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IT Questions
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Past bar exams questions on Taxation Law
Compulsory questions ,mostly minimum 2 questions from this comes in every paper. compulsory
1. with specific reference to any make, sketch and describe the cylinder lubrication system used in new generation marine diesel engines. how will you effect the optimum cylinder oil feed with varying sulphur content of fuel oil.
2. the protection of the marine environment is of utmost importance today toda y. discuss. (a) how would you as a c/e of a tanker ensure protection of the environment by compliance" with the various regulation of marpol !/ anne#, 1 for prevention and control of pollution at sea$ (b) state the recent re%uirements of imo for compliance under anne# vi of marpol !/. !. with reference to maritime labour convention (mlc) 2&&'. briefly discuss the following i) minimum re%uirements for seafarers working on a ship, ii) conditions of employment. iii) accornodation and recreational facilities, iv) health protection, welfare and social security protection. . what are the maor amendments to solas which have entered into force in 2&1. briefly discuss any five of them.
*. with reference to the underwater surface of a ship+s hull (1) describe a hull plate roughness analy-er system (ii) state the significance of the roughness profile and compare the typical roughness values for a new ship and a ship eight years old. (b) with reference to the application of self polishing paint in dry dock (i) describe the plate preparation necessary (ii) state the defects that may occur in the paint coating if it is not correctly applied. '. with respect to anne# v of marpol significance of dish water, grey water recycling and reuse. other similar discharges as e#cluded from the purview of operational wastes and waste minimi-ation (!. with respect to anne# v of marpol e#plain the significance of the following. a) dish water, greywater
recycling 0 reuse. b) +other similar discharges+ as e#cluded from the purview of operational wastes c) garbage maintenance plan and garbage record book and d) port reception facilities. ) . define the meaning of the term "conditions of assignment" as applied to ships for load line survey. (b) state how conditions of assignment contribute towards water tight integrity of ships (c) give reasons why conditions of assignment need periodic inspection, giving specific instances where they can be found to be less than fully effective . . what are the ongoing developments at the imo with respect to the technical and operational measures to be invoked on board ships for combating green house gas emissions from ships$
. with regards to ordering and receiving fuel bunker on board answer the following a) the importance of correct bunker specification including the relevant iso standard b) how will you ensure that a representative sample is drawn during bunkering$ c) how will you ensure that in case of bunker disputes especially with regards to %uality the sample from the vessel will be acceptable for verification$ 1&. a ship which was bunkering at a foreign port has met with an accident and a substantial amount of oil spillage in water has resulted. draw an emergency preparedness plan for the incident and how best it could be encountered under the provision. describe its salient advantages.(sopep) . 11. #plain in detail the significance of propeller curves to a chief engineer. enumerate the safety margins in relation to the propeller . 12. 3n an unfortunate incident of main engine crank case e#plosion on your vessel,the main engine was badly damaged and two engine room personnel suffered serious inuries. e#plain how you will present the vessel for subse%uent inspections by p0i and h0m insurance companies with special emphasis on the records and documents re%uired in each case to ensure that only genuine claims are honored.
1!. 4ith respect to eedi e#plain in detail the following. re%uired eedi ,attained eedi .
1. 5he ism code stipulates that safety management obectives of the company, should inter alia assess all identified risk to its ships personal and the environment and establish appropriate safe guards, how will you as the chief engineer assist the company in fulfilling this obective$ 1*. 6 unior engineer has oined ship. numerate in detail the issue you would mentor him or her with respect to the following up keep of his personal safety, up keep of the safety of his colleagues on board, technical ob, responsibility he need to learn at the earliest, what attention he needs to pay towards energy conservation and his entitlement with regard to human right in a foreign port. 1'. your vessel where you are posted as a chief engineer is about to enter dry dock. 7tate the co ordination and information e#change necessary with the master of the vessel for successful entry. also list the necessary preparation you would make along with earmarking division of duties to the engineers of the vessels. enlist the inspection and coordinations you will make with dry dock authorities for successful coming out of the dry dock. 1. 4hat are the significant solas amendments coming into force in 2&1!$ with reference to solas 2&1& amendment, discuss "international goal based ship construction standards$ 1. you are the chief engineer of a vessel that has suffered a minor fire in the engine room that burned off the wiring to essential pumps. temporary repairs were made to get the vessel underway. write a letter to the company head office describing the incident as to how the fire took place and what corrective and preventive steps have you taken. what arrangements do you suggest to affect a permanent repair at the ne#t port of call$ 1. 8ent pipes have a special role to play with respect to safety of ships please e#plain in detail the following where these are fitted any special fitment re%uirement as per statutes. 2&. 9our vessel has been awarded ! maor non conformities during sms audit. :rame a report in the format of an email addressing the engineer superintendent with suggested step to be taken for early sailing of the vessel.
21. 3n relation to sea worthiness of a ship discuss the responsibility and authority of the following stake holder maritime administration, recogni-ed organi-ation, shipowner, insurance company. 22. 4hat do you understand by unseaworthy vessel within the meaning of the msa 1* as amended$ what according to you is the difference between unseaworthy and unsafe ship $what are the obligation of the owner to crew with respect seaworthiness. 2!. ;ow will you prepare your ship for a renewal survey of iappc international air pollution prevention certificate< e#plain with specific emphasis on the records and documents to be maintained.enumerate general re%uirements for shipboard incinerators, as mentioned in anne# vi of marpol !/. 2. 5he ism code stipulates that the safety management obectives of the company should inter alia assess all identified risks to its ships, personnel and establish appropriate safeguards. how will you as a chief engineer assist the company in the fulfilling this obective$