The contribution of this paper is in suggesting an analysis and design of a control system with variable parameters. By applying the recommended by the author method of the Advanced D partitioning the system's stability can be analyzed in details. Th
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a list with many google search parametersFull description
Correct 4. Lo o k a t t h e f o l l o w i n g c o d e : DECLARE CURSORemp_curs(p_dept_idemployees.depart CURSORemp_curs(p_ dept_idemployees.department_id%TYPE)IS ment_id%TYPE)IS SELECT*FROMemployees WHEREdepartment_id=p_dept_id; v_emp_recemp_curs%ROWTYPE; v_deptidNUMBER(4):=50; BEGIN OPENemp_curs(--PointA--); .... Youwanttoopenthecursor,passingvalue50totheparameter.Whicho Youwanttoopenthecursor,passingvalue50 totheparameter.Whichofthefol fthefol lowingarecorrectatPointA? MarkforReview (1)Points 50 v_deptid 100/2 Alloftheabove.(*)