Reckitt Benckiser (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Product Name: Dettol Liquid-Antiseptic Disinfectant
Effective Effective Concentrated antiseptic Disinfectant Product Introduction
Dettol Liquid-Antiseptic Disinfectant, a first aid liquid antiseptic disinfectant which proven safe and effective concentrated antiseptic Disinfectant. Choloxylenol BP .! " serves as an active in#redient in the fi#ht a#ainst #er$s which can cause infections and illness. Apart fro$ chloroxylenol, this product also incorporated with %sopropyl alcohol to enchance the effectiveness of this product a#ainst #er$s or infections. By applyin# the used of this product in our daily &asis, undou&tedly we can i$prove our &ody hy#iene and protections. Product ingredients:
'. Chloro Chloroxyl xyleno enoll BP .!" w(v) w(v) a che$ic che$ical al co$pou co$pound nd with with the for$ula for$ula C!*+Cl and CA nu$&er !!--. %t is co$$only used in anti&acterial anti&acterial soaps such as Dettol/ in a#ar patch studies, it has &een found to 0ill a wide variety of $icro&es, includin# &acteria, fun#i, and the super&u# 12A, within '3 seconds. %ts anti&acterial action is due to disruption of cell $e$&rane potentials, &loc0in# production of adenosine triphosphate 4effectively starvin# the cells5. 6. Pine il) il) an essential essential oil o&tained o&tained &y the the stea$ distilla distillation tion of needles, needles, twi#s twi#s and cones cones fro$ a variety of species of pine, particularly Pinus sylvestris. %t is used in aro$atherapy, as a scent in &ath oils, as a cleanin# product, and as a lu&ricant in s$all and expensive cloc0wor0 instru$ents. %t is naturally deodori7in#, and anti&acterial. %t $ay also &e used varyin#ly as a disinfectant, $assa#e oil and an antiseptic. 8. %sopropyl %sopropyl alcohol alcohol 4also 6-propano 6-propanol, l, iso, isopro, isopro, ru&&in# ru&&in# alcohol, alcohol, or the a&&reviatio a&&reviation n %PA5) %PA5) is a co$$on co$$on na$e for isopropano isopropanol, l, a colorless colorless,, fla$$a&l fla$$a&le e che$ical che$ical co$pound with a stron# stron# odor. %t has the $olecul $olecular ar for$ul for$ula a C8*! and is the si$plest exa$ple of a secondary alcohol , where the alcohol car&on is attached to two other car&ons. %t is an
iso$er of propanol. '
Reckitt Benckiser (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
. Castor il oap) dissolve proteins or fats which for$ the coatin#s or walls of so$e $icroor#anis$s and will disrupt so$e insect coatin#s. 9enerally,the soap not the #er$icide, the phenol co$pound is. :he soap $ay aid in $aintainin# the antiseptic cresol or phenol in solution. 3. Cara$el) a dar0 unsweetened liquid, the hi#hly concentrated product of near total cara$eli7ation that is &ottled for co$$ercial and industrial use. ;.
'. DE::L Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid is a proven safe and effective concentrated antiseptic disinfectant, that 0ills &acteria and provides expert protection a#ainst the #er$s which can cause infection and illness. 6. DE::L Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid can &e used safely for #entle antiseptic wound cleansin# and disinfectin#. %t can also &e used on s0in cleansin# 4li0e in the &ath5 and as a disinfectant in the ho$e. 8. =irst aid to help prevent infection in $inor cuts, &ites, a&rasions, insect stin#s. Dilute one ta&lespoon in ' o7. of water. Apply to affected area and cover with #au7e or &anda#e. . Can used as first aid and $edical, household 4nurseries, laundry, &athroo$s, floors5, and personal hy#iene 4&athin#, dandruff, spots and pi$ples5. 3. =or first aid and personal care uses, Dettol Liquid $ust always &e used diluted with water. Availa&le in a wide ran#e of si7es fro$ '63 $l to ' litre. DE::L Liquid is a licensed $edicine and is availa&le in phar$acies and retail stores. Dettol Liquid contains Chloroxylenol BP. ;. Dettol Liquid can &e used for #entle antiseptic wound cleansin# and disinfection, antiseptic s0in cleansin# and as a disinfectant in and around the ho$e. >. Dettol Liquid $ust always &e used diluted with water. !. Availa&le in a wide ran#e of si7es fro$ '63 $l to ' litre.
Reckitt Benckiser (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Caution) '. 6. 8. . 3. ;. >.
=or external use only. %f swallowed, wash out $outh and drin0 plenty of water or $il0. %f contact is $ade with eyes, wash thorou#hly with cold water. %n &oth cases, consult your doctor and ta0e this &ottle with you. ?eep out of reach of children. Do not use after expiry date printed on the &ottle. Do not use diluted product.
Product recommended consumption:
'. @se diluted for antiseptic wound clensin# for cuts, #ra7es, &ites and stin#s 6. =or external used only cannot &e drin0 8. Do not apply to newly &orn &a&ies Antiseptic '.Dilute ' cupful of dettol liquid-antiseptic to 6 $L of water and apply onto cuts, #ra7es, &ites and stin#s. 6.@ndiluted dettol liquid antiseptic can &e used in ur#ent cases &ut not onto sensitive and ec7e$atous s0ins.
Personal hy#iene '.=or $idwifery, dilute ' cupful of dettol liquid-antiseptic disinfectant to 6. L of water for external antiseptic. 6.=or &athin#, dilute - ' cupful of dettol liquid-antiseptic disinfectant to &ath water. ther purposes '.Pour 8 cupful of dettol liquid disinfectant into 6.3 L of water for laundry. 6.@se 8 cupful of dettol liquid antiseptic disinfectant in 6.3 L of water for disinfectin# floor and other hard surfaces around the house. 8.@se undiluted dettol liquid antiseptic disinfectant sparin#ly for lavatories, sin0s and drains.
Reckitt Benckiser (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Product Packaging
Brand Introduction:
1anufactured and launched &y 2ic0ett Benc0iser in year '+86, Dettol also 0nown as parachloro$etaxylenol, or PC1 is the na$e of the co$$ercial liquid antiseptic in the product line of household products.
=i#ure a&ove shows the che$ical structure of chloroxylenol. %ts 0ey in#redient is 0nown as chloroxylenol 4C!*+Cl5. %t is an aro$atic che$ical structure which #ives Dettol an unique antiseptic property. Chloroxylenol 4C!*+Cl5 $a0es up .!" of Dettols total $ixture, with the rest co$posed of pine oil, isopropanol, castor oil soap, cara$el, and water . Dettol produces a white e$ulsion of oil droplets when diluted durin# use. :his is due to the fact that so$e of its in#redients are insolu&le in water. Apart fro$ its low toxicity and low $etal corrosivity, it is also relatively cheap co$pared to other disinfectants. Dettol has &eco$e the $ost 0nown health product &rand over the years. Consu$er #oods $aor 2ec0itt and Col$an %ndia Ltd is the co$pany which introduce dettol &rand to the world.
Reckitt Benckiser (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
:hey also introduce 6 new &rands in the year '+++-6. :heir strate#y also involved repositionin# its existin# products and consolidatin# its su&-&rands under its $ain su& u$&rella &rands-Dispirin, Dettol and *arpic. :he strate#y desi#ned to vault 2ec0itt and Col$an, currently ran0ed seventh a$on# fast $ovin# consu$er #oods co$panies in ter$s of salles into the &i# lea#ue. :he co$pany has centred its trust on the existin# $e#a &rands-Dispirin, Dettol and *arpic. As s result of this &rave and &rilliant srate#y the co$pany has achieve 8" increased in sales #rowth in '+++ until 6, 2ec0itt and col$an expects to dou&le its turnover every 6-8 years. Dettol is the worlds leadin# &rand of Antiseptics and trusted cha$pion of fa$ily health. Dettol is the #old standard of effective #er$ 0ill reco$$ended &y $edical experts and healthcare professionals for its proven a&ility to protect fa$ilies fro$ #er$s. :he &rand re$ains up to date throu#h the launch of new products relevant to chan#in# lifestyles such as hand saniti7er, liquid hand wash, shower #el, all purpose cleaners, and anti&acterial wipes. orporate Ac!i"ement:
ove$&er ! ) acquires :i#a 2oda- an %ndonesian pest control &ussiness April 66
) Acquires $inority interest in ri Lan#0a and %ndia
Fear 6;
) 2ec0itt Bec0inser co$pletes acquisitions of Boots *ealth Care international for AG '+6; $ilion #ainin# new platfor$ for #rowth in the attractive over the counter health care $ar0et.
Fear 6>
) Dettol &rand was awarded as the #old winner in 2eaderHs Di#est :rusted Brand 6> '" voted &y consu$ers.
ompan#$s Introductions:
Esta&lished in the year '!, Iohann A. Benc0iser founder of Benc0iser had his core &usiness fro$ a che$ical industry.1eanwhile,in '!!, %saac 2ec0itt own a starch $ill in *ull. *e then diversifies into other household products/ &eco$es renowned for starch, washin# &lue and &lac0 lead for polishin#.2ec0itt died at the a#e of >. *is &usiness was pass on to his three sons. 2ec0itt &e#an expandin# and openin# &usiness around the world. 3
Reckitt Benckiser (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
2ec0itt J ons $er#e in with IJI Col$an, &eco$in# 2ec0itt J Col$an Ltd4'+8!5. %n year '!+, Ia$es 2ec0itt accept Baronetcy and &eco$es ir Ia$es 2ec0itt .:hen in '+++, 2ec0itt J Col$an plc and Benc0iser .K. $er#e to &eco$e 2ec0itt Benc0iser plc, &eco$in# :he world no.' in household cleanin#. :hrou#hout +Hs to the 6Hs, $any products had &een launched &y 2ec0itt Benc0iser, such as *arpic Lavatory Cleaners, anpic disinfectant, Dettol, Cal#on water softener, Cal#onit Auto$atic Dishwashin# Deter#ent and uanto =a&ric oftener, Airwic0 and Col$anHs food &usiness. ver 6 years, 8 co$panies $er#e into one co$pany, $a0in# a history in healthcare products. 2ec0itt Benc0iser owns over > &rands includiin# Dettol, Keet, Air 5. :heir operatin# inco$e is around M',6 &illion 46>5. A Co$pany li0e rec0itt Benc0iser that earn &illion a year requires a hu#e a$ount of e$ployees to operate it. Iust for the year 6;, 2ec0itt Benc0iser hires 6',; e$ployees to operate its co$pany. %n year 63, Basil Benc0iser died at the a#e of '.
Reckitt Benckiser (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
ompan#$s Details
Co$panyHs a$e) 2e#istered Address)
2ec0itt Benc0iser 2ec0itt Benc0iser 41alaysia5 dn. Bhd., etia ', Da$ansara *ei#hts,
:ype of Buildin#) Phone u$&er)
3+ ?uala Lu$pur, 1alaysia. hop Lot ;8-''''++ www.rec0itt&$ Cleanin# products, healthcare and condi$ents