TSR's Dark Sun converted to d20 3.5 rules WoTCDescripción completa
TSR's Dark Sun converted to d20 3.5 rules WoTC
dndFull description
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Dark sun fOR oLD DRAGONDescripción completa
Dark sun fOR oLD DRAGONDescrição completa
Shadowforce Archer is a campaign setting book for the Spy Craft RPG adding a secret spy organization meant to protect the world from supernatural threats.
The site is lost, but the setting lives on. A 3.5 d&d setting.
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Campaign setting for Pathfinder.
Dark Eden Campaign Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition
by Osamu Dazai 1968
Dark Eden Campaign Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition
Descrição: Dark Eden Campaign Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition
Dark Eden Campaign Mutant Chronicles 3rd EditionFull description
Dark Eden Campaign Mutant Chronicles 3rd EditionFull description
The Setting Sun by Osamu DazaiFull description
The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai
Dark Sun 3.5 Copywrite: David Nooman, Pazio Publishing Co. For use with D&D v3.5. Requires the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Expanded Psionics Handbook, with additional material drawn from the Monster Manual. Taken from the pages of Dragon Magazines #315 and #319, and Dungeon Magazines #110 and #111 Not intended for sale. All rights reserved
Table of Contents Chapter One: Player's Handbook Chapter Two: The Dark Sun DM's Guide Chapter Three: Dark Sun Monsters, part one Dark Sun Monsters, part two Appendix: Last Stand at Outpost Three