I. Go v. Ramos, G.R. No(s). 167569, 167570, 171946 Petitioner(s): Carlos T. Go Sr. Jimmy T. Go Hon. Alipio F. Fernandez, Jr., in his capacity as the Commissioner of the BUREAU ! I""IGRA#IN$ Ay. Faisal H!ssin an% Ansari ". "a#aayan, in their capacity as Inte&&i'ence fficers of the BUREAU ! I""IGRA#IN, I""IGRA#IN, Respon%ent(s): $!is T. %amos Jimmy T. Go Ponente: &'(S'")(*G, J . econ% *ivision+ II. !AC# #hese three cases are petitions for revie on certiorari. G.R. Nos.-/01 an% -/0/2 are re'ar%in' the preparation an% fi&in' fi&in' of %eportation char'es char'es a'ainst 3immy #. Go. n the other han% han% G.R. No. see4s to set asi%e the the %ecision an% reso&5tion of the Appe&&ate Appe&&ate Co5rt . Consi%erin' that a&& cases arose from the same fact5a& mi&ie5, the Co5rt reso&ve% to conso&i%ate G.R. Nos. -/0/2 an% -/01 ith G.R. No. -/-16 per Reso&5tion %ate% !e7r5ary 8, 822/. It a&& starte% hen 95is Ramos initiate% a petition a'ainst petitioner Go a&&e'in' that the &atter is an i&&e'a& an% 5n%esira7&e a&ien an% not a !i&ipino citien. Ra mos a&&e'e% that Go represents himse&f as a !i&ipino citien hen in fact Go;s persona& circ5mstances an% other recor%s in%icate that he is Chinese. Go %enies the a&&e'ation an% insiste% that he is a nat5ra&<7orn !i&ipino. 3immy a&&e'e% that his father Car&os, ho as the son of a Chinese father an% !i&ipina mother, e&ecte% Phi&ippine citienship in accor%ance ith Artic&e I=, ection -, para'raph 6 of the -1>0 Constit5tion an% Commonea&th Act No. 80. #he the comp&aint for %eportation a'ainst 3immy as %ismisse% hoever the Boar% of Commissioners (Boar%) reverse% sai% %ismissa&, ho&%in' that Car&os e&ection of Phi&ippine citienship as ma%e o5t of time. !in%in' 3immys c&aim to Phi&ippine citienship in serio5s %o57t 7y reason of his fathers ?5estiona7&e e&ection thereof, the Boar% %irecte% the preparat preparation ion an% fi&in' fi&in' of of the the approp appropriat riatee %epor %eportati tation on char char'es 'es a'ainst a'ainst 3immy 3immy. Petitioners father an% son fi&e% a petition for certiorari an% prohi7ition ith app&ication for in@5nctive re&iefs 7efore the R#C R#C see4in' to ann5& an% set set asi%e the Reso&5tion Reso&5tion of the Boar% of Commissioners, Commissioners, the Char'e heet, an% the procee%in's ha% therein. #hey cha&&en'e% the @5ris%iction of the Boar% to contin5e ith the %eportation procee%in's. Go fi&e% another petition for certiorari an% prohi7ition 7efore the R#C R#C an% reiterate% their app&ication for in@5nctive re&iefs. #he tria& co5rt iss5e% a rit of pre&iminary prohi7itory in@5nction pen%in' &iti'ation on the main iss5e, en@oinin' the B5rea5 from enforcin' the *ecision. oever, R#C %isso&ve% the rit an% %ismisse% the %ecision. !o&&oin' the %ismissa& of the petition the Boar% iss5e% a arrant of %eportation hich &e% to his apprehension an% 3immy;s %etention %etention at the B5rea5 of immi'ration. Go commence% a petition for ha7eas corp5s, 75t as %ismisse% 7y reason of his provisiona& re&ease on 7ai&. A petition for certiorari 7efore the CA as fi&e% imp5tin' 'rave a75se of %iscretion 7y the R#C for passin' 5pon their citienship, c&aimin' that hat they as4e% for in their petition as mere&y the the n5&&ification of of the Reso&5tion an% the the char'e sheet. #he #he CA %ismisse% %ismisse% the petition. petition.
III. IUE -) hether or not the ca5se of action of the B5rea5 a'ainst petitioner ha% prescri7e%$ 8) hether or not the %eportation procee%in's are n5&& an% voi% for fai&5re to imp&ea% Car&os as an in%ispensa7&e party therein$ >) hether or not the evi%ence a%%5ce% 7y the petitioners to prove their c&aim of Phi&ippine citienship is s57stantia& an% s5fficient to o5st the Boar% of its @5ris%iction from contin5in' ith the %eportation procee%in's in or%er to 'ive ay to a forma& @5%icia& @5%icia& action to pass 5pon 5pon the iss5e of a&iena'e$ 6) hether or not %5e process as proper&y o7serve% in the procee%in's 7efore the Boar%$ an% 0) hether or not the petition for ha7eas corp5s sho5&% 7e %ismisse%.
I=. RU9ING: -) *eportation may 7e effecte% any time after entry, 75t sha&& not 7e effecte% 5n%er any other c&a5se 5n&ess the arrest in the %eportation procee%in's is ma%e ithin five years after the ca5se of %eportation arises. #he co5rt a quo is correct hen it r5&e% that the 0) No. Citienship procee%in's are a c&ass of its on. Un&i4e other cases , res judicata %oes not o7tain as a matter of co5rse. Every time the citienship of a person is materia& or in%ispensa7&e in a @5%icia& or a%ministrative case, hatever the correspon%in' co5rt or a%ministrative a5thority %eci%es therein as to s5chcitienship is 'enera&&y not consi%ere% as res judicata. Res judicata may 7e app&ie% in cases of citienship on&y if the fo&&oin' conc5r: a) a personscitienship m5st 7e raise% as a materia& iss5e in a controversy here sai% person is a party$ 7) the o&icitor Genera& or his a5thorie% representative too4 active part in the reso&5tion thereof$ an% c) the fin%in' or citienship is affirme% 7y the Co5rt. #he %octrine of @5s so&i on&y 7enefite% those ho ere in%ivi%5a&&y %ec&are% to 7e citiens of the Phi&ippines 7y a fina& co5rt %ecision on the mista4en app&ication of jus soli. T he >
Petitions *enie%.