Adobe Illustrator Day 1 Adobe Illustrator Illustrator Day 1 .................................................... .................................................. 1 The Ellipse Tool.......................................................................................................... 2 The Rectangle Rectangle / Rounded Rounded Rectangle Rectangle / Polygon Polygon / Tools ............................................. 3 Project: Creating and Modifying Shapes ...................................................... ................................................................... ............. 3 The Line Tool ............................................................................................................. 4 The Arc Tool............................................................................................................... 5 The Spiral Tool ................................................ ....................................................... ........................................................... .... 5 The Rectangular Rectangular Grid Tool Tool ................................................ ......................................... 5 The Polar Grid Tool.................................................................................................... 5 Selection Tools............................................................................................................ 6 Bezier Control Tools................................................................................................... 7 Clock Project............................................................................................................... 8 Creating Point Text..................................................................................................... 9 Skull Point Text Project............................................................................................ 10 Area Text – “I Have A Dream” ................................................................................ 12 Path Text ................................................ ........................................................ ................................................................... ........... 14 The Pathfinder Pathfinder Tool .................................................. ................................................ 16 Gradient Fill.............................................................................................................. 19 Project: The ants ants go marching marching one-by-one… one-by-one… ............................................... ........... 20 Text Effects............................................................................................................... 22 Compound Path......................................................................................................... 22 Clipping Mask........................................................................................................... 24 More Text Effects ..................................................... ..................................................................................................... ................................................ 25 The Blend Tool ................................................ ....................................................... ......................................................... .. 26
The Ellipse Tool 1. Create a new document that is 7inches by 7 inches. 2. Click and hold down the mouse key over the shape tools found in the Tool Palette. This will expand the shape tool menu. 3. Select the Ellipse Tool. 4. Drag an ellipse onto the paper. Notice that the ellipse is filled with the foreground color. Delete the ellipse by clicking your delete key. You will draw an ellipse with just a stroke, or outline and make the fill transparent. 5. Select the foreground color and click the None button. The None button looks like a tiny red slash. This will place a red slash over the foreground color and the background color should remain black. Now draw the ellipse. 6. Now you will draw another ellipse directly over the previous ellipse. You can move the ellipse as you draw by holding down the space bar. This will allow you to position the ellipse directly above the first ellipse. 7. Open the Swatches Palette, Window Swatches 8. Click the Stroke selector
9. Change the stroke to green by selecting a green box from the swatches palette. 10. Hit your delete key to remove the ellipse. Now you will do the same thing but this time start in the very center of the first ellipse and hold down your Alt key and draw the ellipse. This will create the ellipse from the center pointout. ALT + Drag an ellipse to create the ellipse from the center point out.
11. Draw another ellipse below the first. While your draw the ellipse, hold down the Shift key to constrain the ellipse to a perfect circle. 12. Now click CTRL + A to select everything on your canvas and hit your delete key to clear your canvas.
The Rectangle / Rounded Rectangle / Polygon / Tools 1. Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool from the Tool Pallet. Create a rectangle beneath the ellipse by dragging your mouse. Change the fill to light blue and the stroke to dark blue. 2. Delete the rounded rectangle and draw a square by holding down the space bar while drawing. Notice that this constrains the rectangle to a square. Change the fill to a bright red and the stroke to black. 3. Draw another square directly over the previous square. Use the spacebar to adjust the placement. Change the fill color to lime green and the stroke color to Dark green. 4. Delete all the shapes on the work area by selecting the Selection Tool (Large black arrow) and dragging a marquee around all the shapes. Click Delete on your keyboard. 5. Draw a large rounded rectangle, while you are drawing hold down the up arrow on your keyboard. This will create rounder corners on your rectangle. 6. Create another rectangle, while you draw the rectangle hold down the down arrow on your keyboard. This will create sharper corners on your rectangle. 7. Click the Selection Tool and draw a marquee around both of the rectangles. Hit your delete key. 8. Select the Polygon Tool and draw a polygon on your work area. Notice that the default polygon is a hexagon. Delete the polygon by clicking your Delete key. 9. Draw another polygon; however hold down the Shift key. The Shift key snaps the polygon to the upright position. 10. Delete the polygon and draw another polygon. While you draw the polygon click the up arrow key on your keyboard. This will add sides to your polygon. Clicking the down arrow will delete a side. The Star Tool 1. Select the Star tool from the Tool Palette. 2. Draw a star by dragging a star onto the canvas. 3. Draw another star while holding down the ALT key. The ALT key draws stars that are formed from intersecting polygons. 4. Draw another star while clicking the up and down arrow keys to adjust the amount of points you wish to the star to have. 5. Delete all of the stars and create another star while holding down the CTRL key. Holding down the CTRL key only allows the points to elongate and does not allow the star’s center to grow.
Project: Creating and Modifying Shapes 1. Create a new document that is 5 inches by 5 inches.
2. Create 5 different shapes. 3. Use the Selection tool to select one of the shapes. a. Modify the shape’s stroke color. i. Increase the weight of the stroke by clicking on Window Stroke and raising the weight of the stroke in the Stroke palette.
Raise the stroke using the Stroke Palette.
b. Modify the Shape’s fill i. Make sure that the Fill color is selected. Select the swatches palette by clicking the Swatches tab or by selecting Window ► swatches. Choose a selection of your choice. You can also use a pattern or gradient from the Swatches palette as well.
4. Repeat step 3 for the four other shapes. Make each shape look different. 5. If you have more time create additional images. Save the file as an AI (Adobe Illustrator File).
The Line Tool 1. The Line Tool is new to Illustrator 10. The Line Tool is used to draw lines (go figure). 2. Click File New 3. Create a new Illustrator document that is 5 inches by 5 inches. 4. Select the Line Segment tool from the Tool Palette. Click and drag a line. 5. Create another line however this time hold down the Shift key. The Shift key constrains the line tool to 45 degree increments. 6. Create one more line but hold down the ALT key. This will create a line that expands the same distance in opposite directions. 7. Use the Selection Tool (Black Arrow) to select each line and increase the stroke of each line. Also change the color of the stroke for each line as well.
8. Click Ctrl + A to select all and hit your delete key to clear the canvas.
The Arc Tool 1. Create a new Illustrator document. The document will be 5 inches by 5 inches. 2. Draw a large ellipse that has a black stroke and a Tip! Hit the F transparent fill. key to invert 3. Select the Arc Tool to trace an ellipse over the top of the previous ellipse. This will be done by drawing four your arc. separate arcs. 4. Start from the top middle point of the ellipse’s stroke. Drag to the left most section of the arc. If the arc is upside down hit the F key. To adjust the slope of the arc use the up and down arrow keys. Repeat the steps to continue outlining the ellipse in arcs. The Shift Key will make the arc a quarter circle. The Alt key will start the arc in the midpoint.
The Spiral Tool 1. Select all of the lines from the exercise above and delete them. 2. Select the Spiral Tool and draw a spiral. 3. Delete the spiral and now draw another spiral while clicking the up and down arrow keys. Notice that the Up arrow key will increase the amount of coils and the down key will decrease the amount of coils. 4. Draw one more spiral. While drawing the Spiral hold down the CTRL key and pull the spiral outward. This will adjust the decay of the spiral (how tightly the coils are wound). Beware! Do not pull the spiral inward. If you go beyond the first spiral toward the center you can mess up the Spiral Tool!
The Rectangular Grid Tool 1. Create a new document that is 5 inches by 5 inches in dimension. 2. Drag out a grid. The Up and Down arrow keys add or delete rows. The Left and Right arrow keys will add or delete columns. 3. The Spacebar key works the same as with the other shapes (allows you to move the shape around).
The Polar Grid Tool 1. Delete the Rectangular grid. 2. Create a Polar Grid. The Left and Right arrow keys add and subtract pie pieces.
3. The Up and Down arrow keys will add radial lines. Note: If you would like numerical control on any of the above tools simply click with the tool on the canvas. This will bring up a numerical dialogue box.
Selection Tools 1. Open a new document and draw three shapes. a. A line b. A star c. A triangle
2. Select the Selection Tool and click on the star 3. Resize the star by dragging the corner or side handles 4. To resize the star while keeping the width and height in proportion, hold down the Shift key while resizing. 5. If you would like to resize the shape with respect to the center hold down the ALT key. 6. Rotate the star about 180 degrees. Place the cursor on the outside of the star’s bounding box. Your cursor will change to a bent arrow. Drag to rotate.
To rotate a shape place your cursor outside the corner of the bounding box and drag your mouse to the left or right. To resize the star, use the resize handles.
7. Move the star to a different location. Click on the object and drag. 8. Make a duplicate of the star. To duplicate a object or clone a object click on the object and hold down the ALT key and drag. This will create a duplicate of the shape. 9. Click on the Selection Tool and select the line. To make the line longer simply drag the bounding box corners. Make the line longer.
10. Next you will change the angle at which the line sits. In order to change the angle you must first select the Direct Select Tool (the white arrow). Now click on one of the endpoints of the line and drag. Notice it does not move the opposite end point. Only the end point that you clicked on. Note: When you place the cursor over the endpoint a small circle will appear next to the arrow cursor indicating that you are hovering over an endpoint. To select the other endpoint first click in a blank section of the canvas to deselect the object and then select the endpoint that you wish to change. 11. Increase the line’s stroke by selecting the line with the Selection Tool (black arrow) and use the Stroke palette.
12. Select the Triangle. You will turn the triangle into a scalene triangle (no two sides of equal length). Select the Direct Select Tool and resize the triangle by hovering over the endpoints and dragging the endpoints. Again, look for the small white circle to appear when using the Direct Select Tool.
Bezier Control Tools 1. Open a new document that is 5 inches by 5 inches. Draw a circle by holding down the shift key and dragging an ellipse. Remember that holding down the control key will constrain the ellipse to a circle. 2. Fill the circle with a bright red color. 3. Click the Direct Selection Tool. Place the Direct Select Tool over the stroke of the circle until a small white circle appears. When you click the circle you should get small handles that branch off each point. If you do not get the small handles click in a blank section of the canvas and try again. These handles are called Bezier Control Tools. Imagine each handle as being a magnet. When you move the handle the section of the circle next to the handle will stretch as if trying to follow the magnet. Distort the circle using the above method.
Clock Project Use your Illustrator Skills to create a clock. An example is shown below. Use the Text Tool to create the numbers. You must type the number, click the Selection Tool, click the Text tool, and type the next number to make each number an individual text object.
Creating Point Text 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Create a new letter sized Illustrator document Activate the Type tool by clicking on the T Click where you would like the type to begin Type “I am learning Adobe Illustrator.” Now click on the black arrow Selection tool. Notice that a bounding box appears around your text. This is not a text box. You are currently working with Point text. Text that starts from a point and ends at a point. To deselect the point text object click on a section of blank canvas. 7. You will no longer see the blue line under the text object. 8. To edit the text object simply double click anywhere within the text object. Since I will add text to the end of the sentence I will double click at the end of the word Illustrator. 9. Add the following to the above text object “After today I will be an Illustrator pro.” Do not worry if it appears that you are running out of canvas. Adobe will move the work area over as you type. Because this is point type, Adobe does not recognize a text box and will not wrap the text. 10. Click on the Selection Tool (dark arrow) and move the text back onto the canvas. 11. Click on Window ► Type ► Character and change the text size to 24 pt. 12. This will change the two sentence’s font size to 24 pt. Now you will add line breaks to the sentence. Double click after the first sentence. Erase any spaces that exist between the first and second sentence. Hit the Enter key. This will place the second sentence on a new line. 13. You can change how text is aligned in reference to the point (the point is located in front of the first word of the text object). 14. Open the Paragraph palette by clicking on Window ► Type ► Paragraph. 15. Currently the text is aligned to the left. Click the center option to align the text to the center. You may have to switch to the Selection tool to drag the text back into place so that you can view the text object. Click the Right align option and notice the results. 16. The other two options, Justify Full Options and Justify Line Options, do not work with point text. They work with area text. 17. To change your text orientation simply click on Type ► Type Orientation ► Vertical. 18. Notice that when you change the orientation the type is backwards. To fix this you must type the paragraph last sentence first. Why? I have no clue!
Skull Point Text Project You will use Adobe Illustrator to create a science poster illustrating the anterior view of the human skull. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Create a new letter sized Illustrator Document. Click file ► Place and browse to skull.psd Click on Place Convert the psd file to an object and click OK, if asked, choose to flatten the image. Use the Scale tool to make the skull larger Use the Character Palette to change the text size to 48 point. Create the following text labels using the text tool. Ctrl + click between each text item to reset the text tool. a. Nasal b. Frontal c. Zygomatic d. Maxilla e. Vomer f. Mandible Position the labels using the selection tool to match the drawing below.
9. Use the Line Tool to activate the Arc Tool. You will use the Arc Tool to create call outs (lines that will match the label to the area on the drawing). 10. Create an arc that will match the Frontal label to the forehead of the skull. Remember that clicking the F key will flip the arc. Apply a black stroke to the arc and adjust the weight of the stroke to 2 (Window ► Stroke).
11. You will now use the Effect options to create an arrowhead ending for the stroke. Click on Effect ► Stylize ► Add Arrowheads.
12. The Arrowhead dialogue box will appear. You will apply the arrowhead to the end of the arrow. Scroll through the arrowhead options until you find the arrowhead that looks like a large black dot. Click the Preview check box if you wish to preview the arrow head before applying. Click OK.
13. Use the Arc tool to create an arc from each label to the label’s appropriate location. The final result should look like the below picture.
Area Text – “I Have A Dream” 1. The Area Text tool allows you to fill shapes with text. You can fill just about any shape with text however for this exercise you will fill rectangles with text. You will create the following page layout using an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech.
2. Create a new letter sized Illustrator document. 3. Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangle that will serve as your first text column. Make sure the rectangle has no fill color. The stroke will not matter.
4. Select the Text tool and hover the text tool over the edge of the rectangle. Your cursor will change.
5. Click on the edge of the rectangle. 6. Minimize Adobe Illustrator 7. Open the I Have a Dream speech word document found in the Illustrator folder. 8. Click Ctrl + A to select the entire document. Ctrl + C to copy the document. 9. Maximize your Adobe Illustrator Document 10. Paste the I Have a Dream speech text into the text box by clicking Edit Paste
11. Notice that a small + sign appears in the bottom of the rectangle. This means that there is more text that cannot fit inside the text rectangle.
12. You must draw another rectangle that will serve as the second column of text. 13. Use the Rectangle tool to draw a rectangle that will serve as the second column of text. 14. Click on the Text tool and click on the border of the second rectangle. 15. This will turn the rectangle into a Text area. 16. Now we will link the two text rectangles together. This will allow the left over flow text to spill into the empty rectangle. a. Click on the Selection tool (black arrow) and drag a large marquee around the two text boxes. b. Now that both text boxes are selected you are ready to create the link. Click on Type ► Block ► Link c. The above step should fill the second text box with the leftover text. 17. Jazz up the document by adding stars to the background. Draw stars, fill them with a light color, and send them to the back of the document. Object ► Arrange ► Send to Back. You might also wish to adjust the
transparency. I adjusted the transparency to 40%. Window ► Transparency. 18. Place the picture of Martin Luther King into the document. File ► Place and browse to the MLK.gif image. 19. Move and resize the image into position. 20. Mucho Bueno! Note to Presenter: You may wish to show how to fill a non rectangular shape with text. In the Illustrator file is a word document about the US Constitution. Create a star shape and fill the star with a copy of that document.
Path Text 1. In the following exercise you will create a line of text and place that line of text on a bumpy and a spiral path.
2. Open a new letter sized Illustrator document 3. Set your foreground color to NONE and the p ath color to whatever you like.
4. Select the Pencil tool from the Tools Palette. Draw a curvy path on your canvas.
5. Select the Text tool and click on the path. Notice that when you place the text tool over the path your cursor will change to reflect the use of the Path Text Tool.
6. Type the following sentence: This is an example of placing text on a path. Click a white area of the canvas to deselect.
7. Now to place the above sentence onto a spiral path. 8. Use the Spiral tool to create a spiral (bundled with the Line tool). Remember that you can you your arrow keys to adjust the coil. Set the stroke to black and the fill to transparent. 9. Copy the text 10. Select the type tool and click on the path. Paste the text 11. Use the Selection Tool (black arrow) to drag the text to the desired location. Result
The Pathfinder Tool 1. You will be using the Pathfinder tools to create a snowman.
2. Create three circles using the Ellipse tool. Remember that holding the shift key while drawing will constrain the ellipse to a circle. Make sure that the circles have a light blue stroke and a transparent fill. Adjust the stroke size to your liking. 3. Resize two of the circles. You should have a large, medium, and small circle. Drag the circles so that they overlap each other. 4. Open the Pathfinder Palette. Window ► Pathfinder 5. Use the Selection Tool (black arrow) to select all of the circles. You can either drag a marquee around the circles or Shift click each of the circles. 6. Click the Add to Shape Area option on the Pathfinder palette. This will combine all three circles into one shape. Result
7. Now you will add some “Charcoal” buttons down the middle of the snowman. 8. Use the Ellipse tool to create a circle that has a black fill and no stroke.
9. Use the Selection tool (black arrow) to select the black circle you just drew. Drag the circle onto the snowman. Hold down the Alt key and drag a duplicate just below the first button. Hit Ctrl+D to duplicate your last action. Continue clicking Ctrl + D until you have 4 buttons. Result
10. Use the Polygon tool to create a triangle that will be used for the nose. Use the down arrow key while drawing the polygon until you have create a triangle. Fill the triangle with orange and get rid of the stroke. 11. Use the Selection tool to drag and resize the carrot into position. Result
12. Use the Ellipse tool to create a circle with a black fill and no stroke. Use the Selection tool (black arrow) to drag the eye into position. Hold down the Alt key and drag a duplicate of the eye into place. 13. Now for the top hat! The hat will be created from two black rectangles (no stroke). Once the rectangles have been overlapped to form the hat you can now use the Pathfinder tool to combine the two rectangles into one shape. Select both of the rectangles and click the Add to Shape Area option on the Pathfinder menu. The two rectangles are now grouped into a single object.
14. Move that hat into position using the Selection tool (black arrow). Result
15. What about the mouth? We will be using the Intersect Shape Area option on the Pathfinders palette to draw the mouth. Draw to red circles. Overlap the circles. The overlapped area will be the mouth.
16. Use the Selection tool (black arrow) to select both circles. Click the Intersect Shape Area option on the Pathfinder palette. 17. Click the Expand button on the Pathfinder palette. Result
18. Drag the mouth into position. I have my slightly overlapping the carrot nose. The mouth currently appears to be located in front of the nose. You will position the mouth behind the carrot by hitting Ctrl + [ on your keyboard. Continue hitting Ctrl + [ until the mouth appears behind the nose.
Final Result
Gradient Fill 1. The next exercise will explain how to fill objects with a gradient fill.
2. Create a new letter sized Illustrator document. Create a star with the stroke color of your choice. 3. Click on the Gradient Fill option located under the Fill and Stroke options. 4. The Gradient Palette will appear. Click on the left Gradient slider and choose yellow for the fill color (choose from the color palette). Click on the right Gradient slider and choose orange for the fill color (choose from the color palette). You have just created a yellow to orange gradient. Choose Radial for the gradient Type. Result
5. Draw a circle with the Ellipse tool. Follow the above steps to fill the circle with a light blue to dark blue gradient. Change the gradient type from radial
to linear. Result
6. Create a triangle using the Polygon tool. Remember that the arrow keys control the amount sides that the polygon will have. 7. This time you will add more than two gradient colors for the fill. 8. Apply a gradient to the triangle. Change the first Gradient slider to yellow. Change the last Gradient slider to Red. Click between the two to add an additional Gradient slider. Make this slider Green. Add another Gradient slider. Make this slider blue Result
Project: The ants go marching one-by-one… Create the following drawing using your newly acquired Illustrator Skills.
Hints 1. Body is made of 4 circles that have a red to black gradient fill. The last body section is made from two circles that have been grouped and Expanded using the Pathfinder tool. Example of the last body section
2. Each eye was created using two circles. The outer circle had a black stroke and a white fill. The inner circle had a black fill and no stroke. I created one eye and duplicated that eye. 3. The antennae where created using the arc tool. The ball on the end of the arc was created by applying an effect to the arc. Effect ► Stylize ► Add arrowheads. 4. The legs are line segments with an arrowhead effect applied. (The arrowhead effect applied the hands at the end of the legs). 5. The smile was created by drawing a circle and overlapping the circle with a rectangle. I then used the pathfinder tool to Subtract from the shape area. This will cut from the circle any area overlapped by the rectangle. Hit Expand when finished. 6. Remember that all objects are being stacked on top of each other. To arrange objects use the Object ► Arrange command. Example
Text Effects 1. Create the following by applying Effects to the text.
2. Open a new letter sized Illustrator file. 3. Type the above message. You can apply the green fill now or later. Do not use a stroke. 4. Save the Author’s name for later. 5. Use the Selection tool (black arrow) to select the text. 6. Apply a Bulge effect to the text a. Effect ► Warp ►Bulge b. Adjust the Bulge effect to your liking 7. Adjust the Baseline Shift using the Character Palette
Compound Path 1. Illustrator makes it easy to create a cookie cutter effect. In the following exercise you will create the following Compound Path. A compound path is a group of two or more overlapping objects in which the top object becomes transparent where it overlaps with the bottom image. Example
2. Create a new letter sized Illustrator file. 3. Draw a large red circle with a green stroke. 4. Create a smaller circle and place it on top of the larger circle. The smaller circle will be the cookie cutter. 5. Shift click the larger circle with the Selection tool (black arrow) so that both circles are selected. 6. To turn the smaller circle into the cookie cutter simply click Object ► Compound Path ► Make. 7. The smaller circle becomes transparent and punches a hole in the larger circle. Example
8. Click on File ► Place and browse to the santa.jpg file found in the Illustrator folder. Click Place 9. Click on the Santa picture and place it on top of the cutout. Send the Santa picture to the back. Object ► Arrange ► Send to Back. Move the Santa picture into place.
Clipping Mask 1. A clipping mask is placed on top of a bitmap or vector graphic. The clipping path will only expose the area of the picture that is under the mask. Make a circle with your hand and look at various regions around you through that hole. Your view is in focus but always changing. Example
2. Open a new letter sized Illustrator Document. 3. Place flag.jpg onto the canvas. File ► Place browse to flag.jpg 4. Create three stars with a blue stroke. Adjust the weight of the stroke to your preference. 5. Overlap the three stars like the picture above. Use the Pathfinder palette to group the stars (Add to Shape Area button). Click the Expand button to complete the grouping. 6. Shift click the flag picture and the stars (using the Selection tool) so that both images are selected.
7. Click Object ► Clipping Mask ► Make 8. Use the Selection tool (black arrow) to move the flag into place.
More Text Effects 1. As with Photoshop you can apply drop shadows, gradient fills, and other effects to text. Example
2. Open a new letter sized Illustrator document. 3. Type your name. I used Times New Roman with a black fill and no stroke. 4. Use the Selection tool (black arrow) to right click on your name a choose Create Outlines. This will break your name into individual text characters. 5. Use the Direct Selection tool (white arrow) to drag each letter so that they barely overlap each other. See picture above. 6. Use the Selection tool (black arrow) to select your name. Ungroup the letters by clicking Object ► Ungroup. You should now be able to select individual letters with the Selection tool (black arrow). 7. Shift click all of the letter and use the Pathfinder to group the letters. Click the Expand key to complete the group. 8. Create a gradient and fill your name with the gradient. Window ► Gradient to open the Gradient palette. 9. Use the Gradient tool to modify the direction of your gradient. (found in the Tools palette-simply drag a line across your selected text). Project: Try replicating the following text. You will need to place the beach.jpg image found in the Illustrator folder (File ► Place browse to image).
Hint: I turned the text into a Clipping Mask.
The Blend Tool This tool is one of my all time favorites! 1. Create a new letter sized document. File New 2. Draw a square on the upper left side of your canvas. Color the square any colors (stroke and fill) that you wish.
3. Create a duplicate of the above square (ALT + drag the square) and place it on the opposite side of the paper. 4. Double click the Blend Tool icon. The Blend Options dialogue box pops up. Under Specified Steps select 5.
5. Using the Blend Tool, click anywhere within the square on the left. Next click anywhere within the square on the Right –VERY SLICK! 5 boxes are created between the first square and the second.
6. Click Ctrl + Z to undo the last blend. Now change the color of the box on the right to green.
7. Activate the Blend Tool and click on the orange box. Now click on the green box. EVEN SLICKER!
8. Click Ctrl + Z to undo the last blend. Double click on the Blend Tool to display the blend tool options. Change the blend steps to Specified Color.
9. Click on each shape with the Selection tool and delete the stroke. 10. Using the Blend tool, click the orange box and then the green box. PRETTY DARN SLICK!
11. To release a blend first select the blended object, next click File select Release. You should be left with the original two objects.
Blend and