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College of St. John-Roxas Gov. Atila Balgos Ave., Banica, Roxas City Teacher Certificate Program First Semester, SY 2013-2014 COURSE OUTLINE
I. Course No. and Title: Social Dimensions of Education II. Course Description: This course introduces the students to an overview of social science theories and researches that are related to education. It emphasizes the basic assumption that education is a social function hence the attempt to understand and master the educative process must be based on a comprehensive understanding of social theories and issues. It seeks to develop within the learners a deeper sense of social awareness through analysis of current issues and concerns affecting the ed ucational system. Through the various learning activities, the students are expected to gain a more positive attitude towards people and society as well as deeper interest to be of service to others. III. General Objectives : At the end of one semester, the students will be able to:
1. Develop a broader understanding of social con ditions related to the educational system based on sociological perspectives 2. Apply the different theoretical perspectives of sociology in analyzing the current problems and issues of society 3. Situate the learning process in the present socio-cultural contex t 4. Address the needs of future learners with different cultural backgrounds and characteristics characteristics I. MODULE 1- INTRODUCTION TO THE SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF EDUCATION Lesson 1 Sociological Perspectives of Society What is Society? What Is a Theory? Structural-Functionalism Conflict Consensus Symbolic Interactionism Lesson 2 Developing the Social Self Charles H. Cooley’s The Looking Glass Self George Herbert Mead On Social Theory Lesson 3 Education for Growth and Transformation: UNESCO’s Four Pillars of Learning
Learning to Know Learning to Do Learning to Live Together Learning to Be
MODULE 2 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Lesson 1 The Importance of Intercultural Communication Tribal Identification Culture: The Basis for Intercultural Communication Characteristics of Culture Components of Culture Importance of Culture Intercultural Communication: Concepts and Principles Recognizing and Managing Diversity Tips for Successful Multicultural Communication Peace Education Lesson 2 Language In Intercultural Communication Communication
What Is Language? Components of Language
Importance of Language in Intercultural Communication Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Types of Meaning
Lesson 3 Socio-Cultural Change Definition of Social and Cultural Change Theories and Factors of Socio-Cultural Change Processes of Socio-Cultural Change People’s Responses to Socio-Cultural Change Multiculturalism In the School Setting MODULE 3 SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS Lesson 1 Characteristics and Functions of Social Institutions Characteristics of Social Institutions Functions of Social Institutions Major Social Institutions Lesson 2 The Family Characteristics of the Filipino Family Functions of the family Family Patterns Lesson 3 The School Functions of School Manifest and Latent Functions of Education Lesson 4 Religion as Institution Characteristics of Religion Functions of Religion Elements of Religion Lesson 5 Economic Institutions Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Basic Economic Problems Lesson 6 Government as Institution Functions of Government MODULE 4 GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT Lesson 1 Theories of Gender Development Social learning Theory Cognitive-Developmental Theory Gender Schema Theory Lesson 2 Gender Stereotyping as a Social Phenomenon Issues of Sexism and Gender Inequality Gender Equality, Power and Feminism Lesson 3 Gender, Education and Development Advocacy for Gender Equality and Its Basis MODULE 5 GLOBALIZATION AND EDUCATION Lesson 1 What Is Globalization? Overview of Globalization Characteristics of Globalization Linked to Education Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Issues on Globalization Lesson 2 Global Education What is Global Education? Core Values and Competencies for Global Education Role of Education in Understanding Globalization Lesson 3 Globalization and Its Impact on Education Content of Education Fall Out of Globalization Education in the New Milieu Lesson 4 Education for Sustainable Development