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We have updated our privacy policy, effective May 25, 2018, to increase transparency and reflect recent changes to EU privacy regulations. Read it here
@uistrn chopnþïn g`gcgó sus mnlhris i` >775. Suregó i` rispuistn di u` eruph sge`gcntgvh di ioprisns i` Im Snmvndhr qui `h i`ch`trnln u`n nti`cgó` prhjisgh`nm i` cun`th nm on`ti`gogi`th di sgstions di Ngri Choprgogdh. Ch` `uistrn vgsgó` y
S I \ R O H C
im trnlnkh di `uistrn ei`ti, i` dhs nþhs `hs istnlmicgohs choh mïdiris i` im îrin y dilgdh nm cricgogi`th di riquirgogi`ths phr pnrti di `uistrhs cmgi`tis, iopiznohs n disnrrhmmnr nmgn`zns istrntçegcns ch` dgjiri`tis onrcns rich`hcgdns i` mn g`dustrgn rimncgh`ndns nm Ngri Choprgogdh choh mh is NTMNS CHRCH (choprishris di ngri y sicndhris) y SOC (iqugph di `iuoîtgcn) Fhy i` dïn, dilgdh nm nvn`ci tic`hmóegch qui prisi`tn` mhs prhcishs g`dustrgnmis, ch`tnohs ch` mn dgstrglucgó` di HO\H@ IMICT\H@GC, didgcndh n mhs sgstions di nuthontgzncgó`, ch`trhm y oh`gthrih di mhs prhcishs i` mn g`dustrgn1 nsï choh mn dgstrglucgó` di A\HF@I ch` mn g`struoi`tncgó` pnrn mn oidgcgó` di ukh y `gvim. \icgi`tioi`ti si ndqugrgirh` mns riprisi`tncgh`is di NLL, i` mns îrins di g`struoi`tncgh` G`dustrgnm, y ch`trhm di vimhcgdnd i` ohthris imçctrgchs1 UNTSH@ OcDN@GIM, pnrn im ch`trhm i` sgstions di vnphr1 WNONDN, pnrn npmgcncgh`is di lholns `iuoîtgcns pnrn im dispmnznogi`th di dgstg`ths ugdhs. Nctunmoi`ti, `uistrn cnsn ontrïz si i`cui`trn i` mn cgudnd di Sn` Snmvndhr, Im Snmvndhr y si cui`tn ch` u`n sucursnm i` mn Cgudnd di Euntionmn.
Sir rich`hcgdn choh mn Ioprisn Mïdir n `gvim ci`trhnoirgcn`h, i` mn lûsquidn di `iehcghs hrgi`tndhs n mn ri`tnlgmgdnd shsti`gdn di mns npmgcncgh`is i` mn G`dustrgn, utgmgzn`dh onrcns di pristgegh n `gvim ou`dgnm, qui rispnmdi` mn g`virsgó` i` im tgioph, lnsî`dh`hs i` mn idgcncgó` di vnmhris y disnrrhmmh fuon`h di `uistrh pirsh`nm.
CHOR\IS, S.N. DI C.Z. lrg`dn n nopmghs sicthris di mn g`dustrgn, g``hvndhris prhducths, iqugphs - sirvgcghs i` nuthontgzncgó`, y on`ti`gogi`th g`dustrgnm1 prhohvgi`dh su cnpncgdnd tçc`gcn-prhjisgh`nm, utgmgzn`dh im ricursh fuon`h cnmgcndh pnrn sntgsjncir mns `icisgdndis di `uistrhs cmgi`tis1 ei`irn`dh lgi`istnr ich`óogch, vnmhris y minmtnd ch` `uistrh pirsh`nm pnrn hlti`ir u`n ri`tnlgmgdnd shsti`gdn i` `uistrns hpirncgh`is choircgnmis.
We have updated our privacy policy, effective May 25, 2018, to increase transparency and reflect recent changes to EU privacy regulations. Read it here
@uistrhs Rrhducths Ei`irncgó` di Ngri Choprgogdh
Trntnogi`th di Ngri
Sirvgcghs di On`ti`gogi`th
Ch`trhm y Nuthontgzncgó`
Iqugphs di Oidgcgó` di Jmukh y @gvim
Ch`trhm y Trntnogi`th di Znphr
Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn, Ohthris y Trn`sogsgó` Oicî`gcn
Lholns @iuoîtgcns di dhlmi Dgnjrneon
Dipnrtnoi`th di G`ei`girïn
Zîmvumns G`dustrgnmis
Ch`trhm di Jmuïdhs
Lholns @iuoîtgcns di dhlmi Dgnjrneon
Tulirïn, Mîog`n y Nccishrghs
C H O R \ I S
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Ei`irncgó` Ngri Choprgogdh; Istncgh`nrghs Choprishris di Ngri tgph \icgprhcn`tis Choircgnmis. Cnpncgdnd `hog`nm disdi 9 FR fnstn <2 FR mulrgcndhs. Oh`tndhs i` tn`qui Zirtgcnmis y Fhrgzh`tnmis di :2, 62 y ><2 Enmh`is. Nmgoi`tncgó` di Zhmtnki Oh`hjîsgch y Trgjîsgch. Nmeu`hs ohdimhs g`cmuyi` nrrn`cndhris one`çtgchs. Sgstion Dupmix di >2, >9 y <2 FR.
s h g r n ` h g c n t s I s i r h s i r p o h C ; h d g o g r p o h C i r g N ` ó g c n r i ` i E
Choprishris di Ngri Istncgh`nrghs Chopncths Cnpncgdnd `hog`nm disdi 3 FR fnstn >9 FR mulrgcndhs. Sgstion di Trntnogi`th di Ngri g`cmuïdhs i` u` shmh ch`ku`th. Hpcgó` oh`tndhs i` tn`qui. Ohdimhs ch` prhernondhr Imiatrh`gah` OA9- Lîsgch enon dim EN9 nm EN>>1 y ch`trhm Imictrh`iuoîtgch Imictrh`iuoîtgch enon EV< nm EV>>.
Choprishris di Ngri Istncgh`nrghs di Oidgn y Ern` Iscnmn Cnpncgdndis disdi >9FR fnstn :92 FR Ch` hpcgh`is UhraRmnci Jumm Jinturi qui g`chrphrn sicndhr jrgehrïch, ch`ku`th g`sh`hrh, sgstion di oh`gthrgzncgó` y ch`trhm Imiatrh`gah` OA-Z, y dipósgth di ngri (i` ohdimhs g`jirghris n 42 FR).
4 Ei`irncgó` Ngri Choprgogdh; Istncgh`nrghs
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Ei`irncgó` Ngri Choprgogdh; Mglris di Ncigti Choprishris di Ngri Istncgh`nrghs Mglris di Ncigti Didgcndhs n mn G`dustrgn Jnroncçutgcn y Nmgoi`tgcgn. Ngri purh y ixi`th di ncigti. Ohdimhs mulrgcndhs phr neun y ngri. Choprisgó` phr oidgh di uþn rhtntgvn, ispgrnm y thr`gmmh. Ch` hpcgh`is UhraRmnci Jumm Jinturi pnrn g`stnmnrmh dgrictnoi`ti i` im muenr di trnlnkh.
E i ` i r n c g ó ` N g r i C h o p r g o g d h ; C h o p r i s h r i s M g l r i s d i N c i g t i
Imioi`th di choprisgó` tgph ispgrnm
Imioi`th di choprisgó` tgph uþn rhtntgvn
Imioi`th di choprisgó` tgph thr`gmmh
9 9 Ei`irncgó` Ngri Choprgogdh; Mglris di Ncigti
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Ei`irncgó` Ngri Ng ri Choprgogdh; Zimhcgdnd Zimhcgdnd Znrgnlmi Znrgnlmi
Choprishris di Zimhcgdnd Znrgnlmi (ZSD) Cnpncgdnd disdi 5.9 FR fnstn 422 FR Nccgh`nogi`th phr vimhcgdnd vnrgnlmi pnrn oikhr ri`dgogi`th y nfhrrh, Hpcgó` Jumm-Jinturi (sicndhr jrgehrïch g`chrphrndh). g`chrphrndh). Rn`im Imiatrh`ga Imiatrh`gah` h` OA-Z, ch` ch`ixgó` wil g`tir`n pnrn oh`gthrgzncgó`.
i m l n g r n Z d n d g c h m i Z s i r h s i r p o h C ; h d g o g r p o h C i r g N ` ó g c n r i ` i E
Znrgndhr di jicui`cgn g`chrphrndh
Chopnrncgó` dim chsth di cgcmh di vgdn (MCC) durn`ti u` pirghdh di 9 nþhs. ZSD
G`stnmncgó` <%
G`stnmncgó` <% On`ti`gogi`th 7%
On`ti`gogi`th On`ti`gogi` th 7%
Ch`suoh di I`ireïn 92%
di I`ireïn 55% G`virsgó` >5%
G`virsgó` ><%
Nfhrrh dim <<% (shlri im chsti di Cgcmh di Zgdn)
39% di nfhrrh i` ch`suoh di i`ireïn
: Ei`irncgó` Ngri Choprgogdh; Zimhcgdnd Znrgnlmi Znrgnlmi
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Trntnogi`th di Ngri Sicndhris \ijrgeirndhs Cnpncgdnd disdi <3 fnstn 47< CJO Ru`th di rhcïh i`tri 3» C \ijrgeirn`ti \>34N y \424N Ohdimhs ch` Zimhcgdnd Znrgnlmi (sgstions di nfhrrh di i`ireïn).
T r n t n o g i ` t h d i N g r i ; S i c n d h r i s y J g m t r h s
Sicndhris di Nlshrcgó` phr \iei`irncgó` Tçrogcn Cnpncgdnd disdi 992 fnstn :322 CJO Ru`th di rhcïh fnstn -42» C Nvn`zndh sgstion di oh`gthrgzncgó` phr oidgh dim pn`im Imiatrh`gah`®.
Jgmtrhs Rnrtïcumns; fnstn mn imgog`ncgó` di > ogcrn. Chnmisci`tis; fnstn mn imgog`ncgó` di 2.2> ogcrn. Cnrló` nctgvndh; pnrn imgog`ncgó` di hmhris.
5 5 Trntnogi`th di Ngri
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Sivgcg i On`ti`gogi`t Sirvgcgh di On`ti`gogi`th n Choprishris Ch`tnohs ch` dipnrtnoi`th di sirvgcgh y shphrti tçc`gch i` sus `icisgdndis di Choprishris di Ngri y Sicndhris di Ngri.
h t ` i g o g ` i t ` n O i d h g c g v r i S
Oh`tnki, G`stnmncgó` y Supirvgsgó` di sus iqugphs i` im muenr di trnlnkh.
S i r v g c g h d i O n ` t i ` g o g i ` t h
Im Rirsh`nm Tçc`gch istî cnpncgtndh y cirtgcndh phr NTMNS CHRCH i` on`ti`gogi`th privi`tgvh di sus sgstions di ngri choprgogdh.
Ndioîs, ch`tnohs ch` mn enon di ripuisths y nccishrghs hrgeg`nmis NTMNS CHRCH pnrn Choprishris y Sicndhris, enrn`tgzn`dh im lui` ju`cgh`nogi`th di sus iqugphs.
6 Sivgcg i On`ti`gogi`t
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Y`gdndis Ohdumnris pnrn Trntnogi`th di Ngri Disdi >/4 ” @RT fnstn <‟ @RT Jgmtrhs di pnrtïcumns di 9 ogcrns1 chnmisci`tis di 2.2> ogcrns y di cnrló` nctgvndh pnrn riohvir hmhris. \ieumndhris di prisgó`. Mulrgcndhris di mï`in.Rurens nuthoîtgcns.
@ i u o î t g c n ; Y ` g d n d d i O n ` t i ` g o g i ` t h , \ n c h r i s y O n ` e u i r n s
\nchris y On`euirns; Ch`ixgh`is istî`dnr disdi O9 fnstn >/<‟ Ch`ixgó` di on`euirns i` ogmïoitrhs (4 n >: oo) y i` pumendns (>/6‟ n >/<‟) Dgjiri`tis jhrons (ricth, chdh, i` T, pnsnourhs). Tnph`is pnrn rnchris y on`euirns i` Rhmguritn`h y @ymh`.
7 7
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@iuoîtgcn Imictrhvîmvumns Imictrhvîmvumns Imictrhvî mvumns di 3, 4 y 9 vïns pnrn ch`trhm di cgmg`drhs y nctundhris di egrh. Oh`tnki g`dgvgdunm h i` On`gjhmd. Dgsph`glmis i` vhmtnkis di <4 ZDC, <4 ZNC, ><2 ZNC y <42 ZNC. Ch`ixgó` imçctrgcn tgph E\HOOIT, RMYE y DG@.
s n c g ` î c i o s n m u v m î Z , s n m u v m î v h r t c i m I ; n c g t î o u i @
SIrGI Sy Sy32 22 22/92 22 22/52 22 22/72 22 22
SIrGI Z^C>2 22 22/<2 22 22/42 22 22
Zîmvumns Oicî`gcns Zîmvumns nccgh`nogi`th oicî`gch di 3 y 9 vïns tgph rhdgmmh y n`ti`n. Zîmvumns nccgh`nogi`th nccgh`nogi`th on`unm di 3 y 9 vïns tgph lhtó`, fh`eh, pnmn`cn, simicthr y pidnm. Zîmvumns di chrti, di iscnpi pnrn prisgó` risgdunm y on`dh on`unm.
SIrGI Z[O42 2
>>2 2 @iuoîtgcn
SIrGI ZO>2 2/<2 2/42 2
SIrGI ZF<>2/3>2/4>2/:2 2
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@iuoîtgcn Cgmg`drhs mg`inmis istî`dnris Dgsph`glmis i` sgopmi y dhlmi ijicth. Sgopmi h Dhlmi Zîstneh, y n`tg egrh. Cgmg`drhs `hronmgzndhs GSH. Cgmg`drhs chopncths; gdinmis pnrn mn riduccgó` di ispncgh.
@ i u o î t g c n ; N c t u n d h r i s m g ` i n m i s , s g ` v î s t n e h y r h t n t g v h s
Oisns Dismgzn`tis y Cgmg`drhs sg` Zîstneh Dgsph`glmis i` sgopmi y dhlmi ijicth, `iuoîtgchs y imçctrgchs. Rnrn ohvgogi`ths di trnsmncgó` di hlkiths. Ch` nchpmnogi`th oicî`gch y one`çtgch.
Nctundhris \htntgvhs Nctundhris rhtntgvhs tgph Rgþó`-Crionmmirn y tgph Rnmitn. Mh`egtudis di nrch i` 72», >62», <52» y nkustnlmis.
>> >> @iuoîtgcn
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@iuoîtgcn Ch`trhm di Rrisgó` \ieumndhris di Rrisgó` Imictró`gch, Jmukhstnths y Rrishstnths oicî`gchs y dgegtnmis. Nopmgcndhris di Rrisgó` (LHHSTI\). Trn`sducthris Trn`sducthris di Rrisgó` (RG).
h ï c n v h p g u q I y ` ó g s i r R i d m h r t ` h C ; n c g t î o u i @
TrN@SduCThr dI RrISGÓ@ (R/G)
Iqugph pnrn Zncïh Iyicthris; Zncïh di -69 aRn (<9 ooFe) y fnstn u` cnudnm >39 m/og`. Zi`thsns; di tgph pmn`n, ch` `irvghs, có`cnvn y di juimmi. Jgmtrhs pnrn vncïh. Zncuhoitrhs y vncuhstnths.
>< >< @iotgcn
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C`tm Ntontgzncgó` Ch`trhmis di Tiopirnturn y Rrhcishs Tnonþhs istî`dnris; >/4 DG@ (7:V7: oo), >/6 DG@ (7:V46 oo), >/>: DG@ (46V46 oo), >/3< DG@ DG @ (<4 V46 oo.) I`trndns oûmtgpmis; si`shris (tirohcupmns y \TD), siþnmis n`îmhens (4-<2 oN h >-9 ZDC) Snmgdns di ch`trhm; rimç, pumsh di vhmtnki (on`ikh di SS\) y n`îmhens.
C h ` t r h m y N u t h o n t g z n c g ó ` ; C h ` t r h m d i T i o p i r n t u r n , T i o p h r g z n d h r i s , S i ` s h r i s
Tiophrgzndhris y Ch`tndhris Tnonþh istî`dnr (>/>: DG@, 46V46 oo), og`gnturns y oh`tnki dgricth i` rgim DG @. \n`ehs di tgioph disdi 2.2> sieu`dhs n 7,777 fhrns. \n`ehs di ch`tih disdi 2.> fnstn 7,777. Nkusti n`nmóegch (tiophrgzndhris) y dgegtnm (tiophrgzndhris y ch`tndhris).
Si`shris G`ductgvhs y Cnpncgtgvhs G`ductgvhs; dgîoitrhs 6, ><, >6, 32 oo, rnsn`tis y `h rnsn`tis1 snmgdns @R@, R@R. Zhmtnki NC y DC, < y 3 fgmhs. Cnpncgtgvhs; dgîoitrhs ><, >6, 32, 34 oo1 snmgdns @R@, R@R. Zhmtnki NC y DC, < y 3 fgmhs.
>3 >3
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Ch`trhm y Nuthontgzncgó` Nuthontgzncgó` Si`shris Jhthimçctrgc Jhthimçctrgchs hs Si`shris di prhphsgth ei`irnm; Tgph Lnrrirn, \itrhriictgvhs, Dgjushs. Zhmtnkis DC, NC y Y`gvirsnmis. Snmgdns di Ch`trhm; @R@, R@R y \imç. Rnrn mns dgstg`tns npmgcncgh`is; Micthris di Onrcn, Jglrns Hptgcns, Hlkiths Trn`spnri`tis (RIT), \isgsti`tis n Ncigtis, Ditirei`tis, Mnssir.
C M R y s i r h s ` i S ; ` ó g c n z g t n o h t u N y m h r t ` h C
SIrGI I3[O/-L/-C/-Z
Sgstions di Ch`trhm Móegch Rrhernonlmi (RMC) Rnrn mn nuthontgzncgó` y im ch`trhm di Rrhcishs G`dustrgnmis, disdi npmgcncgh`is si`cgmmns fnstn prhcishs chopmikhs. Ch` dgsph`glgmgdnd di ch`ixgó` di dgsphsgtgvhs pirgjçrgchs choh pn`tnmmns, si`shris, dgsphsgtgvhs di vgsgó` y ohvgogi`th. • \imçs Rrhernonlmis Rrhernonlmis (`n`h-ch`trhmndhr (`n`h-ch`trhmndhris is ohdimhs [I@) [I@) pnrn npmgcncgh`is npmgcncgh`is si`cgmmns si`cgmmns di ch`trhm. • Ch`trhmndhris di oidgn`n iscnmn (ch` on`ikh di G/H fnstn 9>< pu`ths) Ch` oódumhs istî`dnris di i`trndn y snmgdn dgscritn1 didgcndhs ch` i`trndns y snmgdns n`îmhens1 i`trndns y snmgdns pnrn ch`trhm di tiopirnturn y di ch`ixgó` n rid. • Ch`trhmndhris di ern` iscnmn (ch` on`ikh di G/H fnstn 9><2 pu`ths). Ch` oódumhs istî`dnris di i`trndn y snmgdn dgscritn1 didgcndhs ch` i`trndns y snmgdns n`îmhens1 i`trndns y snmgdns pnrn ch`trhm di tiopirnturn, ch`trhm di ohvgogi`th, ch`tndhris di nmtn vimhcgdnd y di ch`ixgó` n rid.
>4 >4 Ch`trhm y Nuthontgzncgó`
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C`tm y Nutontgzncgó` Nutontgzncgó` Sgstions di Supirvgsgó` y Oh`gthrih (FOG) Rn`tnmmns g`tirnctgvns pnrn ch`ixgó` n sgstion di prhcish phr oidgh di ch`trhm di RMC. Rn`tnmmns nm tncth (Thucf-Scrii`) h di lhth`is di ju`cgó` (aiyRnd). Oh`hcrhoîtgcn h Jumm-Chmhr. Crincgó` di dgsiþhs isquioîtgchs di prhcishs.
C h ` t r h m y N u t h o n t g z n c g ó ` ; F O ,G Z n r g n d h r i s d i J r i c u i ` c g n y S i r v h s
SIrGI @L5/@L9
Sgstions di Ch`trhm di Ohvgogi`th Znrgndhris di Jricui`cgn, i`trndn Oh`hjîsgcn h Trgjîsgcn (<32 ó 4:2 ZNC). Rhti`cgn disdi >/4 n >2 FR. Dgsph`glgmgdnd di ch`ixgó` n sgstions di ch`trhm phr RMC, SirvhDrgvirs y Sirvhohthris ch` rn`ehs di vimhcgdnd disdi >222 n 3222 \RO, ch` phti`cgn disdi 32 U n 9.9 aU. Dgsph`glgmgdnd di ch`izixgó` n sgstions di ch`trhm phr RMC.
ZNrGNdhr SIrGI 3E3rV
Ch`trhm y Nuthontgzncgó`
>9 >9
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Ch`trhm y Nuthontgzncgó` Nuthontgzncgó` G`tirrupthris G`tirrupthris di mïogti; pnmn`cn, vnrgmmn, rhdgmmh, pgvhti, n`ti`n. Ocrh-g`tirrupthris; pnmn`cn, vnrgmmn, rhdgmmh, pgvhti, n`ti`n. Ch` ch`tncths SRST (@[email protected].).
s ç m i \ y s i r h d n s m u R , s i r h t p u r r i t ` G ; ` ó g c n z g t n o h t u N y m h r t ` h C
Rumsndhris y Mucis Rumsndhris y on`itns di << oo. Chmhris stî`dnr rhkh, nzum, nonrgmmh, virdi y îolnr. Ch` ch`tncths @.H. [email protected]. Mucis pgmhths ch` chmhris istî`dnr y vhmtnkis di :,><,<4 ZDC/NC1 ><2 y <42 ZNC.
\imçs \imivndhris Imictrhoicî`ghs; Imictrhoicî`ghs; <,3 y 4 phmhs1 <4 ZDC1 <4, ><2 y <42 ZNC. \imivndhris di Istndh Sómgdh (SS\) vhmtnki di ch`trhm 9-<4 ZDC y >22-><2 ZNC, vhmtnki di cnren <4-<42 ZNC, vhmtnki di cnren <4-<42 ZNC y <22-462 ZNC, chrrgi`ti di cnren `hog`nm disdi >2 fnstn 59 nopirghs.
>: >:
Ch`trhm y Nuthontgzncgó`
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Oidgdn di cnudnm
Cnudnmïoitrhs Cnudn mïoitrhs imictrhone`çtgchs
I q u g p h s d i O i d g c g ó ` d i J m u k h ; O i d g d h r i s O n e ` ç t g c h s , O î s g c h s , Y m t r n s ó ` g c h s
>5 Iqugps i Oigcgó` Jmuk @gvim
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Oidgdn di cnudnm
m i v g @ i d s i r h d g d i O 1 i m l n g r n Z n i r Î , x i t r h Z h p g T s i r h d g d i O ; h k u m J i d ` ó g c g d i O i d s h p g u q I
>6 Iqugps di Oidgcgó` Jmuk y @gvim
oîsgchs tgph chrghmgs
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Oidgdn di cnudnm
Oidgdn di cnudnm
Cnudnmïoitrhs Ymtrnsó`gchs
I q u g p h s d i O i d g c g ó ` @ g v i m ; O i d g d h r i s d i ` g v i m p h r c h ` t n c t h , H ` d n e u g n d n , R g i r ` n d i ` g v i m
Cnudnmïoitrhs Zhrtix
>7 Iqgps i Oigcgó` Jmk y @gvim
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Oidgdn di cnudnm
n c g t ï m n ` N i d s h p g u q I , s h r t i o ó i \ , h k u j i d s i r h d n m u o g S ; h k u m J ` ó g c g d i O i d s h p g u q I
Oidgdn di
`gvim ch`tg`un (\ndnr) \ndnr ch` ch`tncth (TD\)
\ndnr @h ch`tncth (JOCU)
<2 <2 Iqugphs i Oigcgó` Jmukh y @gvim
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Ch`trhmm y Trntno Ch`trh rntnogi`th gi`th di Znphr Znphr Trnopns Tirohdg`îogcns y Tirohistîtgcns C h ` t r h m y T r n t n o g i ` t h d i Z n p h r ; T i r o h d g ` î o g c n s , T i r o h s t î t g c n s , J m h t n d h r y L n m d i G ` v i r t g d h
Tnopns tiohg`îogcns; SIrGI Td:22, Td:22S, pnrn npmgcncgh`is di pgir`ns chmicthrns, choû`oi`ti pnrn dri`nki di ch`di`sndh i` ttulirïns ulirïns prg`cgpnmis y rnonmis. Oidgdns; ¿‟, °‟, >". Tnopn tirohstîtgcns sh` pnrn imgog`nr ngri nopns s tio tiohstît hstîtgcns; gcns; SIrGI UT<222C, mns trnopns tirohstîtgcns dim sgstion1 SIrGI TN><9, Ytgmgzndns i` Nuthcmnvis , oidgdns; ¿‟, °‟ @RT.
C H O R \ I S
Trnopns Tgph Jmhtndhr y Tirohstnth trnopns di tgph jhtndhr y tirohstnth tgi`i u` imioi`th jhtndhr y tirohstnth qui trnlnkn` ku`ths pnrn imgog`nr tn`th im ch`di`sndh choh im ngri dim sgstion di vnphr, . UJT, utgmgzndns i` cnmi`tndhris, oîqug`ns tixtgmis, g`tircnolgndhris di cnmhr . JTT, mn ixcimi`ti cnpncgdnd pnrn im on`ikh di ngri. Ch`jgeurncgh` I` mg`in JTI/JTIS, istns trnopns di nmtn cnpncgdnd si utgmgzn` i` cnmi`tndhris, g`tircnolgndhris di cnmhr. Mns
Trnopns Lnmdi G`virtgdh SIrGI GL. Ohdimhs >23>, >23<, >233, >23>S, >244, >236S, >269 ,oidgdns;
¿‟, °‟, >‟, > ½‟, > ¿‟, <‟ y
3" @RT y Jmn`ei.
<> <> Ch`trhm y Trntnogi`th di Znphr
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Ch`trhmm y Trntno Ch`trh rntnogi`t gi`th h di Znphr Znphr Lholns pnrn rithr`h di ch`di`sndh Rnrn npmgcncgh`is di lholih di ch`di`sndhs di fnstn <22RSGE. Lholn RORC pnrn Sgstions Nlgirths. Trnopn lholns pnrn Sgstions Cirrrndhs. ROR@T
s n r h d n m u e i \ s n m u v m î Z y h d n s ` i d ` h C i d s n l o h L
Znmvumns \ieumndhrns di Nccgó` Dgrictn di Rrisgó` rIEuMNdhrNS dI RrISGÓ@
Zîmvumnn di pris Zîmvum prisgó` gó` Znp Znphr, hr, Neu Neun, n, Ngr Ngri, i, Nci Ncigti gti,, y Ens Ensis is.. Sirgi 423 \ieumndhrn di prisgh` pnrn nmtn cnpncgdnd di vnphr (ml/f) Sirgi
<< << Ch`trhm y Trntnogi`th di Znphr
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Ch`trhmm y Trntno Ch`trh rntnogi`th gi`th di Znphr Znphr Zîmvumns \ieumndhrns di Znphr Mns rieumndhrns hpirndns phr pgmhth sh` oîs pricgsns y hjrici` onyhris cnpncgdndis qui mns rieumndhrns istî`dnr di hpirncgó` dgrictn. On`tgi`i` ch`stn`ti mn prisgó` istnlmicgdn di snmgdn, g`cmush cun`dh vnrïn mn prisgó` di i`trndn u hcurri` vnrgncgh`is i` im ukh. Ch` mn simiccgó` ndicundn di mhs pgmhths, istns rieumndhrns ch`trhmn` di jhron pricgsn mn tiopirnturn, prisgó` h u`n cholg`ncgó` di nolns. Untsh` im rishrti istn juirn dim ukh di vnphr • I` Untsh`
Zgdn di Zîmvumn8
FD Znmvi Jinturis
Rrissuri Ndkustoi`t
Ch`trhm Sprg`e
< 3
4 9
Rgmht Znmvi Find & Sint
: 5 6
7 >>
Dhw`strino Rrissuri Si`sg`e Mg`i
Lmhw Dhw` Znmvi
Stng`miss Sint & Dgsa (92-99 \hcawimm) Goprhvid Tulg`e Ch``ictgh`s
Ong` Znmvi Find & Sint
\geft hr Mijt Sgdi Rgmht G`stnmmntgh`
Rgmht Dgnpfrneo
\ueeid Ductgmi Grh` Ch`structgh`
Ch`trhm Rrissuri
Tist/Drng` Rhrts
Sprg`e Cfnolir prhtictid jrho Stino
Ong` Znmvi Dgnpfrneo
SIrGI Fd. Mns rieumndhrns hpirndns phr pgmhth, juirh` dgsiþndns pnrn u` ch`trhm ouy pricgsh di tiopirnturn y prisgó` i` npmgcncgh`is ch` ush di vnphr. Mhs dgjiri`tis pgmhths di ch`trhm si puidi` nþndgr h riohvir dim cuirph di mn rieumndhrn. Mns hpcgh`is oîs chou`is sh` im pgmhth ”R‟ di riduccgó` di prisgó` y im pgmhth ”T‟ pnrn im ch`trhm di tiopirnturn, oidgdns; ¿‟ – :‟, rhscn di ¿‟, lrgdndn >92#, >‟ – :‟1 lrgdndn 322#>, >‟ – :‟
Rgmhths di Ch`trhm RrISGÓ@ R. Si utgmgzn i` mns npmgcncgh`is tïpgcns di riduccgó` di prisgó` i` mï`ins prg`cgpnmis h pnrn iqugphs di prhcish. Mns rieumndhrn rieumndhrns s hpirndns phr pgmhths on`tgi`i mn prisgó` di snmgdn ch`stn`ti, g`cmush cun`dh mn prisgó` n mn rieumndhrn uctûn h im ush di vnphr vnrïn.
<3 <3 Ch`trhm y Trntnogi`th di Znphr
C Z î H m v u m O n s r R i e \ u I m n S d h r n s h p i r n d n s p h r p g m h t h
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Ch`trhmm y Trntno Ch`trh rntnogi`t gi`th h di Znphr Znphr Zîmvumns rieumndhrns di tiopirnturn SIrGI U74.
Mns vîmvumns rieumndhrns di tiopirnturn sirgi U7 U74 4 si utgmgzn pnrn ch`trhmnr tiopirnturns i` npmgcncgh`is g`dustrgnmis . Dgsphsgtgvh hpirndh oicî`gcnoi`ti oicî`gcnoi`ti dgsiþndh pnrn rieumnr u` sgstion di tiopirnturn ohdumn`dh im ukh di u` ugdh di cnmi`tnogi`th h i`jrgnogi`th i`jrgnogi`th i` rispuistn n cnolghs di tiopirnturn.
s i m n g c i p s I s h t c u d h r R , s i r h t c u d s ` n r T , m h r t ` h C , s n r h d n m u e i \ s n m u v m î Z
Zîmvumns di ch`trhm SIrGI FL.
Untsh` fn disnrrhmmndh vnmvumns di ch`trhm ch` nctundhr `iuontgch y imictrgch.
Rrhducths ispicgnmis \HORIDH\ DI ZNCGH (UZLSS)
G/R (TN72>) Ch`vgirti u`n siþnm di ogmgnopirghs di chrrgi`ti n u`n prisgó` di snmgdn @`iuontgcn mg`inmoi`ti prhphrcgh`nm .
<4 <4 Ch`trhm y Trntnog i`th di Znphr Znphr
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Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn Rumsndhris, on`itns i G`dgcndhris muog`hshs NLL cui`tn ch` dhs enons di lhth`irns di << oo di dgîoitrh; mn enon ohdumnr g`cmuyi hpirndhris, lmhquis di ch`tncth, lmhquis phrtnmîopnrns y mîopnrns MID; y enon chopnctn thdh g`cmugdh. Ndioîs Thrris di Siþnmgzncgó` y Sgri`ns nudglmis. Hpirndhris; Lhth`is pumsndhris (gmuog`ndhs y `h gmuog`ndhs)1 Rnrhs di Ioirei`cgn (egrh, trnccgó` y mglirncgó` di ticmn)1 On`itns di dhs y tris phsgcgh`is, mucis pgmhth.
C I q u H g p h O s d i R C \ h ` I t r S h m
Rrhticcgó` y ch`trhm pnrn ohthris
; R u m s n d h r i s , C h ` t n c t h r i s , L r i n a i r s , \ i m ç s d i s h l r i c n r e n
Tox, G`tirrupthris nuthoîtgchs. Mn jnogmgn Tonx g`cmuyi 7 tnonþhs di g`tirrupthr di tris h cuntrh phmhs, virsgh`is;- VT>, VT<, VT3 y VT4 fnstn <92N1- T4, T9 y T: fnstn >222N1- T5 y T6 fnstn 3<22 N. Nutóonths di u`h, dhs y tris phmhs pnrn oh`tnki i` rgim1 disdi > fnstn >22 Nopirghs.
Ch`tncthris Ch`tncthris i` mn enon NJ disdi; NJ7 fnstn NJ<292 (7N-36N), Trgjnsgchs Trgjnsgchs.. Lhlg`ns; <4Z NC/DC; >>2-<42Z NC/DC1 <92-922Z NC/DC. Ch`tncthris i` mn enon N disdi; N7 fnstn N322 (7N-322N). Trgjnsgchs Trgjnsgchs.. Lhlg`ns; <4ZNC, <4Z/DC; >>2Z NC, <<32ZNC
\imçs di shlricnren \imçs tçrogchs TJ4<, \imçs imictró`gchs di shlricnren IJ>7, IJ49. Cnrnctirïstgcns prg`cgpnmis; Si`sglgmgdnd pçrdgdn di jnsi1 \istnlmicgogi`th on`unm / nuthoîtgch, cgirri firoçtgch1 Ju`cgó` pnrh y pruiln.
<9 <9 Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn
S I \ R Ohave updated our privacy policy, effective May 25, 2018, to increase transparency and reflect recent changes to EU privacy regulations. Read it here We H C
Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn Eunrdnohthris \n`ehs nmths pnrn prhticcgó` i` chrth cgrcugth (disdi 2.> fnstn >22 Nopirghs), pnrn im OS>>:. Im OS>3<; Cirrndurn on`unm. Cmnrn phsgcgó` di mn on`icgmmn H@ / HJJ / T\GR. Dgspnrh one`çtgch, g`dgcndhr óptgch i` mn pnrti dimn`tirn. OS>>: y OS>3< ch` u`n enon nopmgn di nccishrghs chou`is.
s i v n u S s i r h d n c ` n r r N , s i t i ` g l n E , s i r h t h o n d r n u E ; m h r t ` h C i d s h p g u q I
Enlg`itis di ch`trhm Mn enon NLL di enlg`itis oitîmgchs oitîmgchs pnrn mn nuthontgz nuthontgzncgó` ncgó` si nkustn` n mn `hron GIC :<<26 y GIC :2437->, `hrons di rijiri`cgn y im `uivh istî`dnr GIC :>437->-<, pnrn mhs i`thr`hs g`dustrgnmis. Dgjiri`tis ohdimhs dgsph`glmis pnrn npmgcncgh`is di dgstrglucgó` di phti`cgn.
Nrrn`cndhris sunvis Tris ohdimhs dgstg`ths; RSr, RSI, y RST. Cnpncgdnd disdi >,9 fnstn 9:2 aw. Jîcgm ch`ixgó`; Oi`hr cnlmindh chopnrndh ch` u` nrrn`cndhr istrimmntrgî`eumh. Agt di lnrrns pnrn mn ch`ixgó` dgrictn. \imç di nctgvncgó` \Y@ ch` g`dgcndhr/ Siþnm di rimç nm nmcn`znr mn vimhcgdnd pmi`n dgsph`glmi. Nccishrgh pnrn ch`ixgó` imdlus.
<: <: Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn
S I \ R O We have updated our privacy policy, effective May 25, 2018, to increase transparency and reflect recent changes to EU privacy regulations. H Read it here C
Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn Znrgndhris di jricui`cgn NCS992. Znrgndhris di prhpósgth ei`irnm, cnrnctirïstgcns; Jgmtrh g`tir`h pnrn mn
suprisgó` di nroó`gchs, ch`trhm victhrgnm, risgsti`cgn di jri`ndh, ch`tndhr di icgi`cgn i`ireçtgcn, pn`im di ch`trhm nsgsti`ti, y mtrh IOC. Zhmtnkis trgjnsgchs y rn`ehs di Rhti`cgn; Zhmtnki, 362 n 462ZNC, disdi 2.59 Aw fnstn 399 aU (2.9 fnstn 922 fp)1 Zhmtnki, <22 n <42ZNC, disdi 2.59 Aw fnstn 59 aU (2.6 fnstn >22 fp).
C I q u H g p h O s d i R C \ h ` I t r S h m
NCS622. Si puidi` pirsh`nmgznr n mns `icisgdndis pricgsns di mns g`dustrgns pnrn
ch`trhmnr u`n nopmgn enon di npmgcncgh`is.
O h v g o g i ` t h ; Z n r g n d h r i s d i J r i c u i ` c g n y R h s g c g h ` n d h r i s
Oh`tnki i` Rnrid; Zhmtnkis <26 n <42ZNC, disdi 2.59 Aw fnstn 59 aU (> Fp fnstn >22 fp)1 Zhmtnkis, 362 n 922ZNC, disdi 2.59 Aw fnstn <92 aU (> Fp fnstn 339 fp)1 Zhmtnkis, 9<9 n :72ZNC, disdi 9.9 Aw fnstn <92 aU (5.9 Fp fnstn 339 fp)1 Oh`tnki i` enlg`iti; Zhmtnkis, 362 n 922ZNC, disdi 99 Aw fnstn >,322 aU (59 Fp fnstn >592 fp)1 Zhmtnkis, 9<9 n :72ZNC, disdi 99 Aw fnstn <,422 aU (59 Fp fnstn 3<22 fp)
Rhsgcgh`ndhris NZ. Mn sirgi Rhsgcgh`ndhris @iuoîtgchs NZ >, y Imictrh`iuoîtgchs (NZ <,3, y 4 )
sh` dgsphsgtgvhs di ch`trhm yn sin mg`inm h rhtntgvh. Cnrnctirïstgcns; Trn`sogshr siþnm 4-<2oN1 Chopncth dgsiþh rhlusth - @ION 4V1 Sgopmi h di dhlmi ijicth. Dgsph`glmi ch` ch`virtgdhr G / R, hpcgó` n pruiln di ixpmhsgh`is.
T[GdC. Rhsgcgh`ndhris dgegtnmis. Ispicgnmgstns i` mn g`dustrgn dim
pnpim cui`tn` ch` phsgcgh`ndhris NLL. Sgopmi y Dhlmi ijicth. Cnrnctirïstgcns; prhthchmh FN\T, pnrn siþnm 4 - <2 oN di dhs fgmhs1 Dgsiþh chopncth, rhlusth y risgsti`ti1 nopmgh rn`eh di tiopirnturn di ju`cgh`nogi`thju`cgh`nogi`th- 42 ... 69 ² C (-42 ... >69 ² J). Jîcgm chopri`sgó`, g`dgcndhr oicî`gch di phsgcgó`.
<5 <5 Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn
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Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn Oidgcgó` di prisgó` Trn`sogshris NLL oidgcgó` di Rrisgó` Nlshmutn, Rrisgó` Dgjiri`cgnm y Rrisgó` On`hoçtrgcn. Cnrnctirïstgcns; Dgspmny g`chrphrndh ch` tic`hmheïn ”Tfrhuef-Tfi-Emnss (TTE)‟, prhernoncgó` disdi im ticmndh1 Chou`gcncgó` FN\T istî`dnr y nvn`zndn; snmgdn 4 th <2 oN. \n`ehs di oidgcgó` disdi < olnr fnstn >292 lnr. Hpcgh`is pnrn chou`gcncgó` Jhu`dntgh` imdlus1 Ch`ixgh`is n prhcish; Oh`tnki dgricth, Jmn`eis mhcnm y simmh riohth.
n r u t n r i p o i T y ` ó g s i r R ; ` ó g c g d i O i d s h p g u q I
Oidgcgó` di tiopirnturns TTF<22 y TTF322.
Oh`tnki i` cnliznm choh trn`sogshr di tiopirnturn. Cnrnctirïstgcns; I`trndn dim si`shr u`gvirsnm (\td‗s, Tirohcupmn, risgsti`cgn, oZ)1 Snmgdn siþnm di snmgdn 4-<2 oN, FN\T1 Nprhlncgh`is i` nolgi`tis ixpmhsgvhs; G`trg`sgc Snjity ncc. NTIV, GIC, JO, CSN
Si`shris di tiopirnturn pnrn nmths riquirgogi`ths di prhcishs TSR322.
Si`shris di tiopirnturn \TD h tirohpnris pnrn oh`tnki i` tulirïn h tn`quis. Hpcgh`; Chou`gcncgó Chou`gcncgó` ` Jhu`dntgh` Jgimdlus, R\HJGLYS RN, FN\T, 4... <2 oN h snmgdn dgrictn nm si`shr. si`shr.
<6 <6 Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn
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Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn Si`shris di tiopirnturn TSR>22.
Si`shris di tiopirnturn \TD h tirohpnris pnrn oh`tnki i` tulirïn h tn`quis i` mhs prhcishs g`dustrgnmis di enon oidgn y lnkn. Si chou`gcn` ch` JHY@DNTGH@ Jgimdlus, R\HJGLYS RN, FN\T, 4... <2 oN h snmgdn dgrictn nm si`shr.
C I q H u g p O h s R d i \ I O S i d g c g ó ` ; T i o p i r n t u r n y N ` n m ï t g c n
N`nmïtgcn Sgstion di diticcgó` di pF / \idhx (H\R) TLV99:.
Si`shris ch`vi`cgh`nmis i` mns npmgcncgh`is di prhcishs oîs dgjïcgmis. Cnrnctirïstgcns; Cnrnctir ïstgcns; G`sircgó`, g`oirsgó`, im mtrndh y fht-tnp1 Cnlmi simmndh G`tierndh1 Ju`cgh`nogi`th n tiopirnturns di fnstn >42 ² C (<64 ² J), Rrisgh`is di trnlnkh di fnstn >5 lnr (<92 psg).
Cimdn di Ch`ductgvgdnd TL<:.
Jîcgm g`stnmncgó`, dgsph`glmi i` ch`eurncgh`is di mï`in y suoireglmis. Cnrnctirgstgcns; \n`ehs di oidgdn disdi 2 - <222 νS/co n 2 - >2,222 νS/ co. Imictrhdhs risgsti`tis n mn chrrhsgó`, ontirgnm 3>:SS. Si`shris di chopi`sncgó` tgph Rt>22 h Rt>222. Tiopirnturn oîxgon <22 ² C (37< ² J)Rrisgó` di >99> aRn oîxgon (<99 psg)
<7 <7 Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn
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Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn
Imictró`gcn pnrn Si`shris di N`nmïtgcn TL6< IC.
Im N`nmgzndhr di Ch`ductgvgdnd pnrn su ush ch` 4 si`shris. Snmgdns prhernonlmis Chou`gcncgh`is dgegtnmis; FN\T, JHY@DNTGH@ Jgimdlus h R\HJGLYS RN. Hpcgó` NTIV y CI, g`trï`sicnoi`ti sieurh y `h g`nonlmi.
s i r h d n c j n r E , n c g t ï m n ` N n r n p n c g ` ó r t c i m I ; ` ó g c g d i O i d s h p g u q I
Erncndhris di pnpim C>322.
Im Erncndhr CHON@DI\ cholg`n nvn`zndn tic`hmheïn di goprisgó` di pnpim (fnstn 4 pmuons) ch` mhs ûmtgohs nvn`cis i` mn richpgmncgó` di dnths imictró`gchs. Cnrnctirïstgcns; Rn`tnmmn gmuog`ndn di nmtn di`gcgó`, Jîcgm di ch`eurnr/ thtnmgzndhris1 Dgsiþndh pnrn trnlnkhs pisndhs, prhticcgó` dim oidgh nolgi`ti n GR:: y @ION 4V.
Erncndhris dgegtnmis SO>222. Rrhphrcgh`n fnstn >< cn`nmis di i`trndns dnths/n`nmóegcns
u`gvirsnmis vgsunmgzndhs i` jhronths di pn`tnmmn; erîch di lnrrns, g`dgcndhr dgegtnm y risuoi` dim prhcish. \iegstrhs fgstórgchs di nmnrons,thtnmgzndhr. Oiohrgn nsf g`tierndn pnrn im nmonci`nogi`th sieurh di mhs dnths dim prhcish y u`n hpcgó` di tnrkitn di oiohrgn Chopnct Jmnsf.
32 32 Iqugphs di Ch`trhm, G`struoi`tncgó` y N`nmïtgcn
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Ohthris y Trn`sogsgó` Oicî`gcn Ohthris Lnmdhr y Ohthris NLL Ch`tnohs ch` ixgsti`cgn di ohthris imçctrgchs i` `hrontgvns @ION fnstn 92 FR ch` ijgcgi`cgn Rrioguo y Sgstions di Oh`gthrih di Zîmvumns i` thdns mns cmnsis (prhpósgths ei`irnmis, nolgi`tis pisndhs, n`tg ixpmhsgó`, mnvnlmis,di i`tri Rrhcish htrhs), ndioîs, supmgohs ohthris custho ficfhs n mn oidgdns y `icisgdndis di `uistrhs cmgi`tis. G`tiernohs `uistrhs ohthris ch` vnrgndhris y/hynrrn`cndhris sunvisch` NLL y/h ch`y u`gdndis riducthrns LNMDH\vgsunm DHDEI. Rnrn Nctundhris \htntgvhs Mg`inmis. Oh`tnki Lrncait tgph @NOY\. Ch` g`dgcncgó` y riohtn
O h t h r i s y T r n ` s o g s g ó ` O i c î ` g c n
Ti`iohs n su dgsphsgcgó` tnolgç` ohthris i` `hrontgvns GIC fnstn 92FR ch` ijgcgi`cgns Rrioguo y ch` ohdimhs ich`óogchs qui si nkustn` n sus prisupuisths. Thdhs `uistrhs ohthris GIC sh` g`tierndhs geunmoi`ti ch` sgstions di ch`trhm NLL. Mns npmgcncgh`is pnrn thdhs isths ohthris vn` disdi piquiþhs vi`tgmndhris, pnsn`dh phr utgmgzncgó` i` oîqug`ns i` thdhs mhs rulrhs di mn g`dustrgn, fnstn ohthris pnrn npmgcncgh`is ispicgnmis h sivirns nrrgln di mhs >92FR.
Oidgcgó` \iohtn di Rrisgó` Si`shris di Rrisgó`; rn`ehs fnstn >2222 RSG y Zncïh, i` ncirh g`hxgdnlmi.
Ohthriducthris, Cfuoncirns y Cnkns \iducthrns
Siþnmis n`îmhens y istî`dnris G`tirrupthris di Rrisgó`; rn`ehs fnstn 6222 RSG y Zncïh, nkusti di rn`eh di Rnrn chopmioi`tnr `uistrh phrtnjhmgh di prhducths, g`cmugohs mn trn`sogsgó` di phti`cgn oicî`gcn, qui nctgvncgó` di ch`tncths imçctrgchs. ch`stn di u` nopmgh nln`gch di hjirtns pnrn thdns mns npmgcncgh`is di mn g`dustrgn y choircgh. Disdi cfuoncirns fnstn ohthriducthris custho, LNMDH\ DHDEI si cnrnctirgzn phr sir pgh`irh i` su cnoph, rijiri`ti di cnmgdnd i` im ou`dh phr su jgnlgmgdnd y ijgcgi`cgn. @uistrn jnogmgn di riducthris riducthris ^YN@TGS OSO, TH\^YI N\O W TH\^YI N\O mm sh` di mns oîs vi`dgdns i` im ou`dh. Rrieu`ti phr `uistrh cntîmheh chopmith di prhducths ch` su nsishr g`dustrgnm.
4> 3> Ohthris y Trn`sogsgó` Oicî`gcn
S I \ R Ohave updated our privacy policy, effective May 25, 2018, to increase transparency and reflect recent changes to EU privacy regulations. Read it here We H C
Lholns @iuoîtgcns i dhlmi dgnjrneon Lholns di Dhlmi Dgnjrneon @dR-92 Sirgis. Dgsph`glmis i` nmuog`gh, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi (3>:), di fgirrh ju`dgdh, phmgprhpgmi`h, y Ay`nr. Cnpncgdnd; >::.2 ERO, Ch`ixgh`is succgó` y discnren; < ”(@RT) h lrgdn N@SG). Ch`ixgh`is; Rhmgprhpgmi`h (RRE); < ”Lrgdn N@SG L>:.9 # >921 Ay`nr (RZDJ); < ”Lrgdn N@SG L>:.9 # >921 Nmuog`gh (NDC-><) i G`hx 3>:; < ”Lrgdn N@SG L>:.9 # >92 (ch` rhscndh <‟ rhscn fiolrn @RT. I`trndn di ngri; 3/4 ” rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi vîmvumn di lhmn). Iscnpi di ngri; > ” rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi im sgmi`cgndhr).
n o e n r j n g D i m l h D i d s n c g t î o u i @ s n l o h L
@dR-62 Sirgis. Dgsph`glmis i` nmuog`gh, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi (3>:),fgirrh ju`dgdh, y phmgprhpgmi`h Cnpncgdnd; <>9.2 ERO. Ch`ixgh`is; Rhmgprhpgmi`h (RRE); 3 ”Lrgdn N@SG L>:.9 # >921 Nmuog`gh (NDC- ><) i G`hx 3>:; 3 ”Lrgdn N@SG L>:.9 # >92 (ch` rhscndh 3‟ Fiolrn @RT). I`trndn di ngri; 3/4 ”rhscn fiolrn @RT (g`cmuyi vîmvumn di lhmn). Iscnpi di ngri; >” rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi im sgmi`cgndhr).
Lholns pnrn lnrrgmis Mhs ohdimhs istî` dgsph`glmis i` phmgprhpgmi`h, RZDJ (Ay`nr), nmuog`gh y ncirh g`hxgdnlmi qui g`cmuyi u` ”ndnptndhr- tnpó`‟ di <‟, y mn mh`egtud dim tulh di succgó` fnstn 33‟. Cnudnmis di fnstn <6 ERO. Ch`ixgó` di succgó` y discnren; Nmuog`gh (NDC-><) i G`hx 3>:; 3/6‟h 3/4‟ J@RT. Rhmgprhpgmi`h; >/<‟ h 3/4‟ J@RT. Ay`nr; >/<‟ J@RT.
Ontirgnm di Dgnjrneons. Dgnjrneons. AGT fûoidhs y sichs • • • • • •
@ihpri`h.. @ihpri`h Lu`n.. Lu`n Fytrim. Fyt rim. Sn`thpr Sn` thpri`h. i`h. RTJI.. RTJI Agt i ripnr ripnrncgó ncgó` ` i` gstg`ths ontirgnmis.
3< 3< Lholns @iuoîtgcns i dhlmi dgnjrneon
S I \ R O We have updated our privacy policy, effective May 25, 2018, to increase transparency and reflect recent changes to EU privacy regulations. H Read it here C
dipnrtnoi`th i G`ei`girgn Rrhyicths Ch` im ` di hlti`ir u` ch`trhm óptgoh y tgioph di rispuistn di mhs prhcishs g`dustrgnmis, hjriciohs `uistrhs sirvgcghs di nsgsti`cgn, nsishrïn y disnrrhmmh di prhyicths i`;
D i p n r t n o i ` t h d i G ` e i ` g i r ï n
Nuthontgzncgó` i prhcishs Ohdgcncgó` di sgstions nutóontns di ch`eurncgó` imictrhoicî`gcn y `iuoîtgcn. Oikhrn di sgstions di prhcishs di prhduccgó` y ch`trhm di cnmgdnd. \iistructurncgó` di sgstions nutóontns imictró`gchs.
Sirvgcghs y shphrti tçc`gch Nsishrnogi`th di iqugphs y sirvgcghs g`dustrgnmis n gopmioi`tnr i` im sicthr g`dustrgnm. Shphrti tçc`gch di iqugphs `iuoîtgchs y imictró`gchs di ch`trhm.
33 33 dipnrtnoi`th i G`ei`girgn
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dipnrtnoi`th i G`ei`girïn - Sieurgn G`ustrgnm
N Y T H O NT NT G H @ & S N J I T W
Im ush ohdir`h di mhs prhducths di sieurgdnd ixgei u`n `uivn vgsgó`
m n g r t s u d ` G d n d g r u e i S ; n ï r i g ` i e ` G i d h t ` i o n t r n p i D
Istnohs n mn vn`eunrdgn i` mns shmucgh`is di sieurgdnd n `gvim ou`dgnm. Shohs ch`scgi`tis di mns dion`dns i` mn nuthontgzncgó` di snmvneunrdnr vgdns. I` ch`sicui`cgn, `uistrhs prhducths di sieurgdnd i` mn cuopmi` h ixcidir mns `hrons di sieurgdnd `ncgh`nmis i g`tir`ncgh`nmis. Horh` si choprhoiti n prhphrcgh`nr shmucgh`is qui sntgsjnci` sus `icisgdndis di sieurgdnd y prhductgvgdnd. prhductgvgdnd. Dgsiþnohs `uistrhs prhducths, iscucfn`dh n mhs hpirnrghs, i` istricfn chmnlhrncgó` ch` `uistrhs cmgi`tis y dgstrglugdhris nuthrgzndhs.
Rrhtieiohs mn g`tiergdnd jïsgcn di mhs hpirnrghs Iqugphs di sieurgdnd >22% nlmis
Rnrn sir u` dgstrglugdhr, CHOR\IS, is u`n hren`gzncgó` choprhoitgdn ch` u`n sirgi di riqugsgths istrgcths, g`cmugdn mn jhroncgó` di jîlrgcn di g`ei`girhs di npmgcncgó`. Mhs g`ei`girhs di npmgcncgó` sgeui` ricglgi`dh i`tri`nogi`th durn`ti thdh im nþh n trnvçs di siog`nrghs g`tir`hs y curshs i` mï`in. Isti choprhogsh ch` mn jhroncgó` y ixpirgi`cgn i` sieurgdnd enrn`tgzn mn oikhr shmucgó` pnrn su npmgcncgó`, di prg`cgpgh n `.
dipnrtnoi`th i G`ei`girïn - Sieurgn G`ustrgnm
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dipnrtnoi`th i G`ei`girïn - dgîctgcn
Tic`hmheïns c h o u ` g c n c g h ` i s
• •
• ` i s h g n c ` g c u c h o
Im prgoir prgoir `gvim h ”`gvim di cnoph‟ g`cmuyi mhs dgsphsgtgvhs jïsgchs prisi`tis i` mn g`dustrgn, choh mhs nctundhris y si`shris. Im sieu`dh `gvim h ”`gvim di ch`trhm‟ g`cmuyi mhs dgsphsgtgvhs ch`trhmndhris choh hrdi`ndhris, RMCs, RGDs, itc. Im ”`gvim di supirvgsgó`‟ (tircir `gvim) chrrisph`di n mhs sgstions di supirvgsgó`, ch`trhm y ndqugsgcgó` di dnths (SCNDN). I` u` `gvim supirghr h ”`gvim di pmn`gcncgó`‟ si i`cui`trn` mhs sgstions di ikicucgó` di mn prhduccgó` (OIS). Mn cûspgdi di mn pgrîogdi (”`gvim di eistgó`‟) mn choph`i` mhs sgstions di eistgó` g`tiernm di mn ioprisn (I\R).
D D i i p p n n r r t t n n o o i i ` ` t t h h d d i i G ` G ` e e i i ` ` g i g i r ï r n ï n D g d î c t g c n
Sgstions @iuoîtgchs
@iuoîtgcn y Imictrh`iuoîtgcn Lîsgcn, Zncïh, @iuoîtgcn y Imictrh`iuoîtgcn Nvn`zndn. Nuthontgzncgó` y Ch`trhm G`ustrgnm
Sgstions shjtwnri di prhernoncgó` pnrn Ch`trhmis Móegchs Rrhernonlmis HO\H@, lîsgch i g`tiroidgh. Dgsphsgtgvhs pirgjçrgchs pnrn ch`trhm; Si`shris Óptgchs, Rrhxgogdnd, I`chdirs, Ch`trhmis di Rrhcish y Tiopirnturn.
39 39 dipnrtnoi`th i G`ei`girïn - dgîctgcn
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Zîmvumns G`dustrgnmis
Nctundhris @iuoîtgchs y Imçctrgchs Nctundhris `iuoîtgchs y imçctrgchs di u` cunrth di vuimtn pnrn vîmvumns di prhcish. Nctundhris `iuoîtgchs; Rgþó` y crionmmirn, Ku`tn ischcisn pnrn sirvgcghs pisndhs, Dhlmi ijicth h ch` rithr`h phr
s i r h d n ` h g c g s h R y s i r h d n u t c N ; s i m n g r t s u d ` G s n m u v m î Z
rishrti. Nctundhris imçctrgchs; Chopncths, di cunrth di vuimtn y oumtg-vuimtn.
Rhsgcgh`ndhris i G`dgcndhris di Rhsgcgó` Rhsgcgh`ndhris; @iuoîtgchs (3->9 RSG) y N`îmhehs (imictrh-`iuoîtgchs, 4-<2 oN) Rnrn im ch`trhm di Nctundhris i` Zîmvumns di Rrhcish. G`dgcndhris di Rhsgcgó`; pnrn oh`tnki i` nctundhris rhtntgvhs. Ch` g`dgcncgó` vgsunm. Ohdimhs Ohdim hs ch` cnkns di g`tirrupthris pnrn im ch`trhm y oh`gthrih riohth. Rhsgcgh`ndhris i G`dgcndhris dgsph`glmis ch` hpcgó` di ch`ixgó` n sgstions Divgci@it, Rrh Lus y NS-G`tirjnci.
3: 3: Zîmvumns G`dustrgnmis
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Zîmvumns G`dustrgnmis Zîmvumns di Onrgphsn Ontirgnmis dim cuirph y im dgsch i` fgirrh ju`dgdh, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi 3>:, y simmhs imnstóoirhs. Tnonþhs di <‟ fnstn 3:‟ \n`ehs di Rrisgó` fnstn <92 RSG. Dgsph`glmis ch` nctundhr `iuoîtgch, fgdrîumgch h ch` pnmn`cn on`unm.
Z î m v u m n s G ` d u s t r g n m i s ; O n r g p h s n , C u c f g m m n y d i L h m n
Zîmvumns di Cucfgmmn Tnonþhs disdi <‟ fnstn <4‟. Ch` simmndh imnstóoirh y oitîmgch. Dgsph`glmis ch` nctundhris `iuoîtgchs y vhmn`ti on`unm. Rnrn npmgcncgh`is di chrti i` ugdhs vgschshs y sómgdhs.
Zîmvumns di Lhmn Dgsph`glmi i` ch`eurncgh`is di dhs vïns y di tris vïns dim ukh. I` dhs y tris pgizns, istn umtgon dgsph`glmi pnrn chmhcnr u` nctundhr `iuoîtgch pnrn npirturn y cgirri. Ch`ixgó` disdi >/4‟ fnstn 4‟ @RT. Rrisgh`is disdi nmth vncïh fnstn >922 RSG.
35 35 Zîmvumns G`dustrgnmis
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Iqugphs di Micturn y Oidgcgó` On`óoitrhs Choircgnmis Ixnctgtud erndh N y L, NSOI L42.> Dgîoitrhs i` cnrîtumn disdi > >/<‟ n 4 >/<‟ Ontirgnmis di mn cnkn; pmîstgch, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi 3>: y ncirh pg`tndh. Ch`ixgó` phstirghr h g`jirghr1 >/6‟ h >/4‟ @RT. Dgsph`glmis s h g r n t g ` n S y s i m n g r t s u d ` G , s i m n g c r i o h C s h r t i o ó ` n O ; n ï r t i o h ` n O
i` dgjiri`tis rn`ehs y u`gdndis di oidgdn. Dgsph`glmis i` hpcgó` RMYS! (`h riqugiri emgcirg`n). emgcirg`n).
On`óoitrhs Choircgnmis, G`dustrgnmis y Sn`gtnrghs Ixnctgtud >% NSOI erndh N Dgîoitrhs di cnrîtumn disdi > >/<‟ n ><‟ Ontirgnmis di mn cnkn; nmuog`gh, ji`ómgch y 3>: Ch`ixgó` phstirghr h g`jirghr1 >/6‟, >/4‟ h >/<‟ @RT. Oh`tnkis n pn`im. Dgsph`glmis i` dgjiri`tis rn`ehs rn`ehs y u`gdndis di oidgdn. Dgsph`glmi ch` mn hpcgó` RMYS! (`h riqugiri emgcirg`n). emgcirg`n).
On`óoitrhs Sn`gtnrghs Ixnctgtud >.9% y <% NSOI Dgîoitrhs di cnrîtumn disdi < >/<‟ n 4 >/<‟ Thdh i` ncirh g`hxgdnlmi 3>: Ch`ixgó` Cmnop, phstirghr h g`jirghr1 3/4‟, > >/<‟ y <‟. Dgsph`glmis i` dgjiri`tis rn`ehs y u`gdndis di oidgdn.
36 36 Iqugphs di Micturn y Oidgcgó`
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Iqugphs di Micturn y Oidgcgó` Trn`sducthris di prisgó` Trn`sogshris di prisgó` utgmgzndhs i` ch`trhm di prhcishs, ch`trhm di lholns y choprishris, sgstions fgdrîumgchs. Rricgsgó` 2.<9, 2.92 h >,2%. \n`ehs di prisgó` disdi 9 psg fnstn >2,222 psg. \n`ehs di siþnm di snmgdn 2-9v, 2->2v, >-9v, 4-<2oN. Jnlrgcndhs i` ncirh g`hxgdnlmi 3>:M. Dgsph`glmi nccish cirh y spn` nkustnlmis ixtir`noi`ti. Ch`ixgh`is n prhcish di >/6‟, ½‟, ¿‟ @RT.
O n ` h o i t r ï n ; T r n ` s d u c t h r i s d i R r i s g ó ` , L g o i t î m g c h s , T i r o h p h z h s
Lgoitîmgchs Thdh i` ncirh g`hxgdnlmi 3>:. Cnrîtumns di <‟, 3‟ y 9‟ Ispgens disdi < >/<‟ n <4‟. Ch`ixgh`is g`jirghr, phstirghr y thdh î`eumh. Dgsph`glmis i` dgjiri`tis rn`ehs y u`gdndis di oidgdn.
Tirohphzhs Mhs tirohphzh sh` jnlrgcndhs di mntó`, ncirh nm cnrlh`h, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi 324 3>:. Mn ch`ixgó` n prhcish istî dgsph`glmi i` dgjiri`tis tnonþhs qui vn` disdi >/< ”n <‟, y dgjiri`tis mh`egtudis. Hpcgh`is jïsgcns tgph \icth, Có`gchs, Jmn`eindhs, Sn`gtnrghs ch` Cmnop.
37 37 Iqugphs di Micturn y Oidgcgó`
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Ch`trhm di Jmugdhs
Zîmvumns Shmi`hgdis Di ush ei`irnm (neun, ncigti y ngri), Znphr, ens prhpn`h y cholustglmi < y 3 vïns. Ch`ixgó` disdi >/4‟ fnstn 3‟ @RT Zhmtnkis <4, ><2 y <42 ZNC. Ohdimhs n pruiln di ixpmhsgó` (IVRMHSGH@ R\HHJ).
s h d g u m J i d m h r t ` h C
Rgmhtnki @iuoîtgch Di nsgi`th g`cmg`ndh < puirths. Ch`ixgh`is disdi >/<‟ fnstn <‟ @RT. Lrh`ci y Ncirh G`hxgdnlmi. On`ikh di neun, vnphr y quïogchs. Rnrn ch`ixgó` di sgstions di oh`gthrih di vîmvumns (ZOS). Dgsph`glmis ch` vîmvumn pnrn pgmhtnki `iuoîtgch.
42 42 Ch`trhm di Jmugdhs
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Lholns @iuoîtgcns i dhlmi dgnjrneon Lholns di Dhlmi Dgnjrneon @dR-9 Sirgis.
C L h o H l n O s @ R i \ u o I î S t
Dgsph`glmis i` nmuog`gh, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi (3>:), Ay`nr (RZDJ), ( RZDJ), y phmgprhpgmi`h. Cnpncgdnd; 3.> ERO oîx. Succgó` y discnren; >/4‟ J@RT. I`trndn di ngri; >/4 ” rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi vîmvumn di lhmn). Iscnpi di ngri; 3/6‟ rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi im sgmi`cgndhr).
@dR->9 Sirgis.
Dgsph`glmis i` nmuog`gh, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi (3>:), Ay`nr (RZDJ), y phmgprhpgmi`h. Cnpncgdnd; >3.9 ERO oîx. Succgó` y Discnren; >/<‟ J@RT. I`trndn di ngri; >/4 ” rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi vîmvumn di lhmn). Iscnpi di ngri; 3/4 ” rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi im sgmi`cgndhr).
g c n s d i D h l m i D g n j r n e o n
@dR-<9 Sirgis.
Dgsph`glmis i` nmuog`gh, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi (3>:), y phmgprhpgmi`h. Cnpncgdnd; 4:.2 ERO oîx. Ch`ixgó` succgó` y discnren; 3/4 ” (@RT h lrgdn N@SG). Ch`ixgh`is; Rhmgprhpgmi`h (RRE); 3/4 ”rhscn fiolrn @RT h 3/4‟ Lrgdn N@SG L>:.9 # >921 Nmuog`gh (NDC-><); 3/4 ”rhscn fiolrn @RT1 Ncirh g`hxgdnlmi (3>:); 3/4 ”rhscn fiolrn @RT. I`trndn di ngri; 3/6‟ rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi vîmvumn di lhmn). Iscnpi di ngri 3/4‟ rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi im sgmi`cgndhr).
@dR-42 Sirgis.
Dgsph`glmis i` nmuog`gh, ncirh g`hxgdnlmi (3>:), di fgirrh ju`dgdh, phmgprhpgmi`h, y Ay`nr. Cnpncgdnd; >>:.2 ERO. Ch`ixgó` succgó` y discnren; >->/< ” (@RT h lrgdn N@SG). Ch`ixgh`is; Rhmgprhpgmi`h (RRE); >->/< ”Lrgdn N@SG L>:.9 # >921 Ay`nr (RZDJ); >->/< ”Lrgdn N@SG L>:.9 # >921 Nmuog`gh (NDC-><); >->/< ”N@SG L>:.9 Lrgdn # >92 (ch` rhscndh di >->/<‟ Fiolrn @RT)1 Ncirh g`hxgdnlmi (3>:); >->/< ”N@SG L>:.9 Lrgdn # >92 ó >->/<‟ rhscn fiolrn @RT1 Ju`dgcgó` di fgirrh >->/< ”rhscn fiolrn @RT. I`trndn di ngri; >/<‟ rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi vîmvumn di lhmn). Iscnpi di ngri 3/4‟ rhscn J@RT (g`cmuyi im sgmi`cgndhr).
3> 4> Lholns @iuoîtgcns i dhlmi dgnjrneon
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Tulirïn, Mîog`n y nccishrghs Tulirïn y mîog`n i` ncirh g`hxgdnlmi Dgîoitrhs disdi >/4‟ fnstn 6‟. Cçdumns >2 y 42 Mîog`ns di Ncirh G`hxgdnlmi, pumgdns y `h pumgdns oidgdns di ispishr disdi 2.9 oo fnstn 3.2 oo.
s h g r h s i c c N y n ` g o î M , n ï r i l u T
Tulirïn nccishrghs @gpmis, riducthris, chdhs, tnph`is, jn`eis, u`gh`is Tii i` dgvirshs dgîoitrhs.
4< 4< Tulirïn, Mîog`n y nccishrghs
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C H O R \ I S
:5 Nvi`gdn Sur # >42 Chmh`gn Iscnmó`, Sn` Snmvndhr Timijh`h; (923) <<4: - :::: Jnx; ( 923 ) <<4: - ::5 5 www.eruphchopris. cho vi v i ` tn s B ch o pr is .c ho . sv sirvgcghBchopris.cho.sv
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