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Hierarchy of the Goetic Spirits
Hierarchy of the Goetic Spirits
Hierarchy of the Goetic Spirits...
Talon Bloodrayn
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HIERARCHY OF THE GOETIC SPIRITS IN RELATION TO THE PLANETS Solar Demon Hierarchy 1. Paim Paimon on 2. Bel Beleth eth 3. Asm Asmoday oday 4. Bael 5. Bel Belial ial 6. Bal Balaam aam 7. Vine 8. Zagan 9. Pur Purson son Jupierian ! Nepunian Demon Hierarchy 1. aa! 2. "it "itri 3. #!os !os 4. Vassago$ ssago$ "tolas$ "tolas$ "eere 5. %ro&a ro&ass Saurnian ! "ranian Demon Hierarchy 1. 'ur( 'ur(as as #arian Demon Hierarchy 1. Botis$ Botis$ Bi)rou Bi)rouss 2. #!os$ lasya*+a&ol lasya*+a&olas$ as$ Vine$ Vine$ Andromali Andromalius us 3. ,ara-$ ,ara-$ aum aum$$ ,urmur ,urmur 4. 'ur)ur 'ur)ur$$ /al!ha /al!hass 5. ono ono0e 0e #ercurial Demon Hierarchy 1. aa! 2. Bot Botis 3 . Bu e r 4. ,al! ,al!ha hass 5. Vola( la( 6. ,ar&as$ ,ar&as$ lasya*+a&ol lasya*+a&olas$ as$ A0na A0nass 7. /aag /aagent enti$ i$ Zagan Zagan 8. ,ara-$ ,ara-$ aim$ aim$ %so 9. 'ora 'orass $enuian $enuian Demon Hierarchy 1. li ligos gos 2. ro( ro(el elll 3. usion usion$$ Asta Astarot roth h 4. 0al5. Allo(es$ Allo(es$ a!hula$ a!hula$ /a0res$ /a0res$ antalion antalion 5. Agar gares 6. Bar&atos$ Bar&atos$ Bathin$ Bathin$ "allos$ Bim$ Bim$ 'o(alor$ 'o(alor$ ,urmur 7. Ve!ar$ Amduias Amduias
8. Ze!ar$ Aim$ Berith$ amori 9. Vale)or Lunar Demon Hierarchy 1. "a&no( 2. Amon 3. amigin$ +eraihe$ ,ar(hosias$ "ha-$ %ria-$ Andras$ Andreal!hus$ e(ara&ia 4. 'urneus 5. Phene-$ imaris 6. a&erius$ ono0e
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