er cance%s !he &er!ica% id%er0 so !he a#rasion !o !he #e%! ede is s%ih! when !he #e%! de&ia!e and i! is wide%' "sed1
3i"re .?* MTS !')e re&ersi#%e se%f?cen!erin id%er
Page 84 of 160
-1 S"))or! *1 Lef! c"r&e id%er ,1 Lef! id%er ;1 Midd%e id%er .1 Rih! id%er :1 Rih! id%er @1 S!ee% #eam of !ro"h
T$n#ion D$(ic$
The f"nc!ion of !ension de&ice of #e%! con&e'or= ens"re !he #e%! has eno"h !ension ma$e !he dr"m and !he #e%! )rod"ce re("ired fric!ion force %imi! !he sa of #e%! in s"))or! id%ers %ea&e a cer!ain %en!h for re#ondin #e%!s1 a1 Tro%%e' !')e !ension de&ice= !he !ai% dr"m is ins!a%%ed on !he !ro%%e' !he hea&' hammer )"%%s !he !ro%%e' !hro"h !he s!ee% ro)e and "ide )"%%e' !o mo&e a%on !he #e%! con&e'or in %oni!"dina% direc!ion0 shown as !he fi"re #e%ow1
Tro%%e' !')e !ension de&ice -1 Hea&' hammer ,1 !ro%%e'
*1 P"%%e' #%oc$
;1 winch
#1 Hea&' hammer !ension de&ice1 I! is consis!ed of !wo !"rna#o"! dr"ms and a !ension dr"m0 which is "s"a%%' ins!a%%ed in !he )%ace where !he em)!' #e%! of !he con&e'or is near !he dri&in dr"m0 wi!h !he minim"m #e%! !ension1 The !ension dr"m and !he mo&ea#%e frame can mo&e !oe!her a%on !he &er!ica% "ide rai%0 shown as !he fo%%owin fi"re1
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Hea&' hammer !ension de&ice -1 and *1 G"ide dr"ms ,1 Tension dr"m ;1 S%idin framewor$
.1 G"ide rai%
:1 Hea&' hammer
C$anin! D$(ic$
In !he o)era!ion )rocess of !he #e%! con&e'or0 s%ih! coa% )ar!ic%e wi%% adhere !o !he #e%! , ca"se #e%! de&ia!ion and increase !he mo&emen! resis!ance0 so #e%! con&e'or is "s"a%%' e("i))ed wi!h c%eanin de&ice1 The s)rin c%eaner is one de&ice !o scra)e off !he coa% on !he #e%! &ia s)rin )ressin on coa% scra)er1 The coa% scra)er is )rod"ced #' im)ro&ed a%%o' #%ade and fi!s wi!h head coa% fa%%in ho))er1 The coa% c%eaned off wi%% fa%% in!o head ho))er1 There are em)!' sec!ion c%eaners in fron! of re!"rn !ai% dr"m0 &er!ica% !ension de&ice and midd%e dri&in de&ice1
Page 86 of 160
Schema!ic drawin of c%eaner wor$in )osi!ion
Au.iiar" E,ui&%$nt
S!ric!%' carr' o"! !he re%e&an! re"%a!ions on mo!or o)era!ion in Auxiliar% Operation ,egulations 1
Re"%a!ions of a%%owa#%e mo!or s!ar!") !imes
In norma% condi!ions0 s("irre% cae mo!or can #e con!in"o"s%' s!ar!ed !wo !imes in co%d s!a!e0 and !he in!er&a% is no! %ess !han .min i! can #e s!ar!ed once in co%d s!a!e1 On%' d"rin !ro"#%e shoo!in or when !he s!ar!") !ime is no! more !han *s ~ ,s0 !he mo!or can #e s!ar!ed once more1
Refer !o s!ar!") !ime in!er&a% !a#%e - when doin d'namic #a%ance !es!1 Ta#%e - S!ar!") !ime in!er&a% !a#%e Mo!or ca)aci!'
S!ar!") !ime in!er&a%
4e%ow *$6
No %ess !han 1.h
No %ess !han -h
A#o&e .$6
No %ess !han *h
Remar$= The condi!ion !ha! mo!or is res!ar!ed af!er %ess !han - ho"rs con!in"o"s o)era!ion or af!er more !han - ho"rs con!in"o"s o)era!ion and sh"!down for ; ho"rs is ca%%ed as co%d s!a!e ece)! !he condi!ion men!ioned a#o&e0 !he o!her ones are a%% ca%%ed as ho! s!a!es1 *1*1.1-1*1,
6hen !he mo!or is s!ar!ed0 !he )roramma#%e con!ro% or !he %oca% o)era!or sho"%d c%ose%' moni!or !he s!ar!in c"rren! and s!ar!in !ime of !he mo!or when !he s!ar!in !ime eceeds !he s!ar!in !ime %imi!0 !he o)era!or sho"%d immedia!e%' )ress STOP Page 87 of 160
#"!!on and find o"! !he ca"se1 *1*1.1-1*1;
The s!ar!in !ime %imi! of !he coa% hand%in e("i)men! is s)ecified as fo%%ows1
The s!ar!in !ime of !he #e%! con&e'or sho"%d no! #e more !han . seconds 7norma%%'0 * ~,s91
The s!ar!in !ime of !he coa% cr"sher sho"%d no! #e more !han - seconds 7norma%%'0 @s91 Remar$= s!ar!in !ime refers !o !he !ime in!er&a% !ha! !he c"rren! re!"rns !o norma% c"rren! from s!ar!in c"rren! when !he mo!or is s!ar!ed1
The mo!or on%' can #e s!ar!ed #efore !he ins"%a!ion is meas"red !o ma$e s"re i! mee!s !he s!andard when !he mo!or is main!ained0 mois!ened or has #een in s!and#' s!a!e for more !han -. da's1
In mo!or o)era!ion0 !he &i#ra!ion &a%"e meas"red a! each #earin sho"%d no! eceed !he fo%%owin &a%"e0 referrin !o !a#%e *1 Ta#%e * 4earin &i#ra!ion &a%"e of mo!or
Ra!ed ro!a!ion s)eed(rmin)
@. and #e%ow
2i#ra!ion &a%"e7do"#%e? am)%i!"de9 mm
The mo!or can #e o)era!ed in accord wi!h !he ra!ed )arame!ers on !he name)%a!e )ro&ided #' !he man"fac!"rer when !hen ra!ed coo%in air !em)era!"re is ,. ℃ ~ ;℃ 1 6hen !he coo%in air !em)era!"re is more !han !he ra!ed &a%"e0 !he o)era!ion )arame!ers sho"%d no! #e more !han !he a%%owa#%e !em)era!"re of !he mo!or1
*1*1.1-1*1- The o)era!in &a%"e of each )ar! of !he mo!or sho"%d fo%%ow !he fo%%owin !a#%e 7!a#%e ,91 Ta#%e , Tem)era!"re &a%"e of each )ar! of mo!or Name )ar!
S!a!or windin
Ro!or windin
Maim"m a%%owa#%e !em)era!"re(℃)
Maim"m a%%owa#%e !em)era!"re rise(℃)
Grade A
Grade 4
Grade E
Grade 3
Grade 4
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Grade E
S!a!or iron core
S%i) rin
S%idin #earin
Ro%%in #earin
See Ta#%e ; for !he #earin !em)era!"re %imi!s of each mechanism in o)era!ion Ta#%e ; 4earin !em)era!"re %imi!s ROTARY 4ERING
Gear #o
3"nc!ion and ad&an!aes of ear #o
3"nc!ion= !he f"nc!ion of ear #o is !o shif! !he hih s)eed %ow !or("e mechanica% ener' of mo!or in!o %ow s)eed #i !or("e )ower !o fi! o)era!ion of mechanica% e("i)men!1
Ad&an!aes= i! has !ih! s!r"c!"re0 wide a))%ica!ion0 )ermanen! dri&e ra!io0 hih mechanica% efficienc'0 %on ser&ice %ife0 sma%% )ress"re on shaf!s and #eins1
Ins)ec!ions and )reca"!ions #efore ear #o is )"! in!o o)era!ion 7-9 Ins)ec!ions #efore !he ear #o is )"! in!o o)era!ion a1 Chec$ whe!her !he fas!enins are firm #1 Chec$ whe!her !he %"#rica!ion was fi%%ed in!o !he mechanism on oi% )oin!er sca%e fo%%owin s)ecifica!ion 7*9 Preca"!ions for ear #o o)era!ion a1 Chec$ !he firm and re%ia#i%i!' condi!ion of fas!enins0 %"#e oi% s"rface condi!ions0 oi% !an$ %ea$ae condi!ions0 and #earin hea!in or so"nd condi!ions #1 The ear #o is for#idden !o #e o)era!ed wi!ho"! %"#rica!ion oi% c1 C%ean !he #o when chanin %"#rica!ion oi% d1 Do no! o)en !he ins)ec!ion )%a!e when i! is "nnecessar' in order !o $ee) i!
Page 89 of 160
free from s"ndries and d"s! e1 Do no! o&er%oad !he ear #o f1 ee) !he ear #o c%ean1 *1*1.1*1,
Common fa"%!s and correc!ion me!hods 3AULTS
L"#e oi% hea!ed ")
-1 Too m"ch %"#e oi%
-1 Inform main!enance
*1 Hih oi% &iscosi!'
*1 Chane %"#e oi%
,1 4ad radia!in effec! on !he #o s"rface
,1 Time%' con!aminan!s
-1 3orein ma!!er en!ered in!o #earin
-1 Inform main!enance
4earin hea!ed ")
*1 Incorrec! #earin co")%er ins!a%%a!ion ,1 4earin damaed
*1 Inform main!enance ,1 Inform main!enance ;1 Ad/"s! !he coa% feedin amo"n!
;1 O&er%oad1 Oi% %ea$ae #e!ween -1 4ad sea%in end ca) and ear *1 2en! ca) #%oc$ed #o #od'
-1 Rea))%' sea%in )ain!
Noise in !ransmission
-1 Con!ac! main!enance !o ad/"s! c%earance
ear -1 Im)ro)er c%earance
2i#ra!ion o&er%imi!ed
*1 Une&en wor$in s"rface d"e !o worn ears -1 E%as!ic #%oc$ of hih s)eed shaf! damaed *1 Mo!or co")%er disa%ihned0 !he ro!a!ion cen!er "n#a%anced ,1 4i c%earance #e!ween hih s)eed #earins or damaed #earins1 ;1 Anchor #o%!s #ecome f%e#%e0 or co")%er #o%!s re%eased1
Page 90 of 160
*1 C%ear &en! ca)
*1 Inform main!enance -1 Inform main!enance *1 Inform main!enance ,1 Inform !he main!enance o)era!ors ;1 3as!en !he #o%!s1
Com)onen!s and wor$in )rinci)%es of co")%er 7-9 The h'dra"%ic co")%in consis!s of= dri&in co")%er0 e%as!ic #%oc$0 dri&en co")%er0 #ac$ a"i%iar' cham#er0 )"m) whee%0 !"r#ine0 and !ransmission shaf!1 7*9 The wor$in )rinci)%e of h'dra"%ic co")%in= in !he h'dra"%ic co")%in which "ses $ine!ic )ower of %i("id !o co")%e !he mo!or and mechanism for )ower !ransmission0 !here is no direc! mechanica% con!ac! #e!ween !he dri&in and dri&en a))ara!"ses0 !h"s ca"se no mechanica% wearin1 The main shaf! of )"m) connec!s wi!h !he mo!or main shaf! direc!%' or !hro"h ears0 and !he !"r#o shaf! connec!s wi!h !he main shaf! of coa% cr"sher1 P"m) im)e%%ers and !"r#o im)e%%ers share a s'mme!rica% dis!ri#"!ion and !he same )h'sica% dimension0 and !he' are faci%i!a!ed wi!h %oni!"dina% radia% im)e%%ers1 The wor$in oi% which fi%%s !he !"r#o im)e%%er form a oi% cham#er #e!ween !he !"r#o1 D"rin wor$0 !he mo!or shaf! dri&es !he )"m) im)e%%er !o ro!a!e a! a hih s)eed0 and !he wor$in oi% f%ows a! hih )ress"re and s)eed from !he inner side 7in%e!9 !o !he o"!er side 7o"!%e!9 of )"m) im)e%%ers "nder !he cen!rif"a% force !o im)ac! !he !"r#o im)e%%er0 and dri&e !he !"r#o !o ro!a!e in !he same direc!ion wi!h )"m)1 The wor$in oi% re!"rns in!o !he )"m) im)e%%er in%e! af!er i! f%ows from !he o"!er side of !"r#o in!o i!s inner side wi!h a decreasin s)eed and )ress"re0 in a circ"%a!ion1 Th"s !he mo!or !ransfers !he mechanica% )ower in!o !he $ine!ic )ower and )ress"re )o!en!ia% )ower of wor$in oi% which were !ransmi!!ed aain !o coa% cr"sher in !he form of mechanica% )ower on o"!)"! shaf!0 !h"s rea%i
The ad&an!aes of h'dra"%ic co")%in= i! has %on %ife s)an0 sim)%e s!r"c!"re0 re%ia#%e )erformance and %i!!%e main!enance1
A!!en!ions for o)era!ion of h'dra"%ic co")%in 7-9 Chec$ whe!her !he shie%d of h'dra"%ic co")%in is form or no! #efore ro!a!e i! 7*9 The h'dra"%ic sho"%d o)era!e s!a#%%' wi!ho"! a#norma% so"nd or %ea$ae 7,9 The wor$in oi% !em)era!"re sho"%d no! eceed K℃ d"rin con!in"o"s o)era!ion Re)ea!ed s!ar!") is for#idden !o )re&en! wor$in oi% from o&er !em)era!"re 7;9 Chec$ !he wearin condi!ion of e%as!ic )%a!e or #%oc$ in co")%in /oin! in sched"%e0 and chane if necessar' 7.9 Do no! disassem#%e !he co")%er when "nnecessar'0 !o $ee) !he sea%in and assem#%' )recision1
d1 Common fa"%!s of h'dra"%ic co")%in 3AULTS
3ai%ed !o reach ra!ed
-1 3a"%!' dri&in mo!or
Page 91 of 160
CORRECTION -1 Inform main!enance
ro!a!ion s)eed
or incorrec! connec!ion *1 4ra$e fa"%! of dri&en mechanism which ca"sed o&er%oad
*1 Inform main!enance ,1 Red"ce oi% &o%"me
,1 Oi% o&er fi%%ed1 3"si#%e a%%o' me%!ed
-1 Oi% inade("a!ed fi%%ed or %ea$ed *1 Hea&' o&er%oad0 wor$in mechanism !ried
-1 Inform main!enance *1 Red"ce %oad ,1 Pre&en! fre("en! s!ar!")
,1 Re)ea!ed s!ar!") *1*1.1;1
Com)onen!s and wor$in )rinci)%e of #ra$e The #ra$e on f"e% de&ices "s"a%%' ado)!s do"#%e #ra$e shoes0 which is sim)%' s!r"c!"red and re%ia#%e1 4ra$e is a safe!' de&ice !o re%ia#%' s!o) !he o)era!in e("i)men!1 4ra$es are norma%%' ins!a%%ed on!o !he hih s)eed shaf! of ear #o0 and cons!an! c%ose !')e #ra$e0 which ho%ds !he #ra$e whee% in norma% condi!ion0 wi%% on%' #e re%eased #' h'dra"%ic dri&in "ni! when !he mo!or is wor$in1
The a))%ica!ion and main!enance of #ra$e a1
Chec$ whe!her !he dri&in "ni! wor$s norma%%' on each shif!0 ins)ec! if !here is oi% %ea$ae0 main!ain a cer!ain oi% %e&e%0 define whe!her !he !ra&e% is inade("a!e or !he #ra$e shoes smo$e
Chec$ !he oi% ("a%i!' e&er' : mon!hs1 Chane !he oi% when forein ma!eria%s en!ered in!o !he oi% or when !he oi% de!eriora!ed0 )"%% !he rod ") and down for a few !imes !o eha"s! !he air0 fi%% ade("a!e oi% !o !he %e&e% #e%ow oi% %e&e% sinin )%" ho%e1
Choose h'dra"%ic oi% in fo%%owin manner= No1- !ransformer oi% "nder an am#ien! !em)era!"re of ?*℃ No1* enine oi% "nder an am#ien! !em)era!"re of *?;.℃ No1*. !ransformer oi% "nder an am#ien! !em)era!"re of ?-.?℃
Common fa"%!s of #ra$e 3AULTS 4ra$e shoe smo$e
CAUSES emi!s
-1 Connec!in )ins sei
Page 92 of 160
CORRECTION -1 Inform main!enance !o chane
*1 H'dra"%ic dri&in "ni! fai%s !o rise ,1 O#s!r"c!ions on con!ro% )ar! of h'dra"%ic dri&in "ni! ;1 Inade("a!e c%earance #e!ween #ra$e shoes or !i%!ed #ra$e shoes .1 H'dra"%ic %ac$s of oi%
*1 Inform main!enance ,1 Inform main!enance ;1 Inform main!enance .1 Time%' ma$e ") oi%
4"rn! sme%% d"rin -1 Une&en c%earance #ra$in #e!ween #ra$e whee% and #ra$e #and *1 A"i%iar' s)rin fai%s0 and #ra$e #and )ressed on #ra$e whee% wi!ho"! re!"ren
-1 Inform main!enance !o ad/"s! !he c%earance1 *1 Inform main!enance ,1 Inform main!enance
,1 Ro"h wor$in s"rface on #ra$e whee%1 2)2)9
Rin! Ha%%$r T"&$ Coa Cru#'$r
Technica% s)ecifica!ions Technica% s)ecifica!ions for rin hammer !')e coa% cr"sher S)ecifica!ion for !he com)%e!e machine Mode%
Rin hammer !')e
Ra!ed o"!)"!
4earin mode% 7S39
* se!s
Ro!or diame!er
Ro!or %en!h
Ro!or mass 7$9
Ro!or %inear s)eed
In!a$e f"e% %"m)iness
Page 93 of 160
O"!)"! f"e% )ar!ic%e si
Hand%in !are!s
Sof! coa%0 an!hraci!e0 %ini!e and
Rows of rin !')e hammers
; rows
Gear rin hammer )iece weih!n"m#er
Rin hammer )iece weih!n"m#er
Ro!or mass
KK $
Dimension= Len!h 8 6id!h 8 Heih! 7mm9
Com)%e!e machine mo!or9 *1*1:1*
mass 70 wi!ho"! ,
6or$in )rinci)%es The coa% #ri("e!!es0 af!er en!erin in!o !he cr"sher0 wi%% #e cr"shed #' !he rin !')e hammer in hih ro!a!ion s)eed0 and !he )rimar' cr"shed coa%s r"sh in!o !he cr"sher #oard and screen !o #e cr"shed in a second !ime1 A! !he same !ime0 coa% #ri("e!!es co%%ide #e!ween !hemse%&es and o"!)"! sma%% )ieces of coa% !o #e )ressed0 c"! and rinded aain on !he screen #' ro!ar' rin hammer0 and fina%%' come o"! of !he cr"sher from screen ho%es1 Uncr"shed de#ris s"ch as iron ores are co%%ec!ed in!o de?ironin room #' ro!or1
S!r"c!"re of rin hammer !')e coa% cr"sher The rin hammer !')e coa% cr"sher is main%' com)osed of machine #od'0 casin0 ro!or0 rin hammer0 screen )%a!e s"))or!er0 screen )%a!e ad/"s!er and h'dra"%ic s's!em e!c1
O)era!ion of coa% cr"sher a1
P"! !he chane?o&er swi!ch on %oca% con!ro% ca#ine! !o LOCAL1
S!ar!") !he coa% cr"sher af!er s's!ema!ic #e%!s are norma%%' s!ar!ed ")1
S!o) !he coa% cr"sher af!er !he #e%! #efore i! was s!o))ed for , seconds1
P"! !he con!ro% swi!ch !o REMOTE CONTROL af!er !he machine was sh"!down1
6hen !he coa% cr"sher needs !o #e s!ar!ed or s!o))ed for main!enance and re)airin0 con!ac! remo!e con!ro% o)era!ors and )re)are re%a!i&e safe!' meas"res1
Ins)ec!ions #efore o)era!ion of coa% cr"sher a1
Ens"re !ha! each indica!ion %ih!0 #"!!on0 se%ec!ion swi!ch0 !em)era!"re and &i#ra!ion de!ec!in de&ices are in!ac!0 and se%ec!ion swi!ch is on REMOTE CONTROL )osi!ion1
The connec!ion #o%!s on a%% )ar!s are no! f%ei#%e or re%eased1 Page 94 of 160
Safe!' shie%ds of each ro!ar' )ar! are firm and re%ia#%e1
ee) !he ad/"s!in #o%! for screen )%a!e s!emmed o"! a! a cer!ain %en!h0 ens"re i!s %"#rica!ion and !he !ih!ness of #o%! co&er1
O#ser&e ho%e and man ho%e sho"%d #e !ih!%' sea%ed0 !he )ins and fas!enin #o%!s are firm0 and !here is no crac$ or #i wearin on rin hammer and cr"sher )%a!e1
The h'dra"%ic co")%in sho"%d ro!a!e f%ei#%' wi!ho"! oi% )ene!ra!ion or %ea$ae0 and !he s"rface !em)era!"re sho"%d no #e more !han K℃ 1
There is no #%oc$ or serio"s coa% /am wi!hin !he machine
There is no f%ei#i%i!' or damae !o !he ad/"s!in #o%! of screen )%a!e1
Common fa"%!s and correc!ion manners for coa% cr"sher 3a"%!s
The o"!)"! )ar!ic%e o#&io"s%' increased 7 > ,mm9
-1 4i c%earance #e!ween screen )%a!e and rin hammer
Con!ac! main!enance
*1 3rac!"red screen ho%es1 ,1 O&er worn rin hammer1
3ierce &i#ra!ion -1 Rin shaf! or rin hammer frac!"red0 %os! of coa% cr"sher #a%ance *1 4earin damaed ,1 4i ins!a%%a!ion error #e!ween mo!or and h'dra"%ic co")%in 7#i misa%inmen!9
Con!ac! main!enance for condi!ion -0 *0 , and ; S!o) coa% cr"sher !o c%ean de#ris or /ammed coa%
;1 Une&en feedin ca"sed "ne&en wearin !o rin hammer .1 Hard forein ma!eria% or coa% /am in coa% cr"sher 4earin o&er -1 O)era!ion wi!h #i %oad for a %on !ime !em)era!"re *1 Inade("a!e or de!eriora!ed %"#rica!ion oi% ,1 Ecessi&e %"#rica!ion oi% !ha! red"ced !he #earin c%earance !oo m"ch ;1 4earin damaed
-1 Ad/"s! !he %oad *1 Con!ac! main!enance ,1 Con!ac! main!enance ;1 Con!ac! main!enance
Con!in"o"s $noc$in so"nd
-1 Un#rea$a#%e forein ma!eria%s en!ered *1 Screen )%a!e f%ei#%e and $noc$ed #' Page 95 of 160
-1 S!o) for !rea!men!
in coa% cr"sher
*1,1 Con!ac! main!enance
,1 Hammer shaf! o&er worn O"!)"! o#&io"s%' decreased
-1 Une&en feedin
-1 Ad/"s! !he amo"n! on #e%!
*1 Inade("a!e cr"shin c%earance
*1, Con!ac! main!enance
,1 Screen ho%es /ammed Coa% cr"sher -1 Ecessi&e wa!er con!en! or coa% amo"n! /ammed *1 De#ris en!ered ,1 Coa% feedin ch"!e /ammed or !he ne! s!ae #e%! s%ides 2)2) )2):
Incination ion ;aria+ ia+$ I#oc'oric Ro$r $r Scr$$n
S)ecifica!ions Da!a
4DS?-*Z-; -*
Ca)aci )aci!' !'
-1 Ad/"s! !he o"!)"! *1 S!o) for c%earance ,1 Remo&e s%idin or coa% /am
Gran" ran"%%ari!' ri!' Efficienc' mm
Dri&e form
Mass $ - -
A))%ica!ion Ro%%er screen is !he screenin de&ice "sed in coa% hand%in s's!em for !herma% )ower )%an!1 )%an!1 Af!er scree screenin nin0 0 coa% coa% )iece )ieces s sma%%e sma%%err !han !han !he scree screen n ho%es ho%es fa%% fa%% in!o in!o !he e("i)men! #e%ow screen0 and )ieces #ier !han !he screen mo&e forward on !he screen and were en!ered in!o coa% cr"sher1 Ro%%er screen is "sed !o )re&en! coa% /am0 which is a))%ica#%e when wa!er con!en! in raw coa% is hea&'1 4DS !')e inc%ina!ion &aria#%e isochoric ro%%er screen0 which is de&e%o)ed on !he #asis of common common ro%%e ro%%err screen screen00 has has hihe hiherr )erfo )erforma rmance nce00 wider wider a))%i a))%ica! ca!ion ion and and #e!!er #e!!er ada)!a#i%i!' !o ma!eria%s1
6or$ )r )rinci)%e an and s! s!r"c!"re The inc%ina!ion &aria#%e isochoric screen is a new !')e of screen )%a!e desin #ased on isochoric screenin1 The sec!ion #' sec!ion screen )%a!es are com)osed of se&era% scre screen en shaf shaf!s !s00 whic which h form form a cros cross s inc% inc%in ina! a!io ion n sec! sec!io iona na%% scre screen en )%a! )%a!e e wi!h wi!h !he !he decreasin inc%ina!ion on each sec!ion a%on !he feedin direc!ion1 Ma!eria%s !ha! en!ered in!o !he screen wi%% firs! #e ("ic$%' se)ara!ed on !he #ier inc%ina!ion sec!ion0 and !hen f%ow !o !he secondar' inc%ina!ion and sma%% inc%ina!ion screen )%a!es !o #e f "%%' se)ara!ed1
Page 96 of 160
Sma%% ma!eria% wi%% direc!%' )ass !he screen0 and #i #%oc$s wi%% #e dischared !o o"!%e!1 4DS inc%ina!ion &aria#%e isochoric ro%%er screen is desined in!o !wo sec!ions of screen )%a!es wi!h differen! inc%ina!ions1 6herein0 !he screen c%osed !o coa% fa%%in )ar! has #ier #ier inc%i inc%ina! na!ion ion00 wi!h wi!h *?, *?,Jo Joff )%a!e )%a!e an%e an%e near near coa% coa% feedin feedin mo"!h0 mo"!h0 and and !he inc%ina!ion has ma!eria% o"!%e! is .?-.1 Uni! wi!h #')ass s's!ems ma$e i! easier !o ins)ec! !he ro%%in of !"r#ine0 !o ma$e i! more con&enien! for !he main!enance of ro%%er screen1 The dis!ri#"!ion )%a!es wi%% ac!"a!e !hro"h !he e%ec!ric !hr"s! rod1 *1*1@1;
*1*[email protected]
Main charac!eris!ics= -1
The The inc% inc%in ina! a!io ion n of scree screen n )%a! )%a!e e a! !he in!a$ in!a$e e sec! sec!io ion n is #i0 #i0 whic which h forc force e !he !he ma!eria% !o f%ow ("ic$%' in!o !he ne! sec!ion and e%imina!ed !he /am or #%oc$ ca"sed #' acc"m"%a!ed coa%1
The The s)ee s)eed d of ma!e ma!eri ria% a% s%ow s%ows s dow down in !he !he )roce rocess ss when when !he !he scre screen en )%a!e )%a!e inc%ina!ion decreases0 and ma!eria% wi%% #e rad"a%%' se)ara!ed on each sec!ion and form a))roima!e isochoric screenin1
As !he ma!eria ma!eria%% f%ow ains ains s)eed s)eed d"e !o incre increase ased d screen screen )%a!e inc%i inc%ina! na!io ion0 n0 "ni! screenin ca)aci!' increased0 which im)ro&ed !he s's!ema!ic efficienc'1
The The incr increa ease sed d na!" na!"ra ra%% f%ow f%owin in s)ee s)eed d of ma!e ma!eri ria% a% red" red"ce ced d !he !he )oss )ossi# i#i% i%i! i!' ' for for ma!eria%s !o s!ic$ !oe!her0 and since !he fron! sec!ion screen 7in!a$e sec!ion9 which which has !he #ie #ies! s! s!ic$' s!ic$' )ossi# )ossi#i%i i%i!' !' is desin desined ed wi!h wi!h %are %are scree screen n shaf! shaf! dis!ances0 )ene!ra!ion was im)ro&ed !o red"ce !he /ammin and s!ic$' )ossi#i%i!' !o a maim"m e!end1
I! ado)! ado)!s s #i #i hea heao on n !')e !')e scree screen n )%a! )%a!e0 e0 and ad/ac ad/acen en!! scre screen en )%a!e )%a!es s form forms s a screenin ho%e !oo1 This !')e of screen )%a!es can remo&e !he s!"c$ coa% on !he shaf!s shaf!s a"!oma a"!oma!ic !ica% a%%' %'00 which which consid considera era#%' #%' red"ce red"ced d !he )ossi# )ossi#i%i%i!' i!' of /am and and increased screenin efficienc'1
Add Add shaf! shaf! c%eane c%eanerr accordi accordin n !o !he wa!er wa!er con!e con!en! n! of !he coa% coa% !o red"ce red"ce !he coa% coa% which ma' s!ic$ on ! he shaf! "nder o&er&a%"ed wa!er con!en!1
I! ado)!s ado)!s f"%% sea%in sea%in casin casin which which ca"ses ca"ses %imi!ed %imi!ed d"s!1 d"s!1
I! ado) ado)!s !s chai chain n !')e !')e dri&i dri&in n00 whic which h ma$e ma$es s a sim) sim)%e %e00 safe safe and and re%i re%ia# a#%e %e dri& dri&in in s's!em !ha! is con&enien! con&enien! for re)air and main!enance1
I! ado)!s ado)!s BG;M BG;M n * screen screen )%a!e )%a!e wi!h wi!h weara weara#%e #%e and and d"ra#%e d"ra#%e %ife s)an s)an11
Commissionin Commissionin of !he ro%%er screen are di&ided in!o no?%oad o)era!ion and %oaded o)era!ion1 a
No?%oad o) o)era!ion
-91 Chec$ Chec$ and remo&e remo&e !he !oo%s !oo%s00 s!ee% s!ee% )ar!s )ar!s or o!her s"#s!an s"#s!ances ces on !he screen screen )%a!e1 Page 97 of 160
*91 Rechec$ whe!her !he %"#rica!ed )ar!s were )ro)er%' %"#rica!ed %"#rica!ion aen!1
wi!h eno"h
,91 O)era!e O)era!e !he !"rnin !"rnin ear !o man"a%%' man"a%%' ro!a!e ro!a!e !he screen shaf! shaf! for a circ%e1 circ%e1 Ma$e s"re !here is no #%oc$in on an' ro!ar' )ar!1 ;91 Connec! Connec! !he )ower s"))%' s"))%' and inchin inchin once af!er af!er !he )re)ara!ion )re)ara!ion wor$s wor$s are finished0 in order !o ma$e s"re whe!her !he ro!ar' direc!ion of screen shaf!s is correc correc!0 !0 i1e1 i1e1 ma$e ma$e s"re s"re !he ma!eria% ma!eria%s s on !he screen screen s"rfac s"rface e wi%% wi%% mo&e mo&e !o direc!ion of o"!%e!1 Incorrec! direc!ion re("ires an immedia!e modifica!ion !o !he mo!or connec!ion1 7.9 Inchin Inchin !he )ower s"))%' s"))%' for se&era% se&era% !imes and con!in"e con!in"e !o o)era!e o)era!e if i! ro!a!ed norma%%'1 No?%oad !es! r"nnin sho"%d %as! for * ho"rs0 and s!o) !he s's!em if !here is an' a#norma% condi!ion !o chec$ and res"me #efore reac!i&a!e1 #1 Load Loaded ed !es! !es! r"nn r"nnin in 7-9 Loaded r"nnin r"nnin can #e #e carried o"! o"! !wo ho"rs ho"rs %a!er !han no?%oad !es! r"nnin1 7*9 S!ar!" S!ar!") ) !he ro%%e ro%%err scree screen n and rad"a rad"a%%' %%' increa increase se !he feedi feedin n ra!ed )rocessin a#i%i!'1
amo"n amo"n!!
"n!i% "n!i%
7,9 O#ser&e !he o)era!ion o)era!ion condi!ion condi!ion of !he de&ice d"rin %oad increasin0 increasin0 s!o) and hand%e !he a#norma% condi!ion if an'1 Remo&e a%% !he resid"a% ma!eria% in !he screen #efore res!ar! ")1 7;9 S!o) feedin feedin d"rin d"rin norma% sh"!dow sh"!down n and wai! "n!i% !he coa%s are eha"s!ed eha"s!ed #efore sh"!down1 7.9 Loaded o)era!ion sho"%d sho"%d %as! %as! for more more !han - ho"r1 ho"r1 *1*1@1:
O)era!ion s)ecifica!ions -1 P"! !he chan chane?o&e e?o&err swi!ch swi!ch on !he %oca% %oca% con!ro% con!ro% )ane% )ane% !o MANUAL MANUAL )osi!ion )osi!ion11 *1 Se("en!ia Se("en!ia%%' %%' s!ar! s!ar! ") !he ro%%er ro%%er screen screen af!er af!er !he #e%! #e%! con&e'or con&e'or and and coa% cr"sher cr"sher were norma%%' s!ar!ed1 ,1 S!o) S!o) !he ro%% ro%%er er scre screen en , seco second nds s af!e af!err !he !he ")s! ")s!re ream am #e%! #e%! con& con&e' e'or or had had s!o))ed1 ;1 P"! !he con!ro con!ro%% swi!c swi!ch h !o REMOTE REMOTE CONTR CONTROL OL )osi! )osi!ion ion af!er af!er )rocess was finished1
sh"!do sh"!down wn
.1 P"! !he in!er%o in!er%oc$ c$ swi!ch swi!ch on!o LOCA LOCAL L )osi!ion )osi!ion when when !he ro%%e ro%%err screen screen needs !o #e direc!%' s!ar!") for main!enance or o!her )"r)ose0 inform !he remo!e con!ro% o)era!ors !o !a$e safe!' meas"res in ad&ance1 :1 S!ar! ") wi!ho" wi!ho"!! %oad when when "sin "sin !he ro%%e ro%%err screen screen and feed feed coa% af!er af!er i! en!ers en!ers in!o norma% o)era!ion1 ee) an e&en feedin and do no! increase !he feedin amo"n! s"dden%'1 Page 98 of 160
@1 Do no! s!o) !he machine wi!h %oad if !here is no s)ecia% condi!ion1 S!o) feedin #efore sh"!down0 and wai! a%% !he coa%s are remo&ed1 1 4efore res!ar! ") af!er emeren! sh"!down "nder %oaded o)era!ion0 remo&e !he coa%s man"a%%' and !hen inchin se&era% !imes !o s!ar!1 K1 ee) !he %"#rica!ed )ar!s in ood %"#rica!ion cond!ion1 L"#rica!e !he ear #o accordin !o !he man"fac!"rer ins!r"c!ion0 and !he #earin s"))or!ers sho"%d #e %"#rica!ed wi!h dr' oi%1 The ear #o sho"%d #e chec$ed once a mon!h !o ens"re i! is f"%% of dr' oi%1 L"#rica!ed !he chains wi!h di%"!e oi% in each wee$ and c%ean !hem e&er' ha%f a 'ear1 -1 Chec$ and remo&e !he s!ic$in and #%oc$ins if an' on each shif!1 --1 Remo&e !he s!ones s!"c$ in!o !he screen #' re&ersin !he mo!or if i! is "neas' !o do man"a% c%eanin1 *1*1@1@
Pre&en!a!i&e meas"re of ro%%er screen= a1
S!ar! ") ro%%er screen firs!%'0 and !hen feedin0 !he o))osi!e )roced"re is no! a%%owa#%e1
Af!er )"!!in ro%%er screen in!o ser&ice0 )eriodica%%' chec$ r"nnin s!a!e and chane %"#e oi% re"%ar%'1
Ro%%er screen )ro#%ems and so%"!ions Pro#%ems
Ro%%er screen ! ri))ed
-1 3orein ma!eria% #%oc$ screen shaf!
-1C%ear s"ndries
*1 O&er%oad o)era!ion1
*1Con!ac! main!enance for re)air
4earin !em)era!"re o&er hih
-1%on !ime hih %oad r"nnin
-. Ad/"s! %oad
*1 L"#e oi% shor!ae or de!eriora!ed1
As$ main!enance re)air1
As$ main!enance re)air1
,1 4earin damaed1
O#&io"s%' o"!)"! decreasin
-1 Une&en coa% feedin1
-1 Ad/"s! #e%! coa% f%ow1
*1 Screen )%a!e #%oc$ed1
Coa% #%oc$ on screen
-1 wa!er' coa% and ecessi&e coa%
-1 Ad/"s! o"!)"!1
Page 99 of 160
As$ main!enance re)air1
!he *1Sh"!down for c%earin
e("i)men! 2)2)<
Ma!n$tic S$&arator
Se%f?coo%in #e%! mane!ic se)ara!or
O&er&iew The se%f coo%in #e%! mane!ic se)ara!or does !he na!"ra% coo%in #' !he se%f hea! radia!ion s!r"c!"re !he #e%! can rec!if' !he off?!rac$ a"!oma!ica%%'0 do !he cen!er con!ro%0 con!in"o"s%' iron adsor)!ion and dischare1 The a"!oma!ic iron dischare is carried o"! #' !he circ"%a!ion mo!ion of mo!or?dri&en #e%! !oe!her wi!h scra)er1 The iron se)ara!or is !o!a%%' . se!s0 one a! fron! of shi) "n%oader #e%!0 one a! fron! of C, #e%!1 The wid!h of iron se)ara!or #e%! a! shi) "n%oader and C, are -;mm o!hers are -*mm wide1 Two se)ara!ors a!
S)ecifica!ions S)ecifica!ions of se%f?coo%in #e%! mane!ic se)ara!or
Radia!ion !')e
Na!"ra% coo%in
4e%! wid!h
Hanin heih!
Eci!a!ion )ower
Dri&e )ower
.1. 6
Mane!ic ind"c!ion
Con!ro% ca#ine! !')e
E("i)men! ("an!i!'
. se!s
To!a% weih!
S!r"c!"ra% )rinci)%e The se%f coo%in #e%! e%ec!romane!ic se)ara!or is com)osed #' )ermanen! mane!0 "ni! s"))or!0 iron dischare #e%!0 dri&in )"%%e'0 dri&en )"%%e'0 id%er and e%ec!ric ear#o1 The mo!or connec!s !oe!her wi!h !he ear#o !he a"!oma!ic iron discharin is achie&ed #' !he #e%! dri&en #' !he mo!or and !he circ"%a!in iron discharin mo&emen! of i!s scra)er1
Ins)ec!ion #efore o)era!ion 7-9
No ])rohi#i!ed o)era!ion] #rand on con!ro% ca#ine! in si!e0 amme!er readin is
Page 100 of 160
No screw %oosin and fa%%in off from ro!a!in )ar!s and !ra&e%in crane1
No im)"ri!ies on mane!ic se)ara!or0 iron )ieces sho"%d #e c%eaned ")0 fied f%'in rins sho"%d #e firm1 No o#s!ac%e in crane !ra&e% and se)ara!or )osi!ion is correc!1
Se)ara!or )ower wirin is we%% and ear!hin de&ice is in ood condi!ion1
No #%oc$ in iron #o of se)ara!or0 no iron acc"m"%a!ion in !he en!rance1
The #e%! sho"%d #e chec$ed wi!ho"! !earin0 offse!0 s!"c$0 scra!ch0 and !oo !ih! or !oo %oose0 /oin!s and dis)osa#%e iron #e%! scra)er are we%%?fied1
*1*11-1. S!ar!") and commissionin1 7-9 Swi!ch on )ower s"))%'0 reen indica!or %am) on !he )ane% of con!ro% ca#ine! !"rns on showin !he ca#ine! en!ers s!and#' s!a!"s1 7*9 Press !he START #"!!on0 red indic!or !"rns on0 &o%!me!er indica!ion is wi!hin ra!ed &o%!ae rane1 6hen !he amme!er indica!ion oes ") !o s!a#%e &a%"e0 !he ca#ine! and iron se)ara!or was )"! in norma% o)era!ion1 7,9 Iron se)ara!or !es! r"n sho"%d #e no %ess !han * ho"rs1 On%' af!er !he se)ara!or #ein s")er&ised and r"ns norma%%' can i! #e )"! in!o o)era!ion for )rod"c!ion1 7;9 C%ose%' o#ser&e o)era!ion s!a!"s as we%% as ca)a#i%i!' of s"c$in and !hrowin iron1 The ca)a#i%i!' and efficienc' of main "ni! can #e chec$ed #' man"a%%' !hrow irons of differen! weih! and sha)e !o coa% ma!eria%1 Ad/"s! !he heih! and o#%i("i!' of e("i)men! if necessar'1 7Too hea&' and !oo shar) irons are no! a%%owed !o #e )"! in when )erformin !he !es!19 7.9 Af!er *; ho"rs con!in"o"s !ria% )rod"c!ion0 if no )ro#%ems0 !he e("i)men! can #e )"! in!o norma% ser&ice1 *1*11-1:
Norma% o)era!ion chec$ and ad/"s!men! 7-9 S!ar!") de&ice of se)ara!or is in ood condi!ion1 There is no a#norma% noise0 no sco"rin sme%% &o%!ae is "nder %imi! &a%"e mane!ic s"c!ion is norma%1 D"rin o)era!ion0 )a' a!!en!ion !o se)ara!or wor$in condi!ions0 o)era!ors can %ea&e on%' af!er !he mane! is r"nnin norma%%'1 7*9 6hen #e%! con&e'or is r"nnin0 do no! wi!hdraw mane! se)ara!or or swi!ch off se)ara!or1 If !he o)era!ion is necessar'0 s!o) #e%! firs!0 and !hen wi!hdraw !he se)ara!or1 7,9 E%ec!romane!ic iron se)ara!or !em)era!"re can no! eceed -℃ when i! is in o)era!ion1 7;9 The e("i)men! sho"%d #e $e)! c%ean1 4"! s!ric!%' for#id s)ra' wa!er !o !he se)ara!or or c%ean i! wi!h we! c%o!h1 7.9 3re("en!%' chec$ #o%!s connec!in mane! and rac$e! is %oose or no!0 if i! is0 Page 101 of 160
!ih!en i! !ime%'1 The se%f?"n%oadin scra)er sho"%d #e in ood condi!ion0 chane a new one if i! is damaed1 *1*11-1@
Sh"!down and )reca"!ions 7-9 Af!er #e%! is s!o)0 s!o) e%ec!romane!ic iron se)ara!or1 7*9 D"rin o)era!ion0 s!ar! iron se)ara!or firs! and !hen s!ar! #e%! con&e'or !he sh"!down )roced"re is o))osi!e1 7,9 D"rin o)era!ion of !his se)ara!or0 !he c"rren! of e("i)men! ho! s!a!e is %ower !han !ha! of co%d s!a!e1 7;9 Se%f?"n%oadin #e%! !ension #o%!s are #asica%%' ad/"s!ed #efore de%i&er' do no! ad/"s! !he #o%!s if no! necessar'1 7.9 6hen !es!in ro!ar' direc!ion of se%f?"n%oadin #e%! con&e'or of se)ara!or0 !he ro!a!ion sho"%d no! eceed !wo !"rns11 7:9 S!ron mane!ic fie%d eis!s when !he iron se)ara!or is r"nnin so !ha! easi%' mane!i
Pro#%ems and so%"!ions of se%f?coo%in #e%! !')e e%ec!romane!ic iron se)ara!or
6ea$ened s"c$ and !hrow iron ca)a#i%i!'
Hanin heih! or o#%i("i!' is chaned1
Ad/"s! e("i)men! hanin heih! and o#%i("i!'1
Poor con!ac! #e!ween !ermina% #o and )ower ca#%e
Cased #' &i#ra!ion of s"c$in and !hrowin iron0 e!c1
Serio"s &i#ra!ion and "nacce)!a#%e noise
Connec!ion )ar! %oose1
Re!ih!en !he connec!ion )oin!s
Man"a% !ra&e% crane can no! #e mo&ed
3orein ma!!ers #%oc$ !he rai% and s!o) !he !ra&e%in whee%0 or !he rai% is deformed1
Chec$ !he rai% and re)air1
Reconnec! !he ca#%e1
Se%f?coo%in dis$ e%ec!romane!ic iron se)ara!or
O&er&iew Disc !')e e%ec!romane!ic iron se)ara!or is a $ind of s"s)ended e("i)men! which can con!in"o"s%' o)era!in wi!h mo!or?dri&en sin%e rai% !ra&e% s!r"c!"re1 I! is ins!a%%ed !wo se!s1 Two se!s of disc !')e iron se)ara!ors were ins!a%%ed in !he midd%e of C?;A4 #e%!s1 The !wo iron se)ara!ors for C?;A4 were e("i))ed wi!h one se! rec!ifier ca#ine!1 The !wo iron se)ara!ors r"ns #' !"rns0 which can #e o)era!ed #' cen!ra%i
Technica% s)ecifica!ions
Page 102 of 160
E("i)men! !')e
Hea! radia!ion !')e
Na!"ra% coo%in
4e%! wid!h
Hanin heih!
Eci!a!ion )ower
E%ec!ric car )ower
Mane!ic ind"c!ion densi!'
Con!ro% ca#ine! !')e
E("i)men! amo"n!
* se!s
E("i)men! !o!a% weih!
6or$in )rici)%e 6hen !he mane!ic se)ara!or is ac!i&a!ed0 !he iron ar!ic%es in !he ma!eria% wi%% #e as)ira!ed ("ic$%' #' !he mane!ic fie%d force1 6hen !here is a cer!ain amo"n! of !he as)ira!ed iron0 mo&e !he Mane!ic se)ara!or o"! of !he #e%!0 c"! !he )ower0 dischare !he iron !o !he a#andon iron ho))er0 !hen o #ac$ !o !he ")ward of !he #e%!0 rese! !he )ower s"))%' in order !o remo&e !he iron ar!ic%e1
6or$in charac!eris!ics The se%f coo%in dis$ e%ec!romane!ic se)ara!or does !he na!"ra% coo%in #' i!s se%f hea! radia!ion s!r"c!"re i! has !he sma%% &o%"me0 ood hea! radia!ion and e%ec!ric iron discharin con!ro%0 i! a%so can "se !he )roram or !he man"a% con!ro% !o achie&e !he iron adsor)!ion and a#andon of !he Mane!ic se)ara!or1
Chec$ and )re)ara!ion #efore s!ar!") 7-9 Chec$ connec!ion of #o!h sides of hanin de&ice is re%ia#%e a%% screws0 s"s)endin rin of hois!in s!r"c!"re m"s! #e f irm and com)%e!e1 7*9 The )re%iminar' hanin heih! of iron se)ara!or is ,mm7meas"rin as )er assem#%e drawin91 If an%e of inc%ina!ion is necessar'0 !he heih! sho"%d #e ,mm0 !he o#%i("i!' chec$ is a%so necessar'1 7,9 A%in !he a)oee of !he e/ec!ed coa% a! !he coa% discharer head !o !he cen!er of mane!ic fie%d as )ossi#%e1 7;9 Chec$ aco"s!o?o)!ic a%arm s's!em is a&ai%a#%e or no! #' de%i#era!e%' ma$e sma%% !ro"#%es1 7.9 Ser&o !ra&e% mechanism0 rai% ins"%a!ion r"##er %a'er and )ro!ec!i&e )%a!e sho"%d
Page 103 of 160
#e firm and com)%e!e1 *1*11*1:
S!ar!") and commissionin1 7-9 Swi!ch on )ower s"))%'0 reen indica!or %am) on !he )ane% of con!ro% ca#ine! !"rns on showin !he ca#ine! en!ers s!and#' s!a!"s1 7*9 Press !he START #"!!on0 red indic!or !"rns on0 &o%!me!er indica!ion is wi!hin ra!ed &o%!ae rane1 6hen !he amme!er indica!ion oes ") !o s!a#%e &a%"e0 !he ca#ine! and iron se)ara!or was )"! in norma% o)era!ion1 7,9 Iron se)ara!or !es! r"n sho"%d #e no %ess !han * ho"rs1 The se)ara!or on%' can #e )"! in!o o)era!ion for )rod"c!ion af!er i! is #ein s")er&ised and which r"ns norma%%' 7;9 C%ose%' o#ser&e o)era!ion s!a!"s as we%% as ca)a#i%i!' of a#sor#in and !hrowin iron1 The ca)a#i%i!' and efficienc' of main "ni! can #e chec$ed #' man"a%%' !hrow irons of differen! weih! and sha)e !o coa% ma!eria%1 Ad/"s! !he heih! and inc%ina!ion of e("i)men! if necessar'1 7Too hea&' and !oo shar) irons are no! a%%owed !o #e )"! in when )erformin !he !es!19 7.9 Af!er *; ho"rs con!in"o"s !ria% )rod"c!ion0 if no )ro#%ems0 !he e("i)men! can #e )"! in!o norma% ser&ice1
Norma% o)era!ion chec$ and ad/"s!men! 7-9 S!ar!") de&ice of se)ara!or is in ood condi!ion1 There is no a#norma% noise0 no sco"rin sme%% &o%!ae is "nder %imi! &a%"e mane!ic s"c!ion is norma%1 D"rin o)era!ion0 )a' a!!en!ion !o se)ara!or wor$in condi!ions0 o)era!ors can %ea&e on%' af!er !he mane! is r"nnin norma%%'1 7*9 6hen #e%! con&e'or is r"nnin0 do no! wi!hdraw mane! se)ara!or or swi!ch off se)ara!or1 If !he o)era!ion is necessar'0 s!o) #e%! firs!0 and !hen wi!hdraw !he se)ara!or1 7,9 E%ec!romane!ic iron se)ara!or !em)era!"re can no! eceed -℃ when i! is in o)era!ion1 7;9 The e("i)men! sho"%d #e $e)! c%ean1 4"! s!ric!%' for#id s)ra' wa!er !o !he se)ara!or or c%ean i! wi!h we! c%o!h1 7.9 3re("en!%' chec$ #o%!s connec!in mane! and rac$e! is %oose or no!0 if i! is0 !ih!en i! !ime%'1 The se%f?"n%oadin scra)er sho"%d #e in ood condi!ion0 chane a new one if i! is damaed1
Sh"!down and )reca"!ions 7-9 Af!er #e%! is s!o)0 s!o) e%ec!romane!ic iron se)ara!or1 7*9 D"rin o)era!ion0 s!ar! iron se)ara!or firs! and !hen s!ar! #e%! con&e'or !he sh"!down )roced"re is o))osi!e1
Page 104 of 160
7,9 D"rin o)era!ion of !his se)ara!or0 !he c"rren! of e("i)men! ho! s!a!e is %ower !han !ha! of co%d s!a!e1 7;9 S!ron mane!ic fie%d eis!s when !he iron se)ara!or is r"nnin so !ha! easi%' mane!i
3a"%! and So%"!ion
Pro#%ems 6ea$ened s"c$ and !hrow iron ca)a#i%i!'
Hanin heih! or o#%i("i!' is chaned1
Ad/"s! e("i)men! hanin heih! and o#%i("i!'1
Poor con!ac! Cased #' &i#ra!ion of Reconnec! !he ca#%e1 #e!ween !ermina% s"c$in and !hrowin #o and )ower iron0 e!c1 ca#%e Serio"s &i#ra!ion and "nacce)!a#%e noise
Connec!ion )ar! %oose1
Man"a% !ra&e% crane can no! #e mo&ed
Do%%' #and?!')e #ra$e o&er !ih!1
A# r$c$i($d Coa Sa%&in! D$(ic$
Re!ih!en )oin!s
Remo&e rear end hood of mo!or fan0 %oose !he fiin screw1 The #ra$e sho"%d #e ad/"s! !o !he )oin! !ha! af!er !he mo!or is )ower off0 !he do%%' s!i%% can mo&e forward .?-.mm1
The is on%' for mo!or?dri&en do%%'1
This coa% sam)%in de&ice is scra)er !')e0 !he scra)er !a$e coa% sam)%es from #e%! acc"ra!e%'1 The scra)er is dri&en #' mo!or &ia ear#o1 The increase or decrease of sam)%e de)ends on sam)%in fre("enc' of each c'c%e0 i1e1 !ime s)an decide ("an!i!' of sam)%es1 Midd%e sam)%in de&ice of as recei&ed coa% is ins!a%%ed on C?-A #e%! con&e'or a! T? !ransfer s!a!ion0 which are !o!a%%' * se!s1 The sam)%in de&ice is main%' com)osed of sam)%in machine0 coa% feeder0 cr"sher0 di&ider0 sam)%e co%%ec!or0 #"c$e! e%e&a!or as we%% as e%ec!rica% con!ro% s's!em0 assem#%e )%a!form0 and com)%e!e enc%osed "ni! con!ro% room1 The ecess coa% wi%% dro) !o C?-A #e%! con&e'or1 *1*1K1*
Technica% s)ecifica!ions
Page 105 of 160
Sam)%in 7ma!eria% feeder9 T')e
Line S)eed
Dri&e Co%%oca!ion
7$w9 -1-
Ro!or s)ec
In)"! ran"%ari!'
O"!)"! ran"%ari!'
Mo!or T')e
Hammerin Power
Ca)a#i%i!' !h
; 6
.1. 6
** 6
Power De&ice
Coa% sam)%e red"c!ion T') e
S"i!a#%e #e%! wid!h 7mm9
Door Heih!
Cr"shin T')e
4e%! 6id!h
Ha!ch si
Line s)eed 7ms9
7mm9 ,~.
4ra$e Mo!or Red"cer
Coa% feedin 7each #e%! coa% feeder is %is!ed9 T')e
4e%! 6id!h
Line S)eed
Door Heih!
Power 7$w9
Dri&e Co%%oca!ion
7mm9 S3?;C
Sam)%e co%%ec!or Page 106 of 160
UDY-1-? 86;;,
C"#ae(Li !re)
Power 769
)e SC?R:
Dri&e De&ice
4ra$e Mo!or Red"cer
Coa% re!"rnin e("i)men! 7#"c$e! e%e&a!or9 *1-:~*1-: m
Hois!in Heih! Trans)or! Ca)a#i%i!'
-1,, m ,h
C"#ae of ho))er
1* L
R"n s)eed of ho))er Red"cer Mo!or
1@K ms 46D -1-~---@
T')e Power
-1- 6
E%ec!rica% )ar! O)era!ion mode= A"!oman"a%semi?a"!o
O)era!ion s's!em f"nc!ions= a9 in!er%oc$ #9 de%a' s!ar!") and de%a' sh"!down c9 r"nnin )eriod ,s ad/"s!a#%e E("i)men! !o!a% )ower : Power s"))%'=
;2AC .HB
O)era!ion mode= A"!oman"a%semi?a"!o *1*1K1,
Chec$ and )re)ara!ion #efore s!ar!")
Chec$ s's!em e("i)men! is finished and !he sin%e !es! r"nnin is e%ii#%e1
Chec$ safe!' faci%i!' is finished firm%' and re%ia#%'1
Ma$e s"re dis!ance #e!ween c"!!er and #e%! is -,mm1
Chec$ !he !a#%e! e!!in c%ose !o swi!ch0 and !he )ower s"))%' is connec!ed !he momen! !he c"!!er e!s off !he #e%! on !he rear )ar! of c"!!er1
S!ar!") and commissionin
Man"a% O)era!ion
P"! a"!o0 s!o)0 man"a% on fron! )ane% of !he sam)%in con!ro% ca#ine! !o Man"a%1
Page 107 of 160
*1*1K1 *1*1K1;1;1-1* 1*
S!ar! S!ar! ") #"c$e #"c$e!! e%e&a! e%e&a!or or00 co%%ec co%%ec!or !or00 s)%i!! s)%i!!in in de&ice de&ice00 coa% coa% cr"she cr"sher0 r0 )rimar' )rimar' ma!er ma!eria% ia% feeder and sam)%er in se("ence1
*1*1K1;1*1*1K1;1-1, 1,
The s's!em s's!em e("i)men e("i)men!! sho"%d #e r"nnin r"nnin wi!ho"! wi!ho"! %oad for * ho"rs ho"rs af!er #ein #ein norma%1 norma%1
*1*1 *1*1K1 K1;1 ;1* *
Pro Prora ramm mmed ed con! con!ro ro%% %%ed ed o)er o)era! a!io ion n
*1*1K1 *1*1K1;1* ;1*11-
P"! P"! a"!o0 a"!o0 s!o)0 s!o)0 man"a% man"a% on fron! fron! )ane% )ane% of !he sam)%i sam)%in n con!ro% con!ro% ca#ine ca#ine!! !o Man"a% Man"a% af!er !he "n%oad?r"nnin "n%oad?r"nnin is finished1 f inished1
*1*1K1;1* *1*1K1;1*1* 1*
Press Press AUTO AUTO STARTU STARTUP P #"!!on and s's!em s's!em #eins )roram? )roram?con!r con!ro%%e o%%ed d r"nnin1 r"nnin1
*1*1 *1*1K1 K1;1 ;1*1 *1, , In!e In!er% r%oc oc$ $ !es! !es!== d"ri d"rin n s's! s's!em em o)er o)era! a!in in0 0 disc discon onne nec! c! !he !he )ow )ower s")) s"))%' %' for for an' an' e("i)men! in !he s's!em or send !he emerenc' sina%0 !he main )ower s"))%' sho"%d #e disconnec!ed and !he e("i)men! #efore !he emerenc' e("i)men! sho"%d #e s!o))ed0 #"! !he e("i)men! #ehind !he emerenc' e("i)men! sho"%d $ee) o)era!in1 *1*1K1 *1*1K1;1* ;1*1; 1;
S's!em S's!em se(" se("enc ence e s!ar!") s!ar!") se("e se("ence nce
A%%owed condi!ions
Mo!or !hree wa's
S's!em is in a"!oma!ic s!a!e and and mo!or mo!or !hree !hree wa' wa' has no emerenc' emerenc'11
4"c$e! e%e&a!or is r"nnin0 s!ar!") is de%a'ed and !he s)%i!!in de&ice has no emerenc'1
Dredin de&ice
D"rin cr"sher o)era!in0 in!er&a% o)era!in af!er ini!ia% sam)%er is ac!in0 and !he dredin
Ma!eria% feeder
D"rin cr"sher o)era!in0 !he s!ar!") is de%a'ed and !he ma!eria% feeder has no emerenc'1
S's!em S's!em o)era!i o)era!in n
D"rin D"rin ma!eria ma!eria%% feedin0 feedin0 !he !he s's!em s's!em o)era!io o)era!ion n sina% sina% is sen! sen! o"! and and !he sina% %ih! is on1
Ini!ia% sam)%er
Sea%in !a)e de&ice is o)era!in0 and !he ma!eria% feeder is r"nnin and !he ini!ia% sam)%er has no emerenc'1
S's!em c%earin
a1 D"rin s's!em o)era!ion0 )ress CLEANING STARTUP or !he !ransmi!!er is s!o))ed1 #0 6hen !he c%eanin emerenc' ha))ens ha))ens or co%%ec!or is f"%%
S)%i!!in de&ice
In!er&a% r"nnin af!er ini!ia% sam)%er is ac!in and !he s)%i!!in de&ice has no emerenc'1
Sam)%e co%%ec!or
If !he )resen! co%%ec!or sam)%e n"m#er reaches !o !he )re?se! &a%"e0 i! is a"!oma!ica%%' mo&in !o ne! !an$ and !he sam)%e co%%ec!or has no emerenc'1
Page 108 of 160
*1*1 *1*1K1 K1;1 ;1*1 *1. .
C%ea C%eani nin n )ro )roce cess ss
*1*1K1;1*1.1- Press !he CLEANING #"!!on when s's!em is in o)era!ion !o )erform c%eanin1 c%eanin1 *1*1K1;1*1.1* S!o) !he main #e%! when s's!em is is in o)era!ion1 *1*1K1 *1*1K1;1* ;1*1.1 1.1, ,
D"rin D"rin s's!em s's!em o)era!i o)era!ion on00 !here are are fai%"re fai%"res s !ha! can #e corre correc!e c!ed d #' c%eani c%eanin0 n0 s"ch as )rimar' sam)%in scoo) fai%"re0 feeder fai%"re0 cr"sher fai%"re0 di&ider fai%"re0 co%%ec!or fai%"re0 and fai%"re res"%!in from coa% #%oc$aes1 D"rin c%eanin )roces )rocess0 s0 s!o) s!o) )rimar )rimar' ' sam)%i sam)%in n de&ice de&ice whi%e whi%e $ee)in $ee)in !he o!her o!her de&ic de&ices es in o)era!ion for &en!i%a!ion1
*1*1 *1*1K1 K1;1 ;1*1 *1: : S' S's! s!em em a%a a%arm rm Sam)%in s's!em fai%"res wi%% #e indica!ed on !he o)era!ion )ane%1 6hen one de&ice fai%s0 fai%s0 !he ")s!ream ")s!ream e("i)men! e("i)men! wi%% wi%% #e sh"!down sh"!down and downs!re downs!ream am e("i)men e("i)men!! wi%% con!in"e r"nnin !o &en!i%a!e !he s's!em1 Af!er ca"ses ha&e #een ascer!ained and correc!ed0 !he a%arm rese! #"!!on m"s! #e )ressed !o res!ar! ") s's!em and !o rese! a%arm circ"i!1 The informa!ion !ha! sha%% #e indica!ed on !he !o"ch )ane% is as fo%%ows= Primar' sa sam)%in )r )ro#e fa fai%"re *1*1K1;1*1@
3eeder fai%"re
C%oed co coa% in ind"ced fa fai%"re Cr"sher fai%"re
Un#%oc$er fai%"re
Di&ider fai%"re
Sam)%e co%%ec!or fai%"re
O)era!ion wi!h %oad
*1*1K1 *1*1K1;1* ;1*1@1 1@1- O)en O)en !he #"c$e! #"c$e! e%e&a e%e&a!or !or !hree !hree?w ?wa' a' dam)e dam)err and and ens"r ens"re e !ha! !ha! i! is in !he correc correc!! )osi!ion1 *1K1;1*1@ *1K1;1*1@1* 1*
6hen coa% coa% is on a #e%! #e%! which which has a sam)%er sam)%er00 s!ar! s!ar! ") !he sam)%er sam)%er #' )rora )roram m con!ro%1 con!ro%1
*1*1K 1*1K1. 1.
Chec hec$s and ad/ ad/"s!m s!men!s n!s d" d"rin rin o) o)era era!io !ion
*1*1K1 *1*1K1.1.1-
Chec$ Chec$ !o !o ens"re ens"re !ha !ha!! !he #%ad #%ade e of sam)% sam)%er er is no! no! !oo c%os c%ose e !o !he #e% #e%!! !o )re&en )re&en!! #e%! #e%! wear1 Ad/"s! when necessar'1
*1*1 *1*1K1 K1.1 .1* *
Chec Chec$ $ !o ens"r ens"re e !ha! !ha! !he %"#e %"#e oi% oi% in !he )rima )rimar' r' feede feederr ear ear#o #o is of a))ro a))ro)r )ria ia!e !e ("a%i!' and !ha! oi% %e&e% is norma%1 The #e%! sho"%d no! #e off?!rac$1 Ad/"s! !he !a$e?") "ni! if necessar'1
*1*1 *1*1K1 K1.1 .1, ,
6hen 6hen )ar!i )ar!ic% c%e e si
*1*1K1 *1*1K1.1; .1;
There There are oi% oi% ho%es ho%es and and air )%"s )%"s in !he !he co%%ec co%%ec!or !or dri&i dri&in n de&ic de&ice1 e1 The The ear#o ear#o sho"%d sho"%d #e fi%%ed wi!h s!andardi
*1*1K1 *1*1K1.1. .1.
Chec$ Chec$ !ha! !ha! !he #"c$ #"c$e! e! e%e&a e%e&a!or !or does does no! no! &i#ra!e &i#ra!e and and is no! no! o&erhe o&erhea!e a!ed d !here !here is no fric!ion #e!ween #"c$e! ede and casin !he ear#o oi% ("a%i!' and %e&e% are #o!h correc!1
Sh"!down an and )r )reca"!ions Page 109 of 160
*1*1K1 *1*1K1:1:1-
S!o) S!o) !he !he sam)% sam)%er er af!e af!err !he !he coa% coa% feed feeder er #e%! #e%! is sh"! sh"!dow down1 n1
*1*1K1:1* *1*1K1:1*
Press Press !he s!o) #"!!on #"!!on when when carr' carr'in in o"! o"! )rora )roram m sh"!dow sh"!down1 n1 Man"a% Man"a% sh"!down sh"!down sho"%d sho"%d #e done in !he o))osi!e order of man"a% s!ar!")1
*1*1K1:1, *1*1K1:1,
Confirm Confirm !here !here is no no coa% coa% in !he e("i) e("i)men! men! when when s!o))in s!o))in man"a%% man"a%%' ' !o a&oid a&oid an on?%o on?%oad ad s!ar!") in !he f"!"re1
3a"%!s and so%"!ions 3a"%!s 3ee 3eeder der !rac$
#e%! e%!
oes off 4e%! is !oo %oose
So%"!ions Ad/"s! !a$e?") "ni!
Coa% sam)%e in co%%ec!or U)s!r U)s!ream eam de&ice de&ices s or di&ide di&ider r S!ar! ") "n#%oc$er1 If fai%s #eco #ecome mes s %ess %ess or non? non? sam)%in )i)es are #%oc$ed !o s!ar! ")0 disman!%e and eis!en! ins)ec!1 Cr"sher s!ar!ed
Coa% is !oo we! or #%oc$ed #' forein ma!!er
2)2) )2)1>
M$c'anica Sa%&$r of A#?Fir$d Coa
Disassem Disassem#%e #%e cr"sher cr"sher and c%ear
A scra)er !')e sam)%er is "sed !o sam)%e !he as?fired coa%1 The sam)%er scra)er )recise%' !a$es sam)%es from !he con&e'in #e%!1 I! is dri&en #' a #ra$in mo!or &ia a ear#o1 Sam)%in increase or red"c!ion can #e done #' chanin !he n"m#er of sam)%es !a$en d"rin each !ime frame0 i1e1 !ime in!er&a%s1 There There are !wo !wo as?fir as?fired ed coa% coa% in!er in!ermed media ia!e !e sec!io sec!ion n mechan mechanica ica%% sam)%i sam)%in n s's!e s's!ems ms ins!a%%ed on !he C?.A4 #e%! inside !he cr"sher room1 The sam)%in de&ice main%' com)rises sam)%er0 coa% feeder0 cr"sher0 di&ider0 co%%ec!or0 #"c$e! e%e&a!or0 e%ec!rica% con!ro% s's!em0 ins!a%%a!ion )%a!form0 and who%%'?sea%ed "ni! con!ro% cham#er1 The remainin )ar!ic%es direc!%' fa%% on!o !he C?.A4 con&e'or1 *1*11*1- 1*
Techni chnic ca% s)ec s)eciific fica!i a!ions
*1*1 *1*1- -1* 1*11-
Sam) Sam)%i %in n sec! sec!io ion n Mode%
Sam)%in fre("enc'
- !imes#a!ch 7one #a!ch is !9
Sam)%in fre("enc' )er ho"r
-?-* ad/"s!a#%e
-. mm
Sam)%in s)eed
. ms
Sam)%in in!er&a%s
Page 110 of 160
Ca)aci!' of each sam)%e
-, $
Ro!a!in s)eed of sam)%e scoo)
:- RPM
Linear s)eed
,1, ms
; 6
Cr"sher Mode%
Cr"sher !')e
reac!i&e !')e
? *!h
Mo!or !')e
Mo!or )ower
@1: $6
In%e! ran"%ari!'
: mm
O"!%e! ran"%ari!'
Di&ision )ar! Di&ider !')e
Di&ider mode=
ro!ar' !')e
Sam)%in fre("enc' )er ho"r
ad/"s!a#%e 7: !imes of !he )re%iminar' sam)%in9
Di&ider o)enin si
Sam)%in in!er&a%
Di&ision ra!io
-=-?-= ad/"s!a#%e
Ro!a!iona% fre("enc'
Mo!or )ower
E%ec!rica% mo!or !')e
C"! wid!h
Par!ic%e si
Coa% s"))%' 7for each #e%!9
Page 111 of 160
E("i)men! !')e
4e%! wi!h s$ir! #oard=
,:+:+*Kmm 7in!era% circ"mference9
Ma!eria% )ar!ic%e si
Dri&e "ni! !')e=
Ro!a!in s)eed=
Dri&e )"%%e'=
s!ee% %inear-:+;
Dri&en )"%%e'
s!ee% %inear-:+;
Sam)%e co%%ec!or= E("i)men! !')e=
6ho%e )ower
Ro!a!iona% fre("enc'
E%ec!rica% mo!or !')e
Sam)%e #"c$e! ca)aci!'
N"m#er of sam)%e #"c$e!s=
Coa%?re!"rnin e("i)men! 7#"c$e! e%e&a!or9 4"c$e! e%e&a!or !')e=
TD?-? ?;m 3h
O"!)"!= 4"c$e! wid!h=
4"c$e! ca)aci!' =
4"c$e!s )i!ch=
4e%! s)eed
Dri&e )"%%e'=
Dri&en )"%%e'=
Mo!or )ower=
Page 112 of 160
E%ec!rica% )ar! O)era!ion mode =
O)era!ion s's!em f"nc!ions=
a9 in!er%oc$ #9 de%a' s!ar!") de%a' sh"!down1 c9 o)era!ion c'c%e= ad/"s!a#%e )er ,s1 d9 can r"n con!in"o"s%'
To!a% e("i)men! )ower=
E%ec!ric )ower s"))%'
;2AC :HB
Con!ro% mode
Chec$s and )re)ara!ions #efore s!ar!")
Ens"re !he com)%e!e ins!a%%a!ion of !he e("i)men! and sin%e "ni! !es! r"ns are )assed1
Ens"re !he !horo"h and !ih! ins!a%%a!ion of !he safe!' faci%i!ies1
Ens"re !he safe se)ara!ion of -,mm #e!ween c"!!er and #e%!1
Chec$ !he sensi!i&e )ane% near !he swi!ch1 Ma$e s"re i! is )ower?on #ehind !he c"!!er as soon as i! )asses !he ede of !he #e%!1
S!ar!") and !es! r"n
Man"a% o)era!ion
*1*1-1;1-1- P"! !he AUTO0 STOP0 MANUAL swi!ch on !he )ane% in fron! of !he sam)%e con!ro% )ane% !o MANUAL1 *1*1-1;1-1* S!ar! ") s"ccessi&e%' !he #"c$e! e%e&a!or0 co%%ec!or0 di&ider0 cr"sher0 )rimar' feeder and sam)%er1 *1*1-1;1-1, The e("i)men! in !he s's!em sho"%d #e o)era!ed for * ho"rs wi!h no?%oad af!er i! is fo"nd !o #e in norma% condi!ion1 *1*1-1;1*
Proram o)era!ion
*1*1-1;1*1- Af!er no %oad r"nnin0 )"! !he AUTOMATIC0 STOP0 MANUAL swi!ch on !he )ane% in fron! of sam)%in con!ro% ca#ine! !o AUTOMATIC1 *1*1-1;1*1* Press !he AUTO START #"!!on1 The s's!em wi%% s!ar! r"nnin in )roram o)era!ion1 *1*1-1;1*1, Performin !he in!er%oc$ !es!= d"rin o)era!ion of !he s's!em0 c"! !he )ower s"))%' or send a fa"%! sina% !o an' e("i)men!1 The e("i)men! ")s!ream of !he e("i)men! #ein !es!ed sho"%d immedia!e%' s!o) o)era!in1 The e("i)men! downs!ream sho"%d r"nnin con!in"e1 *1*1-1;1*1; S's!em se("en!ia% s!ar! )roram Page 113 of 160
A%%owa#%e condi!ions
S's!em in a"!oma!ic s!a!e mo!ori
4"c$e! e%e&a!or in o)era!ion de%a'ed s!ar! di&ider fa"%!?free
Cr"sher in o)era!ion s!aered o)era!ion are ini!ia% sam)%e0 "n#%oc$er fa"%!?free
Cr"sher r"ns0 de%a'ed s!ar!0 fa"%!?free feeder
S's!em o)era!ion
3eeder r"ns0 s's!em o)era!ion sina% o"!)"!s0 sina% indica!or on
Primar' sam)%er
R"##er #e%! r"ns,feeder r"ns,#einnin minin machine fa"%!? free
S's!em c%eanin
a1 S's!em r"ns0 )ress CLEANING START #"!!on or sh"! down !he con&e'or #1 3a"%!s re("irin c%eanin or a%% co%%ec!ion !an$s f"%%
In!ermi!!en! o)era!ion af!er ac!i&a!ion of )rimar' sam)%er no fa"%! in !he di&ider
Sam)%e co%%ec!or
Sam)%e n"m#er of co%%ec!ion !an$s reaches !o )rese! &a%"e0 mo&es !o ne! !an$ a"!oma!ica%%' sam)%e co%%ec!or fa"%!?free
*1*1-1;1*1. C%eanin )roram *1*1-1;1*1.1-
Press !he c%eanin #"!!on when s's!em is r"nnin1
Main #e%! s!o)s when s's!em is r"nnin1
If !here are some fa"%!s of s's!em !ha! need !o #e remo&ed 7sam)%in scoo) fa"%!0 feeder fa"%!0 cr"sher fa"%!0 di&ider fa"%!0 co%%ec!or fa"%!0 coa% /ammin fa"%!9 when s's!em r"nnin1 D"rin c%eanin0 )rimar' sam)%er s!o)s sam)%in0 #"! !he res! of !he e("i)men! con!in"es r"nnin !o c%ean o"! !he s 's!em1
*1*1-1;1*1: S's!em A%arm Sam)%in s's!em fa"%! wi%% dis)%a' fa"%! informa!ion &ia "sin o)era!ion )ane%1 6hen occ"rs fa"%!0 !he ")s!ream e("i)men! wi%% #e sh"!down and !he downs!ream e("i)men! wi%% con!in"e r"nnin !o em)!' s's!em1 Af!er ascer!ainin and remo&in !he a%arm ca"ses0 )"sh !he a%arm rese! #"!!on !o res!ar! s's!em and rese! !he a%arm circ"i!1 The informa!ion !ha! sha%% #e indica!ed on !he !o"ch )ane% is as fo%%ows= Primar' sam)%in )ro#e fa"%!
C%oed coa% ind"ced
3eeder fa"%!
Cr"sher fa"%!
Page 114 of 160
Un#%oc$er Di&ider fa"%! fa"%!
Sam)%e co%%ec!or fa"%!
*1*1-1;1*1@ O)era!ion wi!h %oad *1*1-1;1*1@1-
O)en !he #"c$e! e%e&a!or !hree?wa' dam)er and ens"re !ha! i! is in !he correc! )osi!ion1
6hen coa% is on a #e%! which has a sam)%er0 s!ar! ") !he sam)%er #' )roram con!ro%1
Ins)ec!ion and ad/"s!men! d"rin o)era!ion1
Chec$ !o ens"re !ha! !he #%ade of sam)%er is no! !oo c%ose !o !he #e%! !o )re&en! #e%! wear1 Ad/"s! when necessar'1
Chec$ !o ens"re !ha! !he %"#e oi% in !he )rimar' feeder ear#o is of a))ro)ria!e ("a%i!' and !ha! oi% %e&e% is norma%1 The #e%! sho"%d no! #e off?!rac$1 Ad/"s! !he !a$e?") "ni! if necessar'1
6hen )ar!ic%e si
The dri&in de&ice of co%%ec!or has oi% fi%!er ho%e and &en! )%"1 The ear#o can #e fi%%ed wi!h s!andard ear %"#e1 Chec$ %"#e %e&e% )rom)!%' in order !o ens"re %"#e %e&e% is norma%1
Ins)ec! !o ens"re !here is no &i#ra!ion and o&erhea!in for e%e&a!or #"rner and no fric!ion #e!ween #"c$e! and she%%1 Addi!iona%%'0 ma$e s"re %"#e ("a%i!' and %"#e %e&e% of ear#o are norma%1
Sh"!down and )reca"!ions
S!o) o)era!in sam)%er af!er coa% con&e'or s!o)s1
There are oi% ho%es and air )%"s in !he co%%ec!or dri&in de&ice1 The ear#o sho"%d #e fi%%ed wi!h s!andardi
Chec$ !ha! !he #"c$e! e%e&a!or does no! &i#ra!e and is no! o&erhea!ed !here is no fric!ion #e!ween #"c$e! ede and casin !he ear#o oi% ("a%i!' and %e&e% are #o!h correc!1
3a"%!s and So%"!ions 3a"%!s 3eeder #e%! oes off !rac$
Ca"ses 4e%! is !oo %oose
So%"!ions Ad/"s! !a$e?") "ni!
Coa% sam)%e in co%%ec!or U)s!ream de&ices or di&ider S!ar! ") "n#%oc$er1 If fai%s !o #ecomes %ess or non?eis!en! sam)%in )i)es are #%oc$ed s!ar! ")0 disman!%e and ins)ec!1
Page 115 of 160
Cr"sher canno! #e s!ar!ed
E$ctronic 0$t Sca$
Coa% is !oo we! or #%oc$ed Disassem#%e cr"sher and c%ear #' forein ma!!er
In order !o ca%c"%a!e !he ("an!i!' of as?recei&ed coa% and as?fired coa%0 e%ec!ronic #e%! sca%es are ins!a%%ed res)ec!i&e%' on #e%! con&e'ors C?-A and C?.A41 6or$in )rinci)%e is as fo%%ows= #e%! sca%e consis!s of !hree main )ar!s= weih#ride0 s)eed sensor and in!era!or1 The weih#ride of sensor wi!h %oad can !ransfer !he weih! of ma!eria%s on !he #e%! in!o a &o%!ae o"!)"! sina% !ha! is direc!%' )ro)or!iona% !o !he #e%! %oad1 S)eed sensors s"))%' a series of )"%ses1 Each )"%se re)resen!s one "ni! %en!h of a #e%! in o)era!ion1 P"%se fre("enc' is direc!%' )ro)or!iona% !o #e%! s)eed1 The in!era!or recei&es sina%s from !he %oad sensors and s)eed sensors and con&er!s !hem !o a dii!a% sina%1 I! e!s )arame!ers &ia micro)rocessor ca%c"%a!ions1 6eih! sina%s are o"!)"!!ed #' in!era!in %oad sina%s and s)eed sina%s1 *1*1--1*
Technica% S)ecifica!ions Parame!ers Ra!ed o"!)"! of coa% hand%in s's!em
Parame!er Da!a
Parame!er Da!a
C?-A #e%! con&e'or
S"))or! id%er "ni!
C?.A4 #e%! con&e'or
Id%er !ro"h an%e
Precision of
W1*. 7F9
Id%er diame!er
4e%! con&e'er sca%e Dimensions of #e%! con&e'or
6id! h
-; 7mm9
-* 7mm9
S)eed Con!ro% mode *1*1--1,
,1. 7ms9
Proram and %oca% con!ro%
Ins!a%%a!ion %oca!ion
On C?-A 0 C? .A4 #e%! con&e'ors
Power s"))%'
**2 .HB
Chec$s and )re)ara!ions #efore s!ar!")= -9
Chec$ for d"s! and coa% de)osi!s on weihin #ride1
Chec$ whe!her !here is an' coa% or forein ma!!er s!"c$ on !he #e%!1
Chec$ if !here an' chanes !o #e%! !ension1
Page 116 of 160
Chec$ whe!her !he readin on !he indica!or is
Se! !he s)an or se! i! !o a"!oma!ic mode1
S!ar!") and commissionin
C%ose !he )ower s"))%' swi!ch1 Carr' o"! !he fo%%owin o)era!ions if !he )ower s"))%' is in norma% condi!ion1
Defined !o!a% "ni!= Defa"%! "ni!= !on o)!iona% "ni!= $i%orams
Se%ec!ion ra!io "ni!s= Defa"%! "ni!= !h o)!iona% "ni!s= !h0 h0 F
Defined maim"m weihin &o%"me ra!io= !aci!= defa"%! -1 minim"m -1 maim"m= *001 Se%ec! maim"m &o%"me ra!io0 choose weihin indein= s!andardi
S)eed in)"!!in ca!eor'= defa"%! > e!erna% o)!ion ? o"!side0 ana%o1
Choose s!andardi
In)"! s!andardi
Carr'in o"! dis)%a'in
S!ar! ") #e%! con&e'er sca%e
Chec$s and ad/"s!men!s d"rin o)era!ion
Chec$ whe!her !here is an' d"s! or coa% acc"m"%a!ed on !he weihin #ride1
Chec$ whe!her !here is an' coa% or forein ma!!er s!"c$ !o !he #e%!1
Chec$ whe!her !he coa% on !he #e%! is e&en%' s)read1 Main!ainin "niform con&e'in is a $e' condi!ion for acc"ra!e meas"remen!1
Chec$ whe!her !he !a$e?") force of !he #e%! chanes1
Chec$ whe!her !he indica!ion dis)%a'ed is norma%0 and chec$ and ca%i#ra!e1
Sh"!down and )reca"!ions
4e%! con&e'or sca%e can #e sh"!down on%' af!er !he con&e'er has s!o))ed r"nnin1
Chec$ whe!her !here is an' d"s! or coa% de)osi!s on !he weihin #ride af!er sh"!down1
Chec$ whe!her !here is an' coa% or forein ma!!er s!"c$ !o !he con&e'or #e%!1
Chec$ whe!her !he !a$e?") force of !he #e%! has chaned1
C%ean !he #e%! and weihin #ride1
Tro"#%e shoo!in and fa"%! )re&en!ion
Page 117 of 160
6hen !here is a %are difference #e!ween !he dis)%a'ed indica!ion and !he ac!"a% &a%"e0 i! is necessar' !o chec$ whe!her
The main reasons for
d"s! or ma!eria% acc"m"%a!ed on !he weihin #ride
ma!eria% s!"c$ !o con&e'er #e%!
"ne&en con&e'er #e%!
#e%! %en!hened d"e !o !em)era!"re charac!eris!ics of !he ma!eria%
e%ec!ric meas"remen! com)onen! #ecome in&a%id1
Correc! !he fa"%! #ased on !he ca"ses1 *1*1--1@1,
The main reasons for s)an dis)%acemen! are mos! %i$e%'=
chanes in !ension of !he con&e'er #e%!
increase or decrease in s)eed sensor ro%%ers
o&er%oad of )ress"re meas"rin e%emen!s
fa"%! in e%ec!ronic meas"rin com)onen!1
Correc! !he fa"%! #ased on !he ca"ses1 2)2)12
Non Ma!n$tic M$ta D$t$ctor
O&er&iew The mane!ic se)ara!or on%' remo&es mane!ic me!a%1 I! does no! remo&e non? mane!ic me!a%s s"ch as mananese s!ee% and co))er c%ad a%"min"m1 In order !o $ee) as?fired coa% free from me!a%s0 !wo se!s of non?mane!ic me!a% de!ec!ors are in %oca!ed in !he midd%e sec!ion of !he C?;A4 con&e'or #e%! and #ehind !he mane!ic se)ara!or1 The' are "sed !o de!ec! non?me!a%s in !he coa%0 )re&en!in non?me!a%s en!erin !he #oi%er and ens"rin safe o)era!ion1
Technica% s)ecifica!ions No1
S"))%' &o%!ae
6ho%e machine )ower
Ada)!i&e re%a!i&e h"midi!'
.F (;℃ )
Ada)! am#ien! !em)era!"re
?-℃ ? ;℃
Page 118 of 160
Par!ic%e si
Ma!eria% charac!er
Ada)!i&e #e%! s)eed
1 ? ;1ms
Ada)!i&e wid!h
4ase &i#ra!ion rane of
A#%e !o de!ec! co))er0 a%"min"m0 and o!her $ind of non?mane!ic me!a% o#/ec! %arer !han -mm1
On C?;A4 #e%! con&e'er and #ehind mane!ic se)ara!or
Ins)ec!ions and )re)ara!ions #efore s!ar!")
Chec$ !he sensor has #een fied on con&e'er frame and !he ins!r"men! #o has #een fied on wa%% s)ace or frame1 Chec$ !he )osi!ion and s!a#%eness1
Ens"re !he fo%%owin= sec"re )ower so"rce0 correc! wirin connec!ions in ins!r"men! #o0 and indica!ors in ood condi!ion1
S!ar!") and commissionin
P"! me!a% de!ec!or o"!)"! con!ro% and in!er%oc$ wi!h #e%! con&e'or in!o o)era!ion1
O)en !he #o door1 C%ose !he )ower s"))%' swi!ch1 The )ane% )ower indica!ors wi%% !"rn on1 Af!er ,s0 !he de!ec!or wi%% s!ar! o)era!in1
Ad/"s!men! of sensi#i%i!'= !he "ser can ad/"s! !he sensi#i%i!' #ased on !he si!e condi!ion1 On !he "))er side of )ower )ane%0 !here is a need%e )o!en!iome!er 7*w-91 T"rn i! c%oc$wise !o increase sensi#i%i!' and &ice &ersa1
Ins)ec!ions and ad/"s!men!s d"rin o)era!ion1
Ma$e s"re !he indica!in sina%s on !he )ane% wor$ norma%%'1 The %ef! indica!or is !he )ower indica!or0 which is a%wa's on when !he e("i)men! is o)era!in1 The rih! one is !he sina% indica!or0 which is a%wa's on and ac!i&a!es !he o"!)"! re%a'1
Ins)ec! !he LED %e&e% indica!or1 There is a row of LED indica!or %ih!s in !he midd%e of !he #oard which show !he %e&e% sina% when me!a% )ass #' !he sensors1 6hen !he reen indica!or on !he %ef! sec!ion !"rns on0 i! means !he noise sina% s's!em or some me!a%s ha&e #een de!ec!ed1 6hen !he red indica!or on !he rih! sec!ion !"rns on0 i! shows !here is a harmf"% me!a% sina%1
Page 119 of 160
Pic$ me!a%s o"! immedia!e%' when ins!r"men!s de!ec! harmf"% me!a%s and a%arm1
Sh"!down and Preca"!ions On%' when !he C?;A4 #e%! con&e'or sh"!s down can !he me!a% de!ec!ors #e s!o))ed1
O)en !he )ower swi!ch1 The indica!or !"rns off1 The de!ec!or s!o)s wor$in1 *1*1-*1@
3a"%!s0 So%"!ions and Pre&en!i&e Meas"res
So%"!ion )re&en!ion
Me!a% in !he coa% can s!i%% #e de!ec!ed and ma$e !he a%arm so"nd1
Too %ow de!ec!or sensi!i&i!'1
Sensors e)erience fa"%! in )ic$")0 am)%ifica!ion0 se)ara!ion and !ransmission of sina%s1
Re)air or re)%ace1
; .
3a"%!s in a))ara!"s #o0 wirin0 or Chec$ a%arm1 wirin1 The a%arm so"nds e&en if !here is no me!a% in !he coa%1
Too hih de!ec!or sensi!i&i!'1
Sensors are ins!a%%ed c%ose !o me!a% %i$e ro%%er or e%ec!romane!ic mane!ic se)ara!or1
3a"%!s in sensors0 a))ara!"s #o0 wirin0 and a%arm1
Re)air or re)%ace1
Lo* Noi#$ Anti?0ocin! M$c'ani#%
O&er&iew The B3 !')e &i#ra!ion an!i?#%oc$in mechanism is a $ind of "ni&ersa% an!i?#%oc$in mechanism0 "sin !he YBO !')e &i#ra!ion mo!or as !he &i#ra!ion so"rce1 I! can )re&en! and e%imina!e !he ma!eria%s inside !he s!orae ho))ers0 s!orae !an$s or feeders1 I! is a%so !he s)ecia% e("i)men! for an!i?#%oc$in e("i)men! %i$e !"#"%ar )assaes and !oner ho))ers !o ens"re !he c%ear and smoo!h f%ow of ma!eria%1 On !he !o) of !he B3 !')e &i#ra!ion an!i?#%oc$in mechanism is a YBO !')e &i#ra!ion mo!or0 and #e%ow is a s!and0 /oined !oe!her #' hih s!ren!h #o%!s1 The mechanism has hih ener'0 %ow noise0 %ow ener' cons"m)!ion0 %on ser&ice %ife and ad/"s!a#%e eci!in force1
*1*1-,1* Mode%
Technica% s)ecifica!ions Si%o 6a%% mm
Ma!ched 2i#ra!ion
Efficienc' $
Page 120 of 160
2i#ra!ion 3re("enc'
3o"nda!io n 4%o!
3orce $
O)enin Len!h 8 6id!h
,2 .H<
,2 .H<
,2 .H<
,2 .H<
,2 .H<
Ins)ec!ions and )re)ara!ions #efore s!ar!")
Ens"re &i#ra!or #ases are ins!a%%ed correc!%' and !ih!%'1
Ens"re !he fied #o%!s of &i#ra!ion mo!ors are a%% in )%ace0 wi!h a))ro)ria!e wirin1
Ens"re !he !wo s'mme!rica%%' ins!a%%ed &i#ra!ion de&ice are .?-mm a)ar! from each o!her1
S!ar!") and !es!in
S!ar! !he &i#ra!ion mo!or ") af!er ins)ec!ions0 confirmin !here are no a#norma% &i#ra!ions and s"))%'in )ower !o !he mo!or con!ro% #o1
Af!er !wo ho"rs of o)era!ion wi!ho"! fa"%!s0 &i#ra!ion mo!ors wi%% o !hro"h an in!er%oc$ !es!1 If !here is a #%oc$ae sina%0 !he mo!or sho"%d #e s!ar!ed ")1 6hen !he a%arm is ac!i&a!ed0 !he sina% wi%% #e !ransmi!!ed !o )roramme con!ro%0 !hen !he con!ro% room wi%% send ra))in sina% !o !he ra))in con!ro% ca#ine!1 This ma$es !he &i#ra!ion mo!or ra) a"!oma!ica%%' "n!i% !he #%oc$ae has #een remo&ed1 Then !he #%oc$ae de&ice wi%% send !he sina% !o moni!or room0 where !he s!o))ae of ra) sina% wi%% #e de%i&ered !o !he con!ro% ca#ine! !o s!o) ra))in1 3ina%%'0 !he ra))er wi%% #e res!ored !o i!s norma% o)era!ion1
Ins)ec!ions and ad/"s!men!s d"rin o)era!ion1
Ens"re !he fied )ar!s of ra))er are a%% in )%ace0 wor$in )ro)er%'0 and !he mo!or is no! o&erhea!ed1
The !ransmission of &i#ra!ion force enera%%' ranes from ; !o . me!ers1
Sh"!down and )reca"!ions Page 121 of 160
S!o) &i#ra!ion mo!ors on si!e or #' )roram con!ro%1
C"! off )ower s"))%' !o con!ro% casin d"rin a %on !ime sh"!down1
3a"%!s and So%"!ions
No ra))in
2i#ra!ion mo!or fa"%!s
Chec$ &i#ra!ion mo!or
Poor ra))in
Loose &i#ra!ion #%oc$ed s)rins
or Re?fas!en and forein ma!!er
Coa F$$din! E,ui&%$nt#
Im)e%%er coa% feeder
I! is com)osed of dri&in e%ec!ric mo!or0 eci!a!ion s)eed ad/"s!men! c%"!ch , s)eed red"cer0 O%dham 7do"#%e s%ider9 co")%in 、 conical gear red"cer 、 im)e%%er and mo&in ac!"a!or1
6or$in )rinci)%es of !he im)e%%er coa% feeder The coa% fi%%in )roress of !he im)e%%er coa% feeder is = !he e%ec!ric mo!ors mo&in is con!ro%%ed #' !he e%ec!ric )ower con!ro% #o0 a series of mechanica% dri&in force 0 !he im)e%%er immersed in !he coa% a) dri&es !he coa% when i! is ro!a!in0 and af!er !ha! !he coa% wi%% #e !ransferred !o !he #e%! #' feed coa% f"nne% 。 The im)e%%er coa% feeder can %oca% s!o) immedia!e%' a! a )oin! !o dri&e !he coa% as we%% as in !he condi!ion of mo&in1 i! mo&es forward and #ac$ward in !he dri&en of !he )osi!i&e nea!i&e? direc!ion ro!a!ion of !he one?cer!ain?s)eed e%ec!ric mo!or1
Ins)ec!ion #efore !he o)era!ion of !he im)e%%er coa% feeder a1
To ins)ec! !he coa% s!orae of !he coa% roo&e0 and !o chec$ if some im)"ri!ies in!er!wine !he im)e%%er
To see whe!her !he mo&in or#i! is f%a!0 s!raih!0 firm and no! #%oc$ed whe!her !he mo&in im)e%%er con!ac!s !he or#i! s"rface we%% and has no o"!?of?or#i! )henomenon1
The coa% dri&in ac!"a!or and mo&in ac!"a!or is #o!h ood !he )ro!ec!ion co&er of !he shaf! /oin! is com)%e!e and firm1 c%aw1
!he oi% %e&e% of each s)eed red"cer sho"%d #e in a norma% rane no me!amor)hism and %ea$ae )henomenon1
feed coa% f"nne% is "n#%oc$ed !he coa% dam)er in !he #o!!om of !he feed coa% f"nne% sho"%d #e ood !he #e%! /oin! s"rface m"s! #e inse)ara#%e
Page 122 of 160
and has no coa% %ea$ae )henomenon1
The ear!h %ine of a%% !he e%ec!ric mo!or0 !he a"es in !he o)era!in #o0 !he swi!ch0 #"!!ons0 and LCD indica!or sho"%d #e a%% com)%e!e%' ood1
The ca#%e for )ower s"))%' has no mess o&er%a))in )henomenon,and !he ca#%e?dri&in ro%%in whee% has no #%oc$ae0 /am and o"!?of? or#i! )henomenon1
E&er' mo&in swi!ch sho"%d #e ood and !heir )osi!ion m"s! #e correc!1
The si!e i%%"mina!ion %ih!enin and comm"nica!ion e("i)men! are com)%e!e and ood !he ash remo&in e("i)men! sho"%d #e in ood and s!and#' s!a!e1
O)era!ion of im)e%%er coa% feeder a1
C%ose !he main )ower s"))%' swi!ch and LCD indica!or wi%% #e %ih!ed1
Se%ec! !he )roramma#%e con!ro% mode >rogram or
S!ar!") !he main e%ec!ric mo!or0 and a! !his momen!0 !he ad/"s!in o)era!in machine sho"%d in a %ow?s)eed )osi!ion ,and i! is for#idden !o s!ar! i! ") in a hih s)eed1
Af!er !he main e%ec!ric mo!or s!ar!")0 rad"a%%' decrease !he ro!a!in s)eed !o !he needed &a%"e1
Af!er !he main im)e%%er s!ar!"),!he mo&in T2 can #e s!ar! "),and !he coa% feeder mo&es forward or #ac$ward1
when !he coa% feeder chanes i!s mo&in direc!ion0 s!ar! ") ano!her direc!ion af!er !he mo&in ac!"a!or s!o)s1
If )ress !he s!o) mo&in #"!!on0 !he coa% feeder wi%% carr' o"! !he %oca% )"shin coa% wor$1
when !he im)e%%er coa% feeder sh"!down0 firs! s!o) !he mo&in ac!"a!or0 !hen s!o) !he ro!a!ion of coa% )"shin ac!"a!or af!er ad/"s!in i! !o #e in a %ow s)eed1
Im)e%%er coa% feeder fai%"re and !rea!men! fa"%!s Press The S!ar!") 4"!!on0 4"! The E%ec!ric Mo!or Does
ca"se -1Power S"))%' Is No! Connec!ed *13"se
Page 123 of 160
!rea!men! -1 Eneri
No! Ro!a!e
Ro!a!in S)eed Is O"! Of Con!ro%
-1Con!ro%%ed Si%icon 4rea$down *1Re%a' Damaed
Te%% The E%ec!ric Main!enance Personne% To Carr' On Main!enance Or Chane I!1
,1Prin!in 4oard E%ec!ric Circ"i! Soc$e! Con!ac! Unwe%% 4i Tr"c$ S!o) Mo&in
-1Im)"ri!ies In The Or#i! Or The Or#i! Deformed *1No! Res!ored Af!er The Mo&in O)en And C%osed ,1Dri&in Ac!"a!or 3ai%"res
Coa C'ar!in! E,ui&%$nt
Charac!eris!ics of )%o"h ma!eria%s "n%oad
-1 C%ean O"! The Im)"ri!ies In The Or#i! Or Carr' On Main!enance And Re"%a!ion On The Or#i!1 *1Ins)ec! The Swi!ch And Rese! I! ,1 Te%% The Main!enance Personne% To Carr' On Main!enance On The Dri&in Ac!"a!or1
The ma!eria% "n%oad em)%o's do"#%e?%a'er s!r"c!"re 7ma/or and minor90 and !he minor one is ins!a%%ed wi!h c%eaner of )add' r"##er admi!"re1 I! has !he f"nc!ions of )ro!ec!in !he #e%!0 no r"n?o"! ma!eria%s0 no %ea$ae0 and ma!eria%s "n%oadin c%ean%'1
The dri&in s"))or! is !rian%e?/oin!in s!r"c!"red0 wi!h !he )ro)er!' of com)ac! s!r"c!"re0 s!ron in!ensi!'0 )ro)er and "niform %oad?carr'in ca)aci!'0 and )re!!' a))earance1
The )%o"h head is #i?ad/"s!in s!r"c!"re0 which means !he )%o"h head and co"%!er can #e se)ara!e%' ad/"s!ed ") and down1 Page 124 of 160
The crane "ses ad/"s!in s!r"c!"re0 which red"ces !he )henomenon of r"n?o"! #e%! and ("ic$ a#rasion of !he #e%! and co"%!er i! im)ro&es !he ser&ice %ife of ma!eria% "n%oad and #e%!1
The ro%%er carrier is %en!hened and i!s n"m#er increases !o si ro")0 wi!h decreasin s)ace1 This desin red"ces !he co"%!ers a#rasion and ma!eria% %ea$ae1
The ma!eria% of co"%!er "ses -:Mn0 which has !he ad&an!ae of ood d"ra#i%i!' and %on ser&ice %ife1
6or$in )rinci)%es of !he )%o"h >!')e coa% "n%oader I! is dri&en #' an e%ec!ric )"shin rod and carries o"! i!s wor$in or non?wor$in s!a!e #' !he e%ec!ric )"sh rods #ac$ and for!h mo&emen!1 6hen !he e%ec!ric )"sh rod )"shes o"!0 !he dri&in arm re!"rn !o %if! !he ro%%er carrier !o a se! heih! 7!he !heor' cen!er%ine of #e%!9 whi%e !he &aria#%e an%e ro%%er s"))or! !ransi!s !o Jfrom !he ini!ia% an%e0 a! !his !ime !he #e%! is in hori
Non?wor$in S!a!e of P%o"h >!')e Coa% Un%oader
Page 125 of 160
A"i%iar' )%o"h c"!!er
6or$in S!a!e of P%o"h >!')e Coa% Un%oader *1*1-.1,
Ins)ec!ion #efore !he )%o"h?!')e ma!eria% "n%oadin o)era!ion1 7-9
No no o)era!ion !a on !he si!e o)era!in #o each coa% )%o"h is in !he )osi!ion of rise ece)! !he end si%o )%o"h which is in !he fa%%?down s!a!e
3eed coa% f"nne% has no coa% #%oc$ae or /am0 coa% )%o"h is no! s!ic$ !o coa%s and im)"ri!ies air %oc$ &a%&e1 The swi!ch of air %oc$ &a%&e is f%ei#%e1
The coa% )%o"h #%ade sho"%d #e f%a!0 com)%e!e%' ood0 no! a#ased serio"s%'0 and !he %in$ rod does no! draw off0 and !he %imi! swi!ch is com)%e!e%' ood1
The co")%e #e!ween !he e%ec!ric )"sh rod end and !he )%o"h #%ade is no! draw?off !he dri&in de&ice is ood !he %imi! swi!ch of rise and down )%aces we%% and f%ei#%e1
4o%!s in e&er' )ar!s are no! %oose and draw?off1
The con&er! swi!ch is in !he demand )osi!ion1
The d"s! )roof co&er of !he e%ec!ric )"sh rod is com)%e!e%' ood1
O)era!ion of )%o"h?!')e ma!eria% "n%oad 7-9
The )ower so"rce swi!ch is c%osed and !he con&er! swi!ch is in %oca% )osi!ion1
Press !he rise or down #"!!on on !he si!e o)era!in #o0 !he coa% )%o"h wi%% corres)ondin%' rise or down1 D"rin !he )rocess0 if need !o s!o) i!0 /"s! )ress !he s!o) #"!!on1
3a"%!s and so%"!ion of !he )%o"h?!')e ma!eria% "n%oad
Page 126 of 160
The )"sh rod mo&es "nwe%% or !he )%o"h is #%oc$ed
-1Mo!or fai%s
-1To carr' on main!enance and !rea!men!
*1Im)"ri!ie s or coa%s s!ic$ !o !he coa% )%o"h
*1C%ean o"! !he s!ic$ coa%s and im)"ri!ies
Coa% %ea$ae
,1 P"sh rod is /ammed #' !he co")%e #earin1 -1 Coa% )%o"her enco"n!er s serio"s a#rasion
,1 6hen !he con&er! swi!ch or )ower s"))%' a#norma%0 as$ !he e%ec!ric )ersonne% !o so%&e i!1
-1To carr' on main!enance and !rea!men! *1Ins)ec! !he %imi! swi!ch and e%ec!ric )"sh rod1
*1 Coa% )%o"her is no! in i!s )osi!ion Coa% )%o"he r is no! in i!s )os!ion
-1Ro!a!in shaf! is /amed dead *1E%ec!ric )"sh rod %oses f"nc!ions1 ,1Posi!ion %imi! swi!ch %oses f"nc!ions1
Page 127 of 160
-1To carr' on main!enance and !rea!men! *1To carr' on main!enance and !rea!men! ,1 To carr' on main!enance and !rea!men!
Coa Handin! E,ui&%$nt Contro
Function and Co%&on$nt# of C$ntrai7$d Contro
3"nc!ion of cen!ra%i
E("i)men!s in coa% hand%in s's!em= coa% feeder im)e%%er0 #"c$e! whee% machine0 #e%! con&e'er0 dis$ iron remo&er0 #e%! iron remo&er0 one?sided )%ow discharer0 #i%a!era% )%ow discharer0 sam)%in ins!r"men!0 e%ec!ric dam)er !o !hree?direc!ion0 coa% cr"sher1
Com)onen!s of coa% hand%in remo!e?con!ro% s's!em Coa% hand%in remo!e?con!ro% s's!em is com)osed of !hree )ar!s= )roramma#%e con!ro%%er s's!em0 "))er moni!orin s's!em0 and ind"s!ria% !e%e&ision s's!em1
C$ntrai7$d Contro Mod$
Loca% man"a% con!ro%= i! refers !o !he o)era!ion mode of %oca% sin%e "ni! s!ar!? s!o) e("i)men!1
Int$rinin! Crit$ria on C$ntrai7$d Contro E,ui&%$nt#4 $n normal circ%m!tance!& !tart e'%iment! according to rever!e coal flo( direction& and !to e'%iment! according to ordinal coal flo( direction. $n !ingle)%nit fail%re circ%m!tance!& !to immediately t#e oeration of corre!onding e'%iment! according to rever!e coal flo( direction. *#e fail%re e'%iment contin%e to oerate in order to decrea!e t#e o!!i+ility of coal +loc,age and +igger emergency.
T'$ Main Coa Stac Mod$ for t'$ Coa Handin! S"#t
%$-9 Coa% "n%oad machine???#"c$e! whee% machine???coa% 'ard *9 Coa% "n%oad machine???coa% #"n$er ,9 Coa% 'ard???#"c$e! whee% machine one???coa% #"n$er1 2)5)8
In#&$ction and Pr$&aration +$for$ C$ntrai7$d Contro O&$ration
Chec$ !he hand%in wor$ record caref"%%' !o find o"! !he s!ar!?s!o) and o)era!ion condi!ion of s's!em e("i)men!s0 and !e%% !he wa!chmen on si!e !o ma$e a com)rehensi&e ins)ec!ion !o e("i)men!s which !he' are in chare when i! is in
Page 128 of 160
s!a!ic s!a!e1 *9
Ins)ec! !ha! !he a%!erna!e &o%!ae of )ower s"))%' ca#ine! in main con!ro% cham#er is ** &0 and direc! o"!)"! &o%!ae is *;2W-.F0 a%!erna!e #ranches sma%% swi!ches and direc! #ranches sma%% swi!ches are a%% connec!ed 7inc%"din o!her remo!e s!a!ions9
Confirm !ha! !he hos! com)"!er are in wor$ s!a!e0 and e&er' mod"%es are norma%
Ins)ec! a%% of )ro!ec!i&e re%a' in re%a' ca#ine! is )refered0 no )ro!ec!i&e ac!ion1
Ins)ec! a%% of e("i)men!s in main f%ow diaram are in sh"!down s!a!e1
Ins)ec! !ha! !he indica!ion of coa% %e&e% and hih coa% %e&e% in coa% #"n$er is norma%0 and confirm !he indica!ion is iden!ica% !o !he rea% condi!ions1 If !here are an' ("es!ions0 )%ease !e%% !he wa!chmen on si!e !o confirm1
Ins)ec! !ha! a%% of comm"nica!ion !oo% is norma%1
Do !he )re)ara!ion wor$ we%% #efore s!ar!")= a9
Confirm !he remo!e and %oca% swi!ch on !he remo!e7inc%"din e&er' con!ro%%ed e("i)men!s in con!ro% cham#er and on si!e91
Confirm !he cen!ra% )ower swi!ch in "))er machine are connec!ed0 if i! is s!o))ed0 )%ease s!ar! ") !he "))er machine1
Confirm !ha! !he dri&er of coa% "n%oad machine and #"c$e! whee% machine ha&e a%read' come1
Con!ac! wi!h wa!chmen on si!e0 and confirm !ha! a%% of !he )re)ara!ion wor$ ha&e #een done0 and recei&e !he s!ar!") res)onse0 and !hen im)%emen! remo!e?con!ro% s!ar!") o)era!ion1
T'$ Start@Sto& O&$ration of Coa Handin! Proc$dura Contro
The s!ar!") o)era!ion of )roced"ra% con!ro%
Mo&e c"rsor !o cance% !he
Mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ !he c%ear #"!!on0 and !hen c%ic$ !he c%ear dis!ri#"!ion #"!!on !o ma$e !he )roced"re in !he ini!ia% s!a!e1
Mo&e c"rsor !o ca%% o"! main se%ec!ed f%ow dis)%a'0 choose one #ranch f%ow from eih! main se%ec!ed f%ows accordin !o !he o)era!ion mode and !hen !he dis)%a' wi%% )o) ") !his #ranch f%ow e("i)men!s1
Mo&e c"rsor !o choose !he s!ar!") e("i)men! accordin !o !he se("en!ia% coa% f%ow0 and !he se%ec!ed e("i)men! of "))er machine wi%% #e chaned from #%"e !o reen1
Page 129 of 160
Af!er choosin is finished0 if !he "))er machine )o) ") &a%id f%ow0 i! indica!es !ha! choice is rih! if !he "))er dis)%a' of "))er machine )o) ") wron f%ow0 i! indica!es !ha! !he choice is wron0 and i! needs !o rechoose "n!i% !he "))er dis)%a' of "))er machine )o) ") &a%id f%ow1
6hen !here is a &a%id f%ow !oo%!i)0 mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ )re?s!ar! #"!!on0 and !he %an"ae se!!in wi%% remind !he )roced"ra% con!ro% wor$er= !he se%ec!ed f%ow dam)er ha&e a%read' s!ar!ed0 when c%ic$ remo!e dis!ri#"!ion #"!!on0 i! wi%% remind !he )roced"ra% con!ro% wor$er !ha!= !he end #"n$er and !he end )%ow fa%%ed off0 and !he o!her )%ow is s!ar!ed af!er se&era% min"!es0 !he finished dam)er wi%% #e chaned in!o red0 !he indica!i&e sina%s wi%% come o"!0 !he indica!i&e informa!ion s!ar!") is )ermi!!ed dis)%a' wi%% #e c%ic$ed o"! in !he "))er dis)%a' of "))er machine1
If !he dam)er is no! in !he )ro)er )%ace or !he )%ow ha&e no sina% of fa%%in down and %if! ")0 !he &er#a% e("i)men!s wi%% remind "nmo&a#%e dam)er or "nmo&a#%e )%ow0 a! !his !ime !he wa!chmen on si!e sho"%d #e !o%d !o ins)ec! or dis)ose
If confirmin !ha! !he dam)er ha&e a%read' in !he )ro)er )%ace0 #"! !he sina%s is no! rih!0 'o" can mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ !he dam)er )osi!ion #"!!on !o ma$e !he )roced"re no! chec$ whe!her !he dam)er are in !he )ro)er )%ace or no!0 c%ic$ c%ear #"!!on0 and !hen c%ic$ !he #"!!on "n!i% !he "))er dis)%a' of "))er machine )o) ") indica!ion and sen! o"!
6hen !he s!ar!") is )ermi!!ed sina%s come o"!0 mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ remo!e s!ar!") #"!!on0 !he se%ec!ed f%ow e("i)men! wi%% #e de%a'ed !o s!ar! ") accordin !o re&erse coa% f%ow "n!i% !he %as! e("i)men! are finished !o s!ar! ")0 !he &a%id f%ow and s!ar!") is )ermi!!ed disa))ear when !he e("i)men!s is s!ar!ed0 !he "))er e("i)men!s of "))er machine wi%% #e chaned from reen !o red1
Accordin !o !he demands of se%ec!ed f%ow and s!ar!") mode0 order )ro)er%' d"m)er or #"c$e! whee% machine !o )i%e and o#!ain coa%
If )ara%%e% o)era!ion is necessar'0 one %ine sho"%d #e o)era!ed accordin !o
The se%ec!ed e("i)men! sho"%d #e chaned from #%"e !o reen0 when i! is o)era!in0 i! wi%% !"rn !o red0 when one e("i)men! !"rns o"! ma%f"nc!ion d"rin o)era!ion0 !his e("i)men! wi%% emi! #rea$down sina%s
6hen c%ic$ remo!e s!ar!") or ad&ance s!ar!") #"!!on0 !he a%armin rin a%on !he %ine wi%% o)era!e a"!oma!ica%%'
The sh"!down o)era!ion of )roced"ra% con!ro% The sh"!down of )roced"ra% con!ro% can #e di&ided in!o !wo wa's= one is !ha! !he )roced"re wi%% s!o) feedin coa% a"!oma!ica%%' in !he )rocess of coa% feeder !he o!her is !ha! )roced"ra% con!ro% wa!chmen wi%% s!o) feedin coa% or s!orin coa%1
In !he )rocess of )roced"re coa% dis!ri#"!ion0 when !he se("en!ia% hih coa% %e&e% ha&e #een dis!ri#"!ed0 !he "))er dis)%a' of "))er machine wi%% o)en remo!e
Page 130 of 160
dis!ri#"!ion0 meanwhi%e0 !he se%ec!ed f%ow wi%% #e de%a'ed !o sh"!down accordin !o !he coa% f%ow direc!ion from coa% s"))%'0 when i! is sh"!down0 !he )roced"ra% con!ro% wa!chmen need !o inform !he coa% )i%in and o#!ainin dri&er of d"m)er and #"c$e! whee% machine !o sh"! down1 *1,1:1*1*
6hen !he )roced"ra% con!ro% wa!chmen s!o) feedin or s!orin coa%0 firs!%'0 order !he coa% )i%in and o#!ainin dri&er of d"m)er and #"c$er whee% machine !o sh"! down0 af!er confirmin sh"!down0 mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ remo!e sh"!down #"!!on0 !he dis)%a' of "))er machine wi%% o)en !he window of coa% s"))%' sh"!down0 and !hen choose !he coa% s"))%' of f%ow which need !o sh"! down1
Mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ confirm #"!!on0 !he o)era!ion e("i)men!s wi%% #e de%a'ed !o sh"! down a"!oma!ica%%' accordin !o ordina% coa% f%ow direc!ion from coa% s"))%'0 !he e("i)men!s of "))er machine wi%% #e chaned from red !o reen af!er sh"!down1
Ins)ec! a%% e("i)men!s of !he se%ec!ed remo!e sh"!down f%ow ha&e a%read' #een sh"! down1
If )ara%%e% o)era!ion is necessar'0 one %ine sho"%d #e o)era!ed accordin !o *1,1:1*1-~
Proced"res af!er !he o!her %ine ha&e a%read' o)era!ed norma%%'1
Af!er a%% of e("i)men!s ha&e #een sh"! down0 mo&e c"rsor0 c%ic$ !he dis)%a' of main se%ec!ed f%ow0 choose !he #ranch f%ow of sh"!down0 "se c"rsor !o c%ic$ !o c%ear awa' !he se%ec!ed e("i)men!s0 !he e("i)men!s on !he "))er machine wi%% #e chaned from reen !o #%"e1
Mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ c%ear0 c%ear dis!ri#"!ion #"!!on0 ma$e !he )roced"re re!"rn !o !he ini!ia% s!a!e1
Mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ #"!!on !o cance% !he en!ire con!ro% mode of coa% feeder and coa% s!orae1
4efore handin o&er !o !he ne! shif!0 we sho"%d record !he acc"m"%a!i&e co"n! and o&er%oad !ime of e&er' #e%! sca%e0 and !hen ca%c"%a!e !hem1
The s!ar!") o)era!ion of in!er%in$ man"a% con!ro%
Mo&e c"rsor !o cance% !he ne"!ra% ear #"!!on0 when !he firm main se%ec!ed f%ow is coa% feeder0 !he coa% feeder me!hod sho"%d #e in!er%oc$0 !he coa% dis!ri#"!ion me!hod sho"%d #e )roced"re dis!ri#"!ion when !he firm main se%ec!ed f%ow is coa% s!orae0 !he coa% feeder me!hod sho"%d #e in!er%oc$1
Mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ !he c%ear #"!!on0 and !hen c%ic$ c%ear dis!ri#"!ion #"!!on !o ma$e !he )roced"re in !he ini!ia% s!a!e1
Mo&e c"rsor !o o)en main o)!ion f%ow dis)%a'0 accordin !o )ersona% mode0 choose one #ranch f%ow from eih! main se%ec!ed f%ow0 and !his dis)%a' wi%% )o) ") !he choosin window of !his #ranch f%ow1
Mo&e c"rsor !o choose e("i)men!s which need !o #e s!ar!ed ") accordin !o !he Page 131 of 160
ordina% coa% f%ow0 !he e("i)men!s in hos! com)"!er wi%% #e chaned from #%"e !o reen1 *1,1:1,1.
Af!er choosin0 if !he "))er dis)%a' in hos! com)"!er )o) ") a &a%id f%ow !oo%!i)0 i! indica!es !ha! !he choice is rih! if !he dis)%a' in hos! com)"!er )o) ") a wron f%ow !oo%!i)0 i! indica!es !ha! !he choice is wron0 and i! needs !o rechoose aain "n!i% !he dis)%a' in hos! com)"!er )o) ") &a%id f%ow1
6hen !here is a &a%id f%ow !oo%!i)0 !here are !wo wa's !o o)era!e dam)er and coa% )%owin a1 The firs! me!hod= mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ )re?s!ar! #"!!on0 a! !his momen!0 so"nd mechanism wi%% indica!e )roced"re?con!ro% wa!chman= !he dam)er of se%ec!ed f%ow is read'0 )roced"re dis!ri#"!ion wi%% indica!e !ha!= !he )%ow of coa% #"n$er !ai% fa%%s down0 and !he res! )%ow wi%% %if! ")1 #1 The second me!hod= o#ser&e !he main f%ow dis)%a' of hos! com)"!er0 if !he se%ec!ed dam)er is read'0 !he read' dam)er wi%% #e chaned !o red if an' dam)ers are no! read'0 af!er %oca% wa!chmen chec$ and ma$e s"re i! is read'0 !he dam)ers can #e o)era!ed0 mo&e c"rsor !o o)en a"i%iar' e("i)men! dis)%a'0 )ress !he man"a%%' con!ro%%ed dam)er #"!!on !o ma$e !he dam)ers in !he rih! )%ace mo&e c"rsor !o o)en coa% dis!ri#"!ion dis)%a'0 "se c"rsor !o ma$e !he raw coa% #"n$er fa%% down and !he res! ones %if! ")1 c1 If !here are no sina%s of read' dam)er0 !he fa%%in )%ow and !he %if! ") )%ow0 !he so"nd mechanism in hos! com)"!er wi%% indica!e !ha! "nmo&a#%e dam)er or "nmo&a#%e )%ow0 a! !his momen!0 ins)ec!ors sho"%d #e informed !o chec$ and hand%e1 d1 If dam)ers is read'0 #"! !he sina%s are no! rih!0 mo&e c"rsor !o c%ic$ dam)er )osi!ion #"!!on !o ma$e !he )roced"re no! chec$ whe!her dam)ers are in rih! )%ace17af!er !he f%ow o)era!ion is finished0 !he dam)er )osi!ion s!a!e sho"%d #e re%ie&ed wi!ho"! de%a'0 and !he forci#%' fied me!hod sho"%d #e "sed wi!h rea! de%icac'19 e1 6hen !he se%ec!ed f%ow are rih! and in !he &er' )%ace0 mo&e c"rsor !o s!ar! ") !he head of #e%! and o!her e("i)men!s accordin !o !he re&erse coa% f%ow direc!ion0 a! !his momen!0 !he dis)%a' wi%% )o) ") ! he con!ro% and s!a!e in("ir' window of !hese e("i)men!s0 af!er !he a%armin rin so"nd !hree !imes0 o)era!e !he s!ar!") #"!!on of e("i)men!s0 s!ar! ") !he se%ec!ed #e%! and e("i)men!s in correc! order "n!i% !he s!ar!") of !he se%ec!ed e("i)men!s are finished1 In !he )rocess of s!ar!")0 !he fo%%owin )rinci)%es sho"%d #e o#e'ed= 7or i! wi%% no! #e s!ar!ed ")9
Prese! !he )osi!ion of dam)er0 and !hen s!ar! ") !he #e%! feeder1
S!ar! ") mane!ic se)ara!or0 and !hen s!ar! ") #e%! feeder1
S!ar! ") coa% cr"sher0 and !hen s!ar! ") re&o%&in ro%% )ic$er1
O#ser&e !he con!ro%%in dis)%a' of o)era!iona% sina%s and amme!er in hos! com)"!er
Page 132 of 160
in !he )rocess of s!ar!")0 and ma$e s"re %as! #e%!s ha&e a%read' s!ar!ed ")0 and !hen s!ar! ne! #e%!1 *1,1:1,1 *1,1:1,1
Accordin Accordin !o !he firm o)era!io o)era!iona% na% f%ow !o infor inform m !he !he ma!eria ma!eria%s %s )i%in )i%in and and !a$in !a$in dri&er dri&er of of d"m)er and #"c$e! whee% machine !o o)era!e accordin !o !he r"%ed )ower1
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1,1 ,1K K
If ano!h ano!her er f%ow f%ow need need !o s!ar s!ar!e !ed d ") !o carr' carr' o"! o"! in! in!er er%o %oc$ c$ man"a man"a%% con!r con!ro% o% o)er o)era! a!io ion1 n1 Re)ea! *1,1:1,1,~*1,1:1,1K o)era!iona% )roced"re
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1; ;
The The sh" sh"!d !dow own n o)e o)era ra!i !ion on of in! in!er er%i %in$ n$ man" man"a% a% con! con!ro ro% %
*1,1:1 *1,1:1;1;1-
In !he )roc )rocess ess of of )roced )roced"ra "ra%% coa% coa% dis!ri dis!ri#"! #"!ion ion0 0 when when !he se(" se("en! en!ia% ia% hih hih coa% coa% %e&e %e&e%% ha&e #een dis!ri#"!ed0 !he "))er dis)%a' of hos! com)"!er wi%% )o) ") )roced"re dis!ri#" dis!ri#"!ion !ion are finished finished !oo%!i)0 !oo%!i)0 a! !his momen!0 momen!0 !he )roced"r )roced"re?co e?con!ro% n!ro% wa!chmen wa!chmen sho"%d inform !he ma!eria%s )i%in and !a$in dri&er of d"m)er and #"c$e! whee% machine !o sh"! down wi!ho"! de%a'1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1;1* ;1*
6hen 6hen !he )roc )roced" ed"re? re?con con!ro !ro%% wa!ch wa!chmen men s!o) s!o) feed feedin in coa% coa% or or s!orin s!orin coa%0 coa%0 infor inform m !he ma!eria%s )i%in and !a$in dri&er of d"m)er and #"c$e! whee% machine !o sh"! down firs!%'1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1;1, ;1,
Af!er Af!er confi confirmi rmin n i! sh" sh"!! down0 down0 mo&e mo&e c"rso c"rsorr !o s!o) s!o) !he o)er o)era!i a!iona ona%% e("i) e("i)men men!! in f%ow f%ow accordin !o !he ordina% coa% f%ow direc!ion0 af!er !he e("i)men!s sh"! down0 !he co%or of e("i)men!s in hos! com)"!er wi%% #e chaned from red !o reen= in !he o)era!iona% )rocess of sh"!down0 !he fo%%owin )rinci)%es )rinci)%es sho"%d #e o#e'ed1 a1 Ac Acco cord rdin in !o !he %en %en!h !h of #e%! #e%! feede feeder0 r0 ca%c ca%c"% "%a! a!e e !he !he s!o) s!o) !ime !ime of #e%! #e%!00 af!e af!er r confirmin !hro"h !he ind"s!ria% T2 moni!orin dis)%a'0 sh"! down e("i)men!s1 #1
Sh"! down down #e%! #e%! feeder feeder firs!%' firs!%'00 and and !hen sh"! sh"! down down mane! mane!ic ic se)ara!o se)ara!or1 r1
Sh"! down down re&o%&i re&o%&in n ro%% ro%% )ic$er )ic$er firs!%'0 firs!%'0 and !hen !hen sh"! down down coa% coa% cr"sher cr"sher wi!h de%a' de%a'11
*1,1:1 *1,1:1;1; ;1;
Chec$i Chec$in n !ha! !ha! e("i) e("i)me men!s n!s in sh"!do sh"!down wn f%ow f%ow ha&e ha&e #een #een sh"! sh"! dow down1 n1
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1;1 ;1. .
If i! ado) ado)!s !s )ara )ara%% %%e% e% o)er o)era! a!io ion0 n0 af!e af!err one? one?w wa' e("i e("i)m )men en!s !s ha&e ha&e #een #een sh"! sh"! dow down0 choose choose ano!he ano!herr wa' e("i) e("i)men men!s !s accord accordin in !o *1,1:1; *1,1:1;11- ~ *1,1:1;1; o)era!iona% o)era!iona% )roced"re1
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1;1 ;1: :
Af!e Af!err a%% a%% of e("i) e("i)me men! n!s s sh" sh"! dow down0 mo&e mo&e c"rs c"rsor or !o ca%% ca%% o"! main main se%ec se%ec!e !ed d f%ow f%ow dis)%a'0 choose !he #ranch f%ow of sh"!down0 "se c"rsor !o e%imina!e !he se%ec!ed e("i)men!s0 !he co%or of hos! com)"!er wi%% #e chaned from reen !o #%"e1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1;1@ ;1@
Mo&e Mo&e c"rsor c"rsor !o !o )ress )ress !he !he c%e c%ear ar00 c%ea c%earr dis!ri dis!ri#" #"!io !ion n #"!!o #"!!on n !o ma$e ma$e !he !he )roced )roced"re "re #e #e in !he ini!ia% s!a!e1
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1;1 ;1
Mo&e Mo&e c"rs c"rsor or !o )ress )ress !he ne" ne"!r !ra% a% ear ear #"!!o #"!!on0 n0 canc cance% e% a%% a%% of !he coa% coa% hand% hand%in in and s!orin con!ro%%in me!hod1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1;1K ;1K
4efor 4efore e handin handin o&er o&er !o !he ne ne!! shif!0 shif!0 we we sho"%d sho"%d reco record rd !he !he acc"m" acc"m"%a %a!i& !i&e e co"n! co"n! and and o&er%oad !ime of e&er' #e%! sca%e 0 and !hen ca%c"%a!e !hem1
Page 133 of 160
*1, *1,1:1. 1:1.
The The o) o)era!i ra!ion on of ma man" n"a a% co coa% dis! dis!ri ri#" #"!i !io on
*1, *1,1:1. 1:1.11-
Mo&e o&e c"rs c"rso or !o ca%% ca%% o"! e(" e("i) i)me men n!s main! ain!e enan nance ce dis)%a s)%a' '0 acco ccordi rdin !o !he !he main main!e !ena nanc nce e and and #rea #rea$d $dow own n cond condi! i!io ion n !o se! se! e("i e("i)m )men en!s !s main main!e !ena nanc nce0 e0 and and accordin !o !he fo%%owin condi!ion !o se! )%ow main!enance 7confirmin !he coa% )%owin is in !he %if! ") )osi!ion #efore se!!in9 and main!enance #"n$er7confirmin #"n$er7confirmin !he !ai% #"n$er accordin !o !he se!!in of main!enance main!enance #"n$er9
*1,1:1 *1,1:1.1* .1*
Mo&e Mo&e c"rsor c"rsor !o !o cance cance%% !he ne" ne"!ra !ra%% ear ear #"!!o #"!!on0 n0 and and !hen !hen choos choose e !he coa coa%% hand%i hand%in n mode is )roced"ra% con!ro% or in!er%oc$0 and !he coa% dis!ri#"!ion mode is man"a% dis!ri#"!ion1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1.1, .1,
Accord Accordin in !o )roce )roced" d"ra% ra% con! con!ro% ro% or in!er in!er%o %oc$ c$ coa% coa% hand% hand%in in con! con!ro% ro% mod mode e !o s!ar! s!ar! ") !he coa% hand%in f%ow1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1.1; .1;
Mo&e Mo&e c"rso c"rsorr !o ca%% ca%% o"! coa coa%% dis!ri dis!ri#"! #"!ion ion dis) dis)%a' %a'0 0 and !he !hen n o)era! o)era!e e !he man" man"a% a% fa%%i fa%%in n and %if! ") #"!!on of coa% )%owin !o ma$e s"re !he )%ow of !ai% #"n$er in raw coa% #"n$er fe%%1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1.1. .1.
Accord Accordin in !o !he indi indica! ca!in in condi! condi!ion ion of of !he coa% coa% %e&e %e&e%% of hos! hos! com)" com)"!er !er00 "se "se c"rso c"rsorr !o c%ic$ man"a% con!ro% #"!!on of coa% )%owin0 man"a%%' o)era!e !he fa%%in and %if! ") of coa% )%owin !o dis!ri#"!e coa%1
*1,1:1.1: *1,1:1.1:
4efore 4efore finis finishin hin feedin feedin coa%0 coa%0 we we sho"%d sho"%d inform inform !he !he ma!eria% ma!eria%s s )i%in )i%in and and !a$in !a$in dri&e dri&err of d"m)er and #"c$e! whee% machine !o sh"! down0 and ado)! !he )roced"ra% con!ro% or in!er%oc$ man"a%%' con!ro%%in mode !o sh"! down one #' one1
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1.1 .1@ @
Chec Chec$i $in n !he se%ec se%ec!e !ed d e("i e("i)m )men en!s !s in )ro )roce ced" d"re re sh"!d sh"!dow own n f%ow has has a%re a%read ad' ' #een #een sh"! down1
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1.1 .1
If i! ado) ado)!s !s )ara% )ara%%e %e%e %ed d o)er o)era! a!io ion0 n0 af!er af!er one? one?wa wa' ' e("i e("i)m )men en!s !s ha&e ha&e #een #een sh"! sh"! down down00 choose ano!her wa' e("i)men!s accordin !o *1,1:1*1- ~ *1,1:1*1; or *1,1:1;1- ~ *1,1:1;1; o)era!iona% o)era!iona% )roced"re1 )roced"re1
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1.1 .1K K
Af!e Af!err a%% a%% of e("i) e("i)me men! n!s s sh" sh"! dow down0 mo&e mo&e c"rs c"rsor or !o ca%% ca%% o"! main main se%ec se%ec!e !ed d f%ow f%ow dis)%a'0 choose !he #ranch f%ow of sh"!down0 "se c"rsor !o e%imina!e !he se%ec!ed e("i)men!s0 and !he co%or of hos! com)"!er wi%% #e chaned from reen !o #%"e1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1.1.1-
Mo&e Mo&e c"rso c"rsorr !o c%ic$ c%ic$ c%ear c%ear00 c%ear c%ear dis!ri dis!ri#"! #"!ion ion #"!!on0 #"!!on0 ma$e !he )roce )roced"r d"re e re!"rn re!"rn !o !he ini!ia% s!a!e1
Mo&e c"rsor c"rsor !o c%ic$ c%ic$ #"!! #"!!on on !o cance% cance% !he en!ire en!ire con!ro% con!ro% mode of coa% coa% feeder feeder and and coa% coa% s!orae1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1.1.1-* *
4efor 4efore e handin handin o&er !o !he ne! ne! shif!0 shif!0 we sho"%d sho"%d recor record d !he acc"m"% acc"m"%a!i a!i&e &e co"n! co"n! and o&er%oad !ime of e&er' #e%! sca%e0 and !hen ca%c"%a!e !hem1
3%ow )rocess Swi!ch !chin o)era!ion
*1,1 *1,1:1 :1:1 :1-
The The sw swi!ch i!ch of coa coa%% s")) s"))%' %' e("i e("i)m )men en!s !s11
Page 134 of 160
Sh"! Sh"! down down !he e("i)m e("i)men! en!s s in oriin oriina% a% f%ow f%ow which which need need !o !o #e swi!c swi!ched hed accord accordin in !o !he ordina% coa% f %ow direc!ion1
Canc Cance% e% def" def"nc nc!! e(" e("i) i)me men! n!s s fro from m !he !he se%e se%ec! c!ed ed main main f%ow f%ow11
Rech Rechoo oose se e("i) e("i)me men! n!s s whic which h wi%% wi%% #e swi!c swi!che hed0 d0 af!er af!er finis finishi hin n choos choosin in0 0 mo&e mo&e c"rsor c"rsor !o c%ic$ c%ic$ f%ow f%ow swi!ch swi!chin in #"!!on #"!!on in choosi choosin n windo window w of #ranch #ranch f%ow f%ow e("i)men!s0 if !he "))er dis)%a' of hos! com)"!er )o) ") &a%id f%ow !oo%!i)0 i! indica!es !ha! !he choice is rih! if !he dis)%a' in hos! com)"!er )o) ") a wron f%ow !oo%!i)0 i! indica!es !ha! !he choice is wron0 and i! needs !o rechoose aain "n!i% !he dis)%a' in hos! com)"!er )o) ") &a%id f%ow1
d1 S!ar S!ar!! ") !he !he se%e se%ec! c!ed ed f%ow f%ow e("i e("i)m )men en!s !s acco accord rdin in !o !he !he nece necess ssar ar' ' o)er o)era! a!in in mode1 *1,1:1:1*
PA、P4 swi!cho&er a1
O)en O)en !he dis)%a dis)%a' ' of PA PA 7P49 7P49 CONTROL CONTROL AND AND STA STATE1
C%ic C%ic$ $ swi! swi!ch chin in !o !o P4 P4(or PA)0a))ear PA4 swi!chin con!ro% dis)%a'
c1 C%ic$ C%ic$ !he swi!ch swi!ch #"!!on #"!!on inP inPA4 A4 swi!chi swi!chin n con!ro% con!ro% dis)%a dis)%a'0 '0 i! wi%% !"rn !"rn o"! a red dis)%a' PA is swi!chin !o P4VV0 P4(or PA)s!ar! ") a"!oma!ica%%'1 *1,1 *1,1:1 :1@ @
The The o#se o#ser& r&a! a!io ion n and and ca"! ca"!io ions ns in in !he !he o)er o)era! a!io ion n of coa coa%% hand hand%i %in n )ro )roce ced" d"ra ra%% con! con!ro ro%1 %1
*1,1:1 *1,1:1@1@1-
The o#ser o#ser&a! &a!ion ion and re"%a re"%a!io !ions ns of )roce )roced"r d"ra% a% o)era o)era!io !ion1 n1 7-9
4efore 4efore !he o)era o)era!io !ion n of )roced" )roced"ra% ra% con!r con!ro% o%00 chec$ chec$ and in("ir in("ire e !he indica! indica!io ion n of c"rren!0 coa% %e&e% in coa% #"n$er0 s's!em a%arm0 and !he indica!ion of an"nica!or window in e("i)men!s0 )a' a!!en!ion !o moni!or ! he direc!ion of dam)er1 In order !o "nders!and !he o)era!iona% condi!ion0 and carr' o"! )rod"c!ion manaemen! and !rea!men! dis)osa%1
O#ser& O#ser&in in !ha! !ha! !he coa% coa% ("an!i! ("an!i!' ' indica! indica!in in &a%"e &a%"e of #e%! #e%! sca%e are are chanin chanin in ra!ed rane0 and o&er%oad o)era!ion in e("i)men!s are no! a%%owed a#so%"!e%'1
6hen ado)! ado)! !he )roce )roced"ra d"ra%% dis!ri#" dis!ri#"!ion !ion mode !o feed feed coa%0 coa%0 we sho"%d sho"%d )a' more more a!!en!ion !o !he sina%s of coa% %e&e% in order !o a&oid !he ha))enin of o&erf%ow and %ac$ of coa% and ma$e s"re !he coa% dis!ri#"!ion o)era!e in norma% s!a!e1
7;9 7;9
6hen 6hen !he !he )roc )roced ed"r "ra% a% con! con!ro ro%% o)er o)era! a!es es00 if !he !he e("i e("i)m )men en!s !s !ri) !ri))e )ed0 d0 we sho" sho"%d %d chec$ whe!her e("i)men!s in !his f%ow !ime%' !ri))ed in a in!er%oc$ manner !o coa% s"))%' e("i)men!s accordin !o re&erse coa% f%ow direc!ion0 and !hen inform !he dri&ers of shi) "n%oaders and #"c$e! whee% machine !o s!o) wor$in1 If !he in!er%oc$ is a#norma%0 we sho"%d )ress !he emerenc' !ri) #"!!on1 Af!er !he e("i)men!s !ri))ed0 !ri))ed0 we m"s! re)or! !o moni!or !o rechoose f%ow !o s!ar! ") in !he condi!ion of c%earin of fa"%!s1
7.9 7.9
Chec Chec$i $in n whe! whe!he herr !he !he ind" ind"s! s!ri ria% a% !& moni moni!o !ori rin n dis) dis)%a %a' ' is in norm norma% a%00 in(" in("ir ire e s's!em a%arm0 when !he fa"%! sina%s are fo"nd0 re)or! !o moni!or wi!ho"! de%a'0 Page 135 of 160
and !hen inform !he main!enance wor$ers !o hand%e1 7:9
6hen !he )roced"ra% con!ro% o)era!in0 we sho"%d con!ac! wi!h wor$ers on si!e in order !o ad/"s! !he )ower and manae !he )rod"c!ion )ro)er%'1
The ca"!ions of )roced"ra% con!ro% o)era!ion1 7-9
6hen !he )roced"ra% con!ro% s!ar! ")0 we sho"%d moni!or s!ric!%' !he s!ar!") c"rren! and !ime of e&er' e("i)men! one #' one0 when !he s!ar!") c"rren! o&er)ass !he needs of s!ar!") !ime0 we can )ress !he emerenc' !ri) #"!!on1
6hen !he )roced"ra% con!ro% s!ar!s ")0 we sho"%d o#ser&e whe!her !he s!ar!") )roced"res of e("i)men!s ada)! !o !he se! demands of f%ow1
6hen !he )roced"ra% con!ro% s!ar! ")0 we sho"%d o#ser&e whe!her !he co%or of e("i)men!s in moni!orin dis)%a' is norma%0 and o#ser&e whe!her !he coa% )%owin in coa% #"n$er ada)! !o !he demands of )roced"ra% coa% dis!ri#"!ion0 and !he ind"s!ria% T2 moni!orin dis)%a' is norma%1
6hen !he )roced"ra% con!ro% s!ar! ")0 if one of e("i)men!s can no! #e s!ar!ed ") or !ri) immedia!e%' af!er s!ar!")0 we sho"%d find o"! !he reasons of fa"%!s7 in("ire !hro"h !he so"nd a%arm and s's!em fa"%!s90 and !hen inform !he wor$ers on si!e !o hand%e 0 re)or! !o moni!or af!er confirmin0 and !hen we can rechoose !he f%ow s!ar!")1
6hen one of f%ows or a%% of f%ows sh"!down0 we sho"%d chec$ and confirm a%% of e("i)men!s in f%ow ha&e a%read' sh"! down0 and !he amme!er is in
Af!er e&er' shif! wor$ s!o) o)era!in0 and !hen chec$ !he &aria#%e readin of e%ec!rica% #e%! sca%e1
Af!er finishin feedin coa%0 o)era!e man"a%%' e&er' e%ec!rica% T?)i)e ac!ion !wo or !hree !imes0 e%imina!e !he coa% in order !o ma$e s"re !he c%ear of e%ec!rica% T? )i)e1
If !he fo%%owin condi!ion ha))en in !he )roced"ra% con!ro% o)era!ion0 sh"!down immedia!e%'1
6hen h"man in/"r' ha))en0 when !he acciden!s which !hrea!ened !he safe!' of )eo)%e and e("i)men! ha))en1
O"!#rea$ of fire in s's!em1
6hen !he #e%! is #ro$en0 !he mo!or smo$e0 %i("ids s)o"! oi% and o!her fa"%! ha))en
6hen sensor is ineffec!i&e0 or coa% #%oc$ae0 hea&' s%i))ae and hea&' off !rac$in and o!her hea&' fa"%!s ha))en
The sina%s of #e%! hea&' off !rac$in0 hea&' s%i))ae0 coa% #%oc$ae en!er PLC and !he' are no! in sh"n! !ri))in1
The fa"%!s in s's!em e("i)men!s do no! !ri) or do no! !ri) sh"n!%'1 Page 136 of 160
Coa% cr"sher fa"%! 6hen !he a#o&e fa"%!s in s's!em sh"! down0 !he )roced"ra% con!ro% wor$er sho"%d con!ac! wi!h ins)ec!ors0 hand%e i! ac!i&e%' and coo)era!i&e%'0 and !hen "se !he moni!orin s's!em !o moni!or i! in fied )oin!1 6hen fa"%!s ha))en in con!ro%%in cham#er or on si!e and i! is !oo %a!e !o /"de and hand%e0 we can )ress emerenc' !ri)#"!!on0 a! !his momen!0 PLC !o s's!em e("i)men!s send sh"!down order0 a%% of e("i)men!s wi%% sh"! down immedia!e%'7 !he coa% cr"sher wi%% #e sh"!!ed down wi!h de%a'9
The common fa"%! and !rea!men! 3a"%! )henomenon
4e%! o&er%oad
-1decide whe!her !he fo%%ow?") #e%! sho"%d #e sh"!!ed down accordin !o !he rea% condi!ion1 *1 chec$ whe!her i! is ca"sed #' more coa% or o!her reasons ,1 if i! is ca"sed #' !he former reason0 inform !he re%a!ed wor$ers !o decrease !he coa% ("an!i!' if i! is ca"sed #' !he %a!!er reason0 we sho"%d hand%e i! accordin !o !he rea% condi!ion
Main e("i)men!s !ri)
-1 confirm !he defini!e reasons *1 inform !he re%a!ed )ersonne%0 !he s's!em wi%% con&er! corres)ondin%'
A"%iar' e("i)men! !ri)
-1 confirm !he defini!e reasons *1 inform !he re%a!ed )ersonne%0 !he s's!em wi%% con&er! corres)ondin%'
4e%! emerenc' sh"!down
-1 con!ac! wi!h )ersonne% on si!e !o find o"! !he s)ecific condi!ion and !hen dis)ose accordin !o rea% condi!ion *1 af!er dis)osin fa"%!s0 re)osi!e )"%%in swi!ch1
4e%! de&ia!ion in firs! )o%e
-1 remo&e de&ia!ed sina%s *1 inform )ersonne% on si!e !o a%%in accordin !o de&ia!ed reasons1
4e%! de&ia!ion in second )o%e
-1 inform )ersonne% on si!e !o find o"! !he reasons of de&ia!ion *1 remo&e de&ia!ed )ro!ec!i&e e("i)men!0 and s!ar! ") #e%! !o a%%in wi!ho"! inf%"encin saf!'1
Re%a!i&e?mo&emen! #e%!
-1 s!o) #e%! immedia!e%' *1 inform )ersonne% on si!e !o find o"! !he s)ecific
Page 137 of 160
reasons and dis)ose i!1 #e%! &er!ica% s%i!!in
-1 inform )ersonne% on si!e !o confirm *1 inform main!ennace dis)osa%
Unmo&a#%e dam)er
-1 af!er !he wa!chmen on si!e confirmin !ha! i! can no! #e e%imina!ed 0 inform !he main!ainin wor$ers1
Unmo&a#%e coa% )%ow
-1 Decide whe!her man"a% coa% dis!ri#"!ion or coa% so"rce c"!?off sho"%d #e carried o"! #ased on !he coa% %e&e% in coa% si%o1 *1 Af!er !he confirma!ion made #' o)era!or0 inform main!enance )ersonne% for e%imina!in1
Coa% mi%% fa"%!
-1 s!o) !he fo%%owin #e%! machine immedia!e%'1 *1 af!er !he wa!chmen on si!e confirmin !ha! i! can no! #e e%imina!ed 0 inform !he main!ainin wor$ers
S!ar!") fai%"re Power fa"%!
-1 chec$ reasons0 if i! can no! hand%ed0 inform e%ec!rica% main!ainin wor$ers1 -1 chec$ whe!her !he )ower f"se is #"rn!1 *1 inform !he e%ec!rica% main!ainin wor$ers !o find o"! reasons
Coa% #%oc$ae
-1 inform !he wa!chmen !o hand%e accordin !o !he s)ecific condi!ion1
Prot$ction d$(ic$# of coa 'andin! #"#t
T'$ For%ation of Prot$ction D$(ic$# of Coa Handin! S"#t
%$The forma!ion of )ro!ec!ion de&ices of coa% hand%in s's!em consis!s of !he do"#%e? )o%e swi!ch0 !wo > !hrow )"%%in swi!ch0 re%a!i&e?mo&emen! de!ec!or0 s)eed de!ec!or0 &er!ica% s%i!!in )ro!ec!i&e e("i)men!s0 s")ersonic wa&e ma!eria% %e&e% ins!r"men!0 hih and %ow coa% %e&e% con!ro% ins!r"men!s0 ma!eria%s f%ow de!ec!or and )ro!ec!i&e de&ices of downs)o"!in #%oc$ae1 2)6)2
T'$ Dou+$?Po$ S*itc' for D$t$ctin! D$(iation Stat$ of 0$t in 0$t Con($"$r)
3"nc!ion= Thro"h moni!orin !he de&ia!ion s!a!e of #e%! in #e%! con&e'er !o send o"! sina%s !o rea%i
6or$ )rinci)%e= The wor$in )rocess of !he do"#%e?)o%e swi!ch for de!ec!in de&ia!ion s!a!e of #e%! in #e%! con&e'er is !ha! !he #e%! !o"ch !he con!ac! #ar of swi!ch !o ma$e i! de&ia!e0 when i! de&ia!es !o a !he swi!ch wi%% send o"! a%arm sina%s !o con!ro% cham#er !o warn !he s")er&isor on si!e !o !a$e some meas"res0 when i! de&ia!es !o ^0 !he swi!ch wi%% send o"! sh"!down sina%s1
Page 138 of 160
T*o T'ro* Puin! S*itc'
3"nc!ion= Two?!hrow )"%%in swi!ch is one of )ro!ec!i&e e("i)men!s which is "sed in emerenc' sh"!down of #e%! con&e'er on si!e1 6hen !he emerenc' ha))en0 )"%%in swi!ch an'where on si!e can sh"! down i!1
6or$ )rinci)%e and s!r"c!"re fea!"res= This swi!ch ado)! mo&in cam whee% s!r"c!"re0 when )"%%in !he swi!ch in one side or !wo sides sim"%!aneo"s%'0 !he cam whee% can #e dri&en and i! a%so can send o"! sh"!down sina%s and a%arm sina%s sim"%!aneo"s%' H3LT*-Ⅱ?!')e !wo?!hrow )"%%in swi!ch ado)! man"a% re)osi!ion mode17i! refers !ha! af!er !he fa"%! is remo&ed9 !he con!ro%%er needs !o )ress downward re)osi!ion %e&e% so !ha! !his swi!ch can #e in norma%?wor$in s!a!e1
D HBⅢ T"&$ R$ati($?Mo($%$nt D$t$ctor
3"nc!ion= D H[Z?!')e re%a!i&e?mo&emen! de!ec!or is "sed !o de!ec! !he re%a!i&e?mo&emen! #e!ween #e%! and dri&in ro%%er in !he o)era!ion !o a&oid &icio"s e&en!s ca"sed #' re%a!i&e?mo&emen!0 i! a%so can #e "sed in !he in!er%oc$ s!ar!")0 sh"!down0 %ower s)eed #ra$in and o&ers)eed )ro!ec! of #e%! con&e'er which "se more !han one #e%!1
6or$ )rinci)%e= DH[Z?!')e re%a!i&e?mo&emen! de!ec!or is o)era!in in !his wa'= !he #e%! dri&e con!ac! whee% !o ma$e i! ref%ec! !he rea% s)eed of #e%!0 con!ac! whee% dri&e !ransmission shaf! of de!ec!or !o ma$e !he inside s)eed re%a' wor$11 !he wor$ of re%a' main%' %ies in !he inside mane!ic ma!eria% which )rod"ce mane!ic !"rnin !or("e !hro"h ro!a!in0 i! wi%% dri&e mo&in for$ !o ma$e !he con!ac! )rod"ce connec!in or #rea$ sina%s
DHBS T"&$ S&$$d D$t$ctor
3"nc!ion= DH[S?!')e s)eed de!ec!or can #e "sed !o de!ec! !he rea% !ime s)eed of #e%! in #e%! con&e'in wor$in )rocess0 i! a%so can #e "sed !o de!ec! !he rea% !ime ro!a!in s)eed of co"n!ershaf! in swir%in e("i)men!
6or$ )rinci)%e= DH[S?!')e s)eed de!ec!or is o)era!in in !his wa'= !he sensor head chane !he de!ec!ed #e%! s)eed and ro!a!in s)eed in!o )"%se sina%s and send !ha! in!o !he con!ro%%in ca#ine!0 !he ca%c"%a!in circ"i! inside of con!ro%%in ca#ine! wi%% co"n! in "ni! !ime0 and !hen ma$e reasona#%e /"dmen! com)arin !o !he )redic!ed #e%! s)eed and ro!a!in s)eed1 If i! e("a%s !o !he )redic!ed #e%! s)eed and ro!a!in s)eed or a %i!!%e #ier !han !ha!0 ma$e !he con!ro% re%a' a#sor#0 a! !his !ime !he o)era!in s)eed of
Page 139 of 160
#e%! is norma% If i! is sma%%er !han !he )redic!ed #e%! s)eed and ro!a!in s)eed 0 ma$e !he con!ro% re%a' re%ease0 a! !his !ime !he o)era!in s)eed of #e%! is %os!1 2)6)9
;$rtica Sittin! Prot$cti($ E,ui&%$nt# of L S$ri$#
3"nc!ion= 2er!ica% s%i!!in of #e%! is a &icio"s e&en!0 2er!ica% s%i!!in )ro!ec!i&e e("i)men!s of BL series is fi! for !he !earin )ro!ec!ion of e&er' s)ecifica!ion and !')e sea%in?!')e machine1
6or$ )rinci)%e= 2er!ica% s%i!!in )ro!ec!i&e e("i)men!s of BL series can #e di&ided in!o !wo $inds= one is con!ro%%in ca#ine! and !he o!her is sensor1 The sensor is !he de!ec!in de&ice of &er!ica% s%i!!in )ro!ec!i&e e("i)men!1 6hen !he #e%! of #e%! con&e'er )resses 4?!')e sensor d"rin o)era!ion af!er )ierced #' ma!eria%s0 or when !he !ra) door )resses A?!')e sensor ca"sed #' !he ma!eria% #%oc$ae #e!ween !he #e%! and ch"!e discharin )or!0 !hese !wo !')es of sensors wi%% send sina%s !o con!ro% #o and send sina%s of a%arm and a"!o?s!o) !hro"h con!ro% circ"i!1 In !his wa'0 !he' f"nc!ion as )ro!ec!in #e%!1
Su&$r#onic a($ Mat$ria L$($ In#tru%$nt
O&er&iew S")ersonic wa&e ma!eria% %e&e% ins!r"men! is a new?!')e meas"rin ins!r"men! for ma!eria% which is con!ro%%ed #' com)"!er1 This e("i)men! em)%o's !he re!"rn wa&e rane findin !heor'0 and ma$es "se of s")ersonic wa&e !o meas"re con!in"o"s%' ma!eria% in ma!eria% #"n$er wi!ho"! !o"chin !o s"))%' se&era% sina%?!')e ana%o"e for "sers S")ersonic wa&e ma!eria% %e&e% ins!r"men! can indica!e !he rea%?!ime ma!eria% %e&e% of e&er' #"n$er0 hih?%e&e% a%arm0 %ow?%e&e% a%arm0 o&erhih %e&e% !ri)0 and o&er%ow %e&e% !ri)0 addi!iona%%'0 i! a%so can ha&e ne!wor$in dii!a% comm"nica!ion wi!h o!her com)"!ers1
The ad&an!aes and disad&an!aes of !his ins!r"men! Z
This ins!r"men! can #e con!ro%%ed #' com)"!er0 !he %oic /"din f"nc!ion is &er' ood0 meanwhi%e0 i! has !he f"nc!ion of findin re!"rn wa&e a"!oma!ica%%'0 window !rac$in0 s%ow and &aria#%e o"!)"! and e!c1
The se!!in of dii!a% swi!ch is con&enien!1
I! has AGC and PLL wa&e fi%!er circ"i!0 !he reso%&in a#i%i!' of sina%s is s!ron1
Dii!a% sina% con!ro% is ado)!ed #e!ween indica!i&e ca#ine! and %a"nchin ca#ine! and i! is se)ara!ed #' o)!o?co")%er correc!%' and re%ia#%'0 !he an!i?/ammin a#i%i!' is s!ron1
Page 140 of 160
The de!ec!or is made #' cas!in s)ecia% si%ica e%0 i! has s!ron an!icorrosi&e )ro)er!' and )ermissi#i%i!'
Accordin !o !he )rac!ica% e)erience of !he "sin of ma!eria% %e&e% ae0 !he inside of ins!r"men!s is de!ec!ed in cms0 and !he indica!in ana%o"e o"!)"! are de!ec!ed in dms0 i! is more re%ia#%e and )rac!ica%1
6or$ )rinci)%e So far0 !he common?"sed "%!rasonic ma!eria% %e&e% ae has !wo s!r"c!"res1 One of !wo?s!a!e de!ec!or s!r"c!"re which can co%%ec! and send se)ara!e%'0 !he o!her is one? s!a!e de!ec!or s!r"c!"re which can co%%ec! and send sim"%!aneo"s%'1 The' are a%% "sin )ie
1 2
In !he form"%a0 H is ma!eria% %e&e% heih! L is ma!eria% wareho"se heih!7can #e se!9 T is ma!eria% wareho"se !em)era!"re7!es!ed #' !em)era!"re sensi!i&e )i)e9 ! is !he in!er&a% #e!ween s")ersonic emi!!in and recei&in 2)6)<
MBⅡ T"&$ Hi!' and Lo* Coa L$($ Contro In#tru%$nt#
3"nc!ion These con!ro%%in ins!r"men!s are main%' "sed !o de!ec! !he coa% 'ard0 coa% #"n$er and !he heih! of coa% %e&e% in coa% hand%in coa% s)o"!in in order !o con!ro% a"!oma!ica%%' !he coa% hand%in ("an!i!'0 sim"%!aneo"s%' i! a%so can #e "sed !o de!ec! !he wa!er %e&e% and !he heih! of o!her ma!eria% %e&e%1
6or$ )rinci)%e= Hih and %ow coa% %e&e% de!ec!or are com)osed of con!ro%%in ca#ine! and e%ec!rode1 The wor$in me!hod and e%ec!rica% !heor' can #e seen in )ic!"re one0 !he wor$in )rocess= when !he coa% in !he coa% #"n$er are in !he %ow )osi!ion0 !he e%ec!rode A send a sina% !o %ow coa% %e&e% con!ro%%in circ"i! !hro"h de!ec!in coa% resis!ance !o o"!)"! #inar' of %ow coa% %e&e%0 when coa% 7or o!her ma!eria%s9 %if! ") !o hih coa% %e&e%0 !he e%ec!rode 4 send a sina% !o hih coa% %e&e% con!ro%%in circ"i! !hro"h de!ec!in coa% Page 141 of 160
resis!ance1 O"!)"! a hih coa% %e&e% #inar'1 Th"s0 !he de!ec!in of hih and %ow coa% %e&e% are finished1 2)6)=
Mat$ria# Fo* D$t$ctor of LLBⅠS$ri$#
3"nc!ion= This )rod"c! can #e "sed as #e%! !o con&e'in ma!eria%s which "sed !o de!ec! !he ins!an!aneo"s s!a!e of ma!eria%0 !he swi!ch ins!a%% in !he inside of !ha!0 !he #inar' o"!)"! accordin !o ma!eria% f%ow condi!ion1 User can connec! i! !o !he con!ro%%in cham#er in order !o de!ec! !he ma!eria% con&e'in s!a!e on si!e0 i! a%so can #e "sed wi!h s)rin$%er !o rea%i
6or$ )rinci)%e= LL[Z!')e ma!eria% f%ow de!ec!or ado)! cam and !ra&e% swi!ch s!r"c!"re0 !here are one norma%%' c%osed con!ac!0 fo"r norma%%' o)en con!ac! in s!a!ic s!a!e0 !he "ser can ins!a%% accordin !o demands0 !he "ser a%so can ma$e "se of fo"r?ro") norma%%' o)en con!ac! !o connec! !he indica!or %ih!0 when !he con&e'in ma!eria% in #e%! are differen!0 !his de!ec!or de&ia!e in differen! an%e which means i! has differen! indica!or %ih!0 a! !his wa' !he ma!eria% con&e'in condi!ion can #e o#ser&ed in con!ro%%in cham#er1
Prot$cti($ E,ui&%$nt# for LDM S$ri$# Do*n#&outin! 0oca!$)
3"nc!ion= Downs)o"!in 4%oc$ae )ro!ec!i&e e("i)men!s are "sed !o ins)ec! !he downs)o"!in #%oc$ae of #e%! con&e'in machine0 when !he downs)o"!in are #%oc$ed0 !his de!ec!or can o"!)"! !he a%armin and sh"!down sina%s1
6or$ )rinci)%e= This ins!r"men! ado)! door?!')e s!r"c!"re0 ins!a%% on !he wa%% of one side of downs)o"!in1 6hen !he ma!eria% in downs)o"!in are in #%oc$ed s!a!e0 !he acc"m"%a!ed ma!eria% %ea&e )ress"re !o !he sidewa%% of downs)o"!in0 and !hen )"sh o"!ward !he mo&in door of !his e("i)men!s0 when !he mo&in door is de&ia!ed0 and !he !"rnin an%e e("a%s !o or #ier !han con!ro%%ed an%e0 i! con!ro% !he swi!ch ac!ion in order !o a%arm !he sh"!down sina%s1 If !his sina% wi%% #e connec!ed !o !he con!ro%%in %ine of sha$er which can rea%i
Page 142 of 160
A&&$ndi. 1)2
Coa D$i($r" S"#t$% E,ui&%$nt Su%%ar" Dra*in!# Ta+$
-9 6or$in drawin of coa% de%i&er' *9 Arranemen! char! of coa% %oadin s's!em ,9 A?A cross sec!ion arranemen! char! of coa% %oadin s's!em ;9 4?4 E?E 3?3 cross sec!ions arranemen! char! of coa% %oadin s's!em .9 C?C D?D cross sec!ions arranemen! char! of coa% %oadin s's!em
Page 143 of 160
E("i)men! Genera% Arranemen! and Ins!a%%a!ion Diarams
P%an! enera% arranemen! drawin
Coa% de%i&er' )rocess char!
Page 144 of 160
Coa% de%i&er' s's!em ins!a%%a!ion char!
-9 4e%! con&e'or ins!a%%a!ion char! of Sec!ion C- and C*
*9 4e%! con&e'or and #"c$e! whee% machine ins!a%%a!ion char! of sec!ion ,1
,9 4e%! con&e'or ins!a%%a!ion char! of Sec!ion C@
Page 145 of 160
;9 4e%! con&e'or ins!a%%a!ion char! of Sec!ion C; and Sec!ion C.
.9 4e%! con&e'or ins!a%%a!ion char! of Sec!ion C:
Page 146 of 160
E,ui&%$nt Con#tructiona Dra*in!#
Genera% drawin of shi) "n%oader
-)enera% drawin of fo"r?dr"m mechanism
*)enera% drawin of %if!in mechanism
Page 147 of 160
,)enera% drawin of crane !ra&e%in mechanism
Page 148 of 160
Genera% drawin of s!ac$er rec%aimer
-9 Genera% s!r"c!"ra% drawin of "))er main enine
P'%on P"%% rod Ca#
Co"n!erweih! assem#%'
P"%% rod
S"))or! )i&o!
4"c$e! mechanism
4"c$e! whee% #oom rac$
Pi!ch oi% c'%inder
Page 149 of 160
S%ewin mechanism
Co"n!erweih! s!ac$
*)Genera% s!r"c!"ra% drawin of #"c$e! whee%
Arc #aff%e
S%idin ch"!e 6hee% dri&e
Genera% s!r"c!"ra% drawin of !ra&e%in Dis!ance #e!ween #earins
Head de&ice
4a%ance #eam
Tai% de&ice
Rai% c%am)in de&ice
Dri&en "ni!
Rai% swee)er Dri&e "ni! Dri&en "ni!
Dri&en "ni! Anchorin de&ice Rai% swee)er
Page 150 of 160
Genera% s!r"c!"ra% drawin of ro!a!ion
S%ewin mechanism
Dri&in de&ice Three?row ro%%er #earins Dri&in )inion Gear co&er
.9 Genera% drawin of o&erhan adhesi&e !a)e ho%der
Head redirec!ion ro%%er
Id%er ro")
4e%! con&e'or )ro!ec!ion de&ice
Hammer !a$e?") de&ice
Dri&in de&ice
Transmission ro%%er
S"))or! )i&o! S%ewin mechanism
:) Genera% drawin of rear #"m)er
Tri))er car Main !ri))er car s!ee% s!r"c!"re #e%! con&e'or
Sin%e?whee% non?dri&enTri))er car whee% #oie assem#%' mechanism
Page 151 of 160
%"ffin Tri))er car
4e%! con&e'or )ar!
Drawin of s"))or!in ro%%er ro")
-) Tro"hed id%er
3%a! id%er
,9 Carrier !ro"hin im)ac! id%er
Page 152 of 160
;) Ti%!in s!raih! ro%%er ro")
.9 Offse! ro%%er ro")
Genera% drawin of hea&' hammer !a$e?")
Page 153 of 160
Genera% drawin of swee)er
Genera% drawin of !ransmission dr"m
Genera% drawin of ac!"a!in de&ice
Page 154 of 160
Char! series of rin hammer coa% cr"sher
-9 3"ndamen!a% diaram of coa% cr"sher
4ac$ door Iron remo&a% room
3ron! door
*9 3i"re -?coa% cr"sher s!r"c!"re char!
S"rface a%inmen!
for Lower side door
Page 155 of 160
3i"re *?coa% cr"sher s!r"c!"re char!
;9 S!r"c!"re char! of coa% cr"sher ro!or
Page 156 of 160
.9 S!eerin schema!ic diaram of coa% cr"sher ro!or 4ac$ door 3ron! door
Screw co&er
Lower #ac$ door
Sie&e ho%es
Lower door
:9 Coa% cr"sher s!r"c!"re char!
4i ho%d !hins
@9 Ro!or dri&e diaram
Oi% fi%%in ho%es
3ron! )ar! %"#rica!ion
Page 157 of 160
Genera% diaram of e%ec!ronic #e%! con&e'or sca%e
S)eed meas"rin sensor
4e%! con&e'or 4e%! con&e'or 3orce meas"rin sensor
Secondar' me!er
Ri))in mo!or
Genera% drawin of #a fi%!er
3%a! #a ro")
Air fan
E%ec!rica% &a%&e
D"s! s"c!ion in!erface Air s"c!ion in%e!
Page 158 of 160
Genera% drawin of #e%! !')e iron remo&er
Genera% drawin of sam)%er
Page 159 of 160