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Prof. Dr. Syed Azizi Wafa School of Business and Economics 320000 ext. 0!" : sazizi#ums.edu.my
Due Due to the the str stron$ and mode moderrn de%el e%elo o&me &ments nts that hat ha% ha%e ta' ta'en &lace lace in telecommunications and trans&ortation( the )orld seems to ha%e shrun' and is often often referred referred to as a *$lo+al %illa$e,. %illa$e,. -hese -hese ha%e +rou$ht +rou$ht a+out an increased increased interaction +et)een mana$ers mana$ers from from %arious cultures. cultures. -he increase increase in the num+er and stren$th of multinational cor&orations from America( Euro&e( a&an and /orea has has ofte oftent ntim imes es +rou$h +rou$htt a+ou a+outt a clash clash )ith local local cultu culturres. es. As a resu result( lt( it is im&ortant that mana$ers understand culture and the im&lications of culture in the de%elo&ment of indi%idual and $rou& culture as )ell as mana$ement style. -his course )ill em&hasize on the dierences dierences in mana$ement mana$ement &ractices as a resul resultt of dierenc dierences es in cultu culture re.. 1o 1ocus cus )ill +e $i%en $i%en to)ard to)ards s loo'in loo'in$ $ at the dierences dierences +et)een the Western Western and Eastern mana$ement mana$ement styles. -o&ics that )ill )ill +e discus discussed sed includ include e the inter interact action ion +et)e +et)een en cultur culture e and or$an or$aniza izatio tion( n( strate$y and culture( human resource and culture( leadershi& and culture( as )ell as on commu communic nicati ation on and ne$ot ne$otiat iation ion.. lass lass discuss discussion ions s )ill )ill focus focus on the &racti &ractices ces of Wester estern n multin multinat ation ional al and Easte Eastern rn multin multinati ationa onall cor&o cor&ora ratio tions. ns. urrent cultural issues in mana$ement in alaysia and the ASEA4 re$ion )ill also +e discussed in this course.
-he course o+5ecti%es are to: •
ex&ose students to the conce&t of culture and the role of culture in de%elo&in$ indi%idual as )ell as $rou& +eha%iour and mana$ement style. e%aluate and com&are the similarities and dierences +et)een the mana$ement style and &ractices of 4s from the East and the West. -his includes the issues in leadershi&( decision ma'in$( or$anisational structure( &erformance a&&raisal( trainin$ and de%elo&ment. 6earn ho) to mana$e cultural dierences in or$anisations as )ell as learn )hat it ta'es for an or$anisation to +ecome truly $lo+al ex&ose students to the a&&lica+ility of Western theories in the alaysian and Asian context. to facilitate students in understandin$ the dierences and similarities in social culture in the alaysian en%ironment es&ecially +et)een alays( hinese and 7ndians. to a&&ly theoretical conce&ts to o&erational situations throu$h case studies and &ro5ect.
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At the end of the course( students should +e a+le to: 1.
8eco$nize the similarities and dierences +et)een cultures and the role of culture in de%elo&in$ an indi%idual as )ell as $rou& +eha%iour and mana$ement style of an or$anisation. Ex&lain ho) culture in9uence or$anisations es&ecially or$anisational structure( strate$y( human resource mana$ement and other &rocesses in or$anisations. om&are and contrast ho) the %arious mana$erial functions such as &lannin$( or$anisin$( leadershi& and control is +ein$ &racticed dierently as a result of the in9uence of culture. se cultural dimensions in the formulation of &lannin$( or$anisin$( leadershi& and control acti%ities to mana$e the o&erations of the or$anization.
LECTURE SCHEDULE EE 1-" 2' 3$ " 5" "
TOPIC 7ntroduction to the course -he eanin$s and Dimensions of ulture Western and Eastern Business ultures ulture and ana$ement Styles ulture and or&orate Structures ulture and han$e( and ar'etin$
4" " 6" 10" 11" 12" 13" 1"
ultural Di%ersity MID(TERM BREA ulture and ommunication Barriers to 7ntercultural ommunication 4e$otiatin$ 7nternationally on9icts and ultural Dierences De%elo&in$ 7ntercultural 8elationshi&s ultures of alaysia Semester 8e&ort Presentation
lass Exercise • • •
ase study and &resentation 30< =uiz 0< ulture in action 20<
1inal Exam
????? 1007 @@@@
Schneider( S. . Barsoux( . 6. 2003. Prentice all.
Managing Across Cultures . Euro&e:
Wafa( Syed Azizi.20>. ana$ement Styles of alaysian ana$ers. /ota /ina+alu( Pener+it S. Browaeys, M. J. and Price, R.. 2008. Understanding Cross(Cultural Management : En$land: Pearson Education.
-er&stra( K. Da%id /. "". The Cultural 'nvironment of International Business. (rd ed. 4e) Gor': South Western Pu+lishin$ o. 1atehi( /. "";. International Management: A Cross-Cltral and !nctional Pers"ecti#e. 4e) ersey: Prentice all.
O"e$ )*"*%')& *'8%$m)"*%' Le!"#$e- -he &rimary teachin$ techniLues shall +e the lectureMdiscussion method. Students are res&onsi+le for readin$ the assi$ned material +eforehand. -he lecturer )ill only discuss the to&ics )hich are deemed to +e im&ortant and that may reLuire further ela+oration. Students are encoura$ed to share their ex&erience on the lectured to&ic and may as' Luestions on issues that they do not understand at any &oint durin$ class( or after class. C)-e S"#9 :307; -he ase study method )ill +e used extensi%ely in class to assist students in understandin$ and a&&lyin$ the 'no)led$e learned in this course. Students )ill +e di%ided into teams of 3J> indi%iduals and each team must su+mit the case study re&ort for all the cases assi$ned to the class. o)e%er each team )ill +e res&onsi+le to &resent only one case study re&ort durin$ the )hole semester. -his )ill +e &re assi$ned at the +e$innin$ of the semester. -he &resentation )ill +e $raded +ased on the follo)in$: Business 6i'e AttireN Presentation S'illsN AudioMKideoMPo)er Point =ualityN ontents of PresentationN and =uestion and Ans)er Session S'ills. 7n &re&arin$ the case study re&ort( students must follo) the follo)in$ format:
ASE SA8G Summarise the case study usin$ your o)n )ords. -he len$th should not +e more than one &a$e. P8B6E S-A-EE46ist all &ro+lems. Discuss the &ro+lems )ithin the case. Dierentiate sym&toms from &ro+lems. State your <$%=&em -")"eme'" +y inte$ratin$ the &ro+lems and loo'in$ from a conce&tual %ie) A6-E84A-7KE S-8A-EI7ES Brainstorm the alternati%e solutions for your &ro+lem. hoose the +est "$ee %$ 8%#$ alternati%e strate$ies. -he alternati%es must +e a+le to resol%e the &ro+lem stated. -he alternati%e should +e an a&&roach )ith a &attern of action to resol%e the &ro+lem :4- S-EPS or A-7K7-7ES. Descri+e each alternati%e +rie9y: alf Pa$e Each EKA6A-74 1 A6-E84A-7KE S-8A-EI7ES 7f the strate$y is im&lemented( )hat are the &ossi+le &ositi%e and ne$ati%e outcomes. E%aluate each alternati%e strate$y. -E BES- S-8A-EIG A4D S-717A-74 hoose the +est strate$y to resol%e the &ro+lem stated. -he strate$y can +e a com+ination of the strate$ies listed. ustify )hy it is the +est a&&roach chosen. Do not merely re&eat the stren$ths listed in the e%aluation &art 7P6EE4-A-74 Di%ide im&lementation into -%$" )' &%' term im&lementation. Descri+e the im&lementation of the strate$y chosen in detail(( ste& +y ste&. 7n the lon$ term im&lementation( try to resol%e all the other &ro+lems in the case not co%ered +y your &ro+lem statement. Descri+e ste&s necessary in ho) to &re%ent the &ro+lems from recurrin$ in future.
-his is an indi%idual assi$nment. Each student is reLuired to &re&are a PWE8P74- re&ort )hich is descriptive in nature) descri+in$ a forei$n culture. 7nformation relatin$ to the culture and its characteristics should +e &ro%ided throu$h &ictures( %ideos( son$s( dances from $o$$lin$ throu$h the internet( ne)s&a&ers or ma$azines or any other &rintMonline media. -he re&ort should +e around O minutes lon$. A co&y of the re&ort must +e su+mitted throu$h a com&act disc. And su+mitted durin$ the &resentation in class.