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Descripción: ECIH
St. Peter’s College Ormoc City COURSE OUTLINE Faculty: Christopher Fera!e"
School #ear: $%&'($%&)
*epartmet: E!ucatio
Semester: First Semester
I. Course Course Co!e+ Co!e+Ti Title: tle: E!uc, E!uc,,+ ,+ Pricip Priciples les o- Te Teachig achig $ II. Cour Course se *esc *escrip riptio tio: : The course introduces prospective secondary and elementary teachers to knowledge and understanding of the subject area which includes: foundational disciplines, structural components and models of teaching and assessment strategies. These will provide the students with with the the theo theorretic etical al and and unde underp rpin inni ning ngs s in teach teachin ing g and and deve develo lop p concepts, skills, attitudes and values related to the subject area.
Course Object Objective ives: s: At the III. Course the end end of the the cour course se,, the the stud studen ents ts sh shal alll better able to: 1. Eplain the nature of the subject area and how it is learned and taught! ". #ite di$erent principles peculiar to the teaching and learning the subject area! %. &evelop mastery in teaching in di$erent subject areas by developing and internali'ing attitudes and values applicable to the area! (. Ac)uire in applying principles of teaching*learning associated with the subjec subjectt area! area! imple impleme menti nting ng teach teaching ing strate strategie gies s appro appropri priate ate for subject area I. Course Cre!it+Time /llotmet: I. Course Re3uiremets . 4ra!ig System
Preset a! Case aalysis !escri?e the Traiig Nee! /alysis
LC* Case material
Fee!?ac@ sessio
2. *e=elopig Traiig O?Aecti=es
*escri?e hoB ShoB(a!(Tell to !e=elop traiig o?Aecti=es
a!(outs Paper Pecil
Fee!?ac@ sessio >
1.Outliig Traiig *iscuss the 0 Case aalysis Cotet steps outlie approach to esta?lish its cotet
LC* Case 9aterial
Fee!?ac@ sessio
'. Traiig 9etho!s a! /i!s
*iscuss illustrate !i--eret traiig metho!s.
Case presetatio
).*e=elopig the Traiig Pla
Illustrate the Lecture a! Case Fee!?ac@ sessio use o- ROPES small group assigmet > mo!el i !iscussio *iscussio orgai"ig the traiig presetatio