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On February 14, 2014, native lost one of her beloved person (relative). What relation native shared with that person? !plain with astrolo"i#al reasons. $nswer options% •
(A) Mother
(B) Maternal grandmother
(C) Mother-in-law
(D) Sister
&irth 'etails% •
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 21 August 1!"#
$ime of Birth: %1:12
&la'e of Birth: Bhadohi & *ndia
+ongitude: "2:,#
+atitude: 2.:2. /
Option A is correct She lost mother on 14th Feb 2014. For Mother 4th house need to be checked. Analysis from here would be from Mothers an!le by rotatin! the chart keepin! 4th house as la!na. "ence we !et #anya la!na . From now on we check e$erythin! from #anya %a!na in the chart. &e are ha$in! saturn in second house. For #anya la!an 'th house is badhaka (meen rashi owned by )up* and 2nd house is maraka (tula rashi owned by +enus*. Mars is a dire male,c ownin! -rd and th house related to lon!e$ity of nati$e. /ati$e was runnin! ahu Moon on 14th Feb 2014. n transit ahu Mars Saturn were all in Mothers maraka house of tula rashi (in rotated chart of nati$e*. )upiter a badhaka planet was aspectin! all this trio from his 3th aspect from Mithun rasi. lease note that Mars here is ashtamesh also (in rotated chart* in Maraka house in transit with Saturn (5th lord from #anya la!na showin! ailments* and ahu. 6his trio was transittin! on natal
SA67/ and 5th to Moon. in 812 chart ahu is in %a!na and Moon is debilitated in 4th house. &hen Saturn9Mars9ahu was transittin! in 12th to Moon in 812 the nati$es mother e:pired. Moon is a karak of mother and sittin! in 4th of 812 All abo$e conditions of /atal rotated chart; 8i$
Astrolog0 ui #: Find $he $ime of $he First Born of $he /ati3e ey Friends *our very own fortni"htly +ui is ba#- but with a sli"ht twist this tie. /nstead of the fortni"htly +ui we present to you onthly +ui. he results of +ui 4 will be announ#ed on 10 uly 201. *ou3ve still "ot tie, so "ive your best shot. 4e are 5a'6 again with the third 7art of our Astrolog0 ui Series Got it wrong the first two times8 /o worries - as 0ou ha3e 0et another 'han'e > $stroa"e 5ui all of Fae> is waiting e9'lusi3el0 for 0our name Find the uestion 5elow ; tr0 0our lu'6 All the 5est<
ui # uestion: 4hen did the nati3e has her first 'hild8 *s the first 'hild 5a50 5o0 or 5a50 girl8 &irth 'etails% •
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: %, Se7tem5er 1!=1
$ime of Birth: 11:.. AM
&la'e of Birth: >>ain M& *ndia
+ongitude: =.:#?
+atitude: 2,:11 /
Birth Chart
Detailed 'hart (@undli) is shared on following + - htt7:6astrosage'omui# ou need to find out the e9a't date of 5irth of the first 5orn of nati3e *f 0our 7redi'ted date will roll around the ma9imum ga7 of , months from the original 5irth date the answer will 5e 'onsidered 'orre't *m7ortan'e to the answers will 5e gi3en as 7er their distan'e from the e9a't date of 5irth
$erms and Conditions: 1 &lease su77ort 0our answer with an Astrologi'al reasoning Answers without reasoning will 5e disualified 2 Answer will 5e announ'ed on 106076201 , ou 'an either 'omment on the 'omment 5o9 5elow or 0ou 'an send email to uiastrosage'om with 0our answer and astrologi'al reasoning # *f there are more than one winner one winner will 5e sele'ted randoml0 for the 7rie But all names who ha3e gi3en 'orre't re7l0 will go to 3$stroa"e 5ui all of Fae3
ui E# esults $he wait is finall0 o3er friends< $he result of Monthl0 Astrolog0 ui # is here $his loo6s li6e a tough ui and there is onl0 one answer that we 'onsider 'lose to the a'tual answer 4e a77re'iate the efforts of all 7arti'i7ants and ho7e for im7ro3ement in future 4e will also stud0 in detail the 'orre't answer so that 0our 'urious minds get some rest
Corre't Answer of ui # $ feale #hild was born on 20 uly 1882 to the native. Winner of 5ui 4% $he winner of the Astrolog0 Monthl0 ui # is Mr Sam7ath @umar $hough he has onl0 answered first 7art of the uestion 'orre'tl0 0et he is 'losest to the 'orre't answer as far as timing is 'on'erned is $nswer% This native had her first child on 1992-Aug-15 Rahu/Ven/Ven, because the BC is on the !utra saha" leo house, no bad as!ect on 5th house, so no dela# in getting !rogen#$sa!ta"a"sa also confir"s this$ The first child is bab# bo#, because the 5th house is "ale house and as!ected b# %ara%a &u!iter 'ith fifth as!ect and devoid of "alefic !lanets con&unction and their as!ect$
About BCP: BC
"eans Bhrugu Cha%ra addhati$ That is, fro" natal ascendant, 1st house and !lanets occu!#ing and as!ecting it signif# 1st #ear good or bad events( 2nd house foretells 2nd #ear( )rd house !ro!hesi*es )rd #ear( and so forth until 12th house foreshado's 12th #ear ha!!enings$ This c#cle restarts fro" age 1) that corres!onds to 1st house until age 2+ that lies in 12th house$ /ow let us understand wh0 the 5irth ha77en on 2% ul0 1!!2 (ahu-enus-enus 3imshottari dasa) and wh0 it is the female 5irth first From the traditional astrolog0 7ers7e'ti3e most of the 7eo7le sele'ted u7iter as u7iter .th house and as7e't as'endant But the 5irth 'hart doesn >t show an0 dela0 in 'hild 5irth *n fa't u7iter as7e'ting its own house shows that the nati3e will 5e 5lessed with the 'hild asa7 u7iter dasa started uite late from 1!!" so the time of 'hild5irth should 5e earlier u7iter antardasa in ahu mahadasa went awa0 when the nati3e was uite 0oung so that was also not the 7ossi5ilit0 4e need to 7i'6 whi'h other 7lanet 'an gi3e the results 4hile sele'ting dasa for 7lanet 7eo7le missed two im7ortant 7oint of astrolog0 1 All astrolog0 'lassi's are 3er0 'lear that we need to see se3enth house as well a7art from .th house 2 All astrolog0 'lassi's are 3er0 'lear that .th house from the Moon is as im7ortant as .th house from as'endant *f we 6ee7 this di'tum in mind this ui 5e'omes sim7ler =th house is the house owned 50 enus Similarl0 .th house from Moon is also owned 50 enus Su'h enus with 11th lord Mer'ur0 5e'omes one 3er0 im7ortant 7lanet for 'hild 5irth Another area where ma>orit0 of 7arti'i7ants failed is to identif0 the gender of the 'hild Most of the 7arti'i7ants 7i'6ed male 'hild seeing influen'e of u7iter So wh0 the 'hild is female 'hild8 $he answer lies in the strength of u7iter u7iter is situated in a malefi' sign whi'h is also a female sign 3i S'or7io 4e must remem5er that all e3en signs are female signs in odia' u7iter is also as7e'ted 50 malefi' Saturn whi'h itself is de5ilitated in /a3amsa Su'h Saturn is e9tremel0 malefi' and hen'e not allowing u7iter it deli3er its full 7otential enus the antardasa and 7rat0antardasa lord is also de5ilitated in na3amsa and hen'e enus 'an also not deli3er its full 7otential enus in irgo (@an0a) shows @an0a (female) 'hild 5irth $hese are the 7rimaril0 reasons for female 'hild 5irth from 'lassi'al astrolog0 7ers7e'ti3e At the end * would sa0 that it was a tough ui Congratulations to the winner and also 'ongratulations to all the 7arti'i7ants $iming of an e3ent is a diffi'ult tas6 and * am sure this ui will tea'h few im7ortant 7oints *f an0 name is missed out from the winner 7lease let us 6now and we will u7date the list All these names ma6e a 7la'e in
H AstroSage ui: Iall of FameH *f 0ou ha3e htt7:astrologerastrosage'om 7rofile 7lease let us 6now and we will u7date lin6 to 0our 7rofile from 0our name