For any business to use FI-CA we need to confgure the ollowing apart rom t I Organisational Organisational Units II Basic Functions III Business Transactions I Integration Inormation systems!
"et us start with Organisational Units! This in#ol#es in#ol#es confguring confguring three acti#ities$ acti#ities$ %&'et up Company Codes or FI-CA (&)efne Company Code *roups +&Assign Company codes to Company Code groups !
'et up Company Codes or Contract Accounts ,ecei#able and .e are confguring two company codes /O,IT0" and 'U1T0"! O,IT0" is a *'23C)2A mobile tel Company on +* and 4* networ5 and 'U1T0" is a )T6 ser#ices company! Both the companies Orion *roup! ath$ Financial accounting 71ew& Contract Accounts ,ecei#able and ayable 'et up company codes or contract ,ecei#able and ayable
Organisational U
'creen % is the path! .hen e8ecuted you are presented with screen (! Clic5 on 1ew 0ntries resented with the screen and you complete as shown in screen +
Complete the confguration as per screen % and ( and then 'a#e the screens
Defne Company Code Groups A Company Code *roup will include all the FI-CA company codes that will be used or posting to the co Ater grouping select a company code rom among the participants o a group9 as the paying company That will handle the automatic payments! ath$ Financial Accounting 71ew& Contract Accounts ,ecei#able and ayable )efne Company Code *roups
.hen you e8ecute 'creen % you will end up on screen (! Clic5 on 1ew 0ntries and complete the s and 'A0
Assign Company Codes to Company This is the fnal step to set up the organisation units! ath$ Financial Accounting 71ew& Contract Accounts ,ecei#able and ayables Assign Company codes to Company code groups!
Organisational Un
.hen the abo#e path is e8pecuted you will end up with screen %! Clic5 new entries and comple And then 'A0! That will complete the setting up organisational units
The ollowing steps are in#ol#ed in setting Basic Functions$ %&Acti#ating Additional chec5s or 2aster )ata Changes to a Busine
(&)efning or Assigning number ,anges to contract accoun +&2aintaining Contract account or business partner relatio 4&)efning Account determination characteristics ;&)efning document types to be used in FI-CA <&)efning number ranges or indi#idual and mass processing o do =& 2aintaining main and sub transactions or non-industry FI-CA recei#ables3pa
>&)efning setting relating to Open item management ?&Foreign trade declarations
Activate Additional Checks or Master Data Changes to a B A contract partner in FI-CA is a business partner 7among utility consumers or telecom subscribers@ or e8ample9 this might be a person 9 an organisation9 or a group& to whom you pro#ide the ser#ices and bill through contract represented by a contract account! Because we are tal5ing about a #ery large #olume o ath$ Financial contracts9 you canAccounting impro#e 7new& Contract Accounts ,ecei#able ayable Basic Functions Acti#ate additional 2aster )ata to changes to Business artner 'ystem perormance in masschec5s runs byor confguring additional chec5s!
On e8ecution as per screen % you will end up with screen! Chec5 the bo8es as needed! Chec5ing "ast Ban5 )etails will result in the 'A system sa#ing the last ban5 details o a business p )eault is frst Ban5 details!
2anaged as an Open item9 a contract account is a structure or posting the contract items with the sa Or stipulations! ,epresented by a master record9 it has general and specifc data areas! *eneral data and accessed by All the business partners assigned to a particular contract account9 while business par is stored seperately! And the frst step in this direction is to )efne 1umber ,anges or Contract accounts which in turn is n to contract account categories! ath$ FA7new& Contract Accounts ,ecei#able and ayable Basic Functions and Contract Account categories )efne 1umber ,anges
Contract Accounts
08ecute and complete the steps as per screen %9 ( and +!
These steps are similar to the 1umberin
Confgure Contract Account Categories and Assign Numbe A contract account category contains the attributes that will apply to a contract account such as wh Business partners can be assigned to a contract account9 whether a contract account can ha#e one .hether a contract account can be processed online! ath$ FA71ew& Contract A, A Basic Functions Contract AccountsConfgure CA categories and Assign 1umber ,anges
1umber ,anges and CA
On e8ecution you will sail through the screens rom %-+! 'a#e ater screen +! lease also rea
Defne Contract Account!Business Partner r The relationship defnes the business partners role such as account holder or paying party in the co :ou will use this relationship when assigning a business partner to a contract accout in order to speci who should pay or the account@ The Account holder or the payment partner! 6owe#er9 you can a holder relationship to only one business partner per Contract account!
ath$ FA71ew&Contract ,ecei#ables ayables )efne Contract Accounts Contract Account , )efne CA3Business partner ,elationship
On e8ecution o screen you clic5 1ew 0ntries button on screen ( and enter as shown in screen + lease note to chec5 A6 i the relationship is Account holder!
Defne Account Determination Characte The company9 Orion9 reDuires three separate account determinations to post the dierent *" a Afliates and third parties 7domestic and O#erseas& ath$ FI71ew&CA A,3ABasic Functions CA)efne Account determination Is or Contract
Following e8ecution clic5 1ew 0ntries as perr 'creen ( and complete as per screen + and sa#e!
Maintain Document number anges
O'TI1*' A1) )OCU201T'
Our Company wants separate number ranges or mass or indi#idually processed documents! The Com )ecided that all document types should allow cross company code postings to acilitate billing or dunn .ho is no longer associated with a participating company9 but still owes payments! 1egati#e posting For transactions li5e payment or interest so that the account balance remains unchanged ater a trans 1egati#e postings only in the year it occurs in the case o returns9 payment re#ersals and clearing rest ath$ FI710.&CA A3A,Basic Functions ostings and )ocuments Basic 'ettings2aintain )oc 1umberr ,anges 7F1& Complete the Creation o number range as per screen (! For Indi#idua processing use a number as the frst character! :ou can ha#e the number assignme Internal or e8ternal! For 2ass processing use a letter as the frst character and ma5e sure that the number assignemtnt i
Maintain Documents "ype and Assign number rang ath$ FI71ew&CA A3A,Basic Functions ostings and documents )ocument 2aintain )ocu Assignments)ocument Types 2aintain )ocument type and Assign a number ,ange
)efne "ine "ayout ariants or Open Item ath$ I2* Financial Acounting%3+ 71ew& Contract Accounts ,ecei#eable and ayable-EBasic Function rocessing Open Item 2anagement )efne "ine "ayout ariants or Open Item rocessing 7TC FGO&
Chec5 whether 'A supplied line #ariant 'A will meet your purposes! It contains the feld Contrac Contract Accounts 7GO1T&!)ocument number 7OB0"&9 net due date 7FA0)1& and Te8t 7THTUI&! Th appear as as in %9 when you clic59 the second screen will appear! 'elect 'A and cli5e on ariant
#!$ .hen you eel li5e ha#ing more fleds9 go bac5 to screen ( and select line "ayout 'A and clic5 on copy icon as per screen % below and you will be ta5en to screen (9 where you will replace 'A with our new layout name O,+ and then when you 'A0 screen + appears clic5 on copy all and popup 4 will appear! Clic5 enter!
$!$ Then go bac5 to screen J% and select O,+ and the clic5 on ariant feld and you will be presented with screen J(! It will ha#e only ; feld names as already mentioned we ha#e added feld < and = as we elt we need these fleds! 'imilary you can add as many feld as you eel rom the drop down list in feld name column! Then you sa#e and go bac5! :ou ha#e Kust confgured the "ine "ayout #ariants or open item processing!
C60U0 2A1A*0201T :ou need to defne a document type or chec5 cashing and a ban5 clearing account or managing cas Chec5s! :ou may also defne #oid reasons or chec5s!
)efne )ocument Type or chec5 cashing ath$ Financial Accounting 71ew& Contract Account ,ecei#eable and ayable Basic Functions Chec5 2anagement )efne document type or Chec5 2anagement 7TC F%J+<&
.hen you clic5 on the screen % the ne8t screen ( appears ! For orion we ha#e specifed J% as our 7*eneral )ocument& type! And then sa#e the entry!
Defne Bank Clearing Account or %ncashment o out ath$ Financial Accounting 71ew& Contract Accounts ,ecei#eable and ayable Basic Functions )efne Ban5 Clearing Account or 0ncashment o Outgoing Chec5s 7TCF%J+=&
The First screen % will as5 or Chart o Account! And the main screen ( needs Ban5 CheDue Cleari
.hen you enter the Account number sa#e the data and now you are ready to go!