Reiki Attunement Courses
DISTANCE ATTUNEMENTS All attunements can be sent on a “one to one” basis or by using the “call-in method” of attuning (chi ball) - this is an ideal way of receiving attunements if you are interrupted or unable to be home to receive your attunement at an appointment time. With my distance attunements, there are no barriers with time and attunements will reach the recipient when they call it in.
PREPARATION FOR A DISTANCE ATTUNEMENT ust before the arranged time, settle yourself down in a comfortable position and place where you will not be disturbed for !" # $% minutes. &witch off the phone, as' people not to disturb you and play some soft music, light candles, in fact use whatever you can to help ma'e this a special tome for yourself.
lose your eyes once you are ready and say out loud or silently “I am now rea! to recei"e
t#e “name of attunement you are receiving here$ attunement %ein& sent to me %! Caro'ine To.$ *hen simply rela+ and let the attunement ta'e place. ou may feel warmth or a light breee, tingling or numbness. ou may see colors or sense a presence around you. r you may feel nothing at all. Whatever you feel or don/t feel, the attunement will wor'. An additional techni0ue which is helpful when receiving an attunement is below for you. ne techni0ue which is helpful when receiving an attunement is to start by focusing on your crown cha'ra and visualiing a brilliant and pure white light entering your crown. 1eel and see this cool white light flowing through your rown cha'ra filling it with the purest feelings of love and 2oy and then visualie this light moving down to your third eye cha'ra and filling it with the same pure white light. 3rogress down through each of the cha'ras until the light fills your root4base cha'ra and then visualie the energy flowing down through your legs into your feet and out into the earth (you can visualie roots coming from your feet into the earth to do this). *hen spend a short while visualiing this light flowing from the 5niverse, through each cha'ra and out in to the earth and filling you with an amaing feeling of peace, love, protection and healing. 6y doing this when you receive each attunement you should be well grounded afterwards and feel refreshed and revitalied. 7ost attunements run for about 8" # !" minutes, but some are longer and some shorter, so ta'e your time. When you sense the attunement has finished, slowly open your eyes and ta'e your time getting up.
9rin' plenty of water and treat yourself daily for the ne+t few days. :mmediately after the attunement, you may find that you feel a bit diy or lightheaded. *o help with this, treat someone (yourself or another) immediately for about ;%-!" minutes.
ei'i Achies”. *a'e good care of yourself during this time by eating well, drin'ing plenty of water, and getting enough sleep. Also, and e0ually importantly, give yourself a >ei'i treatment each day. : would li'e to add that from e+perience (: have received many, many attunements), the only side effect that : have had is a slight feeling that a cold is approaching - : have wo'en up with a slightly bloc'ed nose which has cleared up very 0uic'ly. A lot of teachers can somewhat panic students into thin'ing that a lot of unpleasant reactions can occur - my view, and that of many teachers, is that if >ei'i is such a good form of natural healing (which of course it is) why would it ma'e you ill??? *he chances are that if you come down with the flu or a headache after an attunement, you would have caught it even if you didn@t have the attunement &o my advice is to rela+ and en2oy the attunement and then welcome the benefits that it brings :f by any chance you do come down with the flu after an attunement, you will have a natural healing treatment to heal yourself. &ome may as' about the waiting period between attunements. Although : do not discredit anyone@s belief that there should be a 8;-day integral period or that there should be e+changes of some form, we believe that it is up to the individual to decide when they are ready. : do, however, as' you to e+ercise caution with the number of attunements you receive. :t is not 2ust about the physical feelings one gets from the attunement, it also activates and restructures 9BA as well as elevates one towards enlightenment. *his sometimes results in temporary emotional or situational upheaval as 'nowledge merges with e+perience to create a wholeness and balance within the individual.
ON)OIN) SUPPORT As your >ei'i 7aster4*eacher, help and guidance that you may need does not stop as soon as the attunement has been passed and the certificate issued. 7y support and advice is available to you for as long as you need it. :f you have any 0uestions or need help or advice now or in the future, all you have to do is email me'
3lease remember there is no such thing as a silly 0uestion and if : cannot answer it, : will do my best to find an answer for you. 9uring my 2ourney : have received a lot of guidance and support from my teachers and : want to offer the same to you. 6lessings, love and light