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Cordillera Career Development College Highschool Department Disaster Risk Reduction and Management NAME:___________________________________________________________ Section:______ Score:_______ I IDEN!I"ICA!I#N IDEN!I"ICA!I#N Identi$% Identi$% &hat is 'eing asked asked $or $or (rite (rite %our ans&ers ans&ers on the space provided 'e$ore each each num'er )lease &rite legi'l% _______________________* It is an intense intense lo& pressure pressure s%stem s%stem &hich is characteri+ed '% '% strong spiral spiral &inds to&ards the e%e _______________________, C%clones &ith ma-imum &inds &inds $rom ./ to 0.kph 0.kph are kno&n kno&n as &hat class o$ c%clone1 _______________________. !%phoons in Australia Australia are called ________________ ________________ _______________________2 _______________________/ (hat are the $our things 3RICE4 3RICE4 %ou need to remem'er &hen doing 5rst 5rst aid $or a _______________________0 person &ith closed closed &ound such such as contusion contusion and sprain _______________________6 _______________________7 It is a &eather &eather condition that that produces lightning lightning and thunder8 thunder8 heav% rain$all rain$all and possi'l% a tornado _______________________9 It is an overo& o$ &ater caused caused '% heav% rain$all in a short period o$ time8 usuall% less than 0 hours _______________________*; It is kno&n as the process process o$ &arming the earth _______________________** (hat (hat causes the &arming &arming o$ the earth1 _______________________*, ive >ive an e-ample e-ample o$ a solid $uel _______________________*2 >ive >ive an e-ample e-ample o$ a li=uid $uel _______________________*/ >ive >ive an e-ample e-ample o$ a gas $uel II !R?E or "A@SE Dra& a star 'eside 'eside the num'er num'er i$ the statemen statementt is correct correct Dra& a circle circle i$ the statement is incorrect )lease dra& like an artist8 i$ %ou are not an artist8 ust make it look like a star or a circle8 or else %our ans&er &ill 'e invalidated _______* It is sa$e to hide in the 'athroom 'athroom '% sta%ing in a 'athtu' $ull o$ &ater &ater during a 5re 5re out'reak _______, A$ter A$ter the clean clean &ater starts starts 'oiling8 %ou need to &ait &ait *; more minutes minutes 'e$ore 'e$ore turning the stove oB to make it sa$e $or drinking _______. !he last last oor o$ the 'uilding 'uilding is the sa$est place place to hide &hen &hen lightning strikes _______2 (hen assuming assuming the lightning lightning sa$et% sa$et% position8 toes o$ 'oth $eet should should 'e together and and 'oth ear should 'e covered _______/ I$ the diBerence diBerence 'et&een the clap o$ thunder thunder and the lightning lightning is *; secs8 secs8 the estimated estimated distance distance 'et&een %ou and the lightning is *; meters _______0 ou ou have to sta% sta% indoors $or atleast atleast *;mins a$ter a$ter hearing the the last clap clap o$ thunder to avoid avoid getting hit '% lightning _______6 It is sa$e to hide under a tree tree during a thunderstorm thunderstorm _______7 A c%clone c%clone moving at at a speed o$ *,;kph *,;kph is considered considered as t%phoon t%phoon signal num'er num'er . _______9 A person &ho is trapped trapped inside a 'urning 'uilding 'uilding &ill most most likel% likel% die due to severe 'urns 'urns than asph%-iation _______*; Halocar'ons Halocar'ons emitted '% air conditioners conditioners contri'ute to glo'al glo'al &arming &arming _______** >reen >reen house gases gases should 'e eliminated totall% $rom the atmosphere atmosphere _______*, "ire "ire drills in institutions institutions should 'e conducted conducted atleast atleast t&ice a %ear %ear _______*. (hen a room is on 5re8 5re8 %ou should immediatel% immediatel% open open doors and &indo&s &indo&s _______*2 ou ou should slightl% slightl% elevate elevate the $eet o$ a person &ho $ainted $ainted _______*/ An ice ice compress should 'e applied applied to the inured inured area area $or * hour hour _______*0 !oothpaste !oothpaste should 'e applied on the 'urnt skin skin _______*6 !he head head should 'e 'ent 'ent up i$ the persons persons nose is 'leeding _______*7 (hen placing placing an unconscious unconscious person in recover% position8 the leg $arther $rom $rom %ou should 'e straightened and the arm $arther $rom %ou should 'e 'ent across &ith the 'ack o$ that hand touching the opposite cheek _______*9 An ice ice compress should 'e applied applied to a closed closed &ound ever% ever% .; minutes _______,; !he sprained sprained ankle should 'e allo&ed allo&ed to rest rest $or atleast atleast 27 hours _______,* (hen 'andaging 'andaging a sprained sprained $oot &ithout &ithout an% shoe on8 %ou should start start '% placing the 'andage under the $oot and pulling 'oth tails 'ack to the ankle III A 5re needs the the three elements elements 35re8 o-%gen8 o-%gen8 heat4 $or it to survive survive !he a'sence o$ one element element &ill automaticall% put out the 5re Identi$% in each case8 the element lacking or taken a&a% $rom a 5re #ne ans&er $or each item onl% , points each * A natural 5re'reak8 5re'reak8 such as a river or lake8 lake8 cutting through a $orest ___________ , "iremen iremen putting putting out a 5re 5re using &ater &ater____ _________ ______ _ . Doing the stop8 stop8 drop drop and and roll_ roll_______ __________ ____ 2 )utting )utting out a small small camp5re camp5re using 'ranches 'ranches &ith &ith leaves_ leaves______ __________ _____ / "ire ire doors doors___ ______ ______ ____ _
0 )utting out a small 5re '% covering it &ith a &oollen 'lanket___________ 6 )utting out a candle 5re '% covering it &ith a glass 'ottle ___________ 7 Continuousl% striking t&o stones together__________ I Multiple Choice (rite the letter o$ %our ans&ers on the space provided 'e$ore each num'er _______* (hen t%ing a triangular 'andage8 %ou must 'oth ends o$ the 'andage in a ___________ knot a S=uare c Circle ' Rectangle d !riangle e ________, In relation to %our ans&er in F*8 %ou can make this knot '% doing &hich o$ the $ollo&ing1 a !he tails o$ the 'andage should 'e tied '% crossing 'oth ends8 right over le$t !hen cross 'oth ends again8 right over le$t ' !he tails o$ the 'andage should 'e tied '% crossing 'oth ends8 le$t over right !hen cross 'oth ends again8 right over le$t c !he tails o$ the 'andage should 'e tied '% crossing 'oth ends8 right over le$t !hen cross 'oth ends again8 le$t over right d !he tails o$ the 'andage should 'e tied '% crossing 'oth ends8 le$t over right !hen cross 'oth ends again8 le$t over right $ ________. (hich o$ the $ollo&ing is N#! correct &hen appl%ing a triangular 'andage on the head1 a "old the 'ase t&ice8 the &idth o$ the $olds should 'e around ,G.inches ' !he $olded 'ase should 'e placed at the level o$ the e%e'ro&s c !he $olded 'ase should 'e placed at the level o$ the e%es d )ull the ape- do&n to appl% pressure to the compressed inur% g ________2 (hich o$ the $ollo&ing is correct &hen appl%ing a sling1 a )lace the ape- under the armpit o$ the uninured arm ' )lace an% o$ the tail under the armpit o$ the inured arm c )lace the ape- over the shoulder o$ the inured arm d )lace the ape- under the armpit o$ the inured arm h ________/ A sling should onl% 'e applied on &hat t%pe o$ inur%ies1 3select all that appl%8 right minus &rong4 a Dislocated el'o& c
e ________9 (hich o$ the $ollo&ing is the correct &a% o$ appl%ing a 'andage over a sprained ankle &ithout shoe1 3, points4 a Start '% placing the narro& cravat over the aBected $oot8 pull 'oth ends do&n and cross them over !hen pull 'oth ends 'ack to the ankle8 letting 'oth ends cross over each other again )ull 'oth ends $or&ard and tie them in a s=uare knot ' Start '% placing the narro& cravat under the aBected $oot and pull 'oth ends 'ack to the ankle8 letting 'oth ends cross over each other again )ull 'oth ends $or&ard and &rap the remaining ends around the ankle and then tie them in a s=uare knot c Start '% placing the narro& cravat under the aBected $oot then pull 'oth ends 'ack to the ankle and let 'oth ends cross over each other )ull 'oth ends $or&ard and insert each end into the 'andage across 'oth side o$ the ankle8 pull them to the side then up and tie them in a s=uare knot d Start '% placing the narro& cravat over the aBected $oot8 pull 'oth ends do&n and cross them over !hen pull 'oth ends 'ack to the ankle8 letting 'oth ends cross over each other again )ull 'oth ends $or&ard and cross 'oth ends over each ot her Each end should 'e inserted into the 'andage across 'oth sides o$ the ankle8 pull them to the side then up and then tie them in a s=uare knot $ ________*; (hich o$ the $ollo&ing is the proper &a% o$ appl%ing a 'andage over a sprained ankle &ith shoe1 3, points4 a Start '% placing the narro& cravat under the aBected $oot then pull 'oth ends 'ack to the ankle and let 'oth ends cross over each other )ull 'oth ends $or&ard and insert each end into the 'andage across 'oth side o$ the ankle8 pull them to the side then up and tie them in a s=uare knot ' Start '% placing the narro& cravat over the aBected $oot8 pull 'oth ends do&n and cross them over !hen pull 'oth ends 'ack to the ankle8 letting 'oth ends cross over each other again )ull 'oth ends $or&ard and cross 'oth ends over each ot her Each end should 'e inserted into the 'andage across 'oth sides o$ the ankle8 pull them to the side then up and then tie them in a s=uare knot c Start '% placing the narro& cravat over the aBected $oot8 pull 'oth ends do&n and cross them over !hen pull 'oth ends 'ack to the ankle8 letting 'oth ends cross over each other again )ull 'oth ends $or&ard and tie them in a s=uare knot d Start '% placing the narro& cravat under the aBected $oot and pull 'oth ends 'ack to the ankle8 letting 'oth ends cross over each other again )ull 'oth ends $or&ard and &rap the remaining ends around the ankle and then tie them in a s=uare knot