AÑCB ABHB\IM\ IH @B\COEÑG OGQV\ OGQV\YAA YAAOBGIQ OBGIQ TM\M IH T\BAIQ T\BAIQ B Thmgimfbris, mrquotiatbs y abgstruatbris `by fãm toigig cua`bs cmtiromhis cbfirgbs pmrm hm abgstruaaoñg m su fospbsoaoñg qui gb sñhb smtosnmaig sus ixoeigaoms tïagoams abcb toigig ug mpihb istïtoab. Ih usb fi cmtiromhis pmrm abgstruaaoñg abcb lhbquis fi `brcoeñg pmrm ih tikmfb, pmvocigtmaoñg, ita. is ug ihicigtb ocpbrtmgti pmrm prbyiatmr ih cugfb ig qui vovicbs. Hbs prbfuatbs fi `brcoeñg abhbrimfb rimhcigti `mg istmfb ig ih ciramfb `mai cua`ms fïamfms y su cïtbfb fi prbfuaaoñg is sñhb hoeirmcigti fonirigti fi mquihhb fi hbs prbfuatbs sog abhbr. Isti nbhhitb risuci hbs risuhtmfbs fi ogvistoemaobgis fi hmlbrmtbrob qui `oaocbs pmrm abhbrimr ih `brcoeñg i og ahus hu sb hhivm ig abgs abgsof ofirma irmaoñg oñg hms ixpiroigaoms fi h m ogfustrom ogfustrom fi hm abgs abgstruaaoñg. truaaoñg. Ih blki blkittovb is nbrgiair mh usumrob fi hbs poecigtbs fi abhbris ogstruaaobgis pmrm hm nmlroamaoñg fi prbfuatbs fi mhtm amhofmf.
Hms cmtiroms cm tiroms procms procms ig hm cmgunmaturm fi prbfuatbs prbfuatbs fi `brcoe `brc oeñg ñg abhbrimfb = Ih Toecigtb
²]uï tbgbs si puifig prbfuaor2
Ihieor ih poecigtb is cuy ocpbrtmgti pmrm hm amhofmf fih prbfuatb prbfuatb nogmh. Mýbs fi ogvistoemaoñ ogvistoemaoñgg fi hbs prbfuatbs fi `brcoeñg abhbrimfb ixpuistbs m fo nirigtis abgfoaobgis ahocít ahocí toams oam s ig tbfb ih cugfb `mg cbstrmfb qui hbs poecigtbs ogbreígoabs fi ñxofbs toigig luigms prbpoifmfis fi nokmaoñg.
Hbs poecigtbs fi ñxofb eigirmhcigti usmfbs ig hbs cmtiromhis pmrm abgstruaaoñg aulrig tbfbs hbs abhbris cís pbpuhmris. Hbs tbgbs sbg abhbris bpmabs, abcb baurrig ig hm gmturmhizm, y msã abclogmg `mrcbgobsmcigti abg ih mcloigti;
Lmynirrbx® y ih Ñxofb fi Arbcb ^irfi smtosnmaig istms abgfoaobgis y bnriaig
\bkb; rbkb mcmrohhigtb mzuhmfb Mcmrohhb; fisfi mcmrohhb virfimfb `mstm rbkimfb Cmrrñg; Cmrrñg bsaurb/ cmrrñg rbkimfb ahmrb Gierb; fisfi eros bsaurb `mstm gierb eros
‘Aumhofmf pmrm hm vofm–. Ogstmhmaobgis cbfirgms fi prbfuaaoñg y ugb sosticm fi aumhofmf istmlhiaig hbs istígfmris pmrm ih prbaismcoigtb fi poecigtbs ogbreígoabs ig ih `brcoeñg. \iquosotbs fi hbs poecigtbs pmrm abhbrimr ih `brcoeñg Hbs poecigtbs giaisotmg sbpbrtmr hm ognhuigaom merisovm fi hm pmstm fi aicigtb nuirticigti mhamhogm. Vmcloïg giaisotmg sir risostigtis m hm huz, istmlhis m hms ogticpirois, ogsbhulhis ig ih meum cizahmfm y furmgti ih prbaisb giaisotmg ogt og tiermrsi iermrsi norcic orc icigti igti ig hm c mtroz mtroz fih `brcoeñg. `brcoeñg. Hbs poecigtbs ogbreígoabs, ispiaomhcigti hbs poecigtbs fi ñxofb, sbg mfiaumfbs pmrm istb.
Mficís, si puifi prbfuaor lhmgab, virfi y mzuh. Qi puifi `ma `m ai hbs abhbris abh bris purbs abc abcbb ih mcmroh mcmrohhb hb usígf usígfbs bsii ih aicigtb lhmgab. Vbgbs lrohhmgtis y sumvis abcb hbs bltigofbs abg phístoabs y rivistocoigtbs fi supirnoaois sbg fonãaohis fi si prbfuaor pbr amusm fi hm abcpbsoaoñg y istruaturm fih `brcoeñg. Hbs poecigtbs fi ñxofb cís ocpbrtmgtis Abhbr
Gierb \bkb Mcmrohhb Cmrrñg ^irfi
Ñxofb fi `oirrb gierb Ñxofb fi `oirrb rbkb Ñxofb fi `oirrb mcmrohhb Ñxofb Ñx ofb fi `oirrb cmrrñg cmr rñg Ñxofb xo fb fi arbcb virfi vi rfi
Toecigtb Lmyir Lmyir Lmyn Lmyn irrbx irrbx Gierb Lmyn Lmynirrb irrbxx \bkb Lmyn Lmynirrbx irrbx Mcmrohhb Lmyn Lmyn irrbx Cmrrñg Ñxofb Ñx ofb fi Arb Ar bcb ^irfi
Ih pbfir fi tiýofurm fi hbs poecigtbs
²Añcb sbg nbrgiaofbs hbs poecigtbs2
Ih pbfir fi tiýofurm fi hbs poecigtbs is ugm amrmatirãstoam fi amhofmf ocpbrtmgti qui is isigaomh ig hm ivmhumaoñg fi su rihmaoñg igtri su absti y sus liginoaobs. Ih pbfir fi tiýofurm is finogofb abcb hm ampmaofmf fi ug poecigtb fi pmsmr su abhbr gmturmh pmrm ug cifob qui istí soigfb abhbrimfb. ^mcbs fmr ug ikicphb ikicphb pmrm ixphoamr i stb.
Hm ficmgfm pbr hms pbsolohofmfis fi prbaismcoigtb fi hbs poecigtbs `m amclomfb furmgti hbs mýbs. Mugqui ig hbs mýbs ogoaomhis hbs poecigtbs usmfbs ig hm ogfustrom fi hm abgstruaaoñg irmg amso soicpri poecigtbs ig pbhvb, m`brm hms pmstms maubsms fi poecigtbs tmcloïg istíg fikmgfb su cmram.
Hm nbtbermnãm m hm firia`m cuistrm fbs pbhvbs rbkbs; pbhvb fi hmfrohhb m hm ozquoirfm y poecigtb rbkb Lmynirrbx m hm firia`m. Qñhb aumgfb sbg usmfbs pmrm abhbrimr ih `brcoeñg b sbg ogvistoemfbs ig ih hmlbrmtbrob hm fonirigaom ig ih pbfir fi tiýofurm fi hms fbs cuistrms is ivofigti.
Mficís fi gb tigir hbs prblhicms fih pbhvb, hms pmstms bnriaig hm vigtmkm fi sir cís socphis fi usmr y cifor. Tbr btrb hmfb, abgtoigig ugm prbpbraoñg rihmtovmcigti mhtm fi meum, hb qui quoiri fiaor fiao r abstis abstis fi trmgs trmg spbrti cís cí s amrbs qui hb fi hbs poeci po ecigtb gtbss ig pbhvb. Mficís Mficís,, h bs poecigtbs pbfríg abgaigtrmrsi ig ih nbgfb so gb si rivuihvig hms suspigsobgis fi poecigtbs pbr hmrebs pirobfbs pi robfbs.. Tbr Tb r istms rmzbgis rmzbg is sñh b vmhi vmhi hm pigm abcprmr suspigsobgis fi poecigtbs prbgtms pmrm usmr so ih sucogostrmfbr istï ig ugm hbamhofmf airamgm.
Hm ogvistoemaoñg ig ih hmlbrmtbrob is abgfuaofm cizahígfbsi hm amgtofmf fi poecigtbs abg ugm amgtofmf finogofm finogofm fi suhn uh nmtb fi lmrob lmrob fi mauirfb abg hm gbrcm IG =< 050. Istm is hm lmsi pmrm hms tbhirmgaoms pmrm ih pbfir fi tiýofurm ig hm ispiaonoamaoñg fi prbfuatb pmrm hbs poecigtbs Lmynirrbx. ^mcbs vbhvir m ugm sotumaoñg príatoam ig ugm nílroam fi `brcoeñg. Yg poecigtb fi ñxofb fi `oirrb rbkb ‘M– is usmfb `by. Tmrm hhiemr m ug tbgb fi abhbr, is giaismrom ugm abgaigtrmaoñg fi =4% fih poecigtb. Abcpmrmaoñg igtri ug poecigtb abg lmkb pbfir fi tiýofurm y ug poecigtb abg mhtb pbfir fi tiýofurm. tiýofurm. To ecigtb ecigtb ‘M–
Toecigtb ‘L–
Hbs ûhtocbs fismrrbhhbs aumgtb m hm nbrcm fi hbs poecigtbs nbrgiaofbs sbg hms pripmrmaobgis poecigtmroms poeci gtmroms siams iam s fi nhukb nh ukb holri. @mg so fb fismrrbhhmfms fismrrbhhmfms ispiao ispiao mhcigti mhcigti pmrm hm o gfustrom gfustrom fi hm hm abgstruaaoñg y pircotig qui si vmaãig hbs sohbs, smams y pmquitis fi prbfuatbs m ermgih, hb qui `mai tmgtb ih mhcmaigmcoigtb abcb hm cifoaoñg ugm tmrim pirniatmcigti hocpom pbrqui gb `my nbrcma nbrcm aoñg fi pbhvb lmkb. Cís ognbrcmaobgis sblri hms nbrcms y iclmhmkis si puifig bltigir m pifofb. Hbs poecigtbs y ih cifobmcloigti Hm prbfuaaoñg fi poecigtbs Lmynirrbx y Ñxofb fi Arbcb ^irfi ig Lmyir ME utohozm prbaisbs cbfirgbs qui emrmgtozmg qui ih ocpmatb ig ih cifobmcloigti y hbs riaursbs simg cmgtigofbs cãgocbs. Istbs Istbs poec po ecigt igtbs bs gb toigig iniatb i niatb tñxoab tñxoab go o rrotmg rrotmg hm poih b hms ciclrmgms cuabsms. Msocoscb, si fili ivotmr ih fismrrbhhb fih pbhvb pbr rmzbgis fi smhuf baupmaobgmh.
Qog iclmreb, abcb cuistrmg hbs pmvirs fi `brcoeñg, is oeumhcigti pbsolhi bltigir ih tbgb fisimfb sucígfbsi 1% fih poecigtb rbkb ‘L–. Hm abgahusoñg is qui mug qui ih poecigtb ‘M– sim cís lmrmtb, aoirtmcigti gb is soicpri hb cís iabgñcoab.
Mugqui Lmynirrbx y Ñxofb fi Arbcb ^irfi gb `memg cmh m hbs bremgoscbs mauítoabs pbrqui sbg ogsbhulhis, amusmg ig ih meum ugm fiabhbrmaoñg pismfm. Toecigtbs istbrgufmfbs filig sir hocpobs hocpob s, is i stïg ihhbs i hhbs `ûcifbs b siabs.
< Hm ognhuigaom fih abhbr fih aicigtb ig hbs abhbris fih `brcoeñg Eros gb sñhb fm hm mpmroigaom fi suaoifmf, abcb ritorm ih lrohhb fi aumhquoir abhbr sim fbgfi sim. Msã, ih `brcoeñg cmgunmaturmfb abg ih aicigtb Tñrthmgf gbrcmh gugam vm m prbfuaor abhbris tmg lrohhmgtis abcb hms hm s `ia`ms `ia`ms abg aicigtb lhmgab. Qog iclmreb, ih emýb ig ahmrofmf fi hbs abhbris bltigofbs abg ih aicigtb lhmgab fipigfi fi auíhis poecigtbs sbg utohozmfbs. Qo ih poecigtb is gierb, gb `my amso fonirigaom igtri ih `brcoeñg `ia`b abg aicigtb lhmgab b abg aicigtb eros. Abg cmrrñg bsaurb y rbkb, hm fonirigaom is piquiým, y abg mcmrohhb y mzuh, hm fonirigaom is cuy ivofigti. Aumgtb cís lrohhmgti y hocpob is ih tbgb fisimfb, cís si vm m fipigfir fih aicigtb lhmgab. Istm fonirigaom ig ih abhbrimr fih aicigtb lhmgab y eros ero s is níaoh cigti abcpri abcprigfofm gfofm `ms `m stm pbr pb r ih h ieb. Hms pirsbgms fi hm ogfustrom, sog iclmreb, tmcloïg smlig qui ih aicigtb eros puifi vmromr lmstmgti fi abhbr, fisfi eros e ros ahmrb ahm rb `mstm `mstm bs b saurb. Qo si amc lom ih ermfb fih aicigtb b su sucogostrmfbr, nriauigticigti `my fonirigaoms ig ih abhbr gmturmh fih aicigtb qui puifig ognhuigaomr soegonoamtovmcigti ih abhbr nogmh. Ognhuigaom fih abhbr meriemfb ig ih tbgb tbgb fih abhbr nogmh Aicigtb lhmgab Aicigtb eroz 1 Hbs meriemfbs meriemfbs Ig hm prbfuaaoñg fih `brcoeñg abhbrimfb, hms pmrtãauhms meriemfms sbg auloirtms abg ugm pmstm fi aicigtb poecigtmfb. Is pbsolhi qui hbs ermgbs fi ug meriemfb abhbrimfb ogtigsmcigti gb simg abcphitmcigti auloirtbs, risuhtmgfb qui ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg `b rcoeñg nogmh sim mniatmfb pbr ih abhbr abhbr gmturmh fih fih meriemfb. Mugqui isti iniatb puifm sir mpmrigti `mstm furm f urmgti gti h m prbfuaaoñg prbfuaaoñg fih `brcoeñg `brcoeñg abhbrimfb, abhbrimfb, si tbrgm pmrtoauhmrcigti ivofigti aumgfb ih prbfuatb nogmh is ixpuistb mh toicpb, aumgfb hms pmrtãauhms fih meriemfb si vuihvig vosolhis abgnbrci hm supirnoaoi si fisemstm. Hb qui vicbs igtbgais is ug tbgb cizahmfb abcpuistb pbr ih abhbr fi hm pmstm fi aicigtb y ih meriemfb meriemfb ixpuistb.
Abcb ih aicigtb, ih abhbr gmturmh fi hm mrigm tmcloïg toigi ug iniatb cís cmramfb ig ih `brcoeñg abhbrimfb abg ug abhbr ahmrb (ik., mcmrohhb, virfi) qui ig ug `brcoeñg bsaurb (ik. cmrr cm rrñg, ñg, gierb). Hm ognhuigaom fih abhbr fih aicigtb ig ih i h tbgb nogmh fih fih abhbr Meriemfbs ahmrbs Meriemfbs bsaurbs
Hm ognhuigaom ognhuigaom fi hm nbrcuhmaoñg n brcuhmaoñg ig ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg `brcoeñg = Hm ognhuigaom fi hm abgaigtrmaoñg fb poecigtb ig ih i h abhbr Qmlir hm abgaigtrmaoñg ñptocm fi hbs poecigtbs myufm m iabgbcozmr pbrqui smlicbs qui gbs istmcbs pbgoigfb cís poecigtbs qui hm amgtofmf mlsbhutmcigti giaismrom. Qo si pbgig amgtofmfis cís y cís ermgfis fi poecigtbs ig hm cizahm fih `brcoeñg, hm ogtigsofmf fih abhbr ariai ogoaomhcigti fi cmgirm hogimr abg hm abgaigtrmaoñg fih poecigtb. Qog iclmreb, aumgtb cís poecigtb si pbgi si igtrm ig ugm emcm fbgfi hm mfoaoñg fi cís poecigtb gb soegonoam oe gonoam tbgbs cís prbnugfbs y, pb r hb tmgtb, isti is ug prbaifocoigtb pbab iabgñcoab. Ih istmlhiaocoigtb fi ugm emcm fi smturmaoñg fipigfi, igtri btrms absms, fi hbs pmrícitrbs fih sosticm fih `brcoeñg, pirb og eigirmh, hms mfoaobgis cís ermgfis qui 9% (amhauhmfb ig ih noa`irb) gb sbg giaismroms pmrm hbs poecigtbs Lmynirrbx pbr su ermgfi pbfir. Abg hbs poecigtbs cís fïlohis, hm emcm fi smturmaoñg gb is mtogeofm abg amgtofmfis fi poecigtb cua`b cís ermfis. Hm amgtofmf fi poecigtbs ixoeofm pmrm prbfuaor ug fitircogmfb tbgb puifi m viais sir tmg hmrem qui tmh mucigtb ig hm amgtofmf fi pbhvbs toigi ug iniatb giemtovb ig hms prbpoifmfis tïagoams fih `brcoeñg. <. Hm prbpbraoñg meum-aicigtb y ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg ²Mh blsirvmr ug vmsb fi airvizm airvizm ym `m pigsmfb pigsmfb pbr quï hm ispucm is lhmgam so hm prbpom airvizm is mcmrohhm2 Hm ognhuigaom fih govih fi poecigtmaoñg ig ih tbgb nogmh fih abhbr
Hm ispucm is abcpuistm fi piquiýms lbhhms fi mori qui ispmraig hm huz fi hm coscm cmgirm qui hbs poecigtbs hb `mai. Istm foerisoñg is ocpbrtmgti pbrqui ixphoam hm rihmaoñg igtri ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg y su prbpbraoñg meum-aicigtb. Ih meum ig ixaisb ivmpbrm fih `brcoeñg fikmgfb amvofmfis ig nbrcm fi pbrbs nogbs. Ihhms matûmg abcb hms lurlukms ig hm ispucm fi hm airvizm. Ispmraig hm huz ogaofigti y msã `maig ih `brcoeñg cís hivi. Msã, auígtb cís mhtm is hm prbpbraoñg meum-aicigtb, cís hivi ih `brcoeñg pmriairí. Abcb cuistrm hm nbtbermnãm ig hm firia`m, ih `brcoeñg eros sog poecigtbs istí tmg sukitb m istm hiy hi y abcb ih `brcoeñg `brcoeñg poecigtmfb. poecigtmfb. ²]uï soegonoam soegonoam istb i stb ig i g hm mphoamaoñg mphoamaoñg príatoam2 Qo si abcpmrm ih abhbr fi fonirigtis `brcoebgis abg hbs fovirsbs abgtigofbs fi meum (ik., pmvirs y `brcoeñg prbfuaofb ig ih hbamh) si fisaulri qui mugqui h m abgaigtrmaoñg abgaigtrmaoñg fi f i poecigtb poecigtb is hm coscm coscm,, hbs abhbris sbg fonirigtis. Qo si `maig abcpmrmaobgis figtrb fi ugm sbhm hãgim fi prbfuatbs, si fisaulri mheb fonirigti. Tmrm emrmgtozm emrmgtozmrr ih prbais p rbaismmcoigt coig tb sog prblhicms prblhicms fi hm c izahm izahm fi f i `brcoeñg `brcoeñg pbr c ifob ifob fi ugm ugofmf fi cmgunmaturm fi `brcoeñg, si fili cmgtigir su abgsostigaom gbrcmhcigti figtrb fi hãcotis istria`bs, hb qui is fiaor qui ih nmlroamgti giaisotm cifor auofmfbsmcigti hm cizahm fih meum. Hm ognhuigaom fi hm prbpbraoñg meum/aicigtb (M/A) ig ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg
Is pbr istb qui hms vmromaobgis figtrb fi ugm hãgim fi prbfuaaoñg, pbr amusm fi hm prbpbraoñg meumaicigtb, toigfig m sir hm ixaipaoñg y gb hm riehm. Tbr btrb hmfb, hms fonirigaoms ig hbs tbgbs puifig sir ermgfis so `my ixaisovm `ucifmf ig ih `brcoeñg y istb istb risuh risuhtm tm ig hm nbrcmaoñ nbrcmaoñ g fi ugm supirnoaoi supirnoaoi hbfbsm ig ih `brcoeñg. Isi hbfb ‑ tmcloïg hhmcmfb ‘aísamrm fi gmrmgkm– ig hm nmlroamaoñg fi lhbquis fi pmvocigtmaoñg ‑ abgtoigi hbs abcpbgigtis nogbs fih `brcoeñg tmhis abcb ih aicigtb, pbhvbs y ugm maucuhmaoñg maucuhmaoñg fi poecigt poecig tb ml mkb fi hm c ifom. Msã, ih `brcoeñg toigi ugm mpmroigaom fonirigti fi mquihhm qui tigfrãm so gb `uloirm, b `uloirm cuy pbam hmcm ig h m supi supi rnoaoi. rnoaoi. 1. Ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg ig rihmaoñg mh abgtigofb fi aicigtb Aumgfb si vm m abhbrimr ih `brcoeñg, gb is ih meriemfb qui is poecigtmfb, sogb hm pmstm fi aicigtb, qui igtbgais nbrcm ugm amcmfm ig hms pmrtãauhms ogfovofumhis fih meriemfb. Aumgtb m guistrms abgsofirmaobgis so ih abgtigofb fi aicigtb toigi b gb ugm ognhuigaom ig ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg poecigtmfb, pmrm socphonoamr, msucoricbs qui istmcbs `mlhmgfb fi ugm cizahm fi fbs sulstmgaoms; pmstm abhbrimfm fi aicigtb i meriemfb. Aumgtb cís si ‘fosuihvi– hm pmstm fi aicigtb abhbrimfb abg ih meriemfb, cigbs ogtigsb sirí ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg. Istm abgsofirmaoñg tiñroam istí abgnorcmfm ig hm ixpiroigaom príatoam. Yg `brcoeñg abg ermg abgtigofb fi aicigtb toigi ug abhbr abhb r cua`b cí s nuirt nui rtii qui btrb `brcoeñg abg abg ug abgtigofb fi aicigtb cís piquiýb abg hm coscm abgaigtrmaoñg (qui eigirmhcigti is ug pbraigtmki lmsmfb ig ih pisb fih aicigtb). Hm ognhuigaom fih abgtigofb fi aicigtb ig ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg
Hm ognh ognh uigaom fih abgtigofb fi aicigtb aici gtb ig ih abhbr abhbr fih `brcoeñg =. Cifoaoñg y fospirsoñg fi hbs poecigtbs ig ih `brcoeñg `brcoeñg @by fãm, hm aumhofmf toigi ug pmpih amfm viz cís ocpbrtmgti.
cãgocb. Ig cizahmfbris abg aorauhmaoñg nbrzmfm sirí =.9 ‑ < cog. Qo ih toicpb is rifuaofb, rifuaofb, gb sirí sirí p bsolhi bsolhi prbfua prbfu aor ugm ciza ci zahm hm `bcbeïgim `bcbeïgim ogahu ogahussb cbfonoamgfb cbfonoamgfb ih toicpb fi cizahm ogfovofumh b mucigtmfb hm siauigaom pmrm hbs abcpbgigtis ogfovofumhis.
Abcb hm h m cifoa ci foaoñg oñg y fos fo spirsoñg pirsoñg ` bcbeïgi bcbeïgimm fi hb s poecigtbs sbg nmatbris isigaomhis ig hm cmgunmaturm fi prbfuatbs fi `brcoeñg abhbrimfb fi mhtm mhtm aumhofmf, aumhofmf, hm h m ogfustrom ogfustrom fi hm abgs ab gstruaaoñg truaaoñg `m fivbtmfb isnuirzbs abgsofirmlhis pmrm istmlhiair pmrícitrbs ñptocbs.
Aumgfb qui ih vbhucig fi poecigtb usmfb ig hm nílroam fi `brcoeñg hhiem m aoirtb govih, ugm prieugtm si pbgi mutbcítoamcigti, qui is so hm mfoaoñg fih poecigtb puifi sir mutbcmtozmfm b gb. Abcb ig eigirmh baurri abg hms sbhuaobgis tïagoams, `my vigtmkms y fisvigtmkms. Gb ixosti ugm rispuistm abcphitm pmrm hm prieugtm si hm cifoaoñg `ûcifm b Fospirsoñg fi hbs poecigtbs siam is hm cís nmvbrmlhi. Vbfb hb qui si puifi `mai r is fmr suei suei rigaoms pmrm myufmr hb s og eigoirbs Qiauigaom riabcigfmfm pmrm pbgir hbs ogerifoigtis `mair fi hm nílroam pmrm qui fiaofmg fi ugm nbrcm b fi ig ih cizahmfbr cizahmfbr fi `brcoeñg; `brcoeñg; btrm y hhivig hh ivig ms m spiatbs abc abciraomhis iraomhis ig abgsofirmaoñg. abgsofirmaoñg. Meriemfbs + poecigtbs pricizahmfbs + aicigtb Hm tmlhm m hm firia`m cuistrm fi ugm cmgirm + meum socphonoamfm hms vigtmkms (+) y fisvigtmkms (-) y hm Voicpb fi cizahm abg cizahmfbr fi aorauhmaoñg abcpmrmaoñg (3) fi fovirsbs cïtbfbs fi cifoaoñg. nbrzmfm; =,9 ‑ < cog. cog. Kugtb abg hms vigtmkms blvoms fi hm cifoaoñg Voicpb fi cizahm; mutbcítoam fih poecigtb, ih prbfuatbr fi `brcoeñg Mrigm +poecigtb Mprbx. Mprbx. =9-<4s toigi hm pbsolohofmf fi prbfuaor ïh prbpob cís tbgbs. Mrigm + poecig poec igtb tb + aic igtb igtb Mprbx. =9 ‑ <4 s Hbs poeci po ecigtb gtbss Lmynirr Lmyni rrbx bx sbg cmgun c mgunmaturmfbs maturmfbs ig h bs Mrigm + poecigtb + aicigtb + meum Mprbx. = ‑ =,9 cog abhbris lísoabs rbk rbk b, gier gie rb y mcmr mc mrohhb. ohhb. Cua`bs Cua` bs tbgbs Vbfbs hbs topbs fi cizahmfbris toigig ug toicpb istíg fospbgolhis figtrb fi amfm ugm fi isms emcms cãgocb fi cizahm. Abg toicpbs cís abrtbs fi fi abhbris. cizahm, hm `bcbeigiofmf gb is pbsolhi mug qui hbs toic to icpbs pbs fi ciza ci zahm hm fi f i hbs ogerifoi ogerifoigtis gtis ogfov og fovofumhis ofumhis b Abclogmgfb fbs b tris poecigtbs Lmynirrbx is hm brfig abg qui sbg mariaigtmfbs si amcloig. pbsolhi prbfuaor ug gûcirb amso ohocotmfb fi tbgbs. Mquã, pbr ikicphb, ih poecigtb rbkb Lmynirrbx `m sofb Hbs toicpbs fi cizahm giaismrobs fipigfig abclogmfb abg ih gierb Lmynirrbx pmrm prbfuaor ug cua`b fih fisicpiýb fih cizahmfbr fi tbgb fi cmrr cm rrñg. ñg. `brcoeñg. Hbs fmtbs ognbrcmfbs mquã sblri ih toicpb fi cizahm sbg sbhmcigti ugm foriatroz eigirmh. ^igtmkms y fisvigtmkms fi hbs fonirigtis cïtbfbs Aumgtb m hm fospirsoñg fi hbs poecigtbs, si `m fi cifoaoñg fisauloirtb qui is cuy arãtoam pmrm qui si sipm aumgfb ih poecigtb fili sir mariaigtmfb mh = 3 pbhvb: < 3 coarb ermgbs ermgbs:: 1 ‑ pmstm ig ih ih hba h bamh: mh: cizahmfbr. Hm ixpiroigaom `m cbstrmfb qui hm 6 ‑ ciza ci zahm hm meumfm pricizahmfm pricizahmfm siauigaom ofimh is cizahmr ih poecigtb abg ih meriemfb furmgti mprbxocmfmcigti =9 sieugfbs Cif Ci foaoñg siam Cifo Ci foaoñg aoñg `ûcifm `ûcifm mgtis qui si marisaigti ih aicigtb. Fispuïs fi istb, ih prbaisb fi cizahm is ih co scb qui hb fih `br `b rcoeñg sog poecigtb. poecigtb. Qi fili soicpri ivotmr mfoaobgmr tbfbs hbs abcpbgigtis socuhtígimcigti, b qui ih aicigtb sim cizahmfb igsieuofm hm mrigm. Ih toicpb fi cizahm tmcloïg toigi, gmturmhcigti, ug pmpih ocpbrtmgti ig hm fospirsoñg `bcbeïgim fih poecigtb. Amfm c izahmf izahmfbr br giaisot giaisotmm ug toi t oicp cpbb fi cizahm cizahm
Triaosoñg Triaosoñg = Írim giais giai smrom 3 Hocpo Hoc poizm izm Meriemfbs Me riemfbs (mrigm `ûcifm) `ûcifm ) + Absti Absti ++ Ogvi rsoñ rsoñ g -Absti bpirmaobgm bp irmaobgmhh (+) Amclo Amc lobb fi abhbr abhbr 3
< ++ ++ ++ ++ + (+) 3
1 3 + + --+ 3
6 3 + ++ (+) (+) -3
Abclogmaoñg fi poecigtbs Lmynirrbx
Hm ognhuigaom fi hm ticpirmturm fi igfuriaocoigtb
Hm tiagbhbeãm tiagbhbeãm fi `by pmrm pm rm cizahm cizahmrr `brcoeñg `brcoeñg pircot pircotii qui si mfoaobgi cua`bs poecigtbs ogfovofumhis socuhtígimcigti ig ih cizahmfbr fi `brcoeñg. Gb si giaisotm pricizahmr hbs poecigtbs. <. Hm ognhuigaom fi hms abgfoaobgis igfuriaocoigtb fih tbgb fih `brcoeñg
Hm pmstm igfuriaofm igfuriaofm fi f i aicigtb aicigtb qui q ui si nbrcm nb rcm fi hm rimaaoñg igtri ih meum y ih aicigtb cizahmfbs prbfuai arostmhis fi tmcmýbs vmromfbs, fi mauirfb abg hm ticpirmturm ig quï ih `brcoeñg si `mym igfuriaofb. Ih tmcmýb fi istbs arostmhis is, pbr su viz, rispbgsmlhi pbr hm cmgirm abg qui hm huz qui ami ig ih `brcoeñg is ispmraofm. Hbs soeuoigtis progaopobs si mphoamg; ticpirmturms cís mhtms fi igfuriaocoigtb risuhtmg ig meukms fi arostmh cís nogms, y aumgtb cís prbgugaomfb is ih ispmraocoigtb fi hm huz fi hms meukms fi arostmh nogms, cms ahmrb sirí ih abhbr fih `brcoeñg si abcpmrmcbs ih abhbr fih coscb `brcoeñg igfuriaofb m ticpirmturms cís lmkms. Qog iclmreb, isti nigñcigb eigirmhcigti sñhb is riabgbaolhi aumgfb hm fonirigaom fi hms ticpirmturms hhiem m ugm aoirtm cmegotuf, pbr ikicphb, aumgfb si abcpmrm ih `brcoeñg igfuriaofb m vmpbr abg `brcoeñg igfuriaofb m ticpirmturms mcloigtis gbrcmhis.
Ih abcpbrtmcoigtb fih `brcoeñg poecigtmfb Ih mauifuatb rbcmgb qui trmãm meum m Abhbegi Hm maaoñg fi hms ogticpirois ig hm inhbrisaigaom fisfi hms abhogms fi Ionih fbsaoigtbs mýbs mtrís nui abgstruofb abg trmss b aicigtb pbsbhígoab. Qo isti mgtoeub ‘`brcoeñg– nuirm poecigtmfb abg ñxofbs fi Fispuïs fi =6 fãms `oirrb gmturmhis ‑ quï ig mquih toicpb ym irm abgbaofb ‑ hm istruaturm (hms pmrtis qui mug si puifi vir) sirãm abhbrofm `mstm `by. Hm fonirigaom fih Fispuïs fi = mýb tbgb broeogmh sirãm piquiým. Istbs amclobs fi abhbris qui si cmgonoistmg tmgtb ig ih `brcoeñg sog abhbr abcb ig ih `brcoeñg abhbrimfb, toigig cua`ms amusms y puifig tigir ugm gmturmhizm ticpbrmh (ik., inhbrisaigaom) b pircmgigti (ik. ixpbsoaoñg fi hm Hm inhbrisaigaom risuhtm fi hm amh holri qui si supirnoa upi rnoaoi oi fih meri m eriemfb). emfb). fosuihvi ig hm meum fi hm cizahm (inhbrisaigaom procmrom) b ig hm hhuvom b gilhogm (inhbrisaigaom siaugfmrom) qui si fipbsotm ig hm supirnoaoi fih = Inhbrisaigaom `brcoeñg, fbgfi rimaaobgm abg ih foñxofb fi Hm inhbrisaigaom is hm cmhfoaoñg fi tbfbs hbs amrlbgb ig ih mori y nbrcm ih amrlbgmtb fi amhaob nmlroamgtis fi `brcoeñg, ispiaomhcigti m rispiatb ogsbhulhi. Hm pbrbsofmf fih `brcoeñg toigi ug pmpih fi hbs abhbris y aumgfb `my cua`bs riquosotbs ocpbrtmgti mquã. Aumgtb cís abcpmatb is, cís lmkm aumgtb m hm mpmroigaom fih `brcoeñg. Trocirb, is sirí hm tigfigaom tigfigaom m hm inhbrisaigaom. inhbrisaigaom. Ig ugm rimaa rimaaoñ oñ g ocpbrtmgti qui si gbti qui go hbs poecigtbs higtm, ih amrlbgmtb fi amhaob ig hm supirnoaoi fih Lmynirrbx go hbs Ñxofb fi Arbcb ^irfi toigig `brcoeñg pbfrí rimaaobgmr rimaaobgmr abg ih i h foñxofb fi amrlbgb amrlbgb ognhuigaom ig hm baurrigaom fi hm inhbrisaigaom. fos fo suihtb ig ih meum pmrm nbrcmr loamrlbgmtb loamrlbgmtb fi amh aob Msocoscb, is blvob qui si gbtmg cís hbs fipñsotbs qui, pbr p br su su viz, i s sbh sbhulhi ulhi ig meum. Fi istm istm cmgirm fi amh ig ih `brcoeñg abhbrimfb qui ig ih `brcoeñg hm inhbrisaigaom is hmvmfm fi guivb pihb toicpb. eros gmturmh, b `mstm ig ih `brcoeñg lhmgab. Abcpbgigtis íaofbs fi hm mtcñsnirm gmturmhcigti tmcloïg toigig ug iniatb fi fosbhuaoñg ig hbs fipñsotbs fi amh ig hm supirnoaoi fih `brcoeñg. Yg ripbrti ispiaomh sblri ih msugtb fi hm ‘Inhbr ‘Inhb risaigaom isaigaom i g ih `brcoeñg– `brcoeñg– `m sofb of b pulhoamfb pulhoamfb pbr Lmyir ME y hbs ahoigtis puifig piforhb. <. Hm maaoñg fi hms ogticpirois ig hm pmstm fih aicigtb igfuriaofm Qblri hm supirnoaoi fih `brcoeñg `my ugm ampm fi hbfb abcpuistm fi hbs meriemfbs nogbs y fih aicigtb. Qu erbsbr fipigfi fi hm nbrcuhmaoñg, fih cïtbfb fi abcpmatmaoñg, ita. Istm ampm is emstm ermfumhcigti pbr ih toicpb y fispuïs fi mheugbs mýbs, hms pmrtãauhms fi meriemfb ig hm supirnoaoi si quifmg ixpuistms y abgtrol abgtroluy uyig ig cís abg ih abhb abhbrr eigirmh eigirmh fih sosticm. Hm nbtbermnãm m abgtogumaoñg cuistrm qui hbs amclobs fi abhbr ig cmtiromhis fi abgstruaaoñg poecigtmfbs sbg rihmtovmcigti
piquiýbs. piquiýbs. Abcpmrmfbs Abcpmrmfbs abg ug ispïaocig ispïaocig ig ih nbgfb, hbs lhbquis fi `brcoeñg ixpuistbs furmgti <9 mýbs cuistrmg cuy pbab amclob ixaiptb ugm supirnoa upi rnoaoi oi ug pba p babb suaom. 1. Istmlohofmf fi hbs poecigtbs m hms ogticpirois Qo si usmg poecigtbs istmlhis m hms ogticpirois abcb Lmynirrbx y Ñxofb fi Arbcb ^irfi ‑ b sim, poecigtbs fi ñxofb ‑ pmrm abhbrimr cmtiromhis pmrm abgstruaaoñg, ih abhbr is pircmgigti. Istm mno rcma cm aoñg is i s lmsmfm i g hm i xpiroiga xpiroigaom om fi ug aumrtb aumrtb fi soehb fi ogvistoemaobgis sosticítoams sblri hm istmlohofmf fi hbs cmtiromhis fi abgstruaaoñg poecigtmfbs. Ig tmhis ogvistoemaobgis, qui igvuihvig cua`bs prblhicms fi istmlohofmf, si `m fisauloirtb qui sñhb guistrms ogvistoemaobgis ixtirgms sblri hm maaoñg fi hms ogticpirois sbg rimhcigti ampmais fi fmr ognbrcmaobgis abgnomlhis sblri hm istmlohofmf m hms ogticpirois fi hbs poecigtbs ig hbs cmtiromhis pmrm abgstruaaoñg.
Hms prbpoifmfis prbpoifmfis tïagoams tïa goams fih `brcoeñg abhbrimfb = Hm nuirzm fih `brcoeñg y ih abcpbrtmcoigtb fi sbhofonoamaoñg fih aicigtb Ig ih istígfmr IG =< 050, qui ogahusb is hm lmsi pmrm ih nuturb istígfmr iurbpib, si finogig hbs riquosotbs pmrm hbs poecigtbs pmrm abhbrimr ih `brcoeñg y hbs cmtiromhis lmsmfbs ig hm amh pmrm hm abgstruaaoñg. Mficís fi trmlmkmr abg auistobgis rihmaobgmfms m hms ogvistoemaobgis fi hbs poecigtbs, ita., ih istígfmr istmlhiai ogahusb `mstm qui pugtb hbs poecigtbs puifig ognhuigaomr ih abcpbrtmcoigtb fi sbhofonoamaoñg fih aicigtb y hm nuirzm fih `brcoeñg. Ig ogvistoemaobgis abrrispbgfoigtis abgfuaofms ig ug ogstotutb ogfipigfoigti fi ogvistoemaobgis ig ogtirvmhbs rieuhmris si fisaulroñ mheûg toicpb mtrís qui hbs poecigtbs Lmynirrbx istíg figtrb fi hbs hãcotis istmlhiaofbs ig ih istígfmr. <. Hm abgsostigaom fih `brcoeñg Hbs poecigtbs toigig pmrtãauhms nogms. Hbs fitmhhis ixmatbs sblri ih tmcmýb ixmatb fi hms pmrtãauhms, qui puifi vmromr abgsofirmlhicigti fipigfoigfb fih topb, si puifig igabgtrmr ig hm tmlhm fi abhbris fi Lmynirrbx. Abcb ugm foriaaoñg eigirmh, si puifi fiaor qui hbs poecigtbs sbg mprbxocmfmcigti =4 ‑ <4 viais cís nogbs qui ih aicigtb. Qmloigfb fi istb, ug prbaismfbr fi poecigtbs pbfrí prieugtmrsi so hm mfoaoñg fi ug prbfuatb nogb gb toigi ognhuigaom ig ih meum ixoeofm ig ih prbaisb. Aumgtb m hbs poecigtbs Lmynirrbx, hms amgtofmfis fi Lmynirrbx rbkb y gierb gbrcmhcigti utohozmfms ig hm príatoam gb toigig aumhquoir iniatb ig istm írim. Qog iclmreb, hbs poecigtbs fi ñxofb fi `oirrb mcmrohhb sbg fonirigtis fi hbs fi ñxofb fi `oirrb gierb y rbkb pbrqui ihhbs puifig tigir ugm istruaturm ig nbrcm fi meukms y msã puifig mlsbrlir cís meum ig hm supirnoaoi. Msocoscb, ih iniatb sñhb is cís vosolhi ig hms abgaigtrmaobgis fi poecigtbs mrrolm fih 6-9% mprbxocmfmcigti. Aumgfb si `mlhm fi poecigtbs abg ermg pbfir fi tiýofurm abcb hbs mcmrohhbs Lmynirrbx, isti vmhbr gb is eigirmhcigti uhtrmpmsmfb, hb qui quoiri fiaor qui hm mlsbraoñg cís cí s ermgfi ermgfi fi meum fi hbs poecigtbs mcmrohhbs mcmrohhbs sñh sñhbb toigi ug ogtirïs hocotmfb pmrm ih nmlroamgti fi `brcoeñg.
Trbpbraobgis (prbpbraoñg meum/ aicigtb 4,9>) sOG poecigtb
OGQVOV OGQVOVY YVB FI F I OG O G^ IQVOEMAOÑG FI F I @B\COE @B\CO EÑG, FØQQIHFB\N Ogvistoemaob Ogvist oemaobg gi s Lísoams ísoams pmrm pmrm Toecigtb Toecigt bs fi mauirfb abg FOG IG =<050 \ieostrb G» 656/== 656/== Toecigtb;
Toecigtb gierb
Gbclri fih nmlroamgti / sucogostrmfbr
Lmynirrbx 1=0
Trisigt Trisigtmfb mfb pbr;
Lmyir ME, Nílroam Nílroam Yirfogeig Yirfogeig
C msm/Aicigtb (AIC O 6<,9 \)
Igtrmfm ig;
=9.==.<44= =9.==.<44=
Qog Toecigtb
Abg Toecigtb Toeci gtb *)
Fonirigao Foniriga om
Ogoaob Ogoaob
=54 cog
=59 cog
+ 9 cog
<44 cog
<44 cog
- 4 cog
Mls Ml sbraoñg brao ñg fih meum
<0, <0 ,4 C.-%
, ,4 C.-%
Istmlohofmf vbhucïtroam
(Hi A`mtih A`mtihoi oir) r)
4,9 4, 9 cc
=,4 cc
\isostigao \isostigaomm m h m abcprisoñg <0 fãms (ig Cpm)
^mhbris ogfovofumhis
^mhbr cifob @mhhmzebs coarbsañpoabs y quãcoabs Tmrti Tmrti sbhu s bhulhi lhi i g meum 4.14 C.-% Abgtigofb fi ahbrb 4.4< C.-% Abgtigofb Abgtigofb f i gotrmtb 8 4.4= C.-% Abgtigofb fi suhnmtb 4.4> C.-%
96,6 99,0 99,1 91,5 9>,= 9>,1 99,1
99,6 99,< 99,6 96,> 96,6 99,6 99,=
- 4,6% 4,6 %
Abcpbgigtis progaopmhis Cmegitotm (Ni1B6) ^ironoamaoñg `ia`m m tr mvïs fi mgího mgíhosos sos fi fonrmaao fonrmaaoñg ñg fi \b igtei igtei g
Gbtms Hbs riquosotbs pmrm poecigtbs moshmfbs fi mauirfb abg hms ogvistoemaobgis lísoams fi FOG IG =<050 nuirbg mtigfofbs. Hbs abcpbgigtis progaopmhis fih poecigtb istíg ig abgnbrcofmf abg hm fisaropaoñg abgtigofm ig hm fiahmrmaoñg fiahmrmaoñg fih f ih nmlroam mlroamgti gti fih poecigtb *) Hm mfoaaoñ mfoaaoñgg fi fi poe poecigtb cigtb furmgti fur mgti ih igfuriao igfuriao coigtb y ig hm ogvistoemaoñg fi hm risostigaom m abcprisoñg tbtmhozñ 9% mphoam mphoamfbs fbs ig hm cms cms m fi aicigtb. ai cigtb.
Føssihfbrn, Igamremfb
Ogstotutb fi Ogvistoemaobgis fi hm Ogfustrom fih @brcoeñg Bremgozmaoñg fi Emrmgtãm fi hm Amhofmf