5T o, ol% calle% the Devil an% Satan. who %eceives the whole worl%K H> WAS +AST T6 TH> >A
5T0= /Acts L@0 =>SHJA /(>SJS0 SAID 6J HAO> T>ST>D TH6S> WH6 SA TH> A<> AP6ST9>S A5D A<> 56T A5D HAO> F6J5D TH>M T6 > 9IA
=MA5 WI99 +6M> JSI5- M 5AM> SAI5- SAI5- 3I AM TH> M>SSIAH. A+H><3 /Mahew 24"* Mahew 2B.@N0 T%E D(2($E TEST O1 A T&UE APOSTLE O1 YES%UA /*ESUS0 T%E MESS(A%
Peter esta$lishe% a test ,or apostles =P>T>< sai%***there,ore sai%***there,ore it is necessar# that o, the &en who have acco&panie% us A99 TH> TIM> that the 9or% (esus went in an% out a&on' us>-I55I5- WITH TH> APTISM 6F (6H5 unl TH> DA H> WAS TAC>5 JP F<6M JS one o, these &ust $eco&e a witness with us o, His resurrecon*= /Acts @[email protected] In other wor%s. in or%er to $e an apostle #ou woul% have ha% to have $een a %isciple :rst! /56T> ecause 3Paul3. arna$as. Ti&oth#. Silvanus an% others ,aile% to &eet the T>ST. set $# Peter the# were =<>(>+T>D A99 I5 ASIA=K as acnowle%'e% $# 3Paul3 an% Ti&oth#0* = This #ou now that A99 TH6S> I5 ASIA HAO> TJ<5>D AWA F<6M M> = /2 Ti&* @@"0* SAUL /"h! changed hi na#e ! 'Pa+l'0 3 E$EMY O1 *ESUS C%&(ST
(>SJS prophesie% =***IF A56TH>< +6M>S. I5 HIS 6W5 5AM>. 6J /Scri$es an% Pharisees0 WI99 <>+>IO> HIM= /(ohn "4B$0 E SAJ9 who is A9S6 calle% 3PAJ93 3PAJ93 E / Acts @BL 0 (>SJS prophesie% E While &en slept HIS >5>M ca&e an% sowe% TA<>S E /Ma*@B2"0* = J5-6D9 M>5***WH6 HAO> S>+<>T9 +<>PT I5 T6 6J< ASS>M9I>S = /(u%e 40 = (>SJS sai% to the& A5 >5>M has %one this = /Mahew @B20 PAJ93 TH> D>OI9 / Mahew @BBL* Mahew 2"4@ 0 (>SJS e;plaine% = TH> >5>M who sowe% TH> TA<>S is TH> D>OI9 = / Ma*@BBL 0 = TH> >OI9 65> = / Mahew @BB* Ma* @B* (ohn @@" 0 = There ,ell ,ro& SAJ93S e#es. soðin' lie S+A9>S/o, the S>
5T= /Acts L @0 3PAJ93 A MJ+JT> the saints o, The Most HI-H= /Daniel 2"0 =SAJ9 was in heart# a'ree&ent with puQn' Stephen to %eath* An% on that %a# a -<>AT -<>AT P>+JTI65 $e'an a'ainst the church in (erusale&. an% the# were all scaere% throu'hout the re'ions o, (u%ea an% Sa&aria. e;cept the apostles=* =ut SAJ9 $e'an rava'in' the church. enterin' house aGer house. an% %ra''in' o &en an% wo&en. he woul% put the& in prison=* = SAJ9 $reathin' TH<>ATS TH<>ATS an% MJ
=For I >+AM> 6J< FATH><= /@ +orinthians 4@"0 *ESUS 5+!ed T)O COMMA$DME$TS, re5+iring /60 LO2E O1 OD,T%E 1AT%E& 1AT%E& and /70 LO2E O1 $E(%BOU&:
=(esus sai% unto hi&. Thou shall love TH> 96
/Mahew 22B4N0* The %evil 3Paul3 showe% his HAT<>D F6< -6D. TH> FATH>< $# teachin' TH> 9I> =For A99 TH> 9AW is ,ul:lle% in 65> W6
=***THA =***THAT T WHI+H IS >ST>>M>D a&on' &en IS A5 A6MI5ATI65 A6MI5ATI65 in the si'ht o, -6D= /9ue @@"0 =>SHJA /(>SJS0 SAID A5D TH>5 TH> >5D WI99 +6M>K THIS /TH> >5D0 IS TH> A5TI+H
(>SJS WA<5S HIS DIS+IP9>S =D6 56T +A99 A565> 65 >A
=For I >+AM> 6J< FATH><= /@ +orinthians 4@"0 56T> >ver#one o, 3Paul3s3 papal successors 9ASPH>M6JS9 clai&. lie 3Paul3. the tle =H69 FATH><=K which Title $elon's. >R+9JSIO>9. to TH> 659 T
TH> A5TI+H>DS = /2 +or* +or* @2@@0 >SHJA/(>SJS0 >SHJA/(>SJS0 TH> M>SSIAH WA<5>D =MA5 WI99 +6M> JSI5- M 5AM> SAI5- SAI5- 3I AM TH> M>SSIAH. A+H><3 /Mahew 24"* Mahew 2B.@N0 The T This %ia$olical = 6AST = was in ,ul:ll&ent o, the warnin' 'iven $# (>SJS =For ,alse christs an% ,alse prophets will arise an% will show -<>AT SI-5S A5D W65D>
= IF A565> A565> >9S> thins he has con:%ence in the esh I /PAJ90 M6<> S6. concernin' the
>SHJA/(>SJS0 >SHJA/(>SJS0 TH> M>SSIAH WA<5>D =MA5 WI99 +6M> JSI5- M 5AM> SAI5- SAI5- 3I AM A M TH> M>SSIAH. A+H><3 /Mahew 24"* Mahew 2B.@N0 =>SHJA /(>SJS0 SAID =I AM TH> S65 6F -6D= /(ohn @NB0 The D>OI9 A5D FA9S> AP6ST9> 3Paul3 sai% = It please% 'o% to reveal his S65 in M> /3PAJ930= /3PAJ930= / -al* @@".@ 0 TH> A5TI+H>DS = /2 +or* @2@@0 = (>SJS warne% = MA5 WI99 +6M> I5 M 5AM> SAI5- 3I AM TH> M>SSIAH3 A5D WI99 SH6W SI-5S A5D W65D>+>IO> MA5 = /MATTH>W 24".24 0 3PAJ93 FA9S>9 +9AIM>D THAT H> WAS A5 AP6ST9> T6 TH> ->5TI9>S That the AP6ST9> P>T>< was the Divinel# appointe% =AP6ST9> T6 TH> ->5TI9>S= was unuesone% $# The
Twelve Twelve Apostles o, The 9a&$ as P>T>< hi&sel, re&in%e% the&. at the +ouncil &een' in (erusale& =AGer there ha% $een &uch %e$ate. Peter stoo% up an% sai% to the&. =rethren. #ou now that in the earl# %a#s -o% &a%e a choice a&on' #ou. that $# &outh the -enles woul% hear the wor% o, the 'ospel an% $elieve= /Acts @"0* At the sa&e +ouncil &een' the ,alse apostle 3Paul3 ha% =S>+<>T9 =S>+<>T9 +<>PT I5= /(u%e 4 0 $# chan'in' his na&e ,ro& Saul to 3Paul3* When P>T>< ha% co&plete% his tes&on# the ,alse apostle 3Paul3 sou'ht to assert his sel, assu&e% apostolic authorit# $# =showin' si'ns an% won%ers to %eceive. i, possi$le the electe% twelve. as eshua /(esus0 ha% warne%= /Acts @"@2* Mahew 24240* 2 4240* When this ,aile% the %evil an% ,alse apostle 3Paul3 later sou'ht to usurp the Divinel# appointe% authorit# o, the AP6ST9> P>T>< as the =AP6ST9> T6 TH> ->5TI9>S=* 3Paul3wrote the 9I> to his -alaon ,ollowers that he /3Paul30an% 56T 56T P>T>< =was entruste% with the 'ospel to the -enles= /-alaons 20* In that sa&e in,a&ous leer 3Paul3 also aace% the inte'rit# o, the ,aith,ul apostle P>T>< $# &ain' uncorro$orate% uncorro$orate% an% FA9S> +HA<->S a'ainst P>T><* These sa&e 9I>S have $een preache% an% wrien a$out $# Pauline +hrisan &inisters ,or the last two thousan% #ears* PAJ9 ID>5TIFI>D TH> 5JM>< 6F TH> >AST / In Scripture the P9A+> 6F 65TIFI>S the personK e' =(esus o, 5a8areth=. =(oseph o, Ari&athea=. =Paul o, Tarsu=* =PAJ9 6F TA
in or%er to escape persecuon an% %eath* 3Paul3 = a &an that is a
(>SJS sai% = H> is A 9IA< an% TH> FATH>< 6F 9I>S = /(ohn 440 (>SJS co&&en%e% HIS DIS+IP9>S in HIS +HJ<+H at >PH>SJS = ou have teste% those who SA TH> A<> AP6ST9>S an% A<> 56T an% have ,oun% the& 9IAD o, his 9I>S EI, throu'h M 9I> -o%3s truth a$oun%s to His 'lor#. wh# a& I sll $ein' con%e&ne% as a sinner? /
= ut when SAJ9 ha% co&e to (erusale& H> trie% to 7oin the %isciplesK $ut the# were A99 AF5 T6 M>=* /Acts @"@2.@B0* 56T> the swiG intervenon o, (a&es tellin' = all the people***9IST>5 T6 M> = an% not $e = listenin' = to =arna$as an% Paul= who ae&pte% to = SH6W SI-5S A5D W65D>+>IO>. IF P6SSI9>. >O>5 TH> >9>+T = as (esus warne% in Mahew 2424* 3PAJ93 +6MP9AI5>D ITT><9 to his %isciple Ti&oth# = This #ou now that A99 TH6S> I5 ASIA HAO> TJ<5>D AWA F<6M M> = /2 Ti&* @@"0* 3PAJ93 P<>A+H>D A56TH>< -6SP>9* = (>SJS ca&e to -alilee P<>A+HI5- TH> -6SP>9 6F TH> CI 5-D6M = /Mar @@4. Ma*42B0* (>SJS sai% = THIS -6SP>9 6F TH> CI5-D6M will $e P<>A+H>D. I5 M 5AM> in all the worl% /Ma*24@40* 3PAJ93 3PAJ93 +AM> preachin'. $# his own a%&ission. A56TH>< -6SP>9 P<6M6TI5- 9AW9>SS5>SS 9AW9>SS5>SS an% 9I+>5TI6JS5>SS =I /3PAJ930 /3PAJ930 tes,# to the 'ospel o, the 'race o, 'o%***A56TH>< 'o%***A56TH>< -6SP>9***A99 THI5-S A<> 9AWFJ9 = /Acts 2N24* 2 +orinthians @@4* @ +orinthians @N2B0* =P>D (>SJS +H= /-al @@0 56T> 659 659 a&on'st chrisans. in ever# chrisan ho&e. oUce. worshop. place o, worship. theatre. cine&a. ra%io. television etc is =TH> 569> 5AM> 6F (>SJS +H
>T. %espite his asseron that 3+hrist will pro:t #ou nothin'3. 3Paul3 hi&sel,. HP6+
= I /Paul0 a& ,ull# convince% 56 F66D is J5+9>A5 in itsel, = /
>SHJA /(>SJS0 TH> M>SSIAH P<6PH>SI>D =An% this 'ospel will $e preache% in all the earth ,or a witness to &e* TH>5 TH> >5D WI99 +6M>K THIS /TH> >5D0 IS TH> A5TI+H
=He shall spea P6MP6JS W6
TIM>S A5D I5 9AW= /Daniel 2"0 In or%er to 7usi,#= A<5AAS an% I /PAJ90 56T W6 6TH>< M>5=* The %evil 3Paul3 an% his chrisan &inisters/an'els0 &inisters/an'els0 are TH> 659 659 P>6P9> who =J A5D S>99=/
In or%er to 7us,# his appoint&ent o, 3AP6ST9>S an% P<6PH>TS. pastors. teachers etc 3. 3Paul +HA5->D 69D T>STAM>5T S+
The %evil 3Paul3 co&&an%s his +hrisan ,ollowers =I, an#one a&on' #ou lea%s a va'a$on% li,e H> MJST > 9>FT T6 STA
>SHJA/(>SJS0 >SHJA/(>SJS0 TH> M>SSIAH WA<5>D =MA5 WI99 +6M> JSI5- M 5AM> SAI5- SAI5- 3I AM A M TH> M>SSIAH. A+H><3 /Mahew 24"* Mahew 2B.@N0
(>SJS +A99>D TH>M = TH> TA<>S. TA<>S. S65S 6F TH> >OI9 65> = /Ma* @BB0* = SATA53S A5->9S were cast out F<6M H>AO>5 to the earth with SATA5= /
=For I >+AM> 6J< FATH><= /@ +orinthians 4@"0 /(u%e @@L0 3Paul3 hi&sel, 'ave the& tles = Apostles an% prophets. ,athers. pastors. evan'elists an% teachers***$ishops. teachers***$ishops. %eacons.e;orcists. &iracle worers. speaers speaers in unnown lan'ua'es. a%&inistrators a%&inistrators etc = />ph 4@@* Phil* @@* @ +orinthians 4@"0* These can $e ,oun% within the 1TW>5T >I-HT TH6JSA5D1 +H
(>SJS sai% = The# neither 'o in the&selves nor %o the# allow those who want to enter ,ro& 'oin' in = /Ma* 2B@B0 T%E *UDEME$T UPO$ T%E DE2(L PAUL PAUL A$D %(S C%&(ST(A$ 1ELLO) )O&4E&S
TH> S65 6F MA5. ( >SJS TH> M>SSIAH /+H
=D>PASS5>SS. I 5>O>< C5>W 6J* D>PAD. I5T6 TH> >O><9ASTI5- FI<> P<>PA<>D P<>PA<>D F6< TH> D>OI9 A5D HIS A5->9S* F6< I WAS HJ5-< A5D 6J -AO> M> 56THI5- T6 >ATK I WAS THI
A5D 6J DID 56T I5OIT> M> I5K I WAS 5AC>D A5D 6J DID 56T +96TH> +96TH> M>K I WAS SI+C A5D I5 P9O>S. 56< D6 6J A996W TH6S> WH6 A<> >5T>
E Then (>SJS3 %isciples ase% Hi& WH><>?*** WH><>?*** /9ue @B0 (>SJS answere% = wherever the %ea% $o%# lies TH><> will the OJ9TJ<>S $e 'athere% to'ether =* /9ue @B0 TH> D>OI9 3PAJ93 A5D HIS +H9S0are TH> OJ9TJ<>S OJ9TJ<>S re,erre% to $# (>SJS* Thee ASSEMBL(ES O1 T%E DE2(L 'PAUL' 'PAUL' are BOU$D ($ BU$DLES TO BE BU&$ED
AT the co&&an% o, the D>OI9 3PAJ93. 3PAJ93. these J5D9>S have $een DIOID>D up into 3FA+TI65S 3 = There MJST also $e FA+TI65S AM65- 6J = /@ +or* @@@L0* TH>S> = FA+TI65S = or +HD JP F6< M65> an% HATI5HATI5- 65> A56TH>< = /(u%e @@.@L* Ma 24@N.@2*0 Within the ,ollowin'= FA+TI65S FA+TI65S = o, +hrisanit# are -<>AT. IS FA99>5. IS FA99>5K SH> HAS >+6M> A DW>99I5- P9A+> 6F D>M65S A HAJ5T 6F >O>< J5+9>A5 SPI
TH> 5AM>S 6F TH> TW>9O> AP6ST9>S 6F (>SJS +H
The JA9IFI+ATI65S JA9IFI+ATI65S o, a T<> FA9S> AP6ST9>S A5D 9IAS> 9IAD T6 M>>T TH> T>ST S>T P>T><* THIS SAM> T>ST P<6O>S THAT >O>< P6P> A5D 6TH> A<> AP6ST9>S A<> A9S6 9IA+ID>D ,or us what $oos woul% $e inclu%e% an% what woul% $e oUcial church %octrine* +onstanne was the ul&ate approver or %isprover. %isprover. not a Spirit le% $orn a'ain $eliever in (esus! Most will clai& +onstanne +onstanne was a $eliever $eliever.. what the# %on3t tell #ou #ou is that +onstanne +onstanne %i%n3t convert unl he was on his %eath$e%! Which &eans the earl# church &a7orit# %i% nothin' as a pa'an co&pile% an%
T69D JS what %octrine was true or ,alse! It is the %ut# o, ever# $eliever in 3hoshua (esus to 'o $ac an% learn what the truth reall# is $e,ore +onstanne corrupte% the church! Pra# ,or truth in all thin's %ail# an% see ah ,or the truth!! 5ot &an!! (esus sai%** EHereaGer I will not tal &uch with #ou. ,or ,or the prince o, this worl% co&es an% an% has nothin' in &e* The thie, co&es not $ut ,or to steal. an% to ill. an% to %estro#* He was a &ur%erer ,ro& the $e'innin'. an% a$o%e not in Truth. $ecause there is no Truth in hi&* When he speas a lie. he speas o, his own. ,or he is a liar an% the ,ather o, it* /Mar 4*@". (ohn @4*BN. (ohn @N*@N. X (ohn *440* The ,ollowin' list cites so&e o, the wa#s that Paul ,ul:lls the role o, Satanintheesh who co&es i&&e%iatel# an% taes awa# the Wor% o, -o% that was sown in &an3s heart Paul ca&e on on the heels o, our 9or% when the %isciples %isciples ha% 7ust 7ust $e'un %oin' the wors wors o, sprea%in' sprea%in' the Wor% Wor% that -o% ha% set $e,ore the&* Paul3s assaults a'ainst. an% i&prison&ent o,. the 9or%3s %isciples then snatche% the Truth awa# awa# ,ro& the people who ha% onl# $e'un to hear Truth spoen throu'h those i&prisone% %isciples* AGer Paul3s conversion. conversion. his %istoron %istoron o, the 9or%3s Doctrine tau'ht $# $# the %isciples i&&e%iatel# i&&e%iatel# ,ollowin' ,ollowin' the %isciples3 wors stole the Truth awa# awa# ,ro& the people who ha% hear% what the %isciples ha% sai% $ut then truste% Paul3s lies* When Paul starte% starte% preachin'. he in,uriate% in,uriate% people people so severel# that that the# wante% wante% to &ur%er hi&* hi&* # %istracn' %istracn' people3s aenon awa# ,ro& hearin' an% a%herin' to the Wor% o, -o%. Paul was snatchin' the Truth awa# ,ro& the&* # the &e the 9or%3s %isciples ha% :'ure% out that Paul Paul was a heav#%ut# $a% 'u#. it was too late* +hrisanit#3s ,oun%er. ,oun%er. Paul ha% alrea%# $eco&e :r&l# en&eshe% in the +hrisan &in% as $ein' the 9or%3s 'reatest apostle* Thus. even thou'h Peter an% (a&es wrote the leer con,ronn' Paul3s apostas#. Satan ha% alrea%# taen the Truth awa# ,ro& the +hrisans* +hrisan lea%ers %estro#e% the leer. leer. an% a%a&entl# %e,en%e% Paul3s apostas#* In %oin' so. the +hrisan ,athers were assern' that Paul was superior to Peter. an% that Paul. not Peter. Peter. was the roc upon who& the 9or% $uilt His church* c hurch* When the i$le was printe% into into the ,or& o, one $oo. Paul3s Paul3s wrin's were were inserte% to the ri'ht ri'ht o, the -ospel* All the people who stu%ie% the -ospel an% receive% it. $ut then turne% to Paul3s %o'&a an% t ruste% it as $ein' authencall# o, -o%. ha% the Truth Truth taen awa# ,ro& the& $# Satan Paul3s horren%ous &isinterpretaons &isinterpretaons an% &isapplicaons o, the -ospel* When we 'o to a +hrisan church church an% hear the Wor% Wor% o, -o% spoen. the vast vast &a7orit# o, &es the priest or preacher will then ae&pt to interpret an% overri%e the Truth Truth spoen $# (esus with Paul3s $lasphe&ous %o'&anure* The people who then trust their priests an% preachers to $e tellin' -o%3s Truth i&&e%iatel# e;perience Satan tain' awa# their un%erstan%in' o, the Wor% o, -o% ,ro& the&* So&e o, the wor%s wor%s that the Spirit o, the Son o, &an spoe to to the 6l% Testa&ent Testa&ent prophets prophets have have $een lost. pollute%. twiste%. an% %istorte% $# ,alse interpretaons interpretaons o, their wrin's* Such is especiall# true o, Davi%3s
psal&s* Wherever the +hrisan scri$es an% translators %i% not un%erstan% what was $ein' sai%. the# inserte% wor%s that ha% not $een wrien $# the prophets at all. an% the# %i% so ,ro& the posion o, appl#in' Paul3s %o'&a to the prophets3 wrin's* Therein was Paul a'ain the pri&ar# source o, havin' the Truth snatche% awa# awa# ,ro& people* &ead Ac !< he An=chri
In his :rst leer to his +orinthian ,ollowers. 3Paul3%are% to uote ,ro& the The Prophet (ere&iah =(JST AS I T IS W
The %evil an% ,alse apostle 3Paul3 MISJ6T>D the wor%s o, PSA9M @. in his in,a&ous leer to the >phesians where he T66C AWA F<6M the wor%s o, @ which rea% =H> /-6D.TH> FATH><0 <>+>IO>D 'iGs F<6M a&on' &en= /Oerse @0* The %evil 3Paul3 +HA5->D TH> W6
=TH> >OI9 65>= 3Paul3 'ave assurances to his =TA<>S= =TA<>S= that he was their ,ather $# wrin' to the& =I /Paul0 >+AM> 6J< FATH>< FATH>< TH<6J-H the 'ospel which I preach= /@ +orinthians 4@"0 T%E 'TA&ES' O1 C%&(ST(A$(TY &E2EALED
3Paul3 hi&sel, 'ave the& tles = Apostles an% prophets. ,athers. pastors. evan'elists an% teachers***$ishops. %eacons.e;orcists. %eacons.e;orcists. &iracle worers. speaers speaers in unnown lan'ua'es. a%&inistrators a%&inistrators etc = />ph 4@@* Phil* @@* @ +orinthians 4@"0* These can $e ,oun% within the 1TW>5T >I-HT TH6JSA5D1 +H
nuns. cler'#. cler'#&en. 3chrisan $rothers3 etc* Paul sai%. EFor i, the truth o, -o% hath &ore a$oun%e% throu'h lie unto his 'lor#K wh# #et a& I also 7u%'e% as a sinner? This is the in% o, &an that +hrisanit# was $ase% on? The whole law concernin' +hrisanit# han's on the wor%s o, a &an who lie% to 'et #our lo#alt#? He altere% the teachin's o, (esus +hrist as well as re&ie% the laws o, the Prophets /Mahew "@@0 He sai% over an% over that it was o to lie to 'et people to $elieve what #ou were preachin'Yteachin'! Then he coul%n3t 'et it! He was co&plainin' o, $ein' 7u%'e% as a sinner even i, his l#in' was =&eant= to pro%uce 'oo%!= What -oo% co&es ,ro& l#in'? (esus sai% all liars woul% have their part in the 9ae o, Fire!= 5ow who3s ri'ht? (esus or Paul? 3PAJ93 wrote wrote =9et hi& who w ho 6ASTS. $oast o, TH> 96
In ,ul:l&ent o, the prophec warnin' o, >SHJA /(>SJS0. the %evil 3Paul3 an% his chrisan ,ellow worers :rst :rst -ATH><>D TH>MS>9O>S T6->TH>< in A5TI6+H $e,ore the ='eneraon= sll livin' at the &e o, eshua ha% =passe% awa#= /Mahew 24B40* The# ver# uicl# travelle% =Aroun% on sea an% lan%= /Mahew 2B@"0 to &ae &ore =%isciples o, 3Paul3/Acts L@L* @@20 an% &a%e the& =twice as &uch a son o, hell=/Mahew 2B@"0* >ven as the =-ospel o, the in'%o& was $ein' preache% as a witness concernin' >SHJA /(>SJS0. to all naons= /Mahew 24@40K even then. in the li,e&e o, =this 'eneraon= o, the twelve apostles /Mahew 24B40. =the en% ca&e= /Mahew 24B40 when =TH> D>OI9 an% FA9S> AP6ST9> 3PAJ93 3PAJ93 an% his chil%ren =TH> TA<>S= the popes an% cler'# o, +hrisanit# preache% 3another 7esus3 an% another 'ospel3* For the last two thousan% #ears +hrisans have =>RA9T>D= 3the cross3 on top o, their places worshipK have have intro%uce% a special ,east %a# calle% 3The ,east o, the e;altaon o, the cross3 when chrisans worship an% iss 3the cross3K have worn an i&a'e o, 3the cross3 aroun% their necs as a supersous talis&an to 3war% o evil3K 6AST that the# =are save% $# 3the cross3 etc. etc* The +hrisan ,ollowers receive 3TH> SI-5 6F TH> +<6SS3 =65 their
A965 TH> -<>AT Havin' appointe% the =TA<>S= an% >RA9T>D 3the cross3 =I5 TH> P9A+> 6F -6D.TH> FATH><=. +hrisanit#. &ove% its hea%uarters to <6M>. A965 TH> -<>AT /
3Paul3 acco&plishe% this =>S+AP> F<6M (JSTI+> F6< P<>A+HI5- A5TIS>MITISM=/Acts 2"0 an% preachin' 3Another 7esus3 an% 3another 'ospel3/2 + orinthian%s @@40.with the assistance o, H><6D who arran'e% to have 3Paul3 shippe% to <6M> un%er the prete;t o, $ein' =a prisoner=* Jpon his arrival in <6M>. =TH> D
Whereas 3Paul3 was provi%e% with one =sol%ier= ,or his protecon. ever# pope. also nown as =TH> >AST= /O>9ATI65 @BB00 'A$OT%E& *ESUS'preached by 'Pa+l'and hi Chri=an #inier
=TH> TW>9O> TW>9O> AP6ST9> 6F TH> 9AM preache% =I5 A99 TH> W6<9D= TH> =-66D 5>WS= 6F =>SHJA TH> M>SSIAH=. whose =6D 6F F9>SH WAS 56T A996W>D T6 S>> +6<
Instea% o, =THIS -6SP>9 6F TH> CI5-D6M P<>A+H>D TH> TW>9O> TW>9O> AP6ST9>S 6F TH> 9AM I5 I 5 A99 TH> W6<9D=/Mahew 24@4* 2@B0. the =%evil 3Paul3 an% his an'els. $# their own a%&ission.preach =a %ierent 'ospel***pro&n' 'ospel***pro&n' =9AW9>SS5>SS= /(u%e 40$# sa#in' that. accor%in' to 3Paul3s3 'ospel =all thin's are law,ul=/2 +orinthians @@4* @ +orinthians @N2B0* This A5TI+H T
= F6< -6D S6 96O>D TH> W6<9D THAT H> -AO> HIS 659 >-6TT>5 S65 THAT WH6>O>< >9I>O>S THAT >SHJA /(>SJS0 6F 5AVA<>TH IS TH> M>SSIAH /+H
TH> FATH><. THAT P>9I>O> = /9ue @"N* Deuterono @@"* (ohn 2NB@0* T6 <>+>IO> >T><5A9 9IF> an% TH> F6<-IO>5>SS 6F SI5S /(ohn 2NB@* @ (ohn "@0 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ T%E 1ALSE 'g!pel'
3Paul3 wrote the 9I> =that +hrist /:rst0appeare% to +ephas. then to the twelve= /@ +or* +or* @""0* The Wor% o, -o% as recor%e% in Mahew. Mahew. Mar. 9ue an% (ohn e&phasise that eshua eshua /(esus0 the Messiah =FI >SHJA . TH> M>SSIAH DID 56T APP>A< T6 3Paul3 3Paul3 wrote the 9I> =an% last o, all. as to one un&el# $orn. he appeare% to &e also= /@ +or +o r* @"0 9ue to'ether with 3Paul3s3 own tes&on# con:r&s that 3Paul3 DID 56T S>> TH>
the# sa# the# are (ews an% are not. $ut are the s#na'o'ue o, Satan Paul the First Herec the e;co&&unicaon o, Paul 6. so now #ou3re #ou3re won%erin' i, i, an# o, this is reall# true* When ah ah ept lea%in' lea%in' &e to this there were &an# &an# &es I ha% %ou$ts* So I now what #ou3re 'oin' throu'h an% thinin'* ah ept $rin'in' several o, the points &a%e on this we$site to &in%* He le% &e to people an% places an% $oos ,or a lon' &e $e,ore I :nall# accepte% it as the sel, evi%ent truth that it is* So&e o, the ,acts He ept $rin'in' to &in% %urin' &es o, %ou$t an% uesonin' an% pra#er were these @* There are three %ierent accounts o, Paul3s tes&on# o, the Da&ascus
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