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Name: Kemona Facey Subject : Communication Studies School: Dinthill Technical Technical High School Sch ool General Topic: Human Trafficing Theme: Human Trafficing among Females Teritory: Candidate!:
Centre!: "###
%$General ntroduction This portfolio is focused on the theme &Human Trafficing among females&' (here ) *ill e+ually e,pand on on ho* females are -ictimi.ed in their country and ho* this affects the female and their family')n accordance *ith the Dictionary'com/ the term &Human Trafficing& is the trade in humans commomly for the purpose of se,ual sla-ery/ forced labour or for the e,traction of organs and tissue/ including surrogacy and o-a remo-al' The main purpose for selecting this topic is to subse+uently infom my auidience on the situations that lead to &human trafficing and to highlight indi-iduls on the fact ho* it affcets *omen' For number of years 0amaica has initiated its 1nada 1lert 2rogram to fairly help *ith this predominant concern' 3ut some are still unsighted to *hat really caused the missing females' So the researcher sought to choose this theme to enlighten the audience about this global crisis' 4y personal interest is that ) *ould lie to see more strategies put in place to stop and apprehend these men *ho commit these heinous acts' Kno*ledge gained from this research *ill prepare me for a career in the field of a Social (orer as ) may come in contact *ith traumati.ed -ictims of human trafficing' 4y academic interest in this topic is to help *ith my 5C1267 grade to allo* myself to recei-e a good pass in my Communication 4odule 6,am'
Preface The theme proposed by the researcher is designed to sensiti.e the municipal in the Caribbean *ho are una*are of this global crisis human trafficing/ or *ho just find this theme of interest' 1lso *ithin this/ it is the researcher8s intention to address the problems such as human trafficing/ rape/ brutality and abduction as reflects on the story piece of a young *oman *ho fell madly in lo-e *ith a deceitful man that after a year abducted her for se,ual sla-ery' 4y moti-ation for inscripting this reflecti-e piece/ entailed in this portfolio comes from my o*n fear of being abducted for such acts of abuse and ill9treatment' From a female perspecti-e ) am strongly against the proposal of using my fello* female community for the use of se,ual sla-ery and surrogacy' The poem *ill be ideally published in the Teen bser-er/ The Star/ and on the popular tal sho*/ &Tal up ;ouths&' The researcher trusts that all issues stated *ill be understood and be an eye opener to such felonies' Human Trafficing should be recogni.ed as the mounting dilemma it is so that females can be fully a*are of the danger that lies in the Caribbean
Blinded Love 1s the trees stood still ) began into the reality of life/ ) regretted e-erything' )f ) *asn8t so gullible ) still *ould8-e managed to hoard my innocence' Tears suddenly caressed my chees for ) merely had control for my dreadful history had left physical and emotional scars' The horrid memories attaced me e-er since he came into my life' ) ne* ho* silly he made me/ too blinded by &lo-e&/ ) guess' (ho could e-er thin that a four letter *ord could manage to change your *hole mindset and actions< Sigh/ *hy< (hy did )< ) ept +uestioning myself' ) ne* ) shouldn8t ha-e trusted him' )f only ) could go bac in time ) *ouldn8t ha-e allo*ed him to manipulate me' )t all began in Sophia8s je*elry store' =sually ) greeted e-ery customer *ith a honey9 gla.ed/ &Hello>&' 4y sales representati-e badge *as pinned on my uniform and my glasses suited the structure of my spherical face' 4y hair *as neatly *rapped and my straight sirt hugged my assets as my d*arf heels cliced on the tiles each time ) *aled' 1nticipating customers to enter the store/ ) too a seat and *aited' =ne,pectedly a masculine aroma filled my nostrils/ ) couldn8t help but to locate the source but before ) hoisted my head a &hello/ good day& acno*ledged me ) *itnessed a handsome/ tall slender man ?) stuttered in response' &(elcome to Sophia8s je*elry store/ may ) assist<& ) replied in a silent tone trying not to sho* that ) *as flushed by his ac+uaintance' His hands gently touched mine as he pointed at the most e,pensi-e je*elry' &)t8s for @"$A/###=S&/ cash or credit<& To my surprise he *rote a note
and placed @"B#/### =S/ cash on the counter' Then told me to *rap it/ eep the change and store it in my heart' &For being a beautiful je*el you recei-e a gemstone& he then slipped a paper to me *hich read & Such a spontaneous physique and manner, please do me the honors of joining me for lunch sometime &'
His number *as *ritten at the bottom and his charisma left me breathless' His presence had left me stunned/ but something had my curiosity peaing' 4y blac dress fitted perfectly as ) strapped on my heels/ fi,ed my hair/ did my maeup and *ent out for dinner instead' He al*ays charmed me as our dates became regular' He *as so s*eet and caring and compassionate about *hat he does' 1 man ) thin ) can li-e my entire life *ith' Start a family and li-e happily e-er after' He s*ept me off my feet and just lie that my lo-e gre* for him' )t *as no* February "A/ alentine8s day' (e ha-e been together for a year and a half and ) *as so in lo-e' ) *ould probably get another car this time' r maybe he8ll gi-e me one of his islands' ) lo-ed his surprises' ) *on8t forget last year *hen he too me to the Caribbean and bought me the finest of the cultural foods' 1lthough ) *as still una*are of his income/ ) *as just in the moment' Finally he came home and my face enlightened *hen ) heard his call' &Honey> the limousine a*aits us/&' He poured champagne in my glass as *e rela,ed in the bac seat' Then suddenly my eyes darened and ) passed out' The screams of terror and the coldness of the bare floor a*oen me' ) found myself restricted by chains and naed' 4y sin *as battered and bruised/ ) *as confused' floods of
+uestions dro*ned my mind' 4y heart pounded as ) suddenly heard the pulling of cell gates' )t *as him> The man of my dreams /the lo-e of my life staring at me *ith a smir *hile leading men behind him *ith *ipes and chains' &(hy 0on-ante< (hy'& ) screamed as they raped me o-er and o-er again/ as my blood drained do*n the cell floors' 1s my heart tore to pieces' The lo-e of my life sold me' Sold me for se,'
Analysis 3ased on the story piece entitled &3linded o-e&/ the *riter in addressing the issue of &Human Trafficing among females& sought to mae an e,tensi-e use of linguistic criteria such as language registers and communicati-e beha-ior' Throughout the reflecti-e piece the researcher decided to use the story piece in the first person perspecti-e' This *ill gi-e the audience the e,perience of &being& inside the protagonist mindset' anguage registers is referred to as the le-el of attitude and formality associated *ith spoen or *ritten language' (ith the use of language registers/ the *riter employed a intimate communication *ith 0u-ante and the antagonist Efemale' The couple had fairly made a relationship' )t *as used to describe the language bet*een the lo-ers *ho shared a fairly close relationship or bond' Slangs *ere gi-en by 0u-ante *hich ga-e a special term of endearment' 1n e,ample *hich sho*case8s this criterion is &Honey> the limousine a*aits us/&' 1lso communicati-e beha-ior *as detectable' Since its the act of communicating impression to others *ithout being a*are of doing so and *ithout e-en *ishing to do so' The *riter *as able to e,press the -ictim8s character by portraying her/ her sense into e-oing a communicati-e beha-ior' &The man of my dreams /the lo-e of my life staring at me *ith a smir *hile leading men behind him *ith *ipes and chains'& and & (hy 0on-ante< (hy& ) screamed as they raped me o-er and o-er again/ as my blood drained do*n the cell floors& ' The first e,ample +uoted/ sho*ed ho* the *riter sillfully employed facial e,pressions in order to communicate non9-erbally' =sing a smir to de-iously send panicing message to the -ictim' (ith the second e,ample *as +uoted it demonstrated that she *as stunned and discontented by his appearance' She too sent a non9-erbal message for her feedbac' The protagonist -ocalic
contrasted as her pitch *as a bit lo*er in an attempt to gi-e a dimension of the meaning she intended to e-oe through the use of paralinguistic' )n closing/ throughout the reflecti-e piece/ the *riter effecti-ely utili.ed language register and communicati-e beha-ior to effecti-ely enhance the construction of the reflection'