Under the gud!n"e #$ Pr#$% K&SSN R!#' N!t#n!( In)ttute #$ Indu)tr!( Engneerng%
SU*MIITTED *+ ,ANA Sandeep
Allwyn Kingsley
Amar Ta Tapre pre
Avinash Av inash Vishwakarma Krishana Kant Shukla
Niket Sharma
!"#$% 4&' S$() A
#NT*+",(T#+N (*ANK S-A.T)%
The "r!n)h!$t ) the 3!rt #$ !n engne 4h"h tr!n)(!te) re"3r#"!tng (ne!r 3)t#n #t#n nt# r#t!t#n% T# "#nert the re"3r#"!tng #t#n nt# r#t!t#n' the "r!n)h!$t h!)7"r!n thr#4)7 #r 7"r!n3n)7' !ddt#n!( 8e!rng )ur$!"e) 4h#)e !9) ) #$$)et $r# th!t #$ the "r!n' t# 4h"h the 78g end)7 #$ the "#nne"tng r#d) $r# e!"h ":(nder !tt!"h% It t:3"!((: "#nne"t) t# ! $(:4hee(' t# redu"e the 3u()!t#n "h!r!"ter)t" #$ the $#ur-)tr#e ":"(e' !nd )#ete) ! t#r)#n #r 8r!t#n!( d!3er !t the #33#)te end' t# redu"e the t#r)#n 8r!t#n) #$ten "!u)ed !(#ng the (ength #$ the "r!n)h!$t 8: the ":(nder) $!rthe)t $r# the #ut3ut end !"tng #n the t#r)#n e(!)t"t: #$ the et!(%
(rank% thr/w
Th) ) the d)t!n"e $r# the !n-;#urn!( "enter) t# the 8g-end-;#urn!( "enter)% It ) the !#unt the "r!ned !r) !re #$$)et $r# the "enter #$ r#t!t#n #$ the "r!n)h!$t% A )!(( "r!n-thr#4 redu"e) 8#th the "r!n)h!$t turnng-e$$#rt !nd the d)t!n"e the 3)t#n #e) 8et4een the de!d "enter)% A (!rge "r!n-thr#4 n"re!)e) 8#th the (eer!ge !33(ed t# the "r!n)h!$t !nd )tr#e #$ the 3)t#n% (rank%we0s
The)e !re the "r!ned !r) #$ the )h!$t' 4h"h 3r#de the thr#4) #$ the "r!n)h!$t% The: )u33#rt the 8g-end "r!n3n% The: u)t h!e !de
M!n-;#urn!( ) the 3!r!((e( ":(ndr"!( 3#rt#n) #$ the "r!n)h!$t' )u33#rted rgd(: 8: the 3(!n 8e!rng) #unted n the "r!n"!)e% The ;#urn!() d!eter u)t 8e 3r#3er t# 3r#de t#r)#n!( )trength% The d!eter !nd 4dth #$ the ;#urn!( )h#u(d h!e )u$$"ent 3r#;e"ted !re! t# !#d #er(#!dng #$ the 3(!n 8e!rng% (/nne3ting%r/d ig%end 5(rankpin /urnals
The)e ;#urn!() h!e ":(ndr"!( )##th )ur$!"e) $#r the "#nne"tng-r#d 8g-end 8e!rng) t# ru8 !g!n)t%
$N!#N$ S$(#.#(AT#+NS +. TATA T(216 T(
AT$*#A S$$(T#+N
Crankshafts materials should be readily shaped, machined and heat-treated, and have adequate strength, toughness, hardness, and high fatigue strength. The crankshaft are manufactured from steel either by forging or casting. The main bearing and connecting rod bearing liners are made of babbitt, a tin and lead alloy. Forged crankshafts are stronger than the cast crankshafts, but are more expensive. Forged crankshafts are made from S! "#$% or similar type steel. Forging makes a very dense, tough shaft &ith a grain running parallel to the principal stress direction. Crankshafts are cast in steel, modular iron or malleable iron. The ma'or advantage of the casting process is that crankshaft material and machining costs are reduced because the crankshaft may be made close to the required shape and si(e including counter&eights. Cast crankshafts can handle loads from all directions as the metal grain structure is uniform and random throughout. Counter&eights on cast crankshafts are slightly larger than counter&eights on a forged crankshafts because the cast metal is less dense and therefore some&hat lighter. )enerally automobile crankshafts &ere forged in past to have all the desirable properties. *o&ever, &ith the evolution of the nodular cast irons and improvements in foundry techniques, cast crankshafts are no& preferred for moderate loads. +nly for heavy duty applications forged shafts are favoured. The selection of crankshaft materials and heat treatments for various applications are as follo&s .
i anganese-molybdenum Steel. Th) ) ! re(!te(: "he!3 $#rgng )tee( !nd ) u)ed $#r #der!te-dut: 3etr#(-engne "r!n)h!$t)% Th) !((#: h!) the "#3#)t#n #$ =%.> "!r8#n' 1%5> !ng!ne)e' =%.> #(:8denu' !nd re)t r#n% The )tee( ) he!t-tre!ted 8:
ii "/-Chromium-molybdenum Steel. Th) $#rgng )tee( ) u)ed $#r edu-t# he!:-dut: 3etr#(- !nd de)e(-engne "r!n)h!$t)% The "#3#)t#n #$ th) !((#: ) =%/> "!r8#n' 1%2> "hr#u' =%.> #(:8denu' !nd re)t r#n% The )tee( ) he!t-tre!ted 8:
iii 0.%/-1ickel-chromium-molybdenum Steel. Th) )tee( ) #3ted $#r he!:-dut: de)e(-engne !33("!t#n)% The "#3#)t#n #$ th) !((#: ) =%.1> "!r8#n' 2%5> n"e(' =%65> "hr#u' =%55> #(:8denu' !nd re)t r#n% The ) tee( ) nt!((: he!t-tre!ted 8:
.== *rne(( nu8er% Th) )tee( ) )(ght(: #re e93en)e th!n !ng!ne)e-#(:8denu !nd "hr#u-#(:8denu )tee()' 8ut h!) 3r#ed e"h!n"!( 3r#3erte)%
iv 2/-Chromium-molybdenum or ".%/-Chromiumaluminium-modybdenum Steel. The)e $#rged )tee() !re u)ed $#r de)e(-engne "r!n)h!$t) )ut!8(e $#r 8e!rng #$ h!rd hgh $!tgue-)trength !ter!()% The !((#:ng "#3#)t#n) !re =%15> "!r8#n' .> "hr#u' !nd =%5> #(:8denu #r =%.> "!r8#n' 1%5> "hr#u' 1%1> !(unu' !nd =%2> #(:8denu% Int!( he!t tre!tent $#r 8#th )tee() ) #( "#3!red t# ndu"t#n !nd $(!e-)ur$!"e-h!rdened )h!$t)% The .>-"hr#u )tee( h!) ! re(!te(: t#ugh )ur$!"e !nd h!rdne)) #$ == t# ?== DPN% On the #ther h!nd the 1%5>"hr#u )tee( "!)ng tend) t# 8e )(ght(: #re 8rtt(e 8ut h!) !n n"re!)ed h!rdne))' #$ the #rder #$ 1=5= t# 11== DPN% (v) Nodular Cast Irons.
The)e "!)t r#n) !re !()# n#4n !) )3er#d!(-gr!3hte r#n) #r du"t(e r#n)% The)e gre: "!)t r#n) h!e . t# /> "!r8#n !nd 1% t# 2%> )("#n' !nd gr!3hte n#du(e) !re d)3er)ed n ! 3e!r(te !tr9 n)te!d #$ the $#r!t#n #$$ $!e gr!3hte% T# !"hee th) )tru"ture !8#ut =%=2> re)du!( "eru #r =%=5> re)du!( n!gne)u #r een 8#th ) !dded t# the e(t due t# 4h"h the )u(3hur ) re#ed !nd !n: )!(( )3her#d) n the !)-"!)t !ter!( !re $#red% The )ur$!"e h!rdne)) #$ !)-"!)t n#du(!r r#n ) gre!ter th!n $#r )tee( #$ )(!r )trength' ther re)3e"te h!rdne))e) 8eng 25= t# .== !nd 2== t# 25= *rne(( nu8er% The $(!e #r ndu"t#n h!rdenng "!n 3r#du"e ! )ur$!"e 4th *rne(( nu8er) #$ 55= t# 5=' !nd !()# ! $#r #$ ntrdng "!n 8e !33(ed $ ne"e))!r:% N#du(!r "!)t r#n h!) the !d!nt!ge#u) 3r#3erte) #$ gre: "!)t r#n th!t )' (#4 e(tng 3#nt' g##d $(udt: !nd "!)t!8(t:' e9"e((ent !"hn!8(t:' !nd 4e!r re))t!n"eB !) 4e(( !) the e"h!n"!( 3r#3erte) #$ )tee( th!t ) re(!te(: hgh )trength' h!rdne))' t#ughne))' 4#r!8(t:' !nd h!rden !8(t:B% N#4-!-d!:) ! (!rge nu8er #$ "r!n)h!$t) $#r 8#th 3etr#( !nd de)e( engne) !re !de $r# n#du(!r "!)t r#n n 3re$eren"e t# the #re e93en)e $#rged e93en)e $#rged )tee(% T# )u33#rt the )(ght(: n$er#r t#ughne)) !nd $!tgue )trength #$ the)e "!)t r#n)' (!rger )e"t#n) !nd the !9u nu8er #$ !n ;#urn!() !re u)ed%
.+*($S +N (*ANK S-A.T
P2 9 M!9 P#4erB(ue 9 RPMB P!91%5 N2 G!) (#!d #n 3)t#nAre! P!9 G!) (#!d #n 3)t#n F3B6%0 N *endng M#ent *M)B
T4)tng M#ent TSB
DESIGN CALCULATIONS,Cr!n Sh!$t S3e"$"!t#n R!ted engne 3#4er 161 HP "!teg#r: N#% #$ ":(nder) 6 *#re 9 Str#e %B 1=2912= C#3re))#n R!t# 10%6,1 R#!d S3eed At 25== engne R%P%M% B
Our C!("u(!t#n,
3 3= CRB 4here 3= ) Pre))ure !t *#tt# De!d Center *DCB CR ) the C#3re))#n R!t# #$ the Engne' ) the S3e"$" He!t R!t# #$ the 4#rng $(ud
A))ung 3= !) 1 8!r !nd 1%/ $#r G!)#(neB 3 11=B1%/ 8!r 25%1 8!r 25%1 1=5 3!)"!(
D!eter #$ the *#re ) 1=2 %1=2
Are! #$ the *#re /BdJ %10 1=-.B J
F#r"e e9erted #n the Sh!$t Pre))ure 9 Are!
25%1 1=5 %10 1=-.B 2=%5 1=. N
Re$, htt3,444%)"r8d%"#d#"2?5=26A-Te9t8##-#$-M!"hne-De)gn-8:-R-S-hurMI!nd--K-gu3tA-T#rtu!
@th re$eren"e t# the !8#e $gure' 4e !))ue the $#((#4ng d" D!eter #$ the "r!n3n #r 8g end 8e!rng' (" (ength #$ the "r!n3n #r 8g end 8e!rng 1%. d" P8" *e!rng 3re))ure 1= N2 L#!d #n the Cr!n3n P8" 9 d" 9 (" 1. d"B2 Sn"e the Cr!n3n ) de)gned t# 4th)t!nd !9u g!) $#r"e FL' there$#re 1. d"B2 22/== N C!("u(!ted Pre#u)(:B #r' d" /1%5 Hen"e' L" 5/ !33#9%B
De)gn #$ ! "r!n)h!$t @hen "r!n ) !t de!d "enter Th"ne)) #$ the Cr!n@e8tB ) gen 8: t =%/ d) t# =%6 d) d) ) d!eter #$ )h!$tB =%22D t# =%.2D D ) d!eter #$ *#reB =%65 d" 6%.5 D!eter #$ the "r!n3nB
The 4dth #$ the Cr!n@e8 ) gen 8: 4 1%125 d" 12%0 4 1%125 9 /1%5 12%0 4 5?%.
D ) d!eter #$ C:(nder *#re
A))ung th!t T#t!( Length #$ Cr!n)h!$t $#r ! 6-":(nder 0D 0 9 1=2 01/ =%01/
D)t!n"e 8et4een the "enter #$ end #$ 8e!rng t# "enter #$ ne9t ":(nder' 81 D 1=2
D)t!n"e 8et4een "enter #$ the $r)t ":(nder t# the end #$ the )e"#nd 8e!rng' 82 /D / 9 1=2 /= C#n)derng $!"t#r #$ )!$et: !) .' !9u $#r"e' F .9 F3 . 9 2=%5 91=. 61%5 9 1=. N
Re!"t#n 8e"!u)e #$ P)t#n F#r"e #n 8e!rng 1' H1 82 9 FB8 /D 9 61%5 9 1=.B5D /?%2= 9 1=. N
Re!"t#n 8e"!u)e #$ P)t#n F#r"e #n 8e!rng 2' H2 81 9 FB8 D 9 61%5 9 1=.B5D 12%.= 9 1=. N
A))ung @eght #$ F(: @hee( ) e
#r' d" ?= (" F3d" 9 P8B 2=%591=. ?= 9 1=B 22%00 De)gn #$ Cr!n @e8 Th"ne)) #$ @e8 =%65d" 6%.5 6/%5 @dth #$ the @e8 1%125d" 12%0 11.%?5 M!n #urn!( D!eter Engne P#4er 161 HP 12=%1= K@ Sh!$t S3eed 25== RPM P 2 N T 6= T P 6=B 2 N T 12=%1= 9 1=== 9 6=B 2 9 9 25==B T /5%00 N A))ung th!t "r!n )h!$t ) !de u3 #$ M(d )tee( Hen"e She!r Stre)) QB /2 M3! T#r
.%10 Re$% 1B
Sh!$t De)gn under $(:4hee( C1 C2 C2 4here C ) (ength #$ the Sh!$t #$ the F(:4hee( A))ung C 0== M4 &. 9 C1' 4here &. B 9 @eght #$ F(: @hee(
2=== 9 =%.5 0== N
Mt T#r)#n!( *endng #ent due t# 3u((e:B .5== 9 =%.5 1225 N M M42 Mt2B=%5 1/1= N
.2 9 MB 9 d)h.B #r d)h. .2 9 MB 9 B
4here ) the )he!r )tre)) "!3!"t: #$ the !ter!( 8eng u)ed MSB
d)h. .2 9 1/1= 9 1===B 9 /2B d)h 6?%? 0= The d!eter #$ the )h!$t under the $(:4hee( ) 0= %
AN,.A(T,*#N! *+($SS STEP 1 INPUT FORGED PART STEP 2 RA@ MATERIAL INSPECTION THROUGH -RA+ INSPECTION Th) #3er!t#n n#(e) "he"ng #$ )ur$!"e !nd )u8-)ur$!"e (ee( "r!") n the $#rged 3!rt 8: )u8;e"tng the )!e t# -r!: 8e!)% STEP . CENTERING ' FACING AND TURNING CNC LATHE B The)e #3er!t#n) !re "!rred #ut n ! CNC L!the #n the $#rged 3!rt% STEP / INSPECTION In)3e"t#n #$ d!% And (ne!r den)#n) 8: erner "!(3er% STEP 5 CNC MILLING CNC &ERTICAL MACHINING CENTRE B M((ng #3er!t#n) $#r !"hnng #$ "r!n 3n' !nd 4e8%
STEP 6 INSPECTION In)3e"t#n #$ (ne!r den)#n)% STEP 0 CNC TURNING CNC LATHE B Turnng #$ the 3!rt $#r !"hnng #$ "r!n )h!$t STEP INSPECTION In)3e"t#n #$ d!eter) 8: erner "!(3er% STEP ? CNC DRILLING CNC &ERTICAL MACHINING CENTRE B Dr((ng #$ "r!n 3n) n CNC &ert"!( !"hnng "entre STEP 1= INSPECTION In)3e"t#n #$ d!%) 8: erner "!(3er
STEP 11 CNC *ORING CNC &ERTICAL MACHINING CENTRE B CNC *#rng #$ "r!n 3n) t# #8t!n the $n!( dr(( d!%
STEP 12 INSPECTION In)3e"t#n #$ d!etre) 8: erner "!(3er%
STEP 1. CNC OD C+LINDRICAL GRINDING Sur$!"e $n)h #$ 6 t# R! ) #8t!ned thr#ugh CNC ":(ndr"!( grndng%
STEP 1/ INSPECTION Sur$!"e r#ughne)) te)tng
G!) ntrdng n G!) Ntrdng Furn!"e $#r 6 h#ur)%
STEP 16 INSPECTION Che"ng #$ ntrdng "!)e th"ne)) !nd "!)e h!rdne))%
STEP 10 SUPERFINISHING &I*RATOR+B Sur$!"e $n)h #$ 1 t# 1%2 R! ) #8t!ned thr#ugh &8r!t#r: $n)hng%
STEP 1 FINAL INSPECTION Fn!( "he"ng !g!n)t the dr!4ng%
1) Machine Design Book, by Khurmi !u"#a $) h##":%%en&'iki"e(ia&org%'iki%S#raigh#-si*engine +) h##":%%'''&e"ieng&com%"is#on*engine*#echnoogy%cranksha#*(esign*issues&h#m .) h##":%%'''he-cranksha#&ino%$//0%/%cranksha#*/2&h#m 5)
2) h##":%%'''he-cranksha#&ino%$//0%/%cranksha#*/2&h#m