http://datamediume DME Process:
Salary Payments by Bank Tr Transfer ansfer with Payment Advice Printing
Purpose The system uses this process to provide all the information your house bank needs to transfer the wage and salary payments to your employees. The system creates a DME file and the DME accompanying sheet, and creates a payment advice for every employee, on which the remuneration statement is printed. You You can also print a payment summary that lists the individual payments. You You can use the payment summary to, amongst other things, post the wage and salary payments manually to Financial Accounting .
Process Flow 1. The preliminary program DME evaluates DME evaluates the entries in the Payment Information table (T! in the payroll results for the employees, and creates" o
a payment run which contains the payment data
remuneration statements The preliminary program DME prints the remuneration statements or transfers them to the payment medium program. This is dependent on the Payslip on #ayment #ayment Advice Note indicator Note indicator on the program$s selection screen. %or employees who, in addition to the bank transfer, also receive one or several payments by check, the preliminary program DME transfers the remuneration statement to the International Payment Medium - Check (with check management program management program (&eport &%%')*+!. &%%')*+!. This is independent of the Payslip on Payment Advice Note indicator on the selection screen for the program.
2. The
payment medium program for program for transfers, or the
#ayment Medium
orkbench (#M! evaluates the payment data. o
The system creates the DME file, the DME accompanying sheet, and the payment summary. The DME file contains all bank transactions and has the same format as the file used by the bank for your country.
-t also prints the remuneration statements, if these were transferred by the preliminary program DME.
. You You provide provide your house bank bank with the the DME file file created, created, so that the the bank transfer transfer can be made. made. The following graphic shows the process flow of wage and salary payments by bank transfer with payment advice printing. 'utbound DME #ayment #rocess
Preliminary Program DM
se To To start the preliminary preliminary program program DME, from from the SAP Easy Access menu Access menu choose Human Resources → Payroll → Payroll
Transfer → Pre. DME Pre. DME Program. Program. You You use the preliminary preliminary program program DME to ealuate ealuate the payroll payroll results to create payment data. The creation of payment data is the !rst step in the "age and salary payments process. You You can also use the prelimin preliminary ary program DME if you "ant to ma#e ma#e seeral partial payments on di$erent dates "ithin a payroll period % &uali!ed 'dance Payment(. Payment(.
The preliminary preliminary program program DME can ealuate ealuate payments using using di$erent payment methods in methods in a payment run. The payment medium programs, programs, "hich further process the data created by the preliminary program DME, select the releant data records using the payment method. The preliminary preliminary program program DME processes processes both information from the master data and data and information from the payroll results for results for an employee.
-ntegration The payment data created by the preliminary program DME is processed by the country)speci!c payment medium programs in Accounting to create payment mediums %for example, DME !les for the ban#, chec#s(. You must start these subse*uent programs after the preliminary program DME has ealuated the payroll results for the employee and has created the payment data. #rere/uisites You hae exited payroll for the payroll periods for "hich you "ant to ma#e "age and salary payments. %Exception: You ma#e a
&uali!ed 'dance Payment before exiting payroll.( You hae chec#ed or made the follo"ing settings in agreement "ith Accounting. •
Setting up the payment methods (in +ustomi0ing for Personnel Management under Personnel Administration
Personal !ata → "ank !etails
Define #ayment Method!
Setting up the house banks and house bank accounts (in +ustomi0ing for #ayroll under !ata Medium #$change → Preliminary Programs for !ata Medium #$change → )et p 1ouse anks!
Defining the Sending Banks (using the %ender Account Num&er for !ata Medium #$change feature (DT23T! in +ustomi0ing for #ayroll under !ata Medium #$change → Preliminary Programs for !ata Medium #$change → Define )ending anks!
Defining the paying company code if you do not want to use the company code stored in the 'rganiational Assignment (4445! infotype (using the %ender Account Num&er for !ata Medium #$change feature (DT23T! in +ustomi0ing for #ayroll under !ata Medium #$change → Preliminary Programs for !ata Medium #$change → Define )ending anks!.
Assigning the te!t key for the payment transaction to transfer wage types (in +ustomi0ing for #ayroll under !ata Medium #$change → Preliminary Programs for !ata Medium #$change → +heck Te6t 3eys for #ayment Transactions! This assignment is not necessary in all country versions.
%eatures +or eery current original result for employees processed in a payment run, the preliminary program DME reads the Payment Information table %T( in the payroll results. -n the process, the system performs the follo"ing steps for eery entry in this table: The system determines the information on the pa yment recipient
from the entry in the Payment Information table (T!
from the Payee )eys table (T785!, if the entry in the Payment Information table (T! contains a recipient key
from the Personal !ata (4448! and Addresses (4449! infotypes, if the entry in the Payment Information table (T! does not contain a recipient key and does not contain any recipient data The system evaluates the %ender Account Num&er for !ata Medium #$change feature (DT23T! to determine the following information"
The paying company code
The house bank
The house bank account The system reads the Purpose field in the Payment Information table (T!"
-f the Purpose field is filled, the contents of the field are transferred to the payment data. -f the Purpose field is not filled, the following te6t is used" :age;)alary:, <#ersonnel =umber>, <#ayroll #eriod> or :#ension:, <#ersonnel =umber>, <#ayroll #eriod>. The system determines the payment currency"
-f the Currency field in the Payment Information table (T! contains a currency, this currency is used for the payment.
-f the Currency field in the Payment Information table (T! does not contain a currency, the currency from the Currency field in the Payroll %tatus Information table (?E&)+! is used for the payment.
The system reads the bank codes of the house bank and the recipient bank from the "ank Master *ecord table (=32!.
The system checks the payment data for consistency. -f a payment with inconsistent data e6ists for an employee, the system does not perform a payment for this employee.
%or every entry in the Payment Information table (T! the system creates an entry in the payment data.
The selection screen for the preliminary program DME is country) speci!c. The follo"ing describes only the most important international parameters. Set Flag for Transfers e recommend that you mar# this indicator. -t causes the system to mar# eery processed entry in the Payment Information table %T( "ith date and time, to indicate to payment runs carried out later that they are processed. This preents entries in thePayment Information table %T( being accidentally processed more than once. -f the payroll run is repeated after you hae executed the preliminary program DME, the system does not oer"rite the entries mar#ed "ith date and time but performs a di$erence calculation. That is "hy you must mar# the Set Flag for Transfers indicator if you "ant to perform a *uali!ed adance payment. Wage Type You can use these input !elds to restrict a payment run to certain "age types, for example, to pay the "age types created for External ank Transfers %-nfotype 0011( separately from the employee2s salary. Test
-f you mar# this indicator, the system only displays the payments to be made as the result of a payment run. -t does not create any payment data and does not change any data in the payroll results. Output
The preliminary program DME creates a payment run that contains payment data. You can clearly identify eery payment run using a combination of the Program Run !ate and I"enti#cation Feature. The I"enti#cation Feature originates from the six)digit system time, "hen you started the preliminary program DME. The system replaces the last digit of the six)digit system time in the I"enti#cation Feature "ith a P.
You started the preliminary program DME at
[email protected] on 4A.5A.8444. You can clearly identify the payment run created using a combination of the Program *un !ate (04.14.2000 ! and Identification Feature (09251P!.
The payment data contained in a payment run is saed in the follo"ing tables: •
Control *ecords for the Payment Program (&EB?!
%ettlement !ata from Payment Program (&EB1!
Processed Items from Payment Program (&EB#!
The data in these tables is further processed by the payment medium programs in Accounting. +or more information, see
Payments %+-)3(.
DME Tables sed for Mapping The standard table structures below are used for mapping in the DM" =ote" -n order to use other )2# tables ser E6its are re/uired. DM Tables #sed for Mapping$ %#2Y1 C #ayment medium" #ayment data %#2Y1 C #ayment Medium" #repared Data for #ayment %#2Y# C #ayment medium" Data on paid items DMEE*#2YD C DMEE" )tructure for =ote to #ayee Data
Manual 'utbound DME #ayment #rocess" 5.! #ayment run is e6ecuted in )2# via transaction %554.. 8.! %ile is generated in bank specific format and stored in )2# DME 2dministrator. .! %ile is manually saved to local directory. A.! ser +onnects using bank software or at secure website. 7.! #ayment %ile is uploaded to bank. 9.! #ayment is processed and distributed to payee. 2utomatic 'utbound DME #ayment #rocess" 5.! #ayment run is e6ecuted in )2# via transaction %554.. 8.! %ile is generated in bank specific format and stored in ni6 Directory. .! %ile is encryped and ftped to secure location specified by bank. A.! #ayment is processed and distributed to payee.
Data Medium E6change (DME! C +onfiguration %elevant Acronyms$ #M #ayment Medium orkbench DME Data Medium E6change DMEE Date Medium E6change Engine
• •
)ummary of 3ey #oints" Transaction to create DME tree" DMEE Each DME tree must contain a &oot level.
2 DME tree must be activated before it can be used.
2ll DME %ormat trees for payments are driven by )2# standard program )2#%#2YM.
• •
Each field in a DME tree is named an FElement.G 2n ElementHs subfield is called an F2toms.G These atoms can be used to add additional fle6ibility to a field. There are 7 main types of attributes which can be assigned to an Element or 2tom.
)tructure %ield
&eference Tree =ode
E6it Module
Each node of the DME tree can contain -% statements in the form of conditions. Data Medium !change$ &onfiguration -n many instances banks in Europe and 2sia #ac do not have standard file formats and ED- interfaces are not utili0ed. This was the chosen method since each of these banks re/uires payments to be sent in their own uni/ue file formats, which have not been standardi0ed. sing the DMEE we are able to easily create, generate, and maintain files for each of these banks specific re/uirements. elow are the re/uired steps to successfully configure the DME in the )2# system in order to generate a payment file using the %554 transaction. &reate Payment Medium Format$ SP%' %inancial 2ccounting =ew I 2ccounts &eceivable and 2ccounts #ayableI usiness TransactionsI 'utgoing #aymentsI2utomatic 'utgoing #aymentsI #ayment MediaI Make )ettings for #ayment Medium %ormats from #ayment Medium orkbenchI +reate #ayment Medium %ormats -n this step of the configuration the #ayment medium formats need to be created for each DMEE tree configured. The new format must contain the same name as the DMEE format tree. e then choose the format output #ayment medium ithout Docs to designate only the payment file will be generated and the type %ile to signal a flat file will be generated rather than an -Doc or MJ file type. =e6t, under #rogram +ontrol, set the Mapping using DME e ngine indicator, which links the format to the custom DMEE obKect. Jast, the +ompany +ode check bo6 is selected which instructs the program to create a file for each company code involved in the payment run.
Assign Payment Medium Format to Payment Method at &ountry (evel$ Transaction FB)P %inancial 2ccounting =ew I 2ccounts &eceivable and 2ccounts #ayableI usiness TransactionsI 'utgoing #aymentsI2utomatic 'utgoing #aymentsI #ayment MediaI Make )ettings for #ayment Medium %ormats from #ayment Medium orkbenchI 2ssign #ayment Medium %ormat and =ote to #ayee to #ayment Method %or each country and each payment method the #ayment Medium orkbench must be assigned. This is done by selecting the country and the corresponding payment method which will be using the Data Medium E6change (DME!. The option button Fse #ayment Medium orkbenchG is then selected and the #ayment Medium %ormat, which was created in the previous step and which also possesses the same name as the DME file structure is assigned in the format field.
&reate *ariant$ Transaction SA+, )ystemI)ervicesI&eporting (Enter #rogram!IBotoI?ariants %or payment medium programs using the payment medium workbench or for the DMEE in particular, variants must be created here rather than directly in the payment program via transaction %554. %ollow the menu path or enter the transaction code and enter the program name )2#%#2YM. This is the standard payment program which is being used in combination with our custom file structures to generate a file in the banks specified format. 'nce the program name is entered select BotoI?ariants which will then display a screen where the new variant can be named or where an e6isting variant can be altered. 2 user defined name can then be entered and created. =e6t, the standard selection screen for the program )2#%#2YM will appear where the parameters for the file format can be entered and saved. This is where the standard program is instructed to use a designated #ayment Medium and also where to store the file generated from the payment run. %iles can be stored on the server, to a location on the users desktop or if left blank they will be saved internally within a Tem)e for the %554 transaction.
2lso, if re/uired dynamic selections can be entered for each variant, in which the user can select house banks, account ids and payment methods applicable to the program.
2ssign ?ariant" Transaction '#MA %inancial 2ccounting =ew I 2ccounts &eceivable and 2ccounts #ayableI usiness TransactionsI 'utgoing #aymentsI2utomatic 'utgoing #aymentsI #ayment MediaI Make )ettings for #ayment Medium %ormats from #ayment Medium orkbenchI +reate;2ssign )election ?ariants Jast, the variant created previously must be assigned to the relevant company codes. The #ayment Medium %ormat is selected and the company codes will appear in the window to the right. 2ll of the company codes will appear for the given country, because earlier we assigned this format to a specified country and payment method. hen we select the file format it brings up all the corresponding company codes for that country and payment method combinations. The variant that was previously created should now be assigned to the company code which will be using the DME to generate payments.
--Documentation from http$"sap"com. was used to source portions of the above information
Data Medium E6change (DME! C Mapping Transaction$ DM Tree Type$ PA/M The purpose of mapping is to reconstruct a file from the )2# system, which then bank can then use to process payments. The process of mapping begins with the bank first providing a file format. The format documents and file e6amples are then used to map the fields in )2#. 'nce complete the mapping is attached to the )2# 2ccounts #ayable configuration so an output file can be generated during a payment run. File Structure$ The first two levels are mandatory, and the levels beneath the d otted line differ depending on the structure of the bank file format. This ability to define the various subnodes within the payment file allows the user to define the structure of the file according to the b ankHs specifications. DM Tree$ Properties %oot$ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1eader %ecord$ Payment %ecord$ Trailer %ecord$ Sorting$
2ode Types$
Segment 3roup )egment groups are used for arranging segments. )egment groups can be followed by these nodes" segment groups or segments. -n most cases, a new level in a DMEE tree begins with a segment group. Segment 2 segment represents a record in the target file. -n an active format tree, each segment must have at least one composite or one element as a subnode. -f you created a segment that contains only segments and segment groups as subnodes, you can convert the node to a segment group. &omposite You create a composite for the purpose of grouping elements. )uch a grouping is logical if, for e6ample, one condition applies to several consecutive elements. lement 2n element represents a field in the target file. %or each element, you specify with which value or from which source field this file field is to be filled. -f more than one mapping rule applies to an element C if the rules are dependent on conditions or if different parts of the element are to be filled from different sources C then you should define several atoms as subnodes of the element. Technical 2ode 2 technical node is an element that is not output to the target file. -t stores values that are used in other tree nodes (elements, atoms! by reference to the technical node. %or this reason, a technical node generally contains a reference -D. -f you wish to output the contents of the technical node to the target file, then you can convert the node to an element. Atom You need to create an atom when you define more than one mapping rule for an element. Selected 2ode for Detail *iew This node was selected by doubleCclicking it. The details displayed on the top right belong to this node. 2ll toolbar operations (delete, copy, and so on! apply to this node. -n contrast, all operations that you can select from the conte6tCsensitive menu with a right mouse click refer to the node which is currently selected by a single click. %eference 4D of 2ode 2 node that contains a reference -D can be referenced from other nodes in the format tree. You can specify such a reference when you define mapping rules, conditions, or aggregation. You must assign
uni/ue reference -Ds (within the tree!. hen you delete a node that contains a reference -D, be sure that no references to this node e6ist. %eference to another node e!ists This node contains a reference to another node. Moving the node could result in inconsistencies since certain references are not permitted in parts of the tree.
--Documentation from http$"sap"com. was used to source portions of the a bove information"
Data lement$ Atom$ Data lement$ Tabs$ 5. Attributes a. Attribute Types &onstant !ample$
Structure Field !ample$
%eference to Tree 2ode !ample$
Aggregation !ample$
!it Module !ample$
&onditions !ample$
entation from http$"sap"com. was used to source portions of the above information"
Data Medium E6change (DME! C E6ecution E6ample Dependency$ &reate 4nvoice using payment method linked to DM"
5T PA/M2T %#2 and D'62('AD F4($ Transaction F778$ &un Date" Enter TodayHs Date -dentification" Enter a user defined value. 1it enter "
+lick on the #arameters Tab" Enter +ompany +ode Enter #ayment Method linked to DME. =e6t #;date" Enter any date in the future. Entr ?endor +lick )ave"
+lick on )tatus tab, and then click the )tatus utton. +lick the #roposal utton"
+lick Enter"
The :+reate #ayment Medium: check bo6 tells the program to generate the file. -n this case we are generating the file from the payment proposal. This is usually left unchecked until the payment portion of the run.
#roposal has been scheduled
+lick )tatus again and buttons ne6t to the status button will appear.
+lick #mt &un" #ayment has been scheduled.
+lick )tatus 2gain and the buttons will reCappear.
+lick #rintout and a popup message will appear.
+lick enter" The #rintKob is scheduled, and then press status again.
=ow =avigate to #ath" EnvironmentI#ayment MediumIDME 2dministration
+lick on line with #roposal +heck bo6 (rd +olumn! L=oteL -f you generated the file from the payment instead of the proposal, then choose the line without the proposal checkbo6.
)ave to Jocal Directory and click enter.
The file generated from the program will now be in the local directory you have specified.
This method is mostly used to test the file formats before :goClive.:
-n most cases, in a :live: environment, the file will be generated to a secure location such as a uni6 directory. Then encryped and ftped to the bank.
The re/uired directory location can be determined when setting up the variant for )2# program :)2#%#2YM.: