CSWIP 3.1 Beginners can use this pdf for exam. CSWIP 3.1 Practical Pipe Examples AND VERY HELPFUL FOR THE TEST. I PERSONALLY REFERRED THIS PDF FOR MY OWN EXAM AND I SCORED 81%. EVERY B…Description complète
CSWIP 3.1 Beginners can use this pdf for exam. CSWIP 3.1 Practical Pipe Examples AND VERY HELPFUL FOR THE TEST. I PERSONALLY REFERRED THIS PDF FOR MY OWN EXAM AND I SCORED 81%. EVERY B…Descrição completa
CSWIP 3.1 Beginners can use this pdf for exam. CSWIP 3.1 Practical Pipe Examples AND VERY HELPFUL FOR THE TEST. I PERSONALLY REFERRED THIS PDF FOR MY OWN EXAM AND I SCORED 81%. EVERY B…Full description
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CSWIP 3.1 Training Questions for Pipe Sample Training Training 1. provided . Answer all 20 questions on the separate Candidate Answer Sheet provided. our our answers to !e mar"e# mar"e# with an $ in the appropriate appropriate !o%. !o%. our our a&&eptan&e &riteria is to !e !ase# on the requirements requirements of TWI code 02 Name: ……………………………………………… Signature: …..................... …................................. ................... ....... Date: ……………… The Wed !ace. 1.
What What is the the ma%i ma%imu mum m e%& e%&es ess s wel# wel# metal metal to to !e !e foun foun# # on on 'ou 'ourr sam sampl ple e an# an# woul woul# # 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings a* +lush !* , 2.-mm &* 3.0 mm #* /.- mm e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With With reg regar ar#s #s to the the surf surfa& a&e e pro) pro)le le whi& whi&h h of the the fol follo lowin wing g &omme &omment nts s !es !estt mat&hes 'our assessment an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings a* Toe !len# generall' goo# !* Toe !en# en# an# an# surfa urfa& &e pr pro)le )le gen gener eral all' l' goo# oo# &* Poor oor to toe !le !len n# wi with go goo# su surfa& fa&e pr pro)le #* Poor oor toe toe !le !len# n# in &er &erta tain in ar areas eas pro) pro)le le gene genera rall ll' 'g goo oo#. #. e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With With refe refere ren& n&e e to in& in&om ompl plet ete e )lle )lle# # groo grooe e whi whi&h &h of of the the follo followi wing ng !es !estt mat& mat&he hes s 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings a* o in&omplete )lle# grooe isuall' #ete&te#. !* +ull wel# length &* -0 to 40mm length #* 10mm to 20mm in length e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With With refe refere ren& n&e e to sla slag g in in&l &lus usio ions ns whi& whi&h h of the the foll follow owin ing g !est !est mat& mat&hes hes 'our 'our assessment of the total a&&umulatie length an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings. a* 10 to 1-mm in length !* 1- to 20mm in length &* , -mm #* o sla slag g iin n&lus lusions iisuall' #ete&te# e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
5C Pipe T1. Issue 1. 6ate7 08908910
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With referen&e to &ap un#er&ut whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings. a* A&&umulatie length -0 to 80mm !* A&&umulatie length 10 to /0mm &* o &ap un#er&ut isuall' #ete&te# #* A&&umulatie Intermittent length 300mm e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to &ap un#er&ut whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings. a* 6epth , 1.0mm !* 6epth 2.-mm all sharp &* 5a%imum #epth appro%imatel' 2.0 mm some areas sharp #* o &ap un#er&ut isuall' #ete&te#. e* A&&ept f* e(e&t.
With referen&e to surfa&e porosit' what is the ma%imum single pore si:e an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings. a* ; , 0.-mm !* ; 1.0mm &* ; 2.0mm #* o porosit' isuall' #ete&te# e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
egar#ing 'our samples parent material whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t. a* =ne ar& stri"e isi!le no me&hani&al #amage !* Two ar& stri"es plus me&hani&al #amage isi!le &* =ne ar& stri"es plus me&hani&al #amage isi!le #* o ar& stri"es isi!le me&hani&al #amage isi!le. e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to question num!er 3 whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings a* In&omplete )lle# grooe asso&iate# with la&" of si#ewall fusion appro%imatel' 2-mm in length. !* In&omplete )lle# grooe onl'. &* In&omplete )lle# grooe asso&iate# with la&" of si#ewall fusion full wel# length. #* one of the a!oe. e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
5C Pipe T1. Issue 1. 6ate7 08908910
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With referen&e to the general wel#?parent pipe &on#ition whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings. a* @oth wel# an# parent pipe &lean an# rea#' for &oating. !* Spatter note# throughout parent pipe an# wel# area requires further &leaning &* Spatter note# in one or two areas a&&epta!le for appli&ation of &oating #* er' hea' spatter note# &ap run requires grin#ing Bush !efore the appli&ation of the &oating e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
The Wed "oot 11.
With referen&e to root un#er&ut whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our assessment of the total a&&umulatie length an# is it a&&epta!le or re(e&ta!le. a* -mm !* /0 to 80mm &* 1< to 20mm #* 120mm e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to pipe misalignment whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our isual assessment of the plate sample an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings. a* 2.0mm !* , 1.-mm &* -mm #* one of the a!oe e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to e%&essie root penetration whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our assessment of the highest in#ii#ual point measure# an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings a* , 3.0mm !* 4mm &* +lush #* 3.-mm e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to the parent material &on#ition whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our assessment an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t the parent material &on#ition a* ea' rusting throughout requires &leaning !* 5aterial stamping mar"Ds requires !len#ing. &* The parent material &on#ition is generall' &lean throughout #* ea' mill s&ale note# requires further &leaning e* A&&ept
5C Pipe T1. Issue 1. 6ate7 08908910
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With referen&e to the &ollapse of the root resulting in a !urn through whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings. a* =ne isi!le , 4mm in #iameter. !* o !urn through isi!le. &* Three isi!le of arious #iameters #* Two isi!le not e%&ee#ing -mm in #iameter e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to root &on&ait' whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings. a* 130mm a&&umulatie length !* , 10 mm , 1.-mm #epth &* =ne area 23mm in length , 1mm #epth #* o root &on&ait' isi!le e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to root &ra&"ing whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t the o!sere# #efe&t a* o &ra&"s isi!le !* =ne &rater &ra&" isi!le &* =ne longitu#inal &ra&" isi!le , -mm in length #* one of the a!oe e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to la&" of root penetration whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings a* 1< to 20mm in total length !* 30mm in length &* 12 to 1-mm in length #* one of the a!oe e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
With referen&e to la&" of root fusion whi&h of the following !est mat&hes 'our )n#ings an# woul# 'ou a&&ept or re(e&t 'our )n#ings a* All sharp !* A&&umulatie length 40 to 4-mm &* 130mm a&&umulatie length #* one of the a!oe e* A&&ept f* e(e&t
our oerall assessment of the wel# sample is7 a* A&&ept !* e(e&t.