MAHARAJA AGRASEN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES A33*#*(, " G./. G"'*$, S*$+5 I$,/(6/(5( U$*7/*8! D#5* PSP A/(! P#" N"1! S"/-22! R"5*$*! ($, D#5* 11009%
This is to certify that I have completed the Project titled “A STUDY OF CUSTO!" SATISFACTION OF T#! P"ODUCTS AND S!"$IC!S OFF!"!D %Y A&IS %AN'( i) *)der the +*ida)ce of “ " $i)ay A++ar,al ( Fac*lty- AIS i) partial f*lfillme)t of the the re.*ireme)t for the a,ard of i)ter)ship i)ter)ship certificate of a/is 0a)1 for %achelors Of %*si)ess Admi)istratio) at aharaja A+rase) I)stit*te of a)a+eme)t St*dies- Delhi2 This is a) ori+i)al piece of ,or1 3 I have )ot s*0mitted it earlier else,here2
S.* J(*$
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project titled “A STUDY CUSTO!" SATI SATIS SFACTIO CTION N OF T#! P"ODU "ODUCT CTS S AND AND S!" S!"$IC $IC!S OFF!"!D %Y A&IS %AN'( is a) academic ,or1 do)e 0y “s*mit 5ai)( s*0mitted i) the partial f*lfillme)t of the re.*ireme)t for the a,ar a,ard d of I)te I)ter) r)sh ship ip cert certif ific icat atee of a/is a/is 0a)1 0a)1 from from aha ahara raja ja A+ra A+rase se) ) I)st I)stit it*t *tee of a)a a)a+e +eme me)t )t St*d St*die iess- Delh Delhii- *)de *)derr my +*ida)ce +*ida)ce 3 directio)2 directio)2 To the 0est of my 1)o,led+e 1)o,led+e a)d 0elief the data 3 i)formatio) prese)ted 0y him6her i) the project has )ot 0ee) s*0mitted earlier2 earlier2
"2 7AU"A$ A77A"8A9 FACU9TY- AIS
I have +reat pleas*re i) prese)ti)+ my project o) “A STUDY ON CUS CUSTO! TO!" " SATI SATISF SFAC ACTI TION ON OF T#! T#! P"O P"ODUCT DUCTS S AND AND S!"$IC!S OFF!"!D %Y A&IS %AN'(2 '(2 I ta1e this a) opport*)ity to e/press my deepest +ratit*de a)d i)ept)ess to all those ,ho co)tri0*ted i)directly their val*a0le time a)d assisted them i) my project2 I ,o*ld li1e to tha)1 my +*ide M/ S.* AGGARWAL for his val*a0le +*ida)ce a)d s*pport i) completi)+ my project2 9ast 0*t )ot the least i ,o*ld li1e to e/press my si)cere tha)1s to those ,ho directly a)d i)directly helped me i) this project2
P(+ N"
Acknowledgment Acknowledgment Student Declaration Certificate From Guide Certificate From Company Executive Summary
i ii iii iv v
C5(6/-1 - I$/",.*"$
=2= Overvie, a0o*t I)d*stry =2> O0jective of the St*dy
4 ;
C5(6/-2 - C"6($8 P/"3*#
>2= Profile of the Compa)y >2> $ario*s Prod*cts offered 0y the Compa)y
< ==
C5(6/-= - R(/5 M5","#"+8
42= 7e)eral ethodolo+y 42> Data So*rces 424 "esearch Desi+) 42: Sampli)+ Desi+) 42; 9imitatio) C5(6/-4 - C."/ S(*3(*"$
>? >? >= >> >4
:2= Defi)atio) :2> C*stomer Satisfactio) a)d 9oyality :24 eas*res Of C*stomer Satisfactio)
>; >< >@
C5(6/-% - D(( A$(#8*
C5(6/-> - F*$,*$+ ($, R"$,(*"$ R"$,(*"$
Annexure !ue"tionnaire
11 OVERVIEW OF THE INDUSTRY The 0a)1 i) the frame,or1 of val*e creatio) a)d val*e )et,or1 Co)cepts- ca) 0e vie,ed as a firm operati)+ thro*+h differe)t layers
B= Access or distri0*tio) distri0*tio) layer the st*dy of 0a)1 c*stomer c*stomer 0ehavior ca) provide provide *sef*l i)si+hts i)si+hts i)to c*stomer c*stomer *tiliEatio) *tiliEatio) of differe)t differe)t access media Boffices a)d 0ra)ches0ra)ches- ATI)ter)et etc
B> Payme) Payme)tt mediati mediatio) o) layer layer mo)ey mo)ey ca) 0e tra)sfe tra)sferred rred 0et,ee) 0et,ee) differe differe)t )t o,)ers o,)ers a)d6or a)d6or places thro*+h vario*s tra)sfer mecha)isms Bcash- AT- payme)t a)d credit cards etc
B4 B4 Capi Capita tall medi mediat atio io) ) laye layerr pool pooli) i)+ + of f*)d f*)dss a)d a)d thei theirr redist redistri ri0* 0*ti tio) o) accor accordi di)+ )+ to c*stomersG )eeds
B: "is1 mediatio) layer the 0a)1s pool c*stomers ,ith differe)t ris1 characteristics a)d ma)a+e overall )et,or1 ris1s- primarily systematic ris12 It is importa)t that 0oth the 0a)1 a)d the c*stomers ca) 0e)efit from the developme)t of relatio)ships i) the val*e creatio) process2
%a)1i)+ Ba)d i)divid*al 0a)1s as firms ,ill pro0a0ly face esse)tial str*ct*ral cha)+es i) the )earest f*t*re2 9e,elly) poi)ted o*t three mai) reaso)s ,hy the cha)+es i) the fi)a)cial sector are li1ely to 0e so s*0sta)tial
A po,erf*l com0i)atio) of vario*s press*res operati)+ o) the i)d*stry Bcompetitive press*res- +lo0aliEatio)- co)s*mer cha)+i)+ tre)ds- competitio) comi)+ from the capital mar1et etc2
Some of the press*res Bespecially )e, tech)olo+y challe)+e the core of fi)a)cial 0*si)ess
Competitio) is )ot o)ly i)te)sifyi)+ 0*t Bas e)try 0arriers are decli)i)+ comi)+ from )e, types of competitors2 It seems that the press*res are more evide)t i) ,holesale 0a)1i)+ Bcompetitio) from mar1ets has 0ee) more po,erf*l- 0*t they are developi)+ also i) retail 0a)1i)+ a)d the differe)ces are erodi)+2
It 0ecomes i)creasi)+ly importa)t to ide)tify a)d e)*merate cha)+i)+ c*stomer )eeds2 The c*stomersG satisfactio) sho*ld 0e the ce)tral eleme)t of the 0a)1 missio) a)d o)e of the priority o0jectives of lo)+term c*stomerorie)ted c*stomer orie)ted strate+y2 s trate+y2 !specially importa)t is to st*dy s t*dy c*stomersG satisfactio) a)d 0a)1 services .*ality i) emer+i)+ mar1et eco)omies ,here 0a)1s are 0ehavi)+ as +ro,thorie)ted firms i) the ti+ht str*++le for o0tai)i)+ a 0i++er mar1et share2 U)dersta)di)+ of clie)tGs desire- )eeds a)d dema)ds is a) importa)t i)p*t to the ela0oratio) of a) efficie)t mar1eti)+ strate+y 0oth i) 0a)1s a)d other firms2
12 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The project is titled “C*stomer Satisfactio) of the prod*cts a)d services offered 0y A/is %a)1( A tool for meas*ri)+ satisfactio) level amo)+ c*rre)t c*stomers a)d the services that are to 0e i)cl*ded2 The p*rpose is to
To meas*re the c*stomer satisfactio) re+ardi)+ the vario*s prod*cts a)d services offered 0y A/is2
To determi)e services- ,hich the c*stomers feel- m*st 0e there2
To determi)e the most pop*lar a)d ,idely *sed services 0y the Savi)+s 0a)1 a)d Premi*m acco*)t holders2
To locate the lac1i)+ area a)d s*++est some improveme)ts i) the e/isti)+ services for m*t*al 0e)efits of the 0a)1 a)d its c*stomers2
The level of c*stomer satisfactio) ,ith services is a) importa)t factor i) developi)+ a system of service provisio) ,hich is respo)sive to clie)tsH )eeds ,hile mi)imiEi)+ costs a)d time re.*ireme)ts a)d ma/imiEi)+ the impact of the services o) tar+et pop*latio)s2
21 COMPANY PROFILE A/is %a)1 is the third lar+est private sector 0a)1 i) I)dia2 A/is %a)1 offers the e)tire spectr*m of fi)a)cial services to c*stomer se+me)ts coveri)+ 9ar+e a)d idCorporatesS!- A+ric*lt*re a)d "etail %*si)esses2 The %a)1 has a lar+e footpri)t of =:@ domestic 0ra)ches Bi)cl*di)+ e/te)sio) co*)ters a)d ==->:; ATs spread across the co*)try as o) 4=st arch >?=42 The %a)1 also has overseas offices i) Si)+apore- #o)+ 'o)+- Sha)+hai- Colom0o- D*0ai a)d A0* Dha0i2 A/is %a)1 is o)e of the first )e, +e)eratio) private sector 0a)1s to have 0e+*) operatio)s i) =:2 The %a)1 ,as promoted i) =4- joi)tly 0y Specified U)derta1i)+ of U)it Tr*st of I)dia BSUUTI Bthe) 1)o,) as U)it Tr*st of I)dia-9ife I)s*ra)ce Corporatio) of I)dia B9IC- 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce Corporatio) of I)dia B7IC- Natio)al I)s*ra)ce Compa)y 9td2- The Ne, I)dia Ass*ra)ce Compa)y 9td2- The The Orie)tal I)s*ra)ce Compa)y 9td2 a)d U)ited I)dia I)s*ra)ce Compa)y 9td2 The shareholdi)+ of U)it Tr*st of I)dia ,as s*0se.*e)tly tra)sferred to SUUTI- a) e)tity esta0lished i) >??42 8ith a 0ala)ce sheet siEe of "s24-:?-;<= crores as o) 4=st arch >?=4- A/is %a)1 has achieved co)siste)t +ro,th a)d sta0le asset .*ality ,ith a ; year CA7" B>??=4 of >:J i) Total Deposits- >@J i) Total Adva)ces a)d 4@J i) Net Profit2
A/is %a)1 9td2 has 0ee) promoted 0y the lar+est Fi)a)cial I)stit*tio)s of the co*)try- UTI9IC- 7IC a)d its s*0sidiaries2 The %a)1 ,as set *p i) =4 ,ith a capital of "s2 ==; crore,ith UTI co)tri0*ti)+ "s2 =?? crore- 9IC "s2 @2; crore a)d 7IC a)d its fo*r s*0sidiaries co)tri0*ti)+ "s2 =2; crore each2
KIC"A AAH for 9o,er Tier II s*0ordi)ate de0t pro+ram a)d KIC"A AAK for Upper Tier II 0o)d pro+ram 0y IC"A2 KC"ISI9 KC"ISI9 A=LH for certificate of deposit pro+ram 0y C"ISI92 KCA"! AAH for 9o,er Tier II s*0ordi)ate de0t pro+ram 0y CA"!2 KFitch AAK for 9o)+ Term De0t I)str*me)ts a)d KFitch A=LH for Short Term De0t I)str*me)ts 0y Fitch "ati)+s2 BRANDS:
A/is %a)1 has 0ee) a++ressive i) its 0ra)d 0*ildi)+ pro+ram si)ce last year2 As a part of the 0ra)d 0*ildi)+ e/ercise- the 0a)1 has ta1e) ma)y i)itiatives ,hich have have helped the 0ra)d co))ect *p ,ith the c*stomers 3 e)ha)ce the visi0ility .*otie)t2 A/is %a)1 had la*)ched its first ever mass media campai+) i) 5*ly >??@ alo)+ ,ith its p*)chli)e “ E7/85*$+ * @6 thro*+h 5 N( (( a)d si)ce the)- the 0a)1 has 0ee) co)siste)t i) comm*)icatio) thro*+h Televisio)- "adio- a)d O*tdoor 3 pri)t advertisi)+2 A/is %a)1 *)dersta)ds its c*stomersH mo)ey is )ot j*st mo)ey2 It is the vehicle to realise their dreamsM #e)ce- the 0a)1 aims to e)s*re that the c*stomersH e/perie)ce ,ith the 0a)1 is pleasa)t a)d e)richi)+2 That they +et val*e for their mo)ey- e)a0li)+ e)a0li)+ them to lead a richerf*ller- co)te)t life222 For this- the 0a)1 •
Offers a )e, level of 0a)1i)+ 0etter services- 0etter *)dersta)di)+ of *)i.*e )eeds a)d 0etter ma)a+eme)t of fi)a)ces2
Demystifies the 0a)1i)+ process a)d ma1es it more accessi0le2
Apart from f*lfilli)+ traditio)al 0a)1i)+ respo)si0ilities- advises c*stomers o) ho, a)d ,here to *se their mo)ey to +et the 0est o*t of it2
Projects a) ima+e of 0ei)+ a yo*)+- e)er+etic- moder) 0a)1 ,ith val*es of dy)amism- co)fide)ce a)d pro+ressio)2
F*rther- as a 0a)1i)+ part)er- the 0a)1 also aims to help its c*stomers discover ho, they ca) do more thi)+s ,ith their mo)ey2
I) the rece)t advertisi)+ campai+)- the %a)1 rei)forces its foc*s o) I))ovative 0a)1i)+ 0ased o) the philosophy of "espo)sive "espo)sive I))ovatio)2 The 0a)1 is ta1i)+ Krespo)sive)essH theme to c*stomers a)d rei)forces its commitme)t to +ive 0estofclass services i) the i)d*stry2
C*stomer service a)d Prod*ct i))ovatio) t*)ed to diverse )eeds of i)divid*als a)d corporate clie)tele2Pro+ressive +lo0aliEatio) a)d achievi)+ I)ter)atio)al sta)dards2!fficie)cy a)d !ffective)ess 0*ild o) ethical practices2
To 0e the preferr preferred ed fi)a)c fi)a)cial ial sol*ti sol*tio)s o)s provid provider er e/celli e/celli)+ )+ i) c*stom c*stomer er delive delivery ry thro*+ thro*+h h i)si+ht- empo,ered employees a)d smart *se of tech)olo+y2
Core Values •
C*stomer Ce)tricity
Ide)ti Ide)tify fy a)d a)d s*pp s*pport ort projec projects ts a)d a)d pro+r pro+rams ams that that are ,ithi) ,ithi) its foc*s foc*s areas areas a)da)d-
#ave a lar+escale a)d meas*ra0le impact
Are replica0le i) a cost effective ma))er a)d
Are time 0o*)d2
Ide) Ide)ti tify fy a)d a)d s*p s*ppo port rt pil pilot ot pro projec jects ts ,it ,ithi hi) ) its its foc* foc*ss area areas2 s2
Co)tri0 Co)tri0*te *te to,ard to,ardss improv improvi)+ i)+ the efficacy efficacy of assisted assisted or+a)i or+a)iEat Eatio) io)ss
thro*+ thro*+h h
Capacity 0*ildi)+
Provid Providi)+ i)+ access access to researc research h a)d i)form i)formatio atio) ) a)d provid providi)+ i)+ platfo platforms rms for a) effective e/cha)+e of ideas- tho*+hts a)d e/perie)ces2
22 V(/*". 6/",. "33/, '8 5 "6($8 S(7*$+ A".$ A/is %a)1 prese)ts a Savi)+s %a)1 acco*)t ,hich offers a host of feat*res a)d 0e)efits for yo* a)d yo*r family2
/" B(#($ Y".5 A".$ ero %ala)ce Savi)+ Acco*)t ,ith De0it Card Facility for yo*r child
D'* C(/, A/is %a)1 prese)ts a s*ite of premi*m to *tility De0it Cards Cards - that come loaded ,ith feat*res to ma1e 0a)1i)+ effortless for yo*2 Choose from a)y of the follo,i)+ Priority Plati)*m $ISA De0it Card Tita)i*m "e,ards $ISA De0it Card 9adies First $ISA De0it Card Use yo*r card to ear) re,ard poi)ts eve) o) yo*r daily tra)sactio)s2 7o shoppi)+- pay *tility 0ills- i)vest thro*+h SIPs or eve) ,ithdra, cash a)d choose choose to +et re,arded or a*to cash 0ac1 i)to yo*r acco*)t thro*+h A/is thro*+h A/is o)ey o)ey22 •
!asy Access to Acco*)t
Access A/is %a)1 ATs across I)dia for cash ,ithdra,als- cash6 che.*e deposits$ISA Credit Card 0ill payme)t- 0ala)ce e).*iry- mo0ile top*p a)d other miscella)eo*s re.*ests- all for free
Access cash for ,ithdra,al at over ?-??? ATs i) I)dia- thro*+h o*r )et,or1 part)ers $ISA 3 NFS
Access yo*r f*)ds at over = millio) $ISA ATs ,orld,ide a)d >< millio) $ISA mercha)t o*tlets
; Free Domestic Other %a)1 AT tra)sactio)s i) a mo)th BCash ,ithdra,al%ala)ce !).*iry- PIN cha)+e O" i)i Stateme)t- U)limited if previo*s mo)thHs Avera+e o)thly %ala)ce is e.*al to or more tha) "s2 =?-???6
Safe 3 Sec*re o)li)e shoppi)+ "e+ister for $erified 0y $isa B$0$ a)d *se yo*r card for o)li)e shoppi)+ 3 ePayme)ts
9imits o) card fle/i0le
o0ile Top *p at ATs
B($)*$+ ( 8"./ "$7$*$ •
Access 3 tra)sact o) yo*r acco*)t from a)y of o*r 0ra)ches across I)dia completely F"!!- 0e it for deposits- ,ithdra,als or a)y other tra)sactio)s
Doorstep %a)1i)+ at select locatio)s Free Che.*e Pic1*p a)d Dema)d Draft Delivery
Free Dema)d Drafts B*pto "s2>;-???6 per day at all o*r 0ra)ches
Toll Free co)tact ce)tre access to o*r Service Staff
I$/$ B($)*$+ •
Free I)ter)et 0a)1i)+ service
Free %ill Payme)t a)d O)li)e "ail,ay Tic1et 0oo1i)+ facility =>
Free F*)ds tra)sfer thro*+h N!FT a)d "T7S
M.#**8 C5. B"") •
Free perso)alised *lticity Che.*e %oo1
S($,*$+ I$/.*"$ •
Free sta)di)+ i)str*ctio)s- S,eepI) facility
S($ N"*$(*"$ •
Free Q*arterly Stateme)ts 6 o)thly eStateme)ts 6 Pass %oo1 facility Nomi)atio) facility availa0le
N" N, " C(//8 C(5 A$8"/ •
O)li)e %ill Payme)t- "ail,ay Tic1et %oo1i)+- eShoppi)+
o0ile Top*ps at ATs
Credit Card %ill Payme)t B$ISA Cards over AT a)d I)ter)et
Cashless shoppi)+ ,ith $ISA De0it Card
Free f*)ds tra)sfer Use "T7S or N!FT to tra)sfer f*)ds a)y,here i) I)dia completely F"!!
I$7$ A/is %a)1 offers yo* perso)alised i)vestme)t optio)s to help achieve yo*r fi)a)cial o0jectives2 Sol*tio)s are tailormade to s*it each i)divid*alGs re.*ireme)ts2 8e offer a host of fi)a)cial i)str*me)ts that i)cl*des Fi/ed Deposits- *t*al F*)ds- %o)ds a)d I)s*ra)ce prod*cts2
I$./($ =4
A/is %a)1 offers c*stomiEed sol*tio)s that i)cl*de Accide)t- #ealth- 9ia0ility- ari)e otor- Property- Travel 3 "*ral I)s*ra)ce for i)divid*als as ,ell as corporate c*stomers i) associatio) ,ith a/ 9ife I)s*ra)ce 9td2 A)d TATA AI7 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce 9td22 A/is %a)1 has tied *p ,ith Tata AI7 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce Compa)y 9imited BKTata AI7H as a Corporate A+e)t for 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce to offer yo* a ra)+e of 7e)eral I)s*ra)ce prod*cts from Tata AI7 0ac1ed 0y its a,ard ,i))i)+ C*stomer a)d Claims Services2
The A/is %a)1Tata AI7 sy)er+y ,ill offer prod*cts for a ra)+e of i)s*ra)ce )eeds s*ch as otor- #ealth- Travel- #ome for retail c*stomers a)d ari)e- 9ia0ility- Property etc for corporate c*stomers2 This associatio) ,ill levera+e the stre)+ths of 0oth compa)ies to 0ri)+ to A/is %a)1 c*stomers a comprehe)sive s*ite of i)s*ra)ce prod*cts desi+)ed to protect all aspects of their lives2 Tata AI7 is a joi)t ve)t*re 0et,ee) the Tata 7ro*p a)d AI7 I)c2 Tata AI7 com0i)es the Tata 7ro*pGs val*es a)d preemi)e)t leadership positio) i) I)dia a)d AI7Gs +lo0al prese)ce as the ,orldGs leadi)+ i)ter)atio)al i)s*ra)ce a)d fi)a)cial services or+a)iEatio)2
A/is %a)1Hs ra)+e of N"I prod*cts a)d services offer yo* *)matched 0e)efits that ta1e care of more tha) j*st yo*r 0asic 0a)1i)+ re.*ireme)t2 8e 0elieve i) co)sta)tly i))ovati)+ a)d providi)+ 0esti)class prod*cts a)d services that ma1e 0a)1i)+ .*ic1er- easier a)d simpler2 I$/$(*"$(# I$/$(*"$(# D'* C(/, : Yo* +et a) I)ter)atio)al De0it that e)a0les yo* to access yo*r
acco*)t at a)y $isa termi)al overseas P(8 O/,/ : Yo* ca) iss*e pay order from yo*r acco*)t- a0sol*tely free of char+e2 F/ P(8('#-(-P(/ C5.'"") : Yo* +et a paya0leatpar che.*e0oo1 for *se i) I)dia D""/6 B($)*$+ : This *)i.*e facility provides yo* the co)ve)ie)ce of tra)sactio) from
the comfort of yo*r home- d*ri)+ yo*r visit to I)dia2 This facility is applica0le for )o)cash tra)sactio)s o)ly
F/ SMS A#/ : This facility e)a0les yo* to trac1 yo*r acco*)t o) a daily 0asis2 This
facility is c*rre)tly availa0le i) i)ter)atio)al +eo+raphies o)ly2 F/ I$/$ B($)*$+ : The I)ter)et %a)1i)+ facility e)a0les to yo* access yo*r acco*)t
a)ytime- from a)y,here2 F/ U*#*8 B*## P(8$ : Usi)+ this facility- yo* ca) pay *tility 0ills ,ith select *tility
service providers i) I)dia2 NEAT &NRI E$.*/8 A*($ T/()/ : A *)i.*e service that facilitates yo* to see1
respo)ses to yo*r .*eries related to 0a)1i)+- ta/atio)- le+al 3 fi)a)ce2
A@* N I$/$ B($)*$+ %a)1i)+ at the clic1 of a mo*seM 5*st 9O7IN for yo*r 0a)1i)+ )eedsMA/isNet I)ter)et %a)1i)+ service from A/is %a)1 that offers yo* a ,ide ra)+e services A service ,hich is co)ve)ie)t to *se a)d p*ts yo* i) co)trol of yo*r fi)a)ces a)ytime- a)y,here2
R*($ A/is %a)1 offers a f*ll ra)+e of mo)ey tra)sfer services for all types of f*)ds from a)y,here i) the ,orld2 As a) N"I across the ,orld- yo* are ass*red of fast- co)ve)ie)t a)d perso)aliEed services at A/is %a)12 8e offer yo* a host of o)li)e as ,ell as tele+raphic optio)s to tra)sfer mo)ey to I)dia2 O*r tie*ps e)s*re .*ic1 a)d efficie)t tra)sfer of yo*r f*)ds across the ,orld2 odes of tra)sferri)+ mo)ey
Tele+raphic Tra)sfer6 8ire Tra)sfer F*)d Tra)sfer Thro*+h !/cha)+e #o*ses Fast "emit for N"Is i) USA
"emitta)ce thro*+h o)ey Tra)sfer Services
A@* F"/@ Forei+) e/cha)+e is a critical re.*ireme)t for a perso) traveli)+ a0road2 A/is %a)1 0ri)+s to yo* A/is Fore/ that ,ill help yo* or+a)iEe yo*r forei+) e/cha)+e i) the most hassle free ma))er2 Avail Forei+) C*rre)cy %a)1 Notes- Travelers Che.*es or 0*y a) A/is Fore/ Card for yo*r travel a0road *)der leis*re- 0*si)ess ed*catio) etc a)d 1eep yo*r Fore/ ,orries off yo*r chec1 list2 O*r Fore/ services i)cl*de •
A/is Fore/ Card availa0le i) USD- 7%P- !U"O- S7D 3 others
Competitive rates for 0*yi)+ 3 selli)+ of 0a)1 )otes i) all major c*rre)cies
Forei+) Drafts 3 Tele+raphic Tra)sfer availa0le i) USD- 7%P- !U"O- ND- CADAUD- S7D etc
Facility of F& sales a+ai)st "T7S6IN" DD to )o) acco*)t holders
')o, more a0o*t 0o*.*et of o*r services 0elo,2
C"/6"/( I$7$ B($)*$+ A/is %a)1 provides a ,ide array of commercial- tra)sactio)al a)d electro)ic 0a)1i)+ prod*cts to corporate clie)ts i) I)dia- 0oth lar+e- a)d small a)d medi*m scale e)terprises2 8e have i))ovative prod*cts desi+)ed ,ith foc*sed approach to s*it re.*ireme)ts of vario*s se+me)ts2 8e offer corporate 0a)1i)+ services i)cl*di)+ ,or1i)+ capital fi)a)ce- term loa)s- trade a)d tra)sactio)al services- forei+) e/cha)+e a)d cash ma)a+eme)t services2 The facilities are str*ct*red to meet specific )eeds of the clie)t ta1i)+ i)to acco*)t a clie)tGs ris1 profile2 8ith o*r stro)+ c*stomer orie)ted approach- ,e have 0*ilt 0*ilt relatio)ships ,ith a )*m0er of I)dia) compa)ies i)cl*di)+ m*lti)atio)als- ,ell 1)o,) domestic 0*si)ess ho*ses a)d p*0lic sector compa)ies2
Corporate 3 I)vestme)t %a)1i)+ 7ro*p BC3I is a) i)te+ral a)d importa)t part of the CC% ,hich foc*ses o) offeri)+ a ,ide array of 0a)1i)+ 3 fi)a)cial services to lar+e domestic corporate +ro*ps- local lar+e corporates as ,ell as local operatio)s of m*lti)atio)als2
O*r prod*ct offeri)+s i)cl*de ,or1i)+ capital fi)a)ce- trade fi)a)ce- cha))el fi)a)ci)+- term loa)s- letter of credit- 0a)1 +*ara)tees to )ame a fe,2 These prod*cts offeri)+s are s*ita0ly tailor made 0ased o) the clie)t re.*ireme)ts a)d its credit profile2 %ased o) the i)depth i)d*stry 1)o,led+e- ,e e)deavor to add val*e to yo*r 0*si)ess thro*+h s*perior prod*ct delivery a)d service levels 0e)chmar1ed to i)d*stryHs 0est practices2
C"/*(# B($)*$+ "ece)t years have see) rapid +ro,th i) the Small a)d edi*m !)terprises BS! sectora)d a) e)ha)ced appreciatio) of this sectorGs critical role i) drivi)+ eco)omic +ro,th2 Commercial %a)1i)+ 7ro*p at A/is c*rre)tly caters to small a)d a)d mid siEe corporates corporates a)d +ro*ps spa))i)+ S!s- idmar1ets a)d !mer+i)+ Corporates- ,hich i) esse)ce form the Ks,eet spotH of the I)dia) eco)omy2
8e have developed a strate+ic foc*s o) the S! sector characteriEed 0y relatio)ship le)di)+ approach- deep *)dersta)di)+ of yo*r +ro,i)+ 0*si)ess re.*ireme)ts a)d prod*cts a)d services that help yo* ma)a+e yo*r cashflo,s i) a 0etter ,ay2 F.$, B(, S/7* &FB
8or1i)+ Capital Fi)a)ce Short Term Fi)a)ce %ill Disco*)ti)+
!/port Credit Term 9e)di)+ %*yerHs Credit 6 S*pplierHs Credit Asset 0ased fi)a)ci)+ N"$ F.$,, B(, S/7*
9etter of Credit %a)1 7*ara)tees Collectio) of Doc*me)ts V(#.-(,,, S/7*
Cha))el Fi)a)ci)+ Associate Fi)a)ci)+ Cash a)a+eme)t Services Corporate Salary Acco*)ts 9ia0ility6 I)vestme)t Prod*cts
=1 G$/(# M5","#"+8 The methodolo+y adopted for prepari)+ this report ,as 0ased o) 0oth primary as ,ell as seco)dary i)formatio)2 The locale of the st*dy ,as restricted to 'arol %a+h - Ne, Delhi2
The first sta+e i)cl*ded +atheri)+ i)formatio) a0o*t the 0a)1Hs profile- vario*s prod*cts a)d services 0ei)+ offered 0y the 0a)1 a)d +etti)+ ac.*ai)ted ,ith the ,or1i)+ of the 0a)12
The The seco seco)d )d sta+ sta+ee i)vo i)volv lved ed dete determ rmi) i)i) i)+ + the the o0je o0ject ctiv ivee of the the st*d st*dy y a)d a)d draf drafti ti)+ )+ a .*estio))aire2 The .*estio))aire ,as desi+)ed 1eepi)+ i) mi)d the o0jectives of the st*dy2 It is dis+*ised i) )at*re i)cl*ded a mi/ of ope)e)ded a)d closee)ded .*estio)s2
I) the third sta+e- visits ,ere made to 0ra)ch of I)d*si)d 0a)1 for collectio) of data2 respo)de)ts ,ere s*rveyed2
=2 D(( S"./ The research ca) call for +atheri)+ primary data- seco)dary data or 0oth2 The data has mai)ly 0ee) collected via primary so*rces2
#o,ever a +ood amo*)t of seco)dary data ,as also *sed to have a +e)eral *)dersta)di)+ of the s*0ject2
P/*(/8 S"./ The primary data is +athered for specific p*rpose a)d is collected 0y the researcher himself2 It i)cl i)cl*d *des es direc directt comm comm*) *)ic icati atio) o) a)d a)d feed0 feed0ac ac1 1 from from c*st c*stom omers ers-- sales sales 3 mar1 mar1et eti) i)+ + e/ec e/ec*t *tiv ives es of A/is A/is 0a)1 0a)1 a)d a)d a)y a)y othe otherr relat related ed perso perso)2 )2 For For the the p*rp p*rpos osee of coll collec ecti ti)+ )+ i)formatio) i)formatio) from c*stomers c*stomers str*ct*red str*ct*red .*estio)) .*estio))aires aires ,as form*lated form*lated a)d are co)tacted co)tacted directly2
S"$,(/8 S"./ The seco)dary so*rces are data ,as collected for a)other p*rpose a)d already e/ists some ,here2 The seco)dary so*rce of i)formatio) here i)cl*des li0rary reso*rces at A/is 0a)1articles i) vario*s )e,spapers a)d ma+aEi)es- prod*ct catalo+s a)d o)li)e reso*rces li1e compa)y ,e0site- o)li)e reports a)d articles2
== R(/5 D*+$ The research co)d*cted ,as descriptive i) )at*re a)d the +oal ,as to +ather prelimi)ary data to shed li+ht o) the real )at*re of pro0lems a)d to s*++est possi0le sol*tio)s2 For the p*rpose of this project- ,e ,e)t for a .*estio))aire0ased s*rvey of c*stomers
R(/5 I$/.$
For the p*rpose of this project- a .*estio))aire ,as desi+)ed to collect data- ,hich i)cl*des mi/ of ope)e)ded a)d closee)ded .*estio)s2 A s*rvey tech)i.*e is 0ei)+ *sed to collect the data2 D*ri)+ the project a s*rvey of 0a)1 c*stomers *si)+ perso)al i)tervie, ,as do)e at
ra)dom at differe)t A/is 0a)1 0ra)ch i) 'arol %a+h- Delhi a)d a predetermi)ed str*ct*red .*estio))aire ,as admi)istered to them2 O)ly those i)divid*als ,hich had 1)o,led+e of !)+lish la)+*a+e a)d a0o*t the %a)1 ,ere s*rveyed2
=4 =4 S( S(6#*$ 6#*$+ + D* D*+$ +$ S(6#*$+ U$*
The st*dy ,as restricted to Delhi re+io) o)ly2 'eepi)+ i) mi)d co)ve)ie)ce to sample 0eca*se of accessi0ility- lac1 of a0*)da)ce of time a)d cost a)d 0eca*se of the fact that the pop*latio) of this city cit y is composed of people of diverse 0ac1+ro*)d- i)come level- lifestyles etc2 The samples ,ere chose) o) the 0asis of simple ra)dom sampli)+2 The sampli)+ *)it comprised of the people holdi)+ Savi)+s acco*)t- C*rre)t acco*)t holders prese)t i) the 'arol %a+h 0ra)ch of the A/is %a)12
S(6#*$+ *
The sample siEe ta1e) for the p*rpose of st*dy ,as ? c*stomers of the A/is 0a)1 at the 'arol %a+h 0ra)ch i) Delhi2
S(6#*$+ P/",./
"esearch "esearch ,as restric restricted ted to si)+le si)+le 0ra)ch 0ra)ch of A/is A/is 0a)1 0a)1 a)d prescri0 prescri0ed ed )*m0er )*m0er i2e2 ? c*stomers c*stomers are to 0e s*rveyed s*rveyed 2The s*rveyed respo)de)ts respo)de)ts 0elo)+ed 0elo)+ed to the a+e of = years 3 a0ove a)d havi)+ a fair 1)o,led+e of !)+lish la)+*a+e2
C"$( M5",
C*stomers are to 0e directly co)tacted after i)tercepti)+ them ,ithi) the 0ra)ch premises2 The samples ,ere chose) o) the 0asis of simple ra)dom sampli)+2
=% L**(*"$:
The s*rvey ,as restricted restricted to o)ly o)e 0ra)ch 0eca*se of time a)d reso*rces co)strai)ts2 co)strai)ts2 Therefore the +e)erality of the fi)di)+s ca))ot 0e claimed *)til f*rther research has 0ee) carried o*t2
The locale of the st*dy ,as selected 1eepi)+ the co)ve)ie)ce factor i) mi)d ,hich i) prese)t research is Delhi i) 'arol %a+h %ra)ch2
The sample siEe is ?- i) ,hich >? did )ot respo)ded ,hich may )ot reflect a tr*e pict*re of the co)s*merHs mi)d2
The sit*atio) i) ,hich perso) is .*estio)ed a0o*t ro*ti)e actio)s is a) artificial o)e at 0est2 D*e to the i)fl*e)ce of .*estio)i)+ process- respo)de)ts may f*r)ish .*ite differe)t i)formatio) from facts2
The respo)de)ts are chose) thro*+h simple ra)dom sampli)+ a)d o)ly the perso)s ,ho have 1)o,led+e of !)+lish la)+*a+e are s*rveyed2
It is also pretty hard to p*rs*e a c*stomer to share his feeli)+s as they are i) a h*rry so possi0ility of 0iases of the respo)de)ts may )ot 0e precl*ded2
4.1 Definition of Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction can be defined as
“A) emotio)al respo)se to the e/perie)ces e/perie)ces provided 0y associated ,ith partic*lar partic*lar prod*cts or services p*rchased- retail o*tlets or eve) molar patter)s of 0ehavior s*ch as shoppi)+ a)d 0*yer 0ehavior as ,ell as over mar1etplace(R 8est0roo1 3 "eilly
“A) o*tcome of p*rchase a)d *se res*lti)+ from the 0*yers compariso) compariso) of the re,ards a)d the the costs costs of the the p*rch p*rchase ase i) relat relatio io) ) to the the a)ti a)tici cipa pate ted d co)s co)se. e.*e *e)c )ces2 es2(RC (RCh* h*rch rchil illl 3 S*perma)
The c*stom c*stomerHs erHs respo) respo)se se to the eval*a eval*atio tio) ) of the percei perceived ved discrep discrepa)c a)cy y 0et,ee) 0et,ee) prior prior e/pectatio)s a)d the act*al performa)ce of the prod*ct as perceived after its co)s*mptio)2
“The res*lt achieved ,he) prod*ct feat*res respo)d to c*stomer )eeds2(0y 5*ra) o) Q*ality %y Desi+)
Cortada a)d 8oods defi)e c*stomer satisfactio) i) t,o ,ays
The The deli delive very ry of a prod prod*c *ctt or servi service ce that that meets meets or e/cee e/ceeds ds c*sto c*stome merr e/pe e/pect ctat atio io)s )s or re.*ireme)ts2
42 CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION LOYALTY The project is titled “C*stomer Satisfactio) of the prod*cts a)d services offered 0y A/is %a)1 ( A tool for meas*ri)+ satisfactio) level amo)+ c*rre)t c*stomers a)d the services that are to 0e i)cl*ded2 The p*rpose is to
To meas*re the c*stomer satisfactio) level re+ardi)+ the vario*s prod*cts a)d services offered 0y A/is2
To determi)e services addo)s- ,hich the c*stomers feel- m*st 0e there2
To determi)e the most pop*lar a)d ,idely *sed services 0y the Savi)+s 0a)1 a)d Premi*m acco*)t holders2
To locate the lac1i)+ area a)d s*++est some improveme)ts i) the e/isti)+ services for m*t*al 0e)efits of the 0a)1 a)d its c*stomers2
The level of c*stomer satisfactio) ,ith services is a) importa)t factor i) developi)+ a system of service provisio) ,hich is respo)sive to clie)tsH )eeds ,hile mi)imiEi)+ costs a)d time re.*ireme)ts a)d ma/imiEi)+ the impact of the services o) tar+et pop*latio)s2
I) order to develop a service delivery mecha)ism that addresses its c*stomersH )eeds- desires a)d e/pectatio)s- it is )ecessary to 1)o, ,hat c*stomers are thi)1i)+ a0o*t yo* a)d yo*r service-
To improve satisfactio) a)d loyalty rati)+s a)d differe)tiate from the competitio)- 0a)1s )eed )eed to *)de *)derst rsta) a)d d ,hat ,hat driv drives es satis satisfac facti tio) o) a)d a)d loya loyalt ltyy- a)d a)d ,here ,here ther theree is +reat +reates estt opport*)ity for improveme)t2 There is little poi)t i) i)vesti)+ reso*rces i) areas that are already performi)+ ,ell- Col+ate says or i) areas )ot importa)t to satisfactio) a)d loyalty2 8hether thereHs room for improveme)t to satisfactio) a)d loyalty- ,hether thereHs room for improveme)t there or )ot2
It 0ecomes i)creasi)+ly importa)t to ide)tify a)d e)*merate cha)+i)+ c*stomer )eeds2 The c*stomersG satisfactio) sho*ld 0e the ce)tral eleme)t of the 0a)1 missio) a)d o)e of the priority o0jectives of lo)+term c*stomerorie)ted c*stomer orie)ted strate+y2 s trate+y2 !specially importa)t is to st*dy s t*dy c*stomersG satisfactio) a)d 0a)1 services .*ality i) emer+i)+ mar1et eco)omies ,here 0a)1s are 0ehavi)+ as +ro,thorie)ted firms i) the ti+ht str*++le for o0tai)i)+ a 0i++er mar1et share2 U)dersta)di)+ of clie)tGs desire- )eeds a)d dema)ds is a) importa)t i)p*t to the ela0oratio) of a) efficie)t mar1eti)+ strate+y 0oth i) 0a)1s a)d other firms
4= M(./ " *6/"7 6/3"/($ 3"/ 5*+5/ ."/ (*3(*"$:
T*r) yo*r stro)+est areas i)to mar1et differe)tiatio)2
T*r) ,ea1)esses i)to opport*)ities for improveme)t2
Develop i)ter)al comm*)icatio) tools to let everyo)e 1)o, ho, they are doi)+2
Demo)strate yo*r commitme)t to .*ality a)d yo*r c*stomers2
Feed0ac1 a)d i)formatio) form importa)t eleme)ts i) effective service delivery systems a)d sho*ld i)cl*de
There are a variety of ,ays to meas*re c*stomerHs satisfactio)- 0*t i) this st*dy a simple method Importa)cePerforma)ce atri/ developed 0y Fort Sa)ders2
B= 9evel of importa) importa)ce ce of services providedprovided- a)d
B> Service Service providerHs providerHs performa)ce performa)ce i) +ivi)+ services2 services2
%ased %ased o) thes thesee facto factors rs-- the the c*sto c*stome mers rs them themse selv lves es ma1e ma1e a) appr apprais aisal al of the the level level of satisfactio) they receive from specific +oods a)d services a)d of their co)fide)ce i) the capa0ilities of the service providers2
respo)d respo)de)t e)tss ,ho report report a) The
importa)ce rati)+ of +reater respo)d respo)de)t e)tss ,ho report report tha) 4 B: a)d a performa)ce rati)+ of +reater tha) 4 B:2
a) import importa)c a)cee rati)+ rati)+ of aver avera+ a+ee B4 B4 a)d a)d also also a
I) this sit*atio) clie)ts fi)d performa)ce that that
the the
perf perfo orma) rma)ce ce
of avera+e B42
service providers is +ood for service servicess that that they they co)sid co)sider er importa)t to their prod*ctio) >
The perce)ta+e of respo)de)ts ,ho ,ho
repo report rt
imp importa orta)c )cee
rati)+ of avera+e to very hi+h B4 or : 0*t a poor or very poor performa)ce rati)+ B> or =2
INEFFICIENT INEFFICIENT SERVICES SERVICES A)ot A)othe herr 1ey 1ey area area of the the clie clie)t )t sati satisfa sfact ctio io) ) matri matri/ / perce)ta+e of respo)de)ts ,ho co)sider the services ser vices *)importa)t Bimporta)ce rati)+ > or = 0*t the performa)ce of the service provider i) +ivi)+ services is rated ra ted avera+e to very +ood Bperforma)ce Bperforma)ce rati)+ 4 or :2 This cate+ory represe)ts represe)ts t,o possi0le possi0le sce)arios sce)arios either a ,aste of 0a)1s reso*rces B0eca*se *)importa)t services are 0ei)+ performed ,ell or pro+rams for ,hich there are very positive e/ter)alities that are )ot reco+)iEed 0y c*stomers2
This helpHs the service provider i) ide)tifyi)+ the factors or areas ,here more reso*rces are to 0e i)vested- a)d the priority i) ,hich the i)vestme)t is to 0e made a)d the factors or areas ,here cha)+es ,ill have little impact o) satisfactio) a)d loyalty2
ItGs a ,ell1 ,ell1)o )o,) ,) fact that )o 0*si)e 0*si)ess ss ca) e/ist ,itho* ,itho*tt c*stom c*stomers2 ers2 Steps to i)creas i)creasee satisfactio) amo)+ C*stomers are
1 E$ E$"./ "./(+ (+ F(- F(-"-F "-F( ( D(# D(#*$+ *$+ This is the most da*)ti)+ da*)ti)+ a)d do,)ri+ht do,)ri+ht scary part of i)teracti)+ i)teracti)+ ,ith a c*stomer2 If yo*Gre )ot *sed to this sort of thi)+ it ca) 0e a pretty )erve,rac1i)+ e/perie)ce2 "est ass*redtho*+h- it does +et easier over time2 ItGs importa)t to meet yo*r c*stomers face to face at least o)ce or eve) t,ice d*ri)+ the co*rse of a project2
#$ R6"$, " M(+ P/"6#8 K6 Y"./ C#*$ I$3"/,
This +oes ,itho*t sayi)+ really2 8e all 1)o, ho, a))oyi)+ it is to ,ait days for a respo)se to a) email or pho)e call2 It mi+ht )ot al,ays 0e practical to deal ,ith all c*stomersG .*eries ,ithi) the space of a fe, ho*rs- 0*t at least email or call them 0ac1 a)d let them 1)o, yo*Gve received there messa+e a)d yo*Gll co)tact them a0o*t it as soo) as possi0le2 !ve) if yo*Gre )ot a0le to solve a pro0lem ri+ht a,ay- let the c*stomer 1)o, yo*Gre ,or1i)+ o) it2
= B F/*$,#8 ($, A66/"(5('# ItGs very importa)t to 0e frie)dly- co*rteo*s a)d to ma1e yo*r clie)ts feel li1e yo*Gre their frie)d a)d yo*Gre there to help them o*t2 There ,ill 0e times ,he) yo* ,a)t to 0eat yo*r clie)ts over the head repeatedly ,ith a 0l*)t o0ject2 ItGs vital that yo* 1eep a clear headrespo)d to yo*r clie)tsG ,ishes- as 0est yo* ca)- a)d at all times remai) polite a)d co*rteo*s2
4 H(7 ( C#(/#8-D3*$, C."/ S/7* P"#*8
This may )ot 0e too importa)t ,he) j*st starti)+ o*t- 0*t a clearly defi)ed c*stomer service policy is +oi)+ to save a lot of time a)d effort i) the lo)+ r*)2 If a c*stomer has a pro0lem,hat sho*ld they do If the first optio) does)Gt ,or1- the) ,hat Sho*ld they co)tact differe)t people for 0illi)+ a)d tech)ical e).*iries If theyGre )ot satisfied ,ith a)y aspect of yo*r c*stomer service- ,hom sho*ld they tell
ThereGs )othi)+ more a))oyi)+ for a clie)t tha) 0ei)+ passed from perso) to perso) or )ot 1)o,i)+ ,ho to t*r) to2 a1i)+ s*re they 1)o, e/actly ,hat to do at each sta+e of their
e).*iry sho*ld 0e of *tmost importa)ce2 So ma1e s*re yo*r c*stomer service policy is prese)t o) yo*r site a)d a)y,here else it may 0e *sef*l2
% A$*"$ " D(*# &(#" )$"$ ( T5 L*# N**
#ave yo* ever received a #appy %irthday email or card from a compa)y yo* ,ere a clie)t of #ave yo* ever had a perso)aliEed si+)*p co)firmatio) email for a service that yo* co*ld tell ,as typed from scratch These little )iceties ca) 0e time co)s*mi)+ a)d are)Gt al,ays cost effective- 0*t remem0er to do them2
!ve) if itGs as small as se)di)+ a #appy #olidays email to all yo*r c*stomers- itGs somethi)+2 It sho,s yo* care it sho,s there are real people o) the other e)d of that scree) or telepho)e a)d most importa)tly- it ma1es the c*stomer feel ,elcomed- ,a)ted a)d val*ed2
A$**6( A$**6( Y"./ C#*$ C#*$ N, G" O. O3 Y"./ W(8 " H#6 T5
O. Some Someti time mess this this is easier easier said said tha) tha) do)e do)eMM #o,e #o,eve verr- achi achiev evi) i)+ + this this s*pr s*prem emee leve levell of *)dersta)di)+ ,ith yo*r clie)ts ,ill do ,o)ders for ,or1i)+ relatio)ship2
2 H"$"./ Y"./ P/"*
This is the most importa)t poi)t i) this article2 The simple messa+e ,he) yo* promise somethi)+- deliver2 The most commo) e/ample here is ,or1 delivery dates2
Clie)ts do)Gt li1e to 0e disappoi)ted2 Sometimes- somethi)+ may )ot +et do)e- or yo* mi+ht miss a deadli)e thro*+h )o fa*lt of yo*r o,)2 Projects ca) 0e late- tech)olo+y ca) fail a)d s*0co)tractors do)Gt al,ays deliver o) time2 I) this case a .*ic1 apolo+y a)d ass*ra)ce itGll 0e ready ASAP ,o*ld)Gt +o amiss2 amiss2
%1 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION The data- ,hich ,as collected- ,as s*mmariEed a)d ta0*lated for f*rther a)alysis2 The a)alysis performed ,as mai)ly comparative a)alysis *si)+ statistical a)alytical tools2 The tools that have 0ee) *sed are as follo,s
%ar Chart
Pie Chart
%1 D"+/(65* ($, "5/ *$3"/(*"$: Amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed
Q*es Demo+raphic profile profile of the respo)de)t
As sh sho,) i) i) Fig 5.1.1 5.1.1 ajority of c*stomers s*rveyed ,ere male c*stomers ,ho
co)stit*ted the major ch*)1 of ?J as compared to female ,hich are j*st >?J2 This is 0eca*se very fe, females t*r) *p to the 0a)1 a)d the )*m0er of females i)terested to 0e s*rveyed ,as pretty less2
demographic profile 20%
80% male female
Fig 5.1.1 Demographic profile (gender)
B4 Q*es Q*es A+e A+e 7ro*p 7ro*p
As sho,) i) Fig i) Fig 5.1.2 ajority 5.1.2 ajority of C*stomers s*rveyed ,as i) the a+e +ro*p of 4?:? i2e2 >? follo,ed 0y => c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of :?;?yrs a)d mi)im*m i) the a+e +ro*p of = >?yrs i2e2 ; The c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of >?4? yrs are =? a)d i) ;?
A+e 7ro*p
Fig 5.1.2 Demographic Demographic profile (age)
B: Q*es2 Type Type of the acco*)t acco*)t yo* have ,ith the 0a)12 0a)12
As sho,) i) Fig i) Fig 5.1.3 majority 5.1.3 majority of c*stomers c*stomers s*rveyed s*rveyed ,ere of savi)+s savi)+s acco*)t acco*)t holdi)+ savi)+s ,ith the 0a)1 i2e2 ;: a)d o)ly =?J c*stomers s*rveyed ,ere havi)+ premi*m acco*)t2
Fig 5.1.3 Type of Account
B; Q*es2 Period Of Associatio Associatio) )
< mo)ths
=> year
Amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed a majority of them ,ere holdi)+ the 0a)1 acco*)t ,ith the 0a)1 for more tha) year2
Fig.5.1.4 Period of Aociation
%2 A(/$ #7# #7# "3 ,*33/$ ,*33/$ /7* ("$+ 5 ."/ ./78,! "33/, '8 5 '($) ($, 5 (*3(*"$ #7# "3 5 /7* 5$ (7(*#, %
the Fig 5.2.1 I) 5.2.1 I) terms of )o2 Of people a,are of 6/"$(#*, /7* B= As sho,) i) the Fig offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the >?4?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers follo,ed 0y 4? :?yrs a+e +ro*p2 I) terms of perce)ta+e of people a,are- ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p it is ma/im*m i) >?4?yrs a+e +ro*p i2e2 ?J
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
Ta!le 4.2.1 A"arene 4.2.1 A"arene of Peronali#ed er$ice
Fig 5.2.1 A"arene of peronali#ed er$ice among different age%inter$al
B> F/ 65"$ '($)*$+ 3(*#*8: As sho,) i) Ta!le 5.2.2 I) terms of )o2 Of people ,ith i)
a) a+e +ro*p ma/im*m a,are)ess is i) the a+e +ro*p of >?4?yrs follo,ed 0y 4?:? yrs2 I) terms of perce)ta+e of people ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p it is ma/im*m i) =>? yrs a+e +ro*p i2e2 =??J a)d mi)im*m of <=J i) the a+e +ro*p of ;?
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
Ta!le 5.2.2 A"arene 5.2.2 A"arene of free Phone !an&ing facility
Fig 5.2.2 A"arene of free Phone !an&ing facility
F/ ,""/6 $ (".$ "6$*$+: It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of free doorstep
)e, a6c ope)i)+ i) terms of perce)ta+e of people ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p is i) ? yrs a+e +ro*p a)d mi)im*m i) the a+e +ro*p of >?4? yrs2
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
Ta!le 5.2.3 A"arene 5.2.3 A"arene of free doortep ne" account opening opening
Fig 5.2.3 A"arene of Free doortep ne" ne" account opening ::
%A(/$ "3 (3 ,6"* #")/ It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of safe deposit loc1ers
offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the a+e +ro*p of =>? yrs i2e2 ?J closely follo,ed 0y @@J i) the a+e +ro*p of ?4?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers closely follo,ed 0y 4?:?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers as depicted i) Fig 5.2.4.
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
Ta!le 5.2.4 A"arene of afe depoit loc&er
Figure 5.2.4 A"arene of afe depoit loc&er
B: A(/$ "3 ATM /7* It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of AT service offered 0y the
0a)1 is most ,idely 1)o,) a)d a)d availed service irrespect of the a+e +ro*p2 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2.5.
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
Ta!le 5.2.5 A"arene of AT' er$ice
Figure 5.2.5 A"arene of AT' er$ice
B< A(/$ "3 C5(/+, $(*"$(# ($, I$/$(*"$(# D'* (/, As *s*al c*stomers c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p +ro*p of =>? are are ,ell i)formed i)formed of the services2 services2 As sho,) i) the the Ta!le 5.2.. I) terms of )o2 Of people a,are of de0it card services offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the >?4?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers closely follo,ed 0y 4?:?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers as depicted i) Fig i) Fig 5.2..
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
Ta!le 5.2. A"arene of harged *ational + ,nter national De!it card
fig 5.2. A"arene of harged *ational + ,nternational De!it card
B@ A(/$ "3 F/ "$#*$ /(# * I$/$ '($)*$+ Free o)li)e real time I)ter)et 0a)1i)+ service offered 0y the 0a)1 is a) alter)ate 0a)1i)+ cha))el2 I) terms of perce)ta+e perce)ta+e a,are)ess ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p is ma/im*m i)=>?yrs i2e2 =??J2 As *s*al c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of =>? are ,ell i)formed of the services offered 0y the 0a)12 0a)12 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2.-. I) 5.2.-. I) terms of )o2 Of people a,are of I)ter)et 0a)1i)+ service offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m i) the 4?:?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers closely follo,ed 0y >?4?yrs a+e +ro*p c*stomers as depicted i) 5.2.-
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
:?J ;?
Ta!le 5.2.- A"arene of Free online real time ,nternet !an&ing
Figure 5.2.- A"arene of Free online real time ,nternet !an&ing !an&ing
B A(/$ "3 A$8 5/ '($)*$+ 3(*#*8 A)y ,here 0a)1i)+ facility e)a0les perso) to do i)tra a)d i)ter city 0a)1i)+ a)d it is also the additio)al service ,hich is )ot offered 0y all the 0a)1s2 It ,as fo*)d that a)y,here 0a)1i)+ facility offered 0y the 0a)1 i) terms of perce)ta+e a,are)ess ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p is ma/im*m i) =>?yrs i2e2 =??J2 =??J2 As *s*al c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of =>? are ,ell i)formed of the services offered 0y the 0a)12 As sho,) i) the Ta!le 5.2..
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
@;J ;=
Ta!le 4.2. A"arene of any"here !an&ing
Figure 5.2. A"arene of any"here !an&ing
B A(/$ "3 I$7$ (,7*"/8 /7* I)vestme)t advisory services offered 0y the 0a)1 e)a0les the c*stomer to 0*y m*t*al f*)ds- 7OI relief f*)ds- "%I 0o)ds etc2 *)der the +*ided advise of professio)al a)d it is also the additio)al service ,hich is )ot offered 0y all the 0a)1s2 It ,as fo*)d that I)vestme)t advisory services offered 0y the 0a)1 i) terms of perce)ta+e a,are)ess ,ithi) a) a+e +ro*p is ma/im*m i) ? a+e +ro*p- follo,ed 0y c*stomers i) the a+e +ro*p of :?;? yrs as people )o, start i)vesti)+ early2 As sho,) sho,) i) the the Ta!le 5.2./.
A+e i)terval
No2 of respo)de)ts a,are
Total )o2 of respo)de)ts
Perce)ta+e a,are)ess
:?J ;>
Ta!le 5.2./ A"arene of ,n$etment ad$iory er$ice
Figure 5.2./ A"arene of ,n$etment ad$iory er$ice
S/7* A(/$ A7(*#, C5(/
Figure 5.2.10 er$ice a"arene %a$ailed chart
It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of AT services offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m- follo,ed 0y a)y,here 0a)1i)+ a)d least i) case of i)vestme)t advisory2 It ,as also fo*)d that amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed AT service is the most availed service follo,ed 0y A)y,here 0a)1i)+ facility a)d least availed service ,as I)vestme)t advisory services as depicted i) Fig i) Fig 5.2.10.
Fig 5.2.11 A$erage atifaction rating rating on different er$ice It ,as fo*)d that- o) AT service a)d A)y,here 0a)1i)+ facility- the avera+e satisfactio) is ma/im*m at 42= o*t of a scale of :- follo,ed 0y I)vestme)t advisory services a)d least avera+e avera+e satisfactio) ,as I) the case of safe deposit deposit loc1ers facility that ,as also too hi+h of >2@;2
%= %=
S(* S(*3( 3( *" *"$ $ #7 #7# # "$ ,/ ,/*7 *7/ / "3 "3 ( (* *3( 3(* *"$ "$ ;;
C*stomers s*rveyed ,ere as1ed to circle the )*m0er that 0est represe)ts their feeli)+s o) Performa)ce attri0*tes BDrivers of Satisfactio) I) col*m) 4A o) De+ree of Importa)ce o) =: =: scale scale B:“ B:“e/ e/tr trem emely ely impo importa rta)t )t((- 4“i 4“imp mpor orta ta)t )t((- >“sl >“sli+ i+ht htly ly impo importa rta)t )t((- =“) =“)ot ot impo import rta) a)t( t( a)d a)d I) col* col*m) m) 4% o) de+r de+ree ee of Perfo Perform rma) a)ce ce o) =: =: scale scale B:“e B:“e/c /cel elle le)t )t((4“+ood(- >“fair(- =“poor(2
A) avera+ avera+ee rati)+ rati)+ ,as calc*la calc*lated ted of the respo)se respo)se of differ differe)t e)t c*stom c*stomers ers s*rvey s*rveyed ed o) differe)t drivers of satisfactio) factors as sho,) i) Ta0le :242= ,hich is later o) depicted o) the Performa)ce importa)ce matri/ as sho,) i) the fi+ :242=
Avera+e Importa)ce
Performa)ce rati)+
=2 Staff Compete)ce
>2 Prompt Service
42 !mployees Co*rteo*s 3
;2 Co)ve)ie)ce of 9ocatio)
<2 Operati)+ ho*rs
@2 Competitive fees 3 Char+es
2 Competitive i)terest
2 9o, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t
=?2Q*ery 3 complai)t resol*tio)
4 2=
==2ATs seldom o*t of cash
=>2Am0ie)ce 3 I)frastr*ct*re
frie)dly :2 Co)ve)ie)ce of Acco*)t ope)i)+ Formalities
ratesB FDs
It ,as fo*)d that c*stomers s*rveyed rated Prompt service the ma/im*m o) the importa)ce scale follo,ed 0y 9o, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t2 Factors li1e staff compete)ce a)d co)ve)ie)ce of locatio) are also of si+)ifica)ce2 Am0ie)ce a)d I)frastr*ct*re as a factor ,as rated mi)im*m o) the importa)ce scale2
8hat ,e really )eed to 1)o, tho*+h is to ,hat e/te)t 0a)1 ca) improve these areas2 8here 0a)1 ca) +ai) the +reatest cost60e)efit payoff I) I ) the last col*m) of the ta0le the closer c loser the score is to : the 0etter the 0a)1 performed i) that area- accordi)+ to its c*stomers Prompt service scored hi+hest2 This is importa)t as it is the factor that drives c*stomer satisfactio) the most2 Am0ie)ce a)d I)frastr*ct*re a)d staff compete)ce ,ere also rated ,ell2
#o,ever the Ta!le 5.3.1 sho,s 5.3.1 sho,s Operati)+ ho*rs- Competitive fees 3 char+es- Competitive i)terest rates- 9o, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t Bi)im*m 0ala)ce a)d ATs seldom o*t of cash are all areas that prese)t opport*)ities for 0a)1s C*stomers rate them as importa)t yet they perform 0adly i) terms of c*stomers eval*ate2 Those factors- ,hich lie i) the .*adra)t A are those areas ,here the 0a)1 has performed 0adly2 9o, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t Bmi)im*m 0ala)ce is the area that re.*ires the +reatest foc*s follo,ed 0y Competitive fees a)d char+es- Competitive i)terest rates BFDs- Operati)+ ho*rs a)d ATs seldom o*t of cash 0a)1 simply )eeds to co)ce)trate i) those areas2
Those factors- ,hich lie i) the .*adra)t % are those ,here the performa)ce of the 0a)1 is +ood a)d the 0a)1 sho*ld try to 1eep *p that +ood ,or1 o) the factorsPrompt service- staff compete)ce- Co)ve)ie)ce of locatio)- co)ve)ie)ce of acco*)t ope)i)+ formalities etc2 It ,as also fo*)d that )o driver of satisfactio) factor lie i) the .*adra)t C a)d D2
H" ," 8". 8". /($) /($) 8"./ 8"./ 6/ 6/", ",. . &(7* &(7*$+ $+ ($, ($, . .// //$ $ (" (".$ .$ "$ %4 H" 3(./! /7*! /#*('*#*8! 7(#. 3"/ "$8 ($, 5$"#"+8 Av+2 Av+2 Savi)+ Savi)+ss acco*)t acco*)t Av+2 Premi*m acco*)t holders holder Feat*res
42== ;
$al*e for mo)ey
Ta!le 5.4.1 A$erage rating on product !y a$ing + Premium ac holder
It ,as fo*)d that avera+e rati)+ 0y differe)t savi)+s a)d c*rre)t acco*)t c*stomers o) all prod*ct factors i2e2 o) feat*re- services- relia0ility- val*e for mo)ey a)d tech)olo+y2 The c*rre) c*rre)tt acco*)t acco*)t c*stom c*stomers ers are more more satisfie satisfied d ,ith ,ith the overall overall prod*ct prod*ct compar compared ed to the savi)+s 0a)1 acco*)t holder this is depicted i) the Fig the Fig 5.4.1
average satisfaction tisfaction on product 4 3.5 ratingscale 3 2.5
s e r u t a e f
s e c i v r e s
y r g o y o f e l o e n n u o l a m h c v e t
y t i l i b a i l e r
savings ac hold holder curr currentac holder
Fig 5.4.1 A$erage rating on product !y a$ing + current ac holder
Period of
$al*e for Tech)ol mo)ey o+y
Asso 2 "ati)+ o) ?< mo)ths
= yr > yr
> yrL
Ta0le ;2:2> Avera+e rati)+ o) prod*ct factors vs period of associatio)
It ,as fo*)d that there is )o s*0sta)tial cha)+e i) the avera+e rati)+ o) the differe)t prod*ct factors 0y the c*stomers havi)+ differe)t period of associatio) ,ith the 0a)12 This sho,s that the 0a)1 does)Ht ma1es a)y differe)ce i) providi)+ the services amo)+ its c*stomers as sho,) i) Ta!le 5.4.2
It ,as also fo*)d that avera+e satisfactio) is ma/im*m o) prod*ct feat*re i2e2 42=4 follo,ed services a)d relia0ility of the prod*ct 0oth at 42? a)d val*e for mo)ey mi)im*m at >242 O) all the prod*ct factors the compa)y has performed +ood e/cept val*e for mo)ey ,here the prod*ct is rated a0ove avera+e as sho,) i) Fig i) Fig 5.1
average satisfaction satisfaction on different fferent product factors 4 3.5 3.13 3.!" satisfact tisfaction scale 3 2.5 s s e 2 e r c u i t v a r e e s f
3.!" 2.#3 3.!$ y y r g o t i f y l o l i e e o n b u a l o n i l a m h c e v e r t
Fig 5.4.2 A$erage atifaction on different different product factor
&$& &$&
'ver 'veral alll lev level el of "ati "ati"f "fac acti tion on with with the the pro produ duct ct
mean satisfaction rating
Fi+ ;2;2=Ba Avera+e overall Satisfactio) rati)+ average overall satisfa tisfaction cti on rating ting g e1!!% a d "!% t n n &!% e o c p 4!% r s 2!% e e !% p r
$#% 15%
%$very dissatisfied
satisf isfied
very satisfied
level of satisfaction
Amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed =;J of c*stomers ,ere very satisfied ,ith the services of the 0a)1- @J of c*stomers ,ere satisfied ,ith the 0a)1 a)d a very small )*m0er i2e2@J of the c*stomers ,ere )either satisfied )or dissatisfied ,ith the services2 8hich sho,s a very hi+h level of satisfactio) amo)+ the c*stomers2
average satisfaction vs period period of association ssociation 4 a f s i e t l 3.5 a a s c s . 3 g v a 2.5
period of association ssociation
avg satisfaction
Fi+ ;2;2=B0 Avera+e satisfactio) vs Period of associatio)
It ,as fo*)d that )o si+)ifica)t cha)+e is 0ei)+ fo*)d i) the overall satisfactio) satisfactio) amo)+ amo)+ the c*stomers ,ith differe)t period of associatio)2 8hich 0ri)+s o*t that 0a)1 does )ot ma1e a)y differe)ce i) providi)+ the services amo)+ its c*stomers2
Are yo* happy ,ith o*r services a)d loo1i)+ for a lo)+term relatio)ship2
Amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed a s*0sta)tial )*m0er i2e2 >? c*stomers respo)ded they are li1ely Ba+ree to mai)tai) mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship relatio)ship ,ith the 0a)1- 4; respo)de)ts respo)de)ts respo)ded respo)ded
that they are very li1ely Bstro)+ly a+ree to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship a)d o)ly ; respo)de)ts respo)de)ts stated they are )either )either Bsoso Bsoso to mai)tai) mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship relatio)ship as sho,) sho,) i) Fig 5.5.2
Fig 5.5.2 i&ely relationhip.
B4 B4
8o*l 8o*ld d yo* yo* reco recomm mme) e)d d thi thiss pro prod* d*ct ct to othe others rs
It ,as fo*)d that > respo)de)ts ,ere li1ely Ba+ree to recomme)d- >= respo)de)ts ,ere very very li1e li1ely ly Bstro Bstro)+ )+ly ly a+ree a+ree- @ c*st c*stom omers ers ,ere ,ere )eit )eithe herr li1el li1ely y )or )or *)li *)li1e 1ely ly Bsoso Bsoso to recomme recomme)d )d to others others a)d o)ly 4 respo)d respo)de)t e)tss ,ere ,ere very very *)li1e *)li1ely ly Bstro)+ Bstro)+ly ly disa+r disa+ree ee to recomme)d this prod*ct to others2 As sho,) i) fi+;2;24
Fig 5.5.3 i&ely to recommend
This represe)ts a hi+h level of satisfactio) amo)+ the 0a)1 c*stomers as the prod*cts are 0ei)+ recomme)ded to a)other people ,ho ,ill 0e the f*t*re c*stomers of the 0a)12 This represe)ts c*stomers are hi+hly satisfied ,ith the 0a)1 prod*cts2
"i+ht strate+y for the ri+ht prod*cts2
S*perior c*stomer service vs2 competitors2
7reat %ra)d Ima+e
Prod*cts have re.*ired accreditatio)s2
#i+h de+ree of c*stomer satisfactio)2
7ood place to ,or1
Prompt respo)se time ,ith efficie)t a)d effective service2
Dedicated ,or1force aimi)+ at ma1i)+ a lo)+term career i) the field2
Some +aps i) ra)+e for certai) sectors2 <4
C*stomer C*stomer service staff )eed trai)i)+2 trai)i)+2
Processes a)d systems- etc
a)a+eme)t cover i)s*fficie)t2
Sectoral +ro,th is co)strai)ed 0y lo, *)employme)t levels a)d competitio) for staff 2
Profit mar+i)s ,ill 0e +ood2
Co*ld e/te)d to overseas 0roadly2
Ne, specialist applicatio)s2
Co*ld see1 0etter c*stomer deals2
Fasttrac1 career developme)t opport*)ities o) a) i)d*stry,ide 0asis2
9e+islatio) co*ld impact2
7reat ris1 i)volved
$ery hi+h competitio) prevaili)+ i) the i)d*stry2
$*l)era0le to reactive
attac1 0y major competitors
9ac1 of i)frastr*ct*re i) r*ral areas co*ld co)strai) i)vestme)t2
#i+h vol*me6lo, cost mar1et is i)te)sely competitive
S8OT A)alysis is a simple 0*t po,erf*l frame,or1 for a)alyEi)+ compa)yGs S tr tr e) e) +t +t hs hs a )d )d 8 e a 1 ) e s s e s - a ) d t h e O p p o r t * ) i t i e s a ) d T h r e a t s f a c e 2 T h i s <:
helps *s to foc*s o) yo*r stre)+ths- mi)imiEe threats- a)d ta1e the +reatest possi0le adva)ta+e of opport*)ities availa0le2
>1 M("/ 3*$,*$+% 3*$,*$+%
It ,as fo*)d that a,are)ess of AT services offered 0y the 0a)1 is ma/im*m- follo,ed 0y de0it card a)d least i) case of i)vestme)t advisory2 It ,as also fo*)d that amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed AT service is the most availed service follo,ed 0y A)y ,here 0a)1i)+ facility a)d least availed service ,as I)vestme)t advisory services2 The )o) *sers cited U)a,are)ess re+ardi)+ the 0a)1Hs services to 0e the major reaso)s 0ehi)d )ot availi)+ of the 0a)1Hs services
O) AT service a)d A)y ,here 0a)1i)+ facility- the avera+e satisfactio) is ma/im*m at 42= o*t of a scale of :- follo,ed 0y I)vestme)t advisory services a)d least avera+e satisfactio) ,as i) the case of safe deposit loc1ers facility that ,as also too hi+h2 <<
Prompt Prompt serviceservice- staff compete)cecompete)ce- Co)ve)ie) Co)ve)ie)ce ce of locatio)locatio)- co)ve)ie)ce co)ve)ie)ce of acco*)t acco*)t ope)i)+ formalities etc2 O) all these factors 0a)1 is doi)+ ,ell a)d the 0a)1 sho*ld try to 1eep *p that +ood ,or12
Avera+e satisfactio) is ma/im*m o) prod*ct feat*re i2e2 42=4 follo,ed services a)d relia0ility relia0ility of the prod*ct prod*ct 0oth at 42? a)d val*e for mo)ey mi)im*m at >242 O) all the prod*ct factors the compa)y has performed +ood e/cept val*e for mo)ey ,here the prod*ct is rated a0ove avera+e2
Amo)+ Amo)+ the c*stomers c*stomers s*rveye s*rveyed d =;J of c*stom c*stomers ers ,ere very satisfie satisfied d ,ith ,ith the services of the 0a)1- @J of c*stomers ,ere satisfied ,ith the 0a)1 a)d a very small )*m0er )*m0er i2e2@J of the c*stomers ,ere )either satisfied )or dissatisfied ,ith the services2 services2 ,hich sho,s a very hi+h level of satisfactio) amo)+ the c*stomers2
Amo)+ the c*stomers s*rveyed a s*0sta)tial )*m0er i2e2 >? c*stomers respo)ded they are li1ely Ba+ree to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship ,ith the 0a)1- 4; respo)de)ts respo)ded respo)ded that they are very li1ely Bstro)+ly Bstro)+ly a+ree to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship relatio)ship a)d ; respo)de)ts stated they are )either Bsoso to mai)tai) a lo)+ term relatio)ship2
It ,as fo*)d that > respo)de)ts ,ere li1ely Ba+ree to recomme)d- >= respo)de)ts ,ere very very li1ely li1ely Bstro)+ Bstro)+ly ly a+reea+ree-@ @ c*stom c*stomers ers ,ere ,ere )eithe )eitherr li1ely li1ely )or *)li1e *)li1ely ly Bsoso Bsoso to recomme)d to others a)d o)ly 4 respo)de)ts ,ere very *)li1ely Bstro)+ly disa+ree to recomme)d this prod*ct to others2
S.++*"$ "$ A,,-"$ /7* ( 6/"6", '8 /6"$,$
Small amo*)t DD DD ca) 0e made thro*+h cash2
F2D2 e/te)sio) or re)e,al thro*+h pho)e 0a)1i)+2 <@
Pro/imity sho*ld 0e 0e i)creased thro*+h more 0ra)ches 0ra)ches or e/te)sio) co*)ters2
I)ter)et 0a)1i)+ o)ly e)lists the last =? tra)sactio)s made- it sho*ld 0e i)creased2
Fre.*e)t Fre.*e)t mailers mailers sho*ld 0e se)t o) )e, prod*ct prod*ct a)d services services i)trod*ced i)trod*ced from time time to time2
Free mo)thly stateme)t of acco*)t i) place of .*arterly2
ATs daily ,ithdra,al limit m*st m*st 0e i)creased ,hich is prese)tly "s "s =;-???2
Cash teller m*st have ade.*ate c*rre)cy )otes of "s;?? a)d "s=- ???2
N*m0er of c*stomerHs do complai)ed of the less operati)+ operati)+ days or the )o2 Of days it is ope)2 The 0a)1 ca) remai) ope) o) S*)days also to overcome that2
Provisio) of ta1i)+ o*t the 0a)1 stateme)t of the *ser specified period from the AT itself2
The )o)*sers cited *)a,are)ess re+ardi)+ the 0a)1s prod*ct a)d services to 0e the major reaso) 0ehi)d )ot availi)+ the 0a)1Hs services2 So 0a)1 sho*ld la*)ch a,are)ess a,are)ess campai+) for ma1i)+ c*stomers a,are of the differe)t services li1e perso)aliEed service9oc1ers- Pho)e 0a)1i)+ a)d I)vestme)t advisory services a)d prod*cts li1e 0a)1 at camp*s2
ajority of respo)de)ts do complai)ed of the ,or1i)+ of ATs- ATs o*t cash a)d disco))ectio) of )et,or1 ,ere the major fa*lt areas- eve) tho*+h they ,ere satisfied ,ith the 0a)1Hs a ,ide )et,or1 of ATs2
There ,ere )*m0er of respo)de)ts especially Se)ior citiEe)s ,ho have AT card 0*t does )ot ma1e *se of it 0eca*se )*m0er of people does )ot 1)o, ho, to *se it2 So 0a)1 ca) or+a)iEe a) a,are)ess ,ee1 ,here ATs *sa+e ca) 0e ta*+ht2
N*m0er of c*stomerHs do complai)ed of the less operati)+ days or the )*m0er of days it is ope)2 The 0a)1 ca) remai) ope) o) S*)days also to overcome that2
%a)1s avera+e .*arterly lo, 0ala)ce re.*ireme)t of "s =?-??? is 0oth pros a)d a co) for the 0a)12 It is .*ite reaso)a0le reaso)a0le i) compariso) compariso) ,ith the forei+) 0a)1s 0a)1s 0*t hi+h ,he) ,he) compared to other )atio)aliEed 0a)1s 2
The prese)t research ,as restricted to o)ly savi)+s a)d c*rre)t acco*)t holders of the 0a)12
The The s*rv s*rvey ey ,as ,as restr restrict icted ed to 'aro 'aroll %a+h %a+h 0ra) 0ra)ch ch 0eca 0eca*s *see of time time a)d a)d reso* reso*rce rcess co)stra co)strai)t i)ts2 s2 Therefo Therefore re the +e)eral +e)erality ity of the fi)di) fi)di)+s +s ca))ot ca))ot 0e claime claimed d *)til *)til f*rthe f*rtherr research has 0ee) carried o*t2
The sample siEe is ?- ,hich may )ot reflect a tr*e pict*re of the co)s*merHs mi)d2
The respo)de)ts are chose) thro*+h simple ra)dom sampli)+ a)d o)ly the perso)s ,ho have 1)o,led+e of !)+lish la)+*a+e ,ere s*rveyed2
It is also pretty hard to p*rs*e a c*stomer to share his feeli)+s as they are i) a h*rry so possi0ility of 0iases of the respo)de)ts may )ot 0e precl*ded2
The follo,i)+ so*rces have 0ee) so*+ht for the preparatio) of this report2
The Total o)ey a1eover A Prove) Pla) for Fi)a)cial Fit)ess- Dave "amsey- DAT!D =6?@6>?=4 P+ No :: The illio)aire Ne/t Door - Thomas Sta)ley a)d 8illiam Da)1o- DAT!D 4?6=?6>?=4- P+ No
M(+(*$ o)ey life- DAT!D =6=?6>?=4- P+ No ;= %*si)ess ,orld- DAT!D ?@6?6>?=4- P+ No =@>
N6(6/ !co)omic times- DAT!D ==6?<6>?=4- P+ No ;< #i)d*sta) times- DAT!D ?@6?6>?=4- P+ No ? W'* W,,,2a/is0a)12com Whttp66,,,2ilovei)dia2com6fi)a)ce60a)16private0a)1s6a/is0a)12html Whttp66eco)omictimes2i)diatimes2com6a/is0a)1ltd6i)focompa)yhistory6compa)yid =;2cms Whttp66fi)darticles2com6p6articles6miX.a;4>=6isX>??:?@6aiX)>=4;=:<6p+X; Whttp66h*ma)reso*rces2a0o*t2com6od6+lossarye6a6employeeXi)v2html Whttp66,,,2)rdc2or+60*ildi)++ree)60iEcase6o,)Xprod*ctivity2asp Whttp66,,,2)hpci)dia2com6!)+lish6Scripts6A0o*t*sXO0jectives2asp/ Whttp66,i1i2a)s,ers2com6Q68hyXtoXst*dyXa0o*tXemployeeXsatisfactio) Whttp66 http66,i1i2a ,i1i2a)s,er )s,ers2com6Q s2com6Q68hatXi 68hatXisXthe sXtheXimport Ximporta)ceXof a)ceXofXemploy XemployeeXsa eeXsatisfa tisfactio)X ctio)Xi) i) Xa)Xor+a )isatio)
Tha)1 yo* for a+reei)+ to participate i) this s*rvey2 I am a st*de)t of a AIS co)d*cti)+ a mar1et research to 1)o, the *sa+e patter) of Credit card @=
of A&IS %AN' a)d its services2 Ta1e a fe, mome)ts of yo*r time a)d a)s,er a fe, .*estio)s2 Yo*r a)s,ers ,ill 0e co)fide)tial a)d *sed o)ly i) com0i)atio) ,ith the respo)ses re spo)ses of other people2
= A(/$ ('". P/"$(#*, B($)*$+ F(*#*8 Yes No
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Yes No
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Yes No
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Yes No
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Feat*res Services "elia0ility $al*e For o)ey
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