Annex 2 or the Pastoral Finance Council (PFC) Organizational Chart of the 2017 Diocesan Guidelines for ParishesFull description
ESIP Annex 5.2Full description
Malaysia National Annex to MS EN 1998-1:2015, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive. PLEASE BUY A COPY OF THE BOOKS THAT YOU USE If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger ing for ! weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""
Sorry for the incomplete links an L!!t "i##erish$
#his way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matri$bots and cyber crotchspiders out there.
%%, &&, or %% is sendspace, sendspace, m(g) is mega, *d+t is a period or dot as in dot com, etc. #here is a u&ercl+ud and a u&er&cl+ud, be careful to go to the correct one. -emember, links are cAs sn%e#i/e Anon Has Pointe O%t That A Fe& Sites Use Ha'e Un&ante Cl%tter That Can Be Annoyin"$
0Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. 1hen you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .2D3 and not the same thing with .4 stuck on the end. #he second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat 5heetos.6 Special thanks to (a Archi'ist) *a"e"%r%) Here+) A"ent,!) The-i.+) The-i.+) The -aren) -aren) Fat Charley) Blink/(o") (ios*ios) Porthos) The 0reyha&k 1an"er) Fit.2Empress #ani Flam#ea%) helpf%l) CityofCarse) onkey) *a"ister *an) ABF) !(oors(o&n(%e) Smink) 3er"al) Ok%ltek) 4a55) U"lyPana) 6L) Bytee) Hermes) k!tamin!) *r Slayer) Slayer) sra&kcaB nonA All the A&esome C%rators) an the entire Anon Bri"ae$ E7tra Special thanks to the Pioneers &ho pa'e the &ay$ Like Anons say8 Thanks to all the anons here that pro'ie %s &ith their files an9or help+++ This threa is a&esomesa%ce!) an yo%:re the reason+
Fun and Educational!
1hat methods do people prefer to add 75- to a 2D38 s does a pretty good 9ob of lossless compression 75- shouldn't be affecting the compression of the image in the 2D3 by default. :nless you are setting the 75- to downsample a (++dpi page to ;<+dpi while performing the 75-. In which case you should set the 75- downsample to match the actual page dpi. But honestly if the 2D3 consists pages that are 9ust images, you should e$tract them in 2hotoshop, and reduce the resolution to ;<+dpi with the bicubic sharper option =Does a better 9ob of downsampling than Acrobat>, save to 2N?, and recreate the 2D3, then 75- ;<+dpi.
%urvival, a new scenario for lemental %% @file@bmerny PcP " %?(e %% @file@FFfnbb 1orlds of Hegacy =updated versions> %% @filegroup@E+ha/bK!32?(Cg:? @filegroup@E+ha/bK!32?(Cg:?htph5upHbvPoucK!B+-! htph5upHbvPoucK!B+-!Cd9ru?nslAhO7 Cd9ru?nslAhO7mQu9w mQu9w K!BQp%/DID1$P2<g?hdnEQE4fbA 5hoir of %ouls for -hapsody of Blood %% @filegroup@rH!J,
anual (DW# Alpha Alpha =it's the basic manual for freeX needs registration, though>"(det"alpha"edi o@manual"(det"alpha"edicao"revisada"digital cao"revisada"digital@@ (DW# #rove 3 @folder@E;u)!i
Nova DragYo Brasil =missing a lot of numbers> 3 @folder@ %% @file@hgwfep D!+, 23@%3, %avage 1orlds &nip @3urtherDown#he%piral @3urtherDown#he%piral DWD(e " Arcanis " 2sionics :nbound =oef> %% @file@Ctgomf (e 2si %% @file@lo9a;< 2lenty of 23 here &nip @-ide#he%piral %tarfinder 2sionics 2laytest docs, 2sion and 2owers %% @file@pbu!w9 Arcanis fills fills %% @file@aE!ne9 3o$ =@IIJ!,
Qovian 5hronicles m(g) @M3UaEiOHUCl:2bfCr @M3UaEiOHUCl:2bfCrvwn4uFv2Eg vwn4uFv2Eg D55 M #he /ampire's /engeance u&er&cl+ud @Es+vpfgfuumv monster manuals for utant 3uture, and ( alternative classes for %tarships and %pacemen =!> %% @filegroup@fQ+o-)NK!Bnb4N%$QoIIwNK!3tdDt3C;-rrE7#9gLt7o+ etamorphosis Alpha )e u&er&cl+ud @vtbcewsfs;f; some cool old pmulcahy free #wilight !+++ weapon reference 2D3s " these are old versions, not the easily found ones circulating around right now, and actually contain photos. %% @filegroup@:gQ2y@filegroup@:gQ2yK!Bntf?Cno3chFuyhtu7ofskHwE K!Bntf?Cno3chFuyhtu7ofskHwElCBA lCBA;u#t5C+mlQc/ ;u#t5C+mlQc/nNN?FhQk/5!nNN?FhQk/5!-7lgB1pQoc1Nt 7lgB1pQoc1NtEFe EFe K!32-+#?ipCiyukrI1h57hQnK!37Ni3#+Cf(sltp%9Adw514if/lN:klo55AHB4IpkieeOm Invisible %un %% @file@ricmk #he Boot Pill !nd dition Bo$ed %et %% @file@neycgr
Pebanon %% @filegroup@l!Ndi2klcK!3?LEowrrP;I+Q2I(Bo!gdu+O-halp3H/oBfs(A %ly 3lourish's 3antastic Adventures %% @file@$hrif a few online resources for Ars agica"magica@ 2athfinder ;+";) Debt to the Ouah ;+";< #apestry's #rial %tarfinder +;"(! Acts of Association +;"(( Data Breach %% @filegroup@dbcs:7t-dkE-euP @filegroup@dbcs:7t-dkE-euPO:+m$(3g;bK!3 O:+m$(3g;bK!3-% -% All the old old Drakar och Demoner stuff is free free now. now.[email protected] ot.html ownloads@7HD@=insertt number here>.pdf =play around with the :-H to get the different files Armorcast " InFuisitor InFuisitor agaEine M;< =Aug. ;C> )+*dotEUppy&hre )+*dotEUppy&hre @v@g%3![email protected] @v@g%3![email protected] Armorcast " InFuisitor InFuisitor agaEine M; =Nov. =Nov. ;C> )+*dotEUppy&hre )+*dotEUppy&hre @v@)Fa;7f#@file.html @v@)Fa;7f#@file.html Armorcast " InFuisitor InFuisitor agaEine M;) )+*dotEUppy&hre )+*dotEUppy&hre @v@a-I(N[email protected] @v@a-I(N[email protected] 3irepower and 2I5 agaEines.rar )+*dotEUppy&hre )+*dotEUppy&hre @v@BDwi2sA%@file.html @v@BDwi2sA%@file.html 5urse of %trahd " #he 1edding at -avenloft = %% @file@)i+py( DD% "#empestarians Pandbook H-?? " Alternate 2ath agic 5haracters ! 1ayward 1ayward -ogues " BanFuets of Blood 3rogfolk of 2orphyra Naga9i of 2orphyra 2artatingi onster 5ode$
%% @file@(n!$9 Dresden 3iles %% @filegroup@vHLybk7K!31IBwHbgm/g-94F+;K!BOE7K!37mPNtBQu+NK!3D)toK!B1O%B45dr!INd%! 2A#P3IND- A2 M;( %% @file@+e!Eei 2A#P3IND- A2 M;( " Interactive aps %% @file@p+;km %#A-3IND%#A-3IND- A2 M;( M ;( %% @file@dE(bg< %tar #rek Adventures Adventures " 7perations u&er&cl+ud @)(o)fpccb+a %tar #rek Adventures " %cience u&er&cl+ud @(9$v;go(e good resources to typography for print for =low@mid fantasy gritty> -2?s practicaltypography dot com powerframe"rpg dot blogspot @!+;C@+@formatting"your"rpg"manuscri @!+;C@+@formatting"your"rpg"manuscript pt dot html Hots to see hereU 5heck it out. &nip @%teven:niverse %1AD <.; %% @file@kbv) Nova 2ra$is Augmented %% @file@b$ng ?hosts in Darkness %% @file@+m!$) %tone 5old Beauty %% @file@rpmb
%traffar ?atan ( W 3all of /on P[lle Dark den 5ampaign %% @filegroup@p!he+K!BIg9;N?K!B1B @filegroup@p!he+K!BIg9;N?K!B1B-;hmO -;hmO #he Hure of /enus %% @file@9if(bb #he -obotic Age %% @filegroup@IBn9kFDd/C%d% @filegroup@IBn9kFDd/C%d%rF4Iw9oy?DC rF4Iw9oy?DC ;<*dotEUppy&hre ;<*dotEUppy&hre @v@:(4f5IA@file.htm @v@:(4f5IA@file.htmll 2ower Armor by Bloodstone 2ress for 23 %% @file@pn(;lr All things Deadball Deadball %% @filegroup@u:kK!B1B# @filegroup@u:kK!B1B#u#$o3;993i# u#$o3;993i#2)/sHtbONE 2)/sHtbONE)-u;uPK!B2Nl )-u;uPK!B2Nl/7n(b
A few old horror comics from the <+'s <+'s W +'s have been officially officially converted converted for use in 5ryptworld 5ryptworld plus the rest of the 5ryptworld stuff %% @filegroup@/FoQQ-!t3/cOfmy4 @filegroup@/FoQQ-!t3/cOfmy4mrhf7E-hyvu<49 mrhf7E-hyvu<49IP5LvHIyA IP5LvHIyAkaiCe3mm#Hw kaiCe3mm#Hw (DW# Alpha " #ormenta Alpha " anual da agia (DW# Alpha Alpha " Brigada Higeira stelar " ArFuivos do sabre %% @filegroup@I5%!apdd7FL+: @filegroup@I5%!apdd7FL+:AQF?!g AQF?!g #he Black 5ompany ;;C*dotEUppy&hre @v@[email protected] Dead -eign " 5orebook u&er&cl+ud @!ifv9cobhE+ Dead -eign " %up. ; " 5iviliEation ?one u&er&cl+ud @aC)ybahmfdd Dead -eign " %up. ! " Dark 2laces u&er&cl+ud @cda!uur;gEt Dead -eign " %up. ( " ndless Dead u&er&cl+ud @uEbo+(9tbv Dead -eign " %up. ) " 3ear the -eaper u&er&cl+ud @vd+ekvtwl! Dead -eign " %up. < " ?raveyard arth u&er&cl+ud @;dal<$bdugm Dead -eign " %up. " Pell 3ollowed u&er&cl+ud @cuaeat
A3B " 2ulp Lombies u&er&cl+ud @;<$t+eirmnEp A3B " 1alking 1alking Dead u&er&cl+ud @e)e))Ff>!@>!
2athfinder Beastairy Images cl+ud*d+tllsync cl+ud*d+tllsync @s@fL%fotLDgkgP @s@fL%fotLDgkgP 2irates W Dragons %% @filegroup@c(BhOp2i9E/ik @filegroup@c(BhOp2i9E/ik?B?;)uH!Cwr5 ?B?;)uH!Cwr529ed$ 29ed$ :pdated DDAH"H1++ DDAH"H1++ " 1hat's 2ast is 2rologue and the pre"gens that accompany it %% @file@ngkm)d m(g) @M3Upps5gABbUC4ew"Dr7I @M3Upps5gABbUC4ew"Dr7Io %% @filegroup@Hge)kI$1dn?Dw5 @filegroup@Hge)kI$1dn?Dw5%
3ar Away Hand %% @file@e!oec$ Peroic aps " dgmoor anor %% @file@n;nm< 5urse of %trahdJ #he 1edding At -avenloft %% @file@tv!k9C 1?!!++ #he 1orld of Aden " 5ore -ulebook 1?!!+; #he 1orld of Aden " 5ampaign 5hronicles %% @filegroup@wA%(;Q%gp4u4IL2%D!?!?
Blood Bowl " %pike Qournal Issue ; *dotEUppy&hre *dotEUppy&hre @v@%rsv)@file.html @v@%rsv)@file.html Blood Bowl " %pike Qournal Issue ! *dotEUppy&hre *dotEUppy&hre @v@yk[email protected] @v@yk[email protected] Blood Bowl " %pike Qournal Issue ( *dotEUppy&hre *dotEUppy&hre @v@[email protected] @v@[email protected] Blood Bowl " %pike Qournal Issue ) *dotEUppy&hre *dotEUppy&hre @v@[email protected] @v@[email protected] pre"Alpha Dawn %tar 3rontiers nonfil(s @+f;!ubb@%tarG3rontiersG"GBo$edG%et @+f;!ubb@%tarG3rontiersG"GBo$edG%etG"G#%-GCE G"G#%-GCE &omething &hattered in a group @fK!312l2eH5C$Hi K!3nw$s%/Fllm;PD7+DH K!3nw$s%/Fllm;PD7+DH);mC3gg$Q%nanc;A );mC3gg$Q%nanc;AO(BPswh4 O(BPswh4<(nwD$vC!<5LpEOfv <(nwD$vC!<5LpEOfvgO1ty!vDcNft4 gO1ty!vDcNft4g g 7s) verywhen V its setting supplement Neonpunk 5risis %% @filegroup@O5yF(PD%$b!K!BmCk5 @filegroup@O5yF(PD%$b!K!BmCk5L3fw L3fw I know it's late to ask, but do you guys by chance help with spell"check8 I'm in the !@( of translating certain module into nglish, would gradly share and would even more gladly receive spelling and grammar help with it. ;+;*dotEUppy&hre ;+;*dotEUppy&hre @v@))N(:y[email protected] @v@))N(:y[email protected] agicJ #he ?athering lore books m(g) @M3U1fhhE%$#UIL:bBar$AL:17B"ErO1g age " #he Ascension !+ " ?ods W onsters %% @file@n
Aces W ights ights " core book, the the horse deck, a town town book, and two of the four mini"games mini"games %% @file@gd$m(i ids on Bikes delu$e edition %% @filegroup@kggK!3+ocmDpy;12P @filegroup@kggK!3+ocmDpy;12PL1yA L1yA
Alas /egas /egas %% @file@k(ely P3AJ #he 1ar of the 2rophecy %% @file@dCmodc Cth %ea, ;( age B-2, B-2, 5thulhu,5ypher systems, Dune, clipse 2hase, and more cl+ud*d+tllsync cl+ud*d+tllsync @s@Cb15HEb2(kABi @s@Cb15HEb2(kABi %ymbaroum " ndaros %% @filegroup@-e42Bihdh3K!3#OK!3Co9($Fs#y#F(CN7 ichtimJ 3luffy Adventures %% @filegroup@?i+a%CHplIQAuh2F:F1 @filegroup@?i+a%CHplIQAuh2F:F1hc?fCD(7Phn hc?fCD(7Phn kobolds ate my baby %% @file@ue
A onster 3or very very %eason collection collection %% @file@&&@iEo9p Dragon Age -2? 5ore -ulebook 3 @folder@pa;g9ucdld9em @folder@pa;g9ucdld9em Parn (rd edition %% @filegroup@Nfw5K!B3K!BQ. 3an made stuff is a dime a doEen usually, usually, but these are lengthy, lengthy, substantive adventures with e$cellent production values. 7n par with the original modules, but more modern looking. n9oyU httpJ@@);; -ealms of AtrothiaJ Hegacy -aces -evisited =23-2?> %% @file@&&@$bsFb ?rim tooth's #raps %% @file@eFywb+ #he %hab"al"Piri -oach %% @filegroup@?vs#AOa+$)pL
%% @file@argvcw 3o$ =?J@I?@
7ubliette !e %% @filegroup@2m4ImaHD#7(y9fLcbAO istborn Adventure ?ame %% @filegroup@F(iK!3#7Hw9w @filegroup@F(iK!3#7Hw9wK!3)PIf7hL K!3)PIf7hL13;:(PB+kC$+$$i 13;:(PB+kC$+$$im? %% @filegroup@IQ)C%9L%?Oculog @filegroup@IQ)C%9L%?OculogICE5hL/wDF7 ICE5hL/wDF74f#O$Ln 4f#O$Ln)g3cf;4cN!I1$eN )g3cf;4cN!I1$eNiupt2Lc$mufF2f iupt2Lc$mufF2f2iC7rDQkiii 2iC7rDQkiiiyt#E+-DhH yt#E+-DhH K!B9fk3EP)o %% @filegroup@:72:ku1Fb17v)ft<
)tr;)rch's #rove " includes Abandon All Pope, clipse 2hase, L, %I?A#A, soterrorists, #oon, more &nip @--!( Hife in a edieval 5astle, 5ity, and /illage s+lidfil(s @v@DkC9g4D$HB< @v@DkC9g4D$HB< Aall of the old old Age Age of #reason #reason n+nfil(s @Cec(atCbc@AgeGofG# @Cec(atCbc@AgeGofG#reasonG"G5haracterG% reasonG"G5haracterG%heetGfillableG"G: heetGfillableG"G:nknownGd;++GHegendGCE nknownGd;++GHegendGCE n+nfil(s @ec(tb@AgeGofG# @ec(tb@AgeGofG#reasonG"G5ombatG% reasonG"G5ombatG%tylesG"GQonathanGDrakeGd;++ tylesG"GQonathanGDrakeGd;++GHegendGCE GHegendGCE n+nfil(s @fc<(t)b@AgeGofG#reasonG"G%trictl @fc<(t)b@AgeGofG#reasonG"G%trictlyG5ourtroomGtheG5om yG5ourtroomGtheG5omedyGofGDeath" edyGofGDeath" GQonathanGDrakeGd;++GHegendGCE n+nfil(s @A!c;( pub is a bit large because it's all image files. %% @filegroup@ewPyiIluEgFIf!BBiaw%K!3rIuss:ws aEe of the Blue edusa u&er&cl+ud @fyptC9$kvc) 3o$ =?D>?>
Cth %ea !e " Nations of #heah /olume /olume ! %% @file@+dmbp 2rofantasy wareE pst(bUn @sg:::c(4 23 " #he #riggerman %% @file@9fr(9 %igil and ?lyph systems %% @filegroup@1:E5mfwuwckP59w @filegroup@1:E5mfwuwckP59wFa$5rO Fa$5rO Hegends of the 1ulin %% @file@er($ pst(bUn @4wvF;a2 3o$ ==>I=?D
1orld's Hargest Dungeon %% @file@ v
3ragged ingdom and Aeturnum %% @filegroup@a(FlOK!BlO<)Fc3H% @filegroup@a(FlOK!BlO<)Fc3H%ow ow idolon core &nip @oNyw( #hree e$pansions for #he Assassin class by b y Inter9ection ?ames %% @file@usmpoe 3o$ ==!I,
edarot #-2? m(g) @MU2/g5-a#HUfh9/4b2"::<2%Huv1nl(u2B+/GkDF%w5Pw;9O2O agical Hand of eld\ eld\ by Atarashi ?ames %% @filegroup@)v9diIwy#Il+B75 @filegroup@)v9diIwy#Il+B75cgurO cgurO #he -uned Age %% @filegroup@7yi/CNt!;7bD!-ii @filegroup@7yi/CNt!;7bD!-iicK!Byikdp?F5I cK!Byikdp?F5IhQ %% @file@f$;tvw Authentic #haumaturgy #haumaturgy %% @file@uhk!9 ]%L 5omplete 5reature 5ollection -evised (C*dotEUppy&hre (C*dotEUppy&hre @v@[email protected] @v@[email protected] 2orphyra -oleplaying game v.;"v.;) &nip @2or-2? 1hiteGDwarfG3ebruaryG!+; )*dotEUppy&hre )*dotEUppy&hre @v@okng[email protected] @v@okng[email protected] :lraunt's ?uide to the 2lanes " #he %hadowfell m(g) @MUsQlyII%U+m$;H9$3GNHLaoyNCr" @MUsQlyII%U+m$;H9$3GNHLaoyNCr"s)Nkva7B+"7e:E s)Nkva7B+"7e:Ee)5d:: e)5d:: %HA Industries" Industries" I took the time to clean up and make pdfs of all the old html fan"stuff that were in the misc Eip a while back, and another Anon from an old %HA thread fi$ed all the fan fiction material m(g) @M3Uets3(O-HU%:er-DN$r @M3Uets3(O-HU%:er-DN$rfh1PF9Orm? fh1PF9Orm?w w 5ampaign 7verlayJ 3antasy 3irearms by %kortched :rf' %% @file@vkbpp! Dawning %tarJ 3ate 7f 7% %% @file@leum
Arcforge " %tar2ath %tar2ath %% @file@w+;yi I got a bunch of Pero %ystem stuff for the Pero #rove. I'm sharing
, %tronghold 3iles /olume ;, Inner arth, 5aptain Battle and #he %cience 2olice, onsters, inions W arauders for 3antasy Pero =sorry all i could find was a scan>, %trange agicsJ /oodoo, 2ulp /ehicle /ehicle %ourcebook, the -aven W #he idnight Brigade and NaEi Death Lombies of #he 5ongo for
2art"#ime ?ods !e u&er&cl+ud @y(dyfklghge %# Adventures 5ore %% @file@udvw %word W %orcery's #he Divine and the Defeated. #he old one had the first page of #he Defeated chapter upside"down, and overall uneven"siEed pagesX I fi$ed those flaws &cr;bd @document@(<!(@%w @document@(<!(@%word"%orcery"#he" ord"%orcery"#he"Divine"and"the"Def Divine"and"the"Defeated eated -eflectionist"5lass -eflectionist"5lass = &nip @2 @ 2ow ow Delu$e How 3antasy ?aming v! SDraft BW1T %% @filegroup@bAoAdd:kkQQH1y/5dgyg +7ne Bundle %% @file@+mnpbg 3o$ =!!?>?D
Hegendary %amurai S23T Book of any #hings ! =:pdated> S23T 5lasses of the Host %pheresJ %uccessor S23T #he 3aerie -ingJ Dangerous ?ame Adv S23T 1eird 7ptionJ 1erepyres S23T %% @filegroup@Qi%L19!sCv<;/1yK!3K!BcgvBLav-HEDE51#s5!7h54/I1-cgBO beyond the wall and other adventures %% @filegroup@tbb/?<%ubFEK!3OhD @filegroup@tbb/?<%ubFEK!3OhDHn1gB/BHF)wniaA Hn1gB/BHF)wniaAClri-!wkO Clri-!wkOK!B)$5pIBO K!B)$5pIBO #W# " %olo ;! Arena of haEan with Bonus 2ack M; =mini"dungeon, some character sheets, some charts, and included 2ocket Adventure Adventure M! Abyss =not the te$t only version>> %% @filegroup@;PCvese(gfHkbm!c4?aneb9A!A @filegroup@;PCvese(gfHkbm!c4?aneb9A!ALgir Lgir "" "" " "" "" " "" "" " "" "" " " Other st%ff yo% mi"ht fin interestin"8
DI book scanning tutorials"%can"a"#e$tbook"1ith"a"5amera@ httpsJ@@www.inst"%canner"How"cos @Book"%canner"How"cost"easy"to"make";+++"pa t"easy"to"make";+++"pages"an"h@ ges"an"h@"2r @id@Bargain"2rice"Book"%canner"3 ice"Book"%canner"3rom"A"5ardboar rom"A"5ardboard"Bo$@ d"Bo$@ httpsJ@@www.t is loaded with free files. %earch for miniatures or terrain or barstool, or whatever you are looking for. mbedding fonts in Acrobat!!;;! App for opening links links from your clipboard clipboard =can also be found on github> 3 @file@g;bCnb)hys$ edusas from around the web hlZenWFZcuteVgorgonWtbmZisc hlZenWFZcuteVgorgonWtbmZischWsourceZiuWict$Z hWsourceZiuWict$Z;WtbsZsimgJ5 ;WtbsZsimgJ5A%sAIQw A%sAIQwHAr99A! httpsJ@@calibre" 3ind edusa %auce here maybe DHk-yOdNnOOLEraH%(O EraH%(O ?ood place for anga kissanime*dotru \y odrive app is kind of ready to use. #here are some issues left of course...
If you are afraid to run it, you can find pro9ect on github. 'Hoad all' can take a while because troves are huge, but after that you can save trove structure in file.\ httpsJ@@www.dro httpsJ@@www.dropbo$.com@s@FuyfFafit pbo$.com@s@FuyfFafitf$)tfC@odrive!9dK! f$)tfC@odrive!9dK!+;G+.Eip8dlZ+ +;G+.Eip8dlZ+ aster2D3 ditor " the linu$ version is free, and it can save the image files directly from the 2D3 code""masterp code""masterpdfeditor@ dfeditor@ $tract images out of 2D3 as Q2? online"to"9pg App for getting getting link containers from from 7Drive %% @file@tvEp;9 Not a share, nor a game, and on a shitty platform, but... check out;;;<; httpsJ@@www.waterfo$ 3irefo$ %- = httpsJ@@www.m":%@":%@firefo$@organiEati firefo$@organiEations@ ons@ 2rogram for finding@deleting duplicate files %cribd autobot d+cd+wnl+ad(r*dotcom