partition en si bémol du standard de jaz "on green dolphin street"
green dolphin street lead sheet vocal Bb
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Descripción: Bill Evans - Dolphin Dance
green dolphin street lead sheet vocal BbDescripción completa
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Bill Evans - Dolphin Dance
Descripción: For children
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Magic with hook and needles
Do l p h i n–t h ea p p l i q u é De s i g nb yV e n d u l aMa d e r s k a Au g u s t 2 0 1 3
This pattern pattern is written in American American terminology. terminology. If you have any problems problems with this pattern - I’m not a native English speaker as I’m sure you were noticed it :-! please don’t hesitate to e-mail me: ven vendula dula.mad .maders erska ka"se# "se#nam. nam.c# c# Abbreviations used: 4hain +45 6lip stitch +6l6t 6ingle crochet +64 5alf double crochet +574 7ouble crochet +74 Increasing +inc: ' 64 in same stitch 7ecreasing +dec: ' 64 together $ %endula &aderska! '()*. This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern or parts of it may be not reproduced! redistributed! resold! translated! published +on line or printed! altered! shared or posted +for sale or free over the Internet or off line, ou are allowed to sell finished items based on this pattern in limited series! handmade by you. lease! write this te/t to your listing: 01ased on pattern by %endula &aderska! www.vendulkam.blogspot.com00. If you have any 2uestions 3 feel free to ask on this e-mail: vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . Thank you ♥ August '()* )
Magic with hook and needles
Material: Yarn weight: 6port weight: 6port 8 9 ply +)' wpi )(( cotton e.g. 4atania 6olids by 6chachenmayr 6&4 Yardage: )*; yards +)'< meters Unit weight: 9( grams +).=; ounces Gauge: ';.( sts > < inches ou will need small amount of these colors: )<; colors: )<; tur2uoise! )=* light blue. ou will need about 9 g of yarns totally. Hook: * Hook: * mm Other material: needle with blunt tip! common needle! common sewing threads! one flower flower button button averag average e ) cm! one black black mushroo mushroom m button button average average (.9 cm or black black spangle or black bead. Size of finished ali!u" : length : length )) cm +<.* inches including the tail fins! height ; cm + '.< inches including fins
I n s t r u c t i o n : 1egin from the tail to the head direction. ?se tur2uoise yarn. #eginning: < #eginning: < 45 $ow %: insert %: insert a hook in second stitch from the hook and crochet ) 64 in every stitch from previous row +* 64! ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow &: ) &: ) 64 in ne/t ' stitches! inc +< 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow ': ) ': ) 64 in ne/t < stitches@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn
$ow (: ) (: ) 64 in ne/t * stitches! inc +9 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow ): ) ): ) 64 in every stitch from previous row +9 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn
$ %endula &aderska! '()*. This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern or parts of it may be not reproduced! redistributed! resold! translated! published +on line or printed! altered! shared or posted +for sale or free over the Internet or off line, ou are allowed to sell finished items based on this pattern in limited series! handmade by you. lease! write this te/t to your listing: 01ased on pattern by %endula &aderska! www.vendulkam.blogspot.com00. If you have any 2uestions 3 feel free to ask on this e-mail: vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . Thank you ♥ August '()* '
Magic with hook and needles
$ow *: ) *: ) 64 in ne/t * stitches! inc! inc += 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow +: ) +: ) 64 in every stitch from previous row += 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow ,: ) ,: ) 64 in ne/t < stitches! inc! ) 64 in ne/t stitch! inc + 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn
$ow -: ) -: ) 64 in every stitch from previous row + 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow %.: ) %.: ) 64 in ne/t B stitches! inc +)( 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow %% / %+: ) %+: ) 64 in every stitch from previous row +)( 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow %,: skip %,: skip very first stitch! insert a hook in second stitch of the row and make dec! then crochet crochet ) 64 in ne/t = stitches stitches +you will will have B 64 totally@ totally@ ) 45 for turning turning the work! turn
$ %endula &aderska! '()*. This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern or parts of it may be not reproduced! redistributed! resold! translated! published +on line or printed! altered! shared or posted +for sale or free over the Internet or off line, ou are allowed to sell finished items based on this pattern in limited series! handmade by you. lease! write this te/t to your listing: 01ased on pattern by %endula &aderska! www.vendulkam.blogspot.com00. If you have any 2uestions 3 feel free to ask on this e-mail: vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . Thank you ♥ August '()* *
Magic with hook and needles
$ow %-: ) %-: ) 64 in every stitch from previous +B 64@ ) 45 for turning the work! turn $ow &.: skip &.: skip very first stitch! insert a hook in second stitch of the row and crochet: ) 64 in ne/t < stitches! ) 6l6t in ne/t stitch.
And now begin with crochet the mu##le: ; 45! insert a hook in < th stitch from the hook and crochet ) 76 in ne/t * stitches! now skip one stitch on the body of the dolphin! insert a hook in ne/t stitch and crochet ) 6l6t. &arked by yellow dot on the picture below.
$ %endula &aderska! '()*. This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern or parts of it may be not reproduced! redistributed! resold! translated! published +on line or printed! altered! shared or posted +for sale or free over the Internet or off line, ou are allowed to sell finished items based on this pattern in limited series! handmade by you. lease! write this te/t to your listing: 01ased on pattern by %endula &aderska! www.vendulkam.blogspot.com00. If you have any 2uestions 3 feel free to ask on this e-mail: vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . Thank you ♥ August '()* <
Magic with hook and needles
$ow &%: work &%: work continuously to the tail direction and crochet ) 64 in ne/t )B stitches! ) 6l6t in ne/t stitch
Cow crochet tail fins: ; 45! insert a hook in second stitch from the hook and crochet: ) 64 in ne/t stitch! ) 574 in ne/t stitch! ) 74 in ne/t ' stitches! ) 574 in ne/t stitch! then insert a hook in body of the dolphin! marked by yellow dot on picture below and make ) 6l6t. 6l6t. Dirst fin fin is finished. finished. Then make make second fin: ; 45! insert insert a hook in second stitch from the hook and crochet: ) 64 in ne/t stitch! ) 574 in ne/t stitch! ) 74 in ne/t ' stitches! ) 574 in ne/t stitch! then insert a hook in body of the dolphin and make ) 6l6t.
4ontinue with dorsal part: make ) 64 in ne/t )) stitches! ) 574 in ne/t stitch! then make the dorsal fin: * 74 F ) 6l6tG all in one stitch. 4ontinue in head direction an make ) 64 in ne/t )) stitches! ) 6l6t in ne/t stitch! end the work.
$ %endula &aderska! '()*. This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern or parts of it may be not reproduced! redistributed! resold! translated! published +on line or printed! altered! shared or posted +for sale or free over the Internet or off line, ou are allowed to sell finished items based on this pattern in limited series! handmade by you. lease! write this te/t to your listing: 01ased on pattern by %endula &aderska! www.vendulkam.blogspot.com00. If you have any 2uestions 3 feel free to ask on this e-mail: vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . Thank you ♥ August '()* 9
Magic with hook and needles
0ower edge: use edge: use light blue yarn and crochet from mu##le to tail direction. Insert a hook in first stitch of mu##le and crochet ) 64 in ne/t '' stitches! ) 6l6t! end the work. Insert a hook in )< th stitch from the mu##le and crochet abdominal fin: make ) 64 in this stitch! ) 574 in ne/t stitch! * 74 F ) 6l6tG all stitch in one stitch! end the work. 1inishing: Ceaten free threads! sew flower button and one black button or spangle as an eye. 6hape the appli2uH nicely and you are finished :-
I wi s hy o un i c ec r o c h e t i n g♥
$ %endula &aderska! '()*. This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern or parts of it may be not reproduced! redistributed! resold! translated! published +on line or printed! altered! shared or posted +for sale or free over the Internet or off line, ou are allowed to sell finished items based on this pattern in limited series! handmade by you. lease! write this te/t to your listing: 01ased on pattern by %endula &aderska! www.vendulkam.blogspot.com00. If you have any 2uestions 3 feel free to ask on this e-mail: vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . vendula.maderska"se#nam.c# . Thank you ♥ August '()* ;