CBSE Physics Project on Dry Battery Charger. Includes circuit diagram. Ususally class 12th (XII) physics project topic. Just a few changes and the pro...
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XII Non-Medical Board Roll No.:
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INDEX 1.) 2.) 3.) 3.) 4.) 5.) !.) !.) %.) %.) '.)
Acknowledgement Certificate Aim Aim of the the Projec ojectt Components Theor "i#Cd i#Cd $att $atte er Cha Charg rge er Che hemi mica call &e &eactio ctions ns Circ(it i iagram
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT * wo(ld like to offer m gratit(de and inde+tedness to m principal ,,,,,,,for pro-iding the +est of facilities and en-ironment to +ring o(t o(r spirit of in(ir and inno-ation thro(gh this -ent(re. * wo(ld to thank m teacher ,,,,,/0... P0*C) for sincere enco(ragement creati-e g(idance constr(cti-e criticism and -al(a+le s(ggestions d(ring the preparation of the project.
* wish to thank m parents for their (ndi-ided s(pport which inspired me and enco(raged me to go m own wa. At last * wo(ld like to thank m friends who appreciated me for m work.
CERTIFICATE This is to certif that
of **
"on#6edical has s(+mitted project titled 7r $atter Charger8 along with a working project on the same following all the gi-en instr(ctions and proced(res.
AIM OF THE PROJECT To Create9Assem+le a 7r $atter Charger8 (sing transformer and diode.
escription: The tep#own Transformer transforms transforms 22;- AC as inp(t i np(t into !- AC as o(tp(t. The iode con-erts the recei-ed !- AC into C. The <= along with a 5!> resistance connected in parallel indicates the charging of dr +atter placed in the holder.
COMPONENTS tep#own Transformer /22; ## !#;#!) o Two iodes /p#n j(nction) o each) o 6ains Cord o Connecting ?ires o
TH T H E O RY The cell is a de-ice + which electrical energ is o+tained from the chemical energ stored d(e to chemical reactions reactions taking place place in the cell. The com+ination of two or more cells is called a +atter.
=lectrochemical cells are of two tpes: 1. "RIMARY
CE##: These can +e (sed j(st once
i.e. once the cell gets discharged it cannot +e charged completel. The most common e@ample is the porta+le form of
Ni-Cd NiCd BATTER BATTERY Y CHAR C HARGER GER The nick The nickel el#c #cad admi mi(m (m +att +atter er is a pop( pop(la larr tpe tpe of rechar rechargea gea+le +le +atter +atter for porta porta+le +le electr electron onics ics and tos (sing the metals nickel /"i) and cadmi(m /Cd) as the acti-e chemicals. The are sometimes (sed as a replacement for primar cells +eing a-aila+le in man of the same siBes.
"i#Cd +atteries (s(all ha-e a metal case with a seal sealin ing g plat plate e e(i e(ipp pped ed with with a self self#s #sea eali ling ng safe safet t -al-e. The positi-e and negati-e electrode plates isol isolat ated ed from from each each othe otherr + the the sepa separa rato torr are are rolled in a spiral shape inside the case.
*n the project two AA siBe
"i#Cd cells ha-e potential of 1.2 . o "i#Cd +atteries come in m(ltiple of 1.2- +(t it maintains cons consta tant nt -olt -oltag age e thro thro(g (gho ho(t (t its its serser-ic ice e life life and and a+o(t ;.'1- when discharged.
CHEMICAL REACTIONS The chemical reactions d(ring discharge are: At the cadmi(m electrode i.e. Cathode:
−¿ → Cd OH 2 + 2 e
Cd + 2 O H
At the nickel electrode i.e. Anode: −¿
−¿ → 2 ∋ OH 2+ 2 O H
2 NiO OH + 2 H 2 O + 2 e
The net reaction which occ(rs in a "i#Cd +atter is: (
2 NiO OH + Cd + 2 H 2 O → 2 ∋ OH 2 + Cd OH 2
?hile charging reaction take place in the opposite direction +eca(se of the applied potential across the cells.
%or %or t&e 'im(le dry (rimary cell' a' u'ed in t&e (ro)ect* t&e rec&ar+in+ can be done but t&e c&ar+in+ i' ne,er com(lete t&u' t&e battery i' not c&ar+ed /.
CIRCUI CIRCUIT T DIAGR D IAGRAM AM Here is a simple and slow charger for better life of small Ni-Cd battery. battery. Charge it for 6-12 hrs using this circuit.
The same can be used for Primary eclanche !ry Cells for e"perimental purpose.
$i+liograph ? o $atterst( o & o * o $atter( o Circ( o