Name: Date: Unit Test E: The Characteristics of Electricity Chapter 11, 12, and 13 /74 mars Multiple Choice: Circle the most appropriate answer (10 marks, 1 mark each) 1! The la" la" of electri electric c char#es char#es descri$ descri$es es ho"% ho"% a! &ie &ie char# char#es es attract attract each other other $! Unlie Unlie char char#es #es repel repel each each other other c! &ie &ie char# char#es es repel repel each other other d! 'ome materials materials are are cond(ctors cond(ctors "hile "hile others are ins(lators ins(lators
2! Cond Cond(ct (ctor ors s of elect electric ricity ity a! )llo" )llo" protons protons to mo*e mo*e thro(# thro(#h h them easily easily $! )llo" )llo" electron electrons s to mo*e thro( thro(#h #h them them easily easily c! )llo" )llo" positi*e positi*e char# char#es es to mo*e thro thro(#h (#h them them easily easily d! Do not allo" allo" char#es char#es of any ind ind to mo*e mo*e thro(#h thro(#h them them easily 3! Char#in# Char#in# $y ind( ind(ctio ction n $est e+plai e+plains ns "hy a! ($$in# ($$in# t"o di-erent di-erent o$.ects o$.ects to#ether to#ether prod(ces prod(ces oppositely oppositely char#ed o$.ects $! &i#htnin &i#htnin# # dischar# dischar#es es into the the #ro(nd #ro(nd c! o(r hair hair stands (p if yo( yo( #o do"n do"n a plastic plastic t($e slide d! Ne(tral o$.ects are attracted to char#ed char#ed o$.ects 4! 0hich of the follo"in# follo"in# "o(ld "o(ld yo( consider to $e a load in a circ(it a! '"itch $! attery c! oltm oltmet eter er d! & ! ) seri series es cir circ( c(it it a! 5as a po"er po"er so(rce, so(rce, connectin# connectin# "ires, "ires, a control control de*ice, de*ice, and se*eral paths for the electric c(rrent to follo" $! 5as a po"er po"er so(rce, so(rce, connectin# connectin# "ires, "ires, a control control de*ice, de*ice, and one path for electric c(rrent to follo" c! 5as a po"er so(rce, so(rce, connectin# connectin# "ires, "ires, a control control de*ice, a load, and se*eral paths for the electric c(rrent to follo" d! 5as a po"er po"er so(rce, so(rce, connectin# connectin# "ires, "ires, a control control de*ice, de*ice, a load, and one path for the electric c(rrent to follo" 6! &oads &oads connecte connected d in in serie series s a! ncrease ncrease the the total resist resistance ance of the the circ(it circ(it
$! Decrease Decrease the the total resist resistance ance of of the circ(it circ(it c! Do not not a-ect the the total total resista resistance nce of the the circ(it circ(it d! None None of the a$o* a$o*e e 7! 0hich of of the follo"in# atoms has has an electric char# char#e e a! ) sodi(m atom "ith "ith 11 protons, protons, 11 electrons, electrons, and 12 ne(trons ne(trons $! ) calci(m calci(m atom "ith 28 protons, protons, 19 electrons, electrons, and 28 ne(trons c! ) heli(m heli(m atom "ith 2 protons, protons, 2 electron electrons, s, and 2 ne(trons ne(trons d! ) iron atom atom "ith 26 proton protons, s, 26 electrons, electrons, and 28 ne(trons ne(trons 9! The potential potential di-erence di-erence or *olta#e *olta#e of a circ(it circ(it is a meas(re meas(re of the the a! ate ate of of o" of of electr electron ons s $! ;ppositio ;pposition n to the the o" of of electro electrons ns c! Di-erence Di-erence in electric potential potential ener#y ener#y per (nit of of char#e char#e $et"een t"o points d! ) n(m$er of electrons electrons o"in# o"in# from the ne#ati*e ne#ati*e electrode electrode to the positi*e electrode
11! 11! n a paral aralle lell cir circ( c(it it,, ele elect ctrrons ons can can o" o" alo alon# n# mor more th than one one path 12! 12! ) #en #ener erat ator or does does not not re> re>(i (irre an an e+t e+ter erna nall ene enerr#y so(r so(rce ce to #enerate electrical ener#y 13! )C iis s the o" of electrons in one direction 14! DC is th the o" of elec electr tro ons in in m(ltip tiple di directi ctions
1! 1! To ma ae e an o$.ec $.ectt posi positi ti*e *ely ly char char#e #ed, d, yo( yo( sho sho(ld (ld add add electrons to it 16! 0he 0hen th the n( n(m$er of po positi siti*e *e char# ar#es e+ e+cee eed ds th the n( n(m$er of ne#ati*e char#es, the o$.ect is considered ne#ati*e 17! 17! The The ele elect ctri ric c c(r c(rrrent ent pas passi sin# n# thr thro(#h o(#h a "ir "ire e is is com compo pose sed d of mo*in# electrons 19! 19! n the the ele elect ctrrosta ostati tic c ser serie ies, s, mater ateria ials ls are are ar arran# ran#ed ed in orde orderr of their electrical cond(cti*ity 1
2! The rapid transfer of electrons from one o$.ect to another prod(ces a?n@ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 26! 0hen a char#ed o$.ect to(ches another o$.ect, it is called char#in# $y AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 27! oltmeters meas(re AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and are connected in AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "ith a load or po"er so(rce! 29! The char#e on an o$.ect chan#es "hen atoms "ithin the o$.ect #ain or lose AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 2
$hort "nswer: *rite a short answer usin+ complete sentences to answer the followin+ uestions (-0 marks, . marks each)
1! a@ 'tate 'tate the &a" &a" of Electri Electric c Char#es Char#es ?2 mars mars@@ $@ Descri$e ho" yo( co(ld mae an o$.ect: ne(tral, positi*ely char#ed, and ne#ati*ely char#ed ?3 mars@
2! Dra" a circ(it dia#ram of a circ(it circ(it that contains contains a t"oBcell $attery, three lamps in parallel, and eno(#h s"itches to control each lamp independently ? mars@
3! ) micro"a*e micro"a*e o*en has a c(rrent c(rrent of of !8 ) #oin# thro(# thro(#h h it! t is pl(##ed into a "all o(tlet "ith a *olta#e of 128 ! a! Calc(lat Calc(late e the resista resistance nce of the o*en! o*en! ?3 mars@ mars@ $! 0hat de*ice de*ice do "e (se to meas(re meas(re the resistance resistance ?2 mars@
4! Cons(lt yo(r yo(r electrostatic electrostatic series series ta$le and and determine determine the char#e char#e that each of these materials "o(ld recei*e ? mars@! a! olyes olyester ter r($$ed r($$ed "ith nylon nylon $! 0ool r($$ed r($$ed "ith acetate acetate c! 'il 'il r($ r($$e $ed d "ith "ith #lass #lass d! Nylon Nylon r($ r($$ed $ed "ith "ith "oo "ooll e! Cotton Cotton r($$ r($$ed ed "ith "ith cotto cotton n
! E+plain the di-erence $et"een ho" a metal leaf electroscope and a pith $all electroscope detect the presence of a char#e im$alance ? mars@!
#on+ "nswer: /emonstrate our understandin+ understandin+ of ke ke concepts and answer the followin+ uestion usin+ complete sentences in the form of a para+raph (10 marks)
o( o( are are an apprentice apprentice to an electrician! electrician! o( o( ha*e $een $een #i*en the the tas of re"irin# a li*in# room! The electrician ass yo( "hether the room sho(ld $e "ired in series or parallel! 0hich "o(ld yo( choose (stify yo(r ans"er! ans"er!
'$: $pace for creati2e e3pression4 (1 mark)
1! felt felt comforta comforta$le $le comple completin# tin# >(estion?s@ >(estion?s@ %
2! had diFc diFc(lt (lty y "ith "ith >(esti >(estion? on?s@ s@ %
3! 5o" do yo( yo( feel yo( yo( did on a scale scale from from 1B, 1 $ein# $ein# poor, poor, $ein# #reat
4! 5o" did did yo( yo( prepa prepare re for for this test test
! 0hat did yo( yo( li lie e $est a$o(t this (nit
6! 0hat did yo( dislie dislie a$o(t a$o(t this this (nit (nit
=E =E C5'T=)' T;T)&: T;T)&: