Fluid power is the technology that deals with the generation, control, and transmission of power, using pressurized fluids. It can be said that fluid power is the muscle that moves industry. This ...Descripción completa
cement production
Intoduction to Genetics reviewer.
collecting JOURNAL ENTRY ENTRY # it is furthe recor!ing"i.e. recor!ing "i.e. JOURNAL furtherr !i$i!e! !i$i!e! into subsidiary books
c%sh &ourn%l purch%se &ourn%l others or cash book or purchase book return book "for recor!ing recor!ing "for recor!ing recor!ing sales return book, c%sh tr%ns%ction# tr%ns%ction # cre!it purch%se of payable book, goo!s.# bills receivable book
sales book purchase "for recor!ing recor!ing cre!it s%les#
journal proper
III. I(. I(.
cl%ssif'ing!O"T#N$ into LE%$ER" o& the transaction recorded cl%ssif'ing in JOURNAL or "U'"#%#ARY 'OO(" i)e) step ##)* su))%rising"i.e. su))%rising "i.e. prep%ring trail balance tradin+ and prot - loss account balanc balance e sheet sheet. Thes These e %re %re coll collec ecti ti$e $el' l' *no+ *no+n n %s ,n%l ,n%l %ccounts or ,n%nci%l st%te)ent# %n! co)) co))un unic ic%t %tin ing g ,n%n ,n%nci ci%l %l info infor) r)%t %tio ion n TO UER.
Account%nc' is % s'ste)%tic *no+le!ge of %ccounting. i.e. it educates how to maintain the books of accounts.
INCOME STATEMENT: Inco)e st%te)ent refers to TRA%#N$ and !RO.#T - LO""
A//OUNT. "TATEENT O/ PRO/IT 0 O in c%se of COPANIE#. It sho+s the
prot earned or loss incurred 2' the enterprise %UR#N$ the A//OUNT#N$ YEAR)
e+) 0120324015 to 6120624017* .OR8AT O. TRA%#N$ AN% !RO.#T - LO"" A//OUNT9 TRA%#N$ A//OUNT !ART#/ULAR" TO OPENING TOC3
!"ANC# O$ ACCOUNTING: Three t'pes of 2r%nch of %ccounting
.inancial accountin+
/ost accountin+
Discusse! %2o$e
It %scert%ins the cost of pro!ucts )%nuf%cture! or ser$ices ren!ere! %n! helps the )%n%ge)ent in !ecision)%*ing"s%' price ,<%tion# %n! e
8ana+e;ent accountin+ It is )ost recentl' !e$elope! 2r%nch of %ccounting. i)pl' s%' it is useful for single user group i.e. the )%n%ge)ent.
%i&e'ence b(w !ook kee)in* and accountin* : •
These t+o ter)s %re often consi!ere! %s s%)e. 4ut it is not so. These ter)s %re !istinct fro) e%ch other. Accounting is +i!er concept th%n 2oo* *eeping. Accountin+ includes 'ook (eepin+) Accounting
4oo* 3eeping is % p%rt of %ccounting.
'A"#" t%ge O2&ecti$e
N%ture of &o2 Perfor)%nce peci%l s*ills cope "rec%ll !e,nition of %ccounting# "i)pl' s%' it is !e,nition of %ccounting#
'OO( (EE!#N$ Pri)%r' st%ge To )%int%in s'ste)%tic recor!s of ,n%nci%l tr%ns%ctions.
A//OUNT#N$ econ!%r' st%ge To %scert%in net results of oper%tions %n! ,n%nci%l position %n! to co))unic%te to the intereste! p%rties. Routine in n%ture An%l'tic%l %n! !'n%)ic in n%ture. =unior st%> perfor)s this enior st%> perfor)s this function. function. Not re?uire! Re?uire!. 4oo* *eeping is Accounting is concerne! concerne! +ith +ith "u;;arisin+ the i!entif'ing recorded ,n%nci%l transactions, tr%ns%ctions i)e) preparin+ e%suring the) in trial balance, )one' tradin+ and !-L Recordin+ account, balance journal entry sheet* or subsidiary Interpreting the) books*the) in %n! 2oo*s of %ccounts co))unic%ting the An! /lassi&yin+ results. the;)postin+ into led+ers*, •