BPVC-VIII-1-2017, Division 1 of Section VIII provides requirements applicable to the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and certification of pressure vessels operating a presiones int…Descripción completa
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BPVC-VIII-1-2017, Division 1 of Section VIII provides requirements applicable to the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and certification of pressure vessels operating a presiones internas o...
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Alternative Rules Design And Fabrication Of Pressure Vessels
ASME Section VIII, Division 2
Objective At the conclusion of this presentation we will be able to:
–Describe the scope and contents of the ASME ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code –Describe the background and scope of Section VIII VIII Di!ision " –Identif# the responsibilities of the $ser the Manufacturer and the Inspector –Describe the re%uired contents and certification re%uireents of the $ser's $ser 's Design Specification and the Manufacturer's Design (eport
Objective At the conclusion of this presentation we will be able to:
–Describe the scope and contents of the ASME ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code –Describe the background and scope of Section VIII VIII Di!ision " –Identif# the responsibilities of the $ser the Manufacturer and the Inspector –Describe the re%uired contents and certification re%uireents of the $ser's $ser 's Design Specification and the Manufacturer's Design (eport
Code Forard )*e# points –+Construction,coprises aterials design fabrication e-aination inspection testing certification & pressure relief – Codebook not a +handbook,.pro!ides iniu re%uireents/ it cannot replace education e-perience and the use of engineering 0udgent – (ules a# be suppleented b# good practice and 0urisdictional re%uireents
Code Forard Continued!" – Code neither re%uires nor prohibits use of coputer progras – Code does not full# address tolerances – Code onl# specifies tolerances that !alidate the design rules – (ules do not appro!e recoend or endorse an# proprietar# or specific design
Division ( )Di!ision " rules –1a!e higher allo2able stresses –1a!e ore rigorous design3anal#sis re%uireents –1a!e higher fabrication costs )42ner decides 2hich rules to use –Di! 5 or Di! " –$suall# based on cost of !essel
Organi)ation of Division 2 )Part 5 –6eneral (e%uireents )Part " –(esponsibilities and Duties )Part 7 –Materials (e%uireents )Part 8 –Design b# (ule (e%uireents )Part 9 –Design b# Anal#sis re%uireents )Part : –;abrication re%uireents )Part < –Inspection and E-aination re%uireents )Part = –Pressure >esting (e%uireents )Part ? –4!erpressure Protection )Mandator# and non@andator# re%uireents are pro!ided as norati!e and inforati!e anne-es respecti!el#to the specific Part under consideration
ASME Section VIII, Division 2
PAR*+( eneral Re-uire$ents
Sco%e of t'e Code )Definition of Pressure vessels (1.1.3) –Containers for containent of pressure either internal or e-ternal )List of Excluded vessels (1..!) –Vessels 2ithin scope of other Sections –;ired process tubular heaters –Integral parts of rotating or reciprocating echanical de!ices –Piping coponents –Coponents such as strainers i-ers separators pro!ided the pressure containing parts are considered piping –Vessels in 2ater ser!ice for certain cobinations of P and > –
Sco%e of t'e Code Continued! –Vessels 2ith an internal or e-ternal pressure not e-ceeding 59 psi –Vessels 2ith an inside diaeter not e-ceeding :, –Pressure !essels for huan occupanc# )Exception –E-cluded !essels a# be constructed and staped to Di! " if all re%uireents are et
Sco%e of t'e Code )"eo#etric $cope (1..3) – here piping other PVs or de!ices connect to !essel
;irst circuferential 2elded 0oint
>he first threaded 0oint
;ace of first flange
– ;irst sealing surface of propriet# connections or fittings – on@pressure parts Sub0ect to specific non@pressure re%uireents – Pressure retaining co!ers and their fasteners for openings Such as anholes
rules of this Di!ision do not specif# a liitation on
pressure but are not all@inclusi!e for all t#pes of construction ;or
!er# high pressures soe additions to these rules a# be
necessar# to eet the design principles and construction practices essential to !essels for such pressures 1o2e!er onl#
in the e!ent that after application of additional
design principles and construction practices the !essel still coplies 2ith all of the re%uireents of the Code a# it be staped 2ith the Certification Mark As
an alternati!e to this Di!ision Section VIII Di!ision 7
should be considered for the construction of !essels intended for operating pressures e-ceeding :=?9 MPa .5 psi/
Sco%e of t'e Code ) -%ELD A$$E,L/ '- E$$EL$ (1..2) ,a be followed b an of three procedure
a/>he Manufacturer of the !essel copletes the !essel in the field copletes the ;or A@5 Manufacturers Data (eport and staps the !essel
Sco%e of t'e Code ) -%ELD A$$E,L/ '- E$$EL$
Continued"" b/ >he
Manufacturer of parts of a !essel to be copleted in the
field b# soe other part# staps these parts in accordance 2ith Code rules and supplies the ;or A@" Manufacturers Partial Data (eport to the other part#
>he other part# 2ho ust hold a !alid $" Certificate of AuthoriFation akes the final assebl# perfors the re%uired DE perfors the final pressure test copletes the ;or A@5 Manufacturers Data (eport and staps the !essel
Sco%e of t'e Code ) -%ELD A$$E,L/ '- E$$EL$
Continued"" c/ >he
field portion of the 2ork is copleted b# a holder of a
!alid $" Certificate of AuthoriFation other than the !essel Manufacturer >he
Certificate holder perforing the field 2ork is re%uired
to suppl# a ;or A@" Manufacturers Partial Data (eport co!ering the portion of the 2ork copleted b# his organiFation .including data on the pressure test if conducted b# the Certificate holder perforing the field 2ork/ to the Manufacturer responsible for the Code !essel
Sco%e of t'e Code ) -%ELD A$$E,L/ '- E$$EL$
Continued"" c/ >he
!essel Manufacturer applies his Certification Mark 2ith
$" Designator in the presence of a representati!e fro his Inspection Agenc# and copletes the ;or A@5 Manufacturers Data (eport 2ith his Inspector esponsibilit(1..2.)
In all three alternati!es the part# copleting and signing the ;or A@5 Manufacturers Data (eport assues full Code responsibilit# for the !essel In all three cases each Manufacturers Gualit# Control S#ste shall describe the controls to assure copliance b# each Certificate holder
ASME Section VIII, Division 2
Introduction >hree parties in!ol!ed 2ith construction of a Code staped !essel $ser
0ser Res%onsibilities (.)
It is the responsibilit# of the user or an a4ent actin4 on behalf of the user to pro!ide a certified $ser's Design Specification.$DS/ for each pressure !essel to be constructed in accordance 2ith this Di!ision –Pro!ides basis for design and construction –Specifies effecti!e Code Edition and Addenda –Must be certified in accordance 2ith Anne- "A of Codebook
Mini$u$ 0DS Re-uire$ents11 (..)
)Hocation of installation )urisdictional authorit# )En!ironental loads such as 2ind or earth%uake )Vessel identification )Ser!ice fluid and densit# )Vessel configuration including openings and ethod of support )Design conditions including design teperature design pressure iniu design etal teperature .MDM>/ dead and li!e loads )4perating conditions including operating pressure operating teperature ;luid transients and flo2
Mini$u$ 0DS Re-uire$ents11 Continued"" )C#clic conditions and nuber of associated c#cles )Materials of construction and ser!ice related re%uireents for the )Corrosion and3or erosion allo2ance )All loads and load cases )4!erpressure protection re%uireents )JJ >his is not a coplete list
Manufacturer Res%onsibilities (.3)
Assure structural and pressure retaining integrit# of the !essel )Meet all Code and $DS re%uireents )Ensure 2ork %ualit# of sub@contractors )Prepare and pro!ide Manufacturer's Design (eport .MD(/
Manufacturer’s Design Report (MDR). Miniu re%uireents –;inal as@built dra2ings –>he actual aterial specifications –Design calculations and anal#sis
Manufacturer Res%onsibilities Docuentation of design@b#@rule calculations in Part ! shall include the follo2ing .@a/ >he nae and !ersion of coputer soft2are if applicable .@b/ Hoading conditions and boundar# conditions used to address the load cases in the $ser's Design Specification .@c/ Material odels utiliFed for all re%uired ph#sical properties .@d/ Detailed calculations including results fro all of the applicable steps in the calculations sho2ing the acceptance criteria utiliFed to eet the re%uireents of this Di!ision .@e/ A suar# of the calculation results
Manufacturer Res%onsibilities Docuentation of design@b#@anal#sis calculations in Part 5 shall include the follo2ingK .@a/ A detailed description of the nuerical ethod used including the nae and !ersion of coputer soft2are if
.@b/ Description of odel geoetr# .including eleent t#pe for finite eleent anal#sis/ .@c/ Hoading conditions and boundar# conditions used to address the load cases in the $ser's Design Specification .@d/ Material odels utiliFed for all re%uired ph#sical properties ie odulus of elasticit# Poisson's ratio theral
Manufacturer Res%onsibilities Continued"" .@e/ Description of 2hether aterial nonlinearit# is utiliFed in the anal#sis including a description of the aterial odel .ie stress@strain cur!e and c#clic stress@strain cur!e/ .@f/ Description of the nuerical anal#sis procedure likeL static
anal#sis .teperature and stress/
buckling natural
fre%uenc# anal#sis
and 2hether a geoetricall# linear or nonlinear option is in!oked
.@h/ Method used to !alidate the nuerical odel .@i/ Description of results processing perfored to establish nuerical anal#sis results .ie stress lineariFation ethod use of centroidal or nodal !alues for stress strain and teperature results/ .@0/ A suar# of the nuerical anal#sis results sho2ing the acceptance criteria utiliFed to eet the re%uireents of this Di!ision
Manufacturer Res%onsibilities Continued"" .@k/Electronic storage of anal#sis results including input files and output files that contain nuerical anal#sis results utiliFed to deonstrate copliance 2ith the re%uireents of this Di!ision .@l/ >he results of an# fatigue anal#ses according to paragraph 99 as applicable .@/ An# assuptions used b# the Manufacturer to perfor the !essel design
such as for#in47 nondestructive exa#ination7 heat treatin47 etc.7 #a be perfor#ed b others It is the !essel ,anufacturer8s responsibilit to ensure that all 2ork perfored coplies 2ith all the applicable re%uireents of this Di!ision Subcontracts
that involve weldin4 on the pressure boundar# coponents for construction under the rules of this Di!ision and for repair 2elds peritted b# the ASME shall be ade onl# to subcontractors holdin4 a valid + Certificate of AuthoriFation All such subcontracted 2elding shall be docuented on the ;or A@"
Ins%ector Duties (.!.3)
)Assure all Code re%uireents are et )Conduct the follo2ing inspections .fro Anne- <A of the Code/K –Inspect aterials for copliance arkings and traceabilit# –Assure all heat treatents are properl# perfored –Assure all 2elding and DE eet Code –itness pressure test –Verif# nae plate arkings
Data Re%orts (9)
)Shall be Copleted b# Manufacturer once fabrication is finished –$se for A@5 for o!erall !essel –$se for A@" for part supplied b# a Manufacturer other than the !essel Manufacturer )Copies should be sent toK –>he $ser –>he Inspector if re%uested –urisdiction if re%uired –A file cop# to be kept b# the Manufacturer for a iniu of 7 #ears –;iled 2ith the ational Board .recoended/ );or A@7 is Suppleentar# Sheet
Sta$%ing (9-)
)Proper stap for a Di!ision " !essel is the +$", )Code s#bol a# be directl# applied to !essel 2all )Stap is applied to nae plate then nae plate is attached to !essel )As a iniu the follo2ing arkings ust be included on the nae plateK –>he nae of the Manufacturer –>he Manufacturer's serial nuber –>he MAP and the coincident design teperature –>he MAEP if applicable –>he MDM> .Miniu Design Metal >eperature/ –>he #ear built –Method of construction .+, for 2elded –+;, for forged –+H, for 2elded la#ered –E-tent of heat treatent