Todo lo relacionado a los grupos de aceites básicos para la elaboración de Aceites Lubricantes, obtención, características y aplicaciones. Material balance calculations define an engineering problem where flow …Descripción completa
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Flotation Reviewer Material balance calculations define an engineering problem where flow …Descripción completa Material balance calculations define an engineering problem where flow …Description complète
Descripción completa Material balance calculations define an engineering problem where flow …Descripción completa Material balance calculations define an engineering problem where flow paramet...
Thinking on the Correlation Between Bauhaus and Computational Design Education
* Ph.D. Candidate Selin Oktan 1 and Dr. Serbulent Vural 2
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080, Trabzon, Turkey
Tool steel process and performanceFull description
Tool steel process and performanceDescripción completa
The integrated s wave and p wave Cooper pairing in Uranium and Cerium based heavy fermion systems have been studied by analyzing the periodic Anderson model by means of the Bogoliubov Valatin approach. The interorbital Cooper pairing between a conduc
A Correlation Between Visiofroth™ Measurements and the Performance of a Flotation Cell
Kym Runge, Jaclyn McMaster Michael Wortley, David La Rosa Olivier Guyot
Process Technology
Froth Vision Systems
Operator often makes decisions based on the appearance of the froth and how it flows
Vision systems enable us to capture this information quantitatively and use in process control strategies
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 2
Process Technology
VisioFrothTM •
Algorithms calculate froth parameters
Quantify how fast the froth is moving
Determine image stability and froth collapse rates
Quantify the froth colour
Evaluate bubble size distribution and loading
Indicate a froth textural change
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 3
Process Technology
VisioFrothTM : Software Display
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 4
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 5
Process Technology
Parameters Measured by Visiofroth Velocity •
Modified fourier transform technique calculates the displacement between two consecutive images
• • •
Velocity measured in both the x and y directions Ability to process 30 frames/second Commonly measured to assess and control the mass pull rate from a flotation cell
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 6
Process Technology
Parameters Measured by Visiofroth Bubble Size Measurement •
Watershed techniques used to delineate bubble contours and calculate bubble surface area
• •
Measured in real time on all frames
• •
Ability to tune watershed algorithm parameters
The segmented image and bubble size distribution are displayed pictorially within the software Bubble segmentation affected by camera zoom setting
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 7
Process Technology
Parameters Measured by Visiofroth Colour and Brightness Descriptors •
Visiofroth analyses a segment of the image and calculates the parameters associated with three different colour models:
RGB Colour Cube HSV Colour Model Lab Colour Model
The average colour descriptors of the image are reported as well as the proportion of pixels within a subset of the colour descriptors.
Lighting and reflectance off the bubbles affects value of colour descriptors
Colour Model Representations (after Gonalez and Woods, 2002 and Morar et al, 2005) Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 8
Process Technology
Parameters Measured by Visiofroth Collapse Rate •
Relative measure of the rate of bubble coalescence on the froth surface
Measured as the percentage change in bubble surface area per frame pair
• •
Related to the size and presence of bubbles Affected by froth velocity
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 9
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 17
Process Technology
Correlation Between Grade and Colour Parameters 160.0 140.0 ) 120.0 s e e r 100.0 g e 80.0 d ( e 60.0 u H 40.0
20.0 0.0 0.0
Top of Froth Grade (%)
Rougher 1
Rougher 3
Scavenger 1
Scavenger 3
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 18
Process Technology
Correlations Between Grade and Bubble Size R2 = 0.4779
) m c ( e 15.0 z i S e l b 10.0 b u B e g 5.0 a r e v A
R2 = 0.7162
R2 = 0.7951
Copper Grade (%) Con Grade (Zoom 1) (24 observations) Con Grade (Zoom 2) (30 observations) Top of Froth Grade (Zoom 2) (25 observations)
• Grade related to bubble size measured on surface • Relationship better correlated with top of froth grade • Zoom setting affected bubble sizing measurement Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 19
Process Technology
Correlations Between Grade and Collapse Rate 16.0 e m 14.0 a r f 12.0 r e p 10.0 ) % r ( i e a 8.0 t a p 6.0 R e s 4.0 p a l l 2.0 o C
R2 = 0.9088
R2 = 0.7931
Copper Grade (%) Con Grade (Zoom 1 & 2) (58 observations) Top of Froth Grade (Zoom 2) (25 observations)
• Grade best correlated with the collapse rate parameter • Relationship better correlated with top of froth grade • Zoom setting didn’t affected collapse rate measurement Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 20
Process Technology
Concentrate Grade Prediction
e t a r 40.0 t n ) e c % n ( 30.0 o e C d d a r 20.0 e G t c i 10.0 d e r P
Rougher 1 Rougher 3 Scavenger 1 Scavenger 3
0.0 0.0
Actual Concentrate Grade (%)
a concentrate
1 a Collapse Rate + b Velocity + c
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 21
Process Technology
Process Control Implications
Concentrate grade and top of froth grade were well correlated with parameters measurable by the Visiofroth system
Potential to use these correlations within a model to optimise bank performance
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 22
Process Technology
Visiofroth is a system which measures parameters that are correlated to flotation cell performance
Solids and water flow from a flotation cell are correlated with froth velocity and thus can be used to increase or decrease mass pull rates within a process control strategy
• •
Top of froth grade was correlated with bubble collapse rate
Potential to use Visiofroth to estimate concentrate purity for use in a process control strategy
Bubble collapse rate seems to be dependent solely on the grade of attached particles and not mass loading
Concentrate grade was best predicted using both bubble collapse rate and a velocity term
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 23
Process Technology
Flotation Process Control in the Future
Prediction of concentrate grade using froth properties
Optimise the grade versus recovery relationship in a bank through control of froth velocity and stability
Model based control
Model developed utilising process instrumentation
Concentrate grade and recovery targets established for each bank by a model
Froth vision systems maintain operation at targeted conditions
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 24
Process Technology
Correlation Between Collapse Rate and Bubble size 16.0 r e 14.0 p 12.0 % ( ) r i e a 10.0 t a p R e 8.0 e m 6.0 s a r p f 4.0 a l l 2.0 o C 0.0
R2 = 0.7209
R2 = 0.8331
Average Bubble Size (cm) Zoom 1 (30 observations)
Zoom 2 (28 observations)
• Inverse relationship between bubble size and collapse rate parameter • Consequence of rapid surface disintegration (Hatfield, 2007)
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 25
Process Technology
Northparkes Metallurgical and technicians who assisted with the test program and reviewed the testwork results (Rick Dunn, Adam Clark, Heather Gaut, Tom Rivet)
JKMRC and McGill researchers who assisted with the testwork (David Seaman, Eddy Sanwani, Cesar Gomez, Jorge Torrealba, Brigitte Seaman, Marco Vera, Ester Soden and Michael Rosenfield)
• AMIRA P9 Sponsors for funding the testwork campaign
Correlation of Visiofroth Parameters with Flotation Cell Performance 26