Evidence I. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATION: A. Importance of the t!d" of Evidence in La# Enforcement: A an e$ement of o!r Crimina$ %!tice S"tem& it i the d!t" of ever" $a# enforcement a'encie t Ever" peron i entit$ed to *e pre!med innocent of a crime or #ron'& !n$e proven other#ie. +. Connectin' the chain of event thro!'h Evidence d!rin' Tria$: Tria$ Tria$ refer refer to ,the e-amination e-amination *efore *efore a competent tri*!na$& tri*!na$& accordin' accordin' to the $a# of the $and& Evidence he$p in the determination of 3!etion of 4act *" he$pin' the 5!d'e recontr!ct the C. 4act!m Pro*and!m and 4act!m Pro*an 4act!m Pro*and!m 6 The !$timate fact to *e proven. Thee are the propoition of $a#. E-amp$e: 7 m!rder #a committed committ ed thr! treacher" 7 ro**er" #a made thro!'h force !pon thin' 4act!m Pro*an 6 The evidentiar" 4act. Thee addree 8!etion of fact. E-amp$e: 7 e-it #o!nd #o!nd #ere in front front indicatin' indicatin' that victim victim #a hot at the *ac9 *ac9 7 detro"ed $oc9 indicative of force !pon thin' Th!& the o!tcome o!tcome of ever" tria$ tria$ i determined determined *": *": 7 7
Propoition of $a#& and 3!etion of fact.
D. Proof and Evidence Evidence 6 the mean to arrive at a conc$!ion. /nder the Revied R!$e of Co!rt& evidence i d Proof 6 the re!$t of introd!cin' evidence. The eta*$ihment of a re8!iite de'ree of *e$ief in th 3!ant!m of evidence 6 the tota$it" of evidence preented for conideration conideration 3!ant!m of proof 6 refer to the de'ree of proof re8!ired in order to arrive at a conc$!ion. +!rden of evidence 6 the d!t" of a part" of 'oin' for#ard for#ard #ith evidence. +!rden of proof 6 the d!t" of the a;rmative to prove that #hich it a$$e'e.
Crimina$ Action 6 proof *e"ond reaona*$e do!*t =that de'ree of proof #hich prod!ce con Civi$ Action 6 preponderance of evidence =evidence of 'reater #ei'ht or more convincin' th Adminitrative Action 6 !;cienc" of evidence =that amo!nt of re$evant evidence #hich a r
E. E-c$!ionar" R!$e. (4r!it of the poiono! tree doctrine) Evidence ILLEBALLY O+TAINED are inadmii*$e for reaon of p!*$ic po$ic". Thi i o *eca!e A a re!$t& 5!ripr!dence ha evo$ved a r!$e that render inadmii*$e an" evidence o*tained i 4. Princip$e of Chain of C!tod" of Evidence If the evidence i of a t"pe #hich cannot *e eai$" reco'nied or can readi$" *e conf!ed or tam The evidence i identied a the ame o*5ect #hich #a ta9en from the cene It #a not tampered #ith& or that an" a$teration can *e !;cient$" e-p$ained (i.e. dico$oration The peron #ho have hand$ed the evidence are 9no#n and ma" *e e-amined in co!rt #ith re' II. BENERAL PRO
It It It It
i a mean of acertainment 6 !ed to arrive at a $e'a$ conc$!ion i anctioned *" the r!$e of co!rt 6 meanin'& not e-c$!ded *" the r!$e on re$evanc" and i !ed in a 5!dicia$ proceedin' 6 there i a 5!ra$ conict invo$vin' di@erent ri'ht aerted pertain to the tr!th repectin' a matter of fact 6 evidence repreent a ,c$aim either fo
Admii*i$it" of Evidence: 4or evidence to *e admii*$e& it m!t *e: 0) re$evant to the i!e =re$evanc" tet>& and ?) not e-c$!ded *" the $a# or r!$e of co!rt =competenc" tet>. Note: To determine the re$evanc" of an" item of proof& the p!rpoe for #hich it i o!'ht to *e i Tet of re$evanc" of evidence: Fhether or not the fact!a$ information tendered for eva$!ation of the tria$ co!rt #o!$d *e he$pf! Fhen i evidence re$evantG Fhen it ha a re$ation to the fact in i!e a to ind!ce *e$ief in itH: 0) e-itence& or ?) none-itence
In other #ord& evidence i re$evant #hen it i: 0) materia$& and ?) ha pro*ative va$!e Fhat i meant *" ,pro*ative va$!eG It i the tendenc" of the evidence to eta*$ih the propoition that it i o@ered to prove. ,Co$$atera$ Matter not admii*$e e-cept #hen it tend in an" reaona*$e de'ree to eta*$ih p Co$$atera$ matter 6 matter other than the fact in i!e and #hich are o@ered a a *ai for infe Co$$atera$ matter are c$aied into: 0. ?. .
Antecedent circ!mtance 6 fact e-itin' *efore the commiion of the crime =i.e. hatred& Concomitant circ!mtance 6 fact e-itin' d!rin' the commiion of the crime =i.e. opport S!*e8!ent circ!mtance 6 fact e-itin' after the commiion of the crime =i.e. i'ht& e-t
3!er": I mod! operandi an antecedent& concomitant or !*e8!ent circ!mtanceG +. %!dicia$ Notice& *ai of: %!dicia$ notice i *aed on neceit" and e-pedienc". Thi i o *eca!e #hat i 9no#n need not Di@erent 9ind of 5!dicia$ notice: 0. ?. .
mandator" dicretionar" hearin' re8!ired
C. Confeion and Admiion& ditin'!ihed: Confeion 6 an ac9no#$ed'ement of '!i$t. Admiion 6 an ac9no#$ed'ment of fact. Di@erent 9ind of confeionJadmiion: 0. %!dicia$ ?. E-tra5!dicia$ . Ora$ 1. Fritten K.
. 1.
p$eadin'. Competent evidence 6 not e-c$!ded *" $a#. Direct evidence 6 prove the fact in i!e #itho!t aid of inference or pre!mption. K. Circ!mtantia$ evidence the proof of fact or fact from #hich& ta9en ma" *e inferred a necear" or pro*a*$e cone8!ence. 2. Poitive evidence 6 evidence #hich a;rm a fact in i!e. . Ne'ative evidence evidence #hich denie the e-itence of a fact in i!e. . Re*!ttin' evidence 6 'iven to repe$& co!nter act or diprove fact 'iven in evidence *" the other part". . Primar"J+et evidence 6 that #hich the $a# re'ard a a@ordin' the 'reatet certaint". 0. Secondar" evidence 6 that #hich indicate the e-itence of a more ori'ina$ o!rce of information. 00. E-pert evidence 6 the tetimon" of one poein' 9no#$ed'e not !!a$$" ac8!ired *" other peron. 0?. Prima facie evidence 6 evidence #hich can tand a$one to !pport a conviction !n$e re*!tted. 0. Conc$!ive evidence 6 incontroverti*$e evidence 01. C!m!$ative evidence 6 additiona$ evidence of the ame 9ind *earin' on the ame point. 0K. Corro*orative evidence 6 additiona$ evidence of a di@erent 9ind
and character tendin' to prove the ame point a that of previo!$" o@ered evidence. 02. Character evidence 6 evidence of a peronH mora$ tandin' or
either in'$" o
perona$it" trait in a comm!nit" *aed on rep!tation or opinion. 0. Demeanor evidence 6 the *ehavior of a #itne on the #itne tand d!rin' tria$ to *e conidered *" the 5!d'e on the i!e of credi*i$it". 0. Demontrative evidence 6 evidence that ha tan'i*$e and e-emp$if"in' p!rpoe. 0. eara" evidence 6 ora$ tetimon" or doc!mentar" evidence #hich doe not derive it va$!e o$e$" from the credit to *e attached to the #itne hime$f. ?.Tetimonia$ evidence 6 ora$ averment 'iven in open co!rt *" the #itne. ?0. O*5ectJA!otoptic proferrenceJRea$ evidence 6 thoe addreed to the ene of the co!rt (i'ht& hearin'& me$$& to!ch& tate). ??. Doc!mentar" evidence 6 thoe conitin' of #ritin' or an" materia$ of #ritten e-preion o@ered a proof of it content. containin' $etter& #ord& n!m*er& '!re& "m*o$ or other mode +et Evidence R!$e: Fhen the !*5ect of the in8!ir" i the content of a doc!ment& no evidence ha$$ *e admii*$e 4or e-ception& ee Sec. & R!$e 0& Revied R!$e of Co!rt. A doc!ment i $e'a$$" conidered ,Ori'ina$ #hen: 0. It i the !*5ect of an in8!ir" ?. Fhen in t#o or more copie e-ec!ted at or a*o!t the ame time& #ith identica$ content. . Fhen an entr" i repeated in ordinar" co!re of *!ine& one *ein' copied from another a 3!etion: Ma" a ,fa9e doc!ment *e conidered a ,ori'ina$ or ,a!thenticG Ye. A for'ed or p!rio! doc!ment #hen preented in co!rt for e-amination i conidered a th Secondar" Evidence Fhen the ori'ina$ doc!ment ha *een: 0. $ot& ?. detro"ed& or . cannot *e prod!ced in co!rt. The o@eror #itho!t *ad faith m!t: 0. prove it e-ec!tion or e-itence& and ?. prove the ca!e of it !navai$a*i$it". Secondar" evidence ma" conit of: 0. a cop"& ?. recita$ of it content in ome a!thentic doc!ment& or . *" tetimon" of #itnee. Fhen ori'ina$ doc!ment i in the c!tod" of:
0. ?.
advere part" 6 advere part" m!t have reaona*$e notice to prod!ce it. After !ch notice p!*$ic o;cer 6 content ma" *e proved *" certied cop" i!ed *" the p!*$ic o;cer in c!t
a copartner or a'ent a conpirator privie i$ence
In the a*ove cae& the admiion of one peron i admii*$e a evidence a'aint another. Tetimonia$ Qno#$ed'e: Benera$ R!$e: A #itne can tetif" on$" to thoe fact #hich he 9no# of hi perona$ 9no#$ed' E-ception: 0. D"in' dec$aration (antemortem tatement) ?. Dec$aration a'aint interet . Act or dec$aration a*o!t pedi'ree 1. 4ami$" rep!tation or tradition re'ardin' pedi'ree K. Common rep!tation 2. Part of the re 'etae . Entrie in the co!re of *!ine . Entrie in o;cia$ record . Commercia$ $it and the $i9e 0. Learned treatie 00. Tetimon" or depoition at a former proceedin' 0?. E-amination of chi$d victimJ#itne in cae of chi$d a*!e I<. +/RDEN O4 PROO4 AND PRES/MPTIONS: +!rden of proof 6 the d!t" of a part" to preent evidence on the fact in i!e necear" to eta Pre!mption 6 an inference a to the e-itence of a fact not act!a$$" 9no#n& ariin' from it !! ? 9ind of pre!mption: 0. Conc$!ive pre!mption =5!re et de 5!re> 6 *aed on r!$e of !*tantive $a# #hich cannot
Dip!ta*$e pre!mption =prima facie pre!mption& re*!tta*$e pre!mption> 6 *aed on p
Qind of Conc$!ive Pre!mption: 0. Etoppe$ *" record or 5!d'ment 6 the prec$!ion to den" the tr!th of matter et forth in a r ?. Etoppe$ *" deed 6 a *ar #hich prec$!de a part" to a deed and hi privie from aertin' a . Etoppe$ in pai 6 *aed !pon e-pre repreentation or tatement or !pon poitive act o 1. Etoppe$ a'aint Tenant 6 the tenant i not permitted to den" the tit$e of hi $and$ord at the Note: 4or Qind of dip!ta*$e pre!mption& ee Sec. & R!$e 00 of the Revied R!$e of Co!rt. Preentation of Evidence: The e-amination of #itnee preented in a tria$ or hearin' ha$$ *e done i open co!rt& and !n Ri'ht and O*$i'ation of #itnee: 0. To *e protected from irre$evant& improper& or in!$tin' 8!etion& and from harh or in!$tin' demeanor. ?. Not to *e detained $on'er than the interet of 5!tice re8!ire. . Not to *e e-amined e-cept on$" a to matter pertinent to the i!e. 1. Not to 'ive an an#er #hich #i$$ tend to !*5ect him to a pena$t" for an o@ene !n$e other#ie provided *" $a#. K. Not to 'ive an an#er #hich #i$$ tend to de'rade hi rep!tation& !n$e it *e to the ver" fact at i!e or to the fact from #hich the fact of hi previo! na$ conviction for an o@ene.
fact in i!e #o!$d *e pr
Order of E-amination of individ!a$ #itnee: Direct e-amination *" the proponent Cro e-amination *" the opponent Redirect e-amination *" the proponent Recro e-amination *" the opponent Direct e-amination 6 the e-amination in chief of a #itne *" the part" preentin' him on the fa Cro e-amination 6 the e-amination *" the advere part" of the #itne a to an" matter tate Redirect e-amination 6 econd 8!etionin' *" the proponent to e-p$ain or !pp$ement an#er Recro e-amination 6 econd 8!etionin' *" the advere part" on matter tated on the redir Di@erent T"pe of 3!etion: Leadin' 8!etion 6It i one #here the an#er i a$read" !pp$ied *" the e-aminer into the mo! Mi$eadin' 8!etion 6 a 8!etion #hich cannot *e an#ered #itho!t ma9in' an !nintended adm Compo!nd 8!etion 6 a 8!etion #hich ca$$ for a in'$e an#er to more than one 8!etion. =E-. Ar'!mentative 8!etion 6 a t"pe of $eadin' 8!etion #hich reect the e-aminer interpretation Spec!$ative 8!etion 6 a 8!etion #hich a!me a dip!ted fact not tated *" the #itne a tr Conc$!ionar" 8!etion 6 a 8!etion #hich a9 for an opinion #hich the #itne i not 8!a$ied C!m!$ative 8!etion 6 a 8!etion #hich ha a$read" *een a9ed and an#ered. arain'JEm*arrain' 8!etion 6 =E-. Are "o! a homoe-!a$G>
C$ae of Doc!ment: Doc!ment are either p!*$ic or private. P!*$ic doc!ment are: 0. The #ritten o;cia$ act& or record of the o;cia$ act of overei'n a!thorit"& o;cia$ *odie ?. Doc!ment ac9no#$ed'ed *efore a notar" p!*$ic e-cept $at #i$$ and tetament. . P!*$ic record (0) 9ept in the Phi$ippine& or private doc!ment (?) re8!ired *" $a# to *e e A$$ other #ritin' are private.
Loc! Crimini 6 cene of the crime or crime cene. Pro Reo 6 princip$e in Crimina$ La# #hich tate that #here the tat!te admit of evera$ interpr Re Betae 6 the thin' ite$f. 4a$! in !n!m& fa$! in omni*! 6 fa$e in one part of the tatement #o!$d render the entire t