Learning activity 1 Evidence: Take a break Select a celebration around the world and describe it according to the format. Include images to illustrate your ideas. You can find and example in Introductory material material section section 1. Describi Describing ng celebrat celebrations ions and special special occasio occasions ns around around the mak e your description in minimum 250 words. world. You have to make Aspects hat it celebrated.
Description Love and Friendship. In Colombia as other contries !e have or o!n celebration like "alentine#s day. day. $t here !e do not celebrate that day bt !e give gi%t each other& chocolates and go ot !ith %riends or or love'
here and Colombia& near to when it is (eptember month. Cold it celebrated. be )* to )+ day o% the month
hat wear.
people !here is not a cloth code or something. "eople get pretty and nice cloths to go out.
hat people do. "eople go out and they eat in a good restaurant# go to the cinema# sometimes they go to dance or a party.
hy it is special celebration.
a $lthough San %alent&n died on 'ebruary ()# it is said that in *olombia the date was modified by the merchants in (+,+# who# considering that 'ebruary is the month of the school season# decided that roses and chocolates were going to be sold and give in September# a month that until now had no celebration# so the day of -ove and 'riendship began to celebrate in the ninth month of the year.
hen you finish your work# send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows (. *lick on the title of this evidence. 2. *lick on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. /ake sure the file is attached. . -eave a comment for the instructor 1optional. ). *lick Enviar . ,ote: !his evidence is an individual activity. 3emember to check the learning guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities# know how to develop them and deliver them correctly. Criterios de evaluación
Describe celebraciones con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.