Excerpts from various web pages about the Baybayin Script (43 pages)
Round MidnightFull description
Year-Round Roasting provides everything you need to know to roast successfully, and offers more than 100 recipes from easy weeknight mains and sides to special-occasion dinners and holiday e…Description complète
Christmas in the RoundFull description
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Round Midnight (Wolpe)
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InCTF, a Capture-The-Flag style contest, is to be viewed as a security exercise which provides an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of Information Security and put them into practice.
erhaerhDescription complète
From The Wold Goes Round
small round cellDeskripsi lengkap
Christmas in the RoundDescrição completa
beDescripción completa
round up starter student's book
Round Midnight (Wolpe)Descrição completa
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Transcription of "Round Midnight", as heard in the album "A Dynamic New Sound"Full description
AIO.bkdghlmnNpRstwy Note: You You must install this font to see the baybayin characters on this page. Font Created by: Norman by: Norman de los Santos (Nordenx (Nordenx)) Baybayin Modern Round Script is a stylized modern composite of many eamples from the past. !t is based primarily on my hand"riting. My first ac#uaintance "ith baybayin is through my father ($ohn de los Santos) "ho taught me to read and "rite the script. !t is also influenced by %aul Morro"&s "or' (Mr. Morro" is a anadian Baybayin pert * nthusiast) and his +ersions of baybayin fonts from his "ebsite ( http:,,""".mts.net,-pmorro",inde.htm )./his present font should not be considered a historically accurate eample of the baybayin. /he characters& shapes0 sizes and "eights ha+e been made uniform in order to present a neat and elegant printed appearance. /he font is calligraphic * artistic representations of my hand"riting. Instructions: (borrowed from Morrow’s Fonts)
Baybayin Spelling /he most important thing to remember "hen "riting baybayin script is to spell the "ords as they sound and not as they are spelled in modern 1ilipino or other languages. e.g. /he "ords ng and and mga should mga should be spelled nang and and manga. manga. 1. ach character (or titik ) is a complete syllable "ith an a +o"el sound. e.g. bb = baba 2. /o change the +o"el sound to e or i0 place a mar' (called a kudlít ) abo+e the character. e.g. bibe bibe
belo" the character. character. 3. /o change the +o"el sound to o or u0 place the kudlít belo" e.g .
bobo = bobo
4. 2nly use the +o"el characters 3 !
4 "hen the syllable has no consonant.
e.g. bbE = babae 5. !f a character is not pronounced "ith any +o"el0 do not "rite it. 1or eample0 the letters n and bu(n)dó dó(k). (k). k should not be "ritten in the "ord bundók. e.g. budo = bu(n) 6. 2r0 as an alternati+e0 characters "ithout +o"els may be "ritten if you use the so5called
6reformed7 baybayin "hich "as introduced by a Spaniard0 1rancisco 8opez0 in 9;<. $ust place a small cross (+ ( +) under the character to cancel the sound of the +o"el. e.g .
bun+dok+ = bundók
And Remember: * da and ( d ) in /agalog. da and ra are ra are usually represented by the same character ( * you can use da for da for ra but ra but baybayin modern also pro+ides an alternati+e script for ra ( r ). * nga is ( N ), not t"o: nga is one character (
ng (na, (na, ga). ga).
Typing with the Baybayin Baybay in Modern Fonts /he Norden fonts are 4nicode compliant but a standard "estern 'eyboard can also access the characters. /yping /yping "ith these fonts is as simple as typing "ith any other fonts. !f you 'no" the basic spelling rules of the baybayin0 that is enough. You You don&t ha+e to learn a"'"ard 'eyboard maneu+ers such as dead 'eys and you do not need s"itch letters around to ma'e the kudlíts appear in their proper places.
One Important Note: !f Note: !f your application ("ord processor0 processor0 etc.) has an auto correction feature0 turn it off. 3 feature such as Capitalize first letter of sentences "ill sentences "ill shift your first character to upper case. /his may produce an alternate character for some 'eys0 "hich may not be correct for "hat you intend to "rite. 3ll of the consonants consonants are typed by using the corresponding corresponding upper or lo"er case case 'eys ecept ecept for nga ( N ) "hich is typed by shifting to the upper case N. 4sing the shift 'ey also produces some non51ilipino letters. See the chart belo". /he small mar's that are "ritten abo+e and belo" the baybayin characters are called kudlíts. kudlíts. /hey change the +o"el sound of the character. /hey are also typed by using only the corresponding lo"er case 'eys = i or e for the kudlít abo+e abo+e a character0 and u or o for the kudlít belo". /he +o"el characters are typed by shifting to the corresponding upper case 'eys. /hese are
A = A,
only used in syllables that ha+e no consonant.
I = I or E,
U = U or O. !f you prefer to "rite in the Spanish 6reformed7 baybayin system0 the cross5shaped kudlít (>) (>) can be typed by using the plus,e#ual 'ey (+! ( +!)) either shifted or not. /his is called a virama in virama in nglish (from ancient Sans'rit) or a sabát in in /agalog. /agalog. !t cancels the +o"el sound that is al"ays pronounced "ith any consonant of the baybayin. /yping the period or full stop 'ey ( " ) produces this multipurpose punctuation mar' ( . ). /his is the baybayin e#ui+alent of a period. !t ends a sentence. !n ancient documents0 it "as also used li'e a comma0 or to mar' a clause in a sentence. 2ften its use seemed completely random. /yping the comma ( # ) produces this mar' (
!t is ?ust a different form of the multipurpose punctuation mar' ( || ). 4se these charts to help you as you learn to "rite baybayin and learn to use this font.
The $owel %hara&ters 2nly use these letters "hen the +o"el is not attached to a consonant. 1or eample0 at the beginning of a "ord or a syllable0 li'e the a in ako: Ako or the second i in hatiin htiI You must mus t use the shift 'ey to produce these characters.
Baybayin Character Keystroke
(shift) A
(shift) E
(shift) I
(shift) O
(shift) U
The 'udlits and $irana /he 'udlits are only typed after consonant characters (listed belo"). /hey should ne+er be used "ith the +o"el characters (sho"n (sho"n abo+e). Note the 6cross7 'udlit or +irana +irana is on it&s side = loo'ing more li'e an 67 than a 6>7. /hese are uni#ue characteristics of Norden&s "riting incorporated in his fonts.
Baybayin Ku!it
The %onsonant %hara&ters Simply typing the corresponding upper or lo"er case letters on your 'eyboard produces the consonant characters. /he one eception is the 1ilipino letter Nga N, "hich is obtained by typing an upper case N (shift n). Remember that each consonant character contains the sound of a0 so if you don&t "ant that sound0 you must type a 'udlit after the character.
Baybayin Character Keystroke Baybayin Character Keystroke
N (n"a)
Non(Filipino Sounds and )etters Baybayin characters can substitute some letters that "ere not used by ancient 1ilipinos or they can be approimated by a combination of characters. /ype /ype these letters as you "ould normally and a baybayin substitute "ill appear. 1or the letter &0 type either k or s depending on "hich sound you "ant. 1or eample:
#honetic $%oun
Fat0 Fat0 *at *at
ac'0 ac'0 @&ya
amon0 amon0 ,amon ,amon
$at0 $at0 Bat Bat
Baybayin &'uia!ent
k #
F .# *p
/ 0/ 1ng"2
,h 0/ Spa"2
34 04 1ng"2
'k 04 Spa"2
xam0 xam0 ek-sam k-sam
Sa0 a0 Ca
6x 0x Tag"2
Ss# 7 8 0x# 8# s2
$ 5# Bb
*un&tuation %unctuation is +ery basic in the baybayin script so it has been duplicated on many different 'eys. Baybayin modern subtly altered altered some for use in modern "riting (this is based on ho" ! use baybayin in my hand"riting). You can simply use the scripts for period ( . ): . D and comma ( 0 ): , D for most of these alternati+es if you "ish.
Baybayin #unctuation Keystroke
. , & ' ( ) * - / 0 1 | -
Font 9lignment Si8e Baybayin Modern Round ha+e bold * strong rounded stro'es compared to other baybayin fonts a+ailable0 this is perfect for art"or' that call for thic' calligraphic scripts.