Descripción: Presentación de Convertidores y Cicloconvertidores Monofásicos y TGrifásicos, de Media Onda y Onda Completa, Ptincipios de Control de Fase y Control de Abrir y Cerrar
Descripción: electronica industrial
Descripción: Conversores AC/AC
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Descripción: Mecatrónica Industrial
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prinsip kerja, bentuk gelombang keluaran serta jenis-jenis dai cycloconverterFull description
Es un documento de la materia de carreteras donde habla de los tipos de drenajes que se pueden utilizarDescripción completa
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kOMPONEN ACDeskripsi lengkap
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The questions are GRE level questions. Written Q1 focused on a company launching a new product and you had to assess the products success based on the description provide and provide a "Go, No Go" analysis. Written Q2 focused on o n survey design issues and what type of question could/should be asked in a follo-up survey to get better information. Not sure if the test is designed for specific positions in Nielsen so it may be different depending on what you are applying for. The topics on the analytical assessment are fairly simple. It is fairly standard math word problems where you have to calculate break-even points, determine how long it will take to recoup investments and working with basic level statistics (mean, median etc.) In addition to the math portion there is a written portion where you have to compose two documents to show your ability write and make a persausive point.
I honestly found it fairly easy and only got two questions wrong out of 17 (I think). I knew which two questions I got wrong on o n the test -- first one was because I couldn't remember the right formula and second because the question was completely unclear to me. Supposedly it only has a 20-25% pass rate which I found shocking because I passed with relative ease in my book I am Rishi Kudale, just clered 1st round of selection for BASES. i.e. Aptitude test. There were stat, Case study prstn, English questions. Now i have been called for 3 or 4 rounds of interviews. Pls do let me know what all type of questions will be ther for interview. Wish all of you all the success.
In the subsequent interviews be prepared to talk about: -client management skills -project management
-a time when you had to present unfavorable results -an estimation exercise such as "how would you calculate the number of man hole covers in North America?" -an analytic or modeling project you worked on -why do you want to work for Nielsen ad why are you a good fit?