APK RETENTION EXAM 1996 1. The The follow following ing musc muscles les act act as an ete!na ete!nall !otato! of the shoul"e!# ece$t% I. Inf!as$inatus II. Ante!io! & &e eltoi" III. 'u$!as$inatus I(. Te!es Ma)o! (. Poste!io! &eltoi" a. None None of the the a*o a*o+e +e *. I# III# ( c. II# I( ". I# II# II#III# III#I( I( e. Onl, ( -. The The followi following ng muscle muscles s a!e consi"e consi"e!e" !e" as muscles fo! mastication% I. Tem$o!alis II. Massete! III. Me"ial $t $te!,goi" I(. ate!al !ectus (. Plat,sma a. All All of of the the a*o+ a*o+e e *. I# II# II# III# III# I( c. I(#( ". I# II# III e. Onl, I( /. The The followi following ng muscl muscles es a!e inne! inne!+at +ate" e" *, the musculos$i!al ne!+e# ece$t% I. 0ice$s 0!achii II. 0!achialis III. leo! 2a!$i 3lna!is I(. A""ucto! Po Pollicis (. A*"ucto! Po Pollicis o ongus a. None None of the the a*o a*o+e +e *. I# II# III III c. I(# ( ". I# II# II# III# III#I( I( e. ( onl, 4. T!a$e !a$e5i 5ius us an" an" se!! se!!at atus us ante ante!i !io! o! act act as s,n s,ne!gi !gists sts in u$wa! $wa!" " !otat otatiion an" an" antagonist in what motion I. Ele+ation II. &e$!ession III. Ret!action I(. P!ot!action a. All All of of the the a*o+ a*o+e e *. I# II c. III# I( ". I# III e. II# I( 7. The The glen glenoh ohum ume! e!al al )oin )ointt is in the the most ost unsta*le in this $osition% I. leion II. Etension III. A*"uction I(. A""uction (. Inte!nal Ro Rotation (I. Ete!nal Ro Rotation a. I# II# III *. I(# (# (#(I c. I# III# ( ". II# II# I(# (I e. NOTA 6. The "istal stal att attach achment of 8e 8eo! ca!$i a!$i ulna!is a. oo: oo: of hama hamate te *. Tu*e! u*e!cl cle e of of the the 7th M2P c. 3lna! hea" ". Pisifo!m e. ess esse! e! Mul Multa tang ngul ula! a! ;.
>. The The followin following g ligamen ligaments ts cont!i* cont!i*ut ute e to the sta*ilit, of the hi$ )oint% I. Ischiofemo!al ligament II. Pu*ofemo!al li ligament III. Iliofemo!al ligament I(. igamentum te!es a. NOTA *. I# II# III c. I# II ". III# I( e. I( onl, 9. Muscle=s !es$onsi*le fo! shoul"e! !et!action% I. T!a$e5ius II. atissimus &o!si III. 'e!!atus Ante!io! I(. Rhom*oi"s (. e+ato! 'ca$ulae a. I# II *. I#III c. I#I( ". I#( e. NOTA 1?. The $oste!io! $oste!io! inte!oss inte!osseous eous ne!+e can *e com$!esse" at what a!ea a. 2a!$ 2a!$al al Tun Tunne nell *. @u,o @u,on ns s can canal al c. Tho! Tho!ac acic ic outl outlet et ". A!ca A!ca"e "e of !ohs !ohse e e. 2u*i 2u*ita tall tun tunne nell 11. The $lan lane fo! fo! su*tal *tala! a! a*" a*"uctio tionB a""uction% a. 'agittal *. !ontal c. 2o!onal ". T!ans !ans+e +e!s !se e e. NOTA 1-. Acet,lch Acet,lcholin oline e is the neu!ot!an neu!ot!ansmit smitte! te! of the# ece$t% I. Ma)o!it, of the $ostganglionic s,m$athetic en"ings II. M,oneu!al )unction III III. P!eg P!egan ang glion lioniic auto auton nomi omic en en"ing "ings s I(. Postganglionic sw sweat gl glan"s a. None one of of the thes se *. I# II# III c. II# III# I( ". I( onl, e. I onl, 1/. This ligament functions functions to :ee$ the !a"ial hea" in $lace% a. Annu Annula la!! iga igame ment nt *. Ra"ial Ra"ial 2oll 2ollate ate!al !al iga igame ment nt c. 3lna! 3lna! 2ollat 2ollate! e!al al igame igament nt ". O*li O*liCu Cue e ig igam amen entt e. NOTA 14. 14. 3lna 3lna!! "e+i "e+iat atio ion n at the the w!is w!istt )oin )ointt is *!ou *!ough ghtt a*ou a*outt *, the the acti action on of whic which h muscle I. leo! 2a!$i 3lna!is II. Palma!is ongus III. Etenso! 2a 2a!$i 3l 3lna!is I(. Etenso! &igiti Minimi a. All All of the these *. I# II c. III# I( ". I# III e. II# I( 17. 17. A $e!so $e!son ns s g!i$ g!i$ is wea:e! wea:e! if his w!ist w!ist is 8ee" "ue to% I. Acti+e i ns nsuDcienc, o f th the n nge! 8eo!s II. Passi+e i ns nsuDcienc, o f th the ng nge! 8eo!s III. Acti+e in insuDcienc, of of the the n nge! etenso!s I(. Passi+e ins insuDcienc, of th the ng nge! etenso!s a. I# III *. II# I( c. I# I( ". II# III
e. All of these 16. 2/B24 ne!+e !oots a!e teste" th!ough what motion of the nec: a. Nec: 8eion *. Nec: etension c. Nec: si"e 8eion ". Nec: !otation e. NOTA 1;. . &econ"itioning eFects of $!olonge" *e" !est% I. &ec!ease in lung +olume II. &ec!ease in the cont!actile st!ength of *o", musculatu!e III. &ec!ease in the ci!culation *loo" +olume I(. &ec!ease in the hea!t !ate !es$onse to eFo!t a. None of these *. I# II# c. III# I( ". I# II# III e. I( onl, 19. The !otato! cuF muscle that acts to $!e+ent shoul"e! su*luation when ca!!,ing a loa" in the han" while stan"ing e!ect% a. 'u$!as$inatus *. Inf!as$inatus c. 'u*sca$ula!is ". Te!es Mino! e. Te!es Ma)o! -?. The closu!e of t!icus$i" an" mit!al +al+e is associate" with the% a. i!st hea!t soun" *. 'econ" hea!t soun" c. Thi!" hea!t soun" ". ou!th hea!t soun" e. NOTA -1. 't!uctu!es foun" in the IB*an"% I. Me!om,osin II. Actin III. T!o$onin I(. T!o$om,osin a. I# II# III *. II# III# I( c. I onl, ". I( onl, e. All of these --. An eFecti+e el*ow 8eo! that is unaFecte" *, the $osition of the fo!ea!m% a. 0ice$s *!achii *. 0!achialis c. 0!achio!a"ialis ". NOTA e. AOTA -/. The following c!anial ne!+es ha+e s$inal senso!, functional com$onents# ece$t% I. Olfacto!, Ne!+e II. O$tic Ne!+e III. (esti*ulocochlea! Ne!+e I(. @losso$ha!,ngeal N e!+e a. I# II#III *. II#III#I( c. I onl, ". I( onl, e. None of these -4. 2oo!"ination of s:ille" mo+ement is the function of what lo*e of the ce!e*ellum a. Ante!io! o*e *. Poste!io! o*e c. locculono"ula! o*e ". AOTA e. NOTA
-7. . 'u$e!io! (ena 2a+a is fo!me" *, the union of what +ein a. Inte!nal )ugula! +ein *. Ete!nal )ugula! +ein c. 'u*cla+ian +ein ". 0!achioce$halic +ein e. 0asilic +ein -9. The most im$o!tant shoul"e! 8eo!=s% I. Ante!io! &eltoi" II. Mi""le &eltoi" III. 0ice$s 0!achii I(. 'te!nal $o!tion of the $ecto!alis ma)o! (. 2la+icula! $o!tion of the $ecto!alis ma)o! a. I# III *. II# I( c. III# ( ". I# ( e. III onl, /?.
*. III# I( c. I# II# III ". I( onl, e. NOTA //. A f!actu!e at the $!oimal nec: of the *ula ma, $!esent with% I. In)u!, of the common $e!oneal ne!+e II. . The following is=a!e *!anch of the +e!te*!o*asila! a!te!, of the *!ain# ece$t% I. enticulost!iate a!te!, II. Ante!io! 2e!e*!al a!te!, III. O$hthalmic a!te!, I(. Inte!nal ca!oti" a!te!, (. Inte!nal au"ito!, a!te!, a. I# II# III *. I(# ( c. I# II# III# I( ". ( onl, e. None of these
/9. . The $oste!io! "eltoi" su*stitutes fo! what wea:=$a!al,5e" sca$ula! motion
a. 'ca$ula! ele+ation *. 'ca$ula! "e$!ession c. 'ca$ula! a*"uction ". 'ca$ula! a""uction e. NOTA 49. The following a!e causes that can lea" to fo!mation of e"ema% I. ,m$hatic o*st!uction II. &ec!ease in $e!mea*ilit, of the ca$illa!ies III. Inc!ease in +enous $!essu!e I(. Inc!ease in a!te!iola! h,"!ostatic $!essu!e a. I#II *. III#I( c. I#II#III ". I#III#I( e. Onl, I( 7?. The following statements a!e false a*out late!al malleolus% I. It eten"s fu!the! "istall, than the me"ial malleolus II. It is mo!e $oste!io! than the me"ial malleolus III. Its congu!ation $e!mits the an:le mo!tise to $oint 17 "eg!ee late!all, I(. Its "istal etension acts as "ete!!ent to in+e!sion an:le s$!ains a. None of these *. I# II c. III#I( ". I# II# III e. I( onl, 71.
77. . The following statements a!e t!ue a*out the hi$ a""ucto!s# ece$t% a. Most of the a""ucto!s can 8e as well as a""uct the hi$ *. The, can assist in eten"ing the hi$ c. 0ecause the, $ass *ehin" the femu!# the, can assist in me"ial !otation of the hi$ ". 0ecause the, $ass in f!ont of the femu!# the, can assist in late!al !otation of the hi$ e. NOTA 79. Mitosis !efe!s to the $!ocess of $!o"uction *, which the cell s$lits to fo!m how man, "aughte! cells a. 1 *. c. -/ ". 46 e. 6? 6?.
c. ong hea" of *ice$s *!achii ". 'u$!as$inatus e. 'u*sca$ula!is 6/. 3lna! ne!+e a!ises f!om the me"ial co!" of the *!achial $leus "escen"ing in the inte!+al *etween the ailla!, a!te!, an" +ein. The !oots of this ne!+e a!e 2>BT1 a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false 64. The me"ial longitu"inal a!ch consists which of the following *ones I. 2alcaneus H Talus II. Na+icula! III. 2u*oi" I(. / cuneifo!m *ones (. 1st th!ee metata!sal (I. 4th H 7th metata!sals a. I#II#III#( *. I# III#I(#(I c. I#II#III#I( ". I#II#I(#( e. All of these 67. Occlusion of the main t!un: of the mi""le ce!e*!al a!te!, $!o"uces which of the following manifestations I. Pa!al,sis of the same si"e of the *o", II. A$hasia if occlusion in the "ominant hemis$he!e III. &ec!ease" sensation in the same !egions I(. Pa!al,sis of the o $$osite si"e of the *o", a. I# II *. III#I( c. I#II#III ". II#III#I( e. All of these 66. atissimus "o!si is a la!ge# 8at# t!iangula! muscle that w!a$s its ten"on a!oun" the lowe! *o!"e! of the te!es ma)o! muscle an" inse!te" into the% a. 'omewhe!e *ehin" the *ici$ital g!oo+e *. Me"ial li$ of the *ici$ital g!oo+e c. ate!al li$ of the *ici$ital g!oo+e ". loo! of the *ici$ital g!oo+e e. NOTA 6;. In me"ian ne!+e $a!al,sis the following ha$$ens% I. The in"e an" mi""le nge!s lose thei! a*ilit, to 8e II. The a""ucto! thena! muscleJ !emains useful# ena*ling the thum* an" in"e nge! to hol" a small o*)ect with the assistance of the !st inte!ossei III. Thum* 8eion an" o$$osition a!e lost an" the thena! muscles at!o$h, I(. An acti+e g!as$ ma, *e accom$lishe" *, eten"ing to 8e as fa! as $ossi*le a. I# II *. III#I( c. I#II#III ". I( onl, e. I#II#III#I( 6>. Ecessi+e heel !ise "u!ing the latte! $hase is cont!olle" *, which of the following muscle=s of the !efe!ence foot I. Ti*ialis ante!io! II. Etenso! "igito!um longus III. ua"!ice$s I(. @ast!ocnemius (. 'oleus a. I#II *. III#I(
c. I(#( ". I#II#III e. III#I(#( 69.
". allu Rigi"us e. Tu!f toe ;4. .
The cla+icula! hea" eten"s the shoul"e! )oint a. I#II *. III#I( c. I#II#III#I( ". I#II#I( e. All of these ;9. The following statements a!e t!ue a*out the $lanta! a$oneu!osis% I. It is !m when the MTP )oint is manuall, $lace" in 47 "eg!ees of h,$e!etension II. It is an attachment fo! int!insic muscles of the foot an" facial co+e!ing fo! othe!s III. It hel$s $!e+ent "is$lacement of the calcaneus f!om the metata!sal hea"s an" colla$se of the a!ches I(. It i s a se!ies o f fascial * an"s o n the $lanta! as$ect of the foot a. I# II *. III#I( c. I#II#III ". I( onl, e. All of these >?. 1. The ste!noclei"omastoi" se$a!ates the nec: into the ante!io! an" $oste!io! t!iangle. It also $!otects the g!eat +ascula! an" ne!+e t!un:s. a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false >-. The tem$o!alis muscle can *e $al$ate" *, $lacing the nge!s o+e! the tem$o!al fossaL its action is o*se!+e" when an in"i+i"ual ele+ates his )aw to close his mouth. a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false >/. The following statements a!e t!ue a*out the !otato! cuF muscles# ece$t% I. These muscles $!o"uce a*"uction# ete!nal an" inte!nal !otation of the glenohume!al )oint II. The su*sca$ula!is is a $assi+e sta*ili5e! to $!e+ent ante!io! su*luation of the hume!us III. 'houl"e! ete!nal !otation a!e limite" $!ima!il, *, the su*sca$ula!is an" the lowe! $a!t of the ca$sule I(. The su$!as$inatus# inf!as$inatus an" te!es mino! a!e attache" to the g!eate! tu*e!cle of the hume!us. a. I# II *. III#I( c. I#II#III ". I( onl, e. None of these
>4. The following muscles a!e inne!+ate" *, the *!anches of the ;th c!anial ne!+e# ece$t% I. Mentalis II. 2o!!ugato! 'u$e!cilli III. 'ta$e"ius I(. Nasalis (. e+ato! Pal$e*!ae 'u$e!io!is a. I#II#III *. III#I(#( c. I#III ". II#I( e. ( onl, >7. igamentum 8a+um is "esc!i*e" as a se!ies of -/ inte!segmental ligaments that connect the lamina of two a")acent +e!te*!ae f!om 2- to the sac!umL It is also :nown as the ellow igament. a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false >6. esion to the oculomoto! ne!+e !esults in the following manifestations# ece$t% I. M,"!iasis II. Ete!nal 't!a*ismus III. A*no!malities in the Pu$illa!, ight Re8e I(. Ptosis (. &i$lo$ia a. I#II#III *. III#I(#( c. I#III ". II#I( e. ( onl, >;. The following statements a!e t!ue a*out the sa!to!ius# ece$t% I. Its $!oimal attachment is at the ante!io! infe!io! iliac s$ine II. Its "istal attachment is at the me"ial su!face of ti*ia III. It is inne!+ate" *, the femo!al ne!+e I(. It acts as a hi$ 8eo!# a*"ucto! an" ete!nal !otato! (. It acts as a :nee 8eo! an" inte!nal !otato! a. I#II#III *. III#I(#( c. I onl, ". I#III#( e. ( onl, >>. The following statements "esc!i*e the !a"ial ne!+e# ece$t% I. The ne!+e "i+i"es into a long su$e!cial *!anch an" the "ee$ *!anch which is also :nown as the $oste!io! inte!osseous ne!+e II. As i t c!osses the e l*ow ) oint# i t su$$lies the muscles a!ising f!om the late!al su$!acon",la! !i"ge which a!e the *!achio!a"ialis an" the etenso! ca!$i !a"ialis longus III. A l ittle f a!the! " own t he a !m# i t $asses o*liCuel, late!al wa!"s to !un *ehin" the hume!us in its s$i!al g!oo+e "ee$ to the t!ice$s I(. It is the la!gest ne!+e of the u$$e! lim* an" it a!ise f!om the ne!+e !oot 27#26#2;#2> an" T1 a. None of these *. I#II c. III#I( ". II#III e. All of these >9. The following muscles a!e inne!+ate" *, the me"ian ne!+e# ece$t% I. Ra"ial half of the lum*!icals II. O$$onens Pollicis III. leo! &igito!um 'u$e!cialis
I(. (.
A*"ucto! Pollicis ongus leo! 2a!$i Ra"ialis a. None of these *. I#II#III c. III#I(#( ". I#I( e. I( onl, 9?. @luteus Me"ius is the la!gest late!al hi$ muscle that acts as a hi$ a*"ucto!L it is inne!+ate" *, the su$e!io! gluteal ne!+e. a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false 91. The ao!ta is the g!eat a!te!, that !ecei+e" *loo" $um$e" *, the left +ent!icleL the *loo" it ca!!ies is "eo,genate". a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false 9-. The following statements a$$l, to saltato!, con"uction# ece$t% I. The mechanism inc!eases ne!+e t!ansmission +elocit, in m,elinate" *e!s as much as 7 to 7? minutes II.
meniscal "iso!"e! an" c!uciate ligament in)u!ies. II. It is most useful in "iagnosing con"itions of the $oste!io! an" mi""le thi!" of the me"ial meniscus III. It is not cont!ain"icate" fo! $atients with *lee"ing "iso!"e! I(. It is *oth a "iagnostic $!oce"u!e an" t!eatment an" it in+ol+es +e!, little :nee t!auma (. The +isual eamination of the )oint inte!io! uses a *e! o$tic lens inst!ument this attache" to a light sou!ce a. None of these *. I#II#III c. III#I(#( ". I#III#( e. All of these 9;. 2e!e*ellum functions fo! *alance an" coo!"inationL it !ecei+es $!o$!ioce$ti+e im$ulses +ia the s$inal co!" s$inoce!e*ella! t!actJ f!om ten"ons# )oints an" muscle. a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false 9>. Infe!io! +ena ca+a is the la!gest *loo" +essel in the *o", an" !uns u$ the !ight si"es of the lum*a! +e!te*!al *o"ies an" *ehin" the $e!itoneum of the !ight $oste!io! a*"ominal wall. It ente!s the !ight at!ium at the !ight lowe! co!ne! of the hea!t as it ca!!ies o,genate" *loo" coming f!om the s,stemic ci!culation. a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" t!ue c. 0oth statement is t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false 99. 0!achio!a"ialis acts to 8e the el*ow )ointL It has an etensi+e o!igin f!om the whole lowe! half of the shaft of the hume!us an" inse!te" *, a ten"on into the tu*e!osit, of the ulna *elow the co!onoi" $!ocess. a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false 1??.The tem$o!alis# massete!# me"ial an" late!al $te!,goi"s a!e consi"e!e" as the $!ima!, muscles fo! masticationL it is inne!+ate" *, the mailla!, *!anch of the t!igeminal ne!+e. a. i!st statement is t!ue# secon" statement is false *. i!st statement is false# secon" statement is t!ue c. 0oth statements a!e t!ue ". 0oth statements a!e false
10. D 11. D 12. E 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. E 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. D 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. C 36. E 37. E 38. C 39. C 40. B 41. B 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. C 46. D 47. D 48. D 49. D 50. E 51. D 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. C 56. D 57. D 58. D 59. B 60. C 61. A 62. D 63. C 64. D 65. D 66. D 67. C 68. C 69. A
70. D
86. E
71. C
87. C
72. D
88. A
73. B
89. E
74. C
90. C
75. C
91. A
76. B
92. A
77. E
93. D
78. A
94. C
79. E
95. B
80. E
96. A
81. C
97. C
82. A
98. A
83. E
99. A
84. E
85. C