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H!ri F"#$% R%i"!& Fr'
SIR HENRI FAYOL H!ri F"#$% ( 29 July 1841 – 19 November 1925) was a French mining engineer !irec"or o# mines who !evelo$e! a general "heory o# business a!minis"ra"ion% s"a"emen"s o# a general "heory o# managemen"% Fayol was a success#ul mining engineer an! senior e&ecu"ive $rior "o $ublishing his $rinci$le o# a!minis"ra"ive science% 'e was no" $rimarily a "heoris" bu" ra"her a success#ul senior a success#ul senior manager who sough" "o bring or!er "o his $ersonal e&$eriences% Fayols *ve $rinci$le roles o# managemen" are s"ill ac"ively $rac"ise! "o!ay he has #oun! + ,lan -rganise comman! &$or!ina"e an! con"rol + wri""en on more "han one managers whi"eboar! !uring his career% Fayol i!eas ha! a ma.or e/ec" on how mg" #unc"ions in mos" es"ablishe! organisa"ion % 0n many ways "hey are "he bible o# mg" an! "he source o# i!ea is even "o!ay is cer"ainly use! by all managers
eliance #resh is "he convenience s"ore #orma" which #orms $ar" o# "he re"ail business o# R%i"!& I!*+',ri' $- I!*i" .i& is hea!e! by M+/' A"!i2 he com$any alrea!y has in e&cess o# 1333 reliance #resh ou"le"s across "he coun"ry% hese s"ores sell #resh #rui"s an! vege"ables s"a$les groceries #resh .uice bars an! !airy $ro!uc"s% eliance Fresh s"ores are alrea!y selling over 1333 "onnes o# #resh $ro!uc"s an! 253 ca"egories% eliance #resh is aggressively woring on in"ro!ucing a $an0n!ia ne"wor o# re"ail s"ores wi"h worl! class environmen" s"a"e o# "echnology an! seamless su$$ly chain%
Gr$., Tr$+ "%+ Cr",i$!
,0N60,7 -F :;N;<:N 1)Dii'i$! $- .$r/ ) A+,$ri,# "!* R'7$!'ii%i,# 3) Di'&i7%i! 4) 8!i,# $- C$"!* 5) 8!i,# $- Dir&,i$! 6) R+!r",i$! $- 7%$#' ) C!,r"%i'",i$! "!* D&!,r"%i'",i$! ) Or*r 9) E;+i,# 10) E'7iri, * C$r7'
=0>00-N -F ?-@ ;ccor!ing "o "his $rinci$le "he whole wor mus" be !ivi!e! in"o small "as or uni"s an! ins"ea! o# assigning "he whole wor "o one $erson % -ne "as or .ob shoul! be assigne! "o one $erson accor!ing "o "he ca$abili"y Auali*ca"ion an! e&$erience o# "he $erson % ?hen a $erson is $er#orming a $ar" o# .ob again an! again he will become $er#ec" an! s$ecialise! in "ha" .ob an! eBciency will im$rove % his $rinci$le is very use#ul #or any oganiCa"ion be i" $riva"e or $ublic% 0" enhances overall $er#ormance o# an organisa"ion because s$ecialis"s $er#orm consis"en"ly % For e&am$le an organiCa"ion having !i/eren" !e$ar"men"s%
;D'-0E ,-N0G070E ;u"hori"y means $ower "ae !ecision% es$onsibili"y means obliga"ion "o com$le"e "he .ob on "ime% o accor!ing "o $rinci$le "here shoul! balance an! $ari"y bHw au"hori"y an! res$onsibili"y % &cess o# au"hori"y may bring nega"ive resul"s an! &cess o# res$onsibili"y will no" allow "he worer "o com$le"e "he wor on "ime% Galance bHw bo"h o# "hem will resul" in no misuse o# au"hori"y an! i" also hel$s in mee"ing res$onsibili"y on "ie wi"hou" any !elay%
=060,70N =isci$line re#ers "o general rules regula"ion #or sys"ema"ic woring o# an organisa"ion% 0" !oesnI" mean only rules an! regula"ion bu" i" also means !evelo$ing commi"men" in "he em$loyees "owar!s organisa"ion % 0" also means obe!ience "o organisa"ional rules "ha" are necessary #or #unc"ioning o# an organisa"ion% 0" inclu!es –
DN0E -F 6-::;N= here shoul! be one only one boss #or every in!ivi!ual em$loyees woring in an organisa"ion% 0# em$loyees ge" or!er #rom 2 su$eriors a" same "ime "hen "hey will ge" con#use! an! no" able "o un!ers"an! "ha" whose or!ers mus" be e&ecu"e! % hus uni"y o# comman! avoi!s con#usion an! conic"s% 0" also hel$s in harmonious rela"ions an! *&a"ion o# res$onsibili"y% 0# "his $rinci$le is viola"e! "hen "here will be ego clashes as em$loyees shoul! receive or!er #rom one boss only% "his $rinci$le hel$s "o crea"e $eace in same level an! "o subor!ina"e%
DN0E -F =060-N /or"s o# all "he members an! em$loyees o# an organisa"ion mus" be !irec"s "owar!s one !irec"ion "ha" is achievemen" o# common goal% his hel$s in bringing uni"y o# ac"ion an! coor!ina"ion in an organisa"ion% ach !e$ar"men" an! grou$s having common"ive mus" have one hea! an! one $lan only% ;ll "he uni"s o# an organisa"ion shoul! be moving "owar!s "he same"ives "hrough coor!ina"e! an! #ocuse! e/or"s% ,osi"ive e/ec"s are – ;chievemen" o# organisa"ion goal /or"s o# all "he em$loyees ge" uni*e! "owar!s one !irec"ion only%
:DN;0-N -F :,7-E he overall $ay an! com$ensa"ion shoul! be #air "o em$loyees an! worers "o give "hem a" leas" a reasonable s"an!ar! o# living% emunera"ion $ai! "o em$loyees mus" be #air because i# em$loyees are un$ai! "hey will no" be sa"is*e! an! an unsa"is*e! $erson can never con"ribu"e his ma&imum% =issa"is#ac"ion will lea! "o increase in em$loyees "urnover % his ensures congenial a"mos$here bHw "he managemen" an! worers% 0n heal"hy a"mos$here worers $u" "here bes" e/or"s "o con"ribu"e ma&imum% i" ensures smoo"h #unc"ioning an! mo"iva"es "hem%
=6N;70;0-N 6en"ralisa"ion re#ers "o concen"ra"ion o# au"hori"y in #ew han!s a" "he "o$ level% =ecen"ralisa"ion means evenly !is"ribu"ion o# $ower a" every level o# managemen"% ;ccor!ing "o #ayol a com$any mus" no" be com$le"ely cen"ralise! or com$le"ely !ecen"ralise! bu" "here mus" be bo"h !e$en!ing u$on "he na"ure an! siCe o# "he organisa"ion% ; com$any mus" be $ro$erly balance! i%e%K i" shoul! no" be com$le"ely cen"ralise! or !ecen"ralise!% his $rinci$le lea!s "o $osi"ive e/ec" "ha" are – 0% Fas" !ecision a" o$era"ional level an! s"ric" con"rol by "o$ level 00% Gene*"s o# cen"ralisa"ion as well as !ecen"ralisa"ion%
-= ,eo$le an! ma"erial mus" be in sui"able $lace a" a$$ro$ria"e "ime #or ma&imum eBciency% 0n o"her wor!s "here mus" be or!erliness in "he organisa"ion a):a"erial or!er – arrangemen" o# "hings is calle! ma"erial or!er% 0" ensures $ro$er *&e! $lace #or various ma"erials "ools an! eAui$men"s% b)ocial or!er – arrangemen" o# $eo$le is re#erre! "o as social or!er% 0" ensures $ro$er *&e! $lace #or each em$loyee in an organisa"ion% 0" resul"s in increase in $ro!uc"ivi"y an! eBciency an! smoo"hly #unc"ions wi"hou" hin!rance%
LD0E Good sense and experience are needed to ensure fairness to all employees , who should be treated as fairly as possible. Equity means to be kind, fair , and just treatment to employees. Employees will put their maximum efforts when they are treated with kindness and justice. This will ensure loyalty and devotion. There should be no discrimination against anyone on ac of sex, religion, language, caste, belief or nationality. !f a manager is biased in dealing with employees then they will get dissatisfaction and will not contribute to their maximum capacity. Employees seek to become loyal and devoted if equally treated .
,00 = 6-, :anagemen" shoul! $romo"e a "eam s$iri" o# uni"y an! harmony among em$loyees% 0n or!er "o achieve organisa"ional goal mg" shoul! $romo"e "eam wor an! coor!ina"ion% s$iri" =e 6or$s means union is s"reng"h% Fayol sugges"e! "ha" every em$loyee in "he organisa"ion mus" consi!er him as a $ar" o# a "eam an! "ry "o achieve "eam goal because "eam con"ribu"ion is always be""er "han in!ivi!ual% he #eeling o# +0M shoul! be re$lace! wi"h +?M% 0" hel$s "o !evelo$ a #eeling o# mu"ual "rus" an! un!ers"an!ing an! achieve goal wi"h eBciency an! e/ec"iveness%
<-?' -F 70;N6 F' •
>alue re"ailing O usually big #orma" s"ores o/ering !iscoun"s "o cus"omers O is a" "he hear" o# bo"h o$era"ions. Reliance retail !erive! 5PQ o# i"s revenues #rom value re"ailing in 23121R via i"s S33o!! eliance Fresh s"ores% ;no"her 293 o# i"s s"ores are un!er s$eciali"y #orma"s lie #ashion li#es"yle an! .ewellery% Fu"ure !oesnI" give u$ a similar breau$ o# revenues bu" i" has 234 s"ores un!er i"s value #orma"s Bi B"<"r an! F+,+r B"<""r accoun"ing #or 55Q o# i"s s"ores an! s$ace% 'ence eliance Fresh is conAuering more cus"omers an! i" has mare! a grea" success ra"e in "he mare" by obeying an! #ollowing $ro$er managerial "ac"ics "ha" we have !iscusse! above%