The temperature temperature which the Fahrenheit Fahrenheit and Centigrade Centigrade readings will have the same value: (M! M "# $%& "% a. c. "& $!& b. d. °
A 45 cm x 45 cm cm s'uare s'uare plate ABCD ABCD *+ uni+*rm thic6ness is supp*rted ) three vertical strings, The +irst string is l*cated at B Bthe sec*nd is l*cated 15 cm +r*m cm +r*m A A al*ng al*ng side AD side AD-- and the third is at the p*int midwa) *+ side CD, CD, 4hat percent *+ the l*ad is carried ) the +irst and sec*nd supp*rts. (M&0 (M&0 M %/# !& 7 2& 7 a. c. 3& 7 "& 7 b. d.
A small s'uare 5 m ) m ) 5 m is m is cut *ut *+ *ne c*rner *+ a rectangular card*ard card*ard 20 cm wide cm wide ) 30 cm l*ng, cm l*ng, H*w +ar- in cmcm- +r*m the uncut l*nger side is the centr*id *+ the remaining area. (M/ M 01# ,23 ,"2 a. c. ,3/ ,!1 b. d.
A s*lid steel all *+ radius 3 cm is cm is immersed in a c)lindrical tan6 c*ntaining water t* a depth *+ 10 cm, cm, I+ the water in the tan6 rises 2.25 cmcm- what is the diameter *+ the tan6. (5&0 M %!# 1 cm cm a. c. ! cm 0% cm b. d.
A s*lid spherical spherical steel all 20 cm in cm in diameter is placed int* a tall vertical c)linder c*ntaining water- causing the water level t* rise ) 10 cm, cm, 4hat is the radius *+ the c)linder. (5&% M 1# 0%,0! cm 0&,%1 cm a. c. ,&1 cm 00,22 cm b. d.
4hat is the magnitude *+ the space vect*r 5i + 4j + 9k . (5&& M " 01,&/1 0%,2!! a. c. 02,0%2 00,&!2 b. d.
The magnitude *+ the vect*r F vect*r F = 2i + 6j – 8k is: is: (5&" M 0# ,0 0%,2 c. 0",3 0&,% d.
a. b.
$$$$$$$ 0 $$$$$$$
Cars A Cars A and and B B are are traveling in the same directi*n at the same speed *+ 70 kph al*ng kph al*ng a level r*ad with car A car A 150 m ahead m ahead *+ car B car B,, Car A decelerates A decelerates at the rate *+ 2 m/s2, Fr*m this instant up t* the time B *verta6es B *verta6es A A-- h*w +ar has B has B traveled. traveled. (5! M % %!1,&1 m %"1,&1 m a. c. %31,&1 m %21,&1 m b. d.
Cars A and B are traveling in the same directi*n at the same speed *+ 70 kph al*ng a level r*ad with car A 150 m ahead *+ car B, Car A decelerates at the rate *+ 2 m/s2, Fr*m this instant up t* the time B *verta6es A- h*w +ar has A traveled. (M2 M 0/# 11,&1 m 1,&1 m a. c. 0&1,&1 m /1,&1 m b. d.
Fr*m a speed *+ 20 mph- a train accelerated at a rate *+ 0.395 m/s 2, H*w man) sec*nds will it ta6e the train t* travel 1 km during the accelerati*n. (52 M 0# 22,1 s 2%,0 s a. c. 2/,3 s 2," s b. d.
Fr*m a speed *+ 75 kph- a car decelerates at the rate *+ 500 m/min2 al*ng a straight path, H*w +ar in meters will it travel in 45 sc. (M3 M 0!# /2 // a. c. /0 /" b. d.
A truc6 travels +r*m p*int ! n*rthward +*r 30 min then eastward +*r *ne h*ur- then shi+ted "30 # , I+ the c*nstant speed is 40 kphh*w +ar directl) +r*m ! - in km- will it e a+ter 2 h*urs. (51 M "# !",2 !/,1 a. c. !2,% !0,3 b. d. °
A car was traveling at a speed *+ 50 mph, The driver saw a r*adl*c6 80 m ahead and stepped *n the ra6e causing the car t* decelerate uni+*rml) at 10 m/s2, Find the distance +r*m the r*adl*c6 t* the p*int where the car st*pped, Assume percepti*n$ reacti*n time is 2 sec*nds, (51 M 03# 0%,!1 m 0&,%1 m a. c. 3,%2 m 1,3" m b. d.
A car m*ving at 36 m/s decelerate uni+*rml) at 450 m/min/sc, H*w +ar has the car m*ve when its vel*cit) is 30 m/s. (5 M %1# "%,2 m 31,/ m a. c. 0!,/ m %3,! m b. d.
A train up*n passing p*int A at a speed *+ 72 kph accelerates at 0.75 m/s2 +*r *ne minute al*ng a straight path then decelerates at 1.0 m/s2, H*w +ar in km +r*m p*int A will it e 2 minutes a+ter passing p*int A. (53 M % !,2 !,/2 a. c. !,12 !,32 b. d.
The driver *+ a car traveling at a certain speed suddenl) sees an *structi*n ahead and traveled a distance *+ 72 m during the percepti*n$reacti*n time *+ 2.5 sec*nds, 8etermine the car9s speed *+ appr*ach in kph, (M&& M %/# 12,3 0&",/ a. c. 3," 0%!," b. d.
Fr*m a speed *+ 30 kph at p*int A- a car accelerated uni+*rml), A+ter 18 minutes it reached p*int B- 21 km +r*m A, Find the accelerati*n in m/s2, (5/ M % &,&1&! &,&3"" a. c. &,&%&3 &,&!3/ b. d.
A train running at 60 kph decelerated at 2 m/min2 +*r 14 minutes, Find the distance traveled- in km- within this peri*d, (M1 M %# 0%,% 0",1 a. c. 0",% 0%,1 b. d.
A car is traveling at a uni+*rm speed *+ 80 kph, The driver saw a r*adl*c6 x meters ahead and stepped *n the ra6e causing the car t* decelerate uni+*rml) at 10 m/s2, The distance +r*m the r*adl*c6 t* the p*int where the car st*pped is 12 m, Find x i+ the percepti*n$ reacti*n time is 3 sec*nds, (5&0 M /# 0%","% m 0&","3 m a. c. 2,!" m 1/,32 m b. d.
A car driver traveling at a speed *+ 65 mph appr*ached a haard and traveled 72.2 m during the percepti*n$reacti*n time, 4hat was the driver9s $%&' (percepti*n- identi+icati*n- em*ti*n- and v*liti*n# time in sec*nds. (M&" M %2# %," %,2 a. c. %,0 %,/ b. d.
$$$$$$$ % $$$$$$$
A pr*;ectile is +ired with a mule vel*cit) *+ 300 m/s +r*m a gun aimed upward at an angle *+ 20 with the h*ri*ntal- +r*m the t*p *+ a uilding 30 m high a*ve the level gr*und, 4ith what vel*cit) will it hit the gr*und- in m/s. (M2 M 01# "&&,3 "%&,3 a. c. "0&,3 ""&,3 b. d.
A pr*;ectile is +ired 20 m a*ve the level plane and reaches a h*ri*ntal distance *+ 60 m *n that level plane, 4hat is the initial vel*cit) *+ the pr*;ectile i+ it is +ired 30 with the h*ri*ntal. (52 M %2# %&,/3 m
A st*ne is pr*;ected +r*m the gr*und with a vel*cit) *+ 15 m/s at an angle *+ 30 with the h*ri*ntal gr*und, H*w high in meters will it rise. =se ( = 9.81 m/s2, (M/ M %0# !,13 2,13 a. c. ",13 %,13 b. d. A pr*;ectile is +ired at an angle *+ 20 with the h*ri*ntal at the t*p *+ a 30 m high uilding, The mule vel*cit) is 300 m/s, 4hat is the t*tal time *+ +light. (M&& M # "%,3 s %0,% s a. c. %2,/ s 01,2 s b. d.
03,% m 0/,0 m
A pulle) that is r*tating at 36 )*/s is decelerated at 12 ),/s2 until it st*ps, H*w man) c*mplete rev*luti*ns d*es it ma6e within this peri*d. (M2 M 03# "" ""/ a. c. ""2 """ b. d.
=sing a c*nstant angular accelerati*n- a water turine is r*ught t* its n*rmal *perating speed *+ 180 )*/min in 6 minutes, H*w man) c*mplete rev*luti*ns did the turine ma6e in c*ming t* n*rmal speed. (5/ M 03# 23& 2!& a. c. 2"& 22& b. d.
A h*ri*ntal plat+*rm with a diameter *+ 6 m rev*lves a*ut its center at 20 )pm, Find the tangential speed- in m/s- *+ a p*int at the edge *+ the plat+*rm, (M1 M 0# 3,"! 3,!3 a. c. 3,%1 3,0% b. d.
A +l)wheel r*tating at 40 ),/sc is accelerated uni+*rml) at 10 ),/s2, Find its angular vel*cit) a+ter 70 rev*luti*ns, (M M %2# 0&% rad
an accelerati*n which m/s2 at B in 4 sec*nds, distance traveled at the
A *d) starting +r*m p*int A is given uni+*rml) increases +r*m er* at A t* 1.8 The initial vel*cit) at A is 3 m/s, Find the end *+ 4 sec*nds, (5&% M 0# 03,1 m a. c. 03,2 m b. d.
$$$$$$$ " $$$$$$$
A vertical ar *+ length - with a mass *+ 40 k( is r*tated verticall) a*ut its *ne end at 40 )pm, Find the length *+ the ar i+ it ma6es an angle *+ 45 with the vertical, (M M %/# 0,21 m ",%3 m a. c. %,"1 m 0,13 m b. d. °
A circular plat+*rm *+ radius 2 m is rev*lved a*ut its center at the rate *+ 8 )pm, 4hat is the n*rmal accelerati*n at the edge *+ the plat+*rm- in m/s2. (5&0 M %2# 0,2"% 0,!&! a. c. 0,%"0 0,03/ b. d.
A h*ri*ntal plat+*rm with radius *+ 2.5 m r*tates a*ut its center at a c*nstant angular speed *+ 10 ),/min, The n*rmal accelerati*n at the edge *+ the plat+*rm is: (5&" M %3# &,&3 m
The radius *+ the m**n is 1080 miles, The gravitati*nal accelerati*n at the m**n9s sur+ace is 0.165 times the gravitati*nal accelerati*n at the earth9s sur+ace, 4hat is the vel*cit) *+ escape +r*m the m**n in mi/s2. (M3 M 00# %,"1 ",2% a. c. 0,!/ !,%3 b. d.
The radius *+ the earth is 3960 mi, The gravitati*nal accelerati*n at the earth9s sur+ace is 32.16 /s 2, 4hat is the vel*cit) *+ escape +r*m the earth in mi/s. (M1 M %%# 3,! /,1" a. c. 1,3% ,"3 b. d.
$$$$$$$ ! $$$$$$$