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Extreme Bass
Descrição: Extreme Bass
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Extreme Bass
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Extreme adjectives REMEMBER!
Most adjectives can be measured or graded. At one end are ‘ordinary’ adjectives, and at the other are ‘extreme’ adjectives that add emphasis.
oo at ho" "e can use di##erent adjectives to grade an experience$ Hiking is interesting . Snowboarding is enjoyable. Hang gliding is fun. %o"ever, some adjectives describe an extreme #ee&ing or situation$ The hiking was spectacular . Snowboarding is awesome . Hang gliding is amazing . 'sing extreme adjectives is one "ay to add emphasis to your spoen Eng&ish. (or examp&e, Hang gliding is amazing is much stronger than Hang gliding is fun. amazing is )hen you use extreme adjectives, mae sure you a&so add emphasis to your pronunciation pronunciation$$ The hiking was spec tacular! Hang gliding is ama zing! Adverbs o# degree *here are t"o inds o# adverbs o# degree + intensi#iers and do"ntoners.
ntensi#iers mae adjectives stronger$ I’m very cold. He’s extremely confident. -o"ntoners mae adjectives "eaer. I’m rather cold. He’s fairly confident. Extreme intensi#iers Extreme adjectives need extreme intensi#ying adverbs$ absolutely fantastic correct/ fantastic correct/ fantastic "rong/ very fantastic "rong/ delicious correct/ extremely delicious correct/ delicious "rong/ very delicious "rong/ Be care#u&$ Really can go "ith any adjective, extreme or ordinary$ really fantastic really delicious really good really amazing
0erbos #rasa&es A phrasal verb is a mu&ti1"ord verb consisting o# a verb 2 partic&e c&assi#ied REMEMBER! as adverb/. *he meaning is di##erent #rom individua& meaning o# the verb and the partic&e.
3d rea&&y shown myse up. Meaning$ had embarrassed myse / 4hrasa& verbs that re5uire objects are separable. *he object can be p&aced bet"een the verb and the preposition. %e picked me up and he&ped me. 3d rea&&y shown myse up.
4hrasa& verbs that do not re5uire objects are inseparable. *he object is p&aced a#ter the adverb.