SUMMAR! 5 + years of experience in analysis, design and development of client/server, web based and ntier application. Expert in developing windows applications, web applications, windows services and web services in Microsoft Visual tudio .!et "#E using $%.!et &.&, $%.!et '.(, V).!E*, .!E* .!E*,, #.!E* #.!E* and erver erver.. roficien roficientt in 0eb ervices, ervices, , 1M, 1M, 1, 1* 1*, 1pat2, 1pat2, 1-3, 1-3, 1ointer 1ointer,, #*#, 1M c2ema, $, #M, 4*M, 1 and avacript. $reated deployment pac6ages for pplications using Visual studio.!et tartup ro7ect, w2ic2 involves creating native image of an assembly, installing an assembly in 8lobal assembly cac2e 98$: 0or6ed extensively wit2 #ata dapter, dapter, #ataset, #ata reader as a part of #.!E* to access and update database. Extensive experience in erver #atabase design, #atabase maintenance, developing *- ;ueries, stored procedures, and triggers using erver '(((. 8ood wor6ing 6nowledge wit2 designer tools suc2 as Microsoft Visio,
TC"N#CAL S$#LLS M%croso&t Tech'olog%es: (rogramm%'g La'guages: Scr%pt%'g La'guages: R)*MS: +MLRelate, Tech'olog%es: Operat%'g Sstems: )evelopme't Tools: )es%g' Tools: Appl%cat%o' Servers: cVers%o' Co'trol: U'%t Test%'g a', Co,e A'als%s:
.!E* .!E* &.&, .!E*'.(, .!E*'.(, V).!E*, V).!E*, $%.!E*, $%.!E*, #.!E*, #.!E*, #, $, $++, $%, V) >.(, *- and V ava cript , V) cript erver '(((, My, racle ?i/@i 1M, 1, 1*, 1at2, 1ointer, , 0# 0indows @5/@?/'(((/!*, 1, =!"1, inux Visualtudio.!E* '((A, Visual 0eb #eveloper '((5, Visual tudio.!E*, #ream 0eaver =M 9
(ROSS#ONAL +(R#NC Cl%e't Name: )ate 0 (rese't Role: .Net )eveloper (ro1ec (ro1ect: t: Speec Speech h A'al A'als%s s%s22 )eb%t )eb%t Accou Accou't 't Ma'age Ma'ageme' me'tt Sst Sstem em a', a', $ee&e $ee&e Comm%s Comm%ssa sar r #'tegrat%o' #ebit ccount Management, Beefe $ommissary and peec2 nalysis are t2ree different software pac6ages developed developed for E$=<= tec2. *2e #ebit ccount Management system is used to manage debit calling card accounts belonging to families of "nmates. 0it2 t2is application t2e user accounts, t2eir balances, t2eir call details, summary and reports can be managed. Beefe $ommissary is a commissary provider for E$=<=. #ebit ccount Management 2as to be integrated wit2 Beefe $ommissaryCs #atabase so t2at E$=<= receives up to date data w2en ever a #ebit p2one call purc2ase purc2ase is made made by "nmate "nmate t2roug2 t2roug2 Beefe Beefe $ommissar $ommissary y Menu. Menu. *2e peec2 nalysis nalysis software software provides a searc2 engine to find records containing telep2onic conversation of ail inmates. *wo main functi function onali alitie ties s of t2e pee peec2 c2 analy analysis sis appli applicat cation ion are are dmini dministr strati ation on and and 3oren 3orensic sic earc earc2. 2. dministration dministration is used to configure and monitor ingest sessions. 3orensic searc2 is used to t o searc2 process and analyDe media records stored in t2e database. Respo's%b%l%t%es =sed !-tier arc2itecture for presentation layer, t2e )usiness and #ata ccess ayers and were coded using $%.
Sample Resumes CV
0ritten stored procedures, triggers using in E
Cl%e't: )ate - )ate Role: .Net )eveloper (ro1ect: Re't-A-Toll -Toll Solut%o's &or Car Re'ters
)UCAT#ON #egree from Dmania =niversity - &@@>