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For centuries the scientific study of the behavior of materials was performed in rela Email tively obscure engineering or metallurgy departments, away from the highly presti gious centers of 'pure science. For physicists it seems, the only property of materials that carried any weight was their mass; their strength was relegated to the more peripheral Password fields of applied scienceToday scienceToday this has all changed and the study of the (at least 6 characters) complex behavior of matter has acquired legitimacy and its own name: materials sci ence and engineeringThe engineering The long institutionalShow struggle to gain respect, and the more sophisticated conceptual and technical tools that may be brought to bear on the study Send me updates from Scribd of material complexity are full of lessons for the philosopher of science. Materialist philosophers it is becoming increasingly clear, cannot afford to ignore the basic fact that the study of matter does matter Sign Up Cyril Stanley Smith, a metallurgist and historian of materials, has explored the devel opment of the philosophy of matter the West and has concluded that for the most By registering a Scribd account,inyou agree to our part the study ofTerms the ofcomplexity and variability of behavior of materials has always Service and Privacy Policy been the concern of empirically oriented craftsmen or engineers, not of philosophers or scientistsHe scientistsHe argues that we may have inherited this generally condescending atti Alreadywho haveadmired an account? in tude from the Greeks, theSign handcrafted products produced by the black smith but who despised his material activities and his apparent unwillingness to engage in verbal exchanges on political or philosophical questions. As he puts i To those engaged in materials production and fabrication it may be disconcerting to realize that for a fair fraction of human history their activities have been viewed with suspicion and downright distaste by social thinkers and the general public. The ancient Greek philosophers, who set the tone for many of the attitudes still prevalent throughout Western civilization regarded those involved in the produc tion of material goods as being less worthy than agriculturalists and others who did not perform such mundane tasks . Throughout ancient society soci ety the most menial tasks, especially those of mining and metallurgy, were left to slaves Hence the common social attitude of antiquity persisting to this day in some intellectual circles, was to look down upon those who work with their hands. Xenophon stated the case in this fashion, 'What are called the mechanical arts carry a social stigma and are rightly dishonored in our cities For these arts dam age the bodies of those who work at them or who act as overseers by com pelling them to a sedentary life and to an indoor life, and, in some cases, to spend the whole day y the fireThis fireThis physical degeneration results also in deterioration of the soulFurthermore soulFurthermore the workers at these trades simply do not have the time to perform the offices o ffices of friendship friends hip or citizenshipConsequently they are loo ked
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Sign Up With Google upo as bad frieds ad bad patriots, ad i some cities, especially the warlike oes, it is ot legal for a citize to ply a mechaical trade" or with email espite this egative attitude, Smith argues that Greek philosophers like Aristotle may Name have leared much from visitig workshops, give that practically everythig about the behavior of metals ad alloys that could be explored with pre-idustrial techology was already kow to craftsme craftsme ad blacksmiths blacksmiths for at least a thousad thousad yearsIdeed, as Email he says, the early philosophies of matter may have bee derived from observatio ad coversatio coversatio with those whose eyes had see ad whose figers had felt the itricacies itricacies of the behavior of materials durig thermal processig or as they were shaped by chip pig, cuttig or plastic deformatio2Password For istace, Aristotles famous four elemets 6 characters) fire, earth, water ad air may be said(attoleast reflect a awareess awareess of what today we kow as eergy ad the three mai states of aggregatio of matter the solid,Show liquid ad gas states, all of which were very familiar to a metallurgist As metaphysical speculatio gave special these four elemetary quali Sendmeaigs me updatesto from Scribd ties their origial physical meaig was lost, ad the variability ad complexity of real materials was replaced with the uiform behavior of a philosophically simplified matter about which oe could oly speculate symbolicallySign It is Up true that sixteeth-cetury alchemists recovered a certai respec for a direct iteractio with matter ad eergy, By registering a Scribd account, you agree to our ad that seveteethcetury Cartesia philosophers speculated itesely about the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy variable properties of differet ways of aggregatig material compoets But these early attempts at capturig the complexity of physical trasmutatios ad of the effect of physical structur structure e o the complex complex properties of materials, evetually Already have an account? Sign lost in to the emer get sciece of chemistry ad its almost total cocetratio o simple behavior that of idividual compoets compoets (such as Lavoisiers oxyge) or of substaces that coform to the law of defiite proportios as i altos atomic theory here was, as Smith observes, a immese gai i these simplificatios, sice the exact scieces could ot have developed without them, but the triumph of chemistry was accompaied by a ot isigificat isigificat loss I particular, particular, the complete cocetratio of aalysis at the level of molecules caused a almost total disregard for higher levels of aggregatio i solids, but it is there where most complex properties of iterest to todays material scietist occur3 occur3 As is usual i the the history of sciece there were several exceptios, such as Galileo, who studied the stregth of materials i the sixteeth ce tury, but who may have derived his iterest ad ee some isights from his visits to the Veetia arseal, the largest militaryidustrial complex of its time ad home to a large variety of craftsmeHow craftsmeHow are we to theorise this ambivalet relatio towards com plex materiality withi sciece? eleuze ad Guattari offer a possible solutio whe they cotrast two types of sciece, or two odes of coductig scietific research, a major ad a mior mode: royal scienc ad nomad science, the sciece of the royal societies ad academies at the service of the state preoccupied above all with the discovery of abstract geeral laws, ad the humbler sciece of those who built the laboratory istru mets ad had he ob of testig the validity of those laws i cocrete phy sical situatios
atrial lit 15
Sign up to download DeLanda ndeed e dsncon beween roy nd nomd scence s drwn more wdey so Material does no concde w eComplexity dsncon beween pure nd pped scencen scence n s mnor
mode scence des w compex mer bevor quds no sods eerogeneous no omogeneous me urbuen no sedyse (or mnr ow( ow( so ncudes Sign rUp With Facebook mer preerence or nonmerc proecve or opoogc spces s we s or probemc rer n xomcSign ogc srucures 44 No surprsngy eeuze nd Gur cssy Upsrucures With Google ncen meurgy s mnor scence n person'5 Aoug e dsncon beween or with email e mor nd mnor modes does no ney dvde ndvdu scenss no wo srpy drwn cegores we my usre w wo s Name orc crcers sc Newon nd s conemporry rcenemy Rober Hooe wo deveoped e rs eory o mer escyAs escy As mers scens Jmes Edwrd Gordon s remred 'Une Newon Hooe ws nensey neresed n n w wen on Email n cens docyrds d ocyrds nd budngs e mundne mecnc rens rens o e Nor dd Hooe despse crsmen nd e probby go e nspron or es some o s des rom s rend e gre ondon coc mer oms ompon . '6 e pon Gordon sPassword ryng o me s no scenss my be dvded no wo sepre csses (at least characters) snce er 6e sme Newon wo eded e Roy Socey d so been n cems bu n seveneencenury Show Engnd muc more presge ws ced o scenc eds were no concerned w e mundne mecnc rens were mers dspyed u from compex Send meer updates Scribdbevor s my be one reson wy concepu dvnces n e sudy o mers suc s e ey concepu dsncon beween sress nd srn (one reerrng o e orces cng on mer srucure e oer o SignnUp e bevor o e srucure response o ose orces were mde n Frnce were pped scence ws encourged bo ocy nd socy registeringHooe a Scribd youexmpe agree to our ndeedByoug saccount, perfec o mnor scens s w o escy Terms of Service and Privacy Policy nng sress nd srn (or more ccurey snce ese conceps dd no ye exs e od srucure bers nd e deormon undergoes under od ws o e ype crcersng Already mor have scence n oer s w posued lea elato an account? Signwords in beween od nd deormon or w mouns o e sme ng smpe we beved proporon response o gven cuseAoug cuse Aoug some mers do ve rnge o ods under wc ey respond nery ( sm ncrese n od producng proporony sm deormon nd so reversby (er remov o e od e deor mon dsppers even ese smpe mers dspy crc resod beyond wc er bevor ceses o be esc nd becomes psc: ny urer sm od cuses rge deormon nd moreover e cnge o spe becomes rreversbe Psc bevor suc s permnen den or bend n mec bem s bu one exmpe o olea behavo. ndeed mny mers beve nonnery even wou crc ods Orgnc ssues or exmpe dspy Jsped recon curve sm od cuses rge deormon rs bu en even rge ods cese o ve muc eec Rubber nd oer mers dspy n S-sped recon: od s o ve ny eec up o pon beyond wc rubber sreces nery bu ony o sop rec ng o urer ods beyond ye noer pon Snce mers cpcy o ber ods s drecy reed o s cpcy o deorm rubbers nby o urer deorm under evy ods mes vey bre n ose condons condons A ny even J nd Ssped recon recon curves s we s mny oes re exmpes o nonner compex mer bevor7 Mer compexy owever needs more n us nonnery o become expressedn expressedn prcur one my nerze nonner sysem by sudyng ony under
16 D
Sign up to download DeLanda conditions nea o at equlbu One o the oldest examples o this lineaization, going Material Complexity back to Galileo, is the simple pendulumThe pendulumThe mathematical model o a pendulum shows
that the elationship between the amplitude and the peiod o its swin is in act non linea, linea, that is, thee is eedback o o inteaction betwe enUp theWith twoFacebook But given that nonlina Sign between equations wee pett much intactable until the advent o computes, this phsical act pesented an obstacle to the modeling o this simple dnamical Sign Up With Googlesstem So what scientists did was to stud the pendulums behavio onl o extemel small values o its amplitude, so as not to let the nonlineaities become too visible As mathematician or with email an Stewat puts it: Name Classical mathematics concentated on linea equations o a sound pagmatic eason it could not solve anthing else So docile ae linea equations that classical mathematicians wee willing to compomise thei phsics to get them shallow waves, amplitude vibations, sall So the classical theo deals with Email tempeatue gadients [that is, it lineaizes nonlineaities So ingained became the linea habit that b the 190s and 190s man scientists and enginees knew little else ineait is a tapThe tapThe behavio o linea equations is a om Password leastequations 6 characters) tpical But i ou decide that onl (at linea ae woth thinking about, sel censoship sets inYou inYou textbooks ill with tiumphs o linea analsis, its ailues Show buied so deep that the gaves go unmaked and the existence o the gaves goes unemakedAs unemakedAs the eighteenth centuSend believed in a from clockwok me updates Scribd wold, so did the midtwentieth in a linea one Thus, nonlinea behavio needs non-equlbu condtons to become maniest Sign Up Todas complexit theo depends as much on nonlinea mathematics as it does on aomequilibium themodnamics The latte discipline studies sstems which, registering a Scribd account, you agree to our unlike its nineteenthcentu classicalBy countepat, ae not closed to intense lows o Terms of Service and Privacy Policy matte and eneg om the outsideWhile outside While linea sstems tend to be chaacteized b a single, global stable state, sstems which ae both nonlinea and non-equilibium non-equilibium dis pla ultple stable states and these ma come in ahave vaiet o additionl Already an account? Sign inoms, not onl steadstate but also peiodic and chaoticn chaoticn addition, scientists have come to ealize that these multiple stable states seem to chaacteize not onl inoganic mateial behavio, but also als o oganic and even social soci al behavioIn othe wods, we ae beginning to undestand that an complex sstem, whethe composed o inteacting molecules, oganic ceatues o economic agents, is capable o spontaneousl geneating ode and activel oganizing itsel into new stuctues and oms It is pecisel this abilit o matte and eneg to selfoganze that is o geatest signiicance to the philosophe his can be illustated b an example om mateials science Long ago, pactical metallugists undestood that a given piece o metal could be made to change its behavio, om ductile and tough to igid and bittle, b hammeing it while coldThe coldThe opposite tansmutation, om hd to ductile, could also be achieved b heating the piece o metal again and then allowing it to cool down slowl (that is, b annealing itYet, itYet, although blacksmiths knew empiicall how to cause these metamo phoses, it was not until a ew decades ago that scientists undestood the actual mico scopic mechanismAs mechanismAs it tuns out, explaining the phsical basis o ductilit involved a adical conceptual change scientists had to stop viewing metals in sttic tems, that is, as deiving thei stength in a simple wa om the chemical bonds between thei com posing atoms, and begin looking lo oking at them as dnamical sstems In paticula, paticula, the eal cause o bittleness in igid mateials, and the eason wh ductile ones c an esist being
til lit 17
Sign up to download DeLanda - boen hs to do with the complex dynmics of speding ccs Material needsComplexity enegy to sped thogh piece of mteil nd ny mech A cc o fcte nism tht tes wy enegy fom the cc will me the mteil togh In metls Signto UpbeWith Facebook the mechnism seems bsed on cetin line defects o impefections within the component cystls clled dislocations isloctions not only tp enegy loclly bt moeove moeove e highly Sign mobile my be boght into existence in lge qntities by the Upnd With Google vey concenttions of stess which tend to be piece of metl oghly if popl tions of these line defects eemail fee to move in mteil they will endow it with the or with to yield loclly withot being tht is they will me the mteil togh On cpcity Name the othe hnd esticted movement of disloctions will eslt in moe igid mteil Both of these popeties my be desible fo diffeent tools nd even within one nd the sme tool: in swod o nife fo instnce the lodbeing body mst be togh while the Email ctting edge mst be igid to be cpble of holding on to its shply tingl shpe Wht mttes fom the philosophicl point of view is pecisely tht toghness o igid ity e emergent prperties of metllic mteil tht eslt fom the complex dynmi Password cl behvio of some of its coponents. An even deepe philosophicl insight is elted (at least characters) to the fct tht 6the dynmics of popltions of disloctions e vey closely elted to the popltion dynmics of vey diffeentShow entities sch s molecles in hythmic chemicl ection temites in nestbilding colony nd pehps even hmn gents in metIn metIn othe wods despite the get diffeence in the nte nte nd behvio behvio of the the Send me updates from Scribd components given popltion of intecting entities will tend to disply simil collec tive behvio s long s the intections e nonline nd s long s the popltion in Sign Up qestion opetes f fom themodynmic eqilibim Fo mteils scientists this commonlity of behvio is of diect pcticl significnce since it mens tht s they By registering a Scribd account, you agree to our begin to confont incesingly moe complex mteil popeties they cn me se of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy tools coming fom nonline dynmics nd noneqilibim themodynmics tools tht my hve been developed to del with completely diffeent poblems In the wods of one tho Already have an account? Sign in . . ding the lst yes the whole field of mteils science nd elted tech nologies hs expeienced complete enewl Effectively by sing techniqes coesponding to stong noneqilibim conditions it is now possible to escpe fom the constints of eqilibim themodynmics nd to pocess totlly new mteil stctes stctes inclding diffeent diffeent types of glsses nno nd qsicystls spe spel lt tti tice cess . . As mteils with incesed esistnce to ftige nd fcte e soght fo ctl pplictions fndmentl ndestnding of the collective behvio of disloctions dislocti ons nd point defects is i s highly desible desi ble Since the sl themodynmic nd mechnicl concepts e not dpted to descibe those sit tions pogess in this diection shold be elted to the explicit se of genine noneqilibim noneqilibim techniqes nonline dynmics nd instbility theoy An ndestnding of bcgond is impotnt in binging the two stnds of the g ment togethe. he contempoy science of mteils is n offsping of Wold W II nd the Mnhttn Poect. While pio to the w the field constitted collge of mino sciences enginees nd metllgists who hd pticipted in wtime govenment po ects finlly nified nd gve this discipline the pestige tht it deseved he stdy of mteil complexity is now the le nd new weness of the selfogniing cp cities of mtte is beginning to emege in this field. In its moe pestigios contept oyl o mo science on the othe hnd the focs on line nd eqilibim behvio
18 Diitl ti
Sign up to download DeLanda - has ld to a viw o mattr as an inert receptacle or orms imposed om the outside Material Complexity
a viw with may similaritis to Cratioism ad latoism Gills luz rrs to this coctio o th gsis o orm as 'th hylomorhic modl' Artisas, cratsm, ad Up Withcoctio Facebooko th rlatio hadSign mior scitists i gral, h argus, always a dirt btw mattr ad orm, at last imlicitly thy did ot imos but tasd a orm out o a activ matrial, collaboratig with it i th roductio o a ial roduct rathr tha Sign Up With Google commadig it to oby ad assivly rciv a rviously did ormAs orm As luz ad or with email Guattari writ, th hylomorhic modl: . . . assums a ixd orm ad a mattr Name dmd homogous t is th ida o th law that assurs th modl's cohrc, sic laws ar what submits mattr to this or that orm, ad covrsly, raliz i mattr a giv rorty dducd rom rom th th orm orm . . [But [But th th]] hylomorphic modl lavs may thigs, activ ad Email activ, by th waysid. O th o had, to th ormd or ormabl mattr w must add a tir rgtic matriality i movmt, carryig singularities that ar alrady alrady lik imlicit orms that ar toological, rathr tha gomtrical, gomtrical, ad Password o r xaml, th variabl udulatios that combi with rocsss o dormatio udulatios (at least 6 characters) ad torsios o th ibrs guidig th oratios oratios o slittig wood O th othr Show had, to th sstial rortis o mattr drivig rom th ormal ssc w must add variable intensive aects ow rsultig rom th oratio, ow o th Send me updates Scribd cotrary, makig it ossibl or xaml, wood that isfrom mor or lss orous, mor or lss lastic ad rsistat. At ay rat, it is a qustio o surrdrig to th wood, th ollowig whr it lads by coctig oratios to a matriality Sign Up istad o imosig a orm uo uo a mattr mattr h trm sigularitis i this quot rrs to th multil stabl stats which charac By registering a Scribd account, you agree to our triz oliar systms hs may b sigular oits rrstig endogenous ten Terms of Service and Privacy Policy dencies towards a stady stat, or tdcis towards dogous oscillatios, siml or turbult, rrstd by riodic ad chaotic sigularitis, rsctivly Sic ths Already an account? sigularitis rrst th stat a systm will tdhave to adot i th Sign loginru, or th ial stat towards which it is attractd, thy ar rrrd to as attractors'. Sigularity may also rr to th biurcatios or critical oits at which a giv attractor chags ito aothr, such as th wllstudid Ho biurcatio which turs a stady stat attractor ito a riodic o h trm acts', o th othr had, rrs ot to tdcis but to capacities th caacity o a matrial to act ad b actd Barig loads, or xaml, ivolvs th caacity to b actd by a load, i th ss that a load-barig structur must b caabl o strtchig i th loads ar i tsio, or o shrikg i thy ar i comrssio comrssio. . 2 Ay matrial, o mattr how siml its bhavior, has dogous tdcis ad caacitis, but luz argus that i th matrial i qustio is homogous ad closd to its lows o rgy, its sigularitis ad acts will b so siml as to sm rducibl to a liar law I a ss, ths matrials hid rom viw th ull rrtoir o slorgaizig caabilitis o mattr ad rgy O th othr had, i th matrial is ar rom qulibrium (or, what amouts to th sam thig, i dierences i itsity ar ot allowd to b cacld) or i it is comlx ad htrogous (that is, i th dierences amog its comots ar ot cacld through homogizatio) th ull st o sigularitis ad acts will b rvald, ad comlx matriality will b allowd to maist itsl itsl othr words, th mhasis hr is ot ol o th so taous gratio o orm, but o th act that this morhogtic ottial is bst
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Sign up to download DeLanda - expressed not y the smple nd unform ehvor of mterls ut y ther complex Material Complexity
nd vrle ehvor. n ths sense contemporry ndustrl metls such s m ld steel my not e the est With Facebook llustrton of ths Sign new Up phlosophcl concepton of mtter Whle nturlly occurrng metls contn ll nds of mpurtes tht chnge ther mechncl ehvor n dfferent wys steel nd other ndustrl metls hve undergone n the lst two hundred yers n Sign Up With Google ntense process of unformty nd homogenzton n oth ther chemcl composton or with email nd ther physcl structure structur e he rtonle ehnd ths process ws prtly sed on ques tons ofName rellty nd qulty control ut t hd lso socl component oth humn worers nd the mterls they used needed to e dscplned nd ther ehvor mde predctle Only then the full effcences nd economes of scle of mss-producton technques could e relzed. But ths homogenzton lso ffected the engneers tht Email desgned structures usng these well-dscplned mterls n the words of Jmes E Gordon he wdespred use of steel for so mny purposes n the modern world s only prtlyPassword due to techncl cuses Steel especlly mld steel mght euphemstclly (at least 6 characters) e descred descred s mterl mterl tht tht fcltt fclttes es the dluto dluton n of slls . . . Mnufctur Mnufcturng ng Show processes cn e roen down nto mny seprte stges ech requrng mn mum of sl slll or or nte ntellllg gen ence ce . . . At hgher mentl level the desgn process me updates from Scribd ecomes Send good del eser nd more foolproof y the use of ductle sotropc nd prctclly unform mterl wth whch there s lredy gret del of ccu multed experence he desgn of mny components such s ger wheels cn Sign Up e reduced to routne tht cn e looed up n hndoos 3 Gordon sees n th e spred of th e use of steel n n the lte nneteent nneteenth h nd erly twenteth twenteth By registering a Scribd account, you agree to our centures doule dnger cretvty Terms of Servicefor andthe Privacy Policy of structurl desgners he frst dnger s the de tht sngle unversl mterl s good for ll dfferent nds of structure some of whch my e supportng lods n compresson some n tenson some wthstndng have antorsonl account?stresses Sign in But s Gordon ponts out gven tht the sheer stressesAlready nd others roles whch structure my ply cn e hghly heterogeneous the repertore of mterls tht desgner uses should reflect ths complexty compl exty On the other hnd he ponts out tht much s n the cse of ologcl mterls le one new desgns my nvolve struc tures wth propertes tht re n contnuous vrton wth some portons of te struc ture etter le to del wth compresson whle others del wth tenson. ntrnsclly heterogeneous mterls such s ferglss nd the newer h-tech compostes fford desgners ths posslty. As Gordon sys 't s scrcely prctle to tulte elorte sets of typcl mechncl propertes for the new compostes n theory the whole pont of such mterls s tht unle metls they do not hve typcl propertes ecuse the mterl s desgned to sut not only ech ndvdul structure ut ech plce n tht structure' structure' 4 hs s not to mply tht there re no legtmte roles to e plyed y homogeneous mterls wth smple nd predctle ehvor such s erng lods n compresson And smlrly for the nsttutonl nd economc rrngements tht were ehnd the quest for unformty the economes of scle cheved y routnzng producton nd some desgn tss were certnly very sgnfcnt As wth the lredymentoned homogenztons performed y scentsts n ther conceptons of mtter there were undoutedly some gns he queston s wht got lost n the process? o gve the most ovous exmple of hdden cost the nneteenth-century process of trnsferrng slls
20 Dtl t
Sign up to download DeLanda fom the humn woke to the mchine nd the tsk of homogenizing metllic behv Complexity io went hnd in hnd As Cyil Stnley Smith Material emks 'The cftsmn cn compenste
fo diffeences in the qulities of his mteil fo he cn dust the pecise stength nd ptten of ppliction of his tools to the mteils Convesely the con Up vgies With Facebook Signlocl stnt motion of mchine equies constnt mteils f it is tue tht much of the knowledge bout the complex behvio of mteils ws outside science by Sign Updeveloped With Google empiiclly oiented individuls the de-skilling of cftsmen tht ccompnied mech niztion my be seen s involving loss of t lest pt tht knowledge since in mny or of with email cses empiicl knowhow is stoed in the fom of skills Name Additionlly not only the poduction pocess ws outinized in this wy so to lesse extent ws the design pocess Mny pofessionls who design lodbeing stuctues hve lost thei bility to design with mteils tht e not isotopic tht is tht do not EmailBut it is pecisely the bility to del with com hve identicl popeties popeties in ll diections plex continuously vible behvio tht is now needed to design stuctues with the new composites Hence we my need to nutue once once gin ou bility to del with vi tion s cetive foce nd to think Password of stuctues tht incopote heteogeneous ele (at least 6 characters) ments s chllenge to be met by innovtive design To conclude the histoicl pocesses of homogeniztion nd outiniztion Show hve po moted the 'hylomophic schem s pdigm of the genesis of fom Convesely it is ptly thnks to the new theoies of selfogniztion tht potentil complexity of Send me updates fromthe Scribd behvio of even the humble foms of mtteenegy hs been eveled e my now be in position to think bout the oigin of fom nd stuctue not s something Sign Up commnd fom bove imposed fom the outside on n inet mtte not s hiechicl s in n ssembly line but s something tht my come fom within the mteils By registering a Scribd account, you agree to our fom tht we tese out of those mteils s we llow them to hve thei sy in the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy stuctues we cete. Notes
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1 Melvin Kranzberg and Cyril Stanley Smith, 'Materials in History and Society in The Materials Revolution ed Tom Forrester, (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1988) p 93. 2 Cyril Stanley Smith, 'Matter Versus Materials: A Historical View in A Search for Structure (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1992) p 115. 3 Ibid, pp. 120-1 4 Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1980) pp 361-2 5 Ibid, p 411 6 James Edward Gordon, The Science of Structures and Materials (Scientific Aerican Library, 1988) New York, p 18. 7 Ibid, pp. 201 8 Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos (Oxford Basil Blackwell, 1989) p 83 9 James Edward Gordon, The Science of Structures and Materials p 111 10 D. Walgraef, Pattern Selection and Symmetry Competition in Materials Instabilities in New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Patte-Forming Phenomena eds Pierre Coullet and Patrick Huerre (Plenum Press, 1990) New York, p 26 11 Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guttari, A Thousand Plateaus p 408 12 See Manuel DeLanda, Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy (London Continuum Press, 2002) for a full discussion of singularities and affects. 13 James Edward Gordon, The Science of Structures and Materials p. 135 14 Ibid, p 200. 15 Cyril Stanley Smith, Reflections on Technology and the Decorative Arts in the Nineteenth Century in A Search for Structure, cit p 313
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