Eric Medemar here, Want to write headlines headlines that harpoon harpoon your prospects prospects eyes and wheel wheel them into your copy copy (even if they don't want to read)? The fact is, if prospects don't read your copy, copy, they don't buy your products. ure you could try to reinvent the wheel and pioneer your own hard hittin! headlines, but you and " already #now what happens to pioneers... They end up with arrows in their bac#s. $an you !uess who some of the hi!hest paid and most respected copywriters copywriters in the world wor# for? "'ll !ive you a hint, here's here's some of the headlines headlines they've written% written% •
HIS #1 SEX WISH. & WISH. & !uys crave this move. oure !onna want to drop the ma!a*ine and do it on the spot. 50 SEX TRICKS. Trust TRICKS. Trust +s% oull be the first !irl nau!hty enou!h to try - on him. BEST. SEX. EVER. /ut EVER. /ut !utsy new tips are !uaranteed to !ive him the most bad ass or!asm ima!inable and you too. Weird mae !e"ai$r de%$ded.
0ny !uesses? $osmopolitan $osmopolitan Ma!a*ine. ep, the same ma!a*ine ma!a*ine that crams crams womens heads heads so full of twisted twisted ideas about the male male psyche that at times "'m left wonderin! how they !ot in my head. That same same ma!a*ine ma!a*ine staffs some of the hi!hest hi!hest paid copywriters copywriters on the planet. planet. Why? Thin# about it. $osmo is ma!a*ine ma!a*ine isn't 1ust 1ust a shelf ma!a*ine, it's a chec#out ma!a*ine. Meanin! that their headlines must !rab a readers attention in the chec#out isle of the super mar#et. $an you thin# of a place where your headlines need to ma#e a reader drop what they are doin! and clic# on your ad? T"e a&'(er i' )W"a* i' +a, +er Ci% /e. Well enou!h with with the small tal#, tal#, let's !et to it shall we. To your continued success,
(((.D$T"i'-Ge*M$& (((.D$T" i'-Ge*M$&e,.%$m e,.%$m
+.S. D$&* *r, *$ %$&*r$ ,$2r a23"*er4 (e &eed m$re a23"*er i& *"i' ($rd.
Eric Medemar here, Want to write headlines headlines that harpoon harpoon your prospects prospects eyes and wheel wheel them into your copy copy (even if they don't want to read)? The fact is, if prospects don't read your copy, copy, they don't buy your products. ure you could try to reinvent the wheel and pioneer your own hard hittin! headlines, but you and " already #now what happens to pioneers... They end up with arrows in their bac#s. $an you !uess who some of the hi!hest paid and most respected copywriters copywriters in the world wor# for? "'ll !ive you a hint, here's here's some of the headlines headlines they've written% written% •
HIS #1 SEX WISH. & WISH. & !uys crave this move. oure !onna want to drop the ma!a*ine and do it on the spot. 50 SEX TRICKS. Trust TRICKS. Trust +s% oull be the first !irl nau!hty enou!h to try - on him. BEST. SEX. EVER. /ut EVER. /ut !utsy new tips are !uaranteed to !ive him the most bad ass or!asm ima!inable and you too. Weird mae !e"ai$r de%$ded.
0ny !uesses? $osmopolitan $osmopolitan Ma!a*ine. ep, the same ma!a*ine ma!a*ine that crams crams womens heads heads so full of twisted twisted ideas about the male male psyche that at times "'m left wonderin! how they !ot in my head. That same same ma!a*ine ma!a*ine staffs some of the hi!hest hi!hest paid copywriters copywriters on the planet. planet. Why? Thin# about it. $osmo is ma!a*ine ma!a*ine isn't 1ust 1ust a shelf ma!a*ine, it's a chec#out ma!a*ine. Meanin! that their headlines must !rab a readers attention in the chec#out isle of the super mar#et. $an you thin# of a place where your headlines need to ma#e a reader drop what they are doin! and clic# on your ad? T"e a&'(er i' )W"a* i' +a, +er Ci% /e. Well enou!h with with the small tal#, tal#, let's !et to it shall we. To your continued success,
(((.D$T"i'-Ge*M$& (((.D$T" i'-Ge*M$&e,.%$m e,.%$m
+.S. D$&* *r, *$ %$&*r$ ,$2r a23"*er4 (e &eed m$re a23"*er i& *"i' ($rd.
. 2evam 2evamp p your your close closett with with 3 se4y se4y piece piecess 5. 67 way wayss to have have fun with with your your !uy. !uy. . our hoo8ha hoo8ha handboo handboo#. #. 9et a healthy healthy se4y se4y va!ina va!ina -. 0manda 0manda :ynes :ynes ; 0 secret secret side side of her youve youve never never seen seen 5. T"e &e( &e( mae 'e 'e "a!i* "a!i* *"a* %a& %a& "2r* a rea*i$& rea*i$&'"i '"i6 6 <. /ut /ut smar smartt an att attac ac#e #err &. 77= >/TTE2 >/TTE2 E. E. Thrill Thrill every every inch of the the body usin! usin! a move no woman woman has has dared to to try on him before. 3. Why love love is harder harder in in winte winterr @. 9et rid rid of muffin muffin top. & belly belly blastin blastin! ! tric#s tric#s 7. $olors that ma#e ma#e a mans heart race. race. . Aer!ie ; her nau!hty nau!hty honeymoon honeymoon surprise surprise 5. >e shoots, he scores scores ; wac#ed8out thin!s !uys say in bed . "s stress turnin! you into into a ra!in! bitch? bitch? -. Blus ; what his hu! reveals. reveals. - se4y party hairstyles. hairstyles. 15.HIS #1 SEX WISH. 71 32,' %rae *"i' m$e. Y$28re 3$&&a (a&* *$ dr$6 *"e ma3a9i&e a&d d$ i* $& *"e '6$*. <. 3 Thin!s !uys notice notice instantly instantly &. Mind tric#s tric#s that that melt pounds pounds 1:.Kier %$%*ai. H$( a 6$62ar dri& %$2d i ,$2 i& ,$2r 'ee6. @. :ad !irl issue for se4y bitches bitches only 57.Cim Cardashian ; The mista#e that still haunts her (no, not the se4 tape) 1.;$re6a, me& %rae < *$2%" "i' 'e%re* er$*i% '6$* ='2r6ri'e> i* d$e'&8* r",me (i*" '"emi'.? 55.5< 55. 5< !utsy ways to ma#e a fresh start. start. 5. T"e 'ie&* %2e me& 3ie $@@ ("e& *"e,8re i& $e.
5-.W>0T 5-. W>0T >E T>"DC +2"D9 E. The cra*y, dirty, si**led, and yes sweet stuff that !oes throu!h his head when you two !et hac#ed. 56. O&e 2e'*i$& &$ 32, %a& re'i'*. 5<.The 5<. The se4y ass wor#out 8 5 wee#s to ti!ht chee#s 5&. S*ea *"i' *ri% < T"e #1 'e%re* $@ %$&@ide&* %"i%' 53.What 3= of men e4pect on first date (youll be pleasantly surprised) surprised)
[email protected]!an 5@. Me!an Ao4 ; 1uicy stuff she could only say in cosmo cosmo 7.e4 panic ; an E2 doc reveals the frea#iest down8there emer!encies ever. A1.Tr2e %rime < H$( '"e $2*'mar*ed a !r2*a ra6i'*. 5. B/D GIR SEX. T"e'e 1 m$e' (i '"$( "im ,$2r rea, &a23"*, 'ide. We %a *"em *"em dir*, d$9e& d$9e& . G2* @eei&3' ,$2 '"$2d &eer i3&$re. -. Fose wei!ht while you eat ; @ belly shrin#in! shrin#in! foods. 6. 5 ($rd' *"a* 3e* *"e *r2*" $2* $@ 32,'. <.Cristin <. Cristin bell ; how she stopped worryin! worryin! and found the one. &. The Gdirty se4H rule happy couple couple swear by. 3. W"e& W"e& ,$2 "$$"a8' !2r&i&3> !2r&i&3> D$&8* D$&8* 2'e *"i' *"i' %$mm$& %$mm$& %2re @.What @. What hes dyin! to hear durin! a date. -7.50 -7. 50 SEX TRICKS. Tr2'* '> Y$28 !e *"e @ir'* 3ir &a23"*, e&$23" *$ *r, #FA $& "im. F1.Ge* "i* $& a *"e *ime =,$2r @rie&d (i !e rea, a&&$,ed? -5.The -5. The or!asm whisperer every woman needs oneI -.Se -. Se e*ra' 'e%re*' "i' 'e '*,e reea'. %"ea* 6r$$@ ,$2r $e < (i*" F ($rd'. --.Cate --. Cate Berry 8 >ow she !rabbed >ollywood by the balls. -6. W"a* -6. W"a* ,$2 '"$2d '"$2d &eer &eer e* ,$2 3,&$ 3,&$ d$. -<.5 -<. 5 *"i&3' *"a* %a& !$( a $! i&*erie(.
-&. 56 E M/JE. Thousand of men a!ree% these are the techniKues that send them over the ed!e -3.- si!ns hes cravin! you. -@.ou on Top ; the fierce new secret to success. 67.77 E L+ET"/D. We answer every dirty thin! you want to #now. "n 57 words or less. 6. :e luc#y bitchI These proven mind tric#s brin! you what you want 65. When your cramps mean somethin!s wron! 6. dirty lyin! brides8 ecrets theyre hidin! from the !room. 6-. >ow to #eep love stron! when life !ets cra*y. 66. We made Fei!hton Messter $ry (yeah, ri!ht) 6<. :ET. E. EJE2. /ut !utsy new tips are !uaranteed to !ive him the most bad ass or!asm ima!inable and you too. 6&. Fose 6 lbs. in 1ust & days. 63.9et butt na#edI 67 fun thin!s to do bare ; assed. 6@. >ow to ma#e choices youll never re!ret. <7. Kuestions that !et a man to open up <. The easy way to boost your se4 drive (We stole a few secret from !uys) <5.Whitney Bort ; on live, Fauren, and endless drama <.E >E $20JE. We help you discover his most dirty8licious fantasies ; so you can deliver the nau!hty !oods. <-.yummy fat ; meltin! foods. <6. Fove your lifeI e4y little tric#s that add bliss <<.>ow to save your ass at wor#. <&. Aashion e4tra ; new ways to wear the clothes you have. <3.What !uys crave after se4 (besides beer and pi**a) <@.ust do this on date (and hes yours)
&7.0shely Tilsdale ; blows off her !ood ; !irl ima!e. &. $osmos 67 best relationship tips. &5. E T>0T :2"D9 /+ $F/E2. These hot moves will start a bonfire in his pants. 0nd his heart. &. The bitchy little move men love. &-. Alatten your bellyI Marisa tips ma#e it easy. &6. 0n or!asm almost #illed her ; we are not #iddin!. &<. ou, you, you feel instantly happier ; with one they chan!e. &&. "s he normal down there? hape, si*e, s#in tone. Whats weird, whats not. 7:.
S26erm$de Mari'a Mier8' @i*&e'' *ri%'.
&@. 67 new styles for lon! hair. 37.>" :"99ET E E$2ET. What you always wished you #now. 0nd one thin! youll wish you didnt 3. >es hot.. :ut you have a boyfriend ; >ow to curb the ur!e to cheat. 35.9et more pleasure ; the secret to savorin! every moment. 3.3 thin!s in your closet that ma#e you loo# chun#y 3-.Dew !uy? /ur classic seduction tric# will #eep him hoc#ed. 36.G" invented the u!liest undies ever. 0nd !ot top celebs to wear themH 3<.e4 bloopers ; oull lol at bedroom rumps that went horribly wron!. 3&. 0li Farter ; fun fearless female of the year. 33.- nau!hty massa!es ; for couple only.
[email protected]>0T E AEEF F"CE A/2 9+. /nce you #now the #ey arousal tri!!ers, you can double his satisfaction. @7.7 cheap, fun date ideas @. 0n!elina did it. o did Findsay. @5.What "ts li#e to love a !irl. @.Everyday thin!s that can wrec# your fertility.
@-.>ow to deal when your man !ets moody. @6. >ave an or!asm every time (cosmos coaches you) @<.0manda :ynes ; hes not that innocent. @&. 0FF DEW 0FF >/T. "ntroducin! the awesome Gs stro#eH and < other !uy ; pleasurin! touches weve never printed before. @3.:onus section ; se4y vs s#an#y your 1aws !onna drop . The tric# that attracts hot !uys li#e cra*y. 5. 3 !enius ways to ma#e your cash !o further . our or!asm face8 what hes thin#in! when he sees it. -. essica impson ; Even more uncensored. 6. $osmos na#ed Kui*. <. T/T0F :/ E. These bed sha#in! techniKues will have any man Kuiverin! with pleasure from head to toe. &. The surprisin! touch that whips a !uy on date . 3. Fose wei!ht while you eat ; 7 foods that actually burn calories. @. G0 cou!ar stole my manH 7. ou, you ,you ; 55 smart se4y s#ills every cosmo !irl needs now. . 0m " normal down there? Jery private se4 Kuestions only we tac#le. 5. Fauren $onrad ; answers her haters. . 6 times + shouldnt te4t himI -. :0 9"2F E. &6 tric#s for ni!hts when you want to be 1ust a little nau!htier. 6. >ow to be 1ust bitch enou!h. <. >is body ; The nonverbal clues that let you read his mindI &. Blus ; how lon! !uys want to se4 last. :eauty news% cents that seduce any man. 3. 6 date ideas hell be into. @. Cate >udson ; >er se4y new views on love.
57.Aor nau!hty !irls only 5. >E " W>0T?I /utra!eous thin!s chic# do in bed ; li#e the cra*y ; hot Gfire starterH techniKue. 55.>is !irlfriend wish list ; o you have these @ surprisin! traits? 5.e4ier hair ; all new loo#sI 5-.eans too ti!ht? 56. The se4 position they lust for. 5<.:la#e Fively ; now she sna!!ed fame and happiness. 5&. What he thin#s when youre butt na#ed. 53.77 E T2+T>. hort and sweet answers to burnin! se4 Kuestions. But Nem to use toni!ht.
[email protected] new love truths you must learn. 7.e4y eyes 1ust try this tric#. . e4 e4tras 8 O nau!ht !ames (tear out for toni!ht) A.
W"e& me& %"ea* i& a232'*.
. >ow dirty is his mind? Ailthy, to be e4act, youll be shoc#ed and intri!ued. -. E B/FF. 7,6&7 dudes tell what theyre dyin! for you to do in bed 6. & new ways to be happy. <.67 thin!s that ma#e him worship you. A7.
/di%e @$r 32,' ,$28d !e %ra9, &$* *$ *ae
3.>is in ; bed body lan!ua!e ; discover secrets he un#nowin!ly reveals at his most vulnerable moment. @.e4ual heath ; how to decode the snea#y si!ns of an T. -7.$au!ht butt na#edI There horny couples !ot busted mid booty. oull lau!h your ass off. -. $arrie +nderwood ; The love mista#e shell never repeat. -5.The hottest words to say to a man durin! se4.
-. T0:// E. The dirty, se4y moves a man craves in bed. --.The !irlfriend habits thatll deepen his love. -6. e4y hair ; fresh loo#s youll adore. -<.ra!!in! ass lately ; new ener!y ; boostin! advice. -&. 6 si!ns a !uy is capable of rape. -3.The >ottest thin! to do to a man (in <7 seconds or less) -@.$armen Electra 8 shares her secrets to se4y confidence. 67.- thin!s all !uys crave for. 6. >" 9 B/T. up, hes !ot one too ; and its achin! to be touched. 9o !et it, !irlI 65. Fittle touches hell love you more for. 6. feel !reat na#ed ; confidence booster for in bed (and out) 6-. Blus ; Dew #iller 0b shapers. The se4iest thin! to do after se4. 66. When your boobs act weird ; itches, aches, lumps ; whats normal, whats not. 6<. <& new se4 tric#s includin! the ton!ue series that will push him over the ed!e. 6&. Cristen :ell ; the se4iest smart ; ass in >ollywood. 63./+2 D0+9>T"ET E LP0. yeah, we went thereI 6@. 67 thin!s !uys wish you #new. <7.The friendly health advice you should never ta#e. <. Blus ; The silent way he shows hes whipped. <5.pecial section ; "f men edited cosmo ; youll lau!h you butt offI <.Fittle mouth move that ma#e se4 hotter. <-.>ayden Banettiere ; confesses why shes a !ood GbadH !irl. <6. :E 0 E 9ED"+I These brilliantly nau!hty bed tric#s will double his pleasure. 0nd yours. <<.6 thin!s never to tell your !uy. <&. our Ja81ay81ay fascinatin! new facts about your lovely lady parts.
<3.Aeel ; !ood tric#s for totally blah days. <@.e4 he has alone ; Where and when. >ow often (yi#es). >is shoc#in! !o8to fantasy. &7.2ihanna ; puts those rumors to rest. &. 5 D0+9>T E T"B. Toni!ht, treat him to some boundary ; pushin! se4 that !ood !irls only dream of. &5. -6 ways to !et even closer to him. &. 9reat butt and thi!hs. 0 top trainers best advice. &-. 7 subliminal tric#s that ma#e people adore you. &6. ohn Mayer ; shares why all !uys arent aOOholes. &<. The most satisfyin! se4 position ; if turns him on and it feels awesome for you. &&. Catherine >ei!l ; Aun fearless female of the year. 7:.
Wae 26 3$r3e$2' T"e'e !ea2*, *i6' ($r ("ie ,$2 'ee6.
&@. SE E$2ET ; 02/+E >"M F"CE $20QI surprisin! pleasure tri!!ers, how to hit his 98 spot, Where he hopes youll lin!er. 37.:edside astrolo!er 5773 ; your lifeRlove predictions. 3. Aab hair ; find your se4iest color 35. Y$(9er F0 $@ ($me& d$ *"i' i& *"eir 'ee6. 3.Aeel happierI 5@ ways to made one !ood stuff in life even better. 3-.e4 session that ended in the E2. oull than# 9od it wasnt you. 36.>illary uff ; The secret reason shes smilin!. 3<.>ow to stay hot for each other. 3&. "2T E E. Top pleasure e4perts share moves so new and nau!hty you could only read them here. 33.The 55 best relationship tips ever.
[email protected] spill white lies they women all the time @7.our se4ual health ; crucial new facts your !yno for!ot to mention. @. 9et ahead faster ; 5 brilliant (and sli!htly bad ass) ways to do it.
@5.The se4 position he craves ; it !ives him the hottest view.. and hits all the ri!ht spot. @.:eyonce ; ta#e the cosmo Kui*I @-. / '"$%i&3 *"i&3 : $@ %"i%' d$ i& !ed. @6. EEB E. :reathin! and touch techniKues that are so intense, youll both reach a new level of pleasure. @<.Why you should be a 1ealous bitchI 0nd < other relationship secrets. @&. our period ; the most important news weve heard in years. @3.G" #now what your boyfriend did last ni!htH a love spy tells all @@.77 outra!eous facts about men. . The hottest thin!s to do to a man with your hands. 5. Whats your se4y style? . 9+ E $/DAE"/D. urprisin! stuff they dont want from you in the sac#. -. What ma#es a man fall in love. 6. ou se4 !oddessI $ra*y ass moves he wants you to do to him there. <. Oou must see it O $osmos best ma#eover ever. &. >ow to stay safe ; 6 pieces se4ual predators loo# for women. 3. our !ynos secret thou!ht about your se4 life. @. - thin!s all !uys #eep private. 7. 0li Farter ; hes fearless about life and love. . >air that !ets you what you want. 5. T>E :FEDE /290M. o deep, so stron!, how you can have one toni!ht. . < instant confidence boosters. -. >el8lo !or!eousI Aall clothes, hair, ma#eup. 6. GMy boyfriend didnt chan!e his bo4ers for monthsH >ysterical and crin!er ; worthy confessions. <. $osmo news 8 0 new #ind of date rape you must #now about.
17. C$2d ,$2r ma& a !e 3a,L T"e @$$6r$$@ 'i3&. 3. Aeel se4 more intensely 8 0 !uide to your body durin! the deed. @. essica 0lba ; /n se4y moments, dumb mista#es, and bein! burned by rumors. 57.9irlfriend traits !uys find Gfrea#in awesomeH 5. >" E A0DT0. Do woman has had the nerve to try this on him. 0nd hell !o totally nuts when you do. 55.67 ways to be closer to himI 5. >ow to feel more pleasure every day. 5-.e4 e4tras O< s#ills se4 !oddesses master. Owhat to do when se4 hurts OWeird se4 Kuestions were as#ed 56. True ; crime story ; >er boyfriend #illed her for brea#in! up with him. 5<.Why he 1ust wont propose 5&. 9uys +ncensored ; Their !et ; na#ed fears will ma#e you lau!h out loud. 53.ulia tiles ; The least bitchy !irl in the >ollywood.
[email protected]/T"$ E. & boundary pushin! moves all men secretly crave (and youll !et off on too) 7.The !irlfriend habit that he'll love you more. . Luestions ou must as# before% Omovin! in. O!ettin! en!a!ed Otyin! the #not. 5. 0re accidentally ma#in! yourself more tired? . $au!ht butt na#edI There horny couples couldnt control themselves. oull lau!h your ass off -. What even e4perienced chic#s for!et do in bed. 6. essica :iel ; +npredictable and +ncensored. <.E$2ET /A M0FE 02/+0F. 0 surprisin! tri!!er to his deepest se4 cravin!s. &. 0 #ind of cuddlin! that can brin! you closer to him. 3.Aeel se4y na#ed ; !reat confidence boosters. @.The thin! every man needs a woman to say ("ts not what you thin#)
-7.e4ual health ; What your !yno for!ot to tell you about the pill. -. The nau!htiest photo weve ever run of a !uy. -5.0shlee impson 8 Do Kuestion was off limits. -. &6 E T2"$C. Warnin!% Theyre so hot, this ma!a*ine may burst into flames. --.T"e '2r6ri'i&3 *rai* :0 $@ me& @i&d 'e,. -6. Ti!ht abs. /ur no ; crunch wor#out. -<.2ead his dirty mind 8 these thou!hts could ma#e a cosmo !irl blush. -&. 2eal ; life read ; he tric#ed a murderer into sparin! her life. -3.@ times you wont burn in hell for bein! bitchy. -@.>ot to clima4 to!ether. 0 surefire techniKue that ta#e you both over the ed!e ; simultaneously. 67.$arrie +nderwood ; The side youve never seen before. 6. T>"D9 9+ $20JE "D :E. The surprisin! trait 37= of men find se4y 65. What he does when youre not around (ma#e sure he out slappin! distance) 6. $onfessions specialI 9uys spill their dirty, dumb ; ass blunders. oull die lau!hin!. 6-. Blus% Tric#s that curb your ur!e for 1un# food. 66. Women and dan!er. 6 warnin! si!ns a stran!ers about to !et violent. 6<. :low his mindI The awesome new se4 prop8 and !uess what? "ts probably in you purse. 6&. Eva Fon!oria ; True to form, she holds nothin! bac#. 63.JJ SEX ;/CTS. Y$28e &eer "eard !e@$re. 6@. 7 relationship truths every woman in love must learn. <7. Weird mae !e"ai$r de%$ded. 1.H$( $&3 '"$2d ,$2 (ai* *$ 'ee6 (i*" a 32,L ;i&a,4 a '*rai3"* a&'(er. <5.Blus% try these four thin!s with your man <.Aacin! breast cancer% 0 youn! womans unima!inable decision. <-.Dau!hty se4 tric#s (let out your inner bad !irlI)
<6. T"e )"arme'' "a!i* *"a* *2r&' me& $@@ *$ ,$2. <<.SEX SHOCKERS. T"i&3' "e *"i& a!$2* d2ri&3 *"e deed *"a* ,$2 rea,4 rea, &eed *$ &$(. <&. / dir*, i**e 'e%re* ,$2 &eer "ear a!$2* marria3e. <3.@ love lies !uys tell <@.2eal life tra!edy ; The crime story every youn! woman must read. &7.$au!ht with their pants down. >ilarious tales of darin! couples who !ot nailed !ettin! nau!hty. &. Turn your man into a your ; pleasin! se4 !enius. (Warnin!% earthKua#e comin!) &5. Eve Mendes ; fun, fearless female of the year. &. T>E E >EFF "E A/2. Aoreplay ideas almost too risKuS to share. 0lmost. &-. :edside 0strolo!ers 577& find out what in store.. in life, love and lust. &6. $hic# behavior that baffles the hell out of !uys. &<. Ma#e your le!s loo# a mile lon!. 77.H$( *$ de%$de ,$2r !$d,8' 'i3&' *"a* '$me*"i&38' (r$&3 &3. >ot new se4 tric#. This mind blowin!, bo4 ; sprin! brea#in! techniKue will intensify everythin! he feels. &@. $armen Electra ; :ouncin! bac# from heartache. 37.:eauty bar!ains youll love. 3. E +D$ED/2E. our 7 most private Kuestions ; answered. 35.>ow to #eep your !uy totally turned on by you. 3.:ad s#in day? Whats messin! up your face. 3-.:elow ; his ; belt bloopersI >ilarious tales of inconvenient e4citement. 36.our se4ual health% the T 37= of women now !et. 3<.- facts men wish their !irlfriends #new. 3&. The se4iest thin!s to do after se4. 33.Catherine >ei!l ; meet our new !irl crush.
[email protected]+9>T E. 3 hot new position weve never published before. @7.What fallin! in love feel li#e for him @. 9et a se4y body. >ow to tone up twice as fast. @5.Ways your parents divorce shapes your relationship. @.>ottie spottin!. Where your ne4t boyfriend is hidin!. @-.Aind your hair ; color personality. @6. Men buc# na#ed. Their secret fears when they peel off their pants. @<.2achel :ilson ; The ne4t Kueen of bee of the /$. @&. 7 >/$C"D9 T2+T> 0:/+T 9+ 0D E @3.Every !uys private marria!e chec#list @@.9or!eous s#in. The new secret. . 0 smart way to protect yourself from rape. . 1 '&ea, *ri%' *$ 3e* 32,' *$ d$ ("a* ,$2 (a&*. . iscover the se4 fantasy <3= of men have. -. $hristina 0!uilera ; >ow love chan!ed her. 6. e4y Js. #an#y. <. 7 E ://TE2 ama*in! little e4tras that ma#e se4 even se4ier. &. Ta#e the new love test. Aind out now if hes your perfect match. 3. Whats hot for fall. $lothesR hairstyleR beauty must ; haves. J. / '"$%i&3 *a%*i% ra6i'* 2'e *$ '&are ($me&. 7. The most crucial thin! to as# your !yno. . G" punctured his thi!h with my stilettoH brave chic#s share their hysterical se4 bloopers. 5. The certain #ind of se4 hes thin#in! about 5-R& . >ow to !et the loo# !uys crave. -. 7 E T2"$C to try before you dieI
6. >is lips, his eyes. >ow they reveal what he cant e4press. <. - surprisin! thin!s !uys find hot. &. G" bet youre wild in bedH true tales of !irls who wor# at cosmo 3. Area#y fact. This fashion accessory can sap your ener!y. @. Dew se4ercises that double female pleasure. 57.Aer!ie ; you wont believe what shes been throu!h. 5. T>E E >E $20JE. The thousand of men finally admit what theyre secretly achin! for. 55.:ad advice even smart !irls follow. 5. e4ual health. The surprisin! thin! that can dampen lust. 5-.0re you ever a bitch? ecret reasons !uys love it. 56. & hot bedroom !ames. 5<.:rittany Murphy ; The tou!h times she rarely tal#s about. 5&. H$( *$ mee* a ma& i& A0 da,'. 53.<5 E M/JE. 9uy share tons of totally ori!inal and mind8blowin! tips 5@.:ond with your man. O in the car, on a date, before wor#, after a fi!ht. 7.The touches hell be! for a!ain and a!ain. . :itchy, bitchy reader secrets (youll roar with lau!hter) 5. :eyond Cama sutra. 3 se4 positions you havent thou!ht of. . 1J !a', *"i&3' eer, 3ir '"$2d d$. -. >/W T/ >E0T +B E. Dau!hty (but easy) tric#s to try toni!ht. 6. - thin!s you do that turn him off <.9et summer se4y ( in 1ust a wee#) &. The most heinous brea#ups in cosmo history. 3.3 new places to have se4. @.Fife savin! read ; a deadly disease that stri#in! youn! women.
-7.Touch him thereI -. Mandy Moore ; love lessons shes learn. -5.The tric# to luscious lips. -. /290M +DF"M"TE. >ow to achieve a feel !ood e4plosion. 0nd then another. 0nd another. --.& ways to ma#e him ache for you. -6. $onfession special. Mortifyin! booty busts. Trainwrec# traumas, and hilarious se4capades. -<. The !ut feelin! thats dan!erous to i!nore. -&. Blus% never have a *it a!ainI -3.H$( *$ 3e* a"ead @a'* =(i*"$2* *$*a, !2'*i&3 ,$2r a''?
[email protected] nau!hty thin! 7= of couples do in bed. 67.Findsay Fohan ; ets the record strai!ht. 6. E 9/E E$2ET. E4pert in seduction share their blow8his8mind mattress moves (Gwait till you try liKuid lustH) 65. -7 !irlie moves that ma#e you !uy melts. 6. urprisin! ways chic#s deflate their se4 appeal. 6-. War&i&3> *"e &e( da*e < ra6e *ra6. 66. >is secret pleasure *one. 6<. >illary duff ; can answer the !rown up Kuestions. 6&. W>0T E " F"CE A/2 >"M. 0nd how to enhance every sin!le thin! he feels. 63.>ow to sna! any man you want. 6@. Ti3"* !2**4 a!' *"i3"'. Trai&er' 2'e *"i' *ri% *"em'ee'. <7.The se4 habit that harms relationships. <. Alip open 8 r. Mc reamy is waitin! to see you. <5.7 times its /C to be a bitch. <.Dever lose your or!asm a!ain. 0 sure fire techniKue that can ta#e you over the ed!e.
<-.AAA of the year ; :eyonce ; finally, she tal#sI <6. <7 E C"FF. 9uys reveal the most mind blowin! bedroom moves women have ever tried <<.our most private se4 Kuestions. >onest answers only cosmo would !ive. <&. 67 fun ways to !et close to him. <3.9uys secret lan!ua!e. They tal# in clever code ; but not clever enou!h. We crac#ed itI <@. feminine instincts to master ; and 5 to ditch. &7.Aoreplay men crave. Touch him here. 0nd here. 0nd especially here. &. 0shlee impson ; a beyond candid interview. &5. :E"E 0T2/F/9E2 577<. Aind out all the hot thin!s in store for you. &. 5 rea*i$&'"i6 r2e' ,$2 3$**a !rea &-. our se4ual health. T news !ynos dont share. 75.H$( *$ 3e* %$&*r$ $& %ra9, da,'. &<. >ollywoods bi!!est bitch. hes so evil, atan could soon be out of his 1ob. &&. 9irl on top. These @ pleasures ma#in! se4 positions will send you both to the moon. &3. Eva Fon!oria ; /ur sauciest interview ever. &@. The se4iest thin!s to do before se4. 37.9+ E 2"JE. The dirty little bedroom secret nobody wants to tal# about. :1.Ge* ,$2r 32, ,$2 3ie ,$2 *"e a**e&*i$& ,$2 %rae. 35.57 se4ifiers(1ust for your eyesI) 3.6 thin!s sway your from a !ood decisions. 3-.>ow to turn him on without touchin!. 36.>oo#ups from hell. oull howl with lau!hter and than# 9od it wasnt you 3<."DT2/+$"D9 /+2 DEW E B/"T"/D. Damed &&, its as mind blowin! as the other nau!hty number. 3&. T"e e3$ '*r$e *"a* ee6 32,' @ai*"@2.
33.9yno warnin!% below the belt health habits that can harm you. 3@.>ow to deal with a bitch anytime, anywhere. @7.3 se4 truths you dont #now about yourself. @. $ameron ia* ; dares to answer our personal Kuestions. @5.The male brain e4plained. @.7 E T"B. Mattress moves so !ood hell for!et his name. :ut remember yours forever. @-.67 ways to be a better !irlfriend. @6. T"e ar*i%eide$ *"a* %a& mae ,$2 @ee "a66ier am$'* i&'*a&*,. @<.Surprisin! clues you mans lyin! to you. @&. 9uys uncensored% What hes really thin#in! after se4. @3.carlett ohansson ; her youn! >ollywood life. @@.>/T DEW E T2"$C. Deeded% 0 few simple props and a very nau!hty attitude. . >ow to read his feelin! instantly. 5. Fove bein! na#edI & body ; confidence boosters. . 9uys uncensored ; you wont believe the dirty thou!hts dudes have. -. The best 1eans for your shape - !yno mista#es you must learn about 6. i**lin! se4 tips. End your summer with a ban!. <. Cate >udson ; a very revealin! interview. &. The hot issue 3. pecial touches that brin! you two closer. @. Aab abs in - days (0D% deto4 diet tips) 7. Thin!s smart !irls never tell. . GThat bitch ruined my weddin!H brides share their horror stories. 5. The male 9 ; spot (your se4iest search ever) . essica :iel ; oull wish you could han! with her.
-. >ow to feel !reat in a bi#ini. 6. 5 >/$C"D9 E A0$T. aw ; droppin! bedroom discoveries and what they mean for you. <. our period whats normal, whats not. &. ou, you, you & surprisin! #eys to happiness. 3. Blus% bridal special. aucy sundresses. ecret tests !uys !ive new !irlfriends. @. an!erous love. times a boyfriend can become violent. 57.>ow to turn him on in 7 worlds or less. 5. essica impsom ; tal#s about everythin!I 55.o you ma#e men M8E8F8T? 5. M/T A0M/+ E T"B. The le!endary tric#s that have brou!ht countless !uys to their #nees. 5-.2omantic rituals to do with your man. 56. 9uys uncensored% The secret se4 rituals they follow. 5<.Try this simple mind tric# and !et what you want. 5&. :ud!et decoratin! tips. ummer fashion trends. :i#ini wa4in! minus. The U= painI. 53.Ra6e (ar&i&3> $&e 6a%e ,$2 @ee 'a@e !2* '"$2d&8*
[email protected] bi!!est se4 mista#es. Fearn what #eeps couples from reach ultimate pleasures. 7.ennifer Fope* ; 7 thin!s you dont #now about her. . +BE2 ED+0F E ; T/+$> >"M T2"$C. 0 mans body craves certain stro#es, caresses, and pressures. >eres your hands ; /ur !uide. 5.>ow to tell he adores you. . $onfession specialI "nsanely funny bloopers, blunders, and bedroom busts. -.our burnin! se4 Kuestions ; answered. 6. The ama*in! people s#ill most women arent tau!ht. <.>ealth alert% hoc#in! thin!s some doctors !et away with.
&. e4 Treats for him. /nce you try <, hell never loo# at his tie in the same way. 3.0vril Favi!ne ; The side nobody sees. @.Ciss me lips, ta#e me eyes. -7.+FT"M0TE E+0F BFE0+2E. The 7 second tric# that !ets any woman there. -. The secret way to ma#e your man.. better in be. More romantic.. a !reat listener. -5.$osmos below the bell !uide. 56 facts you dont #now (but should) about your J ; Qone. -. What your se4 dreams mean. --.Warnin! to women% isplayin! this emotion can endan!er your life. -6. urprisin! thin!s that intensify se4. They ta#e 1ust second to do every day. -<.essica 0lba ; o honest, her interview blew us away. -&. Tons of 1uicy stuff inside. -3.E :/D0DQ0 8 T>2"FF >" :/. <6 electrifyin! mattress tric#s. Theyll remind him how frea#in luc#y he is. -@.>is butt ; What your !uys bum shape reveals about his personality (sKuee*e, then feel). 67.67 ways to have fun with your man. 6. >ilarious confessions of real desperate housewives. 65. 9uess% What hes really thin#in! in bedI 6. The power of per ; se4 6 tric#s that will totally rev his en!ine. 6-. 0shlee impson ; ont 1ud!e her Ntill you read this. 66. T"e 3irie "a!i*' *"a* "$d ,$2 !a%. 6<. :E/D C0M0 +T20. 0dvance se4 positions (- will have you !rinnin! for a wee#) 6&. >is 6 hottest desires. 9uys describe what they crave in bed but are too shy to as# for. 63.:utt shape ; up. 9et the !reat ass youve always wantedI 6@. /ur best male body ; lan!ua!e secret ever. <7.$an you e4tend your fertility?
<. >ow to simplify your life (ee ya, cra*y daysI) <5.The se4 mista#es that hurt a couples love. <.Cate :osworth ; she may be the most normal !irl in the >ollywood. <-.What he thin#s when he sees you na#ed. <6. D0+9>T, D0+9>T ; :E"E 0T2/F/9E2 5776. Fife, love, se4.. find out e4actly what is store for you. <<.6 ways to ma#e smarter choices in life. <&. -7 !et ; !or!eous tip <3.$au!ht with their pants off. Deed a !i!!le? ust devour these humiliatin! tales of mid ; booty busts. <@.Warnin!% rape dan!er *ones most women dont #now what. &7.The se4 article you must read with your boyfriend. &. Aeel hot na#edI We ta#e the stress out of strippin! down. &5. Fove ; dovey deeds !uys crave. &. E >EFF 9/ W"F A/2. 0wesome new bed tric#s that actually double a mans pleasure. &-. 5- ways to ma#e yourself happier. &6. 66 thin!s you can learn about him in 7 minutes. &<. 9uy bonus section% Ba!es and pa!es on our favorite sub1ect ; men. &&. >ow to !et to sleep when you cant shut your brain off &3. The se4iest ma#eup. 5,7 !uys voted on the loo# they love. &@. & new pulse ; poundin! positions ( hes never tried before) 37.arah Michelle 9ellar ; The surprisin! stuff shes been up to. 3. MED T0FC ://T. 9uys confess the sensations, touches, and mattress maneuvers that really !et their roc#s off. 35.>ow to tal# to him so hell listen. 3.our se4ual health. & crucial thin!s your !yno for!ot to tell you.
3-.>is secret pleasure points. Touch only if you want to drive him insane in the sac#. 36.>ow " convinced my rapist not to #ill me 3<.e4 sessions that ended in the E2. (ooh. Thats !otta hurt) 3&. Catie >olmes ; find out why shes blushin!. 33. W"e& Y$2 ("i6 $2* $&e $@ *"e'e d$$9ie'4 "e8 &$( "e8' (i*" a rea ($ma&.
[email protected] uncensored. 56 thin!s they never want you to say. @7.77 se4 tips from !uys. "ncludin! the best ice cube tric# weve ever heard. @. >ow to !et rid of bad breath, itchy butt crac#, and other mortifyin! body bummers. @5.2eal life read. The disturbin! thin! that happened while she slept. @.>ave more fun in bed. Bassion toys every cosmo !irl should try. @-.:rittany Murphy ; /n boys, brea#ups, and the bi!!est lie about her. @6. /+2 E$2ET E $$FE. iscover the days when you can achieve the most intense pleasure @<.Fittle tric#s that will ma#e him melt. @&. $onfession of a limo driver @3.$rime story ; What drove one !irl to sta!e her own abduction. @@.>ow to put a bitch in her place. . The se4iest !ames to play with a man. 5. T/T0FF +D$ED/2E ; 9+ /D E. Thousand reveal, their top 5 favorite positions, their wildest fantasy, the special touch they crave. . >is body lan!ua!e. The little habit that tells you so much about him. -. $eleb se4 ; capades. These slutty tales of top starts will ma#e you wonder why they dont call it Gslen*ywoodH 6. & foods that !o strai!ht to your thi!hs <. True ; crime story ; >ow a sweet !irl fell for a smooth ; tal#in! #iller. &. thin!s all !uys crave in bed.
3. 0n!elina olie ; oull never heard about her.. really Easy se4y hair. @. MED +DQ"BBE. 6 down ; there shoc#ers ( and how to handle them brilliantly) 7. ou V >im. The once ; a ; day habit that leads to a lastin! bond. . $eleb couple body lan!ua!e. 9uess whos on the roc#sI 1.Gir i''i&3 3ir'. W"a*L 2'* %2ri$2'. . Aemale ur!e you should !ive in to. -. $onfession of a fli!ht attendant. 6. @ frea#y but true se4 findin!s. <. 9wen tefan ; shares love lesson. &. 7 E T2"$C EJE2 W/M0D M+T M0TE2. :ecome an unfor!ettable lover with cosmos descriptive !uide. 3. Fittle words and !estures all men crave. @. $osmo ;style. The south beach diet. Beel off & pounds fast. 57.>is hidden hot spots. "ncludin! the v ; *one. Fusty scale weve only 1ust discover. 5. Aeel happier (and in control) on your most cra*ed days. 55.2eal ; life read. GWhy my husband #illed my best friendH 5. Cama utra special. 7 thrillin! new mattress maneuvers. 5-.essica impson ; This say anythin! star !oes even further. 56. 67 ways to loo# summer se4y. 5<.W>0T E AEEF F"CE A/2 0 9+. The tri!!ers and sensations you never ima!ine, (BF+% >ow to ta#e his pleasure to the ma4) 5&. < si!ns youre really meant for each other. 53.$onfessions bonus. >ilarious tales of shameless !uys, sinful !irls, and couples nabbed mid8noo#y.
[email protected]"e 32* @eei&3 ,$2 '"$2d &eer i3&$re. 7.Mouthwaterin! males bodies. . 2eal life read ; G" was abducted and stuffed into a truc#)
5."nside his dirty mind. . The /.$.s Mischa :arton ; Everythin! you want to #now about her. -. The secret to Gtouch meH s#in. 6. M0CE E >/TTE2. We #now youre always cravin! to push the passion. evelop these bold tric#s will help you do it. <. The bi!!est !oof women ma#e when they !et en!a!ed. &. - hot new ma#eup loo#s. 3.9uy ; spea#, translated. Ainally we e4plain his maddenin! silences, rude tune ; outs. 0nd weird e4pressions. @.#an# 0lertI The beauty trend that ma#es starts loo# soo trashy. -7.>illarious hoo# ups. These sac# sessions what went wron!, lau!h out loud and pray it never happens to you. -. Jery se4y thin!s to do after se4 -5.ulia tiles ; Fets us into her private life. -.Fittle si!ns Ghe's the oneH --.MED /D E. 9uys share &6 awesome bedroom tric#s used by the best lover theyve ever had. -6. What his valentines !ift really means -<.FoveI /ur fab 5 ; pa!e !uide on how to% Dab him. Wow him. Ceep him. Aor as lon! as you want. -&. >ollywood hair. The 3 se4iest new styles (steal ; them tips included) -3.Warnin!% cary R viruses you can catch from water bottles, salad bars, and 0TMs.
[email protected]!hty Barty !irls. 67.Fau!h your butt off at tales of chic#s whose rabid lust left them red ; faced in the mornin!. 6. our GD8B/TH discover (to!ether) the ama*in! moan *one. Aew women #now e4ists. 65. 0licia ilverstone ; Aun Aearless Aemale of the year. 6. pecial Fove section.
6-. E/T"$ E E$2ET. We found the hottest techniKues from Arance, "taly, "ndia P more. Trust us, youve never tried these. 66. 7 thin!s you dont #now about se4 but should. 6<. buh8bye poochI $osmos flat ; tummy plan. Easy wor#out and food tric#s. 6&. The se4 disaster men fear most. 63.True8crime story% The day her prince become her #iller. 6@. What his sleepin! positions reveals about his feelin!s. <7.Turn him on toni!ht. e4y words and sounds he craves in bed. <. Mandy Moore ; Fi#e youve never seen her. <5.mart, se4y s#ills to master by a!e 7. <.>/TI >/TI >/TI ; :E"E 0T2/F/9E2 577-. Aind out what youve destined for in love, lust and life. <-. 56 se4iest thin!s of the year. <6. our se4ual health. <<.The #iss men crave the most. <&. 2eal ; life read% G " was stal#ed by his e4IH <3.& stran!e ideas !uys have about se4 <@. Why !uys marry someone women. 0nd not others. &7.$osmo men ; < pa!es of mouthwaterin! bachelors. &. Bic# him up tips. &5. :oyfriend ; bondin! strate!ies. &. ou, you, you% how to feel stress free when life !ets super cra*y. &-. $ant pea# with him? Aail proof ways to reach the finish line. 75.S"$%er T"e i&, 'e *re&d ee& &i%e 3ir' are *r,i&3. &<. 2E0 >" "2T M"D. ecret se4 wishes, hes dyin! for you to !rant. &&. The & best ways to bond with your boyfriend.
&3. Aindin! your 9 ;spot. We tell you where. Then you tell him. The pleasure is unima!inable. &@. Ba', m$e' *"a* ($r =a&d *"$'e *"a* !i*e !a%? 37.$eleb couple dirt% these starts act li#e lovebirds, but we found out theyre fa#in! itI 3. G0irport security pulled out my massa!e wandH insanely embarrassin! stories of readers who !ot cau!ht with their se4 toys. 35.The tric# that !ets any man to call. 3.hes the winnerII $osmos cover model search. 3-.0re you !ood in bed? 36.101 ;/BOS SEX TI+S. Hi&*> 'ae #F4 #A4 a&d #J1 @$r a &i3"* ("e& ,$2 @ee e*ra &a23"*,. 3<.15 !ra&d &e( (a,' *$ mee* a 32,. 3&. 2emember that idiot who dumped you out of the blue? 0t last, an e4planation. 33.G" crac#ed my Tooth strippin! for himH 2eaders most hilarious, humiliatin! se4 bombs. 3@.$heap little seduction tric#s. @7.:"9 E DEWI Top e4perts in male pleasure spill their hottest discoveries ; and tell you how to totally roc# his body. @. si!ns your is about to cheat. @5.9et na#edI oes strippin! down stress you out? >ow to feel soo se4y in the buff @.:usted in bed% horrifyin! but hysterical stories of couples who !ot nailed durin! noo#y. @-.57 thin!s you should unload from your life. @6. Warnin!% the new tric# rapist use in summer. @<.:eyond Cama sutraI We teach you how to !ive him the most intense pleasure possible. @&. /+2 M/T >/$C"D9 ; E +2JE. 6,777V men tell what theyre achin! for. 9irl, the powers in you hands now. @3.Fittle habit that #eep you from meetin! rm. 2i!ht @@.:e your se4iest% how to rise to !oddess status.
. o you always have to pee? Aind out why your tan# seems so tiny ; and the surprisin! ways to fi4 it. 5. What your se4 dreams are really tellin! you. . The hottest thin!s to do with a man in 6, 7, P <7 minutes. -. ummy% na#ed bartendersI cope out these buff boys and youll be sha#en and stirred. 6. rew :arrymore ; The love mista#e shell never repeat. <. $/M/ E BE$"0F. Ma#e his lustiest fantasies come true with these < si**lin! new secrets. &. What his bodys secretly sayin!. < !estures that reveal his feelin!s ; when he wont. 3. $osmo bride% The se4iest !owns, nau!hty honeymoon ideas, plus% butt ;u!ly, not to be delivered bridesmaid dresses. @. G0 little to the leftH >ow to say what you want in bed without bruisin! hid e!o. 7. :e a se4 #itten this summer. >air, ma#eup and body tric#s to ma#e you loo# hot as hell. . >ow to ma#e a #ic# ;ass relationship last. 5. :i#ini bonus% Whats hot this season. The best suits for you blood. Blus% a new shape up shortcut youve !otta try. . The down there ache you should never i!nore. -. Men confess% what they really thin# the first time you !et it on (rela4, its mostly !ood) 15.Tri%' ra6i'*' 2'e a3ai&'* ($me& i& *"e %ar. <. &6 se4 secrets of couples who dont #now the meanin! of ho8hum. &. A2EEI TE02 /+TI ; /+2 E"ET :E 90ME. Blay it with you !uy toni!ht. >ell thin# he died and went to pleasure heaven. 1:.Mae $e a'* (i*" *"e'e i**e ri*2a' @. 9uy $onfessions special% ome very bad boys spill their slea*iest, stupidest scams. "f the stories werent so fre#in funny, wed cry. 57.ou, you, you. /bliterate stress by discoverin! your hidden tri!!ers (everyone has them)
5. Too hot for TJ% uicy oe millionaire photos. >es !ot no cash. :ut chec# out his GassetsH 55.i#esI 6 thin!s you do that creep him out in bed. 5. 2enee Qellwe!er ; Fets loose about love. 5-.W/W >"M T/D"9>T ; 67 E +B2"E. ust when you thou!ht youd tried everythin!, we whipped up some all ; new, all ; nau!hty twists (@ will blow his mind) 56. ou P him. Why as#in! your honey these Kuestions will brin! you soo close. 5<.Mornin! ; after beauty. "t doesnt !et any se4ier than this. 5&. The new breed of se4 Ge4pertsH spill their !enius tips. 53.The brattiest stars in >ollywood. he acts nicey ; nicey. :ut behind the scenes, her claws come out. Trust us, this chic# is vicious.
[email protected] the editors of Ma4im. nea#y test !uys use to si*e you up. 7.>is - secret se4ual needs. . Cate >udson ; What shes really li#e. 5. 9ET >"M >/T. 3 Dau!hty dares to try with you man toni!ht. We thin# weve outdone ourselves . T"e rea*i$&'"i6 mi'*ae ,$2 d$&8* &$( ,$28re mai&3. Here8' "$( ee& a 3$$d 3ir@rie&d %a& drie "er 32, a(a,. -. & surprisin! reasons Arench women stay so slim 6. Ra6i'*'8 'e%re* (ea6$&. T"e ie &e( (a, 6reda*$r' *2r& ($me& i&*$ i%*im'. <.;ire up his desire. Fittle moves that will ma#e a man burn for you. &. andra :ulloc# ; Aun fearless female of the yearI 3.<6 W0 T/ F/JE >" :/. We ta#e you on a pleasure trip around every inch of him. 0ll aboard. @.The & se4 secrets every cosmo !irl must #now. -7.>ow to feel soul8mate close to your !uy.
-. Dever !em BM a!ain% 0ma*in! cures for% crabbiness, #iller cravin!s, bloatin! so bad you cant even fit into your Gfat 1eansH -5.G" sleep with your boyfriendH evious ways man ; stealers seduce !ood !uys. -. "n love or fa#in!? These celeb couples act lovey8dovey, but their body lan!ua!e reveals the roc#y truth. --.>ot news% The bedroom tric# most women havent learned. :ut all men ache for. -6. /+2 TE0M"ET ; :E"E 0T2/F/9E2 577. Fove, se4, and life predictions to last you all year lon!. -<.6 !ames you should play in a relationship. -&. 2ip out section for !uys% turn him into a perfect lover. >and this over and prepare to have your world roc#ed. -3.The surprisin! reason you !et soo wiped out. -@.$eleb hissy fits. Weve !ot the dirt on >ollywood's hi!h ; maintenance divas (they ou!hta be span#edI) 67.Ma#e him 0che for you. 6. hoot to the top of his to8do list with our saucy moves. 65. >alle :erry ; >er most honest interview ever. 6. 5775s >/TTET E DEW. The best e4pert secrets. 0ma*in! discoveries. The top women cant #eep their hands off. 6-. :onusI 9uy special. <6 pa!es on boys, love and lust. ust chec# out the si*e of this pac#a!e. 66. e4pose. What his favorite mattress more reveals about his feelin!s for you. 6<. Ara**led? Try our instant de8stress tric#. 57.C$'m$ re6$r*> T"e '2r6ri'i&3 *"i&3 *"a* %a& mae ,$2 *ar3e* @$r ra6e. 63.Da#ed $hefsI Theyre so hot, youll burn your ton!ue when you try to lic# the pa!e. 6@. 2ead his dirty mind. The nau!hty wishes all men have. <7.-7 E E$2ET of women who are !reat in the sac# <. iscover the smartest thin! you can do as a !irlfriend.
<5.$osmo awards% best beauty stuff. ont spend a dime till you read this. <.G" found his e4 in our bedH true tales of psycho chic#s who didn't understand the meanin! of /8J8E82 <-.7 dream' ,$2 m2'* &$* i3&$re. <6. Too ; #inny stars. They swear they dont diet ; FiarsI Weve discovered the insane ways they !et to si*e. <<.Hi' 'e%re* m$a& 9$&e' =ee& "e d$e'&8* &$( "e8' 3$* Pem? <&. Catie >olmes ; The story behind that se4y smile. <3.36 >/T W0 T/ W/W 0 M0D. <@.:eware 63 and beyond are for fearless couples only. &7.0re you meant foe each other? < si!ns youd never !uess. &. $osmo true story ; GMy !yno ruined my se4 lifeH &5. ou, you, you ; tons of ways to feel today stress8free when the world !ets to be too much. &. ouble you pleasure toni!htI 9rab your !uy and learn the real meanin! of Gtwin pea#sH. &-. oull be shoc#ed by what @= of women do with their !irlfriends. &6. Faetitia $asta ; ecret life of a super model. &<. T>E T>"D9 >E $20JE "D :E. "ts !uaranteed to ma#e his pulse pound hard (better brush up on your $B2) 77./re ,$2 *$$ "$&e'* (i*" ,$2 ma&L 5 *ime' *$ 9i6 i*. &3. AoundI The se4iest 1eans (< pa!es worth) &@. :elow ; the ; belt hell. Do cosmo !irl should ever be without this over8 the ; counter lifesaver. 37.Ca23"* i& *"e /%* !$$6er' < $2r reader'> '$ !2'*ed T"eir e%2'e'> '$ !riia&*. 3. 7 seductive lines to use on a !uy. 35.The hottest thin! a woman can do. "t puts you in control ; and sends him to heavens.
3.arah Michelle 9ellar ; >er smo#in career and si**lin! romance. 3-.SEX SRVEY 74000Q GYS S+I. T"e '6e%ia i'' *"e, %rae. T"e '6$* *"e, (i'" ,$28d @i&d. T"e m$e ,$2 '"$2d $'e 6r$&*$. 36.6 ways to turn a man into a mushball. 3<.e4y hair. 9or!eous styles, no blow ; dryer reKuired. 3&. u!!est this in bed and hell boil over with desire. 33.2ead his body lan!ua!e. The 3 !estures you should never i!nore.
[email protected] alert% - tric#s rapist use in summer. @7.Cnow for sure what hes thin#in! durin! se4. @. A/2 F/JE2 /DF ; :F/W >" M"DI Weve !ot < sinfully se4y !ames. ust follow our directories and treat him to the hottest ni!ht of his life. @5.56 little rituals that ma#e love last. @.Fin!erie special. The prettiest, yummiest, underthin!s on earth. @-.Want more ener!y? >ow to ".. the @ snea#y thin!s that leave you spent. @6. $au!ht with their pants down "". 0 1uicy, 1uicy batch of embarrassin! mid8booty busts, youll lau!h so hard, your facell hurt. @<.2eal ; life read% Murder of a cosmo editor. @&. Be &a23"*, (i*" "im. Tae *"i' i*em *$ !ed. ;$$( $2r adi%e. ;ee 'i&@2, 3$$d. @3.enise 2ichards ; Tal#s about marryin! hollywoods bad boy. @@./+2 :ET E E$2ET. 0 brea#throu!h so hot, so ama*in!, e4perts are ravin! about it. 0nd will you tooI . < lovin! !estures that secretly ir# him. 5. e4y swimsuits. Warnin!% dan!erous when wetI . :rides behavin! badly. These GniceH !irls turned into tyrants and had everyone in the weddin! sin!in! Gthe comes the bitchH -. ou, you, you. Tense and cran#y? mart new ways to feel li#e yourself a!ain. 6. Da#ed MenI Well, half ; na#ed, feast your eyes on our hun#s in trun#s.
<. OPUI 0nd other stuff he wishes youd say in bed. &. ennifer Fope* ; 0nswers your burnin! Kuestions. 3. >" BFE0+2E. There are four, yes, four level of male bliss. >eres how to ta#e your !uy throu!h the roof. @. The love test.. 0nswer these 6 Kuestions to #now if hes a #eeper. 7. 9uy confession special. :ad boys reveal their dirty, despicable, dumb8ass stunts, lau!h hysterically ; and than# 9od hes not yours. . Foo# 7 pounds thinnerI We show you a fashion tric# that melts inches. 5. 2eal life read% The terrifyin! way her e4 tried to win her bac#. . our bitch list. 7 thin!s you should never apolo!i*ed for. -. >ow to tell if hes !ood in bed. 6. &6 E W0 T/ T>2"FF 0 M0D. Warnin!% by 3, hell barely remember his name. <. The < si!ns a !uy is hoo#ed &. 2eal8life read% did she poison her husband? ou be the 1ury 3. G0 :i! star made me shave her pitsH >ollywood stylist spill the bratty, bitchy, behavior celebs are desperate to #eep under wraps. @. >is butt. What the si*e, shape, and pinchtuality of those secret chee#s reveal about his true self. 57.The last se4 taboo(and why youll love brea#in! it) 5. $ameron ia* ; the !irl behind those famous blue eyes. 55./+2 M/T "QQF"D9 E +2JE. 5,777 men confess what ma#es their toes curl, even we were shoc#ed. 5. ou and him, happy as hell. >ow to stay, blissfully bonded. 5-.leep na#ed and other surprisin! ways to feel se4ier in your s#in. 56. he cau!ht a rapist with a straw. 0 se4 crimes detective tells her revertin! story. 5<.iet tric#s e4perts dont dare tell you (but we will)
5&. G" raced to my card wearin! his curtainsH The most wic#edly funny wal#8of8shame stories ever. 53.weet surrender. The one thin! you must !ive up to have utterly satisfyin! se4. 5@.:ritney pears ; Aun Aearless Aemale of the ear. 7./+2 9+ :/. - secret pleasure trails every man has (ta#e a private tour toni!htI) . :low his mindI Foc# the doors, dim the li!hts, and try this nau!hty GnumberH toni!ht. 5. e4y, e4ier, se4iest seductive new loo#s. . 2eal ; life read% >er boyfriend did a shoc#in! thin! in his sleep. $ould yours? -. Man on top. The 6 yummiest, most successful male models on earth. 6. GAor!ive me, cosmo, for " have sinnedH These readers behaved so badly, we had to punish them (see if we were to harsh) <.Turn ; on Tric#s. >ow to ma#e him ache for you all day lon!. &. :ET EJE2I :E"E 0T2/F/9E2 5775. your <6 ; day !uide to findin! true love, se4ual bliss and total harmony. 3. The & secrets of soul8mate couples. @.e4y holiday loo#s. Warnin!% it wont be a silent ni!ht. -7.9yno news your doc is too wimpy to tell you. -. 0 chillin! report% /ne cosmo reader tells how she survived the world trade center attac#. -5."s stress ma#in! you bitchy? We show you a new way to cool down ; li#e now. -. Bic#8him8+p tips from the editors of ma4im Gwhoops, " for!ot my pantiesH and more no brainier lines. --.ulia tiles and other babes on >ollywoods bu** list. -6. @@ >/T T>"D9 T/ / W"T> 0 M0D. ust wait till you try - ; hell than# 9od hes a !uy. -<. Ti!hter love. 6 ma!ic words that will totally fuse the two of you. -&. "nside <@ pa!e all about men section. With & mind8blowin! tips on mens love and lust.
-3.0re you really a !ood friend? This test will tell. -@.e4y beauty. The #noc#out loo# !uaranteed to ma#e his 1aw drop. 67.:loated? Fose 6 pounds of GpoochH by eatin! new thin!s. 6. :E >" :ET EJE2I >ow to satisfy the nau!hty male needs most women i!nore. 65. 9uys confess. 6 love8bustin! mista#es even !ood !irlfriends ma#e. 6. :eauty special. The 7 !reatest product out there. (insider swear by his stuff) 6-. 2eal ; life read ;>er fiancS died at his bachelor party. 66. The one word hes dyin! to hear durin! se4. 6<. T/+$> >"M T>" W0. The perfect pressure, his secret sweet spot and other steamy tips. 6&. :e the one the tells everythin! to. - tips to loosen his lips. 63.Aall fashion loo#s under 678778577 We found the best stuff minimal money can buy. 6@. 2eal ; life read% pretty, popular, and murdered. Why did it happen? <7.$au!ht with their panties down. They did a bad, bad thin! ; and !ot bustedI Fau!h your butt off. <. 2ule your world. <5.oes he touch you.. 0.hard? :. soft? in between? We decode his caresses. <.F+T FE/D. 7 cra*yRse4y bedroom tric#s to try toni!ht. Warnin!% our nei!hbors arent !onna li#e it. <-.Man overloadI >ow to reel in bunches of boys. <6. e4ify your loo#. :eauty moves so hot, youll melt his ice8cream cone. <<.:ummer ummer? Turn it around this minute with these tiny chan!es. <&. 6, -@& of you be!!ed to see this !uy butt na#ed. <3.aw ; droppin! $elebes's dirt no one else will tell you. <@.my car turned me onI >ilarious tales of accidental pleasure. &7.Ma#e him cra*y for you. The little word that wor#s li#e ma!ic on men.
&. E +2JE ; EE >/W /+ $/MB02E. What other women love. What other couples do. 0nd oh yes, the shoc#in! act -= you have tried. &5. The cosmo way to meet a man. 7 !enius openin! lines. &. Whats se4y now. Try it. 9rab it. 2ide it. &-. 7 (a,' *$ $2*'mar* a ra6i'*. &6. ont bend over bac#ward for himI The shoc#in! secret of women whose boyfriend are beyond shoc#ed. &<. Aeel se4ier na#ed &&. 2eese Witherspoon ; What shes never revealed. +ntil now. &3. >" :/ (0 +E2 M0D+0F) The touch, the tic#le, the pinch ; We !uarantee theyll tantali*e him. &@. Man mysteries solved. Why he does that when hes alone.. and other se4y secrets hed never dare tell 37.The lin!erie issueI Ba!es and pa!es of delicious underthin!s so soultry, theyll ma#e any man st8st8stutter. 3. - si!ns hes way whipped over you. 35.Cic# these creeps out of my bed. ou wont believe the depraved, disastrous thin!s !uys said and did after doin! the deed. 3.ou, you, youI 0 wac#y limit way to double your luc# ; and adore your life. 3-.+MME2 :E"E 0T2/F/9E2. Will you fall in love? /r 1ust lust? Weve !ot your months passion forecast. 36.The cosmo way to ma#e a man commit. (its shoc#in!ly easy) 3<.e4iest swimsuits. :i#inis, tan#inis, and bare ; to ; there thon!s. 3&. 2each the deepest level of love. 33.6 surprisin! secrets super ti!ht couples #now.
[email protected]>e saw me buyin! !ranny pantiesH 2eaders reveal their most e4cruciatin!. E!o8 shatterin! e48boyfriend bump8ins. @7.- se4y studs. ou wont believe the bad, bad thin!s we made them do.
@. TE0E 0D BFE0E >"MI The ma!ic fin!er +p tric#, the start8stop8start techniKue, a wild new use for your loofah. @5. The confessions issueI ou nau!hty, nau!hty !irlsI The most si**lin!, sinful, shameful, secrets weve ever collected. @.e4y breasts. 0 darin! tric# only a cosmo chic# would try. @-.>ow to ma#e him fall hard. 6 little ways to loc# up his heart and throw away the #ey. @6. GBlease, noIH The shoc#in! murder of a perfect !irl. @<.MeowI Why actin! 1ust li#e a cat, will !et people to come to you. @&. our !uys horoscope. Taurus? 0ries? /ur steamy astro cards tell how to seduce every si!n. @3.T+2D >"M /D F"CE $20Q. The sound. The tastes. The touches that will electrify every inch of his body @@.Tantali*e >imI The surprisin! reason bein! a little bratty will drive him loco with lust. . & se4y sprin! loo#s Blus% your fashion horoscope (Whats ri!ht for your si!n) 5. Women who lead double lives. Gmy boyfriends clueless about my three secrets loversH . The new birth control everyones tal#in! about. -. ou on top. 5 ways to ta#e control and love your insane life. 6. Try this with him toni!ht. <. E"ET +2JE ; 5,677 MED 2EJE0F. Their nau!htiest wishes. >ow to flip their switches. &. eeper, sweeter love.
is father saw me butt na#edH The most mortifyin! meet the parents moments ever. . >"M $20JE /+I The loo#. The !i!!le. The !rab that will !et him Kuiverin! for desire.
-. Ma#e him your sensual soul mate. The incredible heartbeat tric# and other ways to feel totally fused to your man. 6. e4y hair. The hottest new styles ; includin! the romantic, the mermaid, and the se4 #itten. <. G>ave you seen my stal#er? >es still out thereH &. 3 fun, se4y ways to ma#e this your most famous fab of the year ever. 3. 3 pa!es of men in GundiesH and what your !uys choice reveals about him @. :o4ers? :riefs? /r Dothin!? 57.The lamest, most lau!hable e4cuses real do!s used to dump their !irlfriends. 5. G"m marryin! her, so " need the rin! bac#H 55.:E"E 0T2/F/9E2 577. our <6 ; day !uide to love, passion, success, money. Blus% your luc#iest day 5. 9et this close to him. < thin!s he needs from you but doesnt dare say. 5-.ou se4y party thon!I himmerin! eyes, nails, (even hair) that draw men li#e moths to a flame. 56. >un#s, hun#s, hun#sI ummy shots of tom. :en, Matt, ude. 5<.- words that can stop a datin! rape. 5&. :E 0D 0M0Q"D9 C"E2. /ur sensuous, smooches, includin! the heavenly hummin!bird, will ma#e him addicted to 53.Man ; meltin! massa!e. The ma!ic ways to touch his bac#, arms, even his earlobes. 5@.@& se4y dates loo#s under 678778577. 7.The confession issueI (This time, !uys tell all) . The most pattern, ridiculous, outra!eous thin!s theyve even done. Ma#e you !irlfriends roar with lau!hter. 5. Baychec# e4pose% down and dirty detail about what other women earn. . Area#y si!ns hes fallin! for you (clue % he seems distant all of a sudden) -. 9et your period only when you want ; or not at all (2eallyI) 6. 0lyssa Milano ; >ow she bounced bac# from love trouble.
<.M0CE >"M 0FF /+2. Blay cosmos fantasy !ame with him toni!ht ; and win his undyin! love. &. >ow to ma#e him love you. tron!er, deeper, forever. 3.$osmos beauty special <6V super8se4y ideas for hair, eyes, mouth, cleava!eI @.9yno horrors. Easy (private)fi4es for your must humiliatin! down8there scares. -7.- times it pays to flirt at wor#. -. AreeI $osmos nau!hty note cards -5.Fisa Cudrow ; The !uilty pleasure she cant live withoutI -. E ; 20TE. >ow sin8sational are you? Fearn the secret ways to be a bad, bad !irl in bed and we !uarantee hell feel sooo !ood. --."s he the really the one? @ weird ways to tell. -6. -6V fall fashion finds the se4iest clothes, shoes, boots, ba!s, and moreI -<.Ma#e him you love slave. -&. pray your perfume here and other tric#s that !uarantee hell !a!a for !ood. -3.Gmy sister married my husbandH [email protected] mornin! after. 67.>ow to sKuash his post ; noo#y paranoia. 6. C0M0 +T20 . you be!!ed for more. /ur new batch (I) is soo intense and tantali*in!, hell want to tattoo your name on his chest. 65. 7 !irlfriends !oof ; ups. Teeny weeny thin!s you do that wor# his last scene. 6. ou say% owI >e says% wowI The na#ed truth about the :ra*ilian bi#ini wa4. 6-. Erotic astrolo!y. earchin! for your se4ual soul mate? uss him out with this ama*in! strate!y. 66. Bamper our inner princess. 6<. 5 ways to spoil yourself for the ne4t to the dou!h. 6&. $au!ht with their pants downI :edroom bust thatll ma#e you die lau!hin! ; and vow to loc# the door. 63.Ma#e him ache for you. /ur < fris#y phrases will have him burnin! up by bedtime.
6@. /+2 :"99ET E +2JE EJE2. Thousand of !uys reveal what sends them over the ed!e (their answers will shoc# youI) <7.>ow to mesmeri*e a man at.. < minutes, < wee#s, < months. <. >ave a se4 ; #itten summer. beauty ideas that will ma#e him purrrr. <5.D$ ,$2 dread *"e 3,&$L H$( %$6e (i*" %$d "a&d'. Kier 2e'*i$&' a&d $*"er i%, m$me&*' <.$ra*yI DutsoI BsychoI G" escaped my rapistH <-.>is Fusty wish list. <6. 2ebecca 2omi1in tamos ;/n men, movies, and the nude ni!ht that chan!ed her life. <<.BF0 W"T> /+2 9+ T/D"9>TI We dare you to try our tear ; cut couple card for a ni!ht of nau!hty adventure. (hint% both players win) <&. "ntensify you love. ay these & little words and seal the deal on his devotion. <3.e4y summer beauty. Tan8tali*in! touch8me s#in. imple, seductive ma#eup. <@.ou, you, youI ecret ways to stop stressin! on hideous days. &7.$/M/ 2E0E2 $/DAEI ,77 of you reveal the wild thin!s that ma#e a man whimper (warnin!% dont try them all in one ni!ht) &. ump ; start his heart. hare a secret #ind of #iss and other ways to made him cra*y for you. &5. $osmos !et en!a!ed !uide. & si!ns youre really ready. >ow to !et him to as# (it can be done). The most da**lin! diamond rin!s. &. T"e "$**e'* *"i&3 ,$2 %a& d$ (i*" a ma&. W"e& ,$2 $&, "ae 10 mi&2*e'. &-. :E/D C0M0 +T20 ; T0DT2"$ E. 9rab your !uy and try these 5 ecstasy ; elevatin! moves and positions ; includin! the outra!eous Groc#erH &6. ou #now he loves when.. < hidden clues hes head over heels. &<. The confessions issueI The most over8the8top, eye poppin!, 1aw ;droppin! secrets cosmo has ever uncovered. (!et ready blush) &&. till tired after sleepin!? Aind the e4tra ener!y you didnt #now you had. &3. G0m " a man or a woman?H hoc#in! but true stories of what its li#e now to #now. &@. >air whats se4iest now.
37.+nleash you inner seductress. @ little !estures that ma#e !uys to wea#. 3. Mimie river 8 listen to how she finally found lastin! love. 35.>/W T/ T/+$> 0 D0CE M0D. >is 7 secret hot spots. E4actly how to caress them. The 5 seconds that leads to utter ecstasy 3.Ma#e his love last. 3-.- snea#y ways to melt a mans heart. 36.Massa!e him, #nead him, totally please him ; three ma!ical thin!s your fin!ers can do. 0nd its now what you thin#. 3<.The !yno crisis woman dreads. What to do it if happens to you. 3&. G" threw her panties in his faceH 33.+BE2"QE /+2 E F"AE. Ta#e home 7 tasty tips from the worlds lustiest lovers. Trust us hell never !et his fill of you. 3@.:i!!er, better love. @7.9et cosmo cleava!e. The 0:$s (and os) of curves that will ma#e men stiff. @. 0re you on the internet na#ed? Berverts are usin! the internet cameras to broadcast womens most private moments. $osmo investi!ates. @5.Why half of >ollywood has !iven up carts. @.The "ncredible #iss that can catch and #eep any !uy. @-.0J0D$E F/JE2 /DFI ou must try the Gan!elH and 3 other si**lin! positions so hot, youll burn a hole throu!h the bed. @6. e4 tric#s only cosmos would #now. 57 earth ; Kua#in! moves that will ma#e him plead for mercy ;and be! for more. @<.uper ; se4y hair and ma#eup. (be a 5st century fo4I) @&. he put what in where? /utra!eous diet, and healthy re!iments that >ollywood stars swear by. @3."s you s#in a!in! too fast? @@.< words that will ma#e him worship you.
. When not to do it on the third date. @,777 !uys reveal the new romance rules. 5. :E"E 0T2/F/9E2 5777. your cosmic !uide to men, se4, money, and more in the new millennium. . :e the !irl every !uy wants. -. & tiny tric#s that ma#e men melt. ( We tell you e4actly what they are) 6. The worlds 3 se4iest models. Theyve !ot the ups, the eyes, the hair, and the bods that are oh8so8cosmo. . I' ,$2r 6eri$d (a, *$$ 6ai&@2L Weird %2re' *"a* ($r. &. Lui*% 0re you too hard on yourself? 3. $/M/ E $>//F. tudy up on seduction. Fearn new tric#s with your lips. Earn an 0V under the covers. >ow !o to the head of his class. @. The cosmo !uy test. & simple, snea#y ways to tell if hes fallin! hard. 7. Foo# se4ier in clothes. Ta#e our tear8out color cards shoppin! and (finally) find the perfect hues for you. . our se4ual health. The bi! mista#e !ynos ma#e with youn! women and how to protect yourself now. 5. $osmos confidence course. >ow to be the fearless babe who never flinches. . 0re you a datin! disaster? 6 habits that can drive him away. -. The 0!ony issueII 2eaders confess their most twisted, problems8 and we come to the rescue. 6. 9"JE >"M T>E E /A >" 2E0M. The ama*in! middle eastern techniKue that will actually double his pleasure. <. &6 se4y >ollywood loo#s and how to !et them. 17. C$'m$8' %"ari'ma '%"$$. &ea'" *"e "idde& 2ai*, *"a* (i mae ,$2 *"e m$'* ma3&e*i% 3ir i& a&, r$$m. 3. G" stalled my crushH Totally normal women confess the cra*y, borderline psycho stuff the did when were obsessed with a !uy. @. /pen you mouth. The scary thin! your ton!ue color (pin#? White? :rown?) can reveal about your health.
57.Ma#e him lust for you. The most erotic way to unhoo# your bra ; and more tantali*e him tric#s. 1.B$,@rie&d N$-N$8'. W"a* ,$2 '"$2d 'a, =$r 'e&d? 55.Deve $ampbells new rules for love. 5. >" E$2ET E B/T. ou #now about his 98spot. Dow be the first to find his $8 spot and J8spot. Touch both toni!ht and youll have to pool him off the ceilin!. 5-.Tell "nstantly if hes your soul mateI (What the shape of his face reveals about him? 56. The bedroom tric# that will blow him away. (all you need is a hair scrunches) 5<.>ow >ollywood stylists ma#e chubby celebs loo# slee# P se4y. 5&. $ra*y busy? - brilliant ways to !et everythin! done. 53.>ow to ma#e a man yours forever (or for as lon! as you want him) 5@.$/M/ C0M0 +T20 5. 5 nau!hty new se4 positions, includin! our personal favorite ; Gthe dra!onH 7.Fust survey. ,777 men confess their deepest, dar#est, dirtiest desires ; and the se4 positions they ran#ed . . Tear ; out tarot cards. Fearn your love destiny ri!ht here, ri!ht now. 5. Weird cramps? Wic#ed itches? Bre!nancy panic? . The ama*in! thin! to do with your eyes that will ma#e any man choose you. -. :e the babe who never stops. - simple ways to feel soo ener!etic. 6. T>E E "+E. our man un*ipped, how to be a !enius with his you8#now8what. <.$osmos new boyfriend rules. nea#y ways you can brea# down all his love barriers. &. >ollywoods hottest haircuts. >ow to !et the se4iest bedhead loo#s (includin! Me!'s) 3.9uy butt watch @@. tons of tons, utterly, fat8 ass8 tic na#ed star buns @. When you flic#ed the bitch switch. - times you must be nasty ; not nice. -7.ee how these real women sna!!ed hun#y celeb husbands. -. 6 perfect pic#up lines. Dever a!ain let a !uy !et away because you cant anythin! to say.
-5.A2EE "DT2+$T"/D $02I E T2"$C >E DEJE2 EED :EA/2E. The outra!eous Groc#H techniKue and 5 other moves that will ma#e his thi!hs !o up in flames -. Meet a !uy by the fourth of uly. These < se4y tips will have scores of sun8bron*ed studs be!!in! to be your beach boy. --.M$&e, S2%%e'' Ha66i&e''L T"e @rea, i**e mi&d *ri% *"a* mae' dream' %$me *r2e. -6. G" made out with Matt illonH True stories of real who !et hit on by ma1or stars. -<.The love mista#es even smart women ma#e. -&. Cr$*%" %ri'i'. F '%ar, *"i&3' 3,&$' *e ,$2 a&d (", ,$2 '"$2d&8* (i3 $2*. -3.E8$F+"JE ; ,777 men confess, the sKuee*es, lic#s, and teases they lon! for ; and the most important sKuare inch on a mans body. -@.)I %a& '*ea ,$2r !$,@rie&d T"e (a, *$ !ea* ma&-&a!!i&3 !i*%"e' a* *"eir $(& ei 3ame. 67.>ealth shoc#er. 0 #iller virus you can catch from his toothbrush. 51.T"e $&e %$$r *"a* (i mae ,$2 i&'*a&*, "a66,. 65. The star who bedded her cousin. 6. Be *"e 3ir eer,$&e8' d,i&3 *$ &$(. 6-. 6 spotli!ht8!rabbin! tric#s you can try toni!ht. 66. :i#ini teenyI imple moves that !et you slee# in - wee#s. 6<. H$( *$ !e%$me a ma& ma3&e*. 6&. 5 ways to tempt, tease, and intri!ue him into only havin! eyes for you. 63.+SH HIS +E/SRE BTTONS. ;a'* a&d "ardL S(ee* a&d '$(L H$( *$ 'a'' $2* *"e i&d $@ 'e "e 'e%re*, %rae' a&d mae "im ,$2r *$*a $e 'ae. 6@. 5 %$me-a&d-3e*-me *ri%'. T"e, mae me& %$me *"r$23" %r$(ded r$$m' *$ mee* ,$2. <7.The confession issueI The steamiest, 1uiciest, most outra!eous and mortifyin! true stories youve ever heard. (:onus% shoc#in! celeb secrets too) <. 7 >ollywood haircuts to copy ri!ht now.